Writers Solution

The roaring 2020s have commenced. As managers we need to understand what this means for our marketing approach

Assessment 1 Outline
Assessment title:
Ready for marketing in the roaring 2020! Assessment weighting: 20%
Assessment type:
Reflective Assignment Word limit: 1500 Equivalent
DUE DATE: 4/03/2020
Assessment instruction
The roaring 2020s have commenced. As managers we need to understand what this means for our marketing approach. There will be many new opportunities and new challenges and constant changes. What about you? Are you ready for marketing in the roaring 2020?
In this assessment you are asked to reflect on a section of the following article in relation to your own experience and learning.
Digital Arts Staff, Creative trends for a roaring 2020, January 2020
Your submission for this assessment has to consist of 2 components:
v An artefact
v A reflective essay (max 700 words)
What you need to do:
1.) Read the article on creative trends for a roaring 2020.
2.) Identify whose contribution resonates most with you.
o Flo Lau
o Andy Payne
o Caroline Paris
o Sadie Westwood
o Thibault Michal
o James Ramsden
3.) Use Gibb’s reflective cycle (1988).
Reflect on your chosen contribution about Creative trends for 2020 in relation to your own experiences with marketing – as an individual, a student and a professional.
You will need to address several stages: Description-Feeling-Evaluation-Analysis-Conclusion-Action Plan.
4.) Produce an artefact on your reflection.
This can be a blog or vlog, an ad, a comic, a digital mood board, a scrapbook, a diary, video collage, etc.
5.) Write a short reflective essay (max 700 words) to give more insight into
o the process of your reflection and the creation of your artefact.
o the most important insights you gained as a learner from the reflection and how you can enhance your future learning.
Assessment format
Artefact and reflective essay
Item Required? Y/N Word count
inclusion? Y/N Lecturer comment
Artefact Y Y Equiv. 800 words
Reflective Essay Y Y Equiv. 700 words
Title Page Y N For essay only
Executive Summary N N
Table of Contents N N
Introduction Y Y For essay only
Body Y Y For essay only
Conclusion Y Y For essay only
Reference List Y Y For essay Yes, for artefact if applicable
Appendices Y N For Artefact if applicable
Specific line spacing N NA
Specific margins N NA
Min/max references Y N Minimum 5 independent references
Calibre of references Y N o Must use academic text or peer reviewed journals
o Min 3 published since 2010
Template in use N N
Submission details:
Electronic copies of the assignment must be submitted to the ‘Turn-It-In’ website by 23.59 on the due date. Do not ‘E-mail’ assignments, as they will not be accepted in this subject.
In case the format/size of your artefact is not suitable to be submitted to ‘Turn-It-In’ you have to upload your assignment to the designated folder on Sharepoint. You have to advise your lecturer via email by Wednesday, February 26th, COB, if you wish to do so. Your submission will need a coversheet.
Graduate qualities being assessed:
GQ4 The ability to research, evaluate & use information & ideas from a broad range of sources to effectively identify, formulate & solve problems, to generate ideas & demonstrate a capacity for initiative, judgement, innovation & entrepreneurial thinking.
GQ5 The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in a range of hospitality industry contexts using communication, literacy, numeracy and information technology skills
GQ7 A commitment to self-directed lifelong learning and intellectual development.
GQ8 A commitment to “Swissness-, a concept that includes punctuality, the role of formality, rigorousness, professionalism, excellence, precision, respect for guests, linguistic ability and a global mindset.
Threshold Learning Outcomes being assessed:
Responsibility Service &
Design Inter
Inquiry Collaboration Problem