Writers Solution

Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression.

Taking on the role of the expert in the treatment of schizophrenia or depression, you will prepare a presentation for a group of physicians who are seeking your opinion on the treatment of patients with these disorders. For this interactive assignment you will create and upload a 5- to10-slide PowerPoint presentation as well as a 5 minute screencast of the presentation to share with your peers.

For this presentation, select either schizophrenia or depression as the basis for your presentation. Begin by creating your PowerPoint presentation. In the presentation, include information which explains the neurotransmitter theory behind the disorder and how the drugs used to treat the disorder affect those neurotransmitter systems.  Evaluate the risk and benefits of treating a patient with the most common type of medication and of not using drugs to treat the patient. In your evaluation, examine issues such as the rate of success with the most common drugs used as well as the incidence of side effects with these same drugs, including mortality associated with drug use. Then consider not using medications to treat the disorder. Take into account the natural course of the illness, the rate of spontaneous recovery, and the rate of mortality when untreated. You may also incorporate the use of other modes of treatment into your evaluation.

Your PowerPoint must include your presenter notes in the notes field to indicate what you intend to say during the screencast and well-chosen images to enhance the understanding of your audience. Remember that your screencast will be a maximum of 5 minutes, and use your speaker notes to ensure that you will be able to present your materials within this time limit. (You may access Garr Reynolds’s Slide TipsLinks to an external site. for additional assistance in creating an effective visual presentation.) Once you have created your PowerPoint, you will create a screencast presentation of up to 5 minutes in length using any screencasting software you choose. (Quick-Start Guides are available for Screencast-O-MaticLinks to an external site. for your convenience.) Attach your PowerPoint file to your intial post and include the URL for your screencast in the body of the post before submitting it.

Note to Students: This assignment requires that you produce a visual presentation, supply a spoken audio narrative, and to listen the audio narrative of others.  Note you are also asked to provide a transcript of your presentation.  If you have a documented disability accommodation that might interfere with your ability to complete this assignment you may contact your instructor to develop a comparable alternative assignment.  If you have other issues that you feel may be a barrier to your ability to complete this course or this assignment please contact the Office of Access and Wellness at:




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Writers Solution

Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders

Assignment: Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders

This week, you have focused on key symptoms related to schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. Now, in this Assignment, you practice diagnosing in this area.

This is your fifth practice in diagnosing mental disorders. When reviewing the case study, remember that social workers keep a wide focus on several potential syndromes, analyzing patterns of symptoms, risks, and environmental factors. Narrowing down from that wider focus happens naturally as you match the individual symptoms, behaviors, and risk factors against criteria and other information in the  DSM-5-TR.

Here are a few tips or reminders:

· Catatonia is a specifier, although it does have a code. It even appears on a line of its own and may look like a code. However, it cannot be used as a diagnosis on its own.

· Remember to include all of the words that go with the diagnostic code.

Note: Remember that symptoms can occur in many disorders. As a result, all disorders in the  DSM-5-TR covered up until this point may factor into your diagnosis (for example, as a possible additional disorder you diagnose).

To Prepare

· Review the case study for this week.

· Start by familiarizing yourself with the disorders from the  DSM-5-TR found in the Learning Resources this Week.

· Look within the noted sections for symptoms, behaviors, or other features the client presents within the case study.

· If some of the symptoms in the case study cause you to suspect an  additional disorder,  then research any of the previous disorders covered so far in the course. 

· This mirrors real social work practice where you follow the symptoms. 

· Review the correct format for how to write the diagnosis noted below. Be sure to use this format.

· Remember: When using Z codes, stay focused on the psychosocial and environmental impact on the client within the last 12 months.

By Day 7

Submit your diagnosis for the client in the case. Follow the guidelines below.

· The diagnosis should appear on one line in the following order.  Note: Do not include the plus sign in your diagnosis. Instead, write the indicated items next to each other.

Code + Name + Specifier (appears on its own first line) Z code (appears on its own line next with its name written next to the code)

Then, in 1–2 pages, respond to the following:

· Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study.

· Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected for the client. You do not need to repeat the diagnostic code in the explanation.

· Identify the differential diagnosis you considered.

· Explain why you excluded this diagnosis/diagnoses. 

· Explain the specific factors of culture that are or may be relevant to the case and the diagnosis, which may include the cultural concepts of distress.

· Explain why you chose the Z codes you have for this client.

· Remember: When using Z codes, stay focused on the psychosocial and environmental impact on the client within the last 12 months




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