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Primary  qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published  this year  in a  nursing journal

Apply Evidence-Based Research discussion

Use the Galen library database to find one primary  qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published  this year  in a  nursing journal . Read the article and in  one paragraph (7 to 8 sentences) provide a rapid critical appraisal by answering the following questions.  Support your response by citing and referencing the research article.

1. What was the research design?

2. How were study participants chosen and was the sample size appropriate?

3. Does the research methods fit the purpose of the study? Explain.

4. Are data collection and analysis technniques approproiate for this type of study? Explain.

5. Is the phenomenon (human experience) clearly identified? Explain.

6. What are the reported results?

7. How may the results be applied in clinical practice?

· Each week your discussion will be graded on a point scale. In order to successfully complete each weekly discussion assignment, you will need to address all items included in the discussion topic/question, respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. For specific details and criteria, refer to the discussion rubric in the Menu (⋮) or in the Course Overview Weekly Discussion Guidelines. 

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A type of disability and research context in Australia

Assignment 1

• Due Sunday 13 August

• 750 words of text on presentation

• 10 minute slide presentation made available on video with a voice over

Assignment Question

Select a type of disability and research context in Australia:

The disability (impairment) Causes


Impacts – on people with the disability, can also include some impacts on family.

Examples of sources for assignment

• – types of impairments

• Websites of organisations that support people with specific

impairments – prevalence, impact

• Lived experience – biographical and autobiographical films, books, blogs, organisational websites – impact

• Media items – news, social media

• Readings for weeks 1 – 3

Examples of questions to deepen your presentation


What is known / not known?

Is prevalence unevenly distributed – gender, geography, population groups?


Are the causes well understood ? If not, how does this impact?


What is a strengths based, positive perspective?

How might a congenital impairment impact differently than an acquired impairment?

How might different cultures construct this type of disability, its causes and impact?

Is the impact different according to age, stage of life, gender?


Presentation is a key part of this assignment some tips are:

• Usingrespectful,person-firstlanguage

• Wellstructuredandsequenced

• Clear, concise, flows well

• Themed(impairment,causes,prevalence,impact)

• Logical

• Specific

• Have a strong conclusion

• Be accurate with spelling and grammar

• Include credible references

• Withinthewordandtimelimit


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Exploring the Realm of Managerial Accounting Research: Insights and Trends

Get more information on Managerial Accounting Research: Insights and Trends from the writing experts at Managerial accounting research is critical in offering insights into organizational decision-making processes. It focuses on how accounting information is used internally for planning, controlling, and decision-making. There has been an increasing interest in examining many areas of management accounting in recent years, spanning from cost analysis and performance assessment to strategic decision support. This article will go into the world of management accounting research, emphasizing its importance, important areas of attention, and developing trends.

I. Managerial Accounting Research’s Importance

Managers benefit from managerial accounting research because it enables them to make educated choices and maximize resource allocation. It serves as a basis for budget planning, performance evaluation, cost analysis, and finding areas for improvement. Organizations may improve their competitiveness and achieve long-term success by mastering the ideas and procedures of management accounting.

II. Managerial Accounting Research Focus Areas

A. Cost Analysis and Budgeting: Fixed costs, variable costs, direct costs, indirect costs, and relevant costs are all investigated in managerial accounting study. Cost behavior analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, and cost allocation approaches are covered. It also looks at cost-cutting approaches including activity-based costing (ABC) and target costing.

Managerial accounting research focuses on establishing performance measurement systems that capture critical parameters to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational operations. It delves into topics including key performance indicators (KPIs), balanced scorecards, and benchmarking approaches. The study also looks at the use of non-financial variables to offer a more complete picture of success.

C. Budgeting and Forecasting: Budgeting strategies studied in managerial accounting research include standard budgeting, rolling budgets, and zero-based budgeting. It looks at the function of forecasting methodologies in projecting future financial performance and assists companies in aligning their objectives with available financial resources.

D. Strategic Analysis and Decision Support: Managerial accounting research aids strategic decision-making by offering tools and methodologies for assessing investment projects, measuring profitability, doing break-even analysis, and performing cost-benefit analysis. It also looks at how management accounting may be used in strategic planning and performance assessment.

III. Managerial Accounting Research Emerging Trends

A. Accounting for Sustainability: With a growing focus on corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability, managerial accounting research is investigating methods to integrate sustainability measures into decision-making processes. It addresses environmental cost assessment and reporting, carbon accounting, and the incorporation of sustainability performance indicators into management accounting systems.

B. Big Data Analytics: With the advent of big data, new paths for managerial accounting study have opened up. It focuses on using sophisticated analytics approaches to big amounts of data in order to find patterns and draw insights for improved decision-making. It looks at how data mining, machine learning, and predictive modeling may be used in management accounting.

C. Behavioral components: Behavioral components of decision-making are increasingly being considered in managerial accounting research. It investigates how cognitive biases, incentive structures, and organizational culture affect management decision-making processes, as well as the consequences for accounting methods and results.

D. Automation and Technology: The incorporation of technology, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and robotic process automation, is altering management accounting methods. This research investigates the advantages, disadvantages, and consequences of technology adoption for managerial accounting activities such as data management, reporting, and analysis.

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Research proposal writing services

Research proposal writing services are professional services that provide assistance in writing research proposals to individuals or organizations. A research proposal is a document that describes a proposed research project’s objectives, methodology, and anticipated results and we at will offer our expertise in this field. Typically, it is submitted to funding agencies or research institutions in order to obtain funding or sanction for the research endeavor.
Research proposal writing services include the following services:
These services assist clients in composing high-quality research proposals that are plain, concise, and well-structured. This includes a summary of the research questions, objectives, and methodology, as well as the anticipated results.
Editing and proofreading proposals: These services assist clients in revising and enhancing their existing research proposals. This includes verifying for errors in grammar, syntax, and punctuation, as well as ensuring that the format and style requirements of the funding agency or research institution are met.
These services assist clients in ensuring that their research proposals are aesthetically pleasing and simple to comprehend. This includes formatting the proposal to satisfy the funding agency’s or research institution’s specific requirements.
Review and feedback on proposals: These services offer clients constructive input on their research proposals. This entails identifying areas in need of development and offering suggestions on how to strengthen the proposal.
When selecting a service to write a research proposal, it is essential to consider the provider’s experience and expertise, the quality of their work, and their ability to meet deadlines. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the service provider is reputable and trustworthy. Additionally, it is essential to consider the cost of the services and whether or not they are affordable.
Several essential components that provide a clear and concise overview of the proposed research endeavor are typical of a research proposal. Common components of a research proposal may vary based on the requirements of the funding agency or research institution, but include the following:
The title page includes the proposed research project’s title, the researcher’s or research team’s name, and the date.
This is a concise overview of the proposed research project, including the research query, objectives, methodology, and anticipated results.
This section provides an overview of the proposed research project and its significance. 3. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the proposed research project and its significance. It contains a literature review that describes the current state of knowledge on the research topic, identifies literature voids, and explains how the proposed research project will contribute to the field.

  1. Research question and objectives: This section presents the research question and the specific objectives of the proposed research project.
    This section describes the research methodology and how the research query will be answered. Details such as the research design, sampling strategy, data collection methods, and data analysis procedures are included.
    This section describes the anticipated results of the proposed research endeavor, including the potential impact on the field of study and any practical applications.
    This section provides a detailed timeline, including milestones and due dates, for the proposed research endeavor.
    This section outlines the budget for the proposed research endeavor, including expenditures for personnel, apparatus, and travel.
    This section provides an inventory of references that have been cited throughout the research proposal.
    Overall, a research proposal is a comprehensive and detailed document that provides a clear and persuasive argument for the proposed research project, defines the research methodology, and identifies the anticipated outcomes and potential impact of the research.
    The budget for a research proposal is a detailed plan that outlines the estimated costs of the proposed research endeavor. It is an essential component of a research proposal because it demonstrates to funding agencies or research institutions the feasibility and financial viability of the proposed research project.
    When constructing a budget for a research proposal, a number of essential components must be considered. These factors include:
    Personnel expenses include salaries and compensation for researchers, research assistants, and other project personnel.
    This includes any equipment or supplies required to conduct the research endeavor, such as laboratory equipment, computer software, and office supplies.
    Expenses related to travel, such as airfare, accommodation, and transportation, that are necessary for the completion of the research assignment.
    This refers to any compensation or incentives offered to research participants, such as gift cards or monetary payments.
    Costs associated with the publication of the research results, such as open access or publication fees.
    This consists of any indirect costs related to the research endeavor, such as rent, utilities, and administrative fees.
    When developing a budget for a research proposal, it is essential to be realistic and precise when estimating the costs associated with the proposed research endeavor. In addition, it is essential to demonstrate how the costs will contribute to the successful completion of the undertaking. Additionally, it is essential to be aware of any funding agency or research institution-specific budget requirements or restrictions. We at will give you a proper budget on Research proposal writing services any time you make your order.

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The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen

Explication paper assignment – PHIL 1120.00 6 For this assignment (worth 20% of the final grade), you will do the following: – Choose an essay , either “The Case for Animal Rights” by Tom Regan , “All Animals Are Equal” by Peter Singer, or “The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen. It must be an essay you did not write about for the in -class essay . – Reread (preferably more than once) your chosen essay , take reading notes , and consult your class notes . – In 3-5 pages double spaced 12 pt. font (more is permitted, if necessary), give a succinct , accurate , and charitable explanation of your chosen essay’s arguments. Your job is to explain in detail and develop the implications of your chosen essay. You are not to evaluate the essay; you are to analyze it. In other words, you are not saying whether you agree with the essay or if it’s good; you are explaining in your own words what the author is arguing for and how the argument is made. You will have to go into some d etail, so it is clear to the reader how the argument is being made, but not so much detail that you’re simply restating what was already said in the essay. Your essay should look like this: • Introduction : Use this first paragraph to introduce the text and b riefly describe what the author is arguing for. Don’t go into too much detail or be overly verbose. • Body : Describe the argument being made in the order it is presented in the original essay (the bulk of the paper). This will include the premises of the argument and how the author defends them. It will also include how the author responds to objections and other views. • Conclusion The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen: =n one paragraph, conclude with the author’s conclusion, briefly reviewing the steps to arrive there (i.e., sum up what happen ed in the body and make it clear why the conclusion logically follows from the body). Quote the text only when necessary . Use textual evidence to ‘prove’ that you are characterizing the author’s position accurately. Quotes are not self -explanatory . When you quote the author, you must explain what the quote means and its impli cations. No bibliography is necessary but use in -text citations with page numbers. You do not need to consult any outside sources. The goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you understand the argument you’re analyzing and that you can articulate it in writing in an understandable way. Yo u’re basically doing what we do in class, just in written form. Spelling and grammar matter . Excessive mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar will negatively impact your grade. I recommend visiting the CAPS Writing & Language Center for assistance on your essay. Note on ChatGBT and other AI : Besides demonstrating your mastery of a philosophical text, t he point of writing an essay such as this is to help develop your analytic, interpreti ve, and verbal skills . These are all skills which will benefit you in your future coursework and careers. If you use an AI to write your essay, you will deprive yourself of this opportunity. Additionally, it is quite obvious to a reader when an AI has been used to write an essa y. The tone and style of AIs ar e significantly different from human writers. If I suspect you of using an AI on the essay, I reserve the right to ask you to meet with me to discuss your essay in detail. If you choose not to meet with me or you are unable t o defend your essay in conservation, I will give you a grade of zero for this assignment. A physical copy of your paper is due in class on Tuesd ay April 18 . (Note discrepancy with updated schedule of readings) Plagiarism on this assignment will result in a grade of zero. Grading Rubric A – The essay accurately and charitably describes the author’s arguments with little to no spelling or grammar errors. Attention is paid to the argumentative moves made by the author . B – The essay grasps the essential parts of the author’s arguments, with a few flaws in describing them. Few spelling or grammar errors. C – The essay describes the general features of the argument, but has some major flaws, including failing to include important aspects of the argument and making excessive spelling and gramma r mistakes. D – The essay misses most or many of the crucial features of the argument. The essay has a level of spelling and grammatical mistakes that makes it difficult to read. F – A failing grade will result from not completing the assignment or writing about something other than the assigned topic. I will accept late papers, but you will lose a letter grade for each day it is late. After the third day late, you will get a zero on the assignment. A+ – 100% A – 95% A- – 92% B+ – 88% B – 85% B- – 82% C+ – 78% C – 75% C- – 72% D+ – 68% D – 65% D- – 62% F – 0-59%

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An appropriate research methodology and design


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Determine an appropriate research methodology and design aligned to a research question
  • Develop a research plan


You are a research assistant for a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at a university. You have been asked to develop a research plan focused on one of the topics the faculty member is interested in studying.

For this project, you will review the topics provided by your faculty member and select the topic that interests you most. Then you will use the library to find relevant empirical and scholarly research studies to inform the research. Finally, you will develop a research plan to submit to your faculty member.


You will use your webtext writing template to complete this project. Select a topic from the list provided in your Soomo webtext. For your activity, you must address the rubric criteria listed below:

  1. Determine the plan’s background introduction. Include the following details:
    1. The title of the plan
    2. Summary of three relevant empirical and scholarly research studies for the plan. Each summary should be about 150 to 250 words.
  2. Develop a clear and specific research question that is relevant to the three research studies you chose. Your response should be about 25 words.
  3. Develop a clear, specific, and testable hypothesis that corresponds to your research question. Your response should be about 25 words. Consider the following in your hypothesis:
    1. Your hypothesis should be informed by the claim you are making.
  4. Describe aspects of sampling that you would want to consider while acquiring participants for your study. Your response should be about 100 words.
  5. Select a design (experimental or correlational) for your proposed study that aligns with the research question and hypothesis. Your response should be about 100 words. Include the following details:
    1. Explain why you selected this design.
    2. Identify conceptual variables that align with the research question and hypothesis.
  6. Select a measure to operationally define each of your conceptual variables. Your response should be about 100 words per variable. Include the following details:
    1. As you select a measure, also state whether it uses natural/laboratory observations, surveys, objective/physiological measures, interviews, etc.
    2. For each variable you measure, identify its scale of measurement.
  7. Describe your type of analysis and the p value required to support your hypothesis. Your response should be about 50 words.
  8. Develop the plan’s discussion content. Your response should be about 250 to 350 words. Include the following details:
    1. What you would expect to be the main finding of your study
    2. How you would know if your hypothesis was supported
    3. The potential implications of the findings
    4. A possible limitation of your proposed study
    5. Directions for future research

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Research PlanYou will use your Soomo webtext writing template to complete the project and download for submission. Your plan must be a minimum of two pages. Sources should be cited according to APA style about An appropriate research methodology and design.

Project One RubricCriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)ValueBackground IntroductionExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDetermines the plan’s background introductionShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the plan’s background introductionDoes not attempt criterion10Research QuestionExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDevelops a clear and specific research question that is relevant to the three research studies chosenShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the research question for the studyDoes not attempt criterion12HypothesisExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDevelops a clear, specific, and testable hypothesis that corresponds to the research questionShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the hypothesis of the studyDoes not attempt criterion10SamplingExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDescribes aspects of sampling that would be considered while acquiring participants for the studyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to aspects of sampling for the studyDoes not attempt criterion10DesignExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSelects a design (experimental or correlational) for the proposed study that aligns with the research question and hypothesisShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the design of the studyDoes not attempt criterion11MeasureExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSelects a measure to operationally define each of the conceptual variablesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to selecting measuresDoes not attempt criterion11AnalysisExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDescribes the type of analysis and the pvalue required to support the hypothesisShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the type of analysis and the p value required to support the hypothesisDoes not attempt criterion10DiscussionExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDevelops the plan’s discussion contentShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the plan’s discussion contentDoes not attempt criterion11Articulation of ResponseExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerClearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readabilitySubmission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas10Citations and AttributionsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errorsDoes not use citations for ideas requiring attribution5

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Do my nursing writing research proposal

The topic for their nursing research proposal must be chosen by the students. One of the trickiest tasks for students is this one. Investigational topics should continue to be intriguing and add fresh scientific value. Here is where you should take your own choices into account. It’s important to write papers that are interesting and appealing to you. If you area asking “Do my nursing writing research proposal” then at, we are here for you. Here area some a few tips:

You won’t get bored with the right nursing research proposal themes. Students frequently overestimate their own abilities to write sophisticated studies. Try to recall engaging lectures from important subjects. Review your lesson notes to see which subjects you genuinely find interesting.
Consider these top priorities while considering contemporary nursing research proposal topics: • Medically unexplained symptoms in an emergency room.
• The technological history of vaccine production.
• Health insurance that forgoes writing prescriptions.
• The transmission of health information for sickness prevention.
• The influence of parents on their children’s healthy lifestyles.
• Pregnant obese women: dangers and safety precautions.
Asking seasoned academics is another way to obtain excellent nursing research proposal ideas. Professors from the major fields are accessible. They may provide ideas for writing prompts or pointers to help you concentrate on a few certain topics. As an alternative, hiring degree holders ensures not only the drafting of nursing research proposals but also the discovery of excellent subjects.
There are so many options available when looking for someone to create my nursing research proposal that the results can be overwhelming. We have a staff of skilled writers who have written many different types of nursing research proposals. We always make sure that the writer of your nursing research proposal adheres strictly to all of your requirements. Place your order at any time by visiting our website.

There are a few important points to keep in mind when creating a nursing research proposal. First and foremost, your proposal must be succinct and unambiguous. You must decide on the issue or query you wish to research as well as the objective of your study. Create a proposal for my nursing research.
It is imperative to detail how your study will aid in the problem-solving or question-answering process. You must also be specific about the techniques you’ll employ for data collection and analysis. If you are given the assignment of creating a research proposal, you could feel overburdened. However, don’t worry—help is at hand!
This piece will go into detail about our nursing research proposal writing service and the reasons why you should use us to do your nursing research proposal project. Among other things, we promise original, high-quality work, prompt delivery, and no plagiarism in assignment papers.
What is a proposal for nursing research?
Written papers that thoroughly outline a nursing research study are known as nursing research proposals. The problem being addressed by the research, its goal, the research’s methodology, and its anticipated outcomes must all be stated clearly and succinctly in a nursing research proposal.
A nursing research proposal needs to be clearly stated and structured. A review of the relevant literature that highlights earlier research on the subject and how it pertains to the current proposal should also be included. A thorough research plan and a schedule for finishing the project should also be included in the proposal.
What function does a nursing research proposal serve?
To secure financing for their work, nurses must submit nursing research proposals. It’s not always simple to write a strong proposal, but a few pointers can help. Make sure you are clear on the topic you want to explore and why it is important before you begin.
Second, assemble a capable group of nurses to collaborate with you on the project. Lastly, be sure that your proposal is well-written and understandable. You should be able to produce a solid nursing research proposal if you keep these suggestions in mind.
A nursing research proposal includes the following elements: title, abstract, research questions, methodology, significance of the research, and bibliography.
difficulties students have when composing nursing research proposals
Creating a suitable study question is one of the difficulties students experience when creating a nursing research proposal. The inquiry ought to add to the corpus of knowledge in the nursing area and be one that past research has not fully addressed.
Creating a sound approach that will scientifically and ethically respond to the study issue is another challenge. For the methodological component of the proposal to be approved by the committee, it must be carefully considered and defended.
Finally, most students find it difficult to create a literature review that examines the pertinent research critically and explains why the proposed research is necessary.
Get nursing research proposals for sale
You’ve come to the perfect place if you need assistance with writing a nursing research proposal. We provide skilled and inexpensive nursing research proposal writing services at A nursing research proposal is a written outline of the study project that will be carried out.
A summary of the topic or problem that needs to be addressed as well as the suggested research approach should be included in the proposal. A literature review should be included in the nursing research proposal to give a summary of the field’s body of knowledge.
writing services for nursing research proposals
You might be unsure of where to look for assistance if you are a nursing student and have been required to prepare a research proposal. Fortunately, there are now a lot of internet resources available to you for creating nursing research proposals.
It’s crucial to find a nursing research proposal writing service with expertise in your particular field of interest. This will guarantee that they are knowledgeable with the most recent research and can assist you in creating a compelling proposal.
Cost is still another vital factor. While searching for a service, keep in mind that the caliber of their work should also be taken into account. Since this is a crucial component of your education, you want to make sure your research proposal is top-notch.
On the internet, there are a ton of examples of research projects. You might adopt one as a model and create your own in a comparable manner only to discover that your viewers have already read it. The research proposal writers at Nursing Writing Services create something that precisely outlines the topics you need to investigate and the elements that can have an impact on how specific study scenarios turn out. Our writers apply their expertise to your research proposal to create a paper that articulates a strategic perspective that positions your proposed research as an objective and rigorous scientific inquiry of a problem. In order to convince the review board that you have actually found an issue, we’ll add accurate facts, pertinent information, supporting evidence, and paperwork to your application. A strong research proposal will also demonstrate your ability to use the suggested study to identify a solution.
my nursing research proposal written
Nursing writing services is the finest option for you if you’re seeking for someone to “write my nursing research proposal” for you online. We produce high-quality nursing proposals since our talented writers spend the majority of their time conducting research because we recognize how significant a nursing proposal paper is. Order your write my nursing research proposal request from us; our writers are qualified professionals with master’s and doctoral degrees in nursing. We provide the finest writing assistance. We treat our customers’ requests for us to create my nursing research proposal with the utmost respect and ensure that they receive the paper on time and in compliance with all standards. Thus for us to do your nursing writing research proposal at is no big issue since we have done such before.

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A statement of the research problem

The Research Proposal
We have worked toward the Research Proposal by first identifying a research problem and building our knowledge of previous studies
relevant to that research problem in Assessment Event 1, the Annotated Bibliography. In this task you develop a proposal to carry out
research related to the topic you covered in your Annotated Bibliography

Your Research Proposal must contain the following;
a title
an introduction including the context and importance of the proposed study (including consideration of relevant ethical issues)
a statement of the research problem
a statement of the research objectives
a well-articulated research question or questions derived from the research problem identified in Assessment Event 1
a brief literature review describing previous studies in the area (refer to your Annotated Bibliography from Assessment Event 1 and other
a clear identification of the methodology (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, action), data-gathering strategies (e.g. surveys,
interviews, focus groups observations etc.) and data analysis techniques to be employed

an explanation of the identification and recruitment of research participants (including sample and sampling procedures)
an explanation of how your proposed design includes appropriate measures in relation to reliability and validity (quantitative) or rigour, or
trustworthiness (qualitative)
a proposed timeline for the key elements of the research process
Length: 2,000 words
Weighting: 40%
Due: Week 5, Sunday 15 January 2023,11:59pm
Marking Guide – Rubric: THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
The Research
overall strong
coherence and
contains all required
elements executed
to a satisfactory or
better standard
The research
excellent and
overall coherence
and all required
elements are
present and all are
of excellent quality
The research proposal
demonstrates very good
overall coherence and
all required elements are
present and all or most
are of very good quality
The research proposal
demonstrates good
overall coherence and
all required elements are
present and all or most
are of good quality
The research proposal
satisfactory overall
coherence and all
required elements are
present and all or most
are of satisfactory quality
The research
proposal lacks
overall coherence
and some required
elements are absent
and/or of
quality9/12/22, 9:41 amSubject Guide
Page 2 of 3
The Literature
Review critically
discusses the main
arising from the
literature identified
in the Annotated
Bibliography and
clearly indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study
The Literature
Review provides a
critical discussion of
the main
arising from the
literature identified in
the Annotated
Bibliography and
indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study in a
The Literature Review
provides a very good
critical discussion of the
main issues/debates
arising from the
literature identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study very
The Literature Review
provides a good critical
discussion of the main
issues/debates arising
from the literature
identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study well
The Literature Review
provides a satisfactory
critical discussion of the
main issues/debates
arising from the literature
identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and satisfactorily
indicates the relevance of
the proposed study
The Literature
Review fails to
critically discuss the
arising from the
literature identified
in the Annotated
Bibliography; and/or
does not clearly
indicate the
relevance of the
proposed study
The research
question is well-
articulated and
consistent with the
research problem
The research
question is of
superior quality,
articulated and
demonstrates an
excellent level of
consistency with
the research
The research question is
very well articulated
and demonstrates a
very good level of
consistency with the
research problem
The research question is
well articulated and
demonstrates a good
level of consistency with
the research problem
The research question is
satisfactorily articulated
and demonstrates
satisfactory consistency
with the research
The research
question is not
provided or is poorly
articulated and/ or
inconsistent with
the research
The research
articulates an
approach and data
consistent with
objectives of the
The research
proposal provides
an excellent
articulation of an
approach and data
gathering strategies
which are
consistent with the
objectives of the
The research proposal
includes a very good
articulation of an
approach and data
gathering strategies
which are very
consistent with the
objectives of the study
The research proposal
includes a good
articulation of an
approach and good data
gathering strategies
which are consistent with
the objectives of the
The research proposal
satisfactorily articulates
an appropriate
methodological approach
and data gathering
strategies consistent with
the objectives of the
The research
proposal does not
articulate an
approach and/or
suggests data
gathering strategies
inconsistent with
the objectives of the
The method of data
analysis described
consistency with
the research
question and overall
research design
The method of data
analysis described
consistency with
the research
question and
overall research
The method of data
analysis described is
consistent with the
research question and
overall research design
The method of data
analysis described
demonstrates good
consistency with the
research question and
overall research design
The method of data
analysis described is
satisfactorily consistent
with the research
question and overall
research design
The method of data
analysis described
is inconsistent with
the research
question and/or
overall research
measures to
establish validity
and reliability, or
Excellent measures
to establish validity
and reliability, or
Very good measures to
establish validity and
reliability, or rigour, or
Good measures to
establish validity and
reliability, or rigour, or
Satisfactory measures to
establish validity and
reliability, or rigour, or
Adequate measures
to establish validity
and reliability, or
rigour, or9/12/22, 9:41 amSubject Guide
Page 3 of 3
rigour, or
trustworthiness of
results are evident
rigour, or
trustworthiness of
results are evident
trustworthiness of
results are evident
trustworthiness of results
are evident
trustworthiness of results
are evident
trustworthiness of
results are not




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Writers Solution

Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice

Discussion Topic: Using the theory of unpleasant symptoms as a guide, what would you look for in an assessment tool for patient symptoms?

Select one Student Learning Outcomes from the following list:

Student Learning Outcomes 

1- Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.

2- Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice.

3- Apply nursing theory or theories to nursing research.

Provides an explanation of how the selected Student Learning Outcomes is explored or related to the Discussion Topic.


  Formatted and cited in current APA 7 

  Use 3 academic sources. Not older than 5 years

  Not Websites are allowed.

  Plagiarism is NOT allowed

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice

USA, AUS, CA & UK PhD Writers

Writers Solution

Research frequency-division multiplexing.

Assignment Topic:

Research frequency-division multiplexing. Identify three everyday examples of FDM use. For each of these examples show how FDM is used and it works. Summarize your findings in a brief paper.

-Please include a separate cover page.

Your assignment is to be 500 words or two pages double spaced, in Word format. Do not use extraneous text that does not address the questions. Please use a grammar checker.  

Please include in-text citations in APA style. 

You must include at least two (2) references. Include a separate reference page. References are to be in APA style.

Submission does NOT need an introduction or a table of contents.

Instructions (from the syllabus):

Cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts. You must use at least two (2) appropriate sources (other than your course textbook) that are properly cited in APA style; do not solely use the case itself to support your position. You are strongly encouraged to use the following outline so that your analysis is organized appropriately:

  • Identify both the key issues and the underlying issues. In identifying the issues, you should be able to connect them to the principles which apply to this situation.
  • Discuss the facts which affect these issues. The case may have too much information. In your discussion, you should filter the information and discuss those facts which are pertinent to the issues identified above.
  • Discuss your proposed solution/recommendation to the problem and include how you would implement it. What actions would you propose to correct the situation, based on the knowledge you have gained in this course? Be sure to support your recommendation by citing references in the text and in the supplementary readings. You should also draw on other references such as business periodicals and journals. Remember that an ANALYSIS is more than simply a SUMMARY of the Writing Assignment.
  • Discuss follow-up and contingency plans (if necessary). How will the organization know that your proposed solution is working? What should they do if it does not work?
  • Word count is 500 words, not including references and figures. References should be in the APA style




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