Writers Solution

Johnny and Francesca rented an apartment together. 

  • the use of websites such as Chegg or Course Hero are prohibited.  Questions that are submitted to, or answers that are obtained from, online sources will result in a failing grade.  Your  notes should be the only resources needed to complete assignments.  
  • Homework assignments will remain open for 24 hours after the deadline listed and you may upload your homework up until that time. Assignments submitted later than 24 hours will receive no credit. 

Please read the Consideration Notes prior to completing the assigned questions.  Please complete all homework below using the IRAC Method (review the example posted in the Week One Module for IRAC format). 

In order to submit homework please create a Microsoft Word only and save it (Google docs, odt files, pages files, and text box entries are not compatible for submitting/grading the assignment).  When you have completed your homework, log into the course page and go to the assignment link in order to upload your file for submission (please note that you may have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the “upload” button).  To minimize problems with uploading homework, use the latest Google Chrome browser only. 

Your notes should be the only resources needed to complete assignments.  Answers that are obtained from online sources will receive no credit.

Submit the answer only; do not include the homework questions. 

Complete the following questions using the notes on Consideration:

  1. Johnny and Francesca rented an apartment together.  Before moving in both agreed to split the cost of the rent, utilities, and cable bill equally.   Four months after moving in, Johnny borrowed Francesca’s SUV to pick up his parents at the airport.  On the way back, Johnny was involved in an accident.  The damage to Francesca’s car was $3,500.  Johnny told Francesca that he would pay to have the car fixed if she promised not to report the accident to the insurance company.  Francesca agreed.  However, Johnny never paid Francesca because he claimed the agreement was not enforceable.  What is the outcome?
  2. Adele entered into a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a concert on the night before Valentine’s Day. The agreement indicated that she would perform for from 8:00pm to 12:00pm for $2 million.  Greg was attending the show with his girlfriend Marie and intended to propose to her at the concert.  Marie loved Adele so Greg offered Adele $25,000 if she would sing Marie’s favorite songs during the first hour and at the end of the hour he would propose.  Between 8:00 and 9:00pm Adele sang Marie’s favorite songs and at the end of the concert, Adele went to meet Greg for payment.  However, he refused to pay.  Adele told Greg she was filing a lawsuit.  What is the outcome?
  3. Sara Franklin recently purchased a new home in Whitman.  The home had been recently renovated but Sara felt that it still required some modifications in order for her to be happy with it.  Sara contacted Susan, who was an interior designer, and discussed the changes she wanted.  Sara said she was familiar with Susan’s work and wanted her to design her kitchen and living room.  They agreed on a price of $25,000.  Susan started the process of ordering materials and hiring subcontractors.  A month into the renovations, Susan contacts Sara to let her know that when they were removing the cabinets in the kitchen the found a water leak.  Susan indicated that it would cost an additional $3,000 into fix the issue.  Sara agrees to pay.  However, when the job is complete, Sara writes a check for $25,000 but refuses to pay the additional $3,000.  Susan plans to sue Sara.  What is the outcome?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


  • Johnny and Francesca rented an apartment together. 

    Writers Solution

    Johnny and Francesca rented an apartment together.

    • the use of websites such as Chegg or Course Hero are prohibited.  Questions that are submitted to, or answers that are obtained from, online sources will result in a failing grade.  Your  notes should be the only resources needed to complete assignments.  
    • Homework assignments will remain open for 24 hours after the deadline listed and you may upload your homework up until that time. Assignments submitted later than 24 hours will receive no credit. 

    Please read the Consideration Notes prior to completing the assigned questions.  Please complete all homework below using the IRAC Method (review the example posted in the Week One Module for IRAC format). 

    In order to submit homework please create a Microsoft Word only and save it (Google docs, odt files, pages files, and text box entries are not compatible for submitting/grading the assignment).  When you have completed your homework, log into the course page and go to the assignment link in order to upload your file for submission (please note that you may have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the “upload” button).  To minimize problems with uploading homework, use the latest Google Chrome browser only. 

    Your notes should be the only resources needed to complete assignments.  Answers that are obtained from online sources will receive no credit.

    Submit the answer only; do not include the homework questions. 

    Complete the following questions using the notes on Consideration:

    1. Johnny and Francesca rented an apartment together.  Before moving in both agreed to split the cost of the rent, utilities, and cable bill equally.   Four months after moving in, Johnny borrowed Francesca’s SUV to pick up his parents at the airport.  On the way back, Johnny was involved in an accident.  The damage to Francesca’s car was $3,500.  Johnny told Francesca that he would pay to have the car fixed if she promised not to report the accident to the insurance company.  Francesca agreed.  However, Johnny never paid Francesca because he claimed the agreement was not enforceable.  What is the outcome?
    2. Adele entered into a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a concert on the night before Valentine’s Day. The agreement indicated that she would perform for from 8:00pm to 12:00pm for $2 million.  Greg was attending the show with his girlfriend Marie and intended to propose to her at the concert.  Marie loved Adele so Greg offered Adele $25,000 if she would sing Marie’s favorite songs during the first hour and at the end of the hour he would propose.  Between 8:00 and 9:00pm Adele sang Marie’s favorite songs and at the end of the concert, Adele went to meet Greg for payment.  However, he refused to pay.  Adele told Greg she was filing a lawsuit.  What is the outcome?
    3. Sara Franklin recently purchased a new home in Whitman.  The home had been recently renovated but Sara felt that it still required some modifications in order for her to be happy with it.  Sara contacted Susan, who was an interior designer, and discussed the changes she wanted.  Sara said she was familiar with Susan’s work and wanted her to design her kitchen and living room.  They agreed on a price of $25,000.  Susan started the process of ordering materials and hiring subcontractors.  A month into the renovations, Susan contacts Sara to let her know that when they were removing the cabinets in the kitchen the found a water leak.  Susan indicated that it would cost an additional $3,000 into fix the issue.  Sara agrees to pay.  However, when the job is complete, Sara writes a check for $25,000 but refuses to pay the additional $3,000.  Susan plans to sue Sara.  What is the outcome?


    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


  • Johnny and Francesca rented an apartment together.

    Writers Solution

    Larry Landlord has recently renovated an apartment and has put it on the market to be rented for $800.00 a month

    Larry Landlord has recently renovated an apartment and has put it on the market to be rented for $800.00 a month. Larry Landlord has been in business for approximately five (5) years and has had both positive and negative experiences with tenants. Larry Landlord is hoping to find a good, long-term tenant for his apartment. Roger Renter saw Larry’s sign for the apartment for rent and thought the location and the apartment would be perfect. Roger met Larry to look at the apartment and Roger fell in love with it. All of the interior fixtures had been replaced and the unit had a nice large closet. Roger noticed that although newly painted, the exterior of the apartment did show a little bit of wear. Because of the condition of the exterior of the building, Roger asked Larry about any roof leaks. Larry stated that he had never had a leak and was not aware of any leaks.

    Roger and Larry entered into a valid contract for the rental of the apartment. (Note: The issue of whether or not a contract exists is NOT part of this question. For purposes of this question assume the contract is valid and there are no issues with the contract.)

    Roger Renter was very happy in his new location; the apartment was quiet and the neighbors were friendly. Larry Landlord was also very happy because Roger Renter was a model tenant. Roger Renter paid on time and was quiet and respectful to other tenants.

    The part of the country where Roger rented was rainy in the summertime. Roger rented and moved into the apartment in October. In June, a tremendous rainstorm occurred and Roger’s roof began to leak. The leak was minor at first and Roger merely put a trash can under the leak and had no other issues that month. When handing over his monthly rent check, Roger told Larry about the small leak. Larry thanked Roger for letting him know about the leak and told Roger he would have it fixed.

    The next month the rains came again and the leak grew larger in Roger’s apartment. Roger was not home at the time of the rain and therefore the leak damaged some of Roger’s furniture. Roger called Larry to let him know that there was a leak and asked when it might be fixed. Roger also stated that he thought Larry had fixed the roof. Larry curtly stated, “When it rains, sometimes it pours. When it pours, sometimes it leaks.” Roger did not like Larry’s tone or response and called back to ask when the roof might be fixed. Larry stated, “When I get to it.” The following day, Roger sent Larry a note about the roof leak and asked Larry to please address the issue.

    The week before the rent was due, another rainstorm occurred and the leak was even larger. This time the leak damaged Roger’s clothing, furniture, and some precious items he had inherited from family members. Roger called Larry and asked Larry to fix roof immediately. Larry responded in a similar and condescending manner. Roger hung up the phone and threw his baseball bat against the wall, damaging the drywall and knocking out an electrical socket.

    Since it was the rainy season, Roger knew it would rain again and therefore simply moved his items away from the leak and did nothing to help mitigate the damage from the leaking roof.

    Larry came into the apartment to investigate the leak and found damage from not only the leak but also from the thrown baseball bat. Roger states that the baseball bat damage was a direct result of Larry’s inability to fix the leak based on his anger from Larry’s curt response.

    Suppose you are a mediator. In five to seven (5-7) pages discuss the rights and responsibilities of the landlord and the tenant in which you:

    Explore the legal rights and responsibilities of the tenant and the landlord.
    Decide whether or not the landlord and / or the tenant had a legal duty to mitigate damages.
    Determine whether or not Larry has legal grounds to evict Roger. Explain why or why not.
    Describe whether or not Roger has a legal obligation to pay for the damage he caused and determine whether or not Larry would be liable for any direct damage.
    Support each response with facts presented in the scenario.
    Use proper legal terminology throughout your responses.
    Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
    Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
    Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing sk






    Landlord-Tenant Law Case Study

    (Course Instructor)

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    (Student’s Name)


    Landlord-Tenant Law Case Study


                In the course of the tenancy agreement, the tenant and the landlord upon entering a binding contract have legal rights and responsibilities that are governed by state laws, which vary from one state to another. The landlord-tenant law consists of three major components, the contract law, the property law and the law of negligence. In view of the legal rights of the tenant and the landlord under these laws, the paper addresses responsibilities and legal rights of the landlord and tenant in a specific situation upon entering a binding lease agreement.

    Background of the Case Study

                Larry the Landlord has remodeled and rented an apartment to Roger the Renter. Roger on viewing the apartment realizes that though the interior is in habitable state, with nice finishing, he notices that the exterior of the building is not in good condition and asks Larry whether the roof leaks. Larry asserts that he is not aware of any roof leaks and that the apartment is in perfect habitability state. However, the summer rains start and the roof leaks, to which Roger informs Larry, who hesitates to make repairs. Storms increase the downpour and the roof leaks more making Roger angry since his furniture gets destroyed. He again informs Larry, who shows no urgency; Roger gets emotional throwing his baseball and damaging the drywall and knocking out one of the electrical circuits.  Legal Rights and Responsibilities of the Landlord

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