Writers Solution

Roman culture

Job Instruction
• Choose one of the several topics below making sure NOT to choose an exact topic selected by another student, for instance, if one student chose to write about the Roman Revolution, you ought to write about the spread of Roman culture or how Roman values either were or were not followed in light of Roman history. My point is that more than one of you may write about the Roman Revolution, but make certain that your choose different reformers to discuss and different events as your evidence. If you have a question about this let me know.• Each discussion should have at least five historic examples that support your assertion about the topic (you are welcome to use the chronology that I emailed to you on this exercise). Your answer should thus be about 3-4 paragraphs long. • After you have posted your response, make sure to return to the discussion later to respond to two people who chose different topics and reflect with specific reference to their postings. Do so by adding to the historical discussion they began with relevant historical content and cited sources.• Your discussions should use concrete examples from the online content (cite as Unit 5 Online Content), our textbooks, and Internet sources. Each post should have well developed points. Be sure to cite sources. • Remember:  Cite all your posted material in Turabian format.Consider these questions:5. What were 3-4 specific contributions did the Romans make to later peoples? Were these contributions specifically invented or founded by the Romans, or did they make use of the intellectual achievements of other conquered peoples, such as the Gauls? How has the value of these contributions changed over time? 6. Provide at least 3-4 specific examples of how the Romans have been considered the ultimate “borrowers” of the ancient world? For instance, how did Romans borrow from Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Carthaginian culture in standards of education, art, architecture, engineering technology, religion, concepts of governance? 7. Roman people lived by an extremely important set of virtues. The word virtue comes from the Latin, virtus, which meant “manliness.” We can also infer that it meant toughness, courage, and stamina. The key virtues I want you to consider using specific examples from Roman history are the most important ones for them: Iustia (the sense of justice); Pietas (filial piety, family honor and ancestor worship); dignitas (one’s integrity) and gravitas (one’s combined weight in society owing to one’s accomplishments in meeting the previous virtues and one’s sense of responsibility). How did Romans live up to their virtues? It would be best here perhaps to rely on discussions of specific Romans.How has opinion changed over time as to the benefit of many Roman values? 8. Reflect on specific examples of how Roman Reformers through the era of the Roman Revolution corrupted their reform attempts–for instance did they employ violence and how did that affect the response to the reforms? How has the perspective of these reforms, whether they were good or bad, changed over time?9. How did Augustus (Octavian, Caesar’s nephew and adopted son) change Rome through his development of what was known as the Principate–the first era of truly imperial Roman rule)?Each discussion should have at least five historic examples that support your assertion about th……………………………………………………

(Student’s Name)

History: Roman Culture

February 12, 2015

Contributions of the Roman Culture to Modern Civilization

Romans are credited for contributing in various areas of governance, leadership, philosophy, science, arts and education among other areas. Roman culture has always been considered a major contributor towards western civilization that occurred in over 4000 years ago[1].

Firstly, Christianity contributed a lot in western civilization and these remain noticeable until now[2]. The Roman culture considered architecture and art as being religious in nature. Through Christianity, artistic and architectural designs were spreading, playing a key role in western civilization. Moreover, Roman culture is credited for the development of distinct systems of government. Like the Greeks, the Romans are credited for development of democratic form of government, which is a common form of government for most western countries.

Secondly, the Romans had a great influence of the mode of communication in the western world, where through its language, Latin was made a major mode of communication and it later led to the development of other languages including Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian[3]. Through Latin, Romans were able to spread Christianity and their architectural designs to the western countries. Finally, the most lasting and infamous Roman contribution to the western civilization were their systems of law[4]. In its beginning, Roman laws were meant to protect the rights of the Romans. However, they were later applied to all people, poor and the rich. The principles that were developed by Roman laws, which were based on practicality and common sense, were later adopted by many European countries. In addition, most of the learning and literature from Roman poets and writers have influenced western literature







[1],. ‘Ancient Rome’. Last modified 2015. Accessed February 12, 2015.

[2] Stewart Irvin Oost and Michael Grant, ‘The Birth Of Western Civilization: Greece And Rome’, The Classical World 58, no. 4 (1964): 100.

[3] Philip Hardie and J. Farrell, ‘Latin Language And Latin Culture, From Ancient To Modern Times’, The Journal of Roman Studies 93 (2003): 331.

[4] Charles Donahue and Alan Watson, ‘Roman Law Influence On The Civil Law’, Michigan Law Review81, no. 4 (1983): 972.