Writers Solution

My Groups Collaborate’ section of ACC03032 MySCU site or Zoom meeting

Assignment 1 – Individual participation with evidence of completion of self-reflection activities
Weighting: 20% (Wiki contribution for each of the ten (10) topics and one (1) review session with your tutor)
Due: Progressively. You need to post contributions for each of the ten (10) topics on your Wiki page and arrange one (1) review session with your tutor at a mutually convenient time between weeks 8 & 12.
You are required to do two (2) things as an individual student for this Assignment:
1. Provide evidence of attempting self-reflection activities as per Study Guide in your Wiki page for each for the ten (10) topics. (10 marks)
2. Arrange a review session with your tutor (online or face-to-face (if possible)) any time between weeks 8 & 12. (10 marks)
Make sure you PAY ATTENTION to the details below about each of these two things!
1. Provide evidence of attempting self-reflection activities as per the Study Guide in your Wiki page each for the ten (10) topics. (10 marks)
Ideally each week after completing your text reading and attempting the questions and activities as per your Study guide, you will attempt the self-reflection activities as set out in your study guide for that week. You are required to make notes as evidence of attempting these self-reflection activities and add those notes in your Wiki page.
Your contribution needs to demonstrate to the marker that you have been attempting and completing self-reflection activities as per the following schedule:
i. Evidence in Wiki on Topics 1 to 6 to be submitted and completed by end of week 6 for marking to take place between weeks 7 & 8; (5 marks)
ii. Evidence in Wiki on Topics 7 to 10 to be submitted and completed by end of week 11 for marking to take place between weeks 12 & 13. (5 marks)

Please note if the marker checks your Wiki between weeks 7 & 8 as per above schedule and your Wiki page is incomplete then you will receive a mark accordingly. Similarly, note if the marker checks your Wiki between weeks 12 & 13 as per the above schedule and your Wiki page is incomplete then you will receive a mark accordingly.
You will have sufficient time to complete your Wiki contributions and ideally this should be completed weekly but to allow flexibility you have the choice to add your notes at your convenience any time until the above-mentioned scheduled times. No extension to this task is possible due to the nature of this task. If you fail to make a contribution as per the above-mentioned scheduled times, then you will have lost the opportunity to gain those available marks.
If you are continuing to add your contributions weekly, then your Wiki page should be ready in time.
The marker is looking for following in your Wiki contribution:
Evidence of attempting your weekly self-reflection activities in the form of notes. Please note the task should not be treated at a tick flick task where student states they have completed their readings and self-reflection activities. You are to demonstrate an evidence of what you have read and understood by attempting the readings and self-reflection activities and uploading the evidence in Wiki page.
The evidence can be in the form of notes (typed or handwritten) for the self-reflection activities. Students can type their notes directly in the Wiki area or upload word document or a screenshot/picture of handwritten (should be in legible writing) notes. The point is not to be concerned with the format and style of presentation as form is less important than illustrating to the marker the evidence to demonstrate that you are doing the required work. Your notes could include evidence of relevant research and/or your personal reflection on any relevant current topic in addition to the self-reflection activities. You can include a link or a reference to that source of information but explain in your own words how that reading or activity has in any way helped (or not) you understand or expand your knowledge of the topic/subject. This is very individual task and your markers are open to your contribution. Do not be afraid to add your understanding or point of view as this task is not judgmental but only to observe your effort in learning and understanding the unit content. The purpose is to see your commitment and contribution toward the unit.
Please note it should not be a copy & paste of information from a web page or any other source as this will not count as an evidence of YOUR work.
Your Wiki page can be accessed via My Groups Group Wiki’ section of ACC03032 MySCU site.
2. Arrange a review session with your tutor (online or face-to-face (if safely possible)) any time between weeks 8 & 12. (10 marks)
We are aiming for one on one review meeting across the session with you tutor. The review meeting can be any time between weeks 8 & 12 during Session 2 and we aim for it to be anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes.
It is your responsibility to arrange a review meeting with your tutor either online or face-to-face (if safely possible to do so). Contact your tutor via email to arrange for a mutually suitable date/time for the review session. Your tutor may also provide options closer to the task due date/time. Those details will follow during the session. So please keep an eye out and check your SCU emails regularly.
The review meeting can either take place via ‘My Groups Collaborate’ section of ACC03032 MySCU site or Zoom meeting (a link Zoom meeting shall be emailed by your tutor in due course). You will be informed by your tutor how this review meeting will take place in due course.
The purpose of this review meeting is to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered in ACC03032 unit. Your tutor/marker may select any of your Wiki contributions and could ask you a question relevant to the topic to review your understanding/assessment of the subject and assess your evidence against the unit assessment requirements.
Please note if you will be reading information from the Wiki or text or relevant resources then it would not demonstrate your understanding. Hence it would not attract any mark. Consider it this way, if you have done the work (completed the readings and attempted all the suggested activities as per Study Guide) then you would retain that information and should be able to talk/discuss about it comfortably.
Marking criteria Assignment 1
In assessing Assignment 1, the marker will take into account your performance in the following areas:
• logical coherence of discussion (unintelligible discussion will receive no marks)
• conciseness and clarity
• level of understanding of course concepts
• extent of evidence presented in support of your opinion (using examples from the topics to illustrate Topic theories and concepts).
• extent of insight provided (in the review session and comments this will be personal insight; this will be insight into the way your discussion illustrates understanding of theories and principles from the relevant topic … NOT summaries of the topic or definitions of the theories)

Writers Solution

The first section should include a general summary of the studies conducted

You will write a critical review that synthesizes your reactions to the two articles. Your paper must be APA style (e.g., title page, no abstract, double-spaced, reference page). The paper should be 800-1000 words. Please use the following organization. 

a.The first section should include a general summary of the studies conducted (between 200-400 words).

 b.The second section should involve your critical analysis of the articles (less than 600-800 words). Identify and defend the article that makes the strongest argument and will have a more significant impact on the topic/population it is written about. Integrate information from your course into the critique of the article. You might discuss the practical significance of the research.

 c.The third section will involve your suggestions for future research in this area, based on what you have learned in your course. This should not be a summary of what the authors suggested as recommendations for future research, but rather, your own personal suggestions for future research based on the reported findings.

 d.Please use headings in alignment with APA style (i.e., Summary, Analysis, Suggestions for Future Research). The paper will be graded based on the quality of content and alignment with APA style. Each article may earn up to four creditstoward your research requirement.   Be sure to write your paper in your own words! Using actual phrases from thearticle without quotes is plagiarism. Paraphrasing sentences (e.g., substituting words here and there) is also plagiarism. Using the authors’ ideas without providing credit is also plagiarism. You also may not plagiarize your own work from another course.Any plagiarism will result in zero credit for the assignment.