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What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting

Assignment Brief and Feedback form

(Graded unit with single assignment)

Name of Centre:Learner achievement (please circle) NB: All learner achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards Board.
Level Achieved:L3
Achievement (Level 3 units only)PMD

Title of Access to HE Diploma: (e.g. Science)
Unit title(s): Creating Database Driven Web PagesUnit code(s):
Description of Assignment: This assignment is both a written and practical assignment that will demonstrate your skills in the creation of database driven web pages TASK 1 Create a MySQL database containing a single table (games) for an online games store. The games table will store information about games with the minimum of the following fields: game title, genre, year of release, publisher, screenshot, and a written review and (possibly) other fields of data relating to games. Choose appropriate data types and widths for each field. Note 1) As your database server might not allow you to choose the database name any name is acceptable for this Note 2) The screenshot data does not need to be stored inside the table. Commonly this will contain a local file path or URL that can be used as a web hyperlink Use PhpMyAdmin to add 5 records to the games table based on existing information which you will research on existing games websites. Create a username and password that can access this database using your firstname+lastname and a password of your own choice. This account should have full access to the database. Create a webpage that connects to your database using PHP. Store the information the connection needs (database name, table name, username /password) in PHP variables. Display a message in the webpage when a successful connection is 2.3] Create a Word document Task1 that contains A screenshot of your working webpage A well commented listing of your HTML/PHP code
Show this to your tutor to progress to the next stage
You will build on your work in task 1 and develop the database to the next stage Using the existing records in your games db you will need to create the following: You will create a display all records page which lists all the items in the database in a html table using a control structure [1.3] You will create an insert form to allow games to be added to the database, implement validation checks so that data is correctly entered. [4.2] [5.4] Create a complex query by creating an update page which will allow users to edit the games in the database [4.3] You will create a delete page which will allow you to delete games records in the database. [4.4] You will create a basic search engine form which allows the user to search on multiple fields on the database and give back a results page based on those fields For this You will need to create a complex query using SQL and execute this query on the remote database. This results page will use single control structures for selection and iteration such as conditional statements and loops to go through all the records. [3.1] [4.1] You will extend this page to show a list of games titles outputted as hyperlinks which then take you to more detail about the game that is chosen [3.2] [3.3] You will make a single page which has links to all these different pages you have made – all records, insert record, delete record, update records and search . Finally you will password protect access to this page [6.1] Show this all working to your tutor to progress to the next stage To document this work, you will create software documentation for the user, this will have three parts. Task 2a) Write an introductory section which explains how requirements can vary between the client (games store owner) and end user and explain the importance of an effective user experience [1.1] Task 2b) Create and justify your user interface by producing design documentation in the form of wireframes and sketches to meet the specific client requirements as outlined below. [1.2] The client requirements are The website application should work on mobile phones There should be a main menu to move between the different pages such as display all records, insert, delete What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting, update and search Instructional text and menu labels should be intuitive There should be prompts where forms are not filled out correctly prompting the user to enter data correctly Task 2c) Create a user guide document with live links and screenshots of your working pages and well commented page listings to show your understanding. Use current web development conventions in your approach. TASK 3 You will write a report which addresses the following questions within a word limit of 1500 words. Please indicate supporting references. What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting. Draw your conclusions by giving some practical examples of code within the types of languages involved and explain where you may use these giving real examples [2.1] Explain the environment or framework you have chosen to develop your web database application [2.2] What are the differences between (GET and POST) in relation to the published and tested multi-page scripting you have completed using request.form and query strings. [5.3] Why would you need to password protect parts of a website? [6.1] Why would you use a hidden form element on a website [6.2] Why would you need to validate user input for a website with a database? Describe the validation checks have you implemented? [5.4] Finally review and evaluate the success of your uploaded files for your web database application suggesting areas for future development [7.2]
File naming. Your tasks should be labelled in the following format
Upload this to Moodle to the designated final submission area by the deadline
Date set:Date for draft submission (if applicable):Date for final submission: 29th May 2022
Extension date (if agreed):Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agree extension:Date submitted:
Internal Moderation: Yes / No Date:Signed by internal moderator:ON TIME / LATE
Learner declaration:  The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me.  I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, text books or other sources in place of my own thinking and writing.  When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas.  I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made.  I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass on What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting, Merit or Distinction grades.  I have not copied the work of my peers.
Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work)

TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or submit the brief as instructed.


Level 3Unit title:
Learning outcomesAssessment criteria
This is what you will learn on the unit.This is what you must be able to demonstrate that you can do in your assignment in order to achieve the unit.
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the client/server architecture involved in web-database applications.Explain the differences between clientside and server-side scripting. Publish and test a page that uses two variables. Publish and test pages that use single control structures for selection and iteration. Explain the differences between the published and tested multi-page scripting using request.form and query strings
Know how to create a connection to a data sourceExplain the purpose of ODBC and identify an ODBC complaint DBMS. Create the DNS-less link to the database. Create a complex query using SQL and execute that query on a remote database
Know how to create a data driven web search formCreate a search form allowing the user to search on multiple fields in the database. Create a hyperlink output list displaying the results of the searches on the different fields. Create an output form to display search details from the different fields.
Be able to create a data driven web update form.Create an Insert form allowing data to be inserted into the database. Create an Update form allowing users to edit data in the database. Create a Delete facility allowing users to delete data in the database.
Know how to customise and enhance data forms.Explain the need for password protection and implement password protection for parts of the site. Explain the need for the validation of user input and implement validation checks. Explain the purpose of hidden form element implemented.
Be able to upload to a local web server.Identify suitable ISP host sites and upload to a local web server.

(This section must be repeated for all units assessed through this assignment)

Level 3 units only: Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades.
Grade DescriptorMerit (Choose one or more relevant grade components)Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components)
GD1. Understanding the subject1 demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base 2 is generally informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study 3 demonstrates very good understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study.1 demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base 2 is consistently informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study 3 demonstrates excellent understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study
Grade DescriptorMerit (Choose one or more relevant grade components)Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components)
GD 3. Application of Skills1. Generally selects appropriate Techniques 2. Applies appropriate (selected or given) Skills with very good Confidence Consistency on What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting1. Consistently selects appropriate Techniques 2.Applies appropriate (selected or given) Skills with excellent Confidence Consistency
Grade DescriptorMerit (Choose one or more relevant grade components)Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components)
GD7: QualityIs structured in a way that is generally logical & fluent
Contains some ambiguities or limitations in the expression of arguments or ideas
Taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment

Is structured in a way that is consistently logical & fluent with clear expression of ideas.
Taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment
Grade Guidance: Learners must carefully read the guidance below which is linked to the components above
MERIT: (e.g. To achieve a Merit your work will show…..) GD1 : To achieve merit you will have been generally informed by the major conventions and practices in web development with evident references to support this. GD3: To achieve merit, you should generally select appropriate techniques and apply skills to complete the database driven web page programming tasks with very good confidence and consistency. The code should run correctly with a good user experience. GD7: To achieve merit, your work be complete, well thought out and commented appropriately. Both your programming and SQL code should be thought through with thought to efficiency where possible. You will need to reference external sources to show how you have extended your learning about What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting.
DISTINCTION: (e.g. To achieve a Distinction your work will show…..) GD1 : To achieve distinction you will have been consistently informed by the major conventions and practices in web development with substantial evident references to support this. GD3: To achieve distinction you should consistently select appropriate techniques and apply skills to complete the database driven web page programming tasks with excellent confidence and consistency. The code should run with an excellent user experience with meaningful feedback to the user.
GD7: To achieve the higher grades of distinction, your work be complete, very well thought out and very well presented and commented appropriately. It should be a model to others who are learning how to make database driven web pages and demonstrate the depth of your understanding. Both your programming and SQL code should be well thought through with thought to redundancy and efficiency using functions where possible.
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Part A: Feedback on credit level
AC noCredit achieved (L3)Location of evidenceTutor/Assessor comments on assessment criteria (the assessor may also indicate on the work itself where each AC is met)
Level achievedTutor/Assessor’s signature:Date:
Resubmission (if applicable) If any of the assessment criteria for this assignment have not been met at Level 3, a resubmission may be permitted. Resubmission must follow the QAA guidelines and be permitted only once.
Requirements for resubmission/new Task set:
Date Set:Date due:Date Submitted:
Feedback on resubmission:
Level achieved after resubmission:Tutor/Assessor’s signature:Date:
Part B: Feedback on grading (Applicable only if all assessment criteria achieved at Level 3)
Grade DescriptorTutor/Assessor comments against grade descriptorsGrade indicator (P/M/D) Please enter the final grade on page 1 based on this grade profile e.g. PPM=P
GD1. Understanding the subject
GD3. Application of knowledge
GD7: Quality
Tutor/Assessor’s reason for final grade decision (if applicable):
Areas for development (how will the learner be able to use and improve on what they have learnt on this unit and the skills that they have used in their further studies?)
Writers Solution

Server Hosting vs. On Premises Server Operations for Microsoft Systems

five-page paper (not including the title page or executive summary). Overview and instruction explain everything about the paper.

LRS Position Paper: Server Hosting vs. On Premises Server Operations for Microsoft Systems


A long-standing debate in the IT industry with respect to Server Hosting pertains to the debate regarding hosting servers in the cloud versus hosting them on premises. There are pro’s and con’s on both sides, both on the surface and some that will require research into current industry trends.

The objective of this exercise is to take a position in this debate and argue the merits in this debate. This paper is not designed to be a balanced report on the facts, but designed to engage you, the student, in the debate, and which solution would you choose.


You are to construct a properly formatted research paper of five pages (not including the title page or executive summary) conforming to APA format, stating your opinion as a thesis, having at least three supports and a well-written conclusion. The supporting material should not be general talking points, but rather, demonstrate proper research and clear thought.


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Imagine that you are trying to visit, but you don’t remember the IP address the web-server is running on

Network Architecture I (CSEE 5110)

Assignment #


· The goal of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the material learned so far. You will need to upload your answers to canvas through the provided link of the Assignment #1.

Answers to the questions should be directly reported in this word file (inside the dedicated box). Answers should not be handwritten. You will need to upload to canvas a doc file an no images/pictures allowed in the files. No compliance to these rules will lead to zero.

This assignment will be counted for 10% of your total grade.

1) DNS – Basics

Imagine that you are trying to visit, but you don’t remember the IP address the web-server is running on.

Assume the following records are on the TLD DNS server:

· (,, NS)

· (,, A)

Assume the following records are on the DNS Server:

· (,, CNAME)

· (,, A)

· (,, MX)

· (,, A)

Diagram  Description automatically generated

Q1: What transport protocol(s) does DNS use: TCP, UDP, or Both?

Q2: What well-known port does DNS use?

Q3: How many types of Resource Records (RR) are there?

Q4: Can you send multiple DNS questions and get multiple RR answers in one message? Answer with Yes or No

Q5: To which DNS server does a host send their requests to? Answer with the full name

Q6: Which type of DNS server holds a company’s DNS records? Answer with the full name

Q7: In the example given in the problem, what is the address of the DNS server for

Q8: When you make the request for, your local DNS requests the IP on your behalf. When it contacts the TLD server, how many answers (RR) are returned?

Q9: In the previous question, there were two responses, one was a NS record and the other an A record. What was the content of the A record? Answer with the format: “name, value”

Q10: Assume that the website is actually hosted on, what type of record is needed for this?

Q11: Now imagine we are trying to send an email to, and their mail server has the address What type of record will we receive?

Q12: In that MX record, what are the contents? Answer with the format: “name, value”

Q13: Does your local DNS server take advantage of caching similar to web requests? Answer with Yes or No

Answers: Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. Q11. Q12. Q13.

2) Comparison of client-server and peer to peer file distribution delays

In this problem, you’ll compare the time needed to distribute a file that is initially located at a server to clients via either client-server download or peer-to-peer download.

The problem is to distribute a file of size F = 5 Gbits to each of these 8 peers. Suppose the server has an upload rate of u = 85 Mbps. The 8 peers have upload rates of: u1 = 11 Mbps, u2 = 20 Mbps, u3 = 17 Mbps, u4 = 20 Mbps, u5 = 20 Mbps, u6 = 24 Mbps, u7 = 17 Mbps, and u8 = 26 Mbps The 8 peers have download rates of: d1 = 15 Mbps, d2 = 34 Mbps, d3 = 38 Mbps, d4 = 18 Mbps, d5 = 13 Mbps, d6 = 38 Mbps, d7 = 23 Mbps, and d8 = 40 Mbps

Q1: What is the minimum time needed to distribute this file from the central server to the 8 peers using the client-server model?

Q2: What is the minimum time needed to distribute the file using peer-to-peer download?


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Answers: Q1: Q2:
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Web Application and Server Management

 NIT1204 Web Application and Server ManagementPractical Assignment
Due: Session 9 (Demo in lab 3)
Weight: 30% of the final grade
Group assignment:
This is a group assignment to be completed in a group of two.
Description of task:
This project will be a comprehensive Web site that demonstrates application of many of the PHP concepts covered in this unit.
You are required to develop a PHP web application to manage a shopping list i.e. Shopping List Manager application. This application requires items to be stored in a database, every item you add/modify/delete, the application updates the item in the database accordingly.
Create a user interface
The user interface for the Shopping List Manager shows the items at the top of the web page in a numbered list. The user interface also includes an add form that lets the user add a new item to the list, and it includes a delete form that lets the user delete an item from the list.
Please note that the given screenshots are sample only.
Figure 1: When the application runs for the first time
Figure 2: After adding two items in the shopping list
Implement Add, Delete and Modify Buttons
Implement “Add Item” button which is used to add shopping items in the list. Delete button is to delete the selected shopping item. Use the array_push() function to add a new item to the list. “Modify Item” button lets the user modify an existing item. If the user clicks on the Modify Item button, this code should hide the form that contains the Modify Item button, and it should display the form that displays the current item in a text box and includes buttons that lets users save or cancel their changes. Please note that add, delete and modify items should update the database accordingly.
Figure 3. When you click modify item
After you click, Save Changes, the item is updated and the page looks like as in the Figure 4.
Figure 4: After you update an item
Implement the Sort Item button
Implement that code that allows a user to sort all items alphabetically. The Sort button should be displayed only if the item list contains two or more items.
Test the application
Test your application to make sure that everything works correctly.
What to submit:
?? A cover page (A4 format) – displaying course code, course name, assignment title and student id with student’s signature.
?? Student contribution report with meeting minutes
?? Documentation including installation/usage instructions, source code, screen capture of a database and database dump file (.sql) and test report with test cases and an acknowledgement for source of external resources etc.
Upload a zip file (assign folder with all PHP, Style Sheet, and Images folder if applicable)
Total Marks (out of 70) ________
Student ID
Student Name
______________ _____________________________________________
Table 1 General Requirements
Task Mark Actual Mark
Cover Page provided with student id and signature 2
Student contribution report 4
Documentation including installation/usage instructions, acknowledgement for source of external templates/ classes and images if any, screen capture of a database and database dump file (.sql), test report with test cases 4
/ 10
Table 2 General Programming
Task Mark Actual Mark
Appropriate / consistent coding style with useful comments 2
Correct usage of for loop 2
Correct usage of array 2
Correct usage of selection/case statement 4
Correct usage of include statement 2
Correct usage of data structure (stack/queue) 4
Appropriate validation of input fields (i.e. shopping items). 2
PHP code runs without run time errors 2
/ 20
Table 3 Functional Requirements
Task Mark Actual Mark
Index page with header, footer and body 4
Add item 4
Modify item 6
Delete item 5
Sort item 7
Testing 2
CSS formatting
Working data in database with add
Working data in database with modify
Working data in database with delete
/ 40
Table 4 Demonstration
Task Mark Actual Mark
Able to answer all questions 6
Able to modify code
/ 10


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Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory

Working with Virutal Machines
WEEK – 6

  1. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  2. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  3. Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
  4. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
  5. Revert to a Snapshot
  6. Delete an Individual Snapshot
  7. Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    Week 6 Manage virtual machines (Template, clones and snapshot)
    Objective: Perform virtual machine management tasks
    In this lab, you will perform the following tasks:
  8. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  9. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  10. Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
  11. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
  12. Revert to a Snapshot
  13. Delete an Individual Snapshot
  14. Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    Task 1: Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
    You unregister a virtual machine from the VMware vCenter Server™ Appliance™ inventory. Unregistering does not delete the virtual machine from the datastore.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
    • vCenter Server Appliance name
    • vCenter Single Sign-On user name
    • vCenter Single Sign-On password
  15. If VMware vSphere® Web Client is not active, open a Web browser and connect to the vCenter Server Appliance home page at https://vCenter_Server_Appliance/vsphere-client and log in.
  16. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  17. Select the your_name##-4 virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  18. View the Related Object pane and record the VMware vSphere® VMFS datastore name where the your_name##-4 virtual machine resides. __
  19. Right-click the your_name##-4 virtual machine and select Power Shut Down Guest OS.
  20. Click Yes to confirm the shutdown.
  21. After the your_name##-4 virtual machine is shut down, right-click it and select Remove from Inventory.
    Do not select Delete from Disk. This operation is not recoverable.
  22. Click Yes to confirm the removal.
  23. Click the Refresh icon in vSphere Web Client.
  24. Verify that the your_name##-4 virtual machine no longer appears in the inventory.
  25. In the Navigator pane, click the Storage tab and expand the view.
  26. Right-click the your_name##-4 virtual machine’s VMFS datastore and select Browse Files.
    You recorded the VMFS datastore name in step 4.
  27. View the folders.
    Does a folder named your_name##-4 exist?
    Task 2: Register a Virtual Machine
    If you removed a virtual machine from the vCenter Server Appliance inventory but did not remove it from the managed host’s datastore, you can return it to the inventory by registering it with the vCenter Server Appliance.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
  28. In the list of virtual machine files in the right pane, right-click the yourname##-4.vmx file and select Register VM.
    The screenshot shows an example selecting of Register VM.
    The Register Virtual Machine wizard starts.
  29. 2. On the Name and Location page, enter your_name##-5.

is the number of your ESXi host.

  1. In the Select inventory location pane, select the LabVMs folder and click Next.
  2. On the Host/Cluster page, select your ESXi host and click Next.
  3. On the Ready to Complete page, review the information and click Finish.
  4. In the Navigator pane, click the VMs and Templates tab and verify that the your_name##-5 virtual machine is in the LabVMs folder.
    Task 3: Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
    You can remove a virtual machine from the vCenter Server Appliance inventory and delete allassociated virtual machine files from the datastore, including the configuration file and the virtual disk files.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
  5. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  6. Select the your_name##-5 virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  7. View the Related Object pane and record the VMFS datastore name on which the your_name##-5 virtual machine resides. __
  8. Right-click the your_name##-5 virtual machine, select Delete from Disk, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  9. Verify that the your_name##-5 virtual machine no longer appears in the inventory.
  10. In the Navigator pane, click the Storage tab and expand the inventory view.
  11. Right-click the VMFS datastore name and select Browse Files.
    You recorded the VMFS datastore name in step 3.
  12. Verify that the folder and files from which the your_name##-5 virtual machine was registered no longer exist.
    The folder has the original virtual machine name: your_name##-4.
    Task 4: Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
    You take a snapshot to preserve the state and the data of a virtual machine at the time the snapshot is taken. You use snapshots when you must revert repeatedly to the same virtual machine state but do not want to create multiple virtual machines.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
    • Virtual machine administrator password
    • Software ISO image location
  13. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  14. In the left pane, select the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
  15. In the center pane, click Launch Remote Console on the Summary tab.
  16. If necessary, log in as the virtual machine administrator and enter the password.
  17. On the task bar, click Start and select Run.
  18. In the Open text box, enter C: and click OK.
  19. Resize the window as needed so that the files in C: and the Recycle Bin are visible.
  20. Create a text file on Desktop iometer.
  21. Drag the iometer file to the Recycle Bin.
  22. To completely remove the iometer file, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  23. Click Yes to confirm the file deletion and leave the virtual machine console open.
  24. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Take Snapshot.
    The Take VM Snapshot wizard starts.
  25. Configure the snapshot.
  26. Click OK and monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane.
  27. Create a text file on Desktop cpu-busy.
  28. Return to the virtual machine console and drag the cpu-busy file to the Recycle Bin.
  29. To completely remove the cpu-busy file, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  30. Click Yes to confirm the file deletion and leave the virtual machine console open.
  31. Return to the vSphere Web Client.
  32. In the inventory pane, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Take Snapshot take another snapshot.
  33. Click OK and monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane.
  34. Connect the ClassFiles-vSphere.iso file on the CD/DVD drive to the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    a. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
    b. On the Virtual Hardware tab, select Datastore ISO File from the CD/DVD drive 1 dropdown menu.
    c. Select the Classfiles-vSphere.iso file and click OK.
    d. Select the Connected check box.
    e. Click OK to close the Edit Settings dialog box.
  35. Return to the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  36. If the D: drive does not open automatically, open Windows Explorer and go to the D: drive.
  37. Copy the cpubusy file from the D: drive to the virtual machine’s desktop.
  38. Disconnect the CD/DVD drive from your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    a. From the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
    b. On the Virtual Hardware tab, click the arrow next to CD/DVD drive 1 to expand the view.
    c. Select Client Device from the drop-down menu and click OK.
  39. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and take another snapshot by select Snapshots Take Snapshot to take another snapshot.
  40. Configure the Snapshot.
  41. Click OK.
  42. Monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane and wait for completion.
  43. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots. You should see three snapshots. The difference in icons is due to whether the Snapshot the virtual machine’s memory check box was selected when the snapshot was taken.
  44. Leave the Snapshot Manager open.
  45. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Task 5: Revert to a Snapshot
    You can return a virtual machine to the state it had at the time the selected snapshot was taken.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
    • Virtual machine administrator password
  46. Verify that the your_name##-3 virtual machine is powered on.
  47. In the Snapshot Manager, select the Without iometer or cpu-busy snapshot and click Revert to.
  48. Click Yes to confirm the reversion.
  49. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q1. Did the virtual machine power off, and what is the reason?
  50. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine in the inventory and select Power Power On.
  51. Launch a remote console to the your_name##-3 virtual machine and wait for the boot process to finish.
  52. If necessary, log in as the administrator with the password.
    Q2. Is either iometer or cpu-busy on the local disk (C:)?
  53. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  54. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots.
    The You Are Here pointer should be below the snapshot named Without iometer or cpu-busy.
  55. In the Snapshot Manager, select the With cpu-busy snapshot and click Revert to.
  56. Click Yes to confirm the reversion.
  57. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q3. Did the virtual machine power off, and what is the reason?
  58. Open a remote console for the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    Q4. Is cpu-busy on the desktop?
    Q5. Is iometer on the desktop?
  59. Minimize the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Task 6: Delete an Individual Snapshot
    You can use the Delete All function to commit all the intermediate snapshots before the current state.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
  60. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots. The You Are Here pointer should be below the snapshot named With cpu-busy.
  61. In the Snapshot Manager, select the Without iometer or cpu-busy snapshot and click Delete.
  62. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  63. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q1. Did the virtual machine power off?
    Q2. Is cpu-busy on the desktop?
    Task 7: Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    You can remove a snapshot from the Snapshot Manager. The snapshot files are consolidated and written to the parent snapshot disk.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
  64. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots.
  65. Click Delete All and click Yes to confirm that you want to delete all the remaining snapshots. The You Are Here pointer should be below the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    Q1. Were all the remaining snapshots deleted from the Snapshot Manager?
  66. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
  67. Return to the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Q2. Is cpu-busy on the desktop, and why?
  68. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  69. Leave the vSphere Web Client open for the next lab





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server virtualization and cloud computing

You have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

1. Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

2. Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

3. Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

4. Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

5. Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing





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Web server statistics for a computer science department

This data set is a sample of Web server statistics for a computer science department. It contains the following 11 sections of data:
Total successful requests
Average successful requests per day
Total successful requests for pages
Average successful requests for pages per day
Total failed requests
Total redirected requests
Number of distinct files requested
Number of distinct hosts served
Corrupt logfile lines
Total data transferred
Average data transferred per day
Write an essay of 2–3 pages that contains the following:
A complete overview of the data, identifying anomalies in different weeks, and the weeks that the data are not regular.
Choose 5 different sections of data, examine these sections, and provide the specific selection process and criteria you used to select this data set.
Provide the measures of tendency and dispersion for each of the 5 different sections of data you selected.
Provide 1 chart or graph for each of the 5 processed sections. This may be a pie or bar chart or a histogram.
Label the chart or graph clearly.
Explain why the graph you provided gave a good visual representation of the data.
Based on your explanation above, identify some specific advantages why, in general, charts and graphs are important in conveying information in a visual format.
Determine the standard deviation and variation, and explain their importance in statistical analysis of a data set.
Based on the tasks you performed in this project, research how statistics are used in information technology (IT), and provide references for your research
Your essay should include proper citation in APA formatting, both in-text, and in reference pages. Include a title page and use 12-point Times New Roman double-spaced font throughout the text





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In order to get accurate overview of the data, it was important to start identifying outliers from the first row of the data set. Analysis indicated that week 3 was outlier from the lower site, while week 5 was outlier from the upper site. The findings of week three were summarized in the first five rows of the data set as shown in the table below.


Total Requests

Average Request Per day

Total Requests for pages

Requests for Pages Per day

Total Failed
























































Contrary to this observation, week 5 recorded the highest number of request in the first two rows.In addition, week 5 was not regular as compared to week 3. For instance, the data set in the first two rows recorded the highest value in week 5 more than any other week. However, the pattern was not regular or consistent because the………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


……………………………………………………………………………..Web server statistics …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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2,000 end stations and all server data

You are the network engineer contracted to established a WAN connectivity between two office locations for a local corporation. The main corporate headquarters has 2,000 end stations and all server data. The remote office has 550 workstation users. All users from the remote office will be connecting into headquarters to access resources. However, your boss is concerned with this. He does not understand how all of the users will be able to access the resources from HQ using only one link. In 1– 2 pages, explain the following to him:

• The technology that allows this to happen
• How this technology will allow the data request from multiple users to flow across a single link
To aid your explanation, use a Visio diagram (or similar software) of the layout of the two LANs to be connected by the WAN links.

Discussion Topic Points
Explaining the technology that allows a WAN connectivity between two office locations to happen 60
Explaining how this technology will allow the data request from multiple users to flow across a single link 50
Using a Visio diagram (or similar software) of the layout of the two LANs 15





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            The computer network play a very important role in the business community. It is imperative for companies with remote office and branches to employ the latest technology available in the market since it provide advanced enhanced services such as high data transfer rate, real-time video, and voice, increased storage capacity and improved security features(Ivanov, 2010). As presented in the case provided, the expansion of the company is necessary in order to serve consumers efficiently. This paper discussed the technology that facilitate the connectivity between remote offices and head office using one link.

Network architecture and infrastructure

            There are several architectural models that the company can use as either a foundation or upgrade of the existing network. The most commonly used three types of architectural models are topological models, flow-based models and………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………………………end stations and all server data……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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SQL Server Management Studio

read and understand these pages:

Basic Project Requirements (Read This)
Week 2 – Keeping Data Separate from Analysis

Project Instructions:

When the assignment asks for analysis, description, or explanation – please put this in a separate MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) document and submit in addition to the main assignment file.

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to log into the virtual machine and use the Adventure Works database within SQL Server Management Studio.

For each question include:

the text version of the SQL script itself (in the Word Doc as mentioned above)
a screenshot of the SQL script in action (in the Word Doc as mentioned above)
Your screenshot should include both the query and the results
Make sure your screenshot includes the results from the GETDATE() function
Each script must include the GETDATE() (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. function in the select statement
To keep the queries more straightforward, use aliases.

Section A

Create SQL Scripts that:

Selects ALL the BusinessEntityID, LastName, and FirstName fields for the Person’s table
Fields should be in the above order
Add a sort to the query so LastName is alphabetized A – Z
Add the person’s email address to Query #A1
Add the person’s phone number to Query #A2, include the PhoneNumberType Name field (etc. cell, home, work)
Add in the AddressLine1, City, StateProvinceID, and PostalCode fields to Query #A3
Note: two different people could have the same address. This database is designed to store each unique address individually, so SQL Server Management Studio while in this case this detail for this address would only exist once in the database, it would be assigned to all individuals with that address.
Note2: You will have to bring in two different Address tables to get this to portion to work.
Modify the Query from #A4 to include the StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode, and Name

Section B

Create a query that calculates a count of Departments by Group Name from the HumanResources.Department table.
Create a completely different query that shows the distinct listing of Product Subcatgories ( Production.ProductSubcategory), include ProductSubcategoryID and Name in the query
Modify the #B2 query to count the number of products from Production.Products by Subcategory, call the column “ProductCount”
Modify the #B3 query to include the Average StandardCost and the Average ListPrice, make sure to name the columns respectively. Order the results by the SubCategory Name (A-Z).
Add a column for the total product inventory quantity for each ProductSubcategory, make sure to name it as well.
Section C

Take your final query from #A5, modify the original query to filter out any people without an address, and load that query into Power BI.
You can copy and paste the SQL Statement in the Connection window (see below for connection details). This is the suggested (and easiest) approach.
Map those people by addresses in a Power BI visualization. Make sure the size of the bubble is indicative of the number of people in that city/state.
Are there any patterns or clusters that you can see in the mapped addresses? If so, what are a few of them?
Are there a significant number of people in the data set who live in countries outside of the US? If so, which continents include significant portions of people?
Use the best visualization that shows a count of people by state, show only those in the United States.
Take your final query from #B4 and load that query into Power BI. Create the best visualization(s) that shows each subcategory name, the price average and the cost average. Create a second visualization that shows the subcategory name and the product count. Do not simply create a table or matrix for these visuals.
Connection Information for Section C:

You will need the IP address of your Immersion lab (set up in week 5) and the username and password to accomplish Section C.

Remember to log into the Aloft Virtual Machine (VM) you need the following URL: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Once you are logged into the VM, you will need the following information to connect Power BI to SQL Server:

Your Immersion lab IP address
Database: AdventureWorks2016
The username and password are the default:
username: sa
password: pa55word
Make sure you have “Database” selected in your Authentication method in Power BI’s Access a SQL Server Database connection screen. Otherwise, the system won’t recognize your login.

Note: You cannot log into SQL Server from Power BI that may be installed on your computer. You can only connect to this instance of SQL Server from Power BI that is within the Virtual Machine