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SACR-2170. Religion and Society

This course investigates religion as a social institution, examining beliefs, symbols, relations and practices. Central theories and methods are reviewed in light of historical and cross-cultural variations. Interactions with culture, education, family, community, the economy, and politics are considered. Topics may include: the sacred and the profane, secularization, myth, totemism, cults, fundamentalisms, integration, exclusion, violence, new religions and/or new age movements

1. Based on Chapter 5 on religious ethos, compare the ethics of two major religions (these canincluded Indigenous religion) of your choice on one (not two or three) of the following majortopics.a. Stratification. How does the religion legitimize and or challenge hierarchies of power anddomination?b. Role of religion in politics.c. Economics. How do religious ethics affect how business is conducted.d. Sexuality. Try to be more specific here, you may want to choose a more specific topic like


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Christian religion further shapes ethnicity because souls who join this theology partake in the implementation of the ethnicity in which they dwell

5 posts

Re: Topic 7 DQ 1T

Tamika, Thanks for your contribution. In your post, you mentioned the “Declaration of Sovereignty” event. From your research, can you share a bit more regarding the “Declaration of Sovereignty” event with the class?

Charles Awasu

3 posts

Re: Topic 7 DQ 2

Tamika, Thanks for your contribution. You write, “Christian religion further shapes ethnicity because souls who join this theology partake in the implementation of the ethnicity in which they dwell.” In a way, this multiethnicity in Christianity has in some way contributed to segregation. Consequently, despite the racial violence seen in several cities in the United States, the Christian Church has not been able to do much about the racial problem. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once declared that “I think it is one of the tragedies of our nation, one of the shameful tragedies, that 11 o’clock on Sunday morning is one of the most segregated hours, if not the most segregated hours in Christian America.” (Williams, 2011).

Given the diversity of Christians in America, what do you think the Christian churches can do to reduce segregation and racial tension in their communities around the country?


Williams, S. (2011). Church Diversity: Sunday the most segregated day of the week. New Leaf Publishing Group




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Traditional Western religion (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam) to research and compare.

In this assignment, you will share what you learned about 3 chosen alternative religions.

Complete Parts 1-3 below.  As you complete this assignment, consider the presence of these religions in the world today. You may want to conduct an internet search to see where any or all of these religions appear in news, film, arts, etc. Consider the information from your search as well as from classroom resources when working on this assignment. You will then compare an alternative religion with a traditional Western religion you learned about in the course.

Note: You may find helpful resources for completing your assignment in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Part 1: Religion Characteristics Table

Choose 3 alternative religions (e.g., Church of Scientology, Transcendental Meditation, Wicca, Druidry, etc.) that you have encountered in the course textbook or resources.

Complete the table with from your readings and your additional research.

ReligionName of Alternative ReligionBasic Teachings of the ReligionImportant Historical Event(s) Within the ReligionRituals and Holy Days and SymbolsTraditionsEffects of Religion on Modern Society
Alternative Religion 1
Alternative Religion 2
Alternative Religion 3

Part 2: Comparison

Select 1 of the alternative religions from the table above and 1 traditional Western religion (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam) to research and compare.

Write a 525- to 700-word overall response in short answers to the following:

· What are the similarities and differences between the 2 religions you selected?

Enter your response here.

· How is each of your chosen religions perceived by those outside of the faith?

Enter your response here.

· What did you discover about the connection between the specific religions and morals or ethics?

Enter your response here.

Part 3: References

Include a references list. Use a citation generator, such as the Reference & Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence, to cite the research used to complete this assignment. Format your in-text citations (e.g., Adams, 2016, p. 23) and references list (i.e., list of resources at the end of the assignment) using APA format. Consult the References page on the APA Style website for assistance. Don’t worry about perfection. If you make a mistake, your faculty member can help, so please let your faculty member know if you have any questions.

Enter your response here

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Traditional Western religion (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam) to research and compare.

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Describe the place and its history, explaining why and how the adherents of a particular religion use it

Writing Assignment 2 Parameters and Standards
Summary: All religions have places (or spaces) that are considered important for their adherents. Often called
“sacred or religious spaces,” these locations can take many forms and serve a variety of functions. They
can be structures that are utilized by the faithful in ritual and/or ceremony, shrines to commemorate
special places, landmarks of religious significance, or areas of terrain considered important. For this
writing, compose an essay in which you explore one of the religious spaces (or places) provided below.
Describe the place and its history, explaining why and how the adherents of a particular religion use it.
Be sure to pay attention to all the details in the rest of this document before writing. Here are the options
from which you will choose only one to explore:
• The Western Wall (Judaism)
• Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela (Christianity)
• Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Islam)
• Harmandir Sahib (Sikhism)
Quick View Checklist (all of this is discussed in greater depth in the Parameters section that follows):
□ Select only one (1) of the sacred spaces listed above as the subject of your essay.
□ The sacred space is discussed in terms of history, purpose/meaning, features, and usage.
□ The paper structure is that of a standard college essay.
□ Research sources are academic, scholarly, or scriptures and doctrines of the religion.
□ Include an MLA formatted bibliography of at least 3 sources.
□ Quotes are limited to religious scriptures or doctrines only and can be no more than 10% of the paper content.
□ Submission is at least 600 words (bibliographies are not a part of the word count).
□ Contains appropriate sentence and paragraph formats, proper grammar, and correct spelling and punctuation.
□ Demonstrates original writing skills.
□ Submission is provided in the Writing Assignment 2 dropbox by the due date posted in the Time Schedule.
Parameters: Here are the complete parameters of this research assignment:
SACRED SPACE – Select only one (1) of the following sacred spaces to explore: The Western Wall
(Judaism), Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela (Christianity), Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Islam), or Harmandir
Sahib (Sikhism).
CONTENT – You should describe each sacred space in terms of history, purpose, meaning, features, and
usage. This conversation should focus on how the sacred space is an example of the religious tradition
that utilizes it. For example, think about the follow questions during your research: Why was this structure
made? Why is it in this specific spot? Who was responsible for building it? What does the space mean to
the people of the religion? Why and how do the adherents of the religion use it? Are there specific
activities, props, and/or dietary aspects associated with this space? Are there certain times when this space
is utilized? To what extent do the people participate in events at this space? You do not need to address
all these questions; rather, the idea here is that you have demonstrated extensive cross-cultural knowledge
through a description of the space, its history, its use, and its meaning for the adherents of a particular
religious tradition. Deductions of up to 30 points will be made for errors related to the categories of Sacred
Space and Content.
ACADEMIC WRITING – This paper should be done in a traditional essay format: introduction paragraph,
two to three content paragraphs, a conclusion paragraph, and then a bibliography of sources consulted.
Additionally, the essay is expected to conform to academic writing standards (i.e., demonstrate the use of
proper sentence and paragraph formats, proper grammar, and correct spelling and punctuation). Up to 20
points will be deducted for these errors based upon their frequency and severity.
RESEARCH – You are expected to do academic research for this assignment. This is not an opinion paper,
it is a research paper. To that end, consult and cite multiple sources (at least 3) to illustrate depth of
research. These academic or scholarly sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles or books (library
resources), primary sources (sacred literature and official religious documents), or authorized
publications of recognized religious organizations. The research sources consulted are to be provided in a
Bibliography conforming to the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. For more information about
the MLA format visit: For useful research information you
should see There will be deductions of up to 10 points for
research and citation errors.
WORD COUNT – Your submission is required to be a minimum of 600 words, but no more than 1200
words (Bibliographies do not count as a part of the word count). Submissions larger than 1200 words or
fewer than 600 words will receive no points. A college paper needs to demonstrate the skill of being
thorough, yet concise.
ORIGINAL WRITING – Your paper is to demonstrate original writing (see this conversation in the
Syllabus). In short, do not use the words of another as this can be considered plagiarism and may result
in a failing grade and possible honor code disciplinary action. Additionally, it is unacceptable to submit
your own work (in whole or in part) from another class or a previous attempt of REL 2300. For more
information, visit
QUOTING – Quotes are limited to primary source materials only (such as a verse from sacred literature) and
should constitute no more than 10% of the paper content. In other words, quotes can only come from
religious scriptures or documents, and should be used sparingly. You need to develop the ability to take
the information that you would quote and express it in your own words as this is how to demonstrate
understanding. Any quotes will need to have internal documentation done to MLA standards: Deductions will be assessed based upon the severity of the
errors, with the points coming out of the “subject and content” section above.
DUE – The essay is due by the date posted in the calendar. Any assignment submitted late for any reason is
subject to a 5 point per business day late deduction, up to an assignment maximum of 30 points deducted.
After the paper has been graded based on the categories above, the late points will be deducted.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS – Students are required to submit the paper electronically to the “Writing
Assignment 2” dropbox in MyCourses. Submissions to this dropbox are subject to an originality check
through TurnItIn, a website that scans papers for signs of plagiarism and issues a report to the student and
instructor. Please note that the allowed file types are MS Word, WordPerfect, Postscript, Acrobat PDF,
HTML, RTF, and plain text. No other file types are accepted. I will grade and provide a response to you
within seven to ten days of the assignment due date.

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Religion chart Assignment

Religions Chart Assignments (4 over the course of the semester- 25 points each)


Complete the Religion chart Assignment. Utilizing the provided template and using primarily the textbook and scholarly sources, provide concise (250-300 word) summaries of each assigned religion for that unit. Each religion should be summarized separately. Each unit’s Religions Chart is worth 25 points. 

All sources must be properly cited, including the text.  ALWAYS cite your sources.  Discovered plagiarism may result in loss of credit for submitted work.

All unit Religions Chart work must be submitted by Sunday 11:59 PM of the unit in which it is assigned. No late work will be accepted for credit.





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Student Name Here

Religion Name 250 -300 word count for each[Insert Religion #1][Insert Religion #2]
Origins:   Founder, Key Figures, Historical/cultural Development, Cosmogony (creation stories), Myths   HOW THE RELIGION STARTED … * Write a summary of two select Religions!      
Basic Beliefs:   God, Afterlife, Humanity, Evil, scripture/sacred writings, authority, other unique beliefs or points of view.   WHAT THE RELIGION BELIEVES … * Summarize each    
Practices:   Annual Festivals, Regular Meetings, Rites of Passage, Ethical Codes, Expectations of Individual Piety   WHAT THE RELIGION DOES * Summarize each    
Sacred Spaces:  Geographical Locations, Special Places, Typical worship location, sacred worship objects.   Hint: see pictures in the chapter.   WHERE THEY WORSHIP  … * Summarize each

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Self-report scale focused on the topic of religion

Assignment 1: Research report—Part B

Word limit: 1,250 (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 20%

After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 1 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.

Assignment overview

This assignment is a mandatory submission, which means that in order to pass this unit of study, you must submit this assignment.

In this first assignment, you will be completing a psychometric assessment of a short, self-report scale focused on the topic of religion. This will require you to assess validity, factorial structure, internal consistency, and reliability. Based on this assessment, you will write a report in the style of an academic article or thesis, which will be submitted in two parts.

This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 3, 4 and 6

Assignment details

Part B will be where your analyses of the data will be presented. As well as reporting the results of your analyses, you will include a discussion that identifies limitations and conclusions, highlights any issues, and comments on the previous literature. Relevant tables and/or figures may be incorporated into this discussion, and an abstract that summarises your overall report will also need to be presented. 

Note: the reference list is not included in the word count.

Supporting resources

Submission details overview

This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the ‘Start Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file or submit your URL.

Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin, which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.

Once you have submitted your assignment, select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so. Self-report scale focused on the topic of religion

Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated.

Assignment criteria

  1. Abstract.
  2. Results.
  3. Discussion.
  4. APA formatting.





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religion as presented in each half of Unit Two, (Unit 2.1 and Unit 2.2). What is different about the way people understood and thought about religion?

A reflection paper is NOT a research paper.  You should use your own ideas to reflect upon the materials from the learning unit.  Use the information in the learning unit to do the following:

Write a three page, double spaced essay which compares the ideas of religion as presented in each half of Unit Two, (Unit 2.1 and Unit 2.2). What is different about the way people understood and thought about religion?  What is similar? What had to happen for people to change their view? Conclude by explaining how the ideas in the 21st century compare with the ideas presented in Unit Two.

The goal of this assignment is to work with the course materials by using quotations from the learning unit and your own knowledge to create an understanding of the questions/prompt above. Be sure to put quoted materials in quotation marks. Using web or outside sources will result in a grade of 0.

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