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Ground Clearance Ltd is a company that maintains, leases, buys and sells new and used trucks, bulldozers, mobile cranes, graders, et

Given that a company’s network is critical infrastructure, it is important to have a network security plan that specifies how the network will be protected against internal and external threats.
Recently an Australian university’s network was subjected to a cyber attack, with the hackers gaining access to staff and student records going back 19 years.
What went wrong?
Ground Clearance Ltd is a company that maintains, leases, buys and sells new and used trucks, bulldozers, mobile cranes, graders, etc. The head office is at the Douala site in Cameroon. The other company sites are in Yaounde, Bertoua and Kumbo.
Ground Clearance Ltd realises its approach to security is at best, ad hoc. The company suffered a denial of service attack that put their public website offline for 24 hours. It is worried about its network’s exposure to cyber attacks. The company has decided to upgrade its network security.
our role
As a security specialist you have been hired to prepare and implement a new Network Security Plan across all sites of the company.
Details of site layouts and physical and human resources have been provided in Assignment details to help you with your role.
work your way through the following steps to ensure that you meet the requirements of this assignment:
Step 1: Familiarise yourself with the following aspects of Ground Clearance Ltd:
Site layouts
At Douala, head office:
• Two-level building.
• IT server room on Level 1, with connection to the internet.
• Site size: 200 metres x 300 metres.
• Building floor size: 100 metres x 50 metres.
• Over the last 12 months, the city council has redirected a river to create a park—the site is now prone to flooding.
At Yaounde:
• IT server room, with connection to the internet.
• Site size: 150 metres x 50 metres.
• Building floor size: 20 metres x 30 metres.
• Over the last 12 months, use of photocopiers has been excessive.
At Kumbo:
• IT server room, with connection to the internet.
• Site size: 100 metres x 100 metres.
• Building floor size: 25 metres x 30 metres.
• Over the last 12 months, the local coal-fired power station has been decommissioned—the site is now subject to intermittent power failures.
At Bertoua:
• IT server room, with connection to the internet.
• Site size: 125 metres x 100 metres.
• Building floor size: 25 metres x 40 metres.
• Over the last 12 months, there was a break-in and a number of PCs were stolen.
Physical resources
• All staff are provided with a desk PC and a laptop.
• PCs and laptops are configured with Windows 7.
• At each site, there are 3 photocopiers per 50 staff.
• At each site, there are 5 printers per 50 staff.
• At each site, each group is in a separate local area network.
• All sites use IEEE802.11a for the wireless local area network.
• The IT server room at each site has a router connected to the internet, a switch for each local area network, and a server farm with a mail server and separate servers to support each of the company’s group roles.
• All networking equipment is sourced from CISCO Systems.
• The public web server is at head office, in the IT server room.
Human resources
Douala, head office:
• 125 staff in the leasing group.
• 180 staff in the marketing group.
• 100 staff in the finance and accounting group.
• 10 staff in the vehicle servicing group.
• 10 security guards in the site security group.
• 30 staff in the IT technical support group.
• 80 staff in the leasing group.
• 5 staff in the vehicle servicing group.
• 2 security guards in the site security group.
• 5 staff in the IT technical support group.
• 140 staff in the sales group.
• 5 staff in the vehicle servicing group.
• 4 security guards in the site security group.
• 5 staff in the IT technical support group.
• 125 staff in the sales group.
• 5 staff in the vehicle servicing group.
• 5 staff in the IT technical support group.
Step 2: Write a security plan report including the following:
• IT security management.
• Risk assessment.
• IT security controls.
• Physical and infrastructure security.
• Human resources security.

Assignment tip
View the marking guide when you select the heading ‘Assignment criteria’ to see a detailed breakdown of how your work will be assessed. This is an excellent place to start your preparations for this assignment.
Refer back to the marking guide frequently to make sure you are meeting the requirements.

Supporting resources
• Refer to your eTexts used through this unit as they will assist you with completing this assignment.
• The Student Hub Academic writing and presenting (Links to an external site.) page has a section on Report writing that you might find useful.
Assignment 2 marking guide
Criteria No Pass Pass
50–59% Credit
60–69% Distinction
70–79% High Distinction
Able to identify IT security management issues and security controls (diagrams i.e. network security plan] and referencing)
(30%) Did not meet criterion. Ability to identify basic information of IT security management issues and security controls, without diagrams and referencing within text. Ability to identify and provide a brief description of IT security management issues and security controls, without diagrams and referencing within text. Ability to identify and provide a brief description of IT security management issues and security controls, with diagrams and referencing within text. Ability to identify and provide clear, comprehensive description of IT security management issues and security controls, with diagrams and referencing within text.
Able to identify physical and infrastructure security, human resources security issues and risk assessment methods (referencing)
(35%) Did not meet criterion. Ability to identify basic information of physical and infrastructure security, with referencing within text. Ability to identify and provide information of the physical and infrastructure security, and human resources security issues, with referencing within text. Ability to identify and provide brief information of the physical and infrastructure security, human resources security issues and risk assessment methods, with referencing within text. Ability to identify and provide clear, comprehensive information of the physical and infrastructure security, human resources security issues and risk assessment methods, with referencing within text.
Quality in report structure (executive summary, introduction, headings/subheadings, conclusion)
(20%) Did not meet criterion. Does not have an ability to provide report structure in an appropriate form. Ability to provide report structure in an appropriate form. Ability to provide report structure in an appropriate form and proper explanations. Ability to provide report structure in an appropriate form and proper explanations in place with headings.
Quality report writing skills, spelling and grammar
(15%) Did not meet criterion. Written report with major spelling and grammar errors throughout text. Written report with minor spelling and grammar errors throughout text. Written report with no spelling, grammar errors throughout and with good quality content. Written report with no spelling, grammar errors throughout and has better quality content


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You are working at CampWithMe, a store that sells tools, clothing, and equipment for camping and traveling.

Using the tool of Data and Business  Analysis as your preference, apply what you learned in data Analysis  program

  • You are working at CampWithMe, a store that sells tools, clothing, and equipment for camping and traveling.
  • CampWithMe always struggled with having good visibility on how its different branches are performing, so you suggest creating a dashboard that monitors the performance of the store at all times, and gives better visibility to the decision makers.
  • Using the dashboard, let’s understand how the different product lines are performing and contribute to the revenue, and brainstorm ideas on how to improve it.
  • To submit: a report that includes the analysis of the data, supported by visualizations
    • Communicate your thoughts on each visualization you share in the report
    • Provide insights/suggestions/observations on what you believe can help the business and how


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  • You are working at CampWithMe, a store that sells tools, clothing, and equipment for camping and traveling.

    Writers Solution

    One of Natalie’s friends, Curtis Lesperance, runs a coffee shop where he sells specialty coffees and prepares and sells muffins and cookies.

    Cookie Creations (Chapters 9 and 10)
    This assignment will focus on the Cookie Creations case study from Chapter 9 (page 9-37) and Chapter 10 (page 10-42) of your textbook. There are two parts to this assignment. Review the case situations for each part (i.e., in each chapter), and then complete the instructions.

    Part I
    One of Natalie’s friends, Curtis Lesperance, runs a coffee shop where he sells specialty coffees and prepares and sells muffins and cookies. He is eager to buy one of Natalie’s fine European mixers, which would enable him to make larger batches of muffins and cookies. However, Curtis cannot afford to pay for the mixer for at least 30 days. He asks Natalie if she would be willing to sell him the mixer on credit.
    Natalie comes to you for advice. She asks you to address the questions below.
    Curtis has given me a set of his most recent financial statements. What calculations should I do with the data from these statements, and what questions should I ask him after I have analyzed the statements? How will this information help me decide if I should extend credit to Curtis?
    Is there an alternative other than extending credit to Curtis for 30 days?
    I am thinking seriously about being able to have my customers use credit cards. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of letting my customers pay by credit card?
    The following transactions occurred in June through August 2020.
    June 1: After much thought, Natalie sells a mixer to Curtis on credit, terms n/30, for $1,150 (cost of mixer $620).
    June 30: Curtis calls Natalie. He is unable to pay the amount outstanding for another month, so he signs a 1-month, 8.35% note receivable.
    July 31: Curtis calls Natalie. He indicates that he is unable to pay today but hopes to have a check for her at the end of the week. Natalie prepares the journal entry to record the dishonor of the note. She assumes she will be paid within a week.
    Aug. 7: Natalie receives a check from Curtis in payment of his balance owed.
    Answer Natalie’s questions in a Word document.
    Prepare journal entries for the transactions that occurred in June, July, and August in an Excel spreadsheet. Round to the nearest dollar. Note that the company uses a perpetual inventory system. Use the Part I Excel Template to record your transactions.
    To reiterate, you will write your responses to Natalie’s questions (1–3) in a Word document, and you will complete the journal transactions in an Excel spreadsheet. Your responses to Part I (Natalie’s questions) should be a minimum of one page in length, and you will add your responses for Part II to this document before submitting.
    Part II
    Natalie is also thinking of buying a van that will be used only for business. The cost of the van is estimated at $36,500. Natalie would spend an additional $2,500 to have the van painted. In addition, she wants the back seat of the van removed so that she will have a lot of room to transport her mixer inventory as well as her baking supplies. The cost of taking out the back seat and installing shelving units is estimated at $1,500. She expects the van to last 5 years, and she expects to drive it for 200,000 miles. The annual cost of vehicle insurance will be $2,400. Natalie estimates that at the end of the 5-year useful life, the van will sell for $7,500. Assume that she will buy the van on August 15, 2020, and it will be ready for use on September 1, 2020.
    Natalie is concerned about the impact of the van’s cost on her income statement and balance sheet. She has come to you for advice on calculating the van’s depreciation.
    Determine the cost of the van.
    Prepare three depreciation tables for 2020, 2021, and 2022: one for straight-line depreciation (similar to the one in Illustration 10-9), one for double-declining balance depreciation (Illustration 10-13), and one for units-of-activity depreciation (Illustration 10-11). Use the Part II Excel Template to determine depreciation. For units-of-activity, Natalie estimates that she will drive the van as follows: 15,000 miles in 2020; 45,000 miles in 2021; and 50,000 miles in 2022. Recall that Cookie Creations has a December 31 year-end.
    What impact will the three methods of depreciation have on Natalie’s balance sheet at December 31, 2020? What impact will the three methods have on Natalie’s income statement in 2020?
    What impact will the three methods of depreciation have on Natalie’s income statement over the van’s total 5-year useful life?
    What method of depreciation would you recommend Natalie use, and why?
    Use the same Word document that you used to record your Part I responses (one page in length), and add your responses for the Part II questions (1–5), which should be one page in length.
    In summary, you will submit one Word document containing your responses for Parts I and II (two-page minimum) and two Excel spreadsheets containing Natalie’s journal transactions from Part I and the


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on One of Natalie’s friends, Curtis Lesperance, runs a coffee shop where he sells specialty coffees and prepares and sells muffins and cookies.


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    Sunnyvale Electrical. sells electrical parts to electrical contractors in the southeastern United States

    Textbook/Essay Assignment 2:

    Sunnyvale Electrical. sells electrical parts to electrical contractors in the southeastern United States. Sunnyvale Electrical customers mail their payments—attached to the stub (i.e., remittance advice [RA]) from their monthly statement—to Sunnyvale Electrical accounts receivable (AR) office. An AR clerk confirms that the check amount agrees with the amount on the RA and sends the checks to the cashier. The AR clerk prepares batch totals of the customer numbers, invoice numbers, and amount paid. The AR clerk then enters the batch totals and RAs into the computer, where the AR master data are updated to record the payment. The computer reconciles the batch totals, confirms job completion, and reports discrepancies, if any, to the AR clerk. Please refer to chapter 11 and 4 for help in the diagrams and tables. Please use word or excel for the diagrams.

    Problem 1 prepare a table of entities and activities

    Problem 2 draw a context diagram

    Problem 3 prepare an annotated table of entities and activities. Indicate on this table the groupings, bubble numbers, and bubble titles, to be used in preparing a level 0 logical DFD.

    Problem 4 Draw a level 0 logical DFD.

    Problem 5 Essay –

    Read Section 409 from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Do you agree that this supports real-time financial reporting? Research both sides of the issue, and provide a conclusion based on your findings. What is the overall significance of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to financial reporting?

    Requirement: Please review the website to provide an essay of your opinion on the questions in problem 5. This should include Section 409 and other accounting references to help support your opinions. The essay should be in current APA formatting and include a reference section. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.





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    Writers Solution

    A farmer grows and sells flowering plants.

    A farmer grows and sells flowering plants. The best-selling plants are the ones with the most blossoms. The farmer reads an advertisement for a specific plant food saying that it will make plants grow faster and taller. The farmer predicts that taller plants will have more blossoms and performs the following experiment to test this hypothesis. Two groups of ten plants each are grown in identical pots filled with equal amounts of identical soil. The amount of sunlight, the room temperature, and the amount of water are held constant for both groups. Group A is given plant food at regular intervals according to the instructions on the package. Group B is not given plant food. The farmer observes the plants after 15 weeks of growth. The results are recorded below. What is the purpose of Group B in this experiment? * 





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