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Member of a regional criminal justice organization

Assume you are a member of a regional criminal justice organization. You have volunteered to collaborate with other members of your group to analyze new developments in the field and prepare a presentation you will share at a national convention of groups like the one to which you belong.

Your group has chosen these specific emerging developments:

-Community-oriented policing

Analyze these developments and become familiar with the issues.

Interview others in your field about these developments.

Understand the ramifications of these changes.

Prepare a 300- to 400-word position paper that details the emerging developments researched by your group in the following areas:

-Community-oriented policing

Include the following information in your presentation for each of the emerging developments:

-A problem or issue statement

-Research questions


-A minimum of 2 emerging developments for each of the      areas listed above

-Description (including history and evolution) for each      of the above emerging developments

-Ethical implications of these changes

-Positive effects of these technological advancements

-Potential repercussions of technology in policing

Include a minimum of 3 references from texts, articles, journals, local police or criminal justice policy, and websites; only 2 may be websites. Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice may be used but not counted as 1 of the 3 to 5 references.

Collaborate with your group members and create a 4- to 6-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with detailed speaker notes, based on a position paper. You will present the paper and presentation at the national conference




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Pro Forma Income Statement for East Chestnut Regional Health

Market demand is a central concept in health care economics. In addition, calculation of projected income is required to determine the impact of organization finances on the marketing plan. This week you will prepare a pro forma income statement for the new or revised existing product or service you recommended in your Marketing Mix Strategy in Week 5 for East Chestnut Regional Health System.  

Review the Case Study document.

Pro Forma Income Statement for East Chestnut Regional Health: 

Complete the following prior to preparing the pro forma income statement and budget. You will need the following information in order to prepare it. 

Part I: Market size calculation: 

Determine the size of the market for the ECRHS product or service you are recommending. Assume East Chestnut Regional Health is located in the market in which you live or work. 

Visit the University Library Consumer Demographics page.

From this page, visit the United States Census Bureau sites linked under the heading Demographic Data. A rough estimate of need for health care products or services can be made based on the population demographics, using age, gender, and in some cases, race. On these sites, you can gain information on the total U.S. market for health care, as well as the number of U.S. consumers who fit your target market segmentation. 

Determine the local market for the product or service you recommend for East Chestnut Regional Health. 

Next, multiply the percentage of people likely to purchase your recommended ECRHS product or service by the estimate of market share you believe ECRHS can achieve for the product or service. For example, if there are 6,000 women who might be interested in ECRHS obstetrical services, and ECRHS has a potential 40% market share, this results in 2,400 patients.

Prepare a 150- to 300-word summary of your market determination process. 

Part II: Breakeven Analysis: 

A breakeven analysis determines the number of products or amount of service that must be sold to consumers for the organization to break even or cover the costs of production or provision of the product or service. 

You will prepare a breakeven analysis for the Case Study client, East Chestnut Regional Health.

Use the Breakeven Analysis Worksheet to prepare your analysis. 

Prepare a 150- to 300-word summary of your breakeven analysis that includes the following: 

  • The fixed and variable costs of product production or service provision
  • The price and number of units sold at that price
  • The number of units of product or service sold to cover the fixed and variable costs at the price level.

Part III: Pro Forma Income Statement: 

A Pro Forma is an income statement that predicts income for your new or revised product or service you are recommending to East Chestnut Regional Health System (ECRHS) after one year. It shows the sales ECRHS expects to achieve during that period of time, along with the costs associated with that level of sales. The organization must cover the costs of products or services it delivers (Cost of Goods Sold) and the expenses we estimate to achieve those sales (salaries for sales reps, advertising, promotion, and office expenses, etc.). This will leave us with a projected profit. 

A good Pro Forma Income Statement proves out a strategy by showing the expected revenue minus the expected costs and the resulting profit. Conversely, it shows that you can’t have $100,000 in forecast sales and $3 million in projected advertising, since that would result in a loss. 

Use the Pro-forma Income Statement Worksheet to create your Pro Formal Income Statement. 

Create a pro forma income statement based on the above. Include the following for 1 year: 

  • Projected sales volume in units and revenue
  • Projected costs of goods/services
  • Projected marketing expenses
  • Projected net income

Prepare a 500-word summary statement of your Pro Forma Income Statement for East Chestnut Regional Health System for the new or revised existing product or service you have recommended. Include the following: 

  • Summary of Market Size Calculation (150 words)
  • Summary of Breakeven Analysis (150 words)
  • Summary of Projected Profit (200 words)

Part IV: Marketing Plan Considerations: 

Now that you have a better understanding of your market and the finances of the organization, you must consider how economics and finances can affect your marketing strategy. 

Write a 350- to 500-word analysis of how specific economic or financial issues will affect the marketing strategies for ECRHS


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Different global organizations and regional integrations Mexico belongs to

Countries participate in international and regional organizations for a variety of reasons including to leverage and benefit commerce as well as for security. Understanding the underlying dynamics of why these organizations have been selected and their impacts is an important aspect of the business environment. 

– Identify the different global organizations and regional integrations Mexico belongs to 

– Explain the purpose of regional integration and a global organization to which the selected country belongs


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2017 IEB Regional Cases

Write your own all-things-considered response to the case utilizing an ethical-decision making framework/orientation (see below) as well as evidence from the case study “A Wage with Gravity” (from the 2017 IEB Regional Cases).  Write at least 500 words.

Follow the outline below, which I introduced in class prior to Assignment 6 (our first Case Study Response):

  1. Intro paragraph that briefly summarizes the case and identifies a central ethical question or issue in it.
  2. Body paragraph(s) that draw from at least one ethical orientation (egoism, consequentialism, duty, virtue, ethical relativism) — I’d recommend two to show how different views converge or contrast — to analyze the ethical issue/question in the case.
  3. Conclusion paragraph that offers a final (even if tentative or unsure) assessment in light of the body paragraphs — if you were a owner/manager/policy-maker/etc. looking at the case from an impartial perspective, what response would you recommend?

Image Source:

The case file isn’t posting so I’ll paste it below:

Case #14: A Wage with Gravity  

As co-founder, majority shareholder, and CEO of Gravity Payments, a credit card processing  

company, Dan Price was disturbed when one of his employees accused him of underpaying  

workers. It was 2011, and the employee was making $35,000 a year at the time. But the  

employee felt exploited. Price had just shepherded his company through the 2008 recession,  

where revenue fell by 20%. Gravity Payments had made a turn-around and was registering  

double digit growth each year, yet employee pay had remained relatively stagnant. In 2012, Price  

decided to do something about the disparity and implemented an across-the-board 20% pay  


The following year, productivity increased by 30-40%, and Gravity Payments’ profitability  

increased. Price’s yearly pay at the time was $1.1 million or “about 23 times the $48,000 average  

at Gravity.” On April 13th, 2015, still disappointed with the quality of life of his employees,  

Price announced that starting pay for all positions at Gravity would begin at $70,000. The plan to  

increase minimum wages would roll out over three years and would be funded in large part by  

reducing CEO pay to the new firm minimum.  

The move to increase Gravity’s minimum wage upset several executives, who felt undervalued  

since they now earned the same amount as entry level sales clerks. Similarly, when Walmart  

increased minimum wages, one employee wrote, “It took me four years to get to $10.80. When  

minimum wage goes up we don’t receive a pay increase unless we are under the minimum. Now  

our 2 newest associates are making $10.75 and my annual raise is going from 40 cents down to  

26 cents. Apparently experience doesn’t get rewarded.”  

Although there were some initial worries that Gravity would lose midlevel employees over the  

pay increase, only two workers have left since the new minimum wage was announced. A  

greater concern for the financial services company is the growing rift and legal battle between  

Dan Price and his brother Lucas. Lucas Price is a partner in the company, and has sued his  

brother over excessive CEO compensation and reduced value of the company. According to  

Lucas, the dispute is unrelated to Gravity’s new minimum wage, but, as a shareholder, he may  

have a legitimate concern that Dan is not meeting his fiduciary duties. For his part, Dan says,  

“My 40-year goal is to create a world where values-based companies suck up all the oxygen and  

take over the economy.” 


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Jake’s Auto Services’ regional manager notices that the sale of two types of tires has been sluggish for the last few business cycles.

 Project 2

Jake’s Auto Services’ regional manager notices that the sale of two types of tires has been sluggish for the last few business cycles. Atlas tires and Continental tires brands are lagging compared to rivals such as Michelin that sell at a similar price point.


 1.  Use the following Excel workbook that prepares you to analyze the number-of-units-sold and total sales for the two tire brands (Atlas tires and Continental tires). Data are reported by two retail outlets within the region as aggregate totals and are organized by month, beginning with January, for a period of 12 months.
    *   Atlas Tires and Continental Tire Sale Excel File<>
 2.  Create a chart or graph that enables a reader to visually contrast and compare the data. Make sure to select a graphic technique that clearly communicates the results. The final product should be easy to read, properly labeled, clearly captioned, and accurately inserted into the final report. Follow APA style for in-text references to exhibits.
 3.  Prepare a statistical analysis that includes the following:
    *   Calculate annual mean, median, and mode (if one exists) for each brand by store as well as for the region.
    *   Calculate annual range, quartiles, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for each brand by store as well as for the region.
    *   Create a table that clearly denotes column and row headings for the calculated results. Properly insert the table into the managerial report. Follow APA style guidelines for in-text referencing of an exhibit.
 4.  Management has a specific interest in the Main Street location sale of Atlas tires. The provided data distribution is considered normal; therefore, use the store’s annual Atlas tire mean and standard deviation for your analysis. Determine the probability that on any one day the Main Street store would have:
    *   greater than 50 Atlas tires,
    *   fewer than 30 Atlas tires, and
    *   between 40 Atlas tires and 80 Atlas tires.

Place the results into context relative to the store’s overall Atlas tire sales when discussing sales performance.

 1.  Prepare a complete briefing that provides an objective analysis of your work.
    *   Part 1 of your report should be a “Results Section” that delivers simply an explanation of the mathematics (using tables and graphs) and how results were obtained.
    *   Part 2 of the report should consist of a “Discussion Section” of 250 to 350 words that interpret your results and details the meaning of your outcomes. The analysis must incorporate the illustrative information presented in your chart or graph by properly infusing numerical data in the discourse. Be sure to properly insert objects into the report using the proper APA in-text reference style. You must submit your Excel spreadsheet as background support. [MO2.2, MO2.3]?

Writers Solution

Emergency Management for all regional Homeland Security efforts

The final project for this course is in the form of a presentation. The preferred format will be Microsoft Power Point. If that program is not available, then it must be in Microsoft Word format. The presentation will not have a specific length or word count requirement. However; it must be complete and contain all necessary requirements set forth in these
instructions. The final presentation will be saved in a file with a name in this format, “student last name-CJ454-final”, and uploaded in Week 8. The presentation will be graded on content and design, keeping spelling and grammar in mind as well. PRESENTATION
You are in charge of Emergency Management for all regional Homeland Security efforts. Information has just been received from the FBI regarding an “imminent terrorist attack on a regional power plant.” It is your responsibility to devise a plan to address this threat. The Governor of your respective city has instructed you to prepare a presentation on how you plan to prepare for this situation.
You are instructed to prepare a presentation in Microsoft Power Point format regarding your plan to address this threat. You will choose a commercial shopping facility (Wal-Mart 1000 South State Street Clarksdale, Ms) in or near your hometown and address this threat by putting a plan together. The plan will be a general plan for how first responders will attempt to prevent, deter, respond to and recover from an incident at your selected location. Each presentation will contain information from every module…relevant to your specific location. Photographs, Maps, Charts all can be utilized in the presentation. Ensure the presentation has an Introduction, a Discussion (Plan), and a conclusion (follow up). The target audience for your presentation will be the Governor and his advisors.





NO PLAGIARISMTerrorist attacks are often deadly and can cause loss of life and economic losses due to destruction of property and sources of livelihood. Rather than wait for its occurrence, the security agencies must anticipate on how such events can be dealt with in case it occurs. The major cycles of terrorist plan include prevention, deterrence, response and recovery. The following is a plan for first responders in case an attack on Wal-Mart 1000 South State Street Clarksdale, Ms as reported by the FBI occurs………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Marketing Mix, Riverside Regional Medical Center

Marketing and the Healthcare System, that was done on 2017-01-17 22:31:58. Could the same person that did that paper do this one? I received an A.

Assignment 2: Competition, Marketing Mix, and Pricing
Due Week 8 and worth 300 points

 For this assignment, use the same health care provider as in Assignment 1.

 Write a four to six (4-5) page paper in which you:
Determine the key characteristics of the users of the products and/or services of the health care provider you selected.
Analyze the competitive environment of the health care provider you selected and recommend a course of action for strategic marketing success.
Determine which tools of the marketing mix available to health care providers would be most effective for the health care provider you selected.
Determine the best possible pricing strategy for at least one of the products or services offered by the health care provider you selected.
Provide at least three (3) qualified sources, e.g., peer-reviewed journals, professional organization Website, or health care provider Websites.

 Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

 The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the competitive environment of a health services organization and identify a course of action that will allow for strategic marketing success.
Analyze the users of the health care system.
Describe the various tools of the marketing mix available to health care providers.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services marketing.
Write clearly and concisely about health services marketing using proper writing mechanics.

Topic; Competition, Marketing Mix, and Pricing






Competition, Marketing Mix, and Pricing

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Riverside Regional Medical Center

            The modern healthcare system is facing fierce competition from providers who have adopted various marketing strategies. The diversity of healthcare options, the differences in pricing models and healthcare infrastructure among the healthcare providers has made the concepts of marketing mix and pricing an important aspect in the U.S healthcare system. The long-term survival of a healthcare institution, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, highly depends on its marketing and pricing mixes. More importantly, as is the case for Riverside Regional Medical Center, not-for-profit healthcare providers face increasing competition. Such institutions must balance their services and their financial viability because they do not rely on the paying population for its services.

Competition, Marketing Mix, and Pricing Riverside County has many hospitals, some private owned, while others are public. The Riverside Regional Medical Center is County-sponsored, providing a range of services to the diverse population in the region. Other base hospitals in the Riverside County include the Desert Regional Medical Center, Eisenhower Memorial Hospital, Hemet Valley……………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

You are an employee of iFly Airways, a small regional feeder line for a national carrier.

Recruiting Strategies

You are an employee of iFly Airways, a small regional feeder line for a national carrier. Your CEO has just stated iFly Airways is merging with iDrive Cars, which is in competition with Uber and Lyft, to provide a complete transportation package. You have been asked to develop a two to three-minute elevator speech (a quick synopsis of a subject, which can be delivered in 2 to 3 minutes) about your recruiting strategies to fill current vacant positions. In this speech, you will propose how the organization can cross train staff to control cost and improve employee engagement.

The speech will include:

  1. An explanation of the benefits of cross training staff members (e.g., at iFly Airways and iDrive Cars).
  2. Benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing certain departmental needs.
  3. An overview of how you plan to use internal or external sources, including social media, or outsourced recruiting to address employee shortages.
  4. Any potential limitations of your plan.


  • The presentation PowerPoint should be 7 slides with speaker’s notes, not including title or reference slides.
  • A minimum of three scholarly sources should be cited and referenced. 
  • Your presentation must be properly cited and formatted according to APA.