Writers Solution

What your normal media routine is 

Please read the instructions and follow them carefully.

Eliminate all media technology from your life for one week. No radio, TV, recorded music, movies, or internet of any kind. No streaming, no social media, be it Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat or any other platform. No Youtube. No listening to anything while in your car. No checking news headlines or following sports. No blogs. No podcasts. No electronic games of any kind, video or otherwise.  No “shows”, no weather reports. Phone calls are ok, but no FaceTime or any other video chatting. Your smartphone is to become a dumb phone. Keep texting to an absolute minimum. Reading is fine, in fact encouraged. It just can’t be done via any electronic format. I realize that school and work requirements will not allow many of you to be completely offline, but keep it to the absolute minimum. You can probably cut out much more than you think. Prepare family, friends, bosses, etc, for your digital absence to minimize worry and stress.

Try not to ask others what is going on in the world, or to tune in to the digital noise around you. You could consider asking some of your closest friends, or those you live with, to participate with you in the experiment when you are around. This will make it easier, and your experience more profound.

Write a short paper–about 3 pages double spaced, not including title page or abstract page, in which you describe how you experienced that week.  Please include a title and abstract page. (No need for a reference page as you are not expected to have any references for this paper.  You are just reflecting on your own experiences.)  After you have learned what you need to do for this unit, go without the media listed from Monday, Nov 7, through Sunday, Nov 13. I will give you one week after you complete the experiment to finish your paper. 

I am not requiring that you follow any particular format. I just want clear, concise writing, free of mechanical errors.  Find your own voice. This should be an enjoyable write, reflecting on the unusual state you were in. Your paper should be no longer than 5 double spaced pages.

Some possible issues for discussion are:

  • What your normal media routine is 
  • What you did and did not miss 
  • What you did with the extra time 
  • What the experience taught you 
  • How your interactions with others were affected 
  • How your moods were affected
  • What if anything you plan to change about your media habits going forward

Remember, the state you will be putting yourself in was the state everyone was in all the time not that long ago




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Writers Solution

Routines Activity Theory, Routine Activities Theory, victimization


The rationale behind DFs is to generate discussion among your classmates that would typically occur during group activities or class discussions held on-campus in honors classes. Thus, students are expected to submit four of the five main posts and reply to at least two peer posts for the four weeks they choose to participate. Main posts should be about 250+ words while peer responses are required to have a minimum of five complete sentences. At the bottom of every DF post (i.e., main posts and peer responses), state your word count.


1. Chapter 3


1. 第三章讲义.pdf  download


1. Select ONE DF option and post your response below.

· Your main DF Post should be at least 3 paragraphs in length (250-words minimum).

· Students may exceed the minimum word count; however, aim to write succinctly.

· Answer your chosen prompt thoroughly, using the assigned readings to substantiate your arguments.

· Be sure to indicate which option you chose by writing the option number and option title. 

· Your two Peer Response Posts should be at least five sentences—for each Peer Response.

· Include a word count at the end of your main post and for your two Peer Response posts.

· Note: There are several steps to complete your chosen DF option for this DF; therefore, please make sure to review your main post before you submit it.

Option #1: Routines Activity Theory

Overview: This option will allow you to explore factors that are associated with Routines Activity Theory.

According to Routine Activities Theoryvictimization occurs due to the following reasons:

1. The availability of  suitable targets, such as an unlocked car;

2. The absence of capable guardians, such as a corner of a store without any cameras;

3. And, finally, the presence of motivated offenders, such as an experienced burglar or shoplifter in the need of cash or items (Siegel 2011).

Moreover, out in the real world, you can see this theory actualized throughout the many public places we visit and experience on a daily basis.

Task #1 Instructions:

1. Throughout this week, try to keep an eye out for two of the three factors needed for victimization to occur: The availability of suitable targets and the absence of capable guardians. When you notice these concepts from Routine Activities Theory occurring, take a quick picture if possible (always avoid it if it could possibly lead to you getting in trouble or put you in a dangerous situation). Alternatively, you may also conduct virtual research and find the images online. However, please make sure the images are not obscene or vulgar. 

2. Regardless if you take your own photos or find them online, attach the photos to your main post by embedding them in your main post.

3. Create a main post describing what you saw and explain how it is an example Routine Activities Theory. You must include the terms suitable target and capable guardians in your main post. These terms should be applied correctly based on our course material. Include your photos for these two concepts in your main post.

4. Although I am not having you find images for motivated offenders because there is an element of assumption here, you should still define what this concept means and briefly describe predatory behaviors that would elicit a motivated offender.

5. Define victimology and describe who was victimized in your chosen Routine Activities Theory photo example.

Canvas Instructions: How to embed images in discussion reply as a student? (Links to an external site.)

Option #2: Victimology

Note: Due to the sensitive topics of rape, sexual assault, and other forms of victimization, if you are sensitive to said topics, then I encourage you to select Option #1 instead or skip this week’s discussion (if you have a free skip).

Overview: Select one theory from the victimology chapter of your choice and research one recent example.

Task #1 Instructions: Locate a recent news story that relates to one of the theories covered in chapter 3 in some way and write a main post in which you apply and define two concepts and one theory from chapter 3 to the news article under investigation.


1. Be sure to type-up your all your work on a separate Word document or Google Docs document and save your work periodically. Doing so will save you from losing your work due to technological failures or accidents.

2. “A” students always substantiate their arguments using the course readings, lecture notes, chosen prompt materials, and the like by proper citing using either ASA, APA, MLA, Chicago Style, MLA, etcetera.

3. Make sure to use proper grammar and punctuation in this honors-level course in all correspondence. Please avoid “text” or “Internet lingo” when corresponding.

4. Students have the option to skip one week of the DFs of their choice.

5. If you plan on completing this week’s DF, then you must also write two Peer Responses.

6. If you plan on skipping it, then simply reply “skip” in this DF thread.





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