Writers Solution

As manager of the gift shop at the Metropolitan Zoo, you are responsible for managing the weekly payroll


Excel Chapter 2 Mid-Level 1 – Metropolitan Zoo 

Exp19 Excel Ch02 ML1 Metropolitan Zoo Gift Shop Weekly Payroll

Project Description:

As manager of the gift shop at the Metropolitan Zoo, you are responsible for managing the weekly payroll. Your assistant developed a partial worksheet, but you need to enter the formulas to calculate the regular pay, overtime pay, gross pay, taxable pay, withholding tax, FICA, and net pay. In addition, you want to include total pay columns and calculate some basic statistics. As you construct formulas, make sure you use absolute and relative cell references correctly in formulas 

Start Excel. Download   and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch02_ML1_Payroll.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename. 

Use IF functions to   calculate the regular pay and overtime pay based on a regular 40-hour   workweek in cells E5 and F5. Pay overtime only for overtime hours. In cell   G5, calculate the gross pay based on the regular and overtime pay. Abram’s   regular pay is $398. With 8 overtime hours, Abram’s overtime pay is $119.40.

Create a formula in   cell H5 to calculate the taxable pay. Multiply the number of dependents   (column B) by the deduction per dependent (B24) and subtract that from the   gross pay. With two dependents, Abram’s taxable pay is $417.40.

Use a VLOOKUP   function in cell I5 to identify and calculate the federal withholding tax.   Use the tax rates from the range D21:E25. The VLOOKUP function returns the   applicable tax rate, which you must then multiply by the taxable pay.

Calculate FICA in   cell J5 based on gross pay and the FICA rate (cell B23), and calculate the   net pay in cell K5. Copy all formulas down their respective columns to row   16.

With the range E5:K16   selected, use Quick Analysis tools to calculate the total regular pay, overtime   pay, gross pay, taxable pay, withholding tax, FICA, and net pay on row 17.

  Note, Mac users, with the range selected, on the Home tab, in the Editing   group, click AutoSum.

Apply Accounting Number   Format to the range C5:C16. Apply Accounting Number Format to the first row   of monetary data and to the total row. Apply the Comma style to the monetary   values for the other employees. Apply the Total cell styles format to the   range E17:K17.

Insert appropriate   functions to calculate the average, highest, and lowest values in the Summary   Statistics area (the range I21:K23) of the worksheet. Format the # of hours   calculations as Number format with one decimal and the remaining calculations   with Accounting number format.

Insert a footer with   your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file   name code on the right side of the worksheet.

Save and close the   workbook. Submit the file as directed


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As manager of the gift shop at the Metropolitan Zoo, you are responsible for managing the weekly payroll

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How Mind is Responsible for Differences in Perceptions among Individuals

Required Resources


  • Myers, D. G. (2014). Exploring psychology, in modules (9th ed.). New York, NY: Worth.
    • Module 3, “Neural and Hormonal Systems” (pp. 38–49)
    • Module 4, “The Brain” (pp. 50–67)
    • Module 8, “Drugs” (pp. 108–120)
  • National Institutes of Health. (2010). Drugs, brain, and behavior: The science of addiction. Retrieved from  

    This web article focuses on how the brain communicates and how drugs work in the brain.


Optional Resources

  • Semple, W. E., Goyer, P. F., McCormick, R., Donovan, B., Muzic, R. F., Jr., Rugle, L., … & Schulz, S. C. (2000). Higher brain blood flow at amygdala and lower frontal cortex blood flow in PTSD patients with comorbid cocaine and alcohol abuse compared with normals. Psychiatry, 63(1), 65–74.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Week 2 Assignment

Assignment: Perception

You are not aware of the many brain processes that help create your experiences. For example, the hippocampus, a part of your brain, processes memories of facts and episodes while the amygdale, another part of your brain, processes emotions. Additionally, the thalamus, located on top of the brainstem is the brain’s sensory switchboard because it receives information from all of the senses, except smell. Imagine life without one of or more of these parts of your brain functioning properly.

To further explore the connection between brain structure and thoughts, consider the following scenario:

Car A runs a red light and collides with Car B. Two women witness the collision. One, a mechanic at an auto body repair shop, is able to analyze details of the crash because of her extensive experience repairing damaged vehicles. The other woman had a panic attack because she was involved in a near fatal accident six months prior. Although both witnessed the same collision, each woman’s reaction is very different.

For this Assignment, you explore the brain’s interworking by explaining why two people witnessing the same event have different reactions.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Two people can experience the same situation yet have dramatically different perceptions of what happened. Review the following scenario:
    • You are sitting in a meeting, when two coworkers arrive late. The first apologizes and says, “Sorry, there was a minor fender bender at the intersection, and I had to wait a few minutes to get around it.” A few moments later, the second coworker enters and says, “I’m sorry I’m late, but there was a terrible accident at the intersection. There was a lot of damage. I’ll be surprised if no one was killed!” You realize that both are describing the same accident.
  • Review Module 3, “Neural and Hormonal Systems,” to explore the link between biological activity and psychological events.
  • Review Module 4, “The Brain,” and focus on what each part of the brain controls. Consider how brain function is related to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Review the web tutorial, “Neural Messages.” Focus on each function of the nervous system (such as hearing a sound).

Submit by Day 7 a paper of 1–2 pages explaining how two people may have completely different perceptions of the same event. Use this week’s Learning Resources to inform your response. Explain how each witness’s brain structure and neurotransmission is responsible for their different reactions.




Psychology: Perception

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(Student’s Name)

How Mind is Responsible for Differences in Perceptions among Individuals

Perceptions are the way people organize and interpret their sensory feelings to achieve a particular meaning (Finkelstein, Matarazzo, & Zimmerman, 2007). Each Individual has his/her unique way of viewing things. Perception often results from the mental way of giving significance to particular stimuli such as color, feeling, shapes, smell, pain, sound, taste and touch. It is from the perception that individual responses to particular situations that can be understood or known. At the center of the perception is the role of the mind, which coordinates all body responses.

            Human mind is the manifestation of thought and awareness of the consciousness, perception, emotion and imaginations that take place in the brain (György, 2006). The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum, which is responsible for intelligence and reasoning. The body organs such as hands, skin and eyes are responsible for detecting a stimulus, which is then transmitted to the brain for interpretation. The brain can interpret a similar stimuli felt by two in two different ways.  Individual nerves contain specialist nerves that respond differently to energy that are received.  Although the brain works with the aid of the electrical signals send by the neurons, it is also subject to influence from other neurotransmitting substances. In addition, the mind stores information, which can be retrieved and used to interpret current situations. Therefore, minds of two individuals are general in respond to changes in the environment. This provides some implications in which two individuals perceive the world. Two individuals can have different perception of a particular situati…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….




Writers Solution

You are the Operations General Manager at Max Lionel Realty (MLR). You are responsible for the day-to-day running of the company

 Assessment Task 1- Case Study and PresentationCommunicate organisation mission and goals
Assessment description
Using the workplace case study scenario information provided, you will address expectations of an organisation to investigate incidents in accordance with legal and organisational requirements. You will also address expectations to communicate organisational mission and goals to internal stakeholders by presenting to managers. Then you will make a presentation to stakeholders using your leadership skills.
Assessment instructions
1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in
Appendix 1: Max Lionel Realty. Review templates contained in Appendix 2: Assessment Templates for possible use or adaptation in completing assessment task requirements.
2. Review the information in Scenario 1 below and fill out an incident report in connection with the WHS incident. Complete a risk assessment based on the information provided by the HR Manager in the scenario. Update the organisational risk register.
3. Review the information in Scenario 2 below and prepare a presentation on the managers’ WHS responsibilities. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
4. Deliver your presentation of 10-15 minutes
5. Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
6. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9. See the specifications above for details of submission requirements.
10. Time allowed for the assessment task is 4 hours.
You must plan and deliver a presentation to managers and submit:
a. incident report
b. risk analysis
c. updated risk register
d. presentation notes, PowerPoint slides, etc.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to communicate organisational mission and goals.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to materials and equipment facilitated by your assessor.
Required resources
1. Assessment task 3, assessment instructions and case scenario in Appendix 1 2. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word) 3. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to:
a. relevant legislation, regulation, standards and codes
b. relevant workplace documentation and resources
c. case studies and, where possible, real situations
d. interaction with others.
Your assessor will be looking for:
? how you encourage others to adopt business ethics and build their commitment to the organisation
? clear communication of the organisation’s objectives, values and standards to stakeholders and the type of media and language used
? how you facilitate consultative decision-making with stakeholders
? the application of business ethics to leadership
? an explanation of the impact of legislation when providing leadership
? an explanation of the organisation mission, purpose and values
? how application of leadership styles support organisational objectives, plans and strategies.
Your Task
Using the case study in the appendix, complete the following activities:
1. Review the information in Scenario 1 below and fill out an incident report in connection with the WHS incident.
2. Complete a risk assessment based on the information provided by the HR Manager in the scenario.
3. Update the organisational risk register.
4. Review the information in Scenario 2 below and prepare a presentation on the managers’ WHS responsibilities. Ensure you:
a. explain the organisation’s mission, values and strategic directions
b. explain the link between the organisation’s objectives, standards, relevant legislation and the responsibilities of managers and agents for a safe workplace
c. state expectations of managers in a way designed to build commitment and support by managers; use persuasive language and deploy an appropriate leadership style
d. use appropriate media to achieve objectives of presentation.
5. Deliver your presentation.
6. Submit documentation as per specifications above.
Appendix Case Study Scenarios
Scenario 1
You are the Operations General Manager at Max Lionel Realty (MLR). You are responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. You oversee the coordination of activities that occur within the Residential, Commercial, and Investments branches of the company. You are responsible for overseeing projects which affect operations of the organisation as a whole. You work with the HR manager to coordinate systems and projects to achieve cooperation and coordination across the company.
WHS Incident
A WHS incident recently occurred at the Commercial office of Max Lionel Realty. Although it is the Commercial Manager’s responsibility to investigate WHS incidents, they have not done so. You decide to step in. In accordance with the recently implemented WHS management system you must:
? investigate incidents
? complete an incident report
? perform risk assessment ? update risk register.
The records you create of the incident need to be submitted to the HR Manager (assessor) for storage as per records management policy.
Details of the incident
? Last Wednesday, a client who was running late decided to leave through the emergency exit and stairwell, falling and breaking her wrist.
? The exit door was blocked by boxes of paper.
? One of the agents heard calls for help, managed to open the exit and helped the client.
? Not realising what had happened, or the seriousness of the accident, the agent criticised the client’s high heels, implying that such a thing would never happen to a man: ‘Any sensible woman would take the lift’.
? The client was humiliated.
? The client was taken to the Royal Women’s Hospital by ambulance.
? She is threatening to sue MLR for injuries, loss of income and mental trauma.
Scenario 1 (continued)
? Another agent noticed a strange odour and an oily substance on the stairwell.
? This agent reported the incident verbally to the Commercial Realty Manager.
? This incident has only just become known to the HR manager, who has been contacted by both the client’s lawyer and the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman.
? Several incidents in which managers have failed to undertake WHS management system responsibilities have occurred recently. For example, recordkeeping has been incomplete.
? Consultation with agents, WHS committee meetings have not occurred.
? The organisation’s original target was to reduce the number of WHS incidents by 25%; however, after initial success, enthusiasm for the system has worn off and incident rates are only just lower than they were when the system was initiated.
Scenario 2
You are the Operations General Manager at Max Lionel Realty. You have recently investigated a serious WHS incident.
You have determined that the incident may represent a systemic breakdown in compliance with the organisation’s WHS management system. This system has only recently been implemented and clearly the requisite practices have not been embedded.
Your legal and ethical responsibility is clear. You have a legal and ethical responsibility as a manager to minimise workplace hazards. Moreover, in accordance with organisational change management processes, you need to ensure organisational support by regularly reviewing compliance and acting immediately to intervene to ensure organisational objectives and minimise risk.
You need to ensure managers are aware of and comply with the following responsibilities under the WHS management system and WHS legislation:
? consult with agents on WHS issues to continually identify any potential risks
? regularly conduct WHS committee meetings to address risk across the organisation
? regularly assess potential workplace hazards
? act proactively to reduce risk
? update the risk register (Template attached).
You have decided to prepare a presentation to managers to ensure compliance.
Your objective is to ensure a smooth implementation of the WHS management system. Accordingly, you don’t want to single out or embarrass any one manager. Rather, you want to ensure enthusiastic support by underscoring the importance of implementation of the WHS management system with respect to Max Lionel’s mission and organisational goals. You will need to ensure you demonstrate and support ethical attitudes and practices.
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership across the organization
Risk Register Template
The following table is a sample format of a risk register which could be used to document the organisation’s risks and controls, along with an example of risk assessment criteria.
Document Assessment Task 1-2-3 – BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership across the organisation Page 7 of 17
Date created: September 2019 Date implemented: September 2019 Date reviewed: April 2020 Responsible by: Coordinator
International College of Melbourne | CRICOS: 03416G | TOID: 41136 | |
Risk Current Risk Rati ng Target Risk Rating
Risk # Risk Current treatments to manage risk Action Plan
(additional controls required)
Assessment Task 2 – Project and Role-play Influence, build and support teams and individuals
Assessment description
Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will plan the implementation and resourcing of an organisational change strategy, conduct a workshop and consult with various stakeholders, and implement a key part of the change strategy. At all stages, you will build support for the implementation and lead and support a team of managers to implement a change strategy.
Assessment instructions
1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in Appendix 1: Max Lionel Realty. Review templates contained in Appendix 2: Assessment Templates for possible use or adaptation in completing assessment task requirements.
2. Review the scenario information below and complete the activities of your task.
3. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
4. This task requires you to meet with your manager (assessor) in a role-play and also conduct a workshop to stakeholders (assessor and trainee mates)
5. Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
6. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9. See the specifications above for details of submission requirements.
10. Time allowed for the assessment task is 4 hours.
You must:
1. meet with CEO (your assessor) to approve change strategy 2. Conduct a workshop for managers on the change strategy 3. submit:
a. action plan for implementation
b. budget
c. communication plan
d. drafts of evolving planning documents
e. agenda
f. team roles and responsibilities document
g. team budget
h. workshop notes.
Document Assessment Task 1-2-3 – BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership across the organisation Page 8 of 17
Date created: September 2019 Date implemented: September 2019 Date reviewed: April 2020 Responsible by: Coordinator
International College of Melbourne | CRICOS: 03416G | TOID: 41136 | |
Performance objective
You will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to influence groups and individuals and skills required to build and support teams.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to materials and equipment facilitated by your assessor.
Required resources
4. Assessment task 3, assessment instructions and case scenario in Appendix 1 5. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word) 6. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to:
a. relevant legislation, regulation, standards and codes
b. relevant workplace documentation and resources
c. case studies and, where possible, real situations
d. interaction with others.
Your assessor will be looking for:
1. how you communicate and inspire the trust and confidence of others and ensure their cooperation and support
2. how you explain business ethics and their application
3. how your knowledge of leadership styles and their application supports the organisation
4. an explanation of the impact of legislation, codes and by-laws relevant to the organisation’s operations
5. how you incorporate the organisation mission, purpose and values into your plan 6. how you describe the organisation objectives, plans and strategies in your plan
7. how you discuss, initiate and implement the organisational change processes.
Document Assessment Task 1-2-3 – BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership across the organisation Page 9 of 17
Date created: September 2019 Date implemented: September 2019 Date reviewed: April 2020 Responsible by: Coordinator
International College of Melbourne | CRICOS: 03416G | TOID: 41136 | |
Your task
Using the case study information in the appendix, you are required to undertake project work and role-play completing the following task activities:
1. Develop action plan for implementation of the change strategy.
2. Develop a budget for the strategy.
3. Develop a communication plan for the change strategy.
4. Arrange a time to meet with CEO (your assessor) to discuss planning. Meet with CEO (your assessor) and during this meeting you are required to:
a. employ appropriate leadership style
b. discuss plans and budget and gain support
c. explain how plans meet organisational, legal requirements, etc.
d. explain how communication plan accounts for needs of internal and external groups. Explain what approaches will be taken to ensure the organisation is reflected positively in the media.
e. discuss modes of communication (e.g. presentations, flyers, posters, training notes, etc.) in implementation plans
f. explain how plans align to organisational risk management plans; for example, explain how the change strategy mitigates certain risks outlined in the risk register
g. discuss the approach to be taken in upcoming consultation with managers (key part of implementation).
5. Revise plans/budget based on consultation with CEO. Keep drafts of plans to provide evidence of consultation and continuous improvement.
6. Consult with managers (individuals chosen by your assessor to play the roles of managers) to implement part of change management strategy (inform managers of change processes, gain support, seek feedback and suggestions for improvement). Ensure you:
a. employ an appropriate leadership style
b. model and encourage ethical behaviour.
7. Revise plans/budget based on consultation with managers. Keep drafts of plans to provide evidence of consultation and continuous improvement.
8. Develop agenda for workshop and arrange time to meet with managers to workshop implementation of agent training. Arrange for the assessor to observe workshop.
9. Lead team workshop with managers. Ensure you:
a. set and complete objectives for workshop; determine how to ensure effective training of agents
b. assign roles for each manager
c. model ethical behaviour and encourage ethical behaviour in team
d. use an appropriate leadership style to achieve objectives
e. discuss organisational requirements such as legislation
f. provide support for team as team generates ideas for how to produce effective training
g. model innovative methods to generate ideas for training agents and achieving training objectives; for example, brainstorming, fishbone diagrams, 8Ps, flowcharting
h. discuss, suggest, demonstrate and encourage innovative approaches
i. provide constructive criticism, advice
j. discuss leadership styles to be employed by managers in training
k. discuss budget for training
l. take notes from workshop to evidence participation.
10. Submit documentation as per specifications below.

Appendix Scenario
You are the Operations General Manager at Max Lionel Realty (MLR). The CEO, Max Lionel, has asked you to initiate and implement a change strategy to improve organisational culture and ensure ethical and legal compliance of agents. Key outcomes of the strategy will be:
? development of an ethics charter for the business based on WHS responsibilities and
Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct
? revisions made to existing policies and procedures to incorporate use of charter by agents
? training for managers and agents on use of charter, WHS responsibilities and legal/ethical responsibilities.
Previous needs analysis for this strategy has uncovered characteristics and requirements of various groups and stakeholders:
Agents (40) Clients Tenants/wider community
? under stress; time-poor
? highly trained and competent in selling and managing real estate
? unaware of legal, ethical requirements; just want to please clients
? even if aware, have no idea how to apply to daily client practice
? unclear on overall strategic aims of MLR ? culturally diverse. ? cynical: e.g. ‘Why do I have to pay attention to MLR’s
internal business? I just want them to manage my property’
? time-poor
? not sure of MLR obligations and commitment to best-ofbreed client service and ethical practice, REIV Code of Conduct
? feel that it’s the agent’s obligation to fill rental/lease properties according to client wishes: e.g. ‘I choose who lives in/leases my property’
? culturally diverse. ? sometimes feel discriminated against on basis of:
? lifestyle
? family status
? cultural background ? income, etc.
? residential agents have been rude or insensitive on occasion: e.g. ‘You wouldn’t treat your rich clients or investment partners this way’
? do not feel they are adequately consulted
? residential/commercial agents/clients have let themselves in without consultation
? inspections are sometimes unannounced
? feel that the real estate business is crooked ? culturally diverse.
The following resources are available from preferred suppliers, Ace Consultants:
Human resourcing Cost
Developer/writer $120/hr
Advertising and promotions consultant $150/hr
Quality assurance person/editor $120/hr
WHS trainer/facilitator $120/hr
Anti-discrimination trainer/facilitator $120/hr
Mary Stewart (WHS consultant) $150/hr
John Ng (CPA) $150/hr
Pat Lee (Lawyer; anti-discrimination expert) $150/hr
Other resourcing
Off-site training room (catered ) with space for ten people $400/hr
Promotions package: email, social media, trade magazine placements, local newspaper copy $4000
The total budget for the change strategy: $12,000 You will need to:
? develop a draft action/implementation plan for the implementation of the strategy, including all activities to be undertaken and timelines for entire project
? develop a draft communications plan for internal and external stakeholders
? consider resourcing requirements and develop a draft budget
? consider modes of communication and outline new technologies which would benefit promotion of plan
? include in action/implementation plan (and communication plan) a meeting with managers as a key part of building support for change strategy and gaining input
? meet with CEO to approve draft planning documents
? meet with managers to present draft strategy and gain input.
Managers have now been trained in WHS and ethics. It has been decided that managers will train their agents.
Training objectives for agents
WHS: ? Identify relevant legislation, standards, codes, etc.
? Fill out incident reports.
? Perform risk assessment.
? Fill in risk register.
Ethics: ? Identify relevant legislation, standards, codes, etc.
? Use ethics charter: ensure clients, tenants, etc. are aware of charter (revised customer service procedures mandate that agents must ensure awareness).
? Follow REIV code of conduct: ensure honesty.
? Act in non-discriminatory manner with clients/tenants.
Managers will be accountable for planning and delivering training, assessing individual competence, periodically reviewing effectiveness of training, and considering ethical and WHS performance as part of periodic agent performance management, in accordance with company policy.
In addition to preferred suppliers, the following costs are associated with resources:
Resource Cost
Managers $120/hr
Training rooms $100/hr
Paper $0.50/sheet
Projector $100/day
All other training resources will be at your discretion and obtained in accordance with the MLR procurement policy.
You will need to:
? meet with managerial team to discuss training and develop training/information sessions for agents according to agent needs
? assign roles for training
? demonstrate encouragement and support for team and create positive work environment
? demonstrate innovative approaches ? encourage innovative approaches to training.
? prepare budget for team based on stated needs.
Assessment Task 3 Report (and answers to Questions) Demonstrate personal and professional competence Assessment description
This task has two parts as Part A and Part B. Part A you are required to develop a plan and write a report setting out personal and professional goals in a professional development (PD) plan. Then you will obtain third-party verification of participation in networking or professional development to achieve goals set out in your PD plan. You will submit a reflection on your personal development. For Part B, you are required to write answers to 6 questions demonstrating your knowledge on leadership.
Assessment instructions
1. Reflect on your leadership skills in the context of the work you completed in Assessment Tasks 1–3. This will be a self-assessment exercise
2. Write answers to 6 questions in Part B.
3. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
4. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
You must:
? plan professional activities in PD plan and perform three activities.
? submit:
? professional development plan ? a written reflection.
? Answers to 8 questions (Part B)
Performance objective
You will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to demonstrate your leadership, personal and professional competence.
Your Task Part A – Report
1. Reflect on your leadership skills in the context of the work you completed in
Assessment Tasks 1–3. This will be a self-assessment exercise, so questions you should ask yourself include the following.
a. What did I do well?
b. What areas need improvement?
c. Did I engage all stakeholders?
d. Did I display ethical conduct? If so, how/how not?
e. How was my leadership style appropriate for the tasks?
2. Once you have established areas for improvement, determine how this will occur by developing a professional development plan. Questions to ask yourself will include the following.
a. What are my objectives?
b. What are the priorities for achieving these?
c. What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives?
d. What resources do I need?
e. What are my timelines?
3. Identify three professional development activities in your PD plan (for example, training, networking or professional development) designed to achieve goals and overcome weaknesses set out in your PD plan. Ensure you are able to perform the activities within the allotted assessment time.
Note: Ensure you gather third-party verification of participation and performance in at least three activities, including at least two activities involving networking. Use reports from three different third parties.
Acceptable third parties include: your managers, superiors, trainers and assessors (for additional training undertaken), industry peers (for networking undertaken).
4. Complete a written reflection detailing:
a. answers to reflection questions in step 1 above
b. how you will continue to develop your skills and knowledge through professional development and networking.
5. Submit documentation as per specifications below.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
? how you have demonstrated leadership, i.e., communicated and inspired the trust and confidence of others and ensured their cooperation and support
? how you established networks and developed skills to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/products/services
? how you demonstrated knowledge of business ethics and their application.
Part B – Written Questioning
Write answers to the following 8 questions:
1. Define ‘leadership’ across organisation using your own words
2. Identify at least three main types of leadership styles and briefly explain how you apply them across organisation
3. Explain the organisation’s mission, purpose and values
4. Explain business ethics and their application to leadership (approx. 250 words)
5. Outline at least three main types leadership styles and their application in supporting the organisation’s mission, objectives and values
6. Explain the impact of legislation in providing leadership in the organisation
7. Using your own words, describe
a. organisation objectives,
b. organisation plans and
c. strategies
8. Explain organisational change processes

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