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Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector

Introduction & Overview
This is the ISOL 633 Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment, which is a label that merely
reflects that one of the overarching M.S. Information Systems Security degree program’s Learner
Outcomes (a/k/a, “PLOs”; see syllabus and below) will be tested in your work. This is a
relatively light research and writing project to be done in a group unless your Instructor advises
you to conduct it individually. Although it is relatively light, for example as compared to a
master’s thesis or a dissertation, it is an academic research paper that requires rigor,
commitment, and care.
In ISOL 633 all your work is focused on obtaining the five Course Objectives (also on the
syllabus) and this MSISS PLO:
✓ Program Outcome 3.1- Students determine which laws apply to different types of
business environments.
A successful Portfolio will unequivocally prove that your group has attained the PLO, which is
partially why this is not due until the end of the term (see your course dates for details). Also, a
successful Portfolio will evince graduate-level written English, and conformity to APA Style
guidelines. See the Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment’s rubric for a detailed view about
how to learn the most in this process, and how to earn the most in terms of a grade on the work.
Writing Style and Constructive Requirements
Through experience it is clear that, for some reason, page length is top-of-mind amongst
students’ curiosities. You are required to write at least five substantive pages (excluding Title,
Abstract, References, and Appendices) and no more than 10 without approval from your
If you are familiar with APA Style, which is another requirement, you know that the
parenthetical above points to the main components of this Portfolio Assignment: Title Page,
Abstract Page, Body, References, and Appendices if needed. As graduate students studying in
STEM sciences you must follow APA. There are ample resources in UC’s Library to learn how
to conform.
Besides the Library, you can get all the help desired from UC’s The Learning Commons and its
Writing Center. You have no excuse to fail at these basic style and construction requirements.
This is the so-called low-hanging fruit. Experience shows us that far too few of you will heed
this seemingly simple direction. Please take advantage of these resources lest your excellent
research and analyses never actually gets communicated. Sometimes the mode is as important as
the message. See the course materials for links and tons of help in this vein.ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 2
The Research Challenges
Your group’s task is to conduct reliable, valid, scholarly research about one of the following
bodies of law, and then discuss your findings and critical thoughts about it. As a separate
assignment, your group will also present the research and its findings in a way that engages and
informs an audience. There have been and will be many areas of information security and
privacy laws, so select one of the options that engages you, or perhaps relates to work you’re
1. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector
Select one American financial institution that frames your research. Describe the organization, its
business(es), its scope, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader
about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the financial sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected
financial institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target financial institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the financial sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the organization. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
2. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Education Sector
Select one American academic institution that frames your research. Describe the school, its
place in academia, its student body and curricular expanse, and any additional descriptive
information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the education sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selectedISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 3
institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target educational institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the educational sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
3. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare Sector
Select one American healthcare organization (“covered entity” in HIPAA parlance) that frames
your research. Describe the organization, its components assuming it’s a healthcare “system,” its
business in general, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader about
your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the healthcare sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected
covered entity was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target healthcare institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the healthcare sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 4
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
4. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Federal Government
Select one U.S. federal government agency, bureau, directorate, or another organizational entity
in the Administrative Branch that frames your research. Describe the organization, its place in
the structure of the federal government, its scope of control or legal influence, what types of
organizations or individuals are subject to its regulations, and any additional descriptive
information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the federal government
system that came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based
on that law, and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, your
selected agency was likely involved in such litigation, or has published their critique of the laws,
so include that information foremost.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target the federal government’s security and privacy,
countless other laws apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to
discover whether your selected agency has been awarded intellectual property rights (yes, the
federal government both owns and awards IP protection through USPTO) for their trademarks,
patents, or IP. Describe whether and how it maintains or protects its trade secrets. Describe for
your reader some of the most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps
has been involved in. Again, even the government is subject to the laws that it creates in this
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your agency, and likely also looking to NIST materials,
research and discuss an incident or case in which such the agency or another within its greater
organization was compelled to go through the forensic investigation process. There are no
sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so be diligent and you will find one to
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the agency. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
Additional Requirements as Mandated by Your Instructor
This Portfolio Assignment is subject to changes introduced by your instructor, whose
requirements supersede these when the two directions appear at odds. As always, work with your
Instructor, ask questions when you’re unclear, and do so as soon as practical.




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How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector?

Your answer should include both a description section and an
analysis or opinion section.

In addition, each student must
respond to at least one answer from another student for each discussion question

the question

How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector?

the student answer that you will respond on 

Scan-as-you-go wallets I believe will be the future but along with the technology being used behind it. I believe that scannable wallets will need to use blockchain technology in order to have the highest level of security possible. The reasoning behind this is that when you are scanning things with your phone there can be “fake” codes to scan or scam links, etc. And this can lead to a breach in the security of a mobile device. Once the technology is fully there I do believe that there will be total mass adoption of digital wallets within the retail sector. The retail sector as a whole will most likely continue to struggle as it gets easier and easier to make transactions online. As our generation gets older we are so comfortable with technology that anything that allows use to use our phone we seem to adopt right away and use it seamlessly. The most difficult aspect about it would be implementing systems to accept digital wallets in every retail store. 

please don’t copy the friend answer




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Ensure that it is related to the travel and tourism sector in todays environment

This is the final week to have your Capstone project topic approved! 

Please ensure it has been submitted and approved by your Professor.

What you need to submit IN 200-250 WORDS:

  • Explain the topic you will be choosing for your Capstone project
  • Make sure there is ONE major question you will answer about your topic in your final report
  • Choose something that you are passionate about
  • Ensure that it is related to the travel and tourism sector in todays environment
  • Explain how you will conduct your research and analysis
  • Submit in WORD format before the due date

Another assignment related to first one

The student will submit a professional font typed, 1.5 spaced report based on individual research. The

student will choose a Research Topic that must relate to the Travel and Tourism sector and be approved

by the Professor. The time of research is current and the purpose is to provide recommendations during

a time of crisis. The word limit of the report is 2,500 words +-10% (excluding exhibits and references). It

should be of the highest possible quality in its research, writing, analysis, citations and approach.

It is critical that students demonstrate superior oral and written communication skills, grade deductions

will be made for grammar and spelling errors in the written report. There will be zero tolerance for

plagiarism. Please refer to Hanson’s plagiarism policy and be reminded to follow APA style citation.

The report requires the following key components:

a) Title Page

b) Executive Summary

c) Table of Contents

d) Introduction

e) Literature Review (includes your research and analysis with appropriate subheadings)

f) An Environmental Scan (Micro and Macro analysis – PESTEL)

g) Complete SWOT analysis

h) Recommendations

i) Conclusion

j) ALL References must be included (APA style)

k) Exhibits/Appendix (I.e. Images, charts, graphs, tables etc.)


1. Students choose a topic related to the Travel and Tourism sector (see list below) and must be

approved by the Professor by Week 6.

2. Research and define the impact of COVID-19 on your approved topic.

3. Perform an environmental scan, a complete SWOT analysis of the industry during the COVID-19

crisis as it relates to your topic. (consider using March 15 as a benchmark date for this research)

4. Provide recommendations for the affected company/product/service to survive/sustain or

leverage during this crisis.

5. Submit Capstone Project

Industries to consider:

– Tour Operators

Examples: Globus, Tauck, Insight Vacations, G Adventures etc.

Travel Agencies

Examples: Marlin Travel, Flight Centre etc.

– Cruise Lines

Examples: Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise Line, MSC Cruises etc.

– Hotels

Examples: Hyatt, Fairmont, Marriott, Intercontinental, Wyndham Hotels etc.


Examples: Air Canada, Delta Airlines, Air China, Quantas etc.

– Car Rentals

Examples: National, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, Avis etc.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


  • Ensure that it is related to the travel and tourism sector in todays environment

    Writers Solution

    Travel and Tourism sector

    This is the final week to have your Capstone project topic approved! 

    Please ensure it has been submitted and approved by your Professor.

    What you need to submit IN 200-250 WORDS:

    • Explain the topic you will be choosing for your Capstone project
    • Make sure there is ONE major question you will answer about your topic in your final report
    • Choose something that you are passionate about
    • Ensure that it is related to the travel and tourism sector in todays environment
    • Explain how you will conduct your research and analysis
    • Submit in WORD format before the due date

    Another assignment related to first one

    The student will submit a professional font typed, 1.5 spaced report based on individual research. The

    student will choose a Research Topic that must relate to the Travel and Tourism sector and be approved

    by the Professor. The time of research is current and the purpose is to provide recommendations during

    a time of crisis. The word limit of the report is 2,500 words +-10% (excluding exhibits and references). It

    should be of the highest possible quality in its research, writing, analysis, citations and approach.

    It is critical that students demonstrate superior oral and written communication skills, grade deductions

    will be made for grammar and spelling errors in the written report. There will be zero tolerance for

    plagiarism. Please refer to Hanson’s plagiarism policy and be reminded to follow APA style citation.

    The report requires the following key components:

    a) Title Page

    b) Executive Summary

    c) Table of Contents

    d) Introduction

    e) Literature Review (includes your research and analysis with appropriate subheadings)

    f) An Environmental Scan (Micro and Macro analysis – PESTEL)

    g) Complete SWOT analysis

    h) Recommendations

    i) Conclusion

    j) ALL References must be included (APA style)

    k) Exhibits/Appendix (I.e. Images, charts, graphs, tables etc.)


    1. Students choose a topic related to the Travel and Tourism sector (see list below) and must be

    approved by the Professor by Week 6.

    2. Research and define the impact of COVID-19 on your approved topic.

    3. Perform an environmental scan, a complete SWOT analysis of the industry during the COVID-19

    crisis as it relates to your topic. (consider using March 15 as a benchmark date for this research)

    4. Provide recommendations for the affected company/product/service to survive/sustain or

    leverage during this crisis.

    5. Submit Capstone Project

    Industries to consider:

    – Tour Operators

    Examples: Globus, Tauck, Insight Vacations, G Adventures etc.

    Travel Agencies

    Examples: Marlin Travel, Flight Centre etc.

    – Cruise Lines

    Examples: Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise Line, MSC Cruises etc.

    – Hotels

    Examples: Hyatt, Fairmont, Marriott, Intercontinental, Wyndham Hotels etc.


    Examples: Air Canada, Delta Airlines, Air China, Quantas etc.

    – Car Rentals

    Examples: National, Budget, Hertz, Enterprise, Avis etc


    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class

    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Travel and Tourism sector


    Writers Solution

    The Covid19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector. It resulted in


    I. What are the Objectives of this plan and key actions?

    II. What is the proposed timetable for the actions?

    III. What are resources that might be needed? (Human resources, consultancies, platform

    development, courses development, among others).

    Introduction The Covid19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector. It resulted in

    reforming education strategy, remote learning, and using online tools. The virtual campus is

    adapted to promote awareness and manage education in various courses in the American regions.

    It is a great platform but needs changes to make trainees more attractive and accessible.

    A. Objective to Improve and Key Actions

    The design of the home page needs some changes. It needs:

    • Outline website goals.

    • Gathering project specifications, like budget, timeline, and site content (images and

    written copy) prepared helps designers provide accurate quotes.

    • Submit a brief.

    I. Designing a website can be a lot of work, but it’s essential to take it seriously for an

    educational institution to succeed. Here is some suggestion that the web design is up to par for

    today’s internet users.

    1. User-Friendly Navigation

    A design architecture should be in order and categorized according to different subjects, not

    confusing and frustrating users. It allows for easy navigation throughout the rest of the website.

    It would be better if the menu bar moved to the top of the page and menu options contained

    different subcategories, such as various languages.

    It also should have a summary explanation about virtual campus, activities, and goals with an

    image or video that shows or explain it shortly.


    If the courses were categorized into different topics, according to sectors of intervention, they

    would be easier to access; for example, we can organize them into the following topics:

    1. Microsoft and social media,

    2. Prevention (a. communicable diseases (Zika virus), b. non-communicable diseases)

    3. Emergency intervention (Online fundamentals course for the management of emergency

    operations centers).

    2. Keep Website Design Simple and Easy to Process

    Too many features and items of content on a single page can be overwhelming for the modern

    user. If a visitor gets consistently distracted by an overload of information on a single page, they

    might not be able to comprehend the primary purpose of the content anyway.

    There are 40 courses at the virtual campus that are classified into three languages. It would be

    great to have a translator at the menu options that makes all the courses available in other

    languages (many people can not take the courses due to language issues).

    3. Make Site Responsive

    It needs to be interactive with the user to keep readers engaged on-site for a more extended

    period, and other basic courses need to be added to this platform, such as first aid or safety in old


    4. It should contain Plenty of Images

    Plenty of high-quality, relevant images on each page is crucial for website design to make it

    more interesting and attractive. Each course topic can have a new and more exciting picture next

    to them and doesn’t need to have the whole subject at the bottom; it can come as the background

    of the short title of the topic.


    Using new images pertinent to the information next to them helps break up the amount of

    informational text on a page and attract more users. It will help the user’s experience remain

    engaging and comfortable.

    5. Keep the Loading Time for Pages low

    A very significant part of any website is its functionality. If educational website design is

    burdened with too much information for its data capacity, it will likely be slow. It is essential to

    think about because a user might not wait around for a page to load. It requires keeping them

    engaged with the site by ensuring it’s quick to load.

    6. Don’t Over Explain Informational Text

    Most users will appreciate a genuine sense of simplicity in the site’s tone.

    The content should be simple and to the point so that users aren’t left behind in the flow of


    7. Make it Colorful and Exciting

    IFRC is a well-known organization. It can use this thoroughly for website design to impress the

    organization’s values upon the user. From the institution’s logo, draw a sensible color scheme

    throughout the website’s landing pages. From the institution’s mission statement, incorporate

    short, simple messages throughout the pages.

    8. Hire Professionals to Design the Perfect Site

    Designing a website is the best way to ensure new students can find and relate to the institution.

    There are professional services available to assist with a WordPress website design today.

    II. Organizing the catalog of available courses according to sectors of intervention,

    III. Global or regional training, according to language and availability.


    IV. Courses updated according to specific training needs in the region and transition the courses

    using Adobe Flash Player to another functional and interactive application.

    V. Promotion and dissemination strategy; a campaign and awareness plan through social

    networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), radio, TV programs, and the website through

    informative material and descriptive videos explain the different courses and how to access them

    and their benefit (increase public health and reduce health issues).

    It can also encourage people to donate for educational programs promotion.

    It could be used to change the design, update, or add more courses.

    The campaign can also ask volunteers to help design, reorganize, and update the platform and


    Approximate amounts:

    1. Image change $20,000

    2. Platform maintenance $5,000

    3. Reorganization of academic offerings $13,000

    4. Updating of courses ($100 per course currently three courses outdated) $300

    5. Promotion and dissemination strategy $2500 2,500 Total $40,800

    B. What is the proposed timetable for the actions?

    C. What are the resources that might be needed? (Human resources, consultancies,

    platform development, courses development, among others)





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    Writers Solution

    Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

    For the Module 2 Assignment, please answer the following questions:

           1) Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

           2) Discuss the expenditure method of measuring national income.

           3) What is the difference between GDP and GNP? Is one a better measure of income/output than the other?  Why?

           4) Explain what happens to consumption, investment, and the interest rate when the government increases taxes.


    Your assignment should be submitted in a Word document and follow proper APA formatting. Proper APA formatting includes a title page, in-text citations, and a formal reference page. You can view more information and examples of sample papers in APA formatting at (Links to an external site.). 

    This assignment should be a minimum of four pages in length

    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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    Writers Solution

    Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

    For the Module 2 Assignment, please answer the following questions:

           1) Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

           2) Discuss the expenditure method of measuring national income.

           3) What is the difference between GDP and GNP? Is one a better measure of income/output than the other?  Why?

           4) Explain what happens to consumption, investment, and the interest rate when the government increases taxes.


    Your assignment should be submitted in a Word document and follow proper APA formatting. Proper APA formatting includes a title page, in-text citations, and a formal reference page. You can view more information and examples of sample papers in APA formatting at (Links to an external site.). 

    This assignment should be a minimum of four pages in length. 

    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







    • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
    • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
    • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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    • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

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    Writers Solution

    Health and Safety in Construction Sector.

    Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Health and Safety in Construction Sector. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The industry is pinpointed as one of the dangerous industries due to its organizational and structural challenges in managing the inherent risks and the intrinsically perilous nature of the tasks involved. Activities such as excavations, bridge erection, painting, residential construction, demolitions, and roadway paving are continuously causing over 65% of deaths in the construction industry. This devastating death toll is contributed by ungrounded machinery, electrocutions, falling from rooftops (contributes 15% of deaths in the industry annually), falling construction equipment, and collapses as well as inhalation of asbestos or silica dust. Oversimplification of this problem would not help in its management. concrete health and safety recommendations stipulated by various laws must be adhered to.



    The duties and responsibilities of maintaining and upholding health and safety in the construction lie with all the parties involved in the construction industry. All those involved in construction have a role to play in ensuring the safety of their health and safety and those of others. The laws governing construction works clearly stipulates the diverse roles and responsibilities of all the parties in engaging in construction (Commission of the European Communities, 1993). The director in a construction work carries the general responsibility for ensuring health and safety. Employers are required by the law to ensure the employee’s safety and welfare at work are observed. Additionally, the staff members also have duties to co-operate in meeting statutory expectations as defined by the health and safety at work act. In a nutshell, all the members of the CDM health and safety supply chain play critical roles in reducing risks at their risk in the workplace and those of other people.

    Statement by Philip White that “employers are responsible for managing the health and safety risks faced by the employees, and educating them about these risks” is in line with the employees’ rights and safety responsibilities (CIOB contract, 2010. p. 44).Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Health and Safety Introduction: This milestone will analyse the construction sequence method and the health and safety procedures that must need to be undertaken for the Salford Bike Centre scheme. A construction sequence is a process which involves different engineering methods and techniques. The construction sequence takes into consideration the temporary and permanent works of the construction process. The construction sequence must take into consideration, the facilities required for the employees as well as the safety procedures that are required be put into place while constructing the building. During the construction sequence, the manager of the site must ensure all needs of the employees and the safety procedures of both the public and employees are implemented before the start of the construction. Things such as resting cabins, restrooms, a wall or fence that will lock off the construction site off from the public and to have the required machinery and materials needed to construct the building. The construction sequence of the Salford Bike Centre will be made on SketchUp to show visual representation of the actual work that will be carried out. There will be health and safety procedures that will need to be implemented. Things such as risk assessments and method statements will be made to ensure all legal regulations and legislations such as the Health and Safety at work act 1974 are met. The manager of the site will have to ensure that all employees hired are fully trained and qualified for the respective jobs. The public will also need to be considered and all measures of control need to be met to ensure that if anything happens, they will not be held liable for any problems or accidents that may occur. 207 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 What is a risk assessment? A risk assessment is a document which assess and identifies the risks that will be involved while carrying out a job. The whole point of a risk assessment is to identify and find solutions and control measures to reduce the risk of the hazards that may occur. For this construction sequence, there will be two risk assessments made, one for the site and one for the construction procedure. The risk assessment for both the site along with the construction processes and procedures has been done in this section. This section identifies the various risks associated with the construction along with the impact each of the identified risk has and the affected individuals due to the risk. Lastly, the control and prevention measures for the identified risks will be discussed to ensure that all risks, which can deter the constructions success and stability can be eliminated or prevented effectively. 208 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 2.1 Site and construction risk assessment: Table 13 – Risk Assessment Task hazard Persons at risk Damage caused from Risk hazards. level Control measures New risk level Woking on Working at Workers and the All the workers suffering scaffolding Height persons around injuries from falling, the heighted tripping. workstation. (5,5) 25 Use of Personal Protective Equipment’s for all the workers in form of high grip boots, gloves, (3,4) 12 helmets, goggles, ropes, vacuum Pedestrians getting hit equipment’s for grips . from falling debris causing injuries and death. Use of scaffolding for all the workers to ensure that the site does not let falling debris hit any individual or pedestrian below. Delievery of Traffic Jams, Students, staff, High vehicular movement materilas congestion due pedestrian can lead to traffic jams at to vehicles the site along with can 221 (2,3) 6 Using only early morning time and late evening time for scheduling of all the activities pertaining to (1,2) 2 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 and entering and cause accidents due to delivery and heavy vehicle equipment exiting the site heavy vehicular movement. movement at the site in Separate entry and exit points for University hours heavy vehicle, equipment and delivery vehicle movement. Use of warning signs across the entry and exit points for the site to protect the general public from any type of accidents by ensuring caution. Site security Unauthorized Contractors, Damage, theft, arson to access to the site manager, property. public members and students. (5,5) 25 Mishandling of wrong use of the property leading to workers suffering from accidents or injuries later. 222 Use of limited access via Biometrics and use of CCTVs and alarms along with motion sensors to be done for the site to ensure no illegal entry whether intentional or accidental can occur. (3,5) 15 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Warning signs for restricted access to be put around the fence of the site and all doors and windows as well just to be sure that no illegal access can occur at the site location. Waste Waste managment Segregation and disposal from the site Workers, Improper disposal of students and waste can lead to staff diseases, infections and (3,5) 15 Waste bins to be installed at all workstations, large waste disposal containers for extra waste can lead to polluting the material to be placed at the site local environment as well and all waste to be collected and placed near the waste collection point to ensure daily waste removal from the site can effectively occur. 223 (1,5) 5 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Toxic Air pollution All workers, Saw dust, steel and neighborhood aluminum remains, brick pollutants present along pieces and dust. released to the the site location fumes/waste through atmosphere (4,4) 16 Use of silencers on heavy equipments and vehicles. Only operating the equipments and (2,4) 8 vehicles on weekends and not on Noise pollution through weekdays when the university heavy machinery, remains closed. vehicles and equipments. Covering the entire construction area with a large tent for the workstations that will dissipate the dust and control in to the location only which can later to washed. Electrical Electrica All workers or Workers tripping and equipment electruation and employees falling on any open debris and fires. entering the site at the site leading to location 224 (4,5) 20 No materials to be dispersed and (2,5) kept scattered and all material needed must be collected and 10 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 electrical injuries, fractures or even confined to the work stations only installation death of Workers and not to the pathways. Pathways must be kept clear at all times to ensure that the tripping or falling of employees can be prevented. Pipeline Flood Risk at the All workers and Building strength might instalaltion site users during the get compromised due to operational flood water entering the phases of the facility building (3,4) 12 Use of retaining walls around the site to be done. All the electrical and communication installations to be Flood water destroying done at a height above the flood the property substantially level. and causing damage to both life and property Use of water proof interior and exterior materials to be done for the site location. 225 (2,4) 8 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Lifting Equipment falling Workers, staff Lifting operations may operation down. and cause physical problems Workers being for employees overtime. (5,5) 25 Ensure allways of the employess are notified with the risks of not carrying out lifting operations correctly. crushed. All employees must be trained. While constructing, lifting machines must be maintained and checked up on a regular basis to aviod accidnets from occuring. 226 (2,5) 10 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Constructions phases: The construction Sequence for the Salford Bike Centre will be conducted in 5 phases in the form of the Initial Project Definition phase, Project Planning and Design phase, Contracting Phase, Construction Phase and lastly the Move-in or Ready for use Phase. 4.1 Phase 1: Initial Project Definition: The phase will initiate with the University passing and approving the project for the construction of the Salford Bike Centre and then the establishment of the entire project accounting records, the space analysis, costing study along with the scheduling planning shall occur. The phase will also witness the preliminary funding plan along with the review pertaining to the scope of the project. 4.2 Phase 2: Project Planning and Design: The designing of the Centre will be done keeping the design aligned with the regulations and laws pertaining to design and construction and with the safety and health regulation in UK. The schematic design phase along with the specification shall occur during this phase. 4.3 Phase 3: Contracting Phase: The phase will involve the University officials and representative discussing on the validity of the bidders for the construction work and then evaluating their bids to ascertain the best bid for the construction. Also, the final contractor to whom the contract needs to be awarded will be finalized and awarded the contract based on the costing, labour, time and experience for the project. 4.4 Phase 4: Construction Phase: During this phase the issuance of the notice for proceeding will be given to the contractor and then the establishment of the construction schedule will be done, and each activity will start to commence as per the stipulated timeline finalized. Monitoring of all the construction will also be done to ascertain whether the timeline 225 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 for the activities is being followed and whether any changes are needed in terms of resource allocation, time allocation or labour allocation to any activity which is lagging in terms of its schedule or whether any changes are necessitated in terms of the working or design. Lastly conducting the inspection, punch list for the activities of the project for its successful completion is to be done. 4.5 Phase 5: Move in and post Construction: The final schedule of installation of equipment’s, furniture will be carried out and installation of communication lines, IT equipment’s will be done for the Centre and the post construction activity will involve coordinating efforts pertaining to any warranty problems in the construction regarding any faulty materials installed or equipment faltering. Conducting the final warranty inspections after 11 months of the construction completion to ensure that the construction has been successfully done and implemented will be carried out for the Salford Bike Centre. 226 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Detailed explanation of phase 4 (construction phase): All visual represenations will be shown via screenshots of the Sketchup designs. 5.1 Health and safety precautions and setting up of site: This part involves the installation of restrooms and cabins on the site for the employess that will carry out the construction work. A wall or fence will have to be made to lock of the area from the public and signs will need to be put up to identify that work is in place and that the site is not for public entry. Figure 97 – Cabins and fencing 5.2 Machinery: The machinery required will have to be transported to the location. The machinery will ahev to kept safe overnight and will need regular maintenance checks to aviod any accidents that may occur during the activities. Figure 98 – Machinery 227 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 5.3 Excavation: Excavation is one of the most important steps of the construction sequence. the excavation procedure allows for the foundations to be put into place to support the building. The excavtion procedure will be carried out by a fully skilled and qualified excavator. The excavated area has to be level and carried out correctly and to a professional standard to aviod any problems as the construction process develops. All of the excavated soils have to be disposed of correctly or reused. Figure 99 – Excavation 228 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 5.4 Foundations placement: This part will involve the placement of the foundations. This procedure is very important and must be carried out by competent engineers. This is because the foundations transfer the applied forces that will be applied on the building away from the bulidng to keep it stable and safe for use. Figure 100 – Foundations 5.5 Column placement: The following procedure is the placement of the columns on top of the already placed foundations. This process is very dangerous and requires care and time. Figure 101 – Columns 229 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 5.6 Beam placements: The final part of the structrual construction is the placement of the primary and secondary beams that will be connected to the columns. Figure 102 – Beams 230 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




    Writers Solution

    Private sector criminal justice position.

    After completing the assigned readings, identify a private sector criminal justice position. 

    What are the requirements to apply for this position? 

    What are the duties of this position? 

    Discuss whether you would be interested in this position. Why or why not?

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