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organizational resources you will need in order to bring resolution to your identified problem

Discuss the organizational resources you will need in order to bring resolution to your identified problem. What stakeholders will you need to engage in your change process? women veterans mental healthcare during pregnancy





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Discretionary access controls (DACs) provide the ability to share resources in a peer-to-peer configuration that allows users to control and provide access to information.

Assignment Overview

Technical controls are essential to a well-planned information security program, particularly to enforce policy for the many IT functions that are not under direct human control. Networks and computer systems make millions of decisions every second, and they operate in ways and at speeds that people cannot control in real time. Technical control solutions can improve an organization’s ability to balance the often-conflicting objectives of making information readily and widely available of preserving the information’s confidentiality and integrity. These technical controls must fit with the physical design of the systems and networks.

Access control is now more than access to a physical location. Discretionary access controls (DACs) provide the ability to share resources in a peer-to-peer configuration that allows users to control and provide access to information. Nondiscretionary access controls (NDACs) are managed by a central authority in the organization where a form of this is called lattice-based access control (LBAC) in which users are assigned a matrix of authorizations for areas of access. NIST has a new approach to lattice-based access controls called Attribute-Based Access Controls (ABACs).

In networks, firewalls fall into several major categories of processing modes: packet-filtering firewalls, application layer proxy firewalls, media access control layer firewalls, and hybrids. Packet-filtering firewalls scan network data packets for compliances with the rules of the firewall’s database and this is done at the network layer of the OSI model. The application firewall is known as proxy server because it can be configured to run special software that acts as a proxy for a service request such as a web server with a proxy server. Media access control layer firewalls make filtering decisions based on the specific host computer’s identity. Hybrid firewalls can perform a variety of tasks such as unified threat management and NexGen firewalls that can do a variety of functions.

Case Assignment

Interview a network administrator at your workplace to learn about the type of security controls in place on that network. What types of firewalls are used and for what purposes? Are intrusion detection and/or intrusion prevention systems present? Who monitors them? What different methods are used to protect the networks that operate the organization’s record keeping systems? Does the security level vary on different network segments? Prepare a 5- to 7-page paper addressing the results of this interview. Please include website address visited and place in reference area.





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Discretionary access controls (DACs) provide the ability to share resources in a peer-to-peer configuration that allows users to control and provide access to information.

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You are Chris North, VP of Human Resources for Sunshine State Hospital in Orlando Florida and have been asked by the President of the Hospital to consider mandatory flu shots for all employees of the Hospital.

Please read chapters 1 and 3 along with the articles located in the reading material section and then address the discussion board questions for the week both chapters are uploded and articles copy and pasted

  1. You are Chris North, VP of Human Resources for Sunshine State Hospital in Orlando Florida and have been asked by the President of the Hospital to consider mandatory flu shots for all employees of the Hospital. What would you do?
  2. How would you advise the President on how to move forward? Is it a good idea or not?
  3. Things to consider: Should it be for all employees? Should it be for health care workers only?
  4. Would you terminate the employment of those who do not comply?

Sunshine State Hospital is unionized, and represented by Local 2001 – Nurse Professional Association.

  • How, if at all, does this change your response to question 1.
  • What are your personal thoughts in response to the article?
  • Do you agree with the hospital’s stance?

1st article 

ABC News – Nurses Fired for Refusing Flu Shot (ABC News) (January 4, 2013)

An Indiana hospital (Links to an external site.) has fired eight employees, including at least three veteran nurses, after they refused mandatory flu (Links to an external site.) shots, stirring up controversy over which should come first: employee rights or patient safety. The hospital imposed mandatory vaccines, responding to rising concerns about the spread of influenza.

Ethel Hoover wore all black on her last day of work as a nurse in the critical care unit at Indiana University Health Goshen Hospital. She said she was in “mourning” because she would have been at the hospital 22 years in February, and she’s only called out of work four or five times in her whole career , she said.

“This is my body. I have a right to refuse the flu vaccine,” Hoover, 61, told “For 21 years, I have religiously not taken the flu vaccine, and now you’re telling me that I believe in it.”

More than 15,100 flu cases have been reported (Links to an external site.) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since Sept. 30, including 16 pediatric deaths. Indiana’s flu activity level is considered high, according to the CDC (Links to an external site.), which last month announced that the flu season came a month.

When Hoover first heard about the mandate, she said she didn’t realize officials would take it so seriously. She said she filed two medical exemptions, a religious exemption and two appeals, but they were all denied. The Dec. 15 flu shot deadline came and went. Hoover’s last day of employment was Dec. 21.

Fellow nurse Kacy Davis said she and her colleagues were “horrified” over Hoover’s firing, calling her their “go-to” nurse and a “preceptor.”

“It was a good place to work,” Hoover said. “We’ve worked together all these years. We’re like a family.”

The hospital said in a statement that it implemented the mandate to promote patient safety based on recommendations from the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It announced the mandate in September. Of the hospital’s 26,000 employees statewide, 95 percent complied. That means 1,300 employees did not comply, but only eight were fired.

“IU Health’s top priority is the health and wellbeing of our patients,” said hospital spokeswoman Whitney Ertel. “Participation in the annual Influenza Patient Safety Program is a condition of employment with IU Health for the health and safety of the patients that we serve, and is therefore required.”

The CDC recommends (Links to an external site.) flu shots for everyone older than six months of age. Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., said hospital patients are especially vulnerable to flu complications because their bodies are already weakened.

“I cannot think of a reason for any health care professional to decline influenza immunization that’s valid,” said Schaffner, a former president of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, adding that people with egg allergies may have to avoid the flu shot to prevent anaphylactic shock, but even that hurdle has been remedied. The Food and Drug Administration approved an egg-free vaccine (Links to an external site.) in November.

Schaffner said invalid excuses to avoid the shot include being afraid of needles and simply promising to stay home when they’re sick. Patients now have the option of a vaccine nasal spray if they want to avoid needles. And since flu victims become contagious before they start to feel sick, they can get patients sick even if they stay home when they have symptoms.

Over the last several years, hospitals have been moving toward mandatory vaccinations because many only have 60 percent vaccination rates, Schaffner said. He is leading an effort for a similar mandate at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Nurses in particular tend to be the most reluctant to get vaccinated among health care workers, Schaffner said, citing his opinion.

“There seems to be a persistent myth that you can get flu from a flu vaccine among nurses,” he said. “They subject themselves to more influenza by not being immunized, and they certainly do not participate in putting patient safety first.”

In October 2011, Vanderbilt broke the world record for number of vaccines administered in an eight-hour period in an event called Flulapalooza. (Links to an external site.) From 6:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m., they vaccinated 12,647 people. By that evening, more than 14,000 people had been vaccinated, and there were no severe adverse reactions, he said.

But still, Hoover’s lawyer, Alan Phillips, says his client had the right to refuse her flu shot under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Links to an external site.), which prohibits religious discrimination of employees. Religion is legally broad under the First Amendment, so it could include any strongly held belief, he said, adding that the belief flu shots are bad should suffice.

“If your personal beliefs are religious in nature, then they are a protected belief,” Phillips said.

Phillips, who is based out of North Carolina, has made a name for himself fighting for employees’ rights to get out of mandated flu shots, but he has never needed to go to court. Although he usually handles a couple dozen health care workers per year, he had 150 this fall in 25 states.

Dr. Damon Raskin, an internist with his own practice in the Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles, said hospitals should mandate flu vaccines as a matter of public safety. The flu can lead to complications like pneumonia and death, said Raskin, who is also affiliated with the Cliffside Malibu Addiction Rehabilitation Center.

“I think if the health care worker has some problem with religious faith then perhaps during flu season, they shouldn’t do that job,” Raskin said, suggesting that the worker do something administrative instead during flu season. “It’s not fair to the patient. The people who are most at risk are in the hospital.”

2nd article

Talks with Jim CollinsJim Collins speaks at the SHRM 2012 Annual Conference. Photo by Steven E. Purcell 

ATLANTA—“The single most important strategic pillar of any great enterprise is people,” best-selling author Jim Collins said in his Tuesday keynote session at the SHRM 2012 Annual Conference.

After spending nine years studying why some companies thrive in uncertainty or even chaos, while others do not, for his latest book Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck—Why Some Thrive Despite Them All (HarperBusiness, 2011), Collins concluded that “it all begins with people.”

The most important executive skills for building a great organization are “the ability to pick the right people, to make disciplined people decisions and to make sure all key seats are filled with the right people,” Collins told attendees.

Collins, whose previous works include Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall and Built to Last, has spent nearly a quarter of a century studying great companies that endure—how they grow, how they attain superior performance, and how good companies can become great companies.

“It’s very dangerous to study success … so we don’t,” he said. “We study the contrast between success and failure … between great and good.

“Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance … it is a matter of conscious choice and discipline,” he noted.

Level 5 Leaders

Collins described five levels of leadership competence. The first level includes highly capable individuals, followed by contributing team members at level two, competent managers at level three, effective leaders at level four and executives at level five.

According to Collins’ research, the greatest leaders share a common trait: they are level five leaders. “Level five leaders have an ‘X factor’ that is different than level four leaders,” Collins explained: humility.

Though Collins mentioned a few great leaders with “very healthy confidence,” such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, he said that the critical difference is that for level four leaders, “it really is about them.” By contrast, level five leaders’ “ego and ambition and confidence and drive are channeled outward into a cause, into a purpose, into an organization or into a quest that is not about them,” he said.

“Success coupled with arrogance inevitably leads to failure,” he added. “It is outrageous arrogance to neglect people and simultaneously expect them to deliver their best.

“No single leader by himself or herself can make a great company,” Collins added. “Level five leaders understand this; they have to build an entire team to make a company great.”

Triad of Behaviors

Level five leaders possess other key behaviors, Collins has found. These include:

Fanatic discipline. Such leaders are “disciplined people who engage in disciplined thought and who then take disciplined action.” But he warned attendees not to confuse discipline with bureaucracy. “The purpose of bureaucracy is to make up for undisciplined people,” he said.

As an example, Collins compared Roald Amundsen’s successful 1910-12 South Pole expedition and Robert F. Scott’s ultimately fatal Antarctic expedition during that same time to describe the kind of discipline level five leaders use to pursue results. “Discipline also means not going too far,” he said.

Empirical creativity. “Creativity is the natural human state … discipline is not,” Collins noted. “The really rare combination is finding out how to marry the two so we amplify creativity rather than destroy it.

Productive paranoia. “The only mistakes you can learn from are the ones you survive,” Collins noted. This means preparing before bad stuff happens, he said. The ultimate hedge against uncertainty, he said, is who you have on the other end of the rope.

Right People for Key Seats

When looking for people to hold key seats, Collins said level five leaders seek those who:

• Share core values.

• Don’t need to be tightly managed.

• Understand they do not have a job; they have responsibilities.

• Do what they say they will do 100 percent of the time.

In addition, such individuals tend to look outward when good things happen, and give credit to others. However, when bad things happen they look in the mirror and take responsibility.

“It all starts and ends with people,” he noted.

Collins ended the session with a “to do list” for attendees that reiterated some of the points he made throughout the session. Among his suggestions:

• Banish the word “job” and replace it with “responsibilities.”

• Start a “stop doing” list. “Work is infinite; time is finite,” he said. “If you have more than three priorities, you have none.”

• Commit to challenging all young leaders to become level five leaders. “We need legions,” he said. “We need a level five generation.”

Rebecca R. Hastings, SPHR, is an online editor/manager for SHRM





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Online Writing Resources: Follow the “Writing Resources” link on the left to access online resources on writing and research.

Reviewing assignments and course notes from the term. Be sure to closely read the assignment instructions and review the sample papers provided

Writing Guides:

  • Online Writing Resources: Follow the “Writing Resources” link on the left to access online resources on writing and research.
  • Handouts: Attending to Grammar ; Attending to Style ; How to Write a Thesis Statement.


  • Format: Follow correct MLA Style and include all required components.

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The “Chapter 16 Video Case of Tyler”, located in Readings and Resources, features strategies for using augmentative communication in the classroom

Video attached below 

The “Chapter 16 Video Case of Tyler”, located in Readings and Resources, features strategies for using augmentative communication in the classroom.  Various strategies are discussed and demonstrated by the teacher and speech therapist.  While you watch the video, pay close attention to all the ways language use is encouraged. 

  • Make a list of the various strategies, both demonstrated and discussed, for the facilitation of language.
  • Discuss some examples of how peer to peer communication is fostered.
  • Describe one (1) additional communication strategy you would use to expand the use of language for a young child.
  • Compare how these communication strategies can be used with a child who is an English Language Learner or a child with a hearing impairment.

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importance of finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology in relation to healthcare organizations today

The topics for this unit are finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology – the business of healthcare. 

You have been asked to speak to a group of students in nursing and other healthcare professions. You are assigned to talk about the importance of finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology in relation to healthcare organizations today.  

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation. (10-15 slides).
  • Include a title and reference slide (the number of slides above does not include title and reference slides)
  • Include an introduction and conclusion slide
  • Include appropriate citations on your slides
  • Utilize the notes function to outline your talking points and provide additional facts that you will use for your presentation.
  • Include a minimum of 4-5 scholarly references to support your presentation. References should be 5 years old or newer.

In general, PowerPoint presentations should have a limited number of bullet points on each slide to convey the main point of the slide. They should include images but they should be professional, the source cited and limited in number. It is usually helpful to start with the notes section for what you want to say instead of the slides. Once the notes section is completed, pull out your main points for the slides

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Threats to Natural Resources in Brazil

topic Threats to Natural Resources in Brazil.

One of the major causes of deforestation is ranching. The raising of bulls for meat is very popular in Latin America. However, it remains a low-profit activity and only continues because it benefits greatly from government credits and subsidies or because of prospective speculative gains. Ranchers clear trees within the forest to create land for pasture with the number of farmers involved in this practice increasing (Sergio Margulis, 5). This is because it produces higher rates of economic return than the country’s traditional cattle ranching areas. Rates are much higher due to the availability of cheap land and favorable production conditions such as rainfall.

Without trees, soil nutrients are easily washed away leading to infertile soils. Over years of use, pastureland progressively becomes unproductive and is later abandoned. This land utilization precludes agriculturists from using the same zone for more than a few years. Ranchers then clear more forest areas to make the land for pasture. This threatens the forest and the biodiversity within it. Indigenous communities are also forced to move deeper into the forests as their native land is stolen from them.

The international market for soybeans has been rapidly expanding with demand exceeding supply. Soybean growing has gradually shifted from temperate to tropical regions due to the availability of cheap land. Latin America has had much growth in this with Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay being on the receiving end (Phillip, 24). Governments in Latin America have been hugely supportive of soybean growing through agricultural subsidies.

An unintended consequence is agricultural areas expanding into forest zones. Deforestation occurs as plantation owners purchase already cleared the area from small agriculturists who will then move into frontier areas and clear more forests (Phillip, 27). Agrochemicals used to combat diseases. pests and weeds in soy cultivation can also profoundly impact the environment.

During the perennial flooding of the Amazon Basin, high doses of agrochemicals used in soybean cultivation can be concentrated in the lakes and rivers. Agrochemical use may impact the population of aquatic animals as well as people living in the Amazon Basin. Fish grown in the Amazon is also sold worldwide, and toxic chemicals may end up accumulating in human and animal populations as fish travel up the food chain.

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You are employed by a national recruitment and human resources organisation

You are employed by a national recruitment and human resources organisation. The organisation began in 2002, providing staffing solutions for businesses in South Australia. Since inauguration the organisation has continued to grow, opening offices in each state of Australia. Recently, the board of management approved a proposal for the inclusion of a new training arm of the organisation. The training arm will specialise in sales training for people wishing to work in the automotive industry.
As a result of inclusion of the new training division, management have given you a brief asking you to:
prepare a document introducing the training division and explaining its purpose to the staff in the organisation
develop some marketing material that will be used to attract and inform clients—to outline to clients in the automotive industry how the pre-employment training of applicants will be of benefit to them when they are looking to recruit and select new employees.
In this section, record yourself for 3-5min explaining how you will prepare for this briefing. Remember to write a script to assist you with your recording. Your script can be completed in bullet points and uploaded into the section provided.

Following from Task 3, you are now required to develop and produce the two documents.
Design the products, select the format and style as well as any graphics you will use.
Develop appropriate text for each document:
Prepare a draft of each document and have it proofed. Keep printed copies of the originals and the proofed documents (with track changes turned on).
Draw up a final copy of each document. The first should be ready to send out to personnel in the organisation and the second should be ready to send out to clients.
Submit a print version of the final copies, plus the draft and proofed copies, to your assessor.
Provide a report describing and explaining the steps taken to plan the documents and ensure that each one meets the brief you have been given.
Explain the action you would take to ensure appropriate conservation of resources (the resources used to prepare print and distribute the documents).
Explain how and why you chose the design elements you used and why you believe the finished documents are appropriate for purpose and for the audience





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Impact of natural resources on rocks in the environment


The most interesting topics from modules 10 to 12 were measuring geologic time, Mass wasting, weathering, and soil, as well as streams and floods. These chapters taught me how to recognize the impact of natural resources on rocks in the environment. The breaking down, decomposition, as well as the appearance of rocks are impacted by weathering throughout time. The video on mass wasting was interesting. I also liked the demonstration of the weather cycle and drainage pattern. These chapters had a lot of informative components. 


The most interesting information I found in these modules was how time is measured with dating rocks. Looking at the picture of the Grand Canyon and being able to compare what it looks like to the idea that they layers are formed on top of each other and when these start tilting then they think that happens after the rocks were formed. I have always watched the history channel and during many documentaries they have stated the age of areas on Earth they found through dating the rocks in the area. I have never understood how they were able to look at a rock and figure out how long that rock has been on earth. Reading how they date them helps me to understand the documentaries that  watch. 






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Limited resources and cost increases of these programs

Many compensation professionals are faced with making decisions over which discretionary benefit programs they must eliminate because of the limited resources and cost increases of these programs. Looking at the discretionary benefits offered by your present or past organization determine which ones you would choose to retain and identify those which you would eliminate. Are these decisions based on the existing demographic composition of your workforce? Please explain your rationale for each. Cite at least two outside sources as references in your initial response. Read about limited resources and cost increases of these programs






Benefits to retain

Life and disability insurance: This is one of the benefits I will retain because when the employee is injured in the line of duty, the company will compensate(McCollum, 2014). Although this benefit is available in many third-party insurance companies, it is important to give assurance to the employee that incase of death or accident in their line of duty, they get compensated, thus minimizing uncertainty among the employees.

Employee assistance program, day care services, and wellness programs: These benefits are significant in the productivity of the employees. Studies have showed that employees cannot concentrate when they are not sure about the safety of their children. Similarly, unhealth employees are not productive(Bonache & Paz-Aparicio, 2015). Therefore, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that employees concentrated fully in their duties by providing assistance program, day care services and wellness program. These are part of the non-traditional benefits and compensation.

Medical and health benefits: This is one of the very crucial benefits that an employer can extend to the employees. A healthy staff is very productive(Noe, et al., 2017). Many studies have showed that many employees cannot afford good medication and it’s the prerogative of the employer to maintain a healthy working staff. Medical and health benefits is the biggest perk of any employee.

Benefits to eliminate

Transportation services: Instead of incurring a lot of costs in transportation, the company should consider paying commuter allowance. Transportation services is unnecessary cost and it eats into the profit of the company.Paid time off: I don’t find it necessary to an employee…………………………………………………………………………………………………