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computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools

  • Read about how computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools (‘What’s wrong with this picture?’, 2015).  Examine the extent to which computer science is changing our world yet schools seem to lag behind in computer education. Suggest how STEM education can change ‘this picture’. Include strategies you would use to convince parents, administrators, and peer teachers of this. make your presentation real by including real class experience. 


1. Gokce, S., Yenmez, A. A., & Ozpinar, I. (2017, March 23). An analysis of mathematics education students’ skills in the process of programming and their practices of integrating It into their teaching. International Education Studies, 10(8), 60.

  • There is need to appraise approaches to teaching computer science in secondary classrooms. This is necessitated by recent developments in technology have changed the learner’s profile and the learning outcomes. Today, with the emergence of higher-order thinking skills and computer literacy skills, teaching through traditional methodologies likely to fail to achieve the learning outcomes (Gokce et al., 2017).

2.  ICT in STEM education – impacts and challenges: setting the scene. A STEM Alliance literature review. (2016, November). European Schoolnet. 

  • Due to the fast developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), many young people are constantly connected to digital devices and the Internet. This has changed the way they receive and process information, and the education system is slowly starting to adjust and explore the opportunities that ICT can bring for students’ learning and development (European Schoolnet, 2016).

3. Mallios, N., & Vassilakopoulos, M. G. (2015). Evaluating students’ programming skill behaviour and personalizing their computer learning environment using ‘The hour of code’ paradigm. International Association for Development of the Information Society, pp. 131- 135.

  • One of the most intriguing objectives when teaching computer science to students in secondary school is attracting and mainly maintaining their concentration within the limits of the class. In this paper, an empirical study is performed with the support of the “Hour of Code” initiative. The initiative was presented to a number of students as a motivation for teaching computer programming to them. An evaluation of the students’ programming skills is attempted with the aid of a questionnaire and a simple personalization framework is presented in order to adapt to the students’ personal needs.

4. Why computer science? (n.d.). CODE.

  • Computers and software are changing everything yet the majority of schools do not teach computer science (‘What’s wrong with this picture?’, 2015). It seems that our education system today is not set up for everyone to participate in the emerging economy and opportunities. Computer science is not widely taught in our schools. The irony is that parents want their children to learn computer science. Our education system clearly needs to evolve to bring computer science to students that want to learn this subject.

Optional Video

1. TEDx Talks. (2016, November 3). Smashing STEM stereotypes with coding | Fiona Quin | TEDxTownsville [Video]. YouTube.  (11:52)

  • We live in a rapidly changing technological world. Technology dependence and jobs are increasing but the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) workforce isn’t (TEDx Talks, 2016). What if YOU – parents and families – hold the key to the STEM workforce diversity and growth issues? You Can Code! Everyone can code! Let’s setup Workplace Maker Spaces and watch the imagination, creativity, innovation, and collaboration grow. It’s good for you, your kids, your business, your country, and the STEM workforce


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  • computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools

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    SACR-2200. Social Dilemmas: Social Science Perspectives

    COURSE SACR-2200. Social Dilemmas: Social Science Perspectives
    This course will examine major sociological issues facing countries today, such as economic inequality, political polarization, racism and racialization, immigration, human rights, education, media, globalization, incarceration, precarious work, gender and family, and climate change. It will explore how social science research measures and tracks changes in these areas. It will examine, for example, how different ideologies, ethical frameworks, and political positions on these issues address these issues, and how public policies, popular media, and politicians use social science research


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    Methods and Analysis in Behavioural Science

    Methods and Analysis in Behavioural Science
    Autumn Term
    • Please use RMarkdown for the solution of this homework.
    • For this homework, we will be using the same data as homework 3.
    Past research has shown that people consistently believe that others are more easily manipulated by external influences than they themselves are – a phenomenon called the third-person effect (Davison, 1983). Cornwell and Krantz (2014) have investigated whether support for public policies aimed at changing behavior using incentives and other decision “nudges” is affected by this bias. To this end, they have asked participants to rate their support for various policies in different presentation formats. In their Study 2, participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions, a second-person condition (“you”), a third-person condition (“people”), and two further control conditions. For example, one of the presented policies was taxes on fuel to discourage carbon dioxide emissions.
    • In the in the second-person condition the policy was framed as follows:
    The EPA is considering new fuel economy standards to reduce the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the price of gasoline. The theory is that when you need to pay more for gasoline, you will drive less to save money. Thinking about how you tend to make decisions, please answer the following questions about this policy:
    • In the third-person condition, this policy was presented as follows:
    The EPA is considering new fuel economy standards to reduce the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the price of gasoline. The theory is that when people need to pay more for gasoline, they will drive less to save money. Thinking about how people tend to make decisions, please answer the following questions about this policy:
    • In the passive control condition the justification was presented in the passive voice (e.g., “The theory is that with the need to pay more for gasoline, there will be less driving to save money.”)
    • In the no justification condition, the justification was completely removed from the policy description.
    For each policy, participants were asked to indicate the degree (on scales from 1 to 7) to which they support such a policy (1 indicating “not at all” and 7 indicating “very strongly”), the degree to which they thought the policy was likely to achieve its intended goals (1 indicating “very unlikely” and 7 indicating “very likely”), and the degree to which they thought the policy would result in unintended consequences (with, again, 1 indicating “very unlikely” and 7 indicating “very likely”). Each participant provided responses for 8 of the 16 different scenarios.
    The main hypothesis was that the third-person perspective will lead to higher support judgments than the second-person perspective. An additional research question was whether the level of the support of the third-person perspective or the second-person perspective differed from the more neutral (passive) and no-justification conditions.
    The data of this study is available on Moodle as cornwell_krantz_2014_s2.csv and can be read in as follows.
    library(-tidyverse-) d1 – read_csv(-cornwell_krantz_2014_s2.csv-) % %
    condition =
    condition, levels = 1:4, labels = c(-third-person-, -second-person-, -passive-, -no-justification-)
    Relevant for the following tasks are the first six columns:
    d1 % %
    select(id:unintended) % % glimpse
    ## Rows: 2,400
    ## Columns: 6
    ## $ id dbl 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,~
    ## $ condition fct no-justification, no-justification, no-justification, no-ju~
    ## $ scenario dbl 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 2, ~
    ## $ support dbl 7, 7, 6, 7, 4, 3, 7, 7, 3, 7, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 3, 5, 3, 3, 6,~
    ## $ achieve dbl 5, 7, 6, 7, 4, 3, 7, 6, 2, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6,~
    ## $ unintended dbl 1, 3, 1, 1, 7, 6, 4, 1, 6, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 5, 4, 7,~
    • id: participant identifier (i.e., each participant has a unique id)
    • condition: perspective condition with mapping as shown in the code chunk above
    • scenario: scenario identifier from 1 to 16 (for mapping see Appendix A of Cornwell and Krantz, 2014)
    • support, achieve, and unintended: measurement on 7-point scale question as described above
    Task 1
    Use the tidyverse for this task and answer the following questions:
    • Count the number of observations (i.e., rows) for each of the participants. Do all participants have the same number of observations?
    • Count the number of participants per condition.
    • Create a tibble for which the first column is scenario and columns two to five each contain the number of times each scenario appeared in one of the conditions (i.e., column two to five each contain the number of times a scenario appeared for one condition).
    Task 2
    Calculate three ANOVAs with IV condition and three different DVs, support, achieve, and unintended, using afex.
    • What is the null-hypothesis of these ANOVAs?
    • For which of the DVs do we find an effect of condition?
    Task 3
    Produce a single composite score acceptability from the three variables support, achieve, and unintended. Create this such that higher values indicate a higher acceptability (i.e., support) for the respective policy (i.e., make sure to re-code variables as necessary).
    Calculate an ANOVA with factor condition on the composite score acceptability. Calculate this ANOVA once using afex and once using the combination of lm and car::Anova(). Do the results agree? (They
    Task 4
    Create a plot for each of the four ANOVAs calculated so far, using afex_plot. Combine these four plots into one figure (e.g., using cowplot::plot_grid()).
    Task 5
    Apply the following contrasts to the ANOVA(s) with a significant effect of condition as well as the ANOVA with acceptability as DV. The contrasts should compare the means of the following conditions (or combination of conditions):
    • Third person versus other conditions (i.e., mean of other conditions).
    • Third person versus second person.
    • Third person versus second and other.
    • Second person versus other conditions.
    • Three contrasts, each testing the no-justification versus one of the other conditions.
    Please answer the following questions:
    • Which of the contrasts are significant for the ANOVA(s) with a significant effect of condition?
    • Does the pattern of significant contrasts change if you do not control for multiple testing compared to when using the Bonferroni-Holm method (i.e., adjust = -holm-)?
    • Which contrasts do you think are the most relevant to the research questions listed on page 1 (potentially including contrasts other than those listed above)? Apply those to the significant ANOVAs using the Bonferroni-Holm method. Which substantive conclusions are justified, given these results?
    • Apply the contrasts to the ANOVA on the acceptability scores. How would you interpret the results; which conclusions are justified?
    Task 6
    Calculate the means and standard errors for the acceptability scores per condition (after aggregating the different observations per participant). Compare these values with the means and standard errors that are returned by emmeans for the ANOVA on acceptability scores. How can you explain the (small) differences?
    Suggested Literature
    A useful statistics book is by Thomas Baguley (2012): Serious Stats: A Guide to Advanced Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. It does not (yet!) use afex, emmeans, the tidyverse, or ggplot2, but has several useful chapters that relate to the lectures:
    • Statistical inference: Confidence intervals (ch. 3) and significance testing (ch. 4)
    • Regression and ANOVAs: Chapters 5, 6, 12, and 13
    • Sums of Squares and contrasts: Chapter 15
    • Davison, W. P. (1983). The third-person effect in communication. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 47(1), 1–15.
    • Cornwell, J. F. M., & Krantz, D. H. (2014). Public policy for thee, but not for me: Varying the grammatical person of public policy justifications influences their support. Judgment and Decision
    Making, 9(5), 12.


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    UMass Amherst Political Science 121 World Politics Fall 2021

    Unit 2 Paper Assignment: UMass Amherst Political Science 121 World Politics Fall 2021

    Instructions Write a 450-500 word paper using the Bargaining Model of War to support your conclusions about whether the parties to one of the following three armed conflicts are ready to accept outside proposals for resolving their conflict or want to continue fighting (background items below): 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan war over Nagorno-Karabakh 2. The Ethiopian government – Tigray People’s Liberation Front conflict 3. The new round of peace talks in Libya Remember that war continues even if only one wants to continue fighting. When prearing your paper, include all citations as footnotes; format the footnotes according to the APA guide section on how to prepare the list of references, adding the pape numbers at the end. Footnotes do not count in the word limit.

    Background Items 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Explained What you need to know about the deadly clashes over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. By Zia Weise, Jan Cienski and David M. Herszenhorn Politico September 28, 2020 7:51 pm [Note: as is common in foreign policy reporting, names of capital cities are sometimes used as shorthand for the government. Hence “Ankara” = Turkish government, “Baku” = Azerbaijan government, “Yerevan” = Armenian government.]

    Violence flared up in a long-running conflict on Europe’s eastern edge [in August 2020] as Armenia and Azerbaijan clashed over the embattled region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The ongoing fighting has left more than 100 people dead — the most serious escalation in years.

    The two former Soviet states have clashed over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian- controlled enclave internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, for three decades. But the conflict is more than a Cold War-era relic. Both sides enjoy the support of powerful backers and with the South Caucasus occupying a strategic position in the global energy market, the fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan could end up reverberating beyond the region.

    Here’s what you need to know about the latest escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 2

    What happened?

    Armenia says that on the morning of September 27, Azerbaijan launched air and artillery attacks on Nagorno-Karabakh, while Baku says it was conducting a “counter-offensive in response to military provocation.” As the fighting turned deadly, Armenia declared martial law and general mobilization. Azerbaijan announced a state of war in some regions.

    The death toll is disputed. As of October 2, Armenia has reported 158 fatalities among troops; on the second day of fighting, Azerbaijan claimed it had killed 550 Armenians, which Yerevan denied. Armenia, meanwhile, claimed at the time that it had killed 200 Azerbaijanis, but Baku has not reported any military casualties. Both sides have accused each other of killing civilians: Armenia has reported 13 civilian deaths, while Azerbaijan has reported 19, according to Agence- France Presse.

    During the so-called Four-Day War in 2016 — to date the worst breach of a 1994 cease-fire agreement — more than 200 people died.

    What’s the bigger picture?

    The Nagorno-Karabakh clashes have the potential to draw in larger powers — in particular Russia and NATO member Turkey, two countries that already support opposing sides in Syria and Libya.

    Turkey has long been a staunch supporter of Azerbaijan: Ankara and Baku share close cultural ties, given their shared Turkic heritage. Meanwhile, Turkey and Armenia have a long history of tensions, exacerbated by Ankara’s refusal to recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide as well as the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The latter prompted Turkey to seal its border with Armenia in 1993, which has remained shut ever since. The two countries do not have diplomatic relations.

    Russia plays a more ambiguous role in the region, maintaining close economic ties with Armenia and Azerbaijan and supplying weapons to both. Its relationship with Yerevan is deeper, however — Armenia hosts a Russian military base and is part of the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union.

    Then there’s the region’s role in the global energy trade: The pipelines connecting Azerbaijan with Turkey are crucial for the European Union’s oil and natural gas supply — and pass close to Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over that region?

    Christian-majority Armenia and Muslim-majority Azerbaijan have had frictions for centuries, but religion does not play a major role in the modern-day conflict. A lot of the blame rests with Joseph Stalin. The former Soviet leader placed the majority-Armenian region of Nagorno- Karabakh (known as Artsakh to Armenians) into Azerbaijan after the Caucasus was conquered by the Red Army in the early 1920s. Neither side was pleased, though for decades it didn’t matter much.

    PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 3

    But when the USSR began to collapse in the late 1980s, powerful nationalist forces on both sides turned Nagorno-Karabakh into a powder keg. The enclave’s ethnic Armenians declared independence in 1991. War erupted between Azerbaijan, which insisted on the inviolability of its borders, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians, who received support from Armenia itself. By 1994, the Armenians had succeeded in driving the Azerbaijani army from the enclave and large surrounding swathes of land. Hundreds of thousands of people had to flee.

    These days, the United Nations still recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan’s territory; no country considers the enclave an independent country — not even Armenia, which also hasn’t formally annexed it but supports the region financially and militarily. Since then, the two countries have hunkered down on either side of a line of control marked by landmines and snipers.

    Why did things escalate now?

    Armenia’s 2018 “velvet revolution,” which toppled its longtime leader Serzh Sargsyan, briefly raised hopes that long-stalled peace negotiations could resume. But Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the opposition politician who rose to power after the mass protests, largely ended up sticking by his predecessor’s rhetoric.

    An election organized this spring by the self-declared Armenian government in Karabakh was viewed as a provocation in Azerbaijan and drew international criticism. And in July this year, tensions started surging after a series of clashes killed more than a dozen people, with the catalyst still remaining unclear. The fighting prompted thousands of Azerbaijanis to demonstrate for war with Armenia; at the same time, Turkey ratcheted up its rhetoric in support of Baku.

    What’s been the international reaction so far?

    EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has urged “an immediate cessation of hostilities,” a call echoed by the U.S. State Department and the United Nations.

    Turkey sided firmly with Azerbaijan, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan describing Armenia as “the biggest threat to peace” in the region. Russia took a more cautious approach: In a phone call with Armenia’s Pashinyan, President Vladimir Putin said it was important to “halt military actions,” according to the Kremlin’s account of the conversation.

    Iran — an ally of Armenia — offered to mediate, saying Tehran was “ready to use all its capacities to help talks to start between the two sides.”

    Have there been prior efforts to mediate?

    For more than a quarter-century, an international peace initiative, known as the Minsk Process, has tried and failed to bring a resolution to the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh after the cease- fire in the region in 1994.

    PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 4

    Chaired by France, Russia and the United States, under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Minsk Group has sought to prevent military clashes and to implement a peace settlement.

    But years of diplomatic meetings and various missions to the region, as well as to the capitals of Armenia and Azerbaijan, have come to naught.

    There were brief flickers of hope after Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met formally for the first time in March 2019, and later in February 2020 for a public debate at the Munich Security Conference. For years, Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders had refused to even appear in the same room. But the coronavirus pandemic interrupted diplomatic efforts earlier this year.

    On October 1, the Minsk Group called for a cease-fire, which was rebuffed by Erdoğan.

    What’s next?

    It’s too early to say how long the fighting will continue or whether it could escalate into a full- blown war. Both the 2016 clashes and the skirmishes in July lasted only a few days.

    The picture would change significantly if a major power were to enter the conflict, but even Turkey has so far limited its official involvement to rhetoric. Armenia, however, has accused Ankara of deploying Syrian fighters to Azerbaijan and downing a plane, allegations denied by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    2. Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts – rebels Current Fighting

    The Ethiopian army has launched co-ordinated attacks on all fronts against forces from the northern Tigray region. The rebels say the government was using artillery, tanks, jets and drones in an attempt to “reinvade” the region.

    A senior rebel source said Tigray forces were holding their ground.

    The Ethiopian government has not confirmed any fighting, and a communications blackout makes independent verification impossible.

    A senior member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Getachew Reda, said the government offensive launched last week was now in “full swing”.

    Asked if a ground offensive had been launched, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s spokeswoman Billene Seyoum said the government had a responsibility to protect its citizens across the country from acts of terrorism but gave no further details.

    PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 5

    The 11-month conflict has caused a humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations warning that about 400,000 people were living in famine-like conditions in Tigray in July.

    Thousands of people have been killed in the conflict, and another two million have been forced to flee their homes.

    Difficult to justify an offensive Analysis by Kalkidan Yibeltal, BBC News, Addis Ababa

    The Ethiopian government has not confirmed reports of a major offensive against the Tigray rebels, but a mobilisation of the country’s forces and allied militia over the past few months left no doubt that a huge operation was in the offing.

    With elections out of the way and the rainy season at its end, Prime Minister Abiy seems focussed on a military solution to the long-drawn out conflict.

    The war has already taken its toll on the country: thousands have been killed, millions displaced and hundreds of thousands are facing famine.

    But both sides have sent mixed signals about their willingness to accept a peaceful resolution.

    The Ethiopian army took control of most of Tigray in November 2020, after TPLF forces seized a military base.

    In June 2021, the rebels recaptured Tigray in a surprise attack, and then moved into parts of neighbouring regions like Amhara.

    Ethiopia has declared the TPLF a terrorist organisation, but the TPLF insists that it is the legitimate government in Tigray.

    Tigray – the basics

    • Since 1994, Ethiopia has been divided into states, now numbering 10; they are defined on ethnic grounds by the constitution and described as largely autonomous, but with central institutions

    • In 2018, following anti-government protests, Abiy Ahmed took over as prime minister and introduced reforms

    • Powerful politicians from Tigray, Ethiopia’s northernmost state, accused Mr Abiy of trying to increase federal power

    • Relations worsened and, after the government accused Tigrayan rebels of attacking military bases, the Ethiopian army moved in in November, backed by Eritrean troops

    • Mr Abiy declared the conflict over in late November, but fighting has continued

    Rebel leader Getachew Reda said the current offensive was taking place in towns in Amhara region, and also involved Amharan regional forces fighting alongside the army.

    PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 6

    The Tigray forces’ statement says “hundreds of thousands of regular and irregular fighters” have been fielded in the current assault.

    [background item 3 starts on next page]

    3. Libyan rivals ink initial deal on pullout of mercenaries

    The U.N. says forces from Libya’s rival sides have reached an initial agreement on the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from the North African nation

    By Samy Magdy Associated Press October 10, 2021, 4:23 AM

    ABOARD GEO BARENTS1 — Libya’s rival sides reached an initial agreement on the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from the North African nation, the United Nations said. It is a key step toward unifying the violence-wracked country.

    The dispute over mercenaries and foreign fighters has long been an obstacle, particularly ahead of Libya’s landmark general elections due in December.

    Libya has been engulfed in chaos since a NATO-backed uprising toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. The oil-rich country was for years split between rival governments, one based in the capital of Tripoli and the other in the eastern part of the country. Each side is backed by different foreign powers and militia groups.

    The U.N. mission mediating between the rivals said a 10-member joint military commission, with five representatives from each side, signed a “gradual and balanced” withdrawal deal Friday, at the end of three days of talks facilitated by the U.N. in Geneva.

    The plan would be “the cornerstone for the gradual, balanced, and sequenced process of withdrawal” of the mercenaries and foreign forces, the mission said.

    Jan Kubis, the U.N. special envoy for Libya, welcomed the move as “another breakthrough achievement.”

    Libya’s split came into the forefront in 2019, when self-styled military commander Khalifa Hifter, allied with the east-based administration, launched an offensive to take Tripoli from armed militias loosely allied with the U.N.-supported but weak government in the country’s capital.

    Hifter was backed by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Russia and France. But, his 14-month campaign and march on Tripoli ultimately failed in June 2020, after Turkey sent troops to help the U.N.-supported administration, which also had the backing of Qatar and Italy.

    1 A Norwegian seismic surveying ship converted for search and rescue operations currently chartered [leased] to Médecins Sans Frontières for rescue efforts in the Mediterranean Sea.

    PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 7

    After the fighting largely stalemated, subsequent U.N.-sponsored peace talks brought about a cease-fire last October and installed an interim government that is expected to lead the country into the December elections. The cease-fire deal also included the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries within three months – something that was never implemented.

    Friday’s deal “creates a positive momentum that should be built upon to move forward towards a stable and democratic stage, including through the holding of free, credible and transparent national elections on 24 December, with results accepted by all,” Kubis said.

    The sides said they would now go back discuss this with their base and concerned international parties “to support the implementation of this plan and the respect of Libya’s sovereignty.”

    The deal also called for the deployment of U.N. observers to monitor the cease-fire before the implementation of the withdrawal plan.

    In December, then U.N. acting envoy for Libya Stephanie Williams estimated that there have been at least 20,000 foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya over the past few years, including Russians, Syrians, Sudanese, and Chadians.

    Though the agreement on mercenaries is seen as a step forward, earlier this month, Libyan lawmakers in the east dealt a setback to the peace process by voting to reschedule the parliamentary elections for January, a month later.

    It wasn’t immediately clear how the lawmakers’ move would translate into a postponement of the vote.

    • Instructions
    • Background Items
      • 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Explained
        • What happened?
        • What’s the bigger picture?
        • Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over that region?
        • Why did things escalate now?
        • What’s been the international reaction so far?
        • Have there been prior efforts to mediate?
        • What’s next?
      • 2. Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts – rebels
        • Current Fighting
        • Difficult to justify an offensive
        • Tigray – the basics
      • 3. Libyan rivals ink initial deal on pullout of mercenaries

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    Look through major newspapers, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, or the Christian Science Monitor for the most in-depth coverage

    This week’s current event topic is related to the Supreme Court or the federal judiciary. Look through major newspapers, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, or the Christian Science Monitor for the most in-depth coverage. Websites, such as Politico and ProPublica, are good sources too. Make sure to provide proper source information for the news item you decide to discuss. Post a summary and reaction to information you find once you locate a relevant article. 4-5 paragraphs





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    Master of Science in Nursing program and prepare for a career as a nurse practitioner



    As you approach the end of your Master of Science in Nursing program and prepare for a career as a nurse practitioner, you will want to create a cover letter, resume, and portfolio that best represent your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a professional in the field of nursing.

    For this Assignment, you will create a Career Planner, which includes these elements, that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.

    To Prepare

    • Review the Career Planner Guide. This document contains the requirements for the Assignment as well as resources to consult.
    • Seek out other resources on cover letters, resumes, and other professional resources, as needed. The Walden University Career Services site has information on many topics of relevance.  

    The Assignment

    Develop a cover letter, resume, philosophy statement, and other professional resources that meet the requirements outlined in the Career Planner Guide.

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    Describe 2-3 pieces of evidence from the science literature that humans are causing climate change to accelerate


    Many if not most of the topics that you studied in the eText and tackled in the discussions and labs are, or will be directly or indirectly impacted by the myriad effects of climate change.  At this point in the course, you should be able to assess the various predictions from the climate models and mesh them with what you have already learned to fashion a credible assessment of our planet’s future.


    Prepare yourself for this discussion by studying the relevant material presented in the two websites linked below. Most of the living scientists who have received the Nobel Prize are members of the first organization in the list. The second two federal agencies are two of the most respected in this country and world. Amazing that our country will listen with rapt attention to everything that NASA has to say about outer space, but ignore what they say about climate change.

    You are encouraged to research the Internet for other climate change related sites and don’t skip ScienceDaily

    For your initial post, please respond to the following questions in separate paragraphs:

    1. Describe 2-3 pieces of evidence from the science literature that humans are causing climate change to accelerate. 
    2. What specific impacts do the current climate change models predict globally and which of them, if any, appear to be occurring already?
    3. What role does the ocean play in the climate change scenario?
    4. What sorts of impacts are predicted for Colorado if the climate change models are correct?

    In your initial post, please provide 3-4 references in APA format and use in-text citations.

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    • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Describe 2-3 pieces of evidence from the science literature that humans are causing climate change to accelerate

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    Teaching is Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do

    Phonics Assessment

    View and make notes on the videos provided in Unit 2 ActivitiesThese videos describe and demonstrate, in detail, the components of beginning decoding skills which comprise essential components of early literacy instruction. These skills, delivered through systematic, explicit instruction, make up a significant part of the Science of Teaching Reading. 

    With the technology tool Kahoot!, using the information from the videos, create a 20-item, multiple choice, phonics-based assessment for an identified grade level (K – 3).  This assessment should include identified / aligned ELAR TEKS (copied and pasted from the TEA website).  As you review the ELAR TEKS that include expectations for decoding instruction, you will identify the specific content that your selected grade level is required to address and master regarding these skills.  Attached you will find a study guide for a typical phonics assessment.  In addition, you will find instructions for using this tool.

    Double Entry Reader Response

    After reading “Teaching is Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do” by Louisa Moats, complete the Double Entry Reader Response activity using the template provided. Specific instructions are provided on the template.

    Double-Entry Journal For this Reader Response activity, during and/or after your assigned reading of the Moats article, “Teaching Reading is Rocket Science,” you will identify 7 specific author quotes / statements that you found to be significant in nature and then for each selection, provide a detailed rationale for the importance / significance of that information. Please be sure to cite the page number(s) for each quote / statement selected.What the Author Says…Why It’s Important…Double-Entry Journal For this Reader Response activity, during and/or after your assigned reading of the Moats article, “Teaching Reading is Rocket Science,” you will identify 7 specific author quotes / statements that you found to be significant in nature and then for each selection, provide a detailed rationale for the importance / significance of that information. Please be sure to cite the page number(s) for each quote / statement selected.What the Author Says…Why It’s Important





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    science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).

    Sci-Fi Narrative Writing Assignment  

    For this assignment, you will write a science fiction narrative aka a story (lol). You may use one of the 15 prompts listed below, or you may come up with your own idea.

    Whatever your topic may be, your story must stick to the following guidelines:

    LENGTH: 1-3 pgs double-spaced. 12-pt font, 1 inch margins. No more, no less.
    DIALOGUE: You must include at least one exchange between two characters, formatted correctly. If you need a refresher on how to include dialogue in a piece of narrative writing, click this lil’ link:
    DROP INTO THE ACTION: You must begin your story IN A MOMENT OF ACTION. This action might fall at the end of the story arc, it might fall at the beginning, or it might happen somewhere in the middle. You may move forward or backward in time once you drop us in, but YOU MUST DROP US IN to begin the story.

    REFRESHER: What Is Sci-Fi?

    Sci-fi, short for science fiction, is a genre of speculative fiction that contains imagined elements that don’t exist in the real world. Science fiction spans a wide range of themes that often explore time travel, space travel, are set in the future, and deal with the consequences of technological and scientific advances.

    15 Science Fiction Writing Prompts (if you want to use one)
    An earthquake in the central U.S. reveals the framework of an ancient civilization far beneath the surface. As archeologists dig, they realize they’re unearthing skyscrapers.
    Stars start disappearing from the sky, one by one. Then, one day, the sun disappears, leaving the whole earth in freezing darkness.
    After the earth is rendered inhabitable from global warming, the last survivors get into a voyager spacecraft, hoping to find another planet to call home. It’s been thirty years, the ship is still searching, and they’re almost out of food.
    Superheroes are becoming more and more common, and every city in the US is now rushing to have one of their own as their mascot. When one city fails to find a hero living in town, they hire the city-hall intern to pretend for a little while.
    Astronauts finally land on Mars—only to find that exact copies of themselves have already arrived. science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).
    Space ships are now mass-produced, and everyone has access to space travel at light speed. As new planets are discovered, people begin to settle down in new solar systems—but battles for ownership of the best planets have begun.
    After World War III, the entire earth is united as one country. However, a secret society is bored with peace and starts planning ways to spread discontent.
    An android escapes from a factory and hopes to blend in to avoid getting caught. The only problem? It escaped right before it could finish its software download, so it only knows human history up to the 1920s.
    Cars now have artificial intelligence and will know where their passengers want to go without even being told. One day, every car in the world drives toward a specific point on Earth—and won’t let anyone out.
    Scientists have discovered a black hole much closer to Earth than they thought possible. Everyone was so worried about the planet getting sucked into it—nobody was ready for something to come out of it.
    An alien species comes to Earth, and, due to a clerical error, their ambassador shows up on the doorstep of a low-level government HR employee, who welcomes them in for snacks.
    The dead have risen from their graves like zombies, but they don’t want to eat people—they just want answers about why the afterlife sucked.
    The last person on earth walks across a desolate wasteland. One day, for the first time, a voice comes through her walkie talkie science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).
    A high schooler spends all of his time in a virtual reality video game. One day his character gets injured and he can feel the pain in the real world. When he takes off the headset, he has the exact same injury on his body.
    A large hole has opened up in the center of Alaska. People are saying they can hear whispers coming from down below. The last time a team of explorers went to investigate, they disappeared.





    Olympus Mons

    Olympus Mons had started and I was the single witness to the Tsunami occurrence of tremors. I asked, what are the odds? The Telescope Dad had carried for me the birthday present and indicated that it is a special feature, or as mysteriously as he claimed. What feature, I enquired. I would unravel the mysterious feature, he retorted, before driving off to his part-time gig at NASA. Dad fund out him was at the ‘Gizmo Department’ as he awoke.

    It took a short while!

    Mar’s luminous became the second to showcase after the Venus’s Night; I occasionally used to train my new toy on the surface of mars. The visitation of mum meant that the house belonged to me as it was her sister’s abode in downtown Houston, with its spacious balcony, to me.

    The vast cluster of the stars took my breath away, I had a conviction that I have landed on a second planet from the usual earth. On this planet, I was living in an area devoid of the ever harsh street lighting that gave an illusion. After a few minutes of focusing and calibrating on my favorite fantasy world, I fixed on the familiar pimple I got a recognition as the Mother of all Volcanoes in the entire solar system:16 miles high,6 times larger than Mount Everest, 4 billion years old, give or take. This specific telescope had a particular zoom lens; it soon dawned on me, like those that exist in a video camera. Hands on boost magnification, a fluorite refractor, (n sub for aperture) fast F/ratio, plus cam adaptor. I utilized them and my eyes were being transported to a vision which cloaked my senses that transformed and looked like renegade ink spot.

    This was no trick of light. This was real. I’d seen those Hollywood conceptions of Mars. Nothing in them came close to what I was witnessing. Except that I felt as if I was being conveyed to a science fiction movie produced by George Pal or Steven Spielberg. The sensation of looking through the glass chilled my bones. Goosebumps sprouted along my arms and shoulders. I never felt more alone.

    Through the eyepiece projection, black smoke billowed and obliterated Olympus Mons’s apex. I zoomed back from the dark, hazy smooch to gauge the overall picture. Sure enough, the magma rolled and widened at frightening speed, its diligence like a non-stop freight train from Hell, scorching everything in its path. I sprinted for the HD screen in my living room and tuned into CNN. No breaking news. Not yet. President Trump’s goodwill visit to Mexico would surely be preempted any moment. A phenomenon was taking place on Mars, damn it. I waited a few minutes before surfing the channels. Zero coverage. I tried again five minutes later. Nada.

    I had to leave a message on Dad’s cell, my throat catching.

    “Yo, Dad! Are you guys at NASA watching this? Olympus Mons is alive and belching! Call me back!”

    I resumed my Mars watch and panned east to west along its sullied terrain.

    I zoomed in. Something caught my eye.

    I pulled on the focus ring and my gut burned. Fuzzy gray figures were scurrying, fanning out from the molten ebb. The slow ones were devoured while the faster ones scattered from view.

    Then nothing!

    The dense smoke obliterated the dance of death I’d been witnessing. Blackness prevailed from wherever I swiveled the lens to. I paused and played back in my frazzled mind what I’d seen. No life on Mars? Tell that to God. The exhilaration I felt matched the shock to my system. I felt privileged in owning a device that could showcase such an interstellar cannonball. Were there other telescopes like this? Was my father on to something when he assembled it? Or had he dismissed it as another of his b…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).


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    Web server statistics for a computer science department

    This data set is a sample of Web server statistics for a computer science department. It contains the following 11 sections of data:
    Total successful requests
    Average successful requests per day
    Total successful requests for pages
    Average successful requests for pages per day
    Total failed requests
    Total redirected requests
    Number of distinct files requested
    Number of distinct hosts served
    Corrupt logfile lines
    Total data transferred
    Average data transferred per day
    Write an essay of 2–3 pages that contains the following:
    A complete overview of the data, identifying anomalies in different weeks, and the weeks that the data are not regular.
    Choose 5 different sections of data, examine these sections, and provide the specific selection process and criteria you used to select this data set.
    Provide the measures of tendency and dispersion for each of the 5 different sections of data you selected.
    Provide 1 chart or graph for each of the 5 processed sections. This may be a pie or bar chart or a histogram.
    Label the chart or graph clearly.
    Explain why the graph you provided gave a good visual representation of the data.
    Based on your explanation above, identify some specific advantages why, in general, charts and graphs are important in conveying information in a visual format.
    Determine the standard deviation and variation, and explain their importance in statistical analysis of a data set.
    Based on the tasks you performed in this project, research how statistics are used in information technology (IT), and provide references for your research
    Your essay should include proper citation in APA formatting, both in-text, and in reference pages. Include a title page and use 12-point Times New Roman double-spaced font throughout the text





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    In order to get accurate overview of the data, it was important to start identifying outliers from the first row of the data set. Analysis indicated that week 3 was outlier from the lower site, while week 5 was outlier from the upper site. The findings of week three were summarized in the first five rows of the data set as shown in the table below.


    Total Requests

    Average Request Per day

    Total Requests for pages

    Requests for Pages Per day

    Total Failed
























































    Contrary to this observation, week 5 recorded the highest number of request in the first two rows.In addition, week 5 was not regular as compared to week 3. For instance, the data set in the first two rows recorded the highest value in week 5 more than any other week. However, the pattern was not regular or consistent because the………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


    ……………………………………………………………………………..Web server statistics …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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