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NR534 Rules for the Classification of Self-Elevating Units

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Planned Change: Leadership of Reduction in Workforce

Assignment Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this experiential learning activity is to apply nursing leadership knowledge and skills to plan for organizational change with system-wide impact. (COs 2, 3, 5)

Due Date

Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6

Total Points Possible:250


Description of the Assignment

This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to:

  • Create an evidence-based plan for system-wide change guided by a selected organizational change model
  • Engage in high-level decision-making processes common in the nurse executive role
  • Use reflective practice knowledge and skills in making high level decision making and change management

Preparing the Assignment

  1. Address all components of the Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership paper as outlined under “Assignment Directions and Criteria”.
  2. The paper is graded on quality and completeness of information, depth of thought, organization following outline provided, substantive narrative, use of citations, use of Standard English, and writing conventions.
  3. Format:
    1. APA format, using most current edition, is required for citations and references in this assignment
      1. Required elements
        1. Title page, reference page
        1. Use Microsoft Word
        1. Page numbers, doubles-spaced, times new roman, 12pt font, 1” margins, level 1 headings
        1. Paper length: 7 maximum, excluding reference page and title page
    1. Scholarly sources
      1.  Minimum of four (4) scholarly resources no older than 5 years (See: What is a Scholarly Source under APA resources)
    1. Proof-reading
      1. Use spell check and grammar check and correct all errors
      1. Compare final draft to detailed outline directions to ensure all required elements included
      1. Submitting the paper
        1. Submit to Week 2 Assignment portal by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT
        1. Must achieve TII score < 24% to be graded
        1. Final submission only will be graded

DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA of NR534 Rules for the Classification of Self-Elevating Units

You will use the following headings for your paper:

  1. Approach to the organizational mandate
    1. Purpose of the paper
    1. Overview of the tasks, potential challenges, and implications of a reduction in workforce
  2. Part II: Reduction in Workforce-Deciding
    1. Using Human Resources (HR) metrics Table 1
      1. Approach, choices, rationale
      1. Challenges presented (including role of ethics)
    1. Using HR metrics with Relative Information Table 2
      1. Approach, choices, rational
      1. Challenges presented
      1. Conflicts raised
      1. Negotiation used
  3. Part III: Reduction in Workforce-Planning the Change
    1. Overview of reorganization plan including timeline
    1. Plan for change and application of Kotter’s or Rogers’ change model
    1. Anticipated conflict (three areas) and the benefits of using a change model
  4. Healthy work environment
    1. Describe department and system-wide implications, impact, and conflict
    1. Strategies for addressing morale and motivation of remaining workforce
  5. Summary/Conclusions
    1. Restatement of purpose
    1. Overview of tasks
    1. What was learned

Part I: Approach to the Organizational Mandate

In this section, provide a statement of purpose for the paper and overview of what will be covered in the paper, including the overview of tasks, potential challenges, and implications of a reduction in workforce in general.

Part II: Reduction in Workforce-Deciding

This section deals with the initial task of determining which employees that will be let go during the reduction in workforce. In Section A, you are to select the 10 positions based solely on the information in Table 1. The questions following the table address the content that should be included in your paper.  Once completed, move to Section B, Table 2 and again address the content being asked in your paper.


Roxboro Medical Center is a 200-bed inpatient facility located in a sprawling suburban area in the rural south. Until two years ago, it was the only medical facility within a 75-mile radius when The Jonas Center, a 100-bed day hospital and ambulatory care center, opened 25 miles away.  Over the past two years, Roxboro has lost approximately 25% of its market share. The 10% drop last year was adjusted for through re-organization of the workforce, reduction in hours, attrition of employees through early retirement and changing jobs to the new facility. However, this year there has been an additional 15% decline in market share resulting in a dire need to reduce the workforce. Since Roxboro is restricted by mandatory staffing ratios, and last year they lost the maximum number of staff possible and still remain within regulatory compliance. The board of directors, CEO, and CFO have determined a 30% reduction in the management workforce across the hospital will be needed. The timeline for this to occur is over the next six(6) months. It will be up to the department heads to determine how they will reduce the positions and re-organize job duties.

Section A: Table 1:  Human Resource Manager Work Metrics

You are the Chief Nursing Officer and have the largest number of management positions because yours is the largest department in the hospital. With a total of 33 positions that include house supervisors, unit managers, and charge nurses, you are being asked to reduce the total number by 30%, or ten (10) positions. Further attrition through job changes or retirement is not anticipated. Human Resources has established two criteria for the reduction in workforce (RIF). These are last hired and low performance. Each department is sent a chart that includes this information on employees who have been with the hospital 15 years or less and the performance rating for each. 

Your table has no identifiers and while you might have an idea of who the people are, you have only positions information available. Your table looks like this:

Roxboro Medical Center Human Resources Manager Work Metrics
PositionYears since HireTime in ManagementPerformance Rating Ave/RecentUnit Size/ number of bedsRIF or Stay Rationale
HS.1103 yearsHigh/High  
HS.2128 yearsHigh/High  
HS.31512 yearsHigh/Low  
UM.162 yearsHigh/High  
UM.2518 monthsHigh/High  
UM.342 yearsHigh/Low  
UM.475 yearsHigh/Low  
UM.5109 mthsHigh/High  
UM.6155 yearsHigh/Low  
CN.151 yearHigh/High  
CN.284 yearsHigh/High  
CN.332 yearsHigh/High  
CN.426 mthsToo soon to evaluate  
CN.5124 yearsHigh/Low  
CN.662 yearsHigh/Low  
CN.783 yearsHigh/Low  
*Performance evaluations are expressed as A/R = average for years in position/most recent year HS=House Supervisor: UM=Unit Manager; CN=Charge Nurse;

Based only on the Human Resources given you in this table include the following information in your paper:

Who will you choose? Rationale?

What was your approach to making the selection?

How easy or difficult was it to make your decisions with only this information?

What challenges were presented in making these choices?

Section B: Table 2: Human Resource Manager Work Metrics with Related Information

The word is out that the RIF is going to occur though no details of the process have been shared with the employees. You’re getting calls frequently from some of the staff who want to know if they are in danger of being dismissed or sharing reasons why they can’t be.

Since making your preliminary decision of who to let go, and before you’ve made any announcements, you record the information you receivedfrom some of the staff and placed it in your table. Now the table includes the size of the units where each of these positions is located which will be important in the reorganization, and some of the personal information gleaned from telephone calls you’ve received.  Having these pieces of information causes you to question your original decisions. The shaded area contains the information now known to you and is not part of the table that came from HR.

Roxboro Medical Center Manager Work Metrics with Relative Information
PositionYears since HireTime in ManagementPerformance Rating Ave/RecentUnit Size/number of bedsRelative information
HS.1103 yearsHigh/High200  
HS.2128 yearsHigh/High200  
HS.31512 yearsHigh/Low200Finished nursing school togetherSingle grandparent; has custody of two grandchildren; 34 yo
UM.162 yearsHigh/High20Daughter of nurse in another unit 
UM.2518 monthsHigh/High30Transferred from another unit after RIF last year 
UM.342 yearsHigh/Low20 On FMLA for past 4 months; pre-eclampsia for one month prior to leave
UM.475 yearsHigh/Low30Father is major contributor to dialysis center 
UM.5109 mthsHigh/High15 Husband is second shift informatics supervisor for last 18 mths; potential for RIF
UM.6155 yearsHigh/Low30Negative attitude; slow to comply with changesSingle parent; one middles school child
CN.151 yearHigh/High30 AONE Certified Nurse Manager
CN.284 yearsHigh/High20  
CN.332 yearsHigh/High30Mentors new graduate nurses 
CN.426 mthsToo soon to evaluate20  
CN.5124 yearsHigh/Low20has moved up leadership ladder from LPN to CN with Roxboro 
CN.662 yearsHigh/Low30 Best friend was RIF last year
CN.783 yearsHigh/Low20Serves on Shared Governance Committee 
*Performance evaluations are expressed as A/R = average for years in position/most recent year HS=House Supervisor: UM=Unit Manager; CN=Charge Nurse;

With the new information that is now in the table, how are your preliminary decisions changed?

Who will you choose? Rationale? What changes did you make to your original decision?

What challenges were presented in making these choices?

What was your approach to making the selection?

How easy or difficult was it to make your decisions with the additional information?

What role did ethics play in your choices?

Describe your internal conflict that occurred having this additional information. 

How and with whom will you negotiate for your choices?

Part III: Reduction in Workforce-Planning the Change

The next part of your task is to reorganize/restructure the remaining workforce using the remaining employees.  You were given a 6-month window of time to complete the RIF. This section deals with planning for the change.

Provide an overview of what the restructuring will look like, i.e. assuming you have 6 units and your workforce now consists of 23 management positions, how will you cover the units with the leadership and management needed.

Detail your plan for change using Kotter’s or Rogers’ change model that includes a timeline for implementation and a description of how decisions will be disseminated

Address three areas of anticipated conflict and how they can be mitigated through use of the change model

Part IV: Healthy work environment

This section addresses how a healthy work environment is maintained during a reduction in workforce. Describe the department and system-wide implications, impact, and potential conflicts that can occur with your RIF in general. Provide at two concrete strategies for addressing morale and motivation of remaining workforce.

Part V: Summary

The final section, summary should contain a restatement of purpose, and overview of what was accomplished, and what you learned from the process.




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When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number

Submit your answers on a Word document, with the heading of Week 5 Assignment. For the questions requiring a written response, answer directly on the assignment and adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show all of your work and follow the format that has been provided for the calculations in the lesson for Week 5. In addition, further explanations and formulas on the break-even analysis are contained in the required reading resources. Key points for calculations When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 0.5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 0.5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, days vs months vs years; charges vs contribution margin; dollars vs percentage Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers. Formulas used should be taken from one of the required resources for this course.

Week 5: Break-even Analysis

Assignment Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to:

To provide learners with the opportunity todevelop break-even-analysisskills.

Total Points Possible:  100


Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the assignment.

Submit your answers on a Word document,with the heading of Week 5Assignment.  For the questions requiring a written response, please adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references.  For the questions requiring calculations, show all your work and follow the format that has been provided for the calculations in the lesson for Week 5.

1. When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34.

2. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, hours vs FTEs; days vs months vs years.

3. Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers.Formulas used should be taken from one of the required resources for this course.

Example: Total Contribution Margin (CM) = (CM) category 1 + CM cat 2 + CM 3

Leger, J.M. & Dunham-Taylor, J. (2018). Financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar, 4th Ed. Burlington, MA: Jones-Bartlett.


Preparing the paper

Break-Even Analysis Case Study

You and several of your colleague business partners have decided to establish an outpatient fertility clinic in your service area. All of you are very familiar with this patient population base, have completed an extensive market analysis thatdemonstrated a great need for the service, and are comfortable with setting up a business and the costs associated with this special group of patients.

As part of the business plan, you and your partners will need to convince stakeholders that this new service endeavor will be viable. They will want to know how many patients visits annually will need to occur and how long it will take for the service to be at least cost neutral or profitable. To provide them with this information you will perform a break-even analysis. Use the following data, conduct the analysis accounting for the contribution margin of each patient acuity category.

  • Fixed Costs: $9,788,000 (start-costs, specialty physicians, anesthesiologists, APNs, staff

 nurses and other staff salaries, specialty equipment, other miscellaneous)

  • Variable costs: $500/patient visit (specialty equipment, oxygen supplies, other


  • Clinic days: Monday-Saturday- 312 days/year
  • Projected patient visits per year: 7488
  • Patient charges by patient acuity category:
    • Simple (15%)————$2000/visit
    • Moderate (60%)——–$6500/visit
    • Complex (25%)———$10,000/visit
Break-even Analysis Data Table
Acuity CategoryPercentage %Charge per VisitVisits per YearCharges per YearVisits per DayCharges per DayContribution Margin
Expected Total Daily Charges  
ExpectedTotal Daily Revenue 
Break Even point in days 
Break Even point in visits 
  1. Describe your approach to this case study. In addition to the numbers given, what do you need to know before you can calculate the break-even analysis?
  • Perform the calculations needed for the break-even analysis. Show your work, formulas used, and reference the formula. When calculating the patient visits per day, round to the nearest whole. After you’ve completed the calculations, record your results in the appropriate place in the table.
  • How many patient visits are expected per day?
  • What is the contribution margin of each category of patient?
Approach to Break-Even Analysis55%Approach to Break-even analysis is clearly articulated and contains elements needed to address the scenario
Calculate the number of patients/category served per year and day.1515%Number of patients served by the fertility clinic is correctly calculated per year and day for each type/category. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown
Calculate the contribution margin for each patient category3030%For each of the three patient/categories the contribution margin is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown.
Calculate the number of days to break-even.1010%Time to break-even in days is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown
Calculate the break-even quantity (number of visits).1515%The break-even quantity (number of visits) is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown.
Analysis of break-even analysis2020%Break-even analysis is clearly articulated. Includes elements potential for viability and profitability of service, recommendation for continuing the business. Specific data from the analysis is used to support your interpretation.
Writing conventions, format, and reference citations55%Writing is clear concise without grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.
  100100A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria  Outstanding or highest level of performance  Very good or high level of performance  Competent or satisfactory level of performancePoor or failing level of performance  Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points = 100 Points           
Approach to Break-Even Analysis5 Points 0 Points
Calculate the number of patients per category served at the fertility clinic per year and per day.15 Points105 0 Points
Number of patients served per year and per day is correctly calculated for each patient category served at the fertility clinic.2/3 categories correctly calculated1/3 of categories correctly calculatedAll categories incorrectly calculated
Calculate the contribution margin for each type of patient served at the fertility clinic.30 Points2010 0 Points
Contribution margin for all category types are correctly calculatedContribution margin for 2/3 category types are correctly calculatedContribution margin for 1/3 category types are correctly calculatedContribution margins for all category types are incorrectly  calculated
Calculate the number of days to break-even point.15 Points 0 Points
Number of days to break-even is correct.Number of days to break even is incorrect
Calculate the break-even quantity (number of visits)10 Points 0 Points
Number of visits to break even is correctNumber of visits to break even is incorrect.
Analysis of break-even analysis20 Points15 Points10 Points5 Points0 Points
Break-even analysis is clearly articulated. Includes elements potential for viability and profitability of service, recommendation for continuing the business. Specific data from the analysis is used to support your interpretation.3/4 of all elements of break-even analysis are present and correct.1/2 of all elements of break-even analysis are present and correct.1/4 of all elements of break-even analysis is present and correct.All elements of break-even analysis are missing or incorrect.
Writing conventions, format, references5 Points3 points1 point 0 points
Writing is clear and concise, contains no grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.2/3 of elements are present and correct1/3 of elements is present and correctAll elements of writing conventions  are missing or incorrect.
Content Subtotal  of 100 points
Total Points  _____of  points
Writers Solution

Code of Ethics proper. This lays out the rules and behaviours expected of employees

Code of Ethics: Linear Presentation Template You can think of your Code of Ethics as two documents in one: Firstly, the inner core of your document is: your Code of Ethics proper. This lays out the rules and behaviours expected of employees. This element of your document should NOT use any in-text referencing to support the statements made. You are creating rules, and not copying these from elsewhere. To use in-text referencing undermines the rule-like status of the statements produced. Secondly, wrapped around the inner core: a discussion document which allows you to evidence your research and learning on the topic of Codes of Ethics/Codes of Conduct. Here, you should use in-text referencing to support your discussion of the core concepts for this assignment: Discrimination Exploitation Corruption Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour Whistleblower Protections Enforcement The document you submit should make it apparent to your reader, which sections of the document are discussion (including citations); and which sections lay down the rules for the company employees (free of citations). This is one of two Template documents, offering a method to separate out the two document functions. Codes of Conduct This is all you need to write by way of ‘Introduction’ to your assignment. Write a short paragraph, no more than c. 200 -250 words, that shows you know what a Code of Ethics (or Code of Conduct) is and what a company Code of Ethics is supposed to do. Use in-text referencing to some academic articles, to show the reading you have been doing on this topic. Discrimination Discrimination: Discussion Brief discussion (one short paragraph, no more than 150 – 200 words) that defines the concept of Discrimination as a moral term. Use in-text referencing to support your definition. Provide one or two examples of workplace acts that would amount to discrimination. (Your examples may briefly mention facts you have learned through the Case Study.) Discrimination: Code of Ethics You can lay out rules for behaviour for the employees of Flight Centre: things they are allowed to do, and actions that are not permitted. If you like, you can use dot points to lay out your rules: · Employees must show respect for other persons in the workplace;· During the recruitment process, employees must do ……. and not do …..· etc. Note: the Code of Ethics section should NOT provide in-text referencing. You are creating rules, and not copying these from elsewhere. To use in-text referencing undermines the rule-like status of the statements produced Exploitation Exploitation: Discussion Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’: short paragraph of definition plus examples of behaviours to be ruled out by your Code of Ethics. In-text citations are advisable Exploitation: Code of Ethics Avoid in-text referencing for this section. Corruption Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’: short paragraph of discussion (with in-text citations); and a Code of Ethics section without in-text citations. Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’: short paragraph of discussion (with in-text citations); and a Code of Ethics section without in-text citations. Whistleblower Protections Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’. You should give some sense as to why companies might provide whistleblower protections for employees that are revealing unwelcome truths about their operations. Freely employ in-text citations for this discussion. Enforcement An important final section to your assignment that offers the overall ‘conclusion’ to the document. In this section, you are describing How employees are educated around the Code of Ethics The measures that will be taken against employees who fail to uphold the Code of Ethics. There should be a sliding scale of penalties to reflect the levels of infraction: fines, then for more serious offences, laying off from work; and perhaps finally dismissal from the job. References You list the sources (at least 5 of a properly ‘academic’ nature) that you consulted when writing your assignment. Notes: For the Definitions of key ethical terms: Use a range of sources of information. Try googling Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discriminationStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Exploitation

to secure quality academic articles to ground your definitions/discussions of the key ethical terms; and that you can cite in your References list





Code of Ethics proper. This lays out the rules and behaviours expected of employees

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 The Kind of Behavior I Will Promote and the Rules That Support It 

Writing assignment 3.1

 The Kind of Behavior I Will Promote and the Rules That Support It 

(150– 250 words per bullet point)


· Refer to the MDE document “Access for All” located at (Links to an external site.) . Incorporate the information and interventions from the guide to help you with this assignment.

· What behaviors, generally speaking, will I promote in my classes?

· What specific rules (5 – 10) will I use to guide student behavior?

· What procedures (routines) do I want to use to manage the complexity of the school day? State the situation and then how students will complete this procedure.

Make sure to use the textbook and bible scripture in the submission. This is the book for this class: Charles, C.M. and Cole, K. M (2019). Building Classroom Management, Methods and Models (12th Ed.) Pearson Make sure APA is formatted correctly.


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10 Rules of Good UI Design to Follow

Watch ’10 Rules of Good UI Design to Follow’ video and let us know your opinion by answering the questions below:

** For this assignment submit an APA formatted Word document answering the questions below in (300 – 500 words). Be sure to include a properly formatted Title page, main body, and the References page.

NOTE: If you need a refresher on APA 6th Ed. formatting check out this link:

  1. Which of these 10 rules do you think is the most important and why?
  2. Do you believe that forms are easier to complete when only text fields are used, and why? (for example, not using dropdowns or checkboxes)


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Investigate the legal rules governing the distribution of money and property on the breakdown of a relationship

 A Letter in the correct format (2 pages and add the links used from any websites at the end) C: Investigate the legal rules governing the distribution of money and property on the breakdown of a relationship D: Examine how the courts resolve disputes over children You are continuing with your work experience within the family law department at McAddams and Partners Solicitors.

 The Managing Partners were impressed by your work on the formation and dissolution of adult relationships and would like you to produce further materials relating to distribution of money and property and the care of children after the breakdown of a relationship.They have provided you with the details of the following clients:Client : Bashir RafiqueBashir and Molly have been married for 18 years and are now divorcing. They met during university and married not long after graduating. They have three children together, Toni (14), Andrew (10) and Ricky (6). When Molly become pregnant they agreed that she would stay at home to look after the children whilst Bashir would go out to work. Bashir is now a successful architect who owns his own business, earning in excess of £1 million per year. He was able to start the business using the £250,000 that was left to Molly when her grandmother died. Between them they have £5 million assets, which were generated solely through Bashir’s career. Since the split, Molly has secured employment on the other side of the country near where her parents live and wants to move there with the children. Bashir does not want this to happen.Task 1 – TitleTask 1a:You have been asked to produce a letter to both clients, using the information from their case studies. In both of your letters, you should:• Explain and apply the financial and children orders and relevant factors that will be taken into account on divorce/dissolution for each case• Analyse the financial order and orders available for children for each case• Explain and apply the law on parenthood and parental responsibility and children’s rights in both cases• Analyse how the court will resolve the disputes over children for each case.

keep a reference page separate and this is a level UK law work so I would expect that quality for the work


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Explain the rules of forming an S Corporation, the basic rules, and how distributions work.

You are the lead S Corporations tax specialist in your area and you have asked to give a talk to business owners interested in this form of organization.
Explain the rules of forming an S Corporation, the basic rules, and how distributions work. Please be sure to cover operating issues, such as the identification of the corporation’s accounting period

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perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file

Python using Juypter Notebook

You are required to perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file.

  1. Plot the 20 most frequent items in the dataset
  2. Get frequent itemsets that have a minimum support of 0.001
  3. Obtain the rules for the itemsets obtained in step 2 and display them in descending order by lift.





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file

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Ethics are significant viewpoints where it is a lot of rules that will control the individuals in playing out the exercises by overseeing human conduct so as to lead life ethically

1.Ethics are significant viewpoints where it is a lot of rules that will control the individuals in playing out the exercises by overseeing human conduct so as to lead life ethically. These angles will concern the method for getting things done by discipline the decision of picking among good and bad. It will control the human point of view by the reception of moral standards throughout their life for a superior method for living. The moral standards primarily sway the basic leadership procedure of people.

In practically every one of the associations, pioneers use the moral ways of thinking to settle on different choices concerning their organizations. Moral ways of thinking have been planned so that they manage every one of the components of an association and offer direction in authority just as basic leadership. In binding moral basic leadership to a business or an association, choices on Ethics are basically restricted to words and activities. The conduct of people can be accessed through words and activities, yet there is no chance to get of evaluating one’s considerations. Our considerations have a ramification on our deeds and words and can be guided by the moral ways of thinking to have the best outcomes. This paper will portray the moral ways of thinking from the point of view of an association.

For instance clarifying moral qualities from the youthful age for example in schools where they can make a few exercises where understudies can comprehend the significance of moral qualities and tail them in their life. For example when they are working or living in a general public they won’t make any issues others or upset others. Additionally in working environment they won’t cause clashes and contribute for that organization by making great working place and furthermore deal with their existence with no issues. This sort of Ethics should be trailed by everybody so they will contribute for the general public also.

These are the primary described schools of Ethics and they for the most part center on controlling human conduct. These Ethics went under the way of thinking where the Ethics are really identified with this present reality element by having network identified with the everyday discerning of the individuals.

rat 2.In almost all the organizations, leaders utilize the ethical schools of thought to make various decisions concerning their firms.  Ethical schools of thought have been designed in such a way that they deal with all the elements of an organization and offer guidance in leadership as well as decision making. In confining ethical decision making to a business or an organization, decisions on ethics are primarily limited to words and actions. The behaviour of individuals can be evaluated through words and actions, but there is no way of assessing one’s thoughts. Our thoughts have an implication on our deeds and words and can be guided by the ethical schools of thought to have the best results. This paper will be describing the ethical schools of thought from the perspective of an organization.

One of the ethical schools of thought is virtue ethics. This philosophy relates to the quest for understanding and living a life that is characterized by good morals (Nys, 2010). In an organization, leaders utilize virtue ethics to make various decisions in an organization to ensure that all the activities that the organization is involved in are morally acceptable. Virtue ethics in an organization involves the leaders practising on being brave, honest, and generous. By applying these virtual elements, the leaders lead in an honourable way.

When the employees in an organization apply virtual ethics, they are bound to work ‘towards the set goals and objectives. When employees apply virtual ethics, they honour virtuous habits and thus making them make the right choices whenever they are in a dilemma or even when they are faced by various challenges. When virtual ethics is employed in a firm, it helps individuals to get into a comprehension of what it implies to be virtuous human beings. It also gives them a guide of living life without giving individuals some specific rules for solving ethical dilemmas.