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Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management

Procurement management research topics are typically founded on interconnected topics. Therefore, research topics in procurement and supply chain management offer students wishing to compose a paper in the field a great deal of scope and variety. The following are some suggested Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management from our writing experts at Please refer to the logistics management and supply chain management posts for additional ideas.

A List Of Procurement And Supply Chain Management Research Topics:

Though it took me some time to discover some good examples of research topics in procurement management, it is now available to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree or seeking research topics in procurement management for master’s theses.

How do strategic procurement policies guarantee pharmacies never run out of essential, life-saving drugs? Boots Pharmaceuticals is the subject of this investigation.

The implications of an analysis of procurement cost management in lean organizations in developed regions for emerging economies.

A systematic approach to green and sustainable purchasing practices in UK manufacturing firms.

Implications of the green supply chain model for key stakeholders in the procurement and supply chain system.

An analysis of the relationship between real-time supply chains and healthy ecosystems.

Analysis and commentary on the use of Big Data to track procurement requirements and enhance supply chain management.

How are stakeholders involved in implementing responsible procurement and logistics ethics in the restaurant industry in the United Kingdom? : a primary study.

Who is in charge of the supply chain? An essay on the extent and magnitude of power between the various supply chain stakeholders and their effects.

How do British manufacturers of electronic products implement green supply chain practices? An analysis of procurement policies.

A financial feasibility analysis of environmentally responsible procurement and logistics policies in the United Kingdom.

How does the current literature contextualize the value and effectiveness of humanitarian supply chains within procurement and logistics practices? Answers based on worldwide practices.

Below are Purchasing and Supply Project Topics and Materials, E-Procurement Research Topics, and Procurement Project Ideas for Undergraduates. Immediate Download Complete, procurement research topics pdf, research proposal topics in supply chain management, topics of procurement, types of purchasing research in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States, research proposal on procurement and supply chain management, supply chain management project topics pdf, purchasing department project topics, procurement hot topics, procurement topics for presentation, examples of research proposals in procurement pdf Chapters 1-5. Investigation and analysis of procurement and logistics in agribusinesses in the United Kingdom.

A comparative study of the supply chain management practices of family-owned and non-family-owned small enterprises in the United Kingdom.

A literature review of sustainable green procurement practices in the supply chain management of minerals.

Risk assessment techniques in supply chains and their implications for transport logistics in the United Kingdom.

Literature review of supply chain efficacy in knowledge-innovation environments.

Responses from the United Kingdom on the procurement management of specialized initiatives in commercial construction.

A literature survey on the significance of suppliers for the procurement management of residential units in mega housing projects in emerging economies.

A primary investigation into the implementation practices of green and sustainable procurement strategies in British construction projects.

A critical essay on the green procurement practices of luxury fashion retailers in the United Kingdom.

Similarities and differences between public procurement practices and protocols and private procurement models.

Utilization of Antenatal and Pregnancy Services by Nigerian Mothers Seeking Child Welfare Services


Impact of Total Quality Management on an Organization’s Production Cost


Inventory Planning And Product Availability Control


An Analysis of the Procurement Reforms Act as a Cost-Reduction and Accountability Instrument in Krpc


The Influence Of Material Inspection On Product Quality At Power Holding Company Of Nigeria (Phcn), Kaduna.


Influence Of Retail Design On Material Handling Power Holding Company of Nigeria (Phcn) Kaduna: A Case Study one of Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management


Impact Of Information Technology On An Organization’s Supply Function


Impact Of Information Technology On An Organization’s Supply Function (A Case Study Of Nigeria Breweries)


Storage And Material Handling’s Influence On Retail Store Productivity


Negotiation as a Cost-Reduction Strategy for Material Procurement at the Kaduna Plant of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc


Negotiation As A Means To Effectively Price Materials


Negotiation Skills as a Means of Improving Material Delivery (A Case Study of Nocaco)


Role Of Inspection In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna’s Product Quality Management Effort


The importance of Sourcing to the Profit Objective of an Organization (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc)


Impact of Sourcing Decision on Material Availability


The Impact Of Store Coding And Material Identification On Store Efficiency (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company) here are another Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management


Store Design On Materials Handling Power Holding Company of Nigeria (Phcn) Kaduna: A Case Study


The Effects of Efforts to Reduce Material Handling Costs in Public Institutions (A Case Study of PHCN, kaduna)


Material Management’s Impact on Purchasing


Impact Of Material Sourcing On Increasing The Profitability Of The Organization


The Procurement Act And Its Influence On Officers’ Accountability In The Public Sector


Use Of Raw Material Inspection And Its Effects On Production Quality


Variety Reduction As An Instrument For Efficient Materials Management (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc)


Need for Complete System Application in Materials Management


Need For Effective Inventory Management In A Manufacturing Firm


Importance of Effective Safety Management in Manufacturing


Need For Efficient Health And Safety Procedures In Retail Operations


Need For Efficient Inventory Management In A Service Organization


Need For Effective And Efficient Procurement In The Subsector Of Local Government


Need For Development And Maintenance Of Good Buyer-Seller Relations


Need for Efficient Store Accounting in a Business


Importance Of Effective Warehouse Management For Physical Distribution In A Service Organization


Make Or Buy Decision: An Essential Purchasing Instrument and Cost Management Strategy in an Organization


Management Obligation Regarding Fraud Detection


Need for Efficient Planning and Control in Purchasing


Need for Efficient and Economical Procurement in Local Government


Need For Efficient Vendor Evaluation And Selection Within An Organization


Management and control of inventory in a manufacturing organization


Need For Effective Inventory Control System In Service-Oriented Business


Impact of total quality management on an organization’s growth and survival


Importance Of Effective Inventory Control In A Company


Material Evaluation And Management Within a Manufacturing Enterprise


Impact of Standardization on Material Management in Manufacturing


Influence of Purchasing Research on a Company’s Profitability


Impact Of Inventory Taking On A Company


Impact of Packaging on Goods Storage and Distribution in a Company


Influence Of Salesperson On Brand Preference Of Consumers For Beer Product


Influence Of Performance Evaluation On Employee Productivity


Impact Of Stores Function On Organizational Profitability


Influence of Production Planning and Control on a Manufacturing Company


Inventory Management And Planning’s Influence On Stores Administration


Impact of Material Handling Efficiency on a Manufacturing Company


Inventory Planning and Management in a Sector


Importance Of Material Coding And Classification In Inventory Management Within The Manufacturing Sector


Impact of Efficient Inventory Control on an Organization’s Productivity


Effect of efficient warehouse management on physical distribution in a manufacturing company


Influence Of Efficient Inventory Control On Materials Management In A Company


Impact of Effective Inventory Management and Control in a Company


Impact of Personnel Management on Organizational Development


Impact Of Television Advertising On The Purchasing Behavior Of Children Aged 10 To 15


Impact Of Efficient Materials Handling On An Organization’s Stores Function


Influence Of Efficient Physical Distribution On The Brewing Industry


Implications Of Containerization On Global Purchasing


Effects of Containerization on Transportation and Distribution


Impact Of Efficient And Effective Material Storage In Government Facilities


The Influence Of Containerization On International Freight


Implications Of Efficient Inventory Planning And Control In Governmental Organizations


Need For Purchasing Budget Efficiency In A Manufacturing Company


Implications For Purchasing And Supply Chain Management Of A Strong Buyer-Supplier Relationship


Need For Effectiveness In Public Sector Purchasing Management


Organizational Need for Efficient Inventory Security


The Influence of Auditing and Internal Control on the Effectiveness of Public Enterprises


Impact Of An Industrial Accident On A Company


Need for Effective Inventory Management in an Organization


Influence Of Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behavior


Need For Effective Inventory Management In A Small-Scale Industry


Need For Effective Physical Distribution In Product Marketing


Need For Purchasing Research In An Industrial Firm


Influence Of Negotiation On Accomplishing Purchasing Goals


The Requirement For Purchasing Research In A Manufacturing Company


Evaluation Of A Profit-Driven Organization’s Purchasing Methodologies


Need for Inventory Management and Stock Control in an Organization


Organizational Need for Sourcing and Supplier Development


Organizational Need for Quality Control and Inspection


Evaluation Of The Leadership Style And Its Impact On The Attitude Of The Employees


Contributions of Purchasing and Inventory Management to Price Reduction


Contribution Of Total Quality Management And Incoming Material Inspection


Compensation’s Impact On Employee Performance


Contributions Of Purchasing Research To An Organization In The Public Sector


Influence of Nigeria’s New Public Procurement Act on Government Purchasing


Contribution Of Purchasing To A Small Business’s Organizational Objective


Contribution of Inventory Management to the Achievement of Organizational Objectives


Competitive Bidding As An Effective Vendor Selection Instrument


Evaluation Of The Need For Effective Inventory Records In Public Sector Warehouses


Contribution Of Purchasing Research to Organizational Management


Impact of Material Handling on a Company’s Profitability


Contribution Of Purchasing To An Organization’s Profitability


Evaluation Of The Use Of Value Analysis And Value Engineering To Reduce Costs


Evaluation Of The Role Of Purchasing And Supply In Quality Determination And Control In A Small-Scale Industry


Evaluation of the Importance of Efficient Material Handling in a Manufacturing Company


Contribution Of Purchasing To The Accomplishment Of Organizational Objectives

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Purchasing and Supplier Relationship

  • Purchasing and Supplier Relationship
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Quality Management
  • Logistics Functions (including transportation and warehousing)


Requirements for Your Research Paper

  • Paper should be a minimum of 10 pages (excluding the cover page and reference list).
  • Follow the current APA format.
  • Use Times New Roman font, 12-point.
  • Double space everything in the paper.
  • Include a title and reference page with at least ten references (minimum five peer-reviewed).
  • Use figures, tables, or graphs in your write-up.


Once you complete your research paper, you will create a five (5) minute narrated presentation summarizing the findings from your paper. 

Requirements for your presentation

  • Presentation should be about 5 minutes in length.
  • Include title, agenda, and reference slides.
  • Minimum 8 slides (excluding the title page, agenda, and reference slides).
  • Include figures, tables, graphs, and links to short videos when applicable.

Outline and Introduction

Submit your research paper outline and include the following:

  • A half page introduction about your selected firm’s supply chain.
  • One paragraph for each of the selected subjects highlighting their importance to the success of the firm.
  • A proposed Table of Contents




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Purchasing and Supply Management Professional

Interview a Purchasing and Supply Management Professional Interview a purchasing and supply management professional in a private or public organization (for example a purchasing and supply associate, a Chief Purchasing Officer, or a business manager in a K-12 school system).

Write a 4-5-page paper that describes:

The line of business, mission, and goals of the organization he/she works for. Describe these briefly.
The description of his/her job functions and job responsibilities, educational background, professional experiences, personal challenges, job achievement, and fulfillment.
The operational and strategic objectives of the supply and purchasing department.
How the above supply objectives align with the organizational mission and goals.
The format of the report is to be as follows:

Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides.
Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.
In addition to the four to five (4-5) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.
Use of APA guidelines strongly recommended, but not required.
Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills. Click here to view the grading rubric


SafeAssign is a new plagiarism detection tool used by Strayer University faculty to check submitted assignments for plagiarism. When students upload an assignment to the Blackboard course shell the assignments submitted will automatically be submitted to SafeAssign to check for plagiarism. Once submitted, you will be given a percentage of the paper (in a Safe Assign Originality Report) that matches other sources. That percentage must be 25% or below to have an acceptable submission. (That would mean that 25% or less of the paper was copied/pasted from another site.) Any parts of your paper that have been directly quoted (part of that 25%) must be properly cited and referenced in APA format.

You may want to contact your Learning Resource team or refer to the Virtual Writing Center for information and tips to enhance your writing skills, learn about APA formatting, and participate in live sessions.






Interview with Coca Cola Commercial Product Supply Manager

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Interview with Coca Cola Commercial Product Supply Manager

            An interview was conducted with Darlene Nicosia, the Coca-Cola Company vice president in charge of commercial product supply in the greater Atlanta. I have had admiration on what Nicosia has done and her impressive work in the company supply chain management makes her a great mentor and appropriate professional for the matter of the completion of the assignment. The interview touched on a range of professional issues and it provided invaluable learning experience.

Line of Business, Mission and Goals of Coca-Cola Company

            Founded in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, Coca-Cola Company deals in a range of products that includes soft drinks, juice, pure water, energy drinks and other beverages. The company has steadily grown to become world’s leading brand, with product brand portfolio that includes Sprite, Fanta, Coke, Minute Maid, Dasani water and Powerade, among many other brands (The Coca-Cola Company, 2018). The company has presence outside the United States, with its subsidiaries present in Europe, Asia, South America, North America and Africa.             The company’s mission statement has been designed to outline the company purpose and it outlines the standards against which the company measures its actions. The mission statement has been outlined in three short statements, “To refresh the world. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. To create value and make a difference” (The Coca-Cola Company, 2018). In addition, the company has established a number of goals that touches its five major components of the company business (5Ps), people, profit……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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