Writers Solution

A Look Back at the Stonewall Riots

In the history of the United States, equality for diverse populations comes at the cost of civil disobedience. The following are the instructions for this assignment:

  • Choose 2 of the following cases and draw parallels behind their history of civil disobedience and recent or current societal gains or changes:
    • A Look Back at the Stonewall Riots
    • Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
    • Loving v. Virginia (1967)
  • Remember, video resources and articles are a launchpad for your own research using scholarly resources.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 25 slides or more. (Be sure to include a title page and reference page of your sources in APA format. The title page and reference page do not count toward the total number of slides.)

Address the following:

  • Discuss the sentences for those who were civilly disobedient.
    • Define the terms miscegenation and civil disobedience.
    • Use graphics (3 slides maximum).
    • Optional: Provide a video clip (not exceeding 45 seconds) that must be relevant to topic and that adds value to the overall presentation, such as an interview with a party to the case or an expert, or legal analysis.
    • Critically analyze and research on how the 2 cases are similar and how one event or case helped another case or event.
    • Discuss the states that resisted the changes and their rationale
  • Discuss the oppression the defendants sought to have ousted (such as not being able to have a legal marriage and encountering resrictions in medical care). Be specific and explain in detail.
  • Choose a case and discuss the intersection of criminal justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion. How did being diverse translate into criminal activity? What concepts have you learned earlier in this course that explain why law enforcement, corrections, and the courts had to change their behavior, expectations, and execution of their professional obligations?
  • Explain how the cases you chose relate to another unit or topic from this course.

Remember to support your statements with 8 scholarly and academic resources and relevant examples

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