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Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long

Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric


In this course, the Learner-Faculty Connect video assignment will be used for reflection as well as to discuss your preparedness for upcoming weeks. This is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented.


In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will look at the project scenario for MBA 540 and have an asynchronous discussion with your instructor regarding any initial concerns about the project scenario and the course project submission due in Module Nine. Review the course infographic to review the course structure and check when each of the three milestones, which pave the path to the project, is due.

As you record the video in the Bongo Q&A tool, consider the criteria listed in this assignment.

You are highly encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so any concerns and questions are addressed prior to when Milestone One is due. Discuss your progress and these concerns with your instructor through this video submission.

Record a short video sharing your expectations and understanding of the MBA 540 project. Address the following criteria:

  1. Identify any initial questions or concerns you have regarding:
  2. In preparation for the upcoming milestones, address the following:

If you have any additional questions or require additional support from your instructor, let your instructor know either in this video or through an alternative format.

What to Submit

Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long. 

If you are not able to record a video, submit this assignment in an alternate format, such as a 1- to 2-page Word document or a 1- to 2-slide PowerPoint presentation.

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What is Alphabet’s record in the following areas of corporate citizenship?

What is Alphabet’s record in the following areas of corporate citizenship? If they have fallen short, how are they addressing the problem? You will find some information about corporate citizenship, including lawsuits outstanding against the company in the “Risks” section of the Annual Report.

Write about:

1-Global production (labor rights/use of prisoners abroad for manufacturing/exporting pollution etc.)

2-Diversity and inclusion (which is associated with greater profitability for companies)




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Writers Solution

Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

Answer these questions. With at least a total of 150 words or more

Deeds and liens are public documents that are recorded with a government agency like the Lee County Clerk and Recorder. Please answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

2. Why would a General Contractor who did work remodeling a house record a lien?

Read my answer and write a total of 150 words count response

Wounded Warrior Project Questions 1-5.

Are the issues and questions raised in the Wounded Warrior Project case related to the concepts of accountability, performance, or both? How are those concepts related to this case?

It is my perception that the issues and questions raised are related to both concepts of accountability and performance. Our book describes the “narrowest” concepts of accountability for a nonprofit would be to just follow the law. Even if the board is meeting, budgets are met, employee engagement is active and following a strategic plan, it does not mean that the mission is being followed (page 146, Worth).

Three principal mechanisms that nonprofits should be held accountable are to follow the law, abide by self-regulation and to be transparent. Transparency means to show the donors, media and whoever wishes to see that the organization is working towards the mission and following all guidelines.

Performance has two key components; one is performance measurement which will tell what an organization did and how well it did it. The other is performance management, which monitors situations continuously (page 159, Worth).

Melia’s vision for his program was to help Iraq War veterans gain some independence by just helping them with essentials to maintain a quality of life. Because of the success of this program, he expanded the services to include helping veterans into sports programs, employment, and other assistance. Because of the program’s success, he hired additional staff to help him. It was at that time he brought in a former executive of a small non-profit named Nardizzi. In just 6 years, Melia’s program grew into an organization of 50 people and had raised $21 million dollars in revenue. After reading the Case in Worth on page 177, it seemed to be that there may have been some founder syndrome with Melia, because there were disagreements between him and Mr. Nardizzi regarding the growth of the company presenting barriers. Mr. Melisa resigned and Nardizzi became the CEO of the Wounded Warrior Project.

Nardizzi viewed this organization as a “Starbucks”, and it became more of a business model (Page 177, Worth). Nardizzi spent a lot of money on fundraising and continued to increase it. The project had reached 40% of its revenues on overhead and fundraising.

The Mission of the project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The Vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. (Links to an external site.)

Former staff became critical of the focus on the fundraising and performance metrics on the money took away from the commitment of the mission and the vision mentioned above. Accusations were made that the mission was compromised at times just to meet goals.

In 2016 the Wounded Warrior Project was criticized by the media regarding lavish spending by employees on events and travel. There were four different separate investigations, one that included the board of the WWP. The board back the organization stating the expenses were justified. This would make sense that the board would justify because of the intense scrutiny of the media, and this is something they also should have been accountable while reviewing performance measures. It wasn’t until government officials’ investigations, that the board did dismiss Nardizzi as well as the COO. A Former military officer named Michael Linnington was appointed as CEO in June of 2016 and was given the project of restoring the good name of this program. On page 178 in our book, it states that the most important metric for an organization is not overhead but what is achieved. I believe that sentence says it all.

I think that Nardizzi treated this project too much like a private sector to make money (page 177) and did not focus on the mission or ‘end goal’ which was helping veterans. He and the board did not have good accountability because even if the law was being followed, transparency was not clear, and spending was questioned t/out Nardizzi’s employment.

Performance measurement seemed to be available for this case, but performance management was weak. The board was either money focused like Nardizzi or they were kept in the dark about the day to day operations of the project. (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Think back on the responsibilities of governing boards discussed in Chapter three. How do they relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project:

I discussed this in the above statement. It is of my perception that the board that Nardizzi had was either more focused on getting money by fundraising and lost sight of the mission, which was to honor and empower wounded warriors, or Nardizzi did a really good job of being non-transparent. Our book does state that after Senator Grassley’s investigation, some board members were replaces and programs were readjusted to better serve veterans (page 179, Worth). I feel that this governing board may have ‘turned its head’ because Nardizzi wasn’t breaking the law, even though ethics and morals are questionable.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Accounting rules permit nonprofits to allocate some costs between fundraising and programs; for example, the costs of mailing that solicits gifts but also advocates for a cause may be apportioned between those two functions. Some people defend this practice while others say it is misleading to the public. What is your opinion?

I think it’s important to have fundraising for nonprofits, otherwise nonprofits would not be able to serve communities without contributions from donors. I also think it is very important to be completely transparent with these transactions and go above the law. If there is a fundraiser or an event, I think it is important to be able to mail out notices or letters to the public to notify the community of these events and I do think it is appropriate to allocate costs.

Our hospital has a foundation department. Anything and everything related to donation or making money, even as small as a bake sale, goes through this department because of conflict of interest.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

The Chapter discusses the view of Renz and Herman that nonprofit effectiveness is socially constructed, that is, defined by what people perceive about the organization. How does that relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project.

My perception is that it is accurate in this case. When Melia started his program, he was focused on helping Iraq War veterans in military hospitals by giving out backpacks with essentials to maintain a quality of life. This was such a good way to give back. News spread of what this man was doing, and others wanted to help him. Once Nardizzi was hired and there were disagreements between Melia and Nardizzi and Melia resigned, it seems the WWP lost its focus on Melia’s passion which was helping the veterans. Once former staff members and news media started criticizing the organization, it didn’t take long for word to spread about the negative reputation the organization was forming (page 178, Worth). Once the media started doing investigation, it didn’t take long for them to find out about the lavish spending and how monies were being spent on other things besides the veterans – it spread like wildfire. Therefore, I feel it can be socially constructed. With respect to the Wounded Warrior Project, I do agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Overall, what is your opinion about the wounded Warrior Project controversy? Did it engage in practices that violated standards of accountability, or was it just a young organization that needed to spend on overhead to grow?

It is of my perception that the WWP did have a conscious when Melia was part of the organization. He initiated the program to help others, he states in the video interview that the program grew way too big too fast. He also states he wasn’t sure he wanted it to grow that big. I believe that Nardizzi was a CEO that was focused more on the money and making money. The board and Nardizzi’s team lost sight of the veterans and the birth of the WWP. I do believe that Nardizzi’s team engaged practices that violated standards of accountability and performance, but I believe Nardizzi’s team was careful to abide by the law, even though they know they were being unethical.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Youth Villages

How are the concepts of effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance reflected in the Youth Villages case?

Effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance are reflected quite well. They have a model which is called “Evidentiary Family Restoration,” that reflect five core tenets (page 180, Worth).

Programs are research based, data drive, and accountable to children, families, and funders. Follow up is a big part of this program, which is so important for the children and families of the program. Youth Village tracks its own members longitudinally at ages 6, 12 and 24 months after discharge. Because of its success with data sets, it has attracted national donors, one who helped this organization gained even more funds from other funders who were participating in Clarks Growth Capital Aggregation Pilot program (page 180, Worth).

In addition, they have continued to improve performance management to track core indicators.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

Which of the approaches to measuring and reporting performance discussed in this chapter are illustrated in the case of Youth Villages?

It is my perception that Youth Villages utilized both performance measurement and performance management. Performance measurements by being transparent about what they did and how they did it. This was showing by having a model. They were very detail oriented by itemizing the amount of children served, staff turnover, physical interventions required, incidents, if any; perceptions by families services; financial performance; compliance with regulatory guidelines and best practices; and success in moving children to less-restrictive environment.

Performance management because by tracking the accurate data this is monitoring the situation on a continuous basis. This is the process of defining, monitoring, and using objective indicators of the performance of organizations.

Youth Villages distinguished the effectiveness it had on the peoples and families by being transparent with its data. This is showing efficiency by measuring the proportion of resources used to produce outputs or attain inputs – cost ratios. Effectiveness is measured by comparing the results achieved with the results. This is obvious with the data reported (page 159 and 160, Worth).

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

If Youth Villages were to apply the social return on investment (SROI) approach, what would be some of the cost savings to society that might be calculated (i.e., the social benefits in dollar terms)?

A social return on Youth Villages’ investment would best be described as that they are giving youths an opportunity to gain a sense of family that was once lost. This program can keep children out of foster care, according to, more than 435,000 children are growing up in these homes currently. This program is giving these children an opportunity to learn family focused living to be a productive member of society and once they are done with school and old enough to move out on their own, either go to college or obtain and keep a job where they can contribute to the economy and lead a great quality of life (page 171 and 172, Worth). (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

How does the view of Renz and Herman that effectiveness is socially constructed relate to the case of Youth Villages?

Renz and Herman board best practices and organization effectiveness can raise questions about the effectiveness of the organization overall, as stated in our book (page 174, Worth).

My perception is that Youth Villages board and CEO are accountable, and the performance is straight on. The organization is transparent with all aspects of the organization making the organization attractive for donors. Because of its strategic organization and following of its core model, Youth Villages has been able to grow and expand by fostering in home services, transitional services and family based care. With respect to Youth Villages, I do not agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective




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Goals and Objectives for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation

Goals and Objectives for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation


Provided By:

The National Learning Consortium (NLC)

Developed By:

Health Information Technology Research Center (HITRC)

Colorado Regional Extension Center (CO – REC)

Doctor’s Office Quality Information Technology (DOQ-IT)

The material in this document was developed by Regional Extension Center staff in the performance of technical support and EHR implementation. The information in this document is not intended to serve as legal advice nor should it substitute for legal counsel. Users are encouraged to seek additional detailed technical guidance to supplement the information contained within. The REC staff developed these materials based on the technology and law that were in place at the time this document was developed. Therefore, advances in technology and/or changes to the law subsequent to that date may not have been incorporated into this material. National Learning Consortium

The National Learning Consortium (NLC) is a virtual and evolving body of knowledge and tools designed to support healthcare providers and health IT professionalsworking towards the implementation, adoption and meaningful use of certified EHR systems.

The NLC represents the collective EHR implementation experiences and knowledge gained directly from the field of ONC’s outreach programs (REC, Beacon, State HIE) and through the Health Information Technology Research Center (HITRC) Communities of Practice (CoPs).

The following resource is an example of a tool used in the field today that is recommended by “boots-on-the-ground” professionals for use by others who have made the commitment to implement or upgrade to certified EHR systems. Description

These guidelines are intended to aid providers and health IT implementers in planning for EHR implementation through the definition of goals and objectives. This resource can help define goals for quality improvement and help identify which features of the EHR are critical to the established goals. If you can define your goals, you can define your needs. If you can define your needs, then you can select an EHR system that will meet your needs.

Establishing realistic, measureable goals and objectives for EHR implementation is critical to determine whether or not an implementation was successful. These guidelines include examples that can be used to assist with goal and objective development. They also outline several dimensions upon which a practice can establish goals and objectives. The last section provides a template to document specific goals and objectives. Instructions

Review the guidelines to identify goals and objectives for EHR implementation. Use the template provided in section 7 to document specific goals and objectives. Use the template in section 8 to document benchmarks and track progress at 6 and 12 months post implementation. Table of Contents

1“WHY” implement EHRs? 4

2Getting Started 4

3Goal Definition 4

4Action Plan 5

5Measuring Success 5

5.1Examples 6

6Example Goals and Objectives 6

6.1System 6

6.2Vendor 7

6.3Billing 7

6.4Office Staff 7

6.5Providers And Clinical Functions 8

6.6Clinical Data management 8

6.7Medical Records And Document Management 8

6.8Patients 9

6.9Costs 9

7Goals and Objectives for Your Practice 9

7.1System: 9

7.2Vendor: 9

7.3Billing: 9

7.4Office Staff: 10

7.5Providers and Clinical Functions: 10

7.6Clinical Data Management: 11

7.7Medical Records and Document Management: 11

7.8Patients: 11

7.9Costs: 11

8EHR Benchmark Data Points 12 List of Exhibits

  1. “WHY” implement EHRs?

This EHR implementation step should help practice leadership evaluate their current state to determine what is working well and what can be improved. Some of the questions providers ask themselves during this phase include:

  • “Am I accomplishing what I thought I would be doing when I decided to go to medical school?”
  • “Are we providing the best possible care to our patients, or are we simply trying to make it through the week?”
  • “If I had more time, what would I do differently?”
  • “What would it be like to leave the office yet stay connected to my practice?”

At this stage, practice leadership and staff should consider the practice’s clinical goals, needs, financial and technical readiness as they transition.

  1. Getting Started

Start with a workflow analysis and identify the bottlenecks and inefficiencies that exist today. Decide which bottlenecks and inefficiencies you want to improve and assign them a priority. It doesn’t matter so much where you start — as long as you start somewhere.

In setting priorities, you may want to consider the following:

  • In what areas is our performance far from ideal?
  • What improvements do we think our patients will notice most?
  • Where do we think we can be successful in making change?
  • What groups of clinicians and staff should we involve in each item, and what is their readiness for change?
  1. Goal Definition

Goals and needs should be documented to help guide decision-making throughout the implementation process. They may need to be re-assessed throughout the EHR implementation steps to ensure a smooth transition for the practice and all staff.

Set goals in areas that are important and meaningful to your practice. These may be clinical goals, revenue goals, or goals related to work environment. Goals in all three areas will help assure balanced processes after the implementation. Goals that are important to you will help you and your staff through the change process. We recommend you follow the “SMART” goals process. This process includes setting objectives and goals that meet the following criteria:

  • Specific – Achieving the goal would make a difference for our patients and our practice
  • Measureable – We can quantify the current level and the target goal
  • Attainable – Although the goal may be a stretch, we can achieve it
  • Relevant – This is worth the effort
  • Time bound – There are deadlines and opportunities to celebrate success!

These goals become the guide posts for an EHR implementation project, and achieving these goals will motivate providers and practice staff to make necessary changes and attain new skills.

Have some fun with goal setting. Involve everyone in the office by asking for creative suggestions on ways to eliminate inefficiency.

  1. Action Plan

For each goal, define a plan of action for achieving the goal. What specific steps do you need to take to reach your goal?

Successes should be celebrated along the way. Implementing an EHR is a long process. Keeping the momentum and support of staff is important, so acknowledging success and interim milestones will help to sustain the effort.

  1. Measuring Success

Determine how to measure the success of your action plan. Keep it simple! Don’t get hung up on statistics, sample size and complicating factors. However utilize any baseline data you may have, so you’ll have something to compare your quality improvement efforts to.

If you don’t meet your measurement for success the first time, re-evaluate, and try again. Quality improvement is a never-ending task.

  1. Examples

Exhibit 1: Examples


Action Plan

Measure of Success

Decrease the number of pharmacy phone calls regarding prescriptions

Use the e-prescribing feature in the EHR to eliminate paper and handwritten prescriptions. Utilize the drug interaction checking feature of the EHR to guard against drug interactions

In two months, have an 85% reduction in pharmacy phone calls

Decrease transcription turnaround time and reduce transcription cost

Use clinical charting within the EHR to eliminate the need for transcription services

Within two months of EHR live, reduce the cost of transcription by 80%

Improve the quality of patient care for CAD patients

Use the EHR’s health maintenance tracking to monitor antiplatelet therapy

95% of patients with CAD have been prescribed antiplatelet therapy

Decrease waiting room time for patients

Encourage patients to use the PCs in the waiting room to update their demographics and insurance information

Within one month, 75% of patients wait no longer than 10 minutes in the waiting room

More sample goals to consider:

  • Improve patient access to the physician.
  • Decrease the number of times the physician leaves the exam room during a visit.
  • Increase the quantity/quality of patient education materials given to the patient.
  • Decrease the number of calls to the lab for results/follow up.
  • Increase the number of patients who receive reminders for age/sex appropriate preventative health measures.
  • Increase the number of patients who actually receive preventative health exams/procedures.
  1. Example Goals and Objectives
    1. System
  • EHR system must fully integrate with PMS.
  • EHR system must be reliable with virtually no down-time.
  • EHR system must be very fast and use a secure, wireless intra-office connection.
  • EHR system must be compatible with systems used by local hospitals, consultant specialists, labs, and imaging facilities with easily adaptable interfaces.
  • EHR system must be compliant with present technology standards for reporting of data to MCOs and Medicare.
  • EHR system must be expandable to a multi-site use and allow for growth in the size of practice.
  • EHR system must be redundant with disaster recovery procedure that is easily accomplished.
  1. Vendor
  • Vendor must be a financially stable/viable company with strong presence in the local healthcare community and experience with small, primary care practices.
  • Vendor must have reputation for exceptional customer service and support.
  • Vendor must provide sufficient training of present and future staff in an efficient, cost-effective manner.
  • Vendor must have availability and expertise to assist us in adapting the EHR to changing requirements for reporting, billing or clinical needs.
  1. Billing
  • EHR system needs to maintain or improve present AR time.
  • EHR system must provide easy coding assistance and provide documentation to support codes.
  • EHR system should be user-friendly and allow for generation of reports to track trends in charges, AR, payer mix, denials, etc.
  • EHR system should facilitate “clean claims” and limit denials.
  • EHR system should adapt easily to changes in requirements for claims submission.
  1. Office Staff
  • EHR should allow for and promote eventual goal of having all communication with patients, medical specialists’ offices, labs, imaging facilities and MCOs accomplished electronically rather than by phone in order to enhance efficiency and documentation.
  • EHR should be user-friendly and require minimal training for new employees.
  • EHR should be efficient with very few clicks to most-frequently used screens/functions.
  • EHR should support multi-resource scheduling easily and efficiently.
  • EHR should improve workflow for all functions including patient check-in, proscription refills, management of referrals, record requests, appointment scheduling, etc.
  1. Providers And Clinical Functions
  • EHR visit documentation should be user-friendly and easily adaptable to provider preferences.
  • EHR documents should be easy to read with useful document structure.
  • EHR should allow for remote access from any computer with internet connection without loading special software.
  • EHR should have software that accommodates multiple visit types as well as visits in which multiple problems are addressed.
  • EHR needs to have a system by which covering doctors can see and review results and labs requiring urgent attention for providers who are not in the office.
  • EHR system should allow for providers to block their inbox (at least for urgent messages) when they are not in the office.
  • EHR should provide efficient means for communication with specialists.
  • EHR should streamline communication with patients and allow for electronic reporting of results.
  • EHR should interface with labs for electronic receipt of results as well as electronic order entry.
  • EHR should allow for easy use of digital photography for patient identification as well as documentation of exam findings.
  1. Clinical Data management
  • EHR should have adaptable systems for disease management and programs targeting improvements in patient care as well as pay-for-performance goals.
  • EHR should have easily generated reports of patients by diagnosis, visit type, demographics, etc.
  • EHR should allow for easy reporting of data to MCOs, Medicare, and PHO.
  1. Medical Records And Document Management
  • EHR should allow for rapid scanning of documents.
  • EHR should generate work notes, school excuses, immunization records, etc.
  • EHR should allow for efficient completion and management of multiple forms from outside agencies that need to be completed by our providers, such as WIC forms, PT1 transportation forms, DMV forms, school physicals, etc.
  • EHR should allow for maintaining a patient education “library” with materials that are easily accessed and printed for patients.
  1. Patients
  • The EHR system should improve patient access to services.
  • The EHR system should improve patient satisfaction.
  • The EHR system should allow patients to undertake all communication with the office electronically, if they choose.
  • The EHR system should allow patients to give insurance, demographic information, and eventually some clinical history online before their office visits.
  1. Costs
  • Systems should help us save transcription costs.
  • Systems should save on payroll costs eventually as system efficiencies are achieved and workforce shrinks by attrition.
  • System should decrease cost for supplies, courier services, and paper management.
  • System should increase revenue through MCO and Medicare incentive programs.
  1. Goals and Objectives for Your Practice
    1. System:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Vendor:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Billing:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Office Staff:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Providers and Clinical Functions:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Clinical Data Management:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Medical Records and Document Management:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Patients:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  1. Costs:
  1. Click here to enter text.
  2. Click here to enter text.
  3. Click here to enter text.
  4. EHR Benchmark Data Points

Exhibit 2: EMR Site Readiness Assessment: Clinic Overview And Demographics

Completed By: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text.

General Information

Date of Completion

Date of Completion

Date of Completion

Clinic Name: Click here to enter text.

Clinic Address: Click here to enter text.

Clinic Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Clinic Fax Number: Click here to enter text.


6 Months POST EMR

12 Months POST EMR

What is your average number of patient visits per day?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is your provider FTE count?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What percentage of your providers are dictating notes?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is the rate of Hemoglobin A1c in patients diagnosed with

DM? % < 7?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is the average length of time your providers take to close encounters?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is the average percentage of patients seen without the medical chart each day?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is your average chart pull time?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is your average turnaround time from receipt of chart request to delivery to provider?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is your average number of inbound calls from patients, pharmacists, consulting providers, etc. each day? What percentage requires a chart pull?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is your average number of outbound calls from patients, pharmacists, consulting providers, etc. each day? What percentage requires a chart pull?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

What is your average patient cycle time from check-in to check-out?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

For your JCAHO Core Measurements for Ambulatory Care, how many are currently meeting established benchmarks? How many are not meeting benchmarks?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.




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Utilizing the information in the scenario, provide a project plan for a new EHR system implementation in your organization. The project plan should provide detailed information regarding set goals and 2
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Enterprise Content and Record Management

  What steps would you take as a consultant hired to assess the feasibility and functions for selection and implementation of an electronic document and record management system at a large multi-specialty clinic? 

Enterprise Content and Record Management

Documents, records, and unstructured data of all types continue to proliferate, making it increasingly more difficult to locate and retrieve content. The evolving discipline of enterprise content management (ECM) is an integrative view that brings together concepts like data governance and data stewardship, practices such as document and record management, and work in such fields as thesaurus and ontology development to help tame the content chaos.

            There are a number of practices and technologies that are used to manage content for the primary purposes of searching for, locating, and retrieving information. These systems can be viewed as a continuum from those that are simpler with less functionality, such as document imaging systems, to those that the more complex, such as electronic content management. At its simplest, document imaging is a system consisting of software and hardware that converts source documents to digital format. Systems that have mid-range functionality are electronic document management systems that automate the preparation, organization, tracking, and distribution of electronic documents. Systems and processes with high-end functionality are often referred to as content management systems. These more complex systems are able to move beyond categorization of documents and records to classifying content through the use of taxonomies, thesauri, and ontologies.

            Content management is the entirety of practices and technologies used to manage the lifecycle of content from creation, capture, or receipt through archiving and destruction. The content management roadmap must be aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization, support business process and stakeholder needs, and be framed within a data governance perspective


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Record the preceding transactions in MSK’s books assuming it recognizes revenue over time and uses costs incurred to measure the extent to which its performance obligation has been satisfied

MSK Construction Company contracted to construct a factory building for $525,000. Construction started during 20X1 and was completed in 20X2. Information relating to the contract follows:

                                                                                                           20X1                     20X2

Costs incurred during the year                                                  $290,000                $150,000 

Estimated additional cost to complete                                     145,000                     —

Billings during the year                                                                   260,000                  265,000 

Cash collections during the year                                                    240,000                   285,000 


  1. Record the preceding transactions in MSK’s books assuming it recognizes revenue over time and uses costs incurred to measure the extent to which its performance obligation has been satisfied.
  2. Record the preceding transactions in MSK’s books assuming it recognizes revenue at a point in time when control of the completed factory is transferred to the customer at the end of the project.

Prepare the entry to record the construction costs incurred. Hint: Use Cash, payables, materials, etc.

Prepare the entry to record the amounts billed to the customer.

Prepare the entry to record the cash receipts from the customer.

Prepare the entry to record the construction costs incurred. Hint: Use Cash, payables, materials, etc.

Prepare the entry to record the amounts billed to the customer.

Prepare the entry to record the cash receipts from the customer


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  • Record the preceding transactions in MSK’s books assuming it recognizes revenue over time and uses costs incurred to measure the extent to which its performance obligation has been satisfied

    Writers Solution

    Besides, the company has a record of 500 flights per year. This indicated that the company had had a fair number of fights, and it might be popular in the country. Theoretically, recording 500 flights per year means that the company schedules a fair amount of flights per year. Therefore, this is a good investment because more revenue is generated for the company when there are more flights and eventually more profits for the investors. Most importantly, the DOT VSL of the company stands at $11,600,000. As evidenced by the US Department of Transportation, the company has had a steady VSL over the past nine years. As Kniesner & Viscusi (2019) presented, VSL shows the organization’s willingness to pay for marginal costs of improving safety. From the statistics provided in the table, the company has an increasing VSL, which means that their desire to allocate money for security increases every year, thus increasing the company’s safety. For this reason, this is a good investment.

     APA format with a title page, 3-5 pages of content, and a References page if necessary. – Submit a 3-5 page paper expanding on one of the previous safety papers from earlier in the term (e.g. safety culture, cost-benefit analysis, safety policy, risk management, safety assurance or safety promotion). You may use your previous work as a basis for this paper. – Format the draft to APA format as it will be graded to the same standard as your final paper.

    Previous Safety papers

    Cost-Benefit Analysis

    According to the statistics provided, the $10,000 investment is worthwhile. From the data in the table, the company contributes a smaller percentage of overall accidents in the country. Essentially, 8 percent of accidents in the country are from this company. Thus this investment is worthwhile because the investors will not incur any losses caused by accidents and money spent to address fatalities. Besides, the company has been able to increase the security of their aircraft by preventing 2.3 of the casualties. This increases the plane’s safety and ultimately attracts many customers, thus increasing profits for the aircraft company. Therefore, this would benefit the investors. 

    Besides, the company has a record of 500 flights per year. This indicated that the company had had a fair number of fights, and it might be popular in the country. Theoretically, recording 500 flights per year means that the company schedules a fair amount of flights per year. Therefore, this is a good investment because more revenue is generated for the company when there are more flights and eventually more profits for the investors. Most importantly, the DOT VSL of the company stands at $11,600,000. As evidenced by the US Department of Transportation, the company has had a steady VSL over the past nine years. As Kniesner & Viscusi (2019) presented, VSL shows the organization’s willingness to pay for marginal costs of improving safety. From the statistics provided in the table, the company has an increasing VSL, which means that their desire to allocate money for security increases every year, thus increasing the company’s safety. For this reason, this is a good investment.


    Kniesner, T. J. & Viscusi, W.K. (2019). The Value of a Statistical Life. Retrieved 6th November from

    Safety Assurance Paper

    Classically, external safety audits are designed to observe and assess the compliance of organizations, in this case, the aviation company with recommended practices, applicable procedures, and regulations. Therefore, if I were contracted to provide an eternal safety audit for an aviation company, there are certain crucial questions that I would include in a confidential survey through a questionnaire to ask staff members about the safety measures in the aviation company. The three questions that I would use in my external audit are “Are the qualifications of every employee updated?”, “Are all SPI/KPI metrics updated, are there documents to provide evidence?”, and “Did the company perform routine and required safety inspection, and how often does the company do this?”.

    These three questions are the most important while performing an external audit on an aviation company because they would help an auditor determine the safety of the company. For instance, assessing whether the qualifications of employees, particularly, aircraft engineers and pilots is essential because it would help determine how safe using the aircraft of this particular company is. Ideally, it would be detrimental to let a pilot with expired qualifications man an aircraft let alone allow aircraft engineers whose qualifications have expired to repair or run diagnostics of an airplane before allowing it to be used for transportation. 

    On the other hand, checking whether the SPI or KPI metrics are updated is crucial because are applied in monitoring or measuring the safety performance of a company and how to manage it. As Pierobon (2016) presented, Safety Performance Indicators are critical in the aviation industry because they enable a company to assess its past, current, and future safety performance. Lastly, asking how often the company performs its safety inspection would be essential for this external audit because it would help determine whether the company has established effective safety measures in the company. 


    Pierobon, M. (2016). Unleashing SPIs. Flight Safety Foundation. Retrieved on 27thOctober 2021 from

    Writers Solution

    The Electronic Medical Record: Efficient Medical Care or Disaster in the Making?

    The Electronic Medical Record: Efficient Medical Care or Disaster in the Making?

    Dale Buchbinder

    You are the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a large health care system. Medicare has mandated that all medical practices seeking Medicare compensa­tion must begin using electronic medical records (EMR) . Medicare has incentivized medical practices to place electronic medical records in their offices by giving financial bonuses to medical practices that achieve certain goals. These EMR systems are supposed to allow communication between practitioners and hospitals, so medical information can be rapidly transferred to provide more efficient medical care. The EMR will enable physicians to allow access to the records of their patients by other providers. Eventually these records are supposed to be easily accessed so any physician or hospital will have complete medical information on a patient.

    The physician practices in your health care system have been mandated to use the Unified Medical Record System (UMRS). The UMRS was designed by a central committee; all hospital-owned physician practices have been mandated to use the system. As part of the incentives, Medicare will add dollars back to each practice when they meet goals for reaching meaningful use (MU). MU has been defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.) as “using certified electronic health record (EHR) technology to:

    •      Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities

    •      Engage patients and family

    •      Improve care coordination, and population and public health

    •      Maintain privacy and security of patient health information.”

    It is a step-by-step system requiring “electronic functions to support the care of a certain percentage of patients” Qha, Burke, DesRoches, Joshi, Kralovec, Campbell, & Buntin, 2011, p. SPl 18).

    One of the hospitals in your system has many primary care and specialty practices; however, the UMRS system was designed primarily for the primary care practices. The committee that developed UMRS did not take into account  the needs of the specialty practices, which are significantly different from the primary care practices. This issue has been brought to the fore from by several medical specialists who have stated UMRS is not only cumbersome, but also extremely difficult to use. UMRS also does not give the specialist the information he needs. Specialists noted that after UMRS was implemented, it took them approximately 10 to 15 minutes longer to see each patient. Since an average day for a specialist consists of seeing between 20 and 25 patients, adding 10 to 15 minutes per patient adds 200 to 250 additional minutes, or 3 to 4 hours more each day. And, the physician cannot see the same number of patients each day.  In reality, this represents a 30% decrease in productivity because of the amount of time it takes to use UMRS. Now the specialist office schedules constantly run significantly later than they should, and patients become unhappy and impatient. Several of the specialists reported that a number of patients have gotten up and left without being seen. In short, the mandate to use UMRS has impacted the efficiency and productivity of the subspecialists and specialists, further decreasing revenues for the system.

    In addition, all of the physicians have complained the UMRS does not communicate well with other electronic medical record systems, or even the hospital’s own patient information systems. There is no real integration of the medical databases as intended, levels of meaningful use are unclear, and in some areas, difficult to achieve, again because the UMRS was tailored to primary care practices’ prescribing patterns. Specialists, particularly surgeons, do not write a large number of prescriptions. Surgeons have been mandated to write electronic prescriptions to reach meaningful use; however, in many cases this is not appropriate for surgical patients.

    All of these issues and concerns were reported to the central committee that created UMRS in response to federal mandates and financial incentives. The committee responded it cannot modify the system to make it more friendly to specialists and subspecialists, despite the fact that procedures performed by the subspecialists account for substantial revenues. Revenues are down and the morale of the specialists and subspecialists has plummeted to the point that many are talking about taking early retirement or leaving the system. Still, the committee refuses to fix the problems. Since you are the CIO of the entire health care system, the situation is now in your hands. What will you do?

    In this case study, you can answer the questions.  You DO NOT need to show any external resources.  Thank you!

    Response Needs to be in an essay format. Introduction , body and conclusion 

    Discussion Questions

    1.     What are the facts in this situation?

    2.      What are three organizational issues this case illustrates?

    3.      What are the advantages and pitfalls to EMR? Should all types of practices be required to use the same system? What role should physicians play in selecting and developing an EMR system to fix their individual practices? Provide a rationale for your responses.

    4.      Is there a way to bring consensus and standardize the EMR systems without alienating productive physicians who bring large revenues to the hospital? How can the dilemma of inefficiency and patient dissatisfaction be prevented? Create and present a plan for how EMR could be implemented in a system with multiple types of practices. Be sure to address the issues of physician specialty, productivity, and satisfaction, as well as patient satisfaction.

    5.     What steps should the CIO take in the future to prevent these types of issues from occurring again? Provide your reflections and personal opinions as well as your recommendations and rationale for your responses.





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    Manually record the transactions (given in the next page) through the general journal and general ledger, prepare balance day adjustments, closing entries, financial statements, and a worksheet

    Manually record the transactions (given in the next page) through the general journal and general ledger, prepare balance day adjustments, closing entries, financial statements, and a worksheet.

    Submission details:The file submitted needs to be in an excel format (.xls or .xlsx).
    In your assignment submission, you must include the following:

    • 10-column worksheet
    • properly classified income statement for the month ended 30 June 2019
    • properly classified balance sheet as at 30 June 2019
      Also note, the general journal entries, ledger accounts, and trial balances prepared to complete the assignment are NOT to be submitted with the assignment. These are workings. (Please attach in a separate excel worksheet)

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    Based on the readings, there are professional standards and best practices for record keeping

     Based on the readings, there are professional standards and best practices for record keeping. One day you left work and forgot you left a file of notes on your desk. Maintenance came in your office and while cleaning, read through some of your clients files. Come to find out one of your clients is their cousin. The next day you arrive to work and have an urgent message from the client that you disclosed their information to their cousin. Now they want to sue you. How would your handle this situation? 

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    • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
    • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Based on the readings, there are professional standards and best practices for record keeping

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