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Judges of the State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals serve a six year term while judges of the Superior Court, Probate Court, and State Court serve four year terms

1. The two major ways that judges are selected are popular elections and appointment. The electorate chooses the judge in a popular election while the executive or legislative branch decides the matter in appointment. Popular elections allow for accountability to the people but also require the judge to be a political candidate which can erode trust in the judiciary due to campaign financing. Appointment can produce distrust in the judicial system due to the potential for loyalty to a particular party or person who is instrumental in the appointment.

The state of Georgia elects judges based on a nonpartisan election and does not utilize retention elections. Judges of the State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals serve a six year term while judges of the Superior Court, Probate Court, and State Court serve four year terms. It has been my experience that the local judiciary elections are most contentious and partisan with large fundraising efforts that easily show the electorate the party the candidate is affiliated with. I am ashamed to admit that I couldn’t name a single member of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals for the state of Georgia and I have lived here my entire life. I do believe this system works with the opportunity to elect judges and hold them accountable to the job.  

(Please respond with 200 words or more)

2. Having lived in the south for most of my life, but having worked for an electric company based out of New England for the past three years, and having in Iowa for two years a decade ago, I feel that I have gathered a feel for the catch 22 in the major variables in local government structures.In South Carolina, there are many large areas with no city or township incorporation, thus, even in high population density areas, much of South Carolina leans on the County governments as the primary local government agency. While the cities have a fair amount of automy, they often border on redundancy. For instance, in Aiken County, where I live, there are ten municipal governments within it. However, only North Augusta’s Public Saftey takes responsibility for police patrol. All other city police departments only suppliment the Aiken County Sheriff’s Department’s patrol division.My biggest grievance with this structure is that the uniformity often comes at the price of property taxes that do not render their worth to the tax payer.In New England, the exact opposite happens. Their elimination or minimization of county goverments is modeled after the townships in the United Kingdom. In both cases, the benefit of minimizing the local tax burden subsequently adds the burden to the state. This is not entirely negative; every one of these states have a more developed state police force, as well as other state level services that many southern states are prone to delegating to the counties. Midwestern state seem to strike a balance with these two polar opposites. The municipal goverments are developed comprehensively to meet the needs of the community, while county governments never fully abandon the responsibilities of supporting the larger geographic area. The further west you move, the more intensive both get, and once you get to the west coast, you have the outlandishly high cost of living because of egregiously redundant government facilities on the state, county, and city levels.  (Please respond with 200 words or more)




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Mandatory minimum sentencing requires that offenders serve a predefined term for certain crimes

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.Instructions

Instructions: Mandatory minimum sentencing requires that offenders serve a predefined term for certain crimes, commonly serious and violent offenses, and judges are bound by law to enforce them. Explain the reasons why there have been calls to repeal or reform mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Based on your findings, are you in favor of repealing mandatory minimum sentencing laws?

The assignment is due on or before Sunday at 11:59 pm EST. The assignment covers the material from the textbook(s) and the supplemental citations. Each student submission to the assignment must be a minimum of 2-3 full pages with APA 7th ed. citations and references. Each student submission MUST be uploaded as a Word Doc attachment. 

All assignments must be written in an academic tone. Remember, an academic essay is not to be written like you are having a casual conversation with your friends. Do not include slang or foul language unless you are quoting someone.

Lengthy direct quotes are not permitted. Direct quotes, if used, must be limited to a few words. As university students, you are expected to paraphrase and cite. For more information on properly citing sources in your assignments please refer to the APA 7th edition manual. While the assignments are to include an examination of current research of a particular problem, they also need to include the student’s careful and informed analysis of the problem. 

Remember each assignment must be submitted as a Word Doc attachment. You must use a 12 point Times New Roman font. Margins will also need to be 1-inch.

Each assignment will need to include the following:

  • An APA formatted title page.
  • The original question at the top of the essay (serves as the abstract).
  • The body of your response must be a minimum of 2-3 pages. 
  • A reference page formatted to APA 7th edition.
  • A minimum of two current, scholarly references per assignment.  Web sources can be used, though they should come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics, and private agencies with a strong reputation within the community they serve. Examples of peer-reviewed scholarly based journals include:

                     Journal of Criminology

                     Crime and Public Opinion

                    Journal of Criminal Justice and Public Policy

                    Justice Quarterly: JQ

Furthermore, do not use encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted), and popular magazines. It is important to remember that this is an undergraduate level class and you are required to submit undergraduate level work, which is backed up by academically credible material. If you have a question about the quality of a potential resource please email your professor.

You are encouraged to use the library to locate the needed material. Additionally, at the bottom of this syllabus is a list of acceptable organizations and groups found on the World Wide Web which you can use to find material for your assignments





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What is your perception of researchers and the role you believe they serve in the academic community?

For each DQ elaborate within 260-300 words. Use in text citations accordingly. Use scholarly reference(s) along with the one(s) attached as well. Use and cite references accordingly.

DQ 1) What is your perception of researchers and the role you believe they serve in the academic community? What kinds of mental and behavioral changes do you think you will need to make in order to become a successful researcher?

DQ 2) Many learners approach a doctoral program with great enthusiasm. However, enthusiasm and passion alone do not guarantee success. Often, learners want to begin the research process immediately without the proper skills in place to be successful. Although, passion is necessary, it is important that all learners develop a plan of action to be successful. All learners must make a transition from being a student completing assignments to being a self-directed researcher. This requires students to be self-motivated, to engage in reflective scholarly practice, and to be receptive to feedback and critique from peers and faculty.

How might these three practices support your development of a doctoral identity and help you meet the academic expectations for doctoral learners? What potential challenges to do you foresee with incorporating these practices into your routine? What adjustments will you need to make to overcome these challenges? *(This response does not require research support.)


GCU Doctoral Research: The Purposeful Path to a Successful Dissertation

Ames, C., Berman, R., & Casteel, A. (2018). A preliminary examination of doctoral student retention factors in private online workspaces. International Journal of Doctoral Studies13, 79-106. doi:10.28945/3958

Grit, Growth Mindset, and Deliberate Practice in Online Learning


McClendon, C., Neugebauer, R. M., & King, A. (2017). Grit, growth mindset, and deliberate practice in online learning. Journal of Instructional Research6, 8-17. doi:10.9743/jir.2017.2

A Preliminary Examination of Doctoral Student Retention Factors in Private Online Workspaces


Ames, C., Berman, R., & Casteel, A. (2018). A preliminary examination of doctoral student retention factors in private online workspaces. International Journal of Doctoral Studies13, 79-106. doi:10.28945/3958





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  • Privacy and safety. It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services What is your perception of researchers and the role you believe they serve in the academic community?

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You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization (employer/client/sponsor)

RSCH 600 Term Paper [2 parts]


You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization (employer/client/sponsor). Before you start writing a formal proposal, you (or your employer/client/sponsor) would like to gather some information about the problem as well as understand its importance.

Choose your research topic thoughtfully, as this assignment will be part of your term paper.


Title of your research

Make it intriguing – (BUT LESS THAN 12 CHARACTERS)


Provide a brief description of what the proposed research topic is about, why is it important and how you came to be interested in it.

Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding and analyzing valid literary resources for your research. The review should be written in an integral / synthetic style, and NOT as an annotated bibliography.

This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page and references) and written in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.

Please note: Use in-text citations to reference all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a statement, back it up with a reference!

·         Research a minimum of 15 relevant business-related literature sources (focus on material available in digital format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 “keepers” that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you might need to find 30 to “keep” only 15).

·         Identify major common themes encountered in the selected literature sources.  For each theme, create its own subsection within the literature review. 

·         For each theme / subsection of the literature review, explain the opinions of the authors and show their similarities, differences, methods of acquisition of data, methods of data analysis and other pertinent information. State how the reviewed research results relate to your proposed study.

·         Identify the gaps in the literature and explain what needs to be done to move forward in your research.

Statement of the Problem

Detail the problem that you are considering. Explain:  

·         How are you defining and delimiting the specific area of the research?

·         What is the gap that will be addressed by this research?

·         What it is that you hope to learn by conducting this research?

·         Discuss the anticipated outcomes and benefits to the researcher, the organization, or society.

Research Questions

Provide focused research questions for your planned research. Also provide a back-up question in case the first one does not pan out. Make sure you address the following questions:

·         What is the scope of your research?

·         Is the scope of your research question reasonable?

please Note: the research question should be limited to 2 questions only 

TERM PAPER PART 2: Statistics in Quantitative Methods

The purpose of the assignment is to develop skills associated with selecting and applying methods for data collection, stationary and time series data analysis and hypothesis testing.

Data collection Identify the sources that will offer the information that you need to answer the research question (journals, books, internet resources, government documents, people, etc). 

1.    What data do you plan to acquire to answer your research question? Why? What kinds of instruments, variables, materials, or sources will you use (i.e. will you use observations, surveys, interviews, case studies, focus groups, experiments, documents, media, data base searches, etc.)? If you plan to use mixed methods, will they be sequential or concurrent? Why?

2.    List the kinds of data/information that you plan to collect (e.g. testimonials, statistics, business/government reports, other research data, audio/video recordings, etc.). Also, consider two or three alternative ways you could gather data/information for this research.

3.    If you plan to use research participants, where will they come from? How will they be sampled? How many participants will you require?

If you are not using research participants, who will you use as the target audience of your data? Who would most benefit from your research, and why?

4.    What ethical issues will your research project present? What biases might you bring to the research and how will you address that bias?

Analysis of stationary data

1.    What method will you choose to analyze the stationary data that you plan to collect?

2.    Has this method of data analysis been applied in similar situations by other authors?  Include references and illustrations from the literature to show the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

3.    Attach a worked-out example of application of the method using simulated or previously published data and explain it.

4.    How will you validate your findings/conclusions?

Testing hypotheses

1.    State your hypotheses.

2.    Explain how to test your hypotheses and justify the choice. 

3.    Have similar hypotheses been tested by other authors?  Include references and illustrations from the literature. Attach a worked-out example of hypothesis testing using simulated or previously published data. 

4.    How will you validate your findings/conclusions?

Analysis and forecasting of time series

1.    Define the time series data you plan to gather related to your topic.

2.    What method will you choose to analyze and forecast the time series data that you plan to collect?

3.    Have these methods of data analysis and forecasting been applied in similar situations by other authors?  Include references and illustrations from the literature to show their advantages and disadvantages.

4.    Attach a worked-out example of analysis and forecasting using simulated or previously published data and explain it. 

5.    How will you validate your findings/conclusions?

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fictional TV, movie, or literary character who will serve as a case study and analyze their sexual health

Throughout the semester, you have learned about several theories and practices related to human sexuality and sexual health. This assignment will give you an opportunity to apply some of those major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings. In completing this assignment, you will hone your critical thinking skills, recognizing and applying psychological principles, and communicating your understanding of individual, community, and organizational life experiences to a general audience.


This assignment will enable you to critically analyze the sexual health of a fictional character in popular culture – television, films or literature.

Step 1:

Select a fictional TV, movie, or literary character who will serve as a case study and analyze their sexual health, based on the criteria below.

Step 2:

Review the SIECUS guidelines for sexual health (below):


A sexually healthy adult will:

In human development

  • Appreciate his or her own body.
  • Seek further information about reproduction as needed.
  • Affirm that human development includes sexual development that may or may not include reproduction or genital sexual experience.
  • Interact with both genders in respectful and appropriate ways.
  • Affirm his or her own sexual orientation and respect the sexual orientation of others.

In relationships

  • View family as a valuable source of support.
  • Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways.
  • Develop and maintain meaningful relationships.
  • Avoid exploitative or manipulative relationships.
  • Make informed choices about family options and relationships.
  • Exhibit skills that enhance personal relationships.
  • Understand how cultural heritage affects ideas about family, interpersonal relationships, and ethics.

In personal skills

  • Identify and live according to his or her values.
  • Take responsibility for her or her own behavior.
  • Practice effective decision-making.
  • Communicate effectively with family, peers, and partners.

In sexual behavior

  • Enjoy and express his or her sexuality throughout life.
  • Express his or her sexuality in ways that are congruent with his or her values.
  • Enjoy sexual feelings without necessarily acting on them.
  • Discriminate between life-enhancing sexual behaviors and those that are harmful to self and/or others.
  • Express his or her sexuality while respecting the rights of others.
  • Seek new information to enhance his or her sexuality.
  • Engage in sexual relationships that are consensual, non-exploitative, honest, pleasurable, and protected against disease and unintended pregnancy.

In sexual health

  • Use contraception effectively to avoid unintended pregnancy.
  • Prevent sexual abuse.
  • Act consistent with his or her own values in dealing with an unintended pregnancy.
  • Seek early prenatal care.
  • Avoid contracting or transmitting an STD, including HIV.
  • Practice health-promoting behaviors, such as regular check-ups, breast and testicular self-exam, and early identification of potential problems.
  • In society and culture
  • Demonstrate respect for people with different sexual values.
  • Exercise democratic responsibility to influence legislation dealing with sexual issues.
  • Assess the impact of family, cultural, religious, media, and societal messages on his or her thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors related to sexuality.
  • Promote the rights of all people to accurate sexuality information.
  • Avoid behaviors that exhibit prejudice and bigotry.
  • Reject stereotypes about the sexuality of diverse populations.
  • Educate others about sexuality.

Source: SIECUS (2005). Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten -12th Grade, 3rd Ed. New York, NY: SIECUS.

Step 3: For each one of the criteria from the SIECUS list determine whether or not the character displays that behavior and think of an example from the film, book, or television show that illustrates your determination regarding that criteria. You must discuss at least one aspect from each of the six categories on the SIECUS list.

Step 4: Review writing resources, write an outline, write a thesis statement, write an introduction, and integrate information via summarizing, paraphrasing, or, as necessary, directly quoting sources, all with proper attribution.

Step 5:

Write a 1,200 to 1,500 word paper (about 5 double-spaced pages), not including title and reference page which should be written in APA style, and submit it to your assignment folder.

Tip: Begin with a brief synopsis discussing the character or issues that arise in the book, film, or television show to give context to the reader.  Next, integrate the criteria you have chosen and discuss how they are related. From your synopsis, you can then formulate a thesis statement and craft an outline that will be the basis of your paper. Once a draft has been written, you may want to contact the Effective Writing Center for feedback.

Checklist of expectations

In order to be successful on this paper, be sure that you address all of the following:

__ Support your ideas with citations from the course readings or your peer-reviewed resource(s)

__ Be sure that your ideas are put together in a coherent and logical way

__ Be creative in enhancing your topic

__ Write an introduction that previews your main points

__ Be sure the body of the paper develops and elaborates your ideas

__ Include a conclusion that summarizes your main points

__ Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper is free of misspellings and typos

__ Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper has proper sentence structure

__ Include a cover page, references and citations in APA style