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Quality improvement project

Using the Internet and the DeVry Online Library, search for performance measurement data collected from a quality improvement project. Use the key term “quality improvement project” to start your search. Once you identify the data you want to analyze determine the best graphic presentation using the example data provided.

Give an explanation of your decision to use a particular graphic presentation to illustrate the data, along with an example of one (a pie chart, bar graph, histogram, pivot table, line chart, etc.). Week 3 is when this is due (graded; 50 points).

The paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point font, and have a minimum of two full pages of content (not counting the title and reference page) in accordance with APA format. A cover page and references page with APA format reference citations are required for submissions.

Grading Rubric

Documentation and Formatting10The paper should be approximately 2-3 typed pages in length, double-spaced, and using 12-point font (APA format). The page count does not include your cover page or References page. You must include in-text citations and a References page, in APA format.
Organization and Cohesiveness10Each sentence should be related to the next sentence to create cohesiveness. The content should relate based on the topic. Organizing a paper or essay includes having a thesis statement, which includes a topic and an idea. Every sentence and paragraph should relate to the thesis statement.
Editing10A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
Content20The final paper should identify any significant findings, relationships, and implications shown in the data.
Total50A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Writers Solution

develop a business plan for a quality improvement project

Business Plan Assignment

Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a business plan for a quality improvement project, program, or service related to an area of student interest within the selected healthcare organization.

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points Possible:  200

I.                  Requirements:

  1. Address all components of the business plan as outlined in Preparing the Paper.
  2. You will be required to submit this completed document with your assignment.
  • This paper will be graded on quality and completeness of information, accuracy of any required calculations, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required components.
  • Create this assignment using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain documents. You can tell that the document is saved as an MS Word document because it will end in .docx.

II.               Preparing the paper

A business plan is a detailed plan for a proposed program, project, or service.

The following outline should be used with level I and II headings as required.A template for the cover letter is provided below. Remember, there is no heading used for the introduction section.

Cover Letter

Your name

Your address


Name of receiver

Address of receiver

Dear Mr/Ms/Dr. name

In the business letter one paragraph would be an overview the issue, its impact, and solution. Give enough information so they know what you are doing. Do not need references in letter.

Another paragraph would engage the reader to take action such as leaving your phone number and letting the person know that if they have questions to please each out to you.

Or thanking them for reading and tell them you look forward to hearing from them.


Your name

  • Present a captivating executive summary that is interesting and captures the interest of leadership and draws them in to read further. Content includes (1) a description of the proposed project, program, or service, (2) why it is being proposed, and (3) what outcomes are most likely to occur as a result.
  • Detailed Abstract expands the executive summary. Use detailed outline above to ensure adequate inclusion of all elements.
  • Appendices should include any financial tables, charts, or graphs, or other supporting documents referred to in the detailed abstract. The business plan worksheet should be included in the appendices.
  • Conclusionfor the paper includes an overview of what was covered in the paper, strengths and weaknesses of the plan, and plan for seeking proposal approval.
  • After submitting your assignment, please upload your completed executive summary into the Week 8 designatedDiscussion to share with your peers.
  • Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.
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Introduction20Purpose of assignment; purpose of business plan; PICOT clearly stated; what will be included in the paper
Proposal40Cover letter in business letter format engages reader with brief overview of issue and solution and engages reader to take action. Executive summary describes project, its purpose, outcomes, marketing, and financial summary.
Detailed Abstract75Expand description of project purpose, issue/problem defined; supportive evidence for project;expected outcomes and timeline; marketing/needs analyses and plans; fit with mission of organization; fit with current services; financial plan including budgetary needs;  financial impact on stakeholders; break-even analysis and cost/benefit analysis results
Appendices15Business plan worksheet; budget; break-even analysis; other charts, tables, referred to in plan
Conclusion25Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment; strengths and weaknesses of the plan; and strategies for seeking approval
Paper formatting requirements15Text, title page, headings, and references are consistent with APA format;heading labels consistent with paper requirements;Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly; page length within seven-page limit
Writing conventions10Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed
Total 200A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaExceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance (100%)Above Average Very good or high level of performance (88%)Average Minimum level of performance (80%)Below Average Needs improvement   (50%)    Failing Poor performance     (0%)  
Content Possible Points = 200 Points     
Introduction  20 Points18 Points16 Points10 Points0
All components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperThree of four components of   introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperTwo of four components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paper  Only one component of introduction is clearly and specifically articulated.     Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperNo component specifically addressed, or section is missing   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOTclearly statedWhatwill be included in the paper
Proposal Cover Letter and Executive Summary          15 Points13 Points12 Points8 Points0 Points
Cover Letter:   All components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to actCover Letter:   Two of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter:   One of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter: All components of cover letter are generally presented Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter: No components of cover letter are present Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  
25 Points22Points20 Points12 Points0 Points
Executive Summary:   All components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Three of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Two of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Only one component of executive summary is clearly and accurately presented Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   All components are generally addressed, or section is missing Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing andfinancial summaries.
Detailed Abstract Full description of project proposal75 Points66 Points60 Points38 Points0 Points
All components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results8 to 9 components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results6 to 7 components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results5 or less components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results  All components are generally addressed, or section is missing Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results  
Appendices15 Points13 Points12 Points8 Points0 Points
All required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Required: Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planThree of four required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planTwo of fourrequired supporting documents are present and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planOnly oneof four required supporting documents is present and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planNo supporting documents are presented, or section is missing Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysis Other charts, tables, referred to in plan
Conclusion25 Points22 Points20 Points12 Points0 Points
All required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalTwo of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalOne of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalAll required components for conclusion are generally addressed. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalNo required components are addressed, or section is missing Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described Strategy for obtaining project approval
Paper Format15 Points13 Points12 Points8Points0 Points
All formatting elements are present with two or less errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitFormatting elements are mostly correct with three errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitFormatting elements are mostly correct with four errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitAll formatting elements are present with five errors   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitAll formatting elements are present with six or more errors   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limit
Writing Conventions10 Points9 Points8 Points5 Points0 points
Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain two or fewer errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contains three errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain four errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain five errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain six or more errors.
Total Points  _____/200 points
Writers Solution

An executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue

The 3 criteria that would be a top priority for me as an executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue. 

1: I will engage in a honest and open communication. One of the most important elements of effective leadership is creating an open line of communication with your team members.

2: I will connect with my team members. Leading a group of people requires a mutual sense of trust and understanding between the leader and their team members. To achieve this, I will lean how to connect with my team members and make everyone voice be heard.

3: I will encourage personal and professional growth. Acting as a team’s cheerleader is an important part of me being an effective leader. I will invest my time in making sure the success and growth of my team members should be my number priority.

My 3 criteria’s that would be top priority are:

Societal Responsibility: Because getting your product out there and making it well known is very important for yourself and your business. Knowing what your customers wants and needs is vital for any business. Your business obligations should always be to pursue achievable and long-term goals for its people and the world at large’ Also being successful in your business your social responsibility is a wise way to give back to society and thank customers for there loyalty.

Managing For Innovation: Is the process of managing new ideas from having that idea to making it a reality. Generating-brainstorming and employee input to uncover hidden concepts. Capturing-resending ideas in a way that is easily shareable with key stakeholders. Evaluating and discussing innovative ideas to see if they fit your needs and last but not least prioritizing, deciding which innovative ideas will be executed to maximize time.

The System Perspective: Is one that focuses on the formal structures of an organization as a group of people who work together to pursue specific goals. Its all about team work and keeping it functioning as a whole




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What is the quality of the evidence (see p. 32 Polit & Beck)

Once the evidence is gathered and reviewed in a summary table (the TOE), it is time to critically evaluate the evidence and determine if the evidence can be applied to nursing practice, or what implications it has for nursing practice. This final stage in the process is necessary in order to begin the process of translating research into practice. In 2000, Balas and Boren stated that it took about 17 years to put research findings into practice. Over the years since that proclamation, the evidence-based practice (EBP) process has taken root within health care and has changed our approach to healthcare decision-making. EBP is defined as the use of clinical expertise, best research evidence, and patient values and circumstances to guide patent care decisions.  No longer are we waiting for the perfect evidence to change and improve practice, rather we rely on the emerging and best evidence to continually ensure we are using best practices in our medical and nursing interventions.


This is an individual, not a group project.  Collaboration on this paper is not acceptable. The purpose of this project is an evaluation of your ability to review and analyze research data and then summarize and synthesize the findings with recommendations for clinical practice.  The critical analysis section is NOT a summary of each article. Analysis and synthesis means to both break apart and look at individual aspects of the articles (like sampling, methodology, design)—and to synthesize—that is, put your ideas together to see the overall pattern of what the articles told you in regards to answering the PICOT. 

You will follow the outline below to submit a summary paper that demonstrates your understanding of the evidence presented in your group TOE and your ability to analyze and synthesize the findings.   You will submit two separate files:

1) Critical Analysis and Nursing Implications paper

2) Appendix A – your group TOE (with all edits/corrections made)

All APA format and styling are required and graded.

Critical Analysis and Nursing Implications paper

Cover Page – following APA format

· Introduction, Problem Statement, and PICOT (from your group submissions)

· This is your group EBP Project Part 1

· You must re-read the group work, and update as needed if the PICOT has been changed since this original Part 1 was submitted, or edits/corrections were given to your group by the professor.

· Points are deducted for not making revisions that were given by the professor when Part 1 was graded.

· Remember to add any references from this section to your reference list for this paper.

· Search Summary

· This comes from your group EBP Project Part 3.

· You must re-read the group work, and update as needed if edits/corrections were given to your group by the professor.

· Points are deducted for not making revisions that were given by the professor when Part 1 was graded.

· Table of Evidence

· Write 1-2 paragraphs introducing and describing overall the group TOE (e.g. contains 8 articles that were XX designs and looked at XXX). Then refer to the TOE and the Appendix where it is located (per APA formatting).

· Critical Analysis of the Evidence

· Write 5-10 paragraphs evaluating the studies in the TOE. Discuss the following:

· What is the quality of the evidence (see p. 32 Polit & Beck)

· What is the evidence—overall what did these studies, as a collective group, find?

· What are your critiques of these studies? (e.g. type of design, sample size, sampling methods, subjects, type of instruments—this is your opinion, but provide examples to back this up, as you do in your RAS discussions.

· What were the major findings overall?

· What were the limitations of this search?

· Did the studies answer your PICOT question? Explain your rationale.

· Nursing Implications

· Write 2-3 paragraphs discussing how the results from your review and analysis could impact nursing practice.

· Consider some of the following:

· What changes can/should be made?

· What resources, costs, risks/benefits are there to implementation?

· How should nurses respond?

· Is more research needed to better answer, or continue to address your PICO question?

· Reference List

· Include all TOE references and any others you used to complete the above paper requirements in APA format.

· Ensure that edits/corrections given by the professor related to the APA format of any reference form any previous graded part of this assignment have been corrected. Even if an article was formatted incorrectly by a group member on your group TOE, in this final paper, you will graded based on how you present the references in APA format.

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Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

    Reforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting.
    You have been hired as an expert consultant for the American Medical Association (AMA) to deliver a presentation to a physicians group regarding various barriers to improving, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. The AMA’s meeting is entitled “Healthcare Reform: Understanding the Obstacles that Hinder Us.”

    Research the following:
    • Three economic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Create a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, providing the physicians group with the information you’ve gathered on the economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare in the United States.

    • APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
    • Click this link for help on creating a PowerPoint presentation.
    • Click this link for help on creating an audio recording for a PowerPoint presentation


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web is a time-consuming and rather inefficient chore: even when using quality search engines, you may have to sift through dozens of irrelevant “hits” to find the information you want

As you may have found searching the web is a time-consuming and rather inefficient chore: even when using quality search engines, you may have to sift through dozens of irrelevant “hits” to find the information you want. In no more than 1-page, critically reflect on your search process. Interpret the success and challenges you faced when finding sources for your research study. Was it difficult to find scholarly resources on your topic? What are some hints or tips you would have for your peers in conducting a search for sources via the internet?  please make your reflection personal.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor using the rubrics in the link.

Reading Assignment. 

Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.  Pubrica Academy. (2019, August 8). Why is it important to do a literature review in research?  3.Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 4. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Writing a literature review. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Optional Video

1. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part one): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube.  (5:21)  

2. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part two): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube. (7:40)

  • This is a two-part series of videos that will explain how to write your literary review.

3.  University of Washington Libraries. (2011, July 19). What is a scholarly journal article? [Video]. YouTube. (2:55) 

  • This video gives you a specific explanation and examples of what scholarly articles include and shows you how to locate them


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Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing

Topic: Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing.

I am conducting a research study in a medical device manufacturing company where I identified stent catheters with exposed outside wires. I collected data on their outer diameters of sample size 50 each categorized in 10. I would like a tutor to help me in creating control charts for Statistical Process Control. That is calculate:

Upper specification limit

Lower Specification limit

Cp, and Cpk, mean 


Test for Normality of the data and interpret.

OR  work on Taguchi Methods

And any other values under Statistical Process Control. I will provide more information as sonn as Study Daddy contacts me


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TourneSol Canada, Ltd. is a producer of high quality sunflower oil.

Instructions and Submission

  • You must submit your excel document including all of your calculations and analysis as a separate document along with your final report.
  • Final report must be typed in a word processing document (like Microsoft office word), and follows the managerial report format. No redundancy, no word limits.

Late Submission Policy

  • This assignment is subject to the Late Submission penalty policy, namely 5% per day for three days.
  • This page will close and will not allow further submissions after this Late Submission period has expired.
  • In the event of an emergency preventing you from submitting within this time frame, special permission must be obtained from your instructor. Documentation substantiating emergency is required. In such a circumstance, if the extension is granted, the professor will reopen the submission function for you on an individual basis.
  • Please do not email your submissions to your professor, either before or after the due date; all coursework should be submitted through the online course (Moodle).


Case studies are used to enable you to apply new concepts, use the tools you have mastered, and improve your technical skills you have attained. Through the individual case studies you will discover for yourself the usefulness of quantitative problem solving methods, how to apply them in practice, and their benefit to organizational decision-makers.

In this case study, you will act as a consultant for a company that crushes sunflower seeds to produce high quality refined sunflower oil for sale in the wholesale market. The company is looking for you to make a recommendation on the optimal blend of raw materials required for its next production cycle. You will use a number of decision analysis tools including time series forecasting, linear programming, and cost-profit-volume analysis to make the recommendation and provide analysis on the profitability of the company.

You will be required to submit a written report to management, and to include the spreadsheet models you used to generate price forecasts, optimize the raw material, and a perform the break-even analysis. All analysis should be done using Excel and the various models should be implemented on separate worksheets or in separate workbooks.


TourneSol Canada, Ltd. is a producer of high quality sunflower oil. The company buys raw sunflower seeds directly from large agricultural companies and refines the seeds into sunflower oil that it sells in the wholesale market.

The company has a maximum input capacity of 180 short tons of raw sunflower seeds every day (or 65700 short tons per year). Of course the company cannot run at full capacity every day as it is required to shut down or reduce capacity for maintenance periods every year, and it experiences the occasional mechanical problem. The facility is expected to run at 90% capacity over the year (or on average 180 x 90% = 162 short tons per day).

TourneSol is planning to purchase its supply of raw sunflower seeds from three primary growers, Supplier A, Supplier B, and Supplier C. Purchase prices will not set until the orders are actually placed so TourneSol will have to forecast purchase prices for the raw material and sales prices for the refined sunflower oil. The contract is written such that TourneSol is only required to commit to 75% of total capacity up front. Any amounts over that can be purchased only as required for the same price. Historical prices for the last 15 years are in the table below (note that year 15 is the most current year).

Marketing YearSeedAverage Price Index$/short tonOilAverage Price Index$/short ton

Sunflower oil contains a number of fatty acids, some which are desirable in food products and others that are not. One desirable fatty acid is oleic acid. TourneSol produces high oleic oil for the wholesale market, and requires that the oleic acid content be a minimum of 77%. Sunflower oil also contains trace amounts of iodine. The market requires that that iodine content be a minimum of 0.78% and maximum of 0.88%

The oleic acid and iodine content for the sunflower seeds from the three suppliers is given in the table below.

SupplierOleic AcidIodine

Because the oleic acid and iodine content varies across the three suppliers, so does the price.  It is expected that the cost of supply from the suppliers will be a percentage of the market average price of seeds.

SupplierCost as % of Average Market Price of Seed

The company faces an additional variable production cost of $8.5/short ton and an estimated fixed cost of $1,050,000 over the upcoming production period.

The company is asking you to provide a recommendation on the amount of raw material it should purchase from each supplier to minimize its cost of feedstock.

Management is also looking for an analysis on the profitability of the company in the next production cycle. 

Suggested Approach

This is a fairly complex problem. The following approach is suggested:

  • Use the historical price data set as input to a time series forecast model in order to generate forecasted prices for the average price of sunflower seeds and oil in the next production period. Use standard measures of error to decide between a three-period moving average model or an exponential smoothing model (with α = 0.25). Use the type of model for all three time series forecasts. That is, if you decide to use the moving average model, use a three-period moving average model to fit the relevant data for all three series. Don’t use the moving average for one time series and the exponential smoothing model for another time series.
  • Formulate a linear program to minimize the cost of raw sunflower seeds.  Use the average price of seeds forecasted from the previous step in order to determine supplier prices.
  • Perform a cost-volume-price analysis (review the handout entitled Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis for details) using the average cost per short ton average selling price per short ton.
    • You can generate an effective cost per short ton by dividing the total cost of supply (from the linear program) by the total volume (that you assumed in the linear program).
    • You can generate an effective selling price per short ton from the expected percentage yields and the forecasted average price of sunflower oil.
    • Because of the way that the contract is written, you can assume that the purchase of raw sunflower seeds is a variable cost (you only purchase what you require).

Recall that the cost-volume-price analysis requires you to provide

  • an algebraic statement of the revenue function and the cost function,
  • a detailed break-even chart that includes lines for the revenue and for the total cost, fixed cost, and variable cost (a total of four lines), and
  • a calculation break-even point expressed in number of short tons and percent of capacity.

Management Report

Prepare a written management report that includes, at a minimum, the following sections:

  • Purpose of the Report
  • Description of the Problem
  • Methodology (which would include the model formulation)
  • Findings or Results
  • Recommendations or Conclusions

Be sure to address all relevant points, discuss any assumptions you are making, justify any modeling choices you have made (for example, the choice of time series forecast model), and highlight the following items in your report:

  • a forecast of the next production period’s average price index for raw sunflower seeds and sunflower oil.
  • a recommendation for the optimal purchasing strategy from the various suppliers,
  • a cost-volume-profit analysis using for the recommended purchase strategy and the forecasted sunflower oil sales price,
  • a discussion of the risks and uncertainties that are faced by the company, and
  • an analysis and opinion on the profitability of the company in the next production period (accounting for the expected profit or loss and the inherent risks/uncertainties.

Remember that you are writing the report from the point of view of a consultant with senior management of TourneSol Canada, Ltd. as the intended audience.


Final Case Study will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.


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Content (80%) 
 Extent to which analysis addresses all dimension of case requirements. /30
Extent to which report supports conclusions and demonstrates understanding of principles being analyzed./40
 Extent to which Introduction and Conclusion support overall analysis./10
Communication (20%) 
 Uses clear language and appropriate, topic-specific terminology./10
 Information organized intelligently and holistically./10
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Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing

Topic: Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing.

I am conducting a research study in a medical device manufacturing company where I identified stent catheters with exposed outside wires. I collected data on their outer diameters of sample size 50 each categorized in 10. I would like to a tutor to help me in creating control charts for Statistical Process Control. That is calculate:

Upper specification limit

Lower Specification limit

Cp, and Cpk, mean 

OR  work on Taguchi Methods

And any other values under Statistical Process Control. I will provide more information as sonn as Study Daddy contacts me


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fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high quality academic work

TOTAL HOURS: A minimum of 30 HOURS is suggested to complete this assessment
By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the student portal.
• No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may consist of direct quotes.
• Any assignment with a similarity index of more than 25% will be scrutinised for plagiarism. Please make sure you attach a similarity report to your POE if required.
• Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
• Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
• All work must be adequately and correctly referenced.
• Begin each section on a new page.
• Follow all instructions on the assignment cover sheet.
• This is an individual assignment.
Additional Instructions:
1. All tasks in this POE must be completed individually.
Referencing Rubric ____
Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to achieve high academic standards.
Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of a maximum of five (5) marks against the percentage mark awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note, however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action being taken in accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023).
Required Subtract 1 Subtract 2 Subtract 3 Subtract 4 Subtract 5
• Consistent in-text referencing style
• Quotation marks, page
years, etc. applied
• Only one or two minor mistakes in style made
• All sources are accurately reflected and included in
a reference
list • Consistent in-text referencing style
• Quotation marks, page numbers,
years, etc. applied
• Fewer than five minor
mistakes made
• More than 90% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in a
reference list
• Consistent in-text referencing style
• Quotation marks, page numbers,
years, etc. not always applied correctly
• Not all paraphrased content referenced
• At least 80% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in a
reference list
• Consistent in-text referencing style
• Quotation marks used for direct quotes but page numbers missing
• At least 70% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in
a reference
list • In-text referencing used but
• Paraphrased material cited but not referenced accurately or consistently
in text
• Quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct quotes missing
• At least 60% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in reference list • Poor and inconsistent referencing style used
• At least 50% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in
• Quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct quotes
• May be
referred for action in
accordance with IIE 0023
Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) — Background ___ __
The need for organisations and businesses to have a responsive, well-designed website is critical to allow them to showcase their achievements, remain relevant and ensure competitiveness.
Alongside this, organisations may also use their website to generate revenue.
As you complete this POE, you will develop a website for an NGO, NPO or small/medium business of your choice. As your progress through each task, you will use knowledge gained in the different learning units and add in several features to your website. The outcome is to construct a welldesigned website which will provide the NGO, NPO or organisation with a web presence.
The simplified process is as follows:
• In Task 1, you will develop the basic structure of your website (using HTML5).
• In Task 2, you will improve upon your work in the previous task and add in styling to your website (using CSS3). You will also finalise the content across all your pages and make your site responsive.
• In Task 3, you will add a level of interaction by way of a web-form. This could could be implemented using Google Forms or any other suitable method.
Whilst this POE does not prescribe a specific NGO, NPO or organisation for which you must develop the website, you are encouraged to go out and search for a real-world NGO, NPO or organisation that could benefit from your service. Alternatively, you may use a hypothetical, but realistic example. Your lecturer must sign-off an approval for your chosen organisation and a broad statement of the envisaged website. Remember to always be respectful of any copyrights and trademarks.
Since each task builds on the previous tasks, it is essential that you work consistently and invest the necessary effort throughout the process. You are required to consult the rubrics at the end of this document to ensure that you submit all work that is required. It is recommended that you double-check that you have included everything. Lastly, the end-product of this POE may also add value to your CV as work experience.
Instructions __
In order to successfully complete this POE, you will be required to conduct additional research and consult online resources. Links to some of these online resources have been included in your Module Guide but you will still need to consult other sources on your own. Please ensure that you attribute all code that you re-use from other sources in accordance with the IIE’s Referencing Guide.
Task 1 — HTML5_________________ ____ (Marks: 100)
In this task, you are required to develop the structure of your site in HTML5.
Your site must incorporate the following features:
• Your webpage title(s) must be appropriate.
• Your website must include appropriate logos and branding.
• Your website must have a working navigation menu.
• Your website must include appropriate content including headings, text, images, tables and any other multimedia.
• Your website must include an appropriate footer.
• Whilst you do not need to incorporate CSS in this task, your website should have some
basic styling in terms of fonts and colours.
The website should incorporate a minimum of 6 webpages that contain several types of content.
These are the minimum requirements:
• A Homepage which welcomes users to the site and displays relevant information about the NGO, NPO or organisation.
• An About Us page which discusses the organisation, its history, mission, and vision.
• An Our Work page which outlines the work carried out by the organisation.
• A Photo Gallery which showcases the organisation, its staff, its work and projects. For now, this may be a basic gallery which you will improve on in subsequent tasks.
• A Get Involved page which contains a form that allows users to submit their details as a sponsor, volunteer or client. This form should collect information such as full name, email address, contact number and the enquiry that a user has. The form should also include submit and reset button. For this task, you need to build the form, but it does not need to be functional.
• A Contact Us page which includes contacts details of the organisation (including physical address, telephone numbers, social media links, an embedded Google Map, and any other relevant details).
Create a NetBeans project which will contain the all files and folders which you will need for your website. Some of these folders may not include content now, but content will be added in upcoming tasks. You are required to submit the completed task electronically (including folders, subfolders and files). Place all your work in a zip file named WEDE5010_Task 1[Your Student Number]_[Your Name].zip.
Task 2 — CSS and Responsive Design ____ (Marks: 100)
In this task, you are required to develop the styling of your website and incorporate responsive design.
These are the required features:
• Improve upon the previous task, based on feedback from your lecturer.
• Your website must be developed using HTML5 and styled using CSS3.
• Your website must be styled consistently using a suitable combination of inline, internal
and external style sheets.
• Your styling must make your website responsive (i.e. automatically adjust to different
screen and device sizes).
You may also add in these optional features:
• Embedding of social media feeds and YouTube videos, as necessary.
You are required to submit the completed task electronically (including folders, subfolders and files). Place all your work in a zip file named WEDE5010_Task 2 [Your Student Number] [Your
POE — Final Submission__ __(Marks: 100)
In this task, you are required to transform your website into a fully-functional interactive website which is ready to be hosted.
These are the activities to be completed:
• Improve upon the previous tasks, based on feedback from your lecturer.
• Ensure that photo-gallery is now fully functional.
• Extend your website to process form submissions.
• Package the completed website ready to be hosted.
• Complete a reflection on your learning experience – please see details below.
Processing Form Submissions
In the previous tasks, you developed an HTML5 form to allow visitors to submit their details to get involved. You need to add validation to this form.
You are also required to create a second form which allows a user of the website to provide their email address to subscribe to a newsletter. To achieve this, you are required use Google Forms.
Complete the following steps:
• Visit Google Forms ( and build a simple Google Form which prompts the user to enter their email address to subscribe to a newsletter.
• Embed this form into the Homepage of your website.
• In Google Forms, include an add-on which sends an email to a webmaster’s email address when a user submits their email address. (Hint: there are several add-ons which can help you fulfil this).
• Test your form.
• Include screenshots of the submissions saved in Google Sheets and the email notification in your mailbox.
Visit this link for guidance on creating and embedding Google Forms:
In your reflection of this module, you are required to reflect on what you have learnt in this course. Aspects which you could reflect on include:
• What were the most and least beneficial aspects of this course?
• How did each of the learning units contribute to your knowledge of web development?
• How did the knowledge gained from each of the learning units assist you in completing the tasks in this POE?
• Do you think you will use the skills in this course in your career? If yes, explain how.
• If you were to rewind life one semester, what would you do differently in this course and what would you do the same?
The length of this reflection should not exceed one page.
As part of your submission, you must include all folders, subfolders and files used throughout this
POE. You are required to create a folder named WEDE5010_POE [Your Student Number] [Your Name].
The following must be included in this folder:
• A folder named Task 1 – this must contain your original Task 1 submission. • A folder named Task 2 – this must contain your original Task 2 submission.
• A folder named POE – this must contain:
o A document outlining specific corrections that you made based on feedback from
Task 1 and Task 2. o Your completed website incorporating all corrections and required features. o A reflection on your learning through this course.
o You are required to zip this folder and submit it electronically.
Appendix A
Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric)
TASK 1 RUBRIC Levels of Achievement Feedback
In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
Task 1, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
Development: NetBeans project created correctly with all required folders and subfolders. 5 3-4 1-2 0
File names: HTML files are appropriately named. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
Navigation menu: appropriate links included. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
Navigation menu: works correctly with no broken links. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
Webpage: Footer included with appropriate content. 5 3-4 1-2 0
Webpage: Homepage included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Webpage: About Us page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
TASK 1 RUBRIC (CONTINUED) Levels of Achievement Feedback
In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
Task 1, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
Webpage: Our Work page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Webpage: Photo Gallery page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Webpage: Get Involved page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Webpage: Contact Us page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Design: Organisational branding is evident. 3 2 1 0
Design: Basic styling applied appropriately. 4 2 1-2 0
Acknowledgement of sources. 5 3-4 1-2 0
Appendix B
Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric)
TASK 2 RUBRIC Levels of Achievement Feedback
In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
Task 2, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
CSS: Appropriate use of inline, internal and external style sheets. 5 3-4 1-2 0
CSS: Choice of elements, colours and fonts is user-friendly and appropriate for the chosen NGO, NPO or cause. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
CSS: Style sheets are consistently applied across all pages. 5 3-4 1-2 0
Styling: Homepage content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Styling: About Us page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Styling: Our work page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
TASK 2 RUBRIC (CONTINUED) Levels of Achievement Feedback
In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
Task 2, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
Styling: Photo Gallery page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Styling: Get Involved page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Styling: Contact Us page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Responsive Design: Responsive design is implemented correctly. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
Acknowledgement of sources. 5 3-4 1-2 0
Appendix C
Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric)
POE RUBRIC Levels of Achievement Feedback
In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of the POE, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
Photo gallery: fully-functional with navigation and captions. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Form processing: First form validation incorporated. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Google Form: Second Form created on Google Forms. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
Google Form: Google Form embedded correctly. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
Google Form: Screenshot of email notification sent on
Google Form submission. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
POE RUBRIC (CONTINUED) Levels of Achievement Feedback
In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of the POE, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
Google Form: Screenshot of captured responses provided. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Improvements: Student has provided evidence of improvements to previous tasks. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Reflection: Student has reflected deeply on their learning experience. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
Acknowledgement of sources. 5 3-4 1-2 0


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


quality initiative project across a healthcare facility in Saudi Arabia