Writers Solution

Describe what human relations means

The term “human relations” covers all types of interactions among people – their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of why our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors sometimes cause relationship problems in our personal lives and in work-related situations. The study of human relations emphasized the analysis of human behavior, prevention strategies, resolution of behavior problems, and self-development.

Knowledge of human relations can help one manage human interactions and relationships. Human relations are incredibly important in the healthcare industry as they can help put clients and patients at ease, calm stressful situations, and resolve conflict.

For this discussion, conduct independent research to explore in more detail why human relations are important in the workplace. Use the insights you’ve gained to help you respond to the discussion prompts.

2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Be sure to include the following:

  1. Based on your research, describe what human relations means.
  2. Describe one (1) new piece of information you learned about why human relations are important in the workplace.
  3. Explain how this knowledge can help you in your future career as an allied health professional.


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3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity

Using the study of chapter 9 in your course textbook, provide your solution to the following problem.

Consider the following 3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity:

MEMBER(Member_ID,Name,Address,Dues_Owed) OFFICE(Office_Name,Officer_ID,Term_Start_Date, Budget)

EXPENSE(Ledger_Number,Office_Name,Expense_ Date,Amt_Owed) PAYMENT(Check_Number,Expense_Ledger_Number, Amt_Paid)

RECEIPT(Member_ID,Receipt_Date,Dues_Received) COMMITTEE(Committee_ID,Officer_in_Charge) WORKERS(Committee_ID,Member_ID)

Foreign keys are not indicated in these relations. Decide which attributes are foreign keys and justify your decisions.

Draw an E-R diagram for these relations, using your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47a.

Explain the assumptions you made about cardinalities in your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47b. Explain why it is said that the E-R data model is more expres-sive or more semantically rich than the relational data model.

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841




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Politics & International Relations Internship

This is a copy of an excellent student report. The student engages very effectively

with a before and after SWOT Analysis. However, there is one major weakness. The

student did not include subheadings. You should finesse these subheadings from the

assessment criteria for the student report.

Politics & International Relations Internship Module – Student Report

In early February of 2020, I found a unique internship at a highly rated enterprise

college in [Area], This was [Institute]. Upon joining, I was given a timetable that

would allow me to partake in many different roles within the school to broaden my

scope of the workings of this college. [Institute] is a very well-known for the outcome

of their students as they often prosper very well in life and being a one gender

school, it meant that they constitute to creating confident and fearless women who

are firm believers of their rights. This secondary school/ college caters for ages from

11-18 meaning that they have a wide variety of subjects and extracurricular activities

that would interest all types of girls. This is very important when creating an

environment for students as this allows them to find out where their interests arise

and work with that to build their character and maybe career in the future. Upon

starting this internship, I worked within the economics, government and politics and

citizenship department as that is where I would consider my strong suit. With a lot of

staff and mentors who were very skilled at what they did, this was a very pleasant

and enjoyable department to intern in. In this report, I will be reflecting on the

development I believe that I have made and the challenges and growth that I have

gained from this experience.

Before starting my internship at [Institute], I completed a SWOT analysis to see how I

would be able to prosper in this professional environment. Firstly, when I evaluated

my strength, I understood that I would be at an advantage as a school setting would

not be something very new to me alongside this, I often took up leadership roles

within my school which allowed me to gain confidence and not shy away from being

assertive. As well as this, I have previously tutored which followed the same student

teacher relationship which was required at the college I was to intern at thus that

aspect helping to ease a nervous feeling I would have towards teaching.

On the other hand I had to look at my weaknesses that would have to tackle before

working at a school these being my communication skill, time management as it

often required very strict schedule, as well as my lateness as that would not be

something that would be appreciated in a professional environment as well as

somewhere where there are students depending on you to be there on time. These

were the weaknesses I highlighted to myself before starting this internship.

Regarding opportunities that I would receive, I related this back to the possibilities of

myself becoming a teacher in which it is recommended that you work within a school

before doing your training to see if that is an environment in which you would feel

comfortable working. Doing my SWOT allowed me to gage what areas I would be

able to work efficiently and impress my mentor however also the issues that would

work against me potentially being the best I can therefore this was a very important

consideration before starting my internship.

As stated previously, within my internship at [Institute] my mentor set out to complete

many different job roles within the college to help broaden my understanding of the

school. These job roles included assistant teacher, department assistant, secretary,

substitute teacher as well as shadowing other professionals. Throughout this

experience I believe that these roles contributed a lot of experience and knowledge

into professional working as well as the eagerness to learn and advances in my

professionalism. I worked within economics and politics classes mainly in which the

subjects being covered included the likes of the European Union as well as current

political situation i.e Brexit. This is where I believe to have contributed massively as I

was able to help simplify the situation to a level in which the students could

understand then work back up to help them understand the full spectrum of these

issues. The teacher I was working with also relayed this back to me saying that me

coming from a similar age group and understanding youth worked as a great

advantage for them to see as like their mentor that would help them with their studies

when they shy away from their teachers.

Not only do I think that I contributed within the classes, I believe that I contributed

outside especially when it came to planning these lessons. Sitting with their teachers

and helping them plan allowed me to give my input and inspiration for the lesson,

this was particularly useful when I suggested that the teacher use an interactive

game to help the student understand the positions in parliament which proved to be

a large success and was met with praise by the students. The teacher was very

happy with this and decided to continue using the interactive game in her other


Throughout this, I was very inspired to look more into ways to make lessons more

fun and educational at the same time which led to more research and eagerness to

learn which I believed to have inspired the routes that I would like to take after


Upon completing my internship at [institute], I once again completed a SWOT

analysis in which I found a major improvement from when I had completed it before. I

believe that my strengths have increased. I believe that I have learned to prioritise as

in a fast paced environment like a school, you won’t always be able to get everything

that you want to do done within the time frame you have. Another strength I have

gained would be the ability to influence and persuading as often student lose moral

and then lose the will to work and pay attention, persuasion was very important as

this would make or break what a student took away from the lesson which was

especially more important to the older ones who had exams coming along. Looking

back at the strengths I highlighted beforehand it was clear to see that they were very

useful within this environment as confidence was key for students to take you

seriously and respect you as their superior. This was very helpful when it came to

helping them as well as advising them.

On the other hand, looking at the weaknesses that I was worried about before

starting my internship proved to be unaffecting as the communication was a skill that

I picked up very quickly as the environment requires a lot of back-and-forth

communication to keep things operating smoothly. My communication skills also

improved while working with the students and a different more patient and

understanding nature is required when speaking to them. Lastly my last concern was

my lateness. This proved not to be an issue as the motivation to go to my internship

itself was enough to sort out this bad habit and hopefully make it a thing of the past.

The only threat that I had come across was that teachers often spent more than the

hours they are paid for doing work and preparation which often affected their private

lives as well as work-life balance, this was something that I would have to consider if

this was a path that I would like to take.

Looking back at the opportunity I believed I would gain; I was very right to think it

would inspire me to look into routes to become a teacher as combining my love for

politics as well as teaching and inspire thus this experience being a brilliant way to

look into future career paths. Not only did it give me this opportunity it also helped

me experience admin work and planning which also could inspire me to take a

different route as I surprised myself with how naturally these tasks were to me.

Overall, I believe my SWOT analysis was very useful for me to reflect how my

internship went and how it helped me experience and gain from a professional


When deciding on the avenues that I would like to do down when looking for an

internship, it was very important to me that I find a placement in which I could

potentially see myself within the future and teaching was one. This internship

allowed me not only to experience how a school works from the staff’s perspective

however also the first steps into actually training to become a teacher. However, this

position does not limit me to only teaching, I believe that the skills I have gained from

this internship will work in a professional environment. These skills include my

productivity which is very useful in any work environment, leadership skills that would

help me lead teams and projects within companies as well as the main element I

learnt, teaching. This could be applied in training and educating on important issues

as this takes a lot of patience and understanding to accomplish in the long run. This

internship also allowed me to make connections and possible future employment as I

made my mark and allowed myself to be seen as a valuable member or the

department which also helps teach me the importance of connecting and networking

in future as this helps you stand out amongst other possible employers.

With relations to the contribution to my academic studies, working within politics and

economic lessons I had to be on top of the news as students would often ask you

and quiz you on these issues. This helped me appreciate the continuous influx of

political news as I often came across subjects that I was not aware of which could

have been proved useful within my earlier academic years. It also helps me

understand the politics behind colleges and the education system as it made me

aware that there are many flaws that work to stop student achieving the best, they

could possible get which was a big shock for me and inspired me to keep

researching further into legislations and improvements that would work to make a

education system in the UK up to par with other countries in the world. Lastly, the

skills and strengths that I gained throughout my experience are also now being

applied to my academic studies as I have committed to being more present and

assertive with my studies.

To conclude, this experience was a very rewarding and inspiring as it allowed to

delve deeper into my future career path and decide whether this teaching is a route

that I would like to go down, It also meant that I was able to pick up a lot more

professional etiquette which could possibly put me at an advantage for when I go out

into the working world. I also believe that it would benefit my academic work and that

with the skills I have gained see an improvement within my effort and grades.

Overall, this experience helped me grow as an individual and helped me find a new

appreciation for both politics and the education system that I would not have gained

without doing this module.




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Introduction to Employment Relations

Assignment Part 3: Final Essay-Introduction to Employment Relations

Assignment details
ObjectivesThe overall essay assignment is intended to evaluate your ability to apply course theories, frameworks, and perspectives to understand and provide insights into contemporary, real-world employment relations problems and policy issues. Part 3 is where you draw on the building blocks from Parts 1 and 2 and deliver your fully developed analysis and argument.
RequirementsWrite a final essay addressing each of the required topics and questions. See below for additional requirements and guidance.
Style and format· Your essay should be approximately 8 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point-font, and 1-inch margins. Your reference list is not included in the page count. · It should be written in a MS Word, Pages, or Google document and then saved and submitted as a PDF. · It should be clear, organized, and free of spelling and grammar errors. · It should have numbered pages and a header page (see below for details). · The use of appropriate headings is encouraged to enhance readability. · You should include at least five different high-quality references, which you identified in Assignment Part 1 and 2. Use APA citation style for in-text citations, and include full references at the end of the paper. If you would like detailed written comments on your essay and you did not already do so in Assignment Part 1 or 2, please include the following sentence on your header page: “I would value receiving detailed written comments from the instructors.”

Additional Requirements and Guidance


Remember, your reference list should include at least one academic or “scholarly” source (e.g. books or articles in academic journals, sources of original data, etc.). You need not cite our class sessions as the source of key class concepts, but you may wish to cite academic sources to expand on these concepts. You may use “popular sources” including news articles, podcasts, videos, etc. produced by reputable media outlets. You may use additional sources in your final essay that you did not already identify in Assignment Part 1 or 2. Your essay MUST include in-text citations. Quotations require citations, as do facts which are not common knowledge and ideas which are not your own. Thus, if you paraphrase an article instead of quoting it, you must still cite it. In your reference list, do NOT include sources you have not cited in the body of your essay. If you have any doubts about the appropriate citation style, please contact a librarian, an instructor, or a TA. Overall Assignment Details You have already selected an organization and issue for Assignment Parts 1 and 2. You should NOT change your selection for Part 3 without extenuating circumstances. Please contact an instructor if you have questions or concerns about your prior selection. You should address ALL of the following main points in your essay. However, when a point below says “e.g.,”, you need not address all of the specific items or sub-questions. They are there as examples. For instance, you may wish to discuss a class concept that is not listed below. You should repeat and expand on the information that you submitted in your outline for Part 2. Describe the organization (e.g., for a for-profit organization, you could describe the sector, industry, history, ownership structure, primary business activities, product markets, types of jobs, etc.). You may also choose a union, a government organization, or another type of organization. Describe the issue this organization is currently facing (e.g., What is the problem? What aspects of the organization does this problem affect? What are the steps the organization is considering or has taken to address the issue?) Describe how key class concepts relate to the issue. (e.g., Which of the types of conflict that we have discussed are causing or arising from this issue? Which of the perspectives on employment relations best describes how the organization has responded to the issue so far? What assumptions about ‘why we work’ are being represented in the organization’s response?) Analyze the issue and its potential solution(s). In your opinion, which of the perspectives on employment relations should the organization draw on to effectively handle the issue? Consider what perspective might allow the organization to balance the objectives of efficiency, equity, and voice in the employment relationship and to incorporate the interests of its other stakeholders (e.g., customers, communities, environment). Formatting You are free to add section headings or not to the body of your essay, but all essays should have a formal Introduction and Conclusion. (An Introduction typically does not have a section header.) A good rule to follow is that 70% of an essay should be occupied by the body, 20% for the introduction and 10% for the conclusion. In an 8-page essay this means 1.5 page for the introduction, 5.5 pages for the body, and <1 page for the conclusion. Your essay should be followed by a reference section (not included in the page count). Appendices where images, figures, tables, etc., listed in the text should be located at the very end of your essay (also not included in the page count). The first page of your submission should be a cover page with your essay title, name, course information, and date, formatted similarly to the image to the right.

APA Example (accessed from R. Gomez IRE240 assignment instructions) In the following excerpt, APA style in-text citations are highlighted, and a reference list is included. In his classic study, Pinker (1994) summarized the skepticism of current researchers and observers about whether the signs produced in the Washoe project were really American Sign Language. His conclusion was that chimpanzees’ abilities at “anything one would want to call language” were almost nil (p. 339). A group of statisticians (Tannenbaum, Leung, Sudha, & White, 2005) who re-analysed published data argued further that the compound words once claimed as inventions of a particular chimpanzee were the results of repeated random juxtapositions. Even Premack (2007) has now rejected his own past claims for chimpanzee cognition, outlining the key differences between chimpanzees and humans revealed by brain imaging and calling for closer scrutiny of experimental results. References Pinker, S. (1994). The language instinct: How the mind creates language. New York: Morrow. Premack, D. (2007). Human and animal cognition: Continuity and discontinuity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 194, 13861-13867. doi:10.1073/pnas.0706147104 Tannenbaum, R. V., Leung, K., Sudha, J. R., & White, M. A. (2005). A re-examination of the record: Pitty Sing’s creation of compound words. Journal of Biostatistics, 20, 368-396.

Marking scheme

An exemplary response (15 points) will do the following: (You will note that these are the same items from Part 2. We will simply be evaluating them more rigorously in your written work than we did in your outline.)

1. Identify and describe the organization and issue in enough detail that the reader can fully understand your subsequent analysis.

2. Accurately relate the issue to one or more employment relations concepts discussed in class. Provide enough detail that demonstrates you fully understand the concept(s) in addition to how the concept(s) applies to your organization and issue.

3. Clearly state and defend your opinion, supported by class concepts and other sources, about how the organization should resolve the issue. Clearly state which of the four IR perspectives best fits your proposed solution.

4. Include at least five reference sources (at least one of which is an academic source) and indicate (though in-text citations) which of your points are supported by which sources.

5. Be formatted correctly and free of errors.

IRHR Library Research Guides & Resources

Check out the IRHR Library website for additional resources – resources specific to this course are available on the guide, and the Research, Writing, and Citation Support guide will be useful for all your research projects.

Research help is available from the IRHR Library by email at or book an online reference consultation. Find out more ways to connect with your library on the IRHR Library Quercus site.

Accessing UofT Library Resources Off Campus

When you use licensed University of Toronto Libraries resources (online journals, articles, eBooks, and databases) off campus, you’ll be asked to log in with your UTORid. Check out authentication tips at Is there an easy way for me to authenticate as a U of T user while I’m researching off-campus?

Useful Links for Citing Sources

· Citing Your Sources

· CIRHR courses use APA style, unless otherwise specified

· Citation software, such as RefWorks, can help you quickly generate citations; you can also copy APA citation from Google Scholar (look for the cite icon under the article link) and most journal websites.

· Legal Citations

· Help with citations and bibliographies is available from the IRHR Library

· Additional writing support is available from U of T Writing Centres, including the Woodsworth College Academic Writing Centre

Reminder of Relevant Policies (included in full on the course syllabus)

Term Work Policies

Submit your assignment in a timely manner and back up your work.

Late Assignment Policy Plan your schedule ahead of time to ensure that your assignments are submitted by the due date. You may take a 48-hour (two-day) grace extension with no penalty. After that, a penalty of 5% per day will be applied to the grade received on the assignment (e.g., if the assignment is one day late and receives 80%, once the penalty is applied the assignment would receive 75%). No assignments will be accepted one week past the original due date.

Remarking Term Work A student who believes an individual item of work has been incorrectly or unfairly marked may ask the person who marked it for a re-evaluation. Any remarking may result in the grade being raised, lowered, or unchanged. See the course syllabus for full details on this policy.

Academic Integrity

This is an individual assignment, so please do your own work and ensure you are familiar with the University of Toronto policy on academic dishonesty. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour or appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information on academic integrity from the instructors or from other institutional resources


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Managing employee relations

The Interview Report (Week 11). The purpose of the interview is to assess the extent and nature

of a relevant area/concept in HRM within an organization. The area of HRM that the interview will focus on will be chosen by you and the organization will be chosen by you too. For example, you could choose from Staffing the organization, developing human resources, Compensating human resources, Managing employee relations, or any other HRM area. You could look at the five sections of the textbook and pick an area from there. Select and interview a significant individual (preferably a HR professional) in this organization who can share insights of the organization’s HRM practices that impact the competitive advantage of the organization. Query them about the HRM functions within the organization, such as what recruitment and staffing strategies and practices they follow, or what training and development programs/ activities are in place; ask them how the organization views its investment in HRM; how such investments contribute to organizational performance; how does the organizational culture facilitate and/or hinder HRM activities; what sustainability challenge(s) does the organization face that increase(s) the role of human resource management practices. Get in-depth details that would help you assess the organization’s ability to overcome its sustainability challenges and leverage

«R_CourseNumber»220 B «R_SemesterYear» Page 7 of 12

a competitive advantage in the market. The concepts, theories, and practices you read from the textbook will help you in formulating your questions.In your report,

Present a clear picture of the context of your interview – name of company, location of the

company, who you interviewed (position in the organization), when you interviewed, duration of the interview, how did you interview – face to face or otherwise? Also, any reason why you chose this company and why you chose the specific HRM area (about 1 page) – worth 5 points

b. Present a summary of the information gathered at the interview (about 2 pages) – worth 7 points

c. Provide a critical analysis of the challenges and possibilities for this organization using the material you have covered in the textbook on the theory and practice of HRM (about 3-5 pages). – worth 8 points. The paper should be of the highest quality, about 8 pages (not less than 5 pages), written in APA 6 style, scholarly, clear, precise, and interesting. The 5-page bare minimum does not include the title page and references. The paper should be double spaced with 1-inch margins. Make sure you cite your sources within the paper as well as on the reference page.

NB: Appropriate and relevant rubrics would be provided to guide students

References: Don’t forget to list all the sources you use at the end of the paper. Provide a full reference of each source (author’s name, year of publication, title of publication, publisher, pages (if a book chapter or journal article). For Internet sources, reference the URLs.

General: Here are some additional guidelines that will help you avoid the most common problems students have with their term papers:

Organization: Make sure that your paper is well organized by using headings and sub- headings. Headings and sub-headings provide a structure and guide to the reader as the discussion evolves from one issue to another.

Content: Remember this class is on Leadership. Your paper should be focused on this throughout.

Literature: You must use the literature to support your arguments. Put differently, do not make arguments that are not supported by evidence. Integrate your literature sources into the manuscript. By so doing, you will be able to ground your arguments.

Quotes: When you quote, make sure than you clearly provide the author(s) name(s), year of publication, and page number(s).

Tables: If you present tables, clearly label, and relate them to the paper.

Conclusions: Use the conclusions section to summarize your findings and provide

relevant, practical, and workable recommendations. Do not introduce new issues in this section


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Discuss a criminal justice, intelligence studies, international relations or security management topic requesting instructor approval of the topic you would like for your research proposal

 Review recently published (within the past five years) peer-reviewed scholarly articles located in the AMU/APUS University’s online library databases.  Discuss a criminal justice, intelligence studies, international relations or security management topic requesting instructor approval of the topic you would like for your research proposal (term project) paper. In doing so, please remember for this class you are selecting a topic NOT for writing a research paper about, but rather for writing a proposal to do actual hands-on research using scientific research methodology. In your discussion post discuss what you have identified in the current peer-reviewed literature located in the APUS Library databases on a topic you wish to research. Briefly discuss the literature and express what still needs to be researched or requires further research on the topic you would like to address in your research proposal. In other words, did the authors of the studies already done on this topic you reviewed call for further research on the topic or something to do with the topic? Then again, perhaps you identified a problem that still needs to be researched on the topic where the current literature is lacking.  If so, discuss what it is and how it pertains to the topic and why it needs to be researched and who would benefit from the research. After doing so, you are to provide a ‘Working Title’ for your Research Proposal, as discussed in this week’s lesson. Understanding this may change as your Research Proposal develops during the course. 




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Investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization

5 paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion)

For this assignment, you will investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization. Some examples of platforms are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube. The organizations can be national or can be local to your area.

In this assignment, you will need to include the following components:

·         Provide information about the social media platform.

·         Provide information about the organization and its campaign.

·         Discuss the campaign based on the information discussed in the Unit V Lesson. (Is it effective? What, if anything, can the organization do to improve PR through social media?)

You will need to reference at least two academic sources. Webpages provided by a company or organization (e.g., an “About Us” page) will be accepted for this assignment as a valid, academic source.

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.





Social Media Public Relations (PR)


Grade Course:


            Studies have showed that many people are represented on various social media platform, thus becoming one of the crucial channels that organizations use to connect with their current and potential customers. Social media is an internet-based technology that allows the organization to engage one on one with each of its customers, thus enabling the company to improve customer experience(Wang, 2015). This study investigated social media public relations by organization and Starbucks. Therefore, this paper discussed the use of Twitter and Facebook by Starbucks to enhance its customers experience. Starbucks campaign on social media allows the company to collect feedback from its customers and disseminate crucial information about its products and services.

Information about the social media platform

            Starbuck embarked on new customer-facing initiatives to salvage the declining sales in March 2008. Some of the initiatives that were suggested during annual shareholders meetings included the introduction of semi-automatic espresso machine which allowed banstas to make eye contact with the customers. However, the launch of marked Starbucks’ entry into the social media arena(Maiorescu, 2017). The website carried the message “Help shape the future of Starbucks —”. By 2011, over 100,000 ideas had been posted in the website and 250,000 people had signed to the website. In the mid of 2008, Starbuck was looking for a different social media platform that enables it to interact to each individual customer.             Brad Nelson, a barista with the company approached Chris Bruzzo, the Vice President brand content and online, and explained to him the numerous opportunities Twitter as well as how the company can use Twitter to engage with customers on a real time basis. Starbuck opened its first account with Twitter in July 2008 and Nelson was tasked with responsibility of being product manager(Diana & Shannon, 2017). The main goal of Nelson was to bring Starbuck experience to the online community, chat with customers about new contests, blends and offerings, address their problems and identify unhappy customers by chatting with them on real time. According to Fortunes 500 Companies, Starbuck is ranked





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Go to the following website: Determine if your state of residence is a Right-to-Work state. Right-to-Work is a product of the Open-Shop Movement. Conduct research about this movement. (State website; professional organization; other resources). Understand its purpose and history. Then analyze the state you reside in. Has “Right-to-Work” or “Forced Unionization” been successful in your state. Explain why or why not.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

• Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style.

• Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

• Include cover page and reference page.

• At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

• No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.

a) Primary sources such as government websites (United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Census Bureau, The World Bank, etc.), peer reviewed and scholarly journals in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library) and Google Scholar.

b) Secondary and credible sources such as, CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, trade journals, and publications in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library).

c) Non-credible and opinion based sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. should not be used.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased statements, information, etc.) in the paper and list each source on a reference page using APA style






Writers Solution

investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization


For this assignment, you will investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization. Some examples of platforms are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube. The organizations can be national or local to your area.

In this assignment, you will need to include the following components:

  • Provide information about the social media platform.
  • Provide information about the organization and its campaign.
  • Discuss the campaign based on the information discussed in the Unit V Lesson. (Is it effective? What, if anything, can the organization do to improve PR through social media?)

You will need to reference at least two academic sources. Web pages provided by a company or organization (e.g., an “About Us” page) will be accepted for this assignment as a valid, academic source.

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated

Writers Solution

International Relations, National Security, Military Studies, and Intelligence Studies = Turabian.

Select two articles from the list below and in 1-2 pages single-spaced (per article) address the following:

Include the full reference for the article using the writing style specific to your program on the title page.

Criminal Justice = APA

International Relations, National Security, Military Studies, and Intelligence Studies = Turabian.

Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment.  This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using.  The style you use need to be the one that is used within your program of study.

State the main goal(s) of the study

Summarize the research design, and discuss the research method(s) used to answer the research question or assess the hypothesis.

Summarize the results of the study.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design.

Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward.  For example, how can the methods be used in your own research proposal? In what other research might these methods apply?  Include two well phrased research questions that could be used in follow-on studies to the one reviewed.

Format:  You should have 1-inch margins on all 4 sides of your papers; your title page should include your name and date; you should use 12-point times new roman font throughout.

Phillips, Matthew D. 2016. “Time Series Applications to Intelligence Analysis: A Case Study of Homicides in Mexico.” Intelligence and National Security 31, no. 5: 729-745.

Parker, Karen F., Richard Stansfield, and Patricia L. McCall. 2016. “Temporal Changes in Racial Violence, 1980 to 2006: A Latent Trajectory Approach.” Journal of Criminal Justice 47 (December), 1-11.