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Are gig workers entitled to the same rights and benefits as traditional employees

Assignment objective: Create an annotated bibliography of two academically credible sources and a research proposal of at least one full paragraph.

Length: Your overall submission should be at least 300 words.

References: At least two sources are required, and at least one must come from the CSU Online Library. Both sources should be academically credible (academic journals, eBooks, periodicals, organizational websites, etc.) and no more than 5 years old. Use APA Style 7th edition standards to format the reference citations for each source.

My topic is: Are gig workers entitled to the same rights and benefits as traditional employees?

Details: Part I: Create an annotated bibliography of your two strongest sources: one that is in support of the pro side of your topic and one that is in support of the con side of your topic. Create a reference citation using APA Style and a short annotation or summary for each source. An annotation is a short paragraph that summarizes the source’s main points, purpose, and conclusions. You should also include at least one sentence that indicates how you might use the information from the source within your paper (it’s okay if your use of the source changes throughout the project).

Part II: Compose a brief paragraph for your research proposal that outlines the topic you have selected, the points of contention on both sides of the issue, and your preliminary thesis statement. The research proposal’s objectives are to assist you in comprehending your topic, providing guidance and input on it, and creating a project blueprint.

  • Begin with a few sentences that offer context (background information) about the topic.
  • Then, detail the controversy surrounding the issue, and include at least two sentences detailing the arguments on either side of the issue.
  • Finally, offer your tentative thesis statement, which is your overall argument about the issue. It is normal to hone and strengthen the thesis statement throughout the first few stages of the writing process, so it is okay if your thesis statement is not exactly where you want it to be just yet. The thesis should make a solid argument and offer a justification of the position (tell your reader why the argument is valid, important, or true).
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Balance ‘rights’ and ‘obligations’ in contemporaryAustralia

Human rights and social advocacy


What we want to see:

The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We

recommend you work with your Academic Writing Guide to ensure that you reference correctly. You

will find a link to this document on the main page of every unit, under the ‘Assessments’ section.

Correct academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We

recommend a minimum of ten references.

Referencing: References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic

sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a

reference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable

of conducting your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding

of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page

number/s if shown in the original.

Researching: You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online

journal databases and which can be accessed from the library homepage. Reputable news sites

such as The Conversation (, online dictionaries and online

encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic. Government

departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council

(NHMRC), international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local not

for profit organisations such as the Cancer Council are also good resources.

Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other

formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other

formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.

What we don’t want to see:

Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the

plagiarism website on blackboard i . By clicking the ‘Upload this file’ button you acknowledge that you

have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the

Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of

cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program


Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you

may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.

Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10%

penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks

penalty per day.

No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.

More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think

Education website.

BASS – FOL / WEL 303A/Term 3, 2014

Resources Available to YOU:

1. Academic writing guide link



2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit

(LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page:



LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline

Spaans (, 02 949 232 14).

3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the library page

Please contact the online and Pyrmont librarian for Health, Dawn Vaux

( if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do

research this way.

Writers Solution

current article related to a patient’s rights being violated by a health care provider



Review a current article related to a patient’s rights being violated by a health care provider. The article can be taken from a wide variety of journals, magazines, and newspapers, such as Hospitals, National Law Journal, Business Week, Newsweek, Time, and The New York Times. You can also choose an article from the CSU Online Library.

  • Provide a summary of the article.
  • Discuss the facts of the case.
  • Indicate whether the violation was an example of negligence or an intentional tort. Explain your reasoning.
  • Discuss the outcome, and state if you agree or not and why or why not.
  • Explain the responsibility of health care providers to protect their patients from harm.
  • State three lessons to be learned from the case.

Use subheadings for each of the sections to be discussed.Your review of the article must be at least two pages in length and use at least three sources, including the article being reviewed. One source must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this review, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


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SACR-3390. Refugees, Borders, and Human Rights

Who are refugees, illegal migrants and asylum seekers? Where do asylum seekers come from and why? What do states do about them? Which agencies, actors and interest groups engage with refugees? What are the links between refugees and nationalism and racism, borders, immigration policies and attitudes, state sovereignty, diaspora and transnationalism, human rights and cultural identities? How do we understand borders, boundaries, and biopolitics in our contemporary world? This course provides the student with the analytical skills to interpret historical and contemporary claims, vested interests and local, regional and global complexities of these issues. (Prerequisites: one of SACR-2130, SACR-2200, SACR-2270 or SACR-2400, and semester 5 or higher standing).

Human trafficking is one of the most heinous crimes on Earth. Right now traffickers are
robbing a staggering 24.9 million people of their freedom and basic human dignity—that’s
roughly three times the population of New York City. We must band together and build
momentum to defeat human trafficking. We must hold the perpetrators of this heinous
crime accountable. We must achieve justice for survivors as they rebuild their lives. We
must reinvigorate our shared commitment to extinguish human trafficking wherever it
exists. There is no time to waste.
Achieving these objectives requires sound information and tried-and-true approaches.
Through the annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report), we assess comprehensively
what governments around the world are doing to combat this crime. The TIP Report is an
invaluable tool to arm ourselves with the latest information and guide our action at home and abroad. It helps us go
beyond preconceived notions of what we think human trafficking is and better understand the complexities of this crime.
Each one of us can be a champion for freedom and use our specific strengths to help eradicate human trafficking.
Individuals can learn the common indicators for human trafficking and call in suspicious activities to the local or national
hotline. Businesses can take meaningful steps to eliminate forced labor from their supply chains. First responders
can enhance training and put in place screening to help identify trafficking victims. Government leaders can prioritize
investigating and prosecuting labor and sex trafficking cases wherever they occur.
Alongside us in the battle are those who sadly know first-hand how depraved this assault on human dignity really is.
We salute the brave survivors who have already become instrumental partners in the global fight to combat human
trafficking. We encourage other governments to seek survivor input and apply trauma-informed approaches to hold
traffickers accountable and care for survivors. And we honor the courageous TIP Report Heroes who have dedicated
themselves to this most urgent cause of defending freedom.
The Department of State joins the Trump Administration, community leaders, global allies, and the survivors in our
shared fight to end human trafficking. We must be resolute—we cannot leave anyone behind. Rather, we must harness
innovation and ingenuity to prevent trafficking, identify and empower those who have survived it, and send the strongest
message possible to traffickers that we will not tolerate their despicable and criminal acts.
A child herder watches over a herd of cattle.
In some areas of Africa, traffickers force
children to work in agricultural sectors,
including herding.
“We take these stories to
heart. We use them as fuel to
motivate us to action as we
work together to end human
trafficking once and for all.”
– U.S. Secretary of State
Michael R. Pompeo
Dear Reader:
This is an important time for us to be engaged in the work of stopping traffickers, protecting
victims, and tackling the systems that allow the crime to thrive. Traffickers continue to
operate with impunity and only a small fraction of victims receive trauma-informed,
victim-centered support services. Yet, by working together, governments, civil society
organizations, survivor advocates, and faith communities can reverse this troubling pattern.
This year, the TIP Report introduction highlights human trafficking that takes place
exclusively within the borders of one country, absent any transnational elements. Although
acknowledging human trafficking in this form is not new or novel, it remains important.
The ILO reports that, globally, traffickers exploit 77 percent of victims in their countries
of residence. Far too often, individuals, organizations, and governments erroneously use
definitions of trafficking in persons that require the movement of victims. Both the Trafficking Victims Protection Act
and the United Nations’ Palermo Protocol focus on compelling a person to work or engage in a commercial sex act; they
do not require movement from one place to another. The Palermo Protocol requires each state party to establish in its
domestic law the crime of human trafficking both within and between countries.
As we in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons worked to prepare the 187 country narratives for this year’s
TIP Report, it became apparent that in many countries, governments are reluctant to address human trafficking when it
happens at home. In effect, they are turning a blind eye to those traffickers who exploit their own citizens, neglecting to
apply their own domestic laws regarding human trafficking, and sometimes even allowing harmful cultural norms and
practices to thrive.
This year, the TIP Report serves as a call to action for governments around the world to embrace the full meaning of the
Palermo Protocol and implement their domestic laws in a manner that protects all victims and punishes all traffickers.
I am honored to serve as the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Promoting justice
and human rights around the world is essential because freedom and individual human dignity are core to American
values and the foundation of international law. These are the very principles that traffickers work against when they
commit these crimes. I am confident that we can make significant strides to hold accountable domestic, and transnational,
traffickers and effectively implement laws so that all may enjoy freedom.


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How and why did social rights expand for white men during the early 19th century and decrease for women and non-whites?


White Men’s Democracy

The Revolutionary War was over, the colonies were now a country, the country was growing and expanding at an unbelievable pace. The nation was thriving, and it looked like this experiment in democracy and the notion that all men are created equal was going to work. But how equal was it?

In this third Case, you’ll be reviewing, researching and writing about the reality of democracy as it was practiced during this time.

Case Assignment

Write a 3 to 4-page essay answering the question:

How and why did social rights expand for white men during the early 19th century and decrease for women and non-whites?

Assignment Expectations

Use concepts from the background readings as well as any academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of your paper.

Length: 3 to 4 pages, double-spaced, typed, using 12-Point Times New Roman font.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  • Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.
  • Some in-text references to the background readings (APA formatting not required).
  • The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the background readings.


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How and why did social rights expand for white men during the early 19th century and decrease for women and non-whites?


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How do public policy shifts that address the civil rights of minority groups advance social equality? Is this different than social equity?


How do public policy shifts that address the civil rights of minority groups advance social equality? Is this different than social equity?

READING RESOURCES,to%20some%20part%20of%20society,to%20some%20part%20of%20society


CrashCourse. (2016, February 27). Social Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #49 [Video]. YouTube.



There are a variety of social issues that social workers address on an individual basis every day. In the last unit, you addressed a “private problem” that could indicate a potential structural issue in the United States. Our next step is to focus on solving that issue.

Use what you’ve read about to further solve the issue you last addressed in your Unit 5.

What public policy would you create to solve that issue? Which framework would you use to address it? How would ensure that the policy is culturally competent?

Are there people who suffer from that issue that may not have their problem solved by that public policy? How would you help those people?

Is there an existing agency that helps this group of people? How could you integrate that group into your solution? (Note: please include a link for the agency you chose in APA format on a reference list at the end of it).

Your response should be a minimum of two pages, but no more than four pages (unless you have instructor approval).

READING RESOURCES (Links to an external site.),freedom%20and%20possibility%20for%20all
Writers Solution

Religious rights (1st amendment) versus equal protection (14th amendment):

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Instructions

This week you will be writing an essay, 2-3 pages double-spaced in length, on what happens when Constitutional rights collide.  You can find an example from the news or caselaw,  but here are some suggestions:

Religious rights (1st amendment) versus equal protection (14th amendment):

Freedom of speech (1st amendment) versus equal protection/protected classes (14th amendment)

Freedom from Search/seizure (4th amendment) versus right to carry a firearm (2nd amendment:,he%20is%20carrying%20a%20firearm%3F

If you find something that’s not technically a conflict, but is interesting to you, that’s fine!  Here are some interesting Constitutional issues:

– Can cities impose mask mandates?  Is this even a Constitutional issue, why or why not?

– Can a state make laws that put a greater burden on minority residents (think voting restrictions)?

– Should mandatory draft registration be imposed on both men and women?  

Citing your sources.  If you are not a Legal Studies student, you may use whatever citation system your major uses.  If you are a Legal Studies student, you must use Bluebook and use footnotes. Everyone must make sure their sources are properly cited.  Check Turnitin for help!  If you copy a piece of text, it MUST be in quotation marks with a citation immediately after





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Do you agree with corporations having 1st Amendment rights?

Please read the fact pattern below and answer the following questions: You are Sam’s Lawyer!

Sandra owns a landscaping company that has over 100 employees.  She hired Sam, a Muslim, who told her during the interview process that per his faith, he would need to pause for prayer potentially several times a day depending on the schedule.  Sandra, who espoused a policy of diversity, told him it wouldn’t be an issue.  After the US Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, 573 U.S. 682 (2014), she decided to stop paying for any kind of birth control through the health insurance she offered her employees. She then started thinking about other ways in which religion impacted her business.  After talking with her husband, she decided to tell Sam he could no longer pray during the workday, as it probably was disruptive to business and bothered the other employees (although no one had ever mentioned it).  She issued Sam a letter informing him that under her religious freedom rights as a business owner, she would not allow Muslim prayer during the workday.  The next day she got a certified letter from Sam’s lawyer telling her that she was violating his rights and unless she allowed him to continue to pray, she would be subject to a lawsuit.

Note that the 1st Amendment protects you from the government, not private individuals.  Also, what is the law that gives 1st Amendment rights to corporations?  You will want to find that as well (it’s mentioned in the Hobby Lobby case).  Here’s something to start your research on the rights of individuals in the workplace.  

As the lawyer, tell us what your arguments would be for your client.  Once you have done so, you may make your personal commentary on this issue.  Here are some things to consider:  Do you agree with corporations having 1st Amendment rights?  Why or why not?  Do you think that corporations should be able to impose the religious beliefs of the owners on the employees and not be subject to restrictions like Title VII?  What if Sam was a Scientologist?  What if Sam was a member of a religion created by his cousin?  How do you know if a religious practice is protected?





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Do you agree with corporations having 1st Amendment rights?

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The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

  • Option 1: The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution. It is supposed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. It was first introduced to Congress by Alice Paul, leader of women’s suffrage movement in 1923. Compare/contrast the Equal Rights Amendment with the Fourteenth Amendment. Did they deal with separate concepts? Explain your answer.
  • Option 2: The Bill of Rights is not only included with the United States Constitution but also state constitutions. All states have provisions in their constitutions that protect individual rights. Go online and look up your state constitution concerning amendments that are included in the Bill of Rights. How does your state constitution protect your individual rights?

Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.

Writing Requirements

  • Cite your sources when applicable (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution

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How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens


This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6.

Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by your instructor. Be sure to verify the presentation format with your instructor before starting work on this assignment.

The presentation Point presentation will need to include:

  • Name the case
  • Discuss the facts of the case
  • Discuss the history of the case (what laws or legal action was taken)
  • Discuss the issues or the facts of the case and legal questions the court must decide
  • Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?
  • Discuss the concurring and dissenting opinions from the judge or if a jury trial, the jury.

Important: In this assignment, you are expected to elaborate the points you made in the prior assignment in Week 6. This assignment will be graded on your strength to elaborate and explain the facts of the case and proper use of visual aids, good narration, and presenting to the case and how well you stick to the case. For example, if you are using the PowerPoint, you are also expected to include proper visuals that are relevant to the case. Do not copy-paste the outline into this and call it complete.

This assignment is worth 250 points.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: The presentation must be 10-15 slides long if using PowerPoint (excluding cover and reference pages) or 3-5 minute long if using a video presentation.
  • Font should not be smaller than size 16-point  
  • Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style  
  • Title/Introduction slide required
  • References slide minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)
  • Use the speaker notes to elaborate on the content on the slides

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens

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