Writers Solution

Assessment Method/Finalist for the job of Human Resources Director

Topic: Assessment Methods/Finalists for the Job of Human Resources Director
This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned to date and especially those in Chapter 9. This is an interesting case about filling the position of HR Director at a law firm, Guilty, Guilty & Guilty.
Please read the case and answer the following:

  1. In the case below, there are seven (7) methods listed as selection techniques. For each method listed, decide whether you would or would not use it in the selection process and discuss why. Are there any selection tools that are not listed that you would suggest? Why?
  2. There is a discussion regarding the three (3) finalists and the selection method that was used by Guilty. Do you think that the 6 selection methods used by Guilty were appropriate? Why or why not?
  3. For each finalist, decide whether you would be willing to hire the person, discuss and state why.
  4. If the FINAL decision was yours to make, which finalist would YOU choose? Discuss your rationale.
    Insert your name as a header on each page. Please do not use a cover sheet, let’s save some trees.
    The Guilty Case
    Guilty, Guilty & Guilty (Guilty) is a law firm specializing in criminal law. However, due to recent economic conditions, the firm has expanded into new areas such as equal employment opportunity, workplace torts, business litigation, and sports/entertainment representation. These new areas of practice have resulted in growth for the firm. The firm has 55 partners and approximately 120 employees. It does business in three (3) states and has offices in 3 major metropolitan areas. The firm has no federal contracts.
    Guilty plans to expand into three (3) additional states with three (3) major metropolitan areas. This is a rather ambitious expansion plan and Guilty is faced with the challenge of how to staff, compensate, train, and retain individuals who fill the positions in the new
    offices. In order to effectively manage these challenges, Guilty wishes to hire an HR director to oversee the recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, and compensation activities resulting from the business expansion. In addition, the newly hired HR Director will supervise the HR activities in the existing Guilty offices. The newly drafted job description for the HR Director is set forth below.
    The firm recognizes that this is a critical position which can substantially impact its expansion strategy. The firm wishes to design and then implement a selection system for assessing applicants that will achieve two (2) objectives: (1) create a valid and useful system that will do a good job of matching applicant KSAOs to job requirements, and (2) be in compliance with all relevant federal and state employment laws. Guilty’s managing partner, Mick Miranda, is considering numerous selection techniques for possible use. He wishes that the new HR Director was on-board so he didn’t have to mess with this selection system exercise. This selection system work is taking away from his billable hours. He found a file in his drawer that contained information regarding some positions filled by one of his clients that he is using as a resource. He has decided to consider these methods below:
  5. Job knowledge test specifically designed for HR professionals that focuses on an applicant’s general knowledge of HR management.
  6. Medical exam and drug test at the beginning of the selection process in order to determine if applicants can cope with the high level of stress and frequent travel requirements of the job and are drug free.
  7. Integrity test
  8. A structured behavioral interview that will be specially designed for use in filling only this job.
  9. General cognitive ability test
  10. Personality Assessment
  11. A standard set of interview questions that the firm currently uses for filling any position. The questions in the set include:
    a. Tell me about a problem you solved on a previous job
    b. Do you have any physical impairments that would make it difficult for you to travel on business?
    c. Have you ever been tested for AIDS?
    d. Are you currently unemployed, and if so, why?
    e. This position requires fresh ideas and energy. Do you have those qualities?
    f. What is your definition of success?
    g. What kind of sports do you like?
    h. How well do you work under pressure? Give me some examples.
    For each method listed, decide whether you would or would not use it in the selection process and discuss why. Are there any selection tools that are not listed that you would suggest? Why?
    Attorney Miranda decides, after weighing all of the options, to use the following selection methods to assess applicants for the HR Director job at the firm: resume, cognitive ability test, job knowledge test, structured interview, and questions (f) and (g) from the list of standard questions.
    Guilty advertised for the position extensively, and out of a pool of 35 initial applicants, it was able to come up with a list of three (3) finalists. Shown in the chart that follows are the results from the assessment of the finalists using Miranda’s chosen selection methods. In addition, information from an earlier resume screen is included for possible consideration and context.
    Using the information in this case study that follows:
     There is a discussion regarding the three (3) finalists and the selection method that was used by Guilty. Do you think that the 6 selection methods used by Guilty were appropriate? Why or why not?
     For each finalist, decide whether you would be willing to hire the person, discuss and state why.
     If the FINAL decision was yours to make, which finalist would YOU choose? Discuss your rationale.
    Results of Assessment of Finalists for Human Resource Director Position
    Finalist 1
    Lola Vegan
    Finalist 2
    Sam Fein
    Finalist 3
    Shawanda Jackson
    GPA 3.9/Cornell University
    B.S. Human Resource Management
    5 years experience in HRM
     4 years in recruiting
    No supervisory experience
    GPA 2.8/SUNY Binghamton
    B.B.A. Finance
    20 years experience in HRM
     Numerous HR assignments
     Certified HR professional
    15 years supervisory experience
    GPA 3.2/Auburn University
    B.B.A. Business and English
    8 years experience in HRM
     3 years HR generalist
     4 years compensation analyst
    5 years supervisory experience
    Cognitive ability test
    90% correct
    78% correct
    84% correct
    Knowledge Test
    94% correct
    98% correct
    91% correct
    Structured Interview
    (out of 100 points)
    Question (f)
    Ability to influence others
    To do things you want to do
    Promotions and earnings
    Question (g)
    Golf, Shuffleboard
    Spectator sports
    Basketball, Tennis
    Job Description for Human Resources Director
    Performs responsible administrative work managing personnel activities. Work involves responsibility for the planning and administration of HRM programs, including recruitment, selection, evaluation, promotion, training, compensation, and recommended change of status of employees, and a system of communication for disseminating information to workers. Works under general supervision, exercising initiative and independent judgment in the performance of assigned tasks.
  12. Participates in overall planning and policy making to provide effective and uniform personnel services.
  13. Communicates policy through organization levels by bulletin, meetings, and personal contact.
  14. Supervises recruitment and screening of job applicants to fill vacancies. Supervises interviewing of applicants, evaluation of qualifications, and classification of applications.
  15. Supervises administration of tests to applicants.
  16. Confers with supervisors on personnel matters, including placement problems, retention or release of probationary employees, transfers, demotions, and dismissals of permanent employees.
  17. Initiates personnel training activities and coordinates these activities with work of officials and supervisors.
  18. Establishes effective service training rating system and trains unit supervisors in performing employee evaluations.
  19. Supervises maintenance of employee personnel files.
  20. Supervises a group of employees directly and through subordinates.
  21. Performs related work as assigned.
  22. Experience and Training
     Should have considerable experience in area of HRM administration. Six years minimum.
  23. Education
     Graduation from a four year college or university, with major work in human resources, business administration, or industrial psychology. Master’s degree in one of these areas is preferable.
  24. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
     Considerable knowledge of principles and practices of HRM, including staffing, compensation, training, and performance evaluation.
  25. Responsibility
     Supervises the human resource activities of 7 office managers, 2 clerks, and one assistant.





Guilty, Guilty & Guilty (Guilty)

Assessment Methods/Finalists for the Job of Human Resources Director

            When organizations expand or its employees retire, some vacancies arise. These vacancies must be filled with the right candidates, who possess the organization specific qualities and competencies required to fulfill the roles as advertised (Edenborough, 2007). However, the ability to select the right candidate depends on the outcomes of the assessment method(s) employed. Numerous assessment techniques have proven to be successful and are recommended in employee recruitment process.

Whether the Six Selection Methods Used by Guilty Were Appropriate

            Some of the selection methods used by guilty are appropriate, however, the nature of questions asked especially parts b, c & d deemed inappropriate. The knowledge test is an appropriate method in that it gives an assessment of the ability of the individual to meet the job responsibilities since it provides an assessment of the individual capabilities. The use of cognitive test is valid and provides the ability of the candidates to learn new ideas in their workplace environment (Thomas, 2010). Furthermore, cognitive tests provide a measurement of how fast a candidate can learn new ideas. On the hand, medical and drug test, are appropriate and recommended for assessment of workplace safety.           Furthermore, the integrity is important in determination of the suitability of the candidate within the company values. Similarly, the personality test is a very important assessment tool as it provides an understanding of the consciousness of the applicants…………………





Writers Solution

Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States

 Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.

Scenario Information

You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.

Diversity Areas (Select one, and continue to use for all modules)

  • Race


As the Director of Human Resources, the CEO and other executive leaders have requested you to design a training session on “Best Practices” for managers on diversity in the workplace. You will need to create a presentation to be included in your company’s online training platform. In your training guidelines, you will want to address the following areas:

  1. Introduce diversity importance to managers.
  2. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if management of diversity is not used.
  3. Provide suggestions for best practices managers can take away from the training.
  4. Conclude your training.

Grading RubricFFCBA01234Not SubmittedNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedIntroduction did not summarize or stress the importance of the diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples and a well-defined synopsis of the presentation.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on common mistakes managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on best practices for management.Provided best practices for managers.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedNo noticeable attempts to summarize or conclude the presentation.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples and demonstrated an understanding of best practices for management

Writers Solution

Resources: FASB Student Registration Instructions and FASB Codification System

Assignment Content
Resources: FASB Student Registration Instructions and FASB Codification System (Attachment 1)
Review the research results and reach a conclusion. Additionally, the client is considering offering a pension plan to its employees next year.
Discuss reporting requirements for defined contribution and defined benefit.
Research FASB for fair value reporting for derivatives.
Write a 350-word memo to the client that explains the essence of fair value reporting and identifying primary concerns associated with it. Make a recommendation to the client as to which type of pension plan they should implement and why.

Writers Solution

Create an annotated bibliography that includes five resources related to your social change issue. Be sure to use proper APA formatting.

The Assignment (minimum 2–3 pages):

  • Create an annotated bibliography that includes five resources related to your social change issue. Be sure to use proper APA formatting.
  • Explain why the resources you selected are most relevant to your social change issue.
Writers Solution

The exploitation of colonial resources and indigenous labor was one of the key elements in the success of imperialism.

The exploitation of colonial resources and indigenous labor was one of the key elements in the success of imperialism. Such exploitation was a result of the prevalent ethnocentrism of the time and was justified by the unscientific concept of social Darwinism, which praised the characteristics of white Europeans and inaccurately ascribed negative characteristics to indigenous peoples. A famous poem of the time by Rudyard Kipling, “White Man’s Burden,” called on imperial powers, and particularly the U.S., at whom the poem was directed, to take up the mission of civilizing these “savage” peoples. Read the poem at the following link: After reading the poem, address the following in a case study analysis: Select a specific part of the world (a country), and examine imperialism in that country. What was the relationship between the invading country and the native people? You can select from these examples or choose your own: Belgium & Africa Britain & India Germany & Africa France & Africa Apply social Darwinism to this specific case. Analyze the motivations of the invading country? How did ethnocentrism manifest in their interactions? How does Kipling’s poem apply to your specific example? You can quote lines for comparison. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page Week 1 Case Study Grading Rubric Week 1 Case Study Grading Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength 5.0 pts Meets length requirement 0.0 pts Does not meet length requirement 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 10.0 pts Paper addresses all aspects of the assignment. 8.5 pts Paper addresses most aspects of the assignment. 7.5 pts Paper addresses some aspects of the assignment. 6.0 pts Paper addresses few aspects of the assignment. 0.0 pts No effort 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis 20.0 pts Throughout the whole work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 17.0 pts Throughout most of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 15.0 pts Throughout some of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 12.0 pts Throughout little of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 0.0 pts No effort 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport 20.0 pts Throughout the whole work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 17.0 pts Throughout most of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 15.0 pts Throughout some of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 12.0 pts Throughout little of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 0.0 pts No effort 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics & Usage 10.0 pts The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that would detract from a clear reading of the paper. 8.5 pts The writing contains a few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but the errors do not detract from a clear reading of the text. 7.5 pts The writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that need to be addressed for a clearer reading of the paper. 6.0 pts The writing contains several errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that impede a clear reading of the paper. 0.0 pts No effort 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity & Flow 10.0 pts The writing contains strong word choice that clarifies ideas and masterful sentence variety aids with the flow of ideas. 8.5 pts The writing contains varied word choice and sentence structures that clarify ideas and aid with the flow of ideas. 7.5 pts The writing contains word choice and sentence structures that can be revised for better clarification of ideas and flow of ideas. 6.0 pts The writing contains wording and sentence structures that are awkward and/or unclear, impeding the clarity and flow of ideas. 0.0 pts No effort 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Integration 10.0 pts Paper includes reference to a scholarly source and properly integrates the source. 7.0 pts Paper includes reference to a scholarly source but does not properly integrate the source. 0.0 pts Paper does not make reference to a scholarly source. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting 10.0 pts All sources are properly cited in the text and references page demonstrating a mastery of resource and APA citation reference format. 8.5 pts Most sources are cited in the text and references page. Some minor errors may exist in citation, but it does not interfere with understanding the source of the information. 7.5 pts Most sources are integrated, structured, and cited in the text and  references page. Some errors may exist in citation that need to be addressed to clarify the source of information. 6.0 pts Sources are not properly cited in the text/references page. Formatting contains several errors that suggest a lack of understanding of APA format. 0.0 pts Sources are not cited. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Paper Format 5.0 pts Paper is formatted to include all 7 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 4.25 pts Paper is formatted to include 6 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 3.75 pts Paper is formatted to include 5 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 3.0 pts Paper is formatted to include 4 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 0.0 pts Paper is formatted to include less than 4 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers. 5.0 pts Total Points: 100.0 MUST USE SCHOOL TEXTBOOK AS A REFERENCE AS WELL : Duiker, W. J. (2018). Contemporary world history. (6thed). Stamford, CT : Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285447902 (SCHOOL TEXTBOOK)

Writers Solution

Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.

Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive.

Of course, humans don’t fare too badly in this regard either. And healthcare is a great example. As specialists in the collection, access, and application of data, nurse informaticists collaborate with specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions to ensure the general well-being of patients. 

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your own observations of and/or experiences with informaticist collaboration. You will also propose strategies for how these collaborative experiences might be improved. 

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty. 
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.


Post 1page of a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.

Writers Solution

Human Resources Manager at OzMarket Consulting?

Assessment Guide:
BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations

Copyright 2019
? Australian College of Business Intelligence
All rights reserved
Version: 19.0
Date Modified: September 2019
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Australian College of Business Intelligence.
The Australian College of Business Intelligence does not invite reliance upon, nor accept responsibility for, the information it provides. The Australian College of Business Intelligence makes every effort to provide a high-quality service. However, neither the Australian College of Business Intelligence, nor the providers of data, gives any guarantees, undertakings or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or up-to-date nature of the information provided. Users should confirm information from another source if it is of sufficient importance for them to do so.

1. Assessment Information 4
A. Purpose of assessment 4
B. What you are required to do 4
C. Competencies being assessed 4
D. Important resources for completing this assessment 5
E. A note on plagiarism and referencing 6
F. A note on questions with role plays 6
G. Instructions for completing this assessment 6
2. Assessment Coversheet 8
3. Assessment Questions 9
A. Task A – Manage conflict 9
B. Task B – Develop employee and industrial relations policies 14
C. Task C – Implement employee relations policies and plans 20
4. Student Self Checklist 26

1. Assessment Information
A. Purpose of assessment
This assessment will develop your skills and knowledge required to manage employee and industrial relations matters in an organisation. It involves developing and implementing employee and industrial relations policies and plans and managing conflict resolution negotiations.
B. What you are required to do
For this assessment, you are required to complete 4 tasks:
• Task A – Manage Conflict
• Task B – Develop employee and industrial relations policies and plans
• Task C – Implement employee relations policies and plans
All tasks of this assessment require you to use the provided case study information relating to the fictional company Bounce Fitness.
C. Competencies being assessed
To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:
1. Develop employee and industrial relations policies and plans
2. Implement employee relations policies and plans
3. Manage negotiations to resolve conflict
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
• Analyse organisational documentation to determine long-term employee relations objectives and current employee relations performance
• Collaborate with others to develop and review industrial relations policies and plans
• Develop implementation and contingency plans for industrial relations policies
• Identify the skills and knowledge needed to implement the plan and organise training and development for self and staff
• Document and communicate strategies and procedures for eliminating and dealing with grievances and disputes
• Train others in conflict-resolution techniques
• Manage industrial relations conflicts, including advocating the organisation’s position during negotiations and documenting, implementing and following up agreements
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the Candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following:
• Key features of relevant industrial relations legislation or regulations
• Key features of enterprise and workplace bargaining processes
• Key features of relevant entities in the current Australian industrial relations system, including courts and tribunals, trade unions and employer bodies
• Key sources of expert industrial relations advice
• Key features of relevant organisational policies and procedures
• Key features of organisational objectives
For further information on the competencies of this unit, please refer to:
D. Important resources for completing this assessment
To complete this assessment, please refer to the following resources provided on Moodle:
• BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide
• BSBWRK520 Observation checklist
• BSBWRK520 Marking Guide
• BSBWRK520 Case study folder
• BSBWRK520 Legislation, regulation, codes and standards folder
• Additional student assessment information
E. A note on plagiarism and referencing
Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people are presented as your own.
When quoting or paraphrasing from a source such as the Internet, the source must be recognised. If you are quoting a source, make sure to acknowledge this by including “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas. Note the source at the point at which it is included within your assessment, such as by using a citation. Then list the full details of the source in a ‘references’ section at the end of your assessment.
All sources used for your assessment should be detailed in a ‘references’ section. It is advisable to never copy another person’s work.
F. A note on questions with role plays
The following questions involve role plays:
• Task A, Question A3
• Task B, Question B4
• Task C, Question C6
For these questions, as outlined below, you will be assessed on your ability to role play being a Human Resources (HR) Manager at OzMarket Consulting. These questions require you to manage meetings and take notes on what is discussed.
Your Trainer & Assessor will observe your meeting for Task A, Question A3.
Please note: You will also need to attend separate meetings organised by other students whereby they role play being other people. This allows other students to role play being the HR Manager. You do not need to take notes at meetings during which you are not role playing being the HR Manager.
G. Instructions for completing this assessment
Answer the questions below using the spaces provided:
• Answer all parts of each question
• Use your own words and give examples wherever possible
• The quality of your answer is more important than how long it is
• Enter your answers in this document
You may use various sources of information to inform your answers, including your resources provided by ACBI, books, and online sources. You must acknowledge and cite your sources.
Submission via Moodle
Please refer to the “Instructions for Submitting Your Assessment” found within the unit course page on Moodle.
NOTE: Please take care to follow all instructions listed. Assessments uploaded with a draft status on Moodle may not be graded.

2. Assessment Coversheet
Candidate Name:
Student ID:
Contact Number:
Trainer / Assessor Name:
Qualification: BSB50618 Diploma of Human Resources Management
Units of Competency: BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations
Assessment Tasks: ? A. Manage conflict
? B. Develop employee and industrial relations policies and plans
? C. Implement employee relations policies and plans
Due Date: Date Submitted:
Declaration: I have read and understood the following information at the beginning of this assessment guide (please tick):
? Assessment information
? Submitting assessments
? Plagiarism and referencing
I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is of others, I have fully referenced that material.
Name (please print):
Candidate signature:
3. Assessment Questions
A. Task A – Manage conflict
This task requires you to demonstrate understanding of addressing conflicts and grievances, using a case study involving Raynar Fabrication.
NOTE: To complete this task, you must read and refer to the “BSBWRK520 Case study” document provided on Moodle.
A1. Create a procedure with at least five (5) steps that can be used to address the conflict situation at Raynar Fabrication.
NOTE: You may use standard process mapping notation or step-by-step instructions. Refer to pages 55-56 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.
Write your answer here
A2. Complete the conflict resolution form provided below, with reference to the conflict between Tony, the staff member and the foreman at Raynar.
NOTE: Refer to page 69-74 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 100-150 words.

The incident that led to the grievance: Write your answer here
The parties involved in the conflict: Write your answer here
Documentation to be consulted to provide additional information on the grievance: Write your answer here
The organisation’s position on the conflict: Write your answer here
Ways to eliminate or alleviate the source of the conflict: Write your answer here
The planned negotiation strategy: Write your answer here
The desired negotiation outcomes: Write your answer here
The negotiation timeframes: Write your answer here
Is expert or specialist advice required? Write your answer here
Now you have prepared for a conflict resolution meeting, you need to discuss the grievance and negotiate a solution. Set up a meeting with:
• You, acting as the Human Resources Manager at OzMarket Consulting
• Tony, as role played by another student in your unit
NOTE: Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe this meeting.
Organise a day and time for your meeting, in line with the availability of other students in your unit as well as your Trainer & Assessor. This meeting should take 5-10 minutes.
You are required to manage the meeting. Prior to the meeting ensure you have read the instructions below on what you’ll be required to do during the meeting and prepare as necessary.
Use the meeting to discuss Tony’s grievance and negotiate a path through the problem:
• Find out as much as you can about the sources of the conflict from Tony’s perspective
• Advocate Raynar’s position in the conflict
• Obtain Tony’s agreement to return to work on suitable duties immediately
Ensure you take note of what you discuss during the meeting.
1. Record notes of what was discussed during your meeting. Answer in 50-100 words in the space provided below
2. Create a memo addressed to management and the foreman in question outlining the results of the meeting, the agreements made and what they are to do to implement the agreement. Answer in 50-100 words in the space provided below.
Meeting notes
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
A4. Read the scenario below, then answer the following question.
Not long after your meeting with Tony, he contacts you to say that he has returned to work as per your agreement but that the foreman has assigned him janitorial duties. He says that this work is demeaning and is designed to punish him for making trouble. He says he is willing to work through the situation but that these are hardly suitable duties and that Raynar isn’t keeping up with its side of the agreement.
Describe how you will respond in this situation, including:
• What remedial action you will take
• Who you will report the non-compliance to and how you will report it
• What recommendations you will give to Raynar on how to handle the situation
NOTE: Refer to page 79 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 100-200 words.
Write your answer here

B. Task B – Develop employee and industrial relations policies
This task requires you to review Raynar Fabrication’s existing industrial relations, then identify opportunities and develop new policies.
The Scenario:
Following Tony reporting the potential hazard, Rayner held discussions on Workplace Health and Safety (WHS). During these WHS discussions Raynar recognised some of their policies and procedures may not meet current legislation, regulations and industry best practice.
Your manager has approached you to be a member of the team that is to undertake research to identify any potential areas for improvements. The team leader, Janice, has asked you to focus on Employee Relations, with a particular focus on policies, plans, procedures and strategies.
PLEASE NOTE: To complete this task, you must also read and refer to the “BSBWRK520 Case study” document provided on Moodle.
B1. Review the information on Raynar Fabrication’s strategic and operational plans. Identify the company’s organisational objectives, then describe its long-term employee relations.
NOTE: Refer to pages 16-17 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document and pages 7-9 of the “BSBWRK520 Case study” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.
Write your answer here

B2. Analyse Raynar Fabrication’s existing employee relations performance by conducting a SWOT analysis – that is describe:
• Strengths
• Weaknesses
• Opportunities
• Threats
NOTE: Refer to pages 18-20 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document and page 7 of the “BSBWRK520 Case study” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.

Strengths Weaknesses
Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Opportunities Threats
Write your answer here

Write your answer here
B3. From the SWOT analysis you conducted in the previous question (Part B, Question 2),, select two or more options Raynar Fabrication has to improve its employee relations. For each option conduct a cost-risk-benefit analysis which outlines:
• Option – describe the opportunity
• Cost – identify costs involved in implementing each option
• Risk – describe the risks involved in implementing each option
• Benefit – describe the possible benefits of each of each option
• F/MF/NF – assess how feasible the idea is:
o Feasible (F),
o Maybe feasible (MF), OR
o Not feasible (NF)
NOTE: Refer to page 32 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.

Option Cost Risk Benefit F MF/NF
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The scenario
Your SWOT and cost-risk-benefit analysis has been well received both by your team leader and the management team as a whole. As such, you’ve been asked to assist in correcting and updating Raynar Fabrication’s industrial relations policies and plans. Your team consists of three people:
• You, acting as a Human Resources Manager at OzMarket Consulting
• Janice, the team leader
• A HR Coordinator at OzMarket Consulting, as role played by another student in your unit
As a number of policies and plans need to be reviewed, updated or developed, the three of you have decided to start with the policy and plan that is most urgent, the grievance policy. The grievance policy is most urgent because it the current policy has been found to incorrectly refer to leave entitlements, due to an erroneous copy and paste. Raynar Fabrications also has decided they need a grievance policy that reflects its business culture.
Janice has had to take time off work to care for a sick relative so has asked you to attend a meeting with the HR Coordinator to discuss the requirements for the policy, and afterwards send her an email summarising the discussions and suggesting a direction.
Set up a meeting with:
• You, role playing being Human Resources Manager at OzMarket Consulting
• The HR Coordinator, as role played by another student in your unit
Prior to the meeting, undertake some research into grievance policies to:
• Identify three (3) different styles of grievance policy (based on different industries). Different styles may include language, style, format or other factors
• Determine the most appropriate style for your industry
• Identify any legal requirements for grievance policies
Use the meeting to collaborate on developing the grievance policy. Discuss and reach an agreement as to what should be included in the grievance policy, the style of the grievance policy and the format of the grievance policy.
After the meeting, prepare a summary that could be emailed to Janice outlining:
• What was discussed during the meeting
• What should be included in the grievance policy
• The recommended style and format for the grievance policy
NOTE: Refer to pages 33-34 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.
Write your answer here

B5. Janice agrees with your recommendations for the Rayner Fabrication grievance policy. Develop the policy and document it below.
NOTE: Refer to page 16 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.
Write your answer here

C. Task C – Implement employee relations policies and plans
This task requires you to develop an implementation plan, train staff and review policies in relation to employee relations.
PLEASE NOTE: To complete this task, refer to the “BSBWRK520 Case study” document provided on Moodle.
C1. The policy you developed in Task B, Question 5 has been approved. Develop an implementation plan for the new Raynar grievance policy. Ensure your plan includes at least four actions.
NOTE: Answer using the table provided below. Refer to page 43-46 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.
Action required Responsibility Timeline Strategies/tactics Resources/budget
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C2. Develop contingency plans for implementing the new Raynar grievance policy.
NOTE: Answer using the table below. Refer to page 47-50 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.

Risk Impact Likelihood Contingency action(s)
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C3. Outline the skills and knowledge needed by Raynar’s management and employees to effectively implement the grievance policy and its related contingency plans.
NOTE: Refer to page 36-39 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

C4. You now need to prepare an email to managers and supervisors at Raynar about the new grievance policy and plan. Ensure your email:
• Explain the reasons why the grievance policy is being implemented and what it means to managers and supervisors in their role at Raynar
• Assure the managers and supervisors that their input is valuable, and give them the opportunity to provide comments and feedback
• Uses positive language while making it clear that following the new grievance policy is part of Raynar’s obligations under WHS legislation and that it will help people in their roles.
NOTE: Refer to pages 51-52 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

C5. Prepare copy (written text) for a fact sheet that you will use as handout during training to explain the importance of good employee relations. Ensure the fact sheet copy outlines:
• Key features of industrial relations legislation and regulations relating to Raynar Fabrications
• Key features of enterprise and workplace bargaining processes
• Key features of relevant entities within the industrial relations system, including courts, tribunals, trade unions and employer bodies and how they work together
• Key sources of expert industrial relations advice
• Key features of relevant organisational policies and procedures
• An outline of the process to be used for addressing grievances and conflict under the new grievance policy
NOTE: Refer to pages 25-31, 66-67, 81-84 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 100-200 words.
Write your answer here

C6. You now need to train staff at Raynar Fabrications on conflict management techniques. Set up a meeting with:
• You, acting as a HR Manager at OzMarket Consulting
• A relevant staff member at Raynar Fabrications, as role played by another student in your unit.
Use the meeting to:
• Give a description of conflict management
• Explain why conflict management is necessary
• Provide training in two conflict management techniques
• Seek feedback on the new grievance policy to determine if its meeting its intended outcomes
After the meeting, record notes on how your training went. Also record the feedback received and assess if the new employee relations policy is meeting its intended outcomes.
NOTE: Refer to pages 25-31, 66-67, 81-84 of the “BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 50-100 words.
Meeting notes:
Write your answer here

4. Student Self Checklist
A. Student Self Checklist for Tasks A – C
Candidate name:
Unit of Competency: BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations
Place a tick ‘? ’ in the Yes (“Y”) column for each question you have completed all parts for.
Task A – Manage Conflict
Did you: Y
A1: Create a procedure with at least five (5) steps for resolving the conflict situation at Raynar Fabrication?
A2: Complete the provided conflict resolution form, with reference to the conflict between Tony, the staff member and the foreman at Raynar?
A3: Set up a meeting with:
• You, acting as the Human Resources Manager at OzMarket Consulting?
• Tony, as role played by another student in your unit?
Use the meeting to discuss Tony’s grievance and negotiate a path through the problem:
• Find out as much as you can about the sources of the conflict from Tony’s perspective?
• Advocate Raynar’s position in the conflict?
• Obtain Tony’s agreement to return to work on suitable duties immediately?
After the meeting:
1. Record notes of what was discussed during the meeting?
2. Create a memo addressed to management and the foreman in question outlining the results of the meeting, the agreements made and what they are to do to implement the agreement?
A4: Read the scenario provided in the question? Describe how you will respond in this scenario, including:
• What remedial action you will take?
• Who you will report the non-compliance to and how you will report it?
• What recommendations you will give to Raynar on how to handle the situation?
Task B – Develop employee and industrial relations policies and plans
Did you: Y
B1: Review the information on Raynar Fabrication’s strategic and operational plans? Identify the company’s organisational objectives, then describe its long-term employee relations?
B2: Analyse Raynar Fabrication’s existing employee relations performance by conducting a SWOT analysis?
B3: From the SWOT analysis you conducted in the previous question (Part B, Question 2), select two or more options Raynar Fabrication has to improve its employee relations? For each option conduct a cost-risk-benefit analysis which outlines:
• Option – describe the opportunity?
• Cost – identify costs involved in implementing each option?
• Risk – describe the risks involved in implementing each option?
• Benefit – describe the possible benefits of each of each option?
• F/MF/NF – assess how feasible the idea is: Feasible (F); Maybe feasible (MF); OR Not feasible (NF)?
B4: Set up a meeting with:
• You, role playing being Human Resources Manager at OzMarket Consulting?
• The HR Coordinator, as role played by another student in your unit?
Use the meeting to:
• Collaborate on developing the grievance policy?
• Discuss and reach an agreement as to what should be included in the grievance policy, the style of the grievance policy and the format of the grievance policy?
After the meeting, prepare a summary that could be emailed to Janice outlining:
• What was discussed during the meeting?
• What should be included in the grievance policy?
• The recommended style and format for the grievance policy?
B5: Develop a greivance policy for Raynar Fabrication?
Task C – Implement employee relations policies and plans
Did you: Y
C1: Develop an implementation plan for the new Raynar grievance policy, ensuring your plan includes at least four actions?
C2: Develop contingency plans for implementing the new Raynar grievance policy, using the table provided?
C3: Outline the skills and knowledge needed by Raynar’s management and employees to effectively implement the grievance policy and its related contingency plans?
C4: Prepare an email to managers and supervisors at Raynar about the new grievance policy and plan, ensuring it:
• Explain the reasons why the grievance policy is being implemented and what it means to managers and supervisors in their role at Raynar?
• Assure the managers and supervisors that their input is valuable and give them the opportunity to provide comments and feedback?
• Uses positive language while making it clear that following the new grievance policy is part of Raynar’s obligations under WHS legislation and that it will help people in their roles?
C5: Prepare copy (written text) for a fact sheet that you will use as handout during training to explain the importance of good employee relations? Ensure the fact sheet copy outlines:
• Key features of industrial relations legislation and regulations relating to Raynar Fabrications?
• Key features of enterprise and workplace bargaining processes?
• Key features of relevant entities within the industrial relations system, including courts, tribunals, trade unions and employer bodies and how they work together?
• Key sources of expert industrial relations advice?
• Key features of relevant organisational policies and procedures?
• An outline of the process to be used for addressing grievances and conflict under the new grievance policy?
C6: Set up a meeting with:
• You, acting as a HR Manager at OzMarket Consulting?
• A relevant staff member at Raynar Fabrications, as role played by another student in your unit?
Use the meeting to:
• Give a description of conflict management?
• Explain why conflict management is necessary?
• Provide training in two conflict management techniques?
• Seek feedback on the new grievance policy to determine if its meeting its intended outcomes?
After the meeting, record notes on how your training went? Also record the feedback received and assess if the new employee relations policy is meeting its intended outcomes?

Writers Solution

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.


To Prepare:

· Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

· Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.

· Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

· A description of your core values

· A personal mission/vision statement

· An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile

· A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen

· A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.

· Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s