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According to the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal to discriminate based on sex when hiring.

If you have ever been to a Hooters restaurant, you may notice something about their staff.  There are no men working as servers. In fact, Hooters will not ever hire a man to be a server in any of their restaurants. They have been sued more than once for this hiring practice, and in some cases, had to pay out millions of dollars. Yet, Hooters continues to uphold the policy and they continue to stay in business.

According to the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal to discriminate based on sex when hiring.

In your initial post, answer the following:

1) How is it, then, that Hooters restaurants can choose to ONLY hire women who look a certain way to work as servers in their establishments?

2) Within your initial response, discuss “BFOQ”. What is it and how does it apply to this situation?

NOTE: This is not meant to be an opinion-based initial response. I want you to research this topic and post with an educated answer. You can most definitely share your opinion on this policy in your replies to your classmates. According to the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal to discriminate based on sex when hiring.

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Paparazzi behavior as a form and bullying and breach of privacy rights

Celebrities and the paparazzi who photograph them have long had a strained relationship. Some People consider Paparazzi behavior as a form and bullying and breach of privacy rights. In your opinion, Paparazzi practices are negative or positive?

*Research into the topic and give your opinion. *Support your opinion with relevant arguments and evidence.*Write Minimum 500 words (Maximum 800 Words)Essay (4-5 Paragraphs)* References are required (Minimum 3) in APA format.

* Follow Essay Writing Outline and Guidelines.

1- Add the cover page with Complete Student Information.

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Information rights and obligations

Five moral dimensions of the
information age:
1.Information rights and obligations
2.Property rights and obligations
3.Accountability and control
4.System quality
5.Quality of life
Q: which do you think is the most difficulty for society to deal with it? ( means from those five moral dimensions of the information age above, which one is very difficult to deal with it?) so you have to say which one and you have to explain as well as giving an example why it’s difficult to deal with it compared with the other dimensions.

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Information rights and obligations

• Five moral dimensions of the
information age:
1.Information rights and obligations
2.Property rights and obligations
3.Accountability and control
4.System quality
5.Quality of life
Q: which do you think is the most difficulty for society to deal with it? ( means from those five moral dimensions of the information age above, which one is very difficult to deal with it?) so you have to say which one and you have to explain as well as giving an example why it’s difficult to deal with it compared with the other dimensions.

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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Theory/ Case Notes

The following are some selected articles from the UDHR that are relevant to the case. However, they are not inclusive of all of the relevant articles, so you should check to see if any articles not included on this list are useful to your argument.

As you study the theory and the case,

write one or two key words from the article that you think is/are the most significant.

take notes that are relevant for matching evidence from the theory.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Word from the ArticleNotes/Examples/Quotes from the movie “Blood Diamond” Movie script: Searching for “Blood Diamond script” on the internet
Article #Description
1All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.equality
2Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.No distinction
3Everyone has the right to life, liberty, & security of person.Life security
4No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.No slavery
5No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishmentNo crueltyA RUF rebel grabs a village man and pushes him to knee down in front of the leader Colonel who shouts at the village man, “we now the future, so we take your hands. No more hands, no more voting. Chop him” **This example can not be used in your essay.
6Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
7All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
12No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks
13(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
14(1)Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
16(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
22Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
23(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
251) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection
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How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Presentation

Assignment: Part II: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Presentation

Start Assignment

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

· Textbook: Chapter 17. Also, Chapter 11 and 12 from Week 6 might still be relevant.

· Lesson

· Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.


This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6.

Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by your instructor. Be sure to verify the presentation format with your instructor before starting work on this assignment.

The Powerpoint Point presentation will need to include:

· Name the case

· Discuss the facts of the case

· Discuss the history of the case (what laws or legal action was taken)

· Discuss the issues or the facts of the case and legal questions the court must decide

· Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?

· Discuss the concurring and dissenting opinions from the judge or if a jury trial, the jury.

Important: In this assignment, you are expected to elaborate the points you made in the prior assignment in Week 6. This assignment will be graded on your strength to elaborate and explain the facts of the case and proper use of visual aids, good narration, and presenting to the case and how well you stick to the case. For example, if you are using the PowerPoint, you are also expected to include proper visuals that are relevant to the case. Do not copy-paste the outline into this and call it complete.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

· Length: The presentation must be 10-15 slides long if using PowerPoint (excluding cover and reference pages) or 3-5 minute long if using a video presentation.

· 1-inch margins

· Double spaced

· 12-point Times New Roman font

· Title page

· References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)

· Use the speaker notes to elaborate on the content on the slides





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Tension between Individual and Societal Rights

Ethics In Practice: Tension between Individual and Societal Rights

Gail A. DeLuca Havens, PhD, RNCodes of ethics can be thought of as moral codes. Moral commitments “to adhere to the ideals and moral norms of the profession,” such as maintaining competency in practice, are expressed in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses (2001, p. 5) and are made by individuals when they become nurses. The fundamental concept underlying the Code of Ethics for Nurses is respect for persons. Certain principles growing out of this concept guide nurses’ decision making. These include fostering self-determination, doing good, avoiding harm, being truthful, respecting privileged information, keeping promises, and treating people fairly. In their moral decision-making hierarchy, Beauchamp and Childress (2001) refer to principles and rules as action guides. Principles are the more global and basic conceptions that justify the rules.When ethical principles are being considered, it is important to remember that individuals are interdependent members of a community. The nurse will encounter situations in which the tension between individual liberty and the need to preserve the health and well-being of the community creates an ethical dilemma in practice. For instance, the nurse promises, as expressed by the principle of fidelity in the ANA Code, to maintain client confidentiality. However, such a promise is not absolute when innocent parties are in direct jeopardy (e.g., threatened with being killed) (ANA, 2001). This particular kind of dilemma is made even more troublesome for the nurse who is attempting to deal with two opposing or contradictory promises. For example, the implicit promise of the nurse to maintain client confidentiality, as expressed in the ANA Code, may contradict the nurse’s obligation to obey a law that requires reporting a particular situation (ANA, 2001). The nurse also has an ethical responsibility to respect the client and promote self-determination. Consider the following situation.Kay is a community health nurse who has been employed by a home health agency for more than 10 years. Several of her clients live in a homeless shelter and have been referred to her agency for follow-up tuberculosis treatment after hospital discharge. Today she is making her first visit to Paolo, a 33-year-old Hispanic man discharged after treatment in the hospital for acute, infectious tuberculosis. Kay explains that her agency, along with the city’s health department, helps persons with tuberculosis continue to take their medication as prescribed until they are cured. Kay asks Paolo how he is feeling this morning. He replies that he is tired; he did not sleep well this first night in a place not familiar to him. After she completes Paolo’s admission history and physical examination, Kay tells him that she, or a nurse substituting for her, will be visiting Paolo daily for 2 weeks to observe him taking his medication and then twice weekly for at least 6 months. Paolo protests that he is not a child and that he can be depended on to take his medication as prescribed. Kay explains that the current standard of care is that everyone in the community being treated for tuberculosis receive directly observed medication therapy. It will help him remember to continue to take medication as prescribed, particularly when he begins to feel better. Stopping the medication makes the treatment he received in the hospital ineffective. When medication is stopped, often the tuberculosis becomes infectious again. In addition, not completing treatment increases the likelihood that he will develop a type of tuberculosis that is resistant to medication therapy (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2003a). He could be very ill again. The city has an obligation to protect its residents from becoming infected with tuberculosis. Kay tells Paolo that she will be communicating with health department personnel because they are the ones who referred him to her.Paolo agrees, reluctantly, to cooperate in therapy. He asks how long it will take to be cured. Kay knows that the response to therapy varies, but most persons can be cured within 9 months (CDC, 2003b). Kay explains that 6 months of medication has been prescribed to cure his tuberculosis. Before Kay leaves, Paolo takes his first dose of medication, and they establish a schedule for his observed daily self-administration. Paolo’s treatment continues as planned over the next several months. He gains strength and eventually finds a job. Returning to work requires that his medication regimen be modified. Paolo has no trouble adapting it to his more demanding schedule. Several weeks pass with this new arrangement until, one evening, Paolo does not appear. Kay leaves a message for him to call her, but does not hear from him. When Paolo fails to appear again the following evening, Kay returns to the shelter. Eventually, Kay learns that Paolo has not been complying with his prescribed medication regimen. He does not deny it and tells Kay that because he has been taking medication for more than 3 months and feels better, he believes that he is cured of his tuberculosis and no longer needs therapy.How should Kay respond? Should she respect Paolo’s right to self-determination by not interfering with the decisions he has made? What if Paolo were to be harmed by this noninterference? What if others were to be harmed? Does Kay’s obligation to Paolo to maintain confidentiality remain even when his behavior might compromise the health and well-being of others? Under what circumstances might a nurse place the health and well-being of members of a community before those of an individual client?In this situation, because Paolo is an adult who is responsible for his own health, Kay could simply disregard the fact that Paolo has not been adhering to his prescribed medication regimen. However, she would not be helping Paolo to protect himself or others. Another strategy that Kay might employ would be to engage Paolo in problem solving to further explore his reasons for not complying with the medication regimen. Uncovering reasons for noncompliance often results in identifying ways to avoid it. One of the strategies recommended for directly observed therapy is for the nurse to adopt a nonjudgmental attitude toward clients, acknowledging that individuals often will not be 100% compliant with medication regimens. Kay could acknowledge that, because Paolo is feeling better, it is understandable that he is not taking his medication as prescribed. However, she also ought to remind him that he places himself at great risk for getting very sick again and developing drug-resistant tuberculosis by not following his medication regimen. This course of action might also be an opportunity to foster Paolo’s self-determination, to maintain the confidential nature of his care, and to strengthen the client-nurse relationship.However, adopting this strategy does jeopardize Paolo’s health and the health of the people with whom Paolo comes in contact. Kay does not know whether Paolo’s tuberculosis is infectious. Kay initiates tuberculosis screening for the people with whom Paolo has been in contact and creates an opportunity for Paolo to have his tuberculosis reevaluated. This action ought to diminish the potential for harm from active tuberculosis to Paolo and to others with whom he has been in contact. Because Kay’s authority has been delegated to her by the health department, she can communicate with the health department without legally violating confidentiality. Kay is aware that many states require quarantine of individuals who do not successfully complete a medication regimen for tuberculosis. To protect the public, a community health nurse can recommend that formal action be taken to ensure that a person complies with treatment. In this instance, quarantine means that individuals can be hospitalized or incarcerated for treatment of tuberculosis against their will. 


Read Ethics in Practice page 203.

Instructions: Develop a position: should individual rights be compromised to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society? What are the role of boards of health in your community and state in preventing and controlling communicable diseases.  

Minimum 250 words. Reply to at least one student with no less than 100 words






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Bargaining team’s Key Rights and Responsibilities

A union has just been certified at your company.  The company has never worked with a union before.  It was not happy to lose the election.  Some staff members have been saying that they won’t deal with the union.  The CEO thinks this could be a problem and has asked you to make a presentation to management’s bargaining team about its key rights and responsibilities. Now, you need to develop the material that will eventually go into the presentation.  Use standard writing, not bulleted items. 

____ Purpose(s) – Why should the bargaining team attend this session? (5 points)

____Specific Rights and Responsibilities  (75 points)
         Choose 3 key ones.  For each, give the:
    –Source(s) of Authorization
    –Impact it can have
    –Actions that indicate it does/does not occur
    –Needed knowledge, skills, and abilities to fulfill it

____ Summary –What should the participants remember and use from this session? (5 points)

____Writing is clear and clean. (10 points) 
____APA referencing is used





Management: Bargaining Team’s Key Rights and Responsibilities

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Bargaining team’s Key Rights and Responsibilities


            The employer mandates all employees to work under the terms as set in their terms of employment. However, the employer is not entitled to violate the rights of its employees as mandated in the National Labor Relations Act, which includes forming or joining unions and working together in order to improve terms of employment among other rights (Janiewski, 2011). When employees join or form unions, they intend to create a platform in which they can advocate their rights in the workplace. Through labour unions, employees engage their employers through collective bargaining agreements in order to negotiate for their rights. Therefore, employer must send a representative to negotiate with employees’ union representative.

Specific Rights and Responsibilities

            The National Labor Relations Act established in 1935 provides the key responsibilities of the employer in the collective bargaining agreement with employee representatives (National Labor Relations Board, n.d.). The three important responsibilities are exclusive representation, which requires that majority of the workers to designate their representative. The employer under the collective bargaining agreement must bargain on mandatory subjects, which include wages, hours of work and other terms of employment. However, the bargaining process is not mandated to reach an agreement but must be done in good faith. Finally, the employer is not required to change working conditions that are mandatory when collective bargaining agreement is in force.

            When the employer engages employee representative in collective bargaining, it ensures that employer rights are fulfilled. This creates satisfaction among the workers and improves their work morale, since they feel their rights have been attended. However, achieving success during collective bargaining requires representative from employer who is conversant with all the regulations as set in National Labor Relations Act as well as good negotiation skills in order to ensure that the organizational objectives are not jeopardized.

Summary           It should be noted that a collective bargai…………………………….
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African Americans in Texas today have full voting rights

The essay MUST be a minimum of 4 pages, not including the Works Cited page. Please cite a minimum of 4 reputable sources and include in text citations throughout the essay.  (with an MLA style Works Cited Page at the end).

1.African Americans in Texas today have full voting rights. Explain the political and legal steps taken by African Americans to achieve this right. 

2.Identify the three branches of Texas government and describe their functions. In your essay, please specify the current leaders of each branch of Texas government. Identify ways in which each branch of Texas government can exercise a check on each of the other branches. 

3.Identify and describe the importance of the functions of political parties in Texas. Describe the differences between liberals and conservatives. Describe the progression that has led to the dominance of the Republican Party in Texas. In your essay explain the different political philosophies of the different factions within the Republican Party in Texas

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Civil Liberties & Civil Rights

For each subject, please find an event, currently in the news, and discuss how it relates to the subject. 

Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs in length.

Fore each subject please answer the following questions:

1. What event, currently happening in the news, can be related to this subject?

2. What can we learn from this current event?

Subject 1:   The Constitution

Subject 2:   Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 

Subject 3:   The Presidency 

Subject 4: Elections

Subject 5: Public Opinion

Subject 6: Public Policy

Subject 7: General Review

My assignments have some topic that usually people do not know. if you don’t knw please do not waste your time, your rating and my money. this assignment is simple and easy even i can go it. but I’m finding someone who can go this assignments meaning he / she can do later assignments of this class too.