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fictitious company CFi Logistics Services Pte Ltd

Assignment: Individual Report (50%)
You have been tasked by a fictitious company CFi Logistics Services Pte Ltd. It intends to be a mid-size logistics service provider. The Business Owner plans to launch this business next year.
The company operates a fleet of transports. This fleet serves different segment of customers. The fleet comprises of 2 Configurable Vans and 3 Standard Vans.
Financial data and business information can be found in Appendix A; various Appendices contain limited templates for your reference.
Tasks Requirements

  1. You have been tasked by the Business Owner to evaluate the logistics sector that this company will be operating. This will involve an understanding of the overall economic environment in this logistics market. Elaborate how the current market conditions might affect the decision of this entrepreneur. Note: Investigate the macroeconomic and micro-economic condition of a specific country that this firm will be operating.
    (learning outcome 1)
  2. Next, costing of business; assume a full load and optimal resources are utilised for planning purpose. With reference to the various appendices, complete the following sub-tasks:
    a. Compute and present a full year total for the following:
    • Total number of trips; indicate total number of trips for each type of van.
    • Total distance (in km) travel; indicate total distance travel for each type of van.
    b. Compose and present a full year total for the following:
    • Total Fixed Cost • Total Driver Renumeration
    • Total Variable Cost • Total Fuel Cost
    Indicate calculation and formulas in the report. Use a master spreadsheet to tabulate monthly Sub-Total, monthly Accumulative Total, and an annual Grand total.
    (learning outcome 2)
  3. The Business Owner requires you to use the grand total derived from task 2 above to evaluate two investment packages for a duration of 5 years. Assume the following: Package Sycamore has an annual compounded interest rate of 5.15%; Package Willow has an annual compound interest rate of 9.0%. Both packages offer a regular cashflow for that duration. You may assume a regular cashflow for calculation. Assess and present three investment appraisal methods; and make a recommendation.
    (learning outcome 3)
  4. The Business Owner is ambitious. An expansion plan is needed. Assume a markup of 57%; this mark-up is used to determine the potential sales revenue. You are required to study the following:
    a. financial management
    b. budgeting
    c. forecasting
    d. any mathematical tool
    Next, use one method financial management, budgeting, forecasting or any mathematical tool to evaluate the feasibility of business expansion over the next 5 years.
    (learning outcome 4 & 5)
    Report Deliverables
  5. Cover page is needed to indicate Name and CU Identification number.
  6. Word count must be displayed on the cover page; compiled with and should not include Table of Content and References.
  7. This report should be composed with 2,000 words, ±10% allowance in length.
  8. Use a word processing software to compose a well layout report; display with a Table of Content, font type 12 Arial or Calibri, 2 lines of space, full justify paragraphs, paragraphs should be appropriately formatted and all pages numbered. Each chart, diagram, graphical illustration and/or table must be numbered, titled and cited.
  9. A good report contains citations and references from a wide range of sources such as academic books, journal, electronics databases, and official websites.
  10. APA referencing system must be used for citations and references.
    Electronic submission via Blackboard. Late submissions will not be accepted. You must check assignment for similarity in Turnitin at least 48 hours before submission due date.
    TurnItIn’s submission title format: Student CU ID_Name. In Portable Document Format (pdf) only.
    Evaluation Criteria
    Evaluation Criteria Weigh Remarks
  11. Relevant content
    (e.g. originality, concepts and theories, etc) 20
  12. Critical analysis
    (e.g. applications, evidence, critical thoughts, etc) 30
  13. Coherent argument
    (e.g. logical flow of argument) 20
  14. Computational accuracy
    (e.g. formulae calculation procedures, etc) 20
  15. Professional Structure
    (e.g. APA style, report and sentence structure, etc) 10
    Total 100
    A copy of evaluation criteria can be found in the Blackboard.
    Appendix A – Business Data
  16. Configurable Van $128,000 per unit
    Fuel Tank 55 litres
  17. Configuration for Configurable Van
    (Daily Configuration includes setup & dismount) 2 hours per configuration
    $200 per unit of Configurable van
  18. Configurable van, despatch service 1.25 hours per round trip, 82 km
  19. Fuel cost for configurable van $1.20 for 1 litre
  20. Distance travel / mileage of Configurable Van 8.5km per 1 litre
  21. Monthly maintenance of Configurable Van $350 per Configurable Van
  22. Annual Insurance for Configurable Van
    (Commence in January) $2,000 per Configurable Van
  23. Driver base salary for Configurable Van $780 per month
  24. Standard Van $80,000 per unit
    Fuel Tank 50 litres
  25. Standard Van, despatch service 1.5 hours per round trip, 90 km
  26. Fuel cost for Standard Van $1.00 for 1 litre
  27. Distance travel / mileage of Standard Van 10 km per 1 litre
  28. Quarterly maintenance of Standard Van
    (Commence in April) $720 per Standard Van
  29. Quarterly insurance of Standard Van
    (Commence in January) $350 per Standard Van
  30. Driver base salary for Standard Van $700 per month
  31. Normal Work Hours Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
    Saturday: 8am – 1pm
  32. Normal Work Day: Lunch Break, Mon – Sat,
    1 hour
    Morning Tea Break, Mon – Sat,
    Afternoon Tea Break, Mon – Fri, 15mins
  33. Over Time Work Hours Monday – Friday: 6pm – 11pm
    Saturday: 1pm – 6pm
  34. Number of work days in a week 5.5 days per week
  35. Number of work weeks in a month 4 weeks per month
  36. Commission based on a round trip:
    • Driver for Configurable Van
    • Driver for Standard Van
  37. Over Time Comms based on a round trip
    (Apply only to driver of Standard Van) 1.5
  38. There is no after office services for Configurable Van.
    Appendix B – Number of Trips
    Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Weekly
    trips per van Monthly trips per van Yearly trips per van No. of Vans Yearly Trips Remarks
    Configurable van Normal Hrs Work Hrs 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 1pm
    No. of Hrs 9 9 9 9 9 5
    AM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
    Lunch 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1
    PM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 –
    Daily Config. 2 2 2 2 2 2
    Nett No. of Hrs 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 1.75
    Trips 4 4 4 4 4 1 21 84 1,008 2 2,016
    Standard van Normal Hrs Work Hrs 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 1pm
    No. of Hrs 9 9 9 9 9 5
    AM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
    Lunch 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1
    PM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 –
    Nett No. of Hrs 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 3.75
    Trips 5 5 5 5 5 2 27 108 1,296 3 3,888
    Time Hrs Work Hrs 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 1pm – 6pm
    No. of Hrs 5 5 5 5 5 5
    Nett No. of Hrs – – – – – –
    Trips 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 72 864 3 2,592
    45 180 2,160 3 6,480
    Total Number of Trips 8,496 For both vans
    Appendix C – Distance Travelled
    Distance per trip Weekly distance Monthly distance Yearly distance No. of Vans Total distance Remarks
    Configurable van Normal Hours 82 1,722 6,888 82,656 2 165,312
    Standard van Normal Hours 90 2,430 9,720 116,640 3 349,920
    Over Time Hours 90 1,620 6,480 77,760 3 233,280
    4,050 16,200 194,400 3 583,200
    Total Distance Travelled 748,512 For both vans

Appendix D – Drivers’ Commission
Weekly Monthly Yearly No. of Drivers Total ($) Remarks
Configurable van Normal Hours 315 1,260 15,120 2 30,240
Standard van Normal Hours 270 1,080 12,960 3 38,880
Over Time Hours 270 1,080 12,960 3 38,880
540 2,160 25,920 3 77,760
Total Renumeration 108,000 For both vans

Appendix E – Master Spreadsheet
Appendix G – Statement of Comprehensive Income


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Human Services Professional at XYZ Human Works, a social services agency that provides counseling to individuals

Module 03 Content


Top of Form

You are the Human Services Professional at XYZ Human Works, a social services agency that provides counseling to individuals. There are two individuals in the waiting room and because you want an opportunity to practice what you have been learning about supporting individuals from other cultures, you decide to work with the individual below whose background seems most different from your own.


Nadine is a recent immigrant to the United States and has come into your agency seeking help. Nadine speaks very little English but managed to communicate that she received a phone call 3-hours ago and was told that her mother and sister were killed in a Central American country.


Bernard is a gay male who recently “came out” to his close friends and told them that he’s been secretly dating a man for 4 years. Bernard’s boyfriend, who is openly gay, is adamant about meeting Bernard’s parents and has told Bernard to tell his parents about their relationship or else he’ll end it. Bernard feels ready, but also feels conflicted about disclosing the relationship to his parents.

Bernard is seeking the assistance of a Human Services Professional about how best to communicate his sexuality to his parents. Below is Bernard’s statement:

“I’m so tired of feeling stressed about being the real me. I love my boyfriend and don’t want him to leave me. I need major guidance about how I should open up to my parents about being gay. Please help me to make the right decision because I haven’t slept well in over a week.”

As a Human Services Professional who is unfamiliar with your client’s culture, write a 2-page paper, using APA format and proper spelling/grammar, that addresses the following:

1. Perform some library research to identify the best practices that Human Services Professionals can use when supporting individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Describe the techniques that you feel will be most valuable in your career as a Human Services Professional. Be sure to cite your sources.

2. Indicate which client you chose and explain why you selected them.

Explain how you would assist your client and in what ways their cultural background affected the way you responded. Rasmussen’s Library and Learning Services team has developed a variety of Guides to help support students’ academic endeavors. For this assignment, the Writing Guide and APA Guide may both be helpful. Also consider submitting each assignment to the online Writing Lab for feedback on your draft prior to submitting it for grading. You will find links to these Guides as well as other writing resources and services on the Resources tab




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Jake’s Auto Services’ regional manager notices that the sale of two types of tires has been sluggish for the last few business cycles.

 Project 2

Jake’s Auto Services’ regional manager notices that the sale of two types of tires has been sluggish for the last few business cycles. Atlas tires and Continental tires brands are lagging compared to rivals such as Michelin that sell at a similar price point.


 1.  Use the following Excel workbook that prepares you to analyze the number-of-units-sold and total sales for the two tire brands (Atlas tires and Continental tires). Data are reported by two retail outlets within the region as aggregate totals and are organized by month, beginning with January, for a period of 12 months.
    *   Atlas Tires and Continental Tire Sale Excel File<>
 2.  Create a chart or graph that enables a reader to visually contrast and compare the data. Make sure to select a graphic technique that clearly communicates the results. The final product should be easy to read, properly labeled, clearly captioned, and accurately inserted into the final report. Follow APA style for in-text references to exhibits.
 3.  Prepare a statistical analysis that includes the following:
    *   Calculate annual mean, median, and mode (if one exists) for each brand by store as well as for the region.
    *   Calculate annual range, quartiles, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for each brand by store as well as for the region.
    *   Create a table that clearly denotes column and row headings for the calculated results. Properly insert the table into the managerial report. Follow APA style guidelines for in-text referencing of an exhibit.
 4.  Management has a specific interest in the Main Street location sale of Atlas tires. The provided data distribution is considered normal; therefore, use the store’s annual Atlas tire mean and standard deviation for your analysis. Determine the probability that on any one day the Main Street store would have:
    *   greater than 50 Atlas tires,
    *   fewer than 30 Atlas tires, and
    *   between 40 Atlas tires and 80 Atlas tires.

Place the results into context relative to the store’s overall Atlas tire sales when discussing sales performance.

 1.  Prepare a complete briefing that provides an objective analysis of your work.
    *   Part 1 of your report should be a “Results Section” that delivers simply an explanation of the mathematics (using tables and graphs) and how results were obtained.
    *   Part 2 of the report should consist of a “Discussion Section” of 250 to 350 words that interpret your results and details the meaning of your outcomes. The analysis must incorporate the illustrative information presented in your chart or graph by properly infusing numerical data in the discourse. Be sure to properly insert objects into the report using the proper APA in-text reference style. You must submit your Excel spreadsheet as background support. [MO2.2, MO2.3]?

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Operations Management for Products and Services

Case Study 1


· Carefully read the case study and answer the related questions.

· Use complete sentences and paragraphs to answer the questions and explain your answers.

· Make sure to cite your sources in the text and also in a reference list at the end of the document using APA 7 format.

· Do not copy and paste directly from your sources. Paraphrase using your own words.

· Submit your completed document to the eConestoga eCentennial dropbox for this assignment on or before Saturday October 30th at 11:59 pm .

Case Study

Bayfield Mud Company

In November 2015, John Wells, a customer service representative of Bayfield Mud Company, was summoned to the Houston warehouse of Wet-Land Drilling, Inc., to inspect three boxcars of mud treating agents that Bayfield had shipped to the Houston firm. (Bayfield’s corporate offices and its largest plant are located in Orange, Texas, which is just west of the Louisiana–Texas border.) Wet-Land had filed a complaint that the 50-pound bags of treating agents just received from Bayfield were short-weight by approximately 5%.

The short-weight bags were initially detected by one of Wet-Land’s receiving clerks, who noticed that the railroad scale tickets indicated that net weights were significantly less on all three boxcars than those of identical shipments received on October 25, 2015. Bayfield’s traffic department was called to determine if lighter-weight pallets were used on the shipments. (This might explain the lighter net weights.) Bayfield indicated, however, that no changes had been made in loading or palletizing procedures. Thus, Wet-Land engineers randomly checked 50 bags and discovered that the average net weight was 47.51 pounds. They noted from past shipments that the process yielded bag net weights averaging exactly 50.0 pounds, with an acceptable standard deviation σ of 1.2 pounds. Consequently, they concluded that the sample indicated a significant short weight. (The reader may wish to verify this conclusion.) Bayfield was then contacted, and Wells was sent to investigate the complaint. Upon arrival, Wells verified the complaint and issued a 5% credit to Wet-Land.

Wet-Land management, however, was not completely satisfied with the issuance of credit. The charts followed by their mud engineers on the drilling platforms were based on 50-pound bags of treating agents. Lighter-weight bags might result in poor chemical control during the drilling operation and thus adversely affect drilling efficiency. (Mud treating agents are used to control the pH and other chemical properties of the core during drilling operation.) This defect could cause severe economic consequences because of the extremely high cost of oil and natural gas well-drilling operations. Consequently, special-use instructions had to accompany the delivery of these shipments to the drilling platforms. Moreover, the short-weight shipments had to be isolated in Wet-Land’s warehouse, causing extra handling and poor space utilization. Thus, Wells was informed that Wet-Land might seek a new supplier of mud-treating agents if, in the future, it received bags that deviated significantly from 50 pounds.

The quality control department at Bayfield suspected that the lightweight bags might have resulted from “growing pains” at the Orange plant. Because of the earlier energy crisis, oil and natural gas exploration activity had greatly increased. In turn, this increased activity created increased demand for products produced by related industries, including drilling muds. Consequently, Bayfield had to expand from a one shift (6:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.) to a two-shift (2:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.) operation in mid2010, and finally to a three-shift operation (24 hours per day) in the fall of 2015.

The additional nightshift bagging crew was staffed entirely by new employees. The most experienced foremen were temporarily assigned to supervise the night-shift employees. Most emphasis was placed on increasing the output of bags to meet ever increasing demand. It was suspected that only occasional reminders were made to double-check the bag weight-feeder. (A double-check is performed by systematically weighing a bag on a scale to determine if the proper weight is being loaded by the weight-feeder. If there is significant deviation from 50 pounds, corrective adjustments are made to the weight-release mechanism.)

To verify this expectation, the quality control staff randomly sampled the bag output and prepared the chart on the previous page. Six bags were sampled and weighed each hour.


1. Use Statistical Process Control tools to provide an analysis of the bag-weight problem and explain your results.

2. Based on your analysis results, what procedures would you recommend for maintaining proper quality control?

3. Operations Managers are responsible for 10 strategic management decisions. Explain which of those 10 decisions apply in this particular situation and what the Operations Manager needs to do to prevent the situation from occurring in the future

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Writers Solution

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

Identify one grant opportunity that would be a good fit for you to fund the program. Post the link to your grant, and discuss why it would be appropriate for your specific program. 

Program:  Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

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Vice President of Nursing Services in a nondenominational community hospital

When a new product or service is offered, revised, rebranded, or offered to new potential customers, there is often a marketing campaign to build awareness. In the mid-20th century, these campaigns mi

You are the Vice President of Nursing Services in a nondenominational community hospital, and you receive a complaint from a patient, who is a Wiccan.  The patient and her primary care nurse, Penny Baker, were discussing her religious practices and how she prays, when another nurse, Ruth Goose, walked into the room, stated, ”Thou shalt not suffer a witch amongst you,” and told Penny not to discuss the “satanic religion” with the patient anymore. The patient demands an apology and threatens to go to the media.  She feels she has been discriminated against because she is a Wiccan and that her patient care experience was poor during her hospitalization because of her spiritual beliefs.  You convene a meeting with Penny and her immediate supervisor, Ruth Goose.

Ruth Goose is wearing a large gold cross on her neck.  Penny wears no jewelry and is dressed in her blue scrubs.  When you ask Penny what happened, Ruth answers for her.  “She did the right thing. We don’t have to pray with witches.  They worship Satan.  It’s blasphemy.  What’s next?  Human sacrifice?”  Penny can’t get a word in edgewise.  Ruth keeps repeating, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch amongst you, it says so in Leviticus!”.

What should you do?

Please complete responses below in essay format and APA citations . 

Discussion Questions

1.        What are the facts of this case?

2.       What is the nature of the organizational behavior problem?

3.       What are the 3 factors contributing to this dilemma?

4.       What are the top 3 management issues in this case?

5.       Who should be responsible for addressing these organizational issues?

6.       What kind of differences in spiritual and religious practices are you familiar with?  What if the patient had asked Penny to pray with her? Should she have done so? Discuss the pros and cons of praying with patients.

7.       Provide your reflections and personal opinions as well as your recommendations for addressing the issue of praying with patients





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Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized

Case Assignment

This first case paper will set the stage for the balance of your Capstone project. Choose an appropriate project organization of suitable size, and with which you are familiar enough to conduct suitable critical analysis. Please choose an IT-related organization. This can be your current organization/unit, or a reasonable portion thereof. The focus can also be a recent organizational assignment within a given organization. If your work or assignment situation is not primarily IT-related, you may still use it. You will simply need to detail how IT and ITM figure into the performance and outcomes of this organization. If you are not currently employed outside the home or in an IT setting, find an organization, or IT personnel in your organization, who would be willing to provide you such IT information as is required as you proceed through the various segments of the Capstone Case. In this case, you must involve IT issues in some meaningful way. For this first Case segment, at minimum, for your chosen organization, provide as much of the following descriptive and analysis information as possible:

  • Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized, etc.
  • What sort of ‘environmental’ challenges is this organization facing: social, economic, and technological? How are they responding? What are some of the key opportunities, problems, and challenges your organization is facing? What are the IT Governance issues? What are the ethical issues?
  • You will wish to detail your personal role and contributions to this organization as well as the personal challenges and opportunities you face.

Assignment Expectations

In all of this, you will need to reflect on your description and analysis (and perhaps adjust it accordingly) to ensure that you are able to integrate insight and learning from previous classes (and other sources as fits the circumstances). This means at least five contiguous academically sound citations and later full references. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. Note that this paper is incomplete without five academically sound references (relevant magazine articles from such sources as CIO are OK. Also, you may use Wikipedia and military/corporate references, but they do not count as one of the required five).

You will be assessed on the appropriateness and completeness of the detail you provide regarding your selected organization, your use of citations and references as noted above, and your intellectual insight into topically important issues. You will also be assessed on how well you adhere to the specific Capstone Case Guidelines provided to you





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized

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Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized, etc.

Case Assignment

This first case paper will set the stage for the balance of your Capstone project. Choose an appropriate project organization of suitable size, and with which you are familiar enough to conduct suitable critical analysis. Please choose an IT-related organization. This can be your current organization/unit, or a reasonable portion thereof. The focus can also be a recent organizational assignment within a given organization. If your work or assignment situation is not primarily IT-related, you may still use it. You will simply need to detail how IT and ITM figure into the performance and outcomes of this organization. If you are not currently employed outside the home or in an IT setting, find an organization, or IT personnel in your organization, who would be willing to provide you such IT information as is required as you proceed through the various segments of the Capstone Case. In this case, you must involve IT issues in some meaningful way. For this first Case segment, at minimum, for your chosen organization, provide as much of the following descriptive and analysis information as possible:

  • Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized, etc.
  • What sort of ‘environmental’ challenges is this organization facing: social, economic, and technological? How are they responding? What are some of the key opportunities, problems, and challenges your organization is facing? What are the IT Governance issues? What are the ethical issues?
  • You will wish to detail your personal role and contributions to this organization as well as the personal challenges and opportunities you face.

Assignment Expectations

In all of this, you will need to reflect on your description and analysis (and perhaps adjust it accordingly) to ensure that you are able to integrate insight and learning from previous classes (and other sources as fits the circumstances). This means at least five contiguous academically sound citations and later full references. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. Note that this paper is incomplete without five academically sound references (relevant magazine articles from such sources as CIO are OK. Also, you may use Wikipedia and military/corporate references, but they do not count as one of the required five).

You will be assessed on the appropriateness and completeness of the detail you provide regarding your selected organization, your use of citations and references as noted above, and your intellectual insight into topically important issues. You will also be assessed on how well you adhere to the specific Capstone Case Guidelines provided to you





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  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain

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