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Character reference(s)


Consider your support network and submit information in each of the following areas:

References: These are the people who can vouch for you when you are looking for a job and can be categorized into the following:

  • Character reference(s)
  • Academic reference(s) 
  • Employment reference(s)

Affiliations: These are organizations related to your career where you are interested in joining or who can provide valuable information.

Supporters: They are trusted family members and friends you can rely on if the going gets tough for taking care of your needs or providing moral support.

Internet: In this category, list career-related chat rooms or networking groups, such as LinkedIn.

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Book Reference:Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2018). From inquiry to academic writing: A practical guide (4th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s.

please follow the professor instructions and make sure it is your own work and not copy and paste off of someone else work or article. Please read the study guide and watch out for spelling and grammar errors. Please use the APA 7th edition.

Book Reference:Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2018). From inquiry to academic writing: A practical guide (4th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s.


Greene and Lidinsky (2018) discuss the use of visual rhetoric in writing (pp. 297–311). Review the information listed below, and create a table of information using correct APA Style for formatting, spacing, and headings.Fifty participants were used to measure three latent variables: Job Satisfaction (A), Work Satisfaction (B), and Turnover Intention (C). The arithmetic means were A = 3.81, B = 3.41, and C = 4.14 with a standard deviation of 0.49, 0.50, and 0.34, respectively. The minimum scores were A = 2.46, B = 2.23, and C = 3.40, and the maximum scores were 4.93, 4.29, and 4.83, respectively. The range was 2.47 for A, 2.06 for B, and 1.43 for C. The standard errors were at A = 0.07, B = 0.07, and C = 0.05.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

Writers Solution

clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature

 Appendix II – Marking Criteria for Assessment 3Criteria
0-2.5 Marks 2.5-5 Marks 5-7.5 Marks 7.5-10 Marks Total
Definition of clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion of clinical leadership. Includes definition & description, could have been improved. Good discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Relevance could have been stronger. Exemplary discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Moral courage Poorly describes moral courage in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good description of moral courage and clinical leadership Good use of theoretical concepts to support discussion. Exemplary description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Considers challenges and difficulties in this area. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Emotional intelligence and Reflection Poorly describes emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved Good description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Good use of literature to support discussion. Exemplary description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Established importance and presented practical use of concepts in the context of clinical leadership. Excellent use of literature to support discussion. …./10
Development of clinical leadership
Poorly identifies ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership and/or does not link to practical examples Sound identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Exemplary identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Provided practical examples while considering particular concerns as a new graduate. …./10
Mentor Qualities Insufficient description of the attributes/styles of good mentors and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of the attributes/styles of good mentors although some areas could have been improved Good description of the attributes/styles of good mentors. Exemplary description of contemporary mentorship styles and attributes which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Goal setting- Surviving Clinical placement Poor discussion regarding the mentor relationship and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Although several areas could be improved Good discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Exemplary discussion
with worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies to succeed as a mentor provided …./10
Feedback Insufficient discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback; could have been improved. Good practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback. Exemplary practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback …./10
Poor performance Poor discussion regarding managing the poorly performing student and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Some areas were not considered Good discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Exemplary discussion regarding the poorly performing student, provided worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies with reference to relevant literature …./10
Key Messages Poorly identified and/or irrelevant. Sound identification and relevance. Some areas could be improved. Good identification and relevance Exemplary identification and relevance of do’s and don’ts in the context of mentor-mentee relationship. …./10
Quality Intext references matches with the list; at least five recent (last 5 years preferred) and reliable references (at least one textbook of recommendations) were included. Engaging, however, further consideration should be given to improving area regarding practical elements to assist in engaging the target audience. Colourful, creative, visually appealing, mostly appropriate and likely to engage the target audience. Visually appealing, sums up and underlines the main points, highly creative and engaging, its delivery was appropriate for the target audience. …./10

Assessment 3 – Written Assignment
Assessment Type Written Assignment
Purpose This assignment will assess students’ understanding of leadership, mentorship and clinical
Description New Graduate or Undergraduate Nurses’ Practical Guide to Clinical Leadership
In this assessment item you are required to do following:
• Submit a booklet (four pages of a word document) of a practical guide to
clinical leadership for your fellow new graduate nurses or nursing students.
• Create an interesting, engaging, relevant and practical guide.
• Use intext referencing of the evidence-based sources
Booklet Content:
1) What is clinical leadership?
2) Moral courage and clinical leadership
3) Emotional intelligence and reflection in clinical leadership
4) What can you do to develop clinical leadership?
5) What can you do to demonstrate clinical leadership?
6) What makes a good mentor?
7) Goal setting and surviving placement
8) Feedback – what it is and what it isn’t
9) Managing the poorly performing student
10) Do’s and Don’ts list
11) References
Note: Further instructions for the assignment will be provided on Blackboard.
Please also refer to marking criteria in Appendix II.
Weighting 50%
Submission Requirement – Students must submit this assessment item to pass the
Length 1400 words maximum
Due Date 9th November 2020 23:59
Submission Method Online via Turnitin
Assessment Criteria See Appendix II
Feedback Provided Grades and feedback will be available through Turnitin on Blackboard.
Opportunity to
Reattempt Students will not be given an opportunity to re-attempt this assessment

Writers Solution

16 Mr. J.’s Annual assessment is in progress. The assessment reference date (ARD) is October 10. Which option represents an acceptable sequence of events?

15 What do you do if a private pay resident is discharged within 14 days of admission, and you’ve completed only a portion of the Admission assessment?

You must complete the assessment with the day of death or discharge as the ARD.

Completion of the assessment is not required, but you must file the incomplete assessment in the discharge record.

Completion of the OBRA discharge is not required.

You complete the assessment, including CAAs, to the best of your ability.

16 Mr. J.’s Annual assessment is in progress. The assessment reference date (ARD) is October 10. Which option represents an acceptable sequence of events?

Team members completed their sections, several attesting to their accuracy at Z0400 on October 11, others signed off on October 12. The registered nurse assessment coordinator signed at Z0500B, verifying MDS completion on October 11 and V0200B2, (CAA completion), on October 14.

Team members completed the behavior items in section E and signed them off, attesting to their accuracy at Z0400 on October 9. All other sections were signed off by October 12 at Z0400. The registered nurse assessment coordinator signed at Z0500B, verifying MDS completion on October 12 and at V0200B2, (CAA Completion), on October 13.

Several team members completed their sections and signed them off, attesting to their accuracy on October 11. All other sections were signed off at Z0400 by October 12. The registered nurse assessment coordinator signed at V0200B2, (CAA completion), on October 12 and at Z0500B, (MDS completion), on October 13.

Team members completed the sections with interview items signed on October 10. Other non-interview items were signed off on either October 11 or October 12. The registered nurse assessment coordinator signed at Z0500B, (MDS completion) on October 12 and V0200B2 (CAA completion)

17 June 5 was the assessment reference date (ARD) for Mrs. K’s Admission assessment. Her first Quarterly assessment had an ARD of September 3. In October, she had a significant change in status, and the significant change of status assessment (SCSA) had an ARD of October 15. When is the next Quarterly due at A2300 and her next Annual assessment due at A2300?

Quarterly due no later than December 1, Annual due no later than June 5

Quarterly due no later than December 1, Annual due no later than October 15

Quarterly due no later than January 15, Annual due no later than June 5

Quarterly due no later than January 15, Annual due no later than October 15

18 The interdisciplinary team has identified a change in a resident’s status. After assessing the resident and ensuring that follow-up care is provided, what is the nurse assessment coordinator’s next step?

Determine if this change meets criteria listed in Chapter 2 of the RAI Manual for a Significant Change in Status Assessment (SCSA).

Document that the resident has had significant change in status requiring an SCSA.

Complete a Significant Change in Status Assessment.

Schedule an Annual Assessment.

19 The interdisciplinary team has identified a change in a resident’s status. After assessing the resident and ensuring that follow-up care is provided, what is the nurse assessment coordinator’s next step?

Determine if this change meets criteria listed in Chapter 2 of the RAI Manual for a Significant Change in Status Assessment (SCSA).

Document that the resident has had significant change in status requiring an SCSA.

Complete a Significant Change in Status Assessment.

Schedule an Annual Assessment.

20 When is a comprehensive assessment not required?

The resident is admitted to the facility for the first time and remains beyond 14 days.

The resident has a significant change in status by MDS definition.

The resident returns after a five-week hospital admission.

A resident’s significant weight loss is her only change in health status.

21 Today is October 21. Mr. E., a private pay resident, was admitted on October 10. The assessment reference date (ARD) for his Admission assessment is October 20. It is clear today that he has suffered a significant change in status related to extension of his stroke. The physician does not want to admit him to the hospital because the nursing facility can provide the necessary care and services. From an MDS standpoint, what is the correct course of action?

Complete the Admission assessment as planned.

Complete a Significant Change in Status Assessment, because it will replace the Admission assessment.

Dually code the assessment as both the Admission and PPS 5 Day.

Dually code the assessment as both the Admission and SCSA.

22 On December 1, a long-term care resident was again readmitted from a six-day hospital stay. She is not Medicare eligible. The nurse assessment coordinator (NAC) completed a Significant Change assessment with an assessment reference date (ARD) of December 9. On December 30, the resident was readmitted to the hospital again and the NAC completed an OBRA Discharge return anticipated assessment. The resident returned to the skilled nursing facility on January 5. In this situation, which of the following is the most likely assessment to be completed next?

A significant change assessment

A quarterly assessment

A care area assessment

A care plan

23 After completing the Quarterly MDS, when must it be transmitted to the national QIES ASAP system?

Within 7 days

Within 14 days

Within 21 days

Within 31 days

24   While reviewing a resident’s medical record, it is discovered that the resident’s race was incorrectly coded at A1000 on the most recent comprehensive assessment. What is the correct course of action?

Complete an SCPA within 14 days of identifying the error

Complete a modification utilizing the section X Correction Request

Complete an SCSA within 14 days of identifying the error

Complete an inactivation utilizing the section X Correction Reque

25   When a significant, uncorrected error has been identified, what qualifies the error as significant requiring a significant correction of a prior comprehensive or quarterly assessment?

The resident had two uncorrected errors identified

The resident’s birthdate was coded as January 1, 1936, but the correct birthdate is January 19, 1936

The clinical status was misrepresented and a subsequent assessment with the correct information was not submitted

The resident was admitted to Hospice after the assessment’s ARD, but before the assessment was completed

The RNAC must ensure the error is correct in the seven-day editing period prior to transmitting.  If this is done, no Significant Correction to prior comprehensive is required

The RNAC must attest to completion, lock and transmit the assessment and follow up within 14 days with a Significant Change in status assessment

26 The interdisciplinary team is in the process of completing a Quarterly assessment for a resident.  The ARD was yesterday.  The dietitian reports to the MDS coordinator that she just realized the resident’s weight on the quarterly three months ago was incorrect. The weight that was coded and care planned was 102 lbs. and the actual weight was 120 lbs.  What is the correct course of action now?

Modify the previous Quarterly to correct the weight and continue to complete the regularly scheduled Quarterly that is already in progress when the error was found

Modify the previous Quarterly to correct the weight

Modify the previous Quarterly to correct the weight and follow up with a significant correction to prior Quarterly within 14 days

Modify the previous Quarterly to correct the weight.  Change the reason for assessment on the current Quarterly to a significant correction of prior Quarterly

27 A long term resident fell, fractured her femur, had a three-day stay in the hospital, and returned on a Medicare A stay.  In the initial evaluation of the resident after hospitalization, the interdisciplinary team noted that the fall with major injury was not coded on the OBRA Discharge assessment.  What is the correct course of action now?

Modify the OBRA Discharge assessment to add the fall.  Follow the PPS schedule of assessments.  Code the first one as a combination Significant Correction of Prior Discharge/PPS 5-Day assessment

Modify the OBRA Discharge assessment to add the fall.  Follow the PPS schedule of assessments, and continue the OBRA schedule where it left off, considering significant change in status, if appropriate

Inactivate the OBRA Discharge assessment and perform a Significant Change in Status Assessment to capture the fall prior to admission.  Begin the PPS schedule of assessments

Begin the PPS schedule of assessments.  Code the fall that happened prior to hospitalization in J1800 and J1900c on the current assessment

28 When the RNAC was reviewing an Annual assessment prior to attesting to completion in Z0500, he noticed that two pressure ulcers were not coded on the Annual assessment.  What is the correct action now?

No action is required.  The RNAC’s signature verifies completion only.  The RNAC has no role in whether an accurate assessment is transmitted to the national repository.  The RNAC should sign and lock the assessment

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Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram

Question 1)

In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start  from the outside of the diagram. 

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Question 2)
In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

Should atleast 250 words each question with references.