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big data analytics brings to light several possibilities where errors may exist in data due to noise

The article in this week’s readings regarding uncertainty in big data analytics brings to light several possibilities where errors may exist in data due to noise, incompleteness, or inconsistency. Considering the market basket approach presented in Chapter Three of the course text, write a 2-3 page, APA 7th edition-formatted paper discussing where potential errors or ethical challenges may exist in data gathered and used for marketing purposes. For example, in 2012, Target’s data analytics discovered that a teen girl was pregnant before her family knew based on purchase history and began sending related advertisements. Identify 2-3 ethical and legal issues surrounding the collection of consumer data and consumer privacy. How might these issues impact areas such as diversity, equity, inclusion, or targeting of social groups? Address what steps a business may take to clean their data or reduce inconsistencies.

with reference and citation 

no question and answer formatChaudhary, K., & Alam, M. (2022). Big data analytics applications in business and marketing.




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Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth

Login into CONNECT and click the link called “Course wide resources and additional activities”. Click the self

assessment link called “Do you have what it takes to be a leader?” and assess your leadership style.

Based on these assessment identify potential areas of improvement and prepare a Personal Development Plan

(PDP). You should then access the learning logs and complete both learning logs as directed to prepare your


Remember to follow APA guidelines for this assignment.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.


Specific experiences teach specific lessons necessary for success. But it is critical, as T.S. Eliot said,

not to “…have the experience, and miss the meaning.” Managers we studied who went on to

become effective executives not only had the experiences but learned lessons from them. Center

for Creative Leadership Studies on Executive Learning

Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth, career

development, and an enhanced ability to understand and have empathy with others. In their studies of

managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: (1)

understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; (2) know the impact of these values,

styles, and strengths and weaknesses on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and

(3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences.

Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness. We try to protect our selfesteem.

We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful or may require us to change our

treasured and habitual ways of seeing, thinking, and behaving. We may think that we already know ourselves well

enough. Or we may not want to take the time out of our busy schedules to engage in self-reflection — like the busy

woodcutter who never takes the time to sharpen the saw and eventually loses the ability to cut wood. In short,

developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection, is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned

yet reaps many rewards.

Keeping a learning log is a structured way to develop this skill. This log is a confidential, written record of your

personal development through the class.

The first log can be 8 -10 pages, and each entry should be no more than

1-2 double spaced pages. The last entry, your comprehensive action plan for change, should be no more than 6

pages. Your learning log is a confidential document. Only I will read it. The following criteria will be used to

evaluate your learning log.

• Completion of assignment: You submit the log on time, answer specific questions when asked to

do so, and have complete entries for each assignment. All papers must be submitted on time or

they will be considered late and at least 10% points will be deducted from your grade. The number

of points deducted for late papers will be determined based on how late the paper is turned in. If

there are special circumstances, please discuss these with the instructor.

• Self-reflection: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection. You provide

examples from your own experience. You show an understanding of the consequences of your

values, attitudes, style, behavior, etc. on yourself, others, and the organization. 30%

• Conceptual understanding: You demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of conceptual materials

from class and integrate them, as relevant, into your log. 30%

• Application: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to take steps toward personal change. You

discuss in depth possible plans for action. 20%

• Written composition: The learning log is professionally presented: well-organized and well written

(including spelling, grammar, reasonable paragraph length, double-spaced, 12 point font, pages

numbered, no less than 1 inch margins, and staying within page limits). 10%

• Plagiarism and citations: Please ensure to cite any external material properly as this paper will be

scanned for plagiarism. 10%

N.B: Required Learning Log questions  set 1

                          Learning Log questions set 2

                          Personal development plan

Please see attached for document.




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Peers several different topics on technology and society

During this course you have read, researched, and discussed with your peers several different topics on technology and society. Now it is time to think of at least one technology topic that has had some type of an impact on your life. Was this a positive or negative impact? Was it before the class or during the class?

I would like for you to explain the impact of this technology topic, the reasoning, and do a comparison to the ideas of both the authors writing about the topic and your classmate responses if it happened to be a weekly discussion topic (discussion boards will be opened for you to go back and read). If the topic was never discussed, then give several outside research comparisons to compare the objective technology topic. All papers should have at least two outside research articles to add into this topic paper. Write this personal reflection topic paper with a cover page with title and name, format required is double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt., with the last page listing all research resources, including the course book (use MLA or APA format). The minimum length this final paper should be is 1,000 words, about four total pages of content. Your paper may be longer if you need extra length for the content but not required. NO PLAGARISM

Topic: Health technology




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Why are several European countries like Spain, Italy, and the U.K. now including illegal activities like prostitution and drugs in their GDP calculations?

For questions 1-2, Read the “In the News” column on in 10-5 pp. 202-203 of your textbook entitled “No Sex, Please, We’re French.”1. Why are several European countries like Spain, Italy, and the U.K. now including illegal activities like prostitution and drugs in their GDP calculations? (4 points)

2. What is the French reason for not including these transactions in their GDP calculations, and why do you agree or disagree with this reasoning. (8 points)

3. A fallacy is a mistaken idea. In my notes I discuss the Broken Window Fallacy. Explain in a paragraph of at least 3 sentences what it is and why it is a fallacy. (6 points) 12

4. Near the end of my notes and Mankiw’s chapter, in 10-5 on pp. 202-203, a quote about GDP from Robert Kennedy is discussed. I also include a link to a youtube video that has the audio of that speech. Here it is again. if a link like that ever does not work, try it on anther device. You can also gather from my question you could search “Robert Kennedy GDP speech” and find many alternative versions of the link I provided. All the blue links in my notes can be accessed directly with Ctrl + click. In a paragraph of at least 4 sentences, give me one reaction you have to that quote – either something supportive or perhaps a critique of Kennedy’s statement. (8 points)Here is an article on several measures of well-being that are being experimented with as alternatives to the GDP statistic.

5. I want you to pick one of the several alternative measures discussed in that article and write me a paragraph of at least 4 sentences explaining why you chose that measure, what improvements and problems it might have over our GDP statistic, 13etc. Please don’t just summarize her pros and cons; think for yourself (6 points)

6. Given all the pros and cons we’ve discussed concerning GDP, do you think GDP Is a good measure of economic well-being?” Explain why or why not. (6 points)Here is another video on economic growth. Watch it and then provide answers to question 11 and 12.

7. . In the first third of the video, Alex Tabarrok discusses the importance of incentives. Describe the historical example of China he uses to illustrate the 14importance of incentives. Your description should also explain why incentives are important. (6 points)

8. In the second third of the video, Tabarrok discusses 5 institutions which allow economies to grow and prosper. Pick one of these and explain why you think it is important to promoting economic growth. (6 points)

9. In the final 3rd of the video, Tabarrok discusses ‘perhaps the most important question in development economics,’ Why do some countries have these key institutions and others do not. He then discusses 5 reasons as they apply to the United States. Pick one and explain why you think that factor was key in helping the United States become one of the world’s prosperous economies. (6 points)15

10. Reading my comments. Some students are still not aware that I provide extensive comments when I return your assignments. So I want to make sure you are aware of them. Go into any previous assignment I have returned and copy a comment I made on your assignment that you liked. Paste it in the space below. This is worth a full letter grade on this assignment. I don’t mean the short message in Canvas that says “Attached find your 3rd assignment, which I score 43/50,” I mean an actual comment I left on the Word document I returned. If you have never seen these, go into one of the old assignment folders and to find the document I have returned to you. Open it, and find a comment to paste here. Tell me why you chose that comment. (4 points)

Discussion 2: Podcast Assignment The Ezra Klein Show with Tyler Cowen. Ezra Klein and Tyler Cowen are two of the smartest observers of economic events I know. I listen to Klein’s podcast every week, and you know how fond I am of Marginal Revolution, which is cultivated by Cowen and his colleague Alex Tabarrok. Here is the Stitcher link to Klein’s recent interview of Cowen on Sept. 10th, 2021. Although you only have to listen to about 10-15 minutes of this podcast, I highly recommend you find time for more than that. I also strongly recommend you listen to it on the Stitcher link I have below, because Stitcher allows you to fast-forward much easier than most other platforms.’m learning you provide more meaningful written responses when I give you choices about what to post about. So listen to some of this podcast and write at least a paragraph response to two different parts of the podcast. Each of these two responses is worth 10 points, so this is worth 20 points total. Below is a guide to some of the key sections that might interest you. Note the times are approximate, and based on the non-paywall Stitcher podcast I link. If you listen to this on some other platform like Spotify or Apple Podcasts times will vary. 161. From the start of the podcast to about 9:00 min, they talk about economic growth and GDP. 2. 9:00-14:00. They discuss the importance of long-run growth. Discuss Cowen’s view of how we should care for the future and Einstein’s theory of time. 3. 14:00 to 21:30 They discuss the tension between more growth and more inequality, and the social welfare state, universal preschool, and the importance of promoting two-parent families.4. 21:30-30:00 they discuss different ways conservatives and progressives are limiting long-run growth. 5. 31:30-46:30, they discuss how technological innovation is now increasing, talking about the internet, artificial intelligence, green energy, biomedical tech, 4th generation nuclear power, virtual reality, and crypto-currency. 6. 46:30-54:30 they discuss Chinese oppression, the future of democracy, the promise of India, and future dystopias and how we might end civilization. 7. 54:30-70:00 They discuss problems with right-wing and left-wing economic thinking, polarization and our democracy, and how similar Biden and Trump policies have been. 8. 70:45 to the end they discus how you can take advantage of ideas including the ones you disagree with. Cowen gives a lot of advice here about how to develop your thinking, how to travel smarter, how to learn to like classical music, and what country is the best to travel to right now. 

11. Write your two responses here. Then copy them and go into The Discussion 2 link on our Canvas page and hit the ‘reply’ button. Paste your two responses on our discussion board. (20 points total)17Make sure your assignment is properly saved as yourlastname.docx

Chapter 10 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (2 points each)____ 1. In the opinion of Greg Mankiw, Paul Krugman, Tyler Cowen and Dan Owens, GDPa. is used to monitor the performance of the overall economy and is the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being.b. is used to monitor the performance of the overall economy but is not the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being.c. is not correlated with most people’s impression of their life satisfaction in many countries.d. Has so many flaws economists are recommending we now discard it for better measures.____ 2. One reason that spending equals income for our entire economy is thata. individuals can only spend what they earn each period.b. the number of firms is equal to the number of households in an economy.c. every dollar of spending by some producer is a dollar earned by some consumer. d. every dollar of spending by some consumer producer is a dollar of earned by some producer.____ 3. In what part of GDP is the money you spend on your education included?a. investment, although it might be argued that it would fit better in consumption.b. consumption, although it might be argued that it would fit better in investment.c. government spending, based on the fact that most higher-education students attend publicly-supported colleges and universities.d. None of the above is correct; in general, household spending on services is not included in any component of GDP.____ 4. In the equation C + I + G + NX, I represents Investment expenditures, which includesa. financial assets such as stocks and bondsb. capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including household purchases of new housing.c. capital equipment, inventories, and structures, excluding household purchases of new housing.d. stocks, bonds, and other financial assets like real estate.____ 5. By far, the largest component of GDP isa. Government Spending.b. Consumption.c. Investment.d. Net Exports.18____ 6. In the economy of Happyland in 2020, consumption was $3000, exports were $400, government purchases were $850, imports were $350, and investment was $750. What was Happyland’s GDP in 2020?a. $5450b. $5350c. $4550d. $4650____ 7. According to Mankiw, how much of the United States economy does Government spending make up?a. 50 percent of GDP.b. 17 percent of GDP.c. 68 percent of GDP.d. It is impossible to say because the government does not provide the public with accurate GDP statistics.____ 8. Suppose you get a pay increase this year of 6% and our economy experiences 8% inflation this year. What is true about your nominal and your real income?a. Your nominal income went up by 6% and your real income went up by 2%.b. Your nominal income went up by 6% and your real income went down by 2%.c. Your nominal income went up by 6% and your real income went up by 14%.d. Your nominal income went up by 8% and your real income went down by 2%.____ 9. A lot of valuable household production like childcare and cleaning and cooking is not counted in GDP because it is not sold in an official market. If we counted these activities in GDP thena. GDP would be smaller. b. GDP would be larger. c. GDP would be unchanged.d. It is unclear whether counting the economic value of these activities would raise or lower GDP.____10. Which of the following valuable goods or services is included in GDP?a. the value of leisure.b. the value of goods and services produced at home.c. the quality of the environment.d. None of these is included in GDP.Make one last check to be sure your assignment is properly saved. Make sure when you submit it, you submit a document with your answers on it, and not a blank document!  


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Web for several InfoSec-related job postings

Search the Web for several InfoSec-related job postings.

●      Do the postings comply with the concerns outlined in chapters 8 and 9?

●      Why or why not?

●      If not, what is missing?

Whitman, M. E., & Mattord, H. J. (2019). Management of information security (6th ed.) Cengage Learning

Print ISBN: 978-1337405713

eText ISBN: 978-1337671545

Supplemental text; for assignment research

Chopra, A. & Chaudhary, M. (2020). Implementing an information security management system: Security management based on ISO 27001 guidelines (1st ed.). Apress.

Print ISBN: 978-1484254127

eText ISBN: 978-1484254134


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Web for several InfoSec-related job postings

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account several cultural variables

In the decision-making process, you must take into account several cultural variables. Describe one of the variables associated with risk tolerance and one of the variables associated with internal/external locus of control. Why are these important factors to consider? Your response must be at least 300 words in length.

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To take this analysis from food chain to food system, identify several ways that the elements from your food chain are interconnected?

F2021 SOC808 Individual Report (25% of the final grade): Individually, each student will be responsible for writing a report about one food system issue related to their food item. Write a 1500-word report that outlines and analyzes one of the issues from your proposal. This is to be completed independently. Each group member is to select one of the issues and write an analytical paper about it, on their own. Each paper topic should be unique. You will find that each issue will have any number of sub-issues. For example, for the same topic, one might focus on social aspects, while a classmate may look at the ecological aspects of that same issue. The goal is that each of you will be able to contribute to an overall “big picture” on the food system for the food item you are researching. To take this analysis from food chain to food system, identify several ways that the elements from your food chain are interconnected? Where is the power in these relationships? What knowledge(s) are considered most important and valuable? Content and style requirements: The writing of an assignment from a sociological perspective requires the primary use of scholarly sources, such as scholarly journals, or books. The report should be approximately 1,500 words (+/-) 50 words. This word count does NOT include the title page or bibliography. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font size, and double line spacing. You are required to include a full reference list of all materials used in the paper. Sources of Evidence •

• Quantity: At least four sociological sources (peer-reviewed) journals, book chapters or books, plus the required textbook (Koc, Sumner, & Winson, 2021) are included (for a minimum of five references). There is a list of suitable sources in Chapter 1 of the text on page 13. •

• Currency and quality: Sources are carefully selected, with attention to timeliness and relevance. •

• Application and Relevance: Research is appropriate and relevant for the assignment topic and sufficiently integrated into the analysis. •

• Non-scholarly Sources: In addition to scholarly sources, you may include other relevant sources from media or web sources to highlight current discourse on the topic. Analysis provides context for why these sources are relevant, and how they relate to the research presented. See note below. •

• Follow APA guidelines for citation format (APA 7th edition preferred) – see Ryerson University Library’s Citation Guide.

• Note: In addition to sociological sources, you may require other data, such as government data from Statistics Canada, Health Canada, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), or other reputable sources such as Food Secure Canada (FSC) to provide a rationale for your argument. If you are providing any context for your paper from news sources, please note that these are NOT scholarly sources and will NOT count towards your minimum required number of scholarly sources. For example: • Newspaper articles (Toronto Star, The National Post, Huffington Post, etc.) • Magazine articles (Macleans, Newsweek, The Economist) • Encyclopedia reference (including Wikipedia) • Dictionary references • Non-scholarly websites, blogs, etc. The content in the weekly lectures are NOT to be used as a source of

reference for your paper. Any issue raised in the lectures must refer to the original scholarly source(s) upon which it was based.

Individual Report Grading Criteria • Abstract (2.5 marks): The abstract provides a 150-word synopsis of your paper and has

the following elements: • 1–2 sentences on the central issue and context • The majority of the abstract is on the main points of the analysis • 1–2 sentences on key conclusions

• Introduction/ Conclusion (2.5 marks): The essay introduction provides brief context for your topic. It should include your thesis statement and an overview of the essay’s structure. Your conclusion should clearly link to the opening remarks from your introduction. It should provide a brief summary and highlight significant points from your analysis. It is not a section of the paper to introduce new evidence and analysis.

• Content and Analysis (16 marks): Your analysis and evidence should focus on how or why the issue is important. Please ensure that your analysis incorporates scholarly sociological (and/or food studies) literature. Your writing should clearly incorporate several key themes or concepts from the course in a way that demonstrates a solid understanding. You will be required to think critically and assess how this content reinforced or changed your opinion about the topic as a whole. •

o Use a critical approach. Critical analysis focuses on the source nature and consequences of power relationships. Critical sociologists who study food raise questions such as how differential access to land, resources, and healthy food affects human health and how the environment is affected. They also emphasize how social institutions and popular beliefs can resist or reinforce the existing distribution of power and of resources. •

o Both direct quotes and an author’s ideas must be referenced in your paper script using in-text citations (APA style). Do not use more than 10% of the word count as direct quotes.

• Writing Style (4 marks)

o Writing Style (4 marks) • Your paper is to be organized as outlined above and presented in a coherent style. •

o Your analysis is to be clearly written and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. • Proper referencing Style (APA) for citations is required. See Ryerson University Library’s Citation Guide for support on using APA

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals To take this analysis from food chain to food system, identify several ways that the elements from your food chain are interconnected?

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Several years ago, working for the city government, we had a city manager who had little or no interest in employee morale

response to the below statement:

Several years ago, working for the city government, we had a city manager who had little or no interest in employee morale. He was only concerned about making the city council happy, to be reelected again and again. During this time, our division was off on Sundays. However, we rotated shifts and worked Monday through Saturday. Everyone worked a Saturday once every six weeks. This allowed employees time off with their families/ reset their batteries, and the city could still provide support for weekend activities. When the new city manager was appointed, we began to work 7 days a week, which meant our schedules were completely changed.

The decision negatively affected our morale, not to mention spending quality time with family. Code enforcement was now working 7 days a week, and our hours had also changed, making things worse. Employee morale dropped, a few staff members left to other cities, and I began to look for work elsewhere as well. Other things changed as well. For instance, the new city manager placed a hold on all promotions, salary increases and freeze employee evaluations. The purpose of this was to save money and meet the budget requirements. I can understand freezing salaries, promotions, but working on Sundays was the big take for me. After working there for several years, I left along with several people. My takeaway from this was, the city manager goofed things up and made bad decisions. Good decision-making is a vital part of good management because decisions determine how the organization solves problems, allocates resources, and accomplishes its goals, Daft (2013). He should have slowly and seamlessly asked employees that changes were on the way and that Sunday and Saturday coverage would be temporary until things simmer down, but instead, the change was all too fast for most folks. I think employees would have understood if he had worked with them and identified problems, but rather, he made nonprogram decisions. Non programmed decisions are made in response to unique situations, are poorly defined and largely unstructured, and have significant consequences for the organization, Daft (2013).


Daft, R. L. (2013). Management (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781285068657

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Several years ago, working for the city government, we had a city manager who had little or no interest in employee morale

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Several people participate in online communities to be entertained, to play,

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Entertainment value

Several people participate in online communities to be entertained, to play, or to relax (Armstrong and Hagel, 1996, Dholakia, Bagozzi, and Pearo, 2004, Ridings and Gefen, 2004). Entertainment value can be derived from fun and relaxation trough playing games or interacting with others (Dholakia, Bagozzi, and Pearo 2004). Many people get fun through encountering and solving online challenges or contests (McKenna and Bargh 1999). In addition, specific and challenging goals may provide an online community entertainment value (Beenen et al. 2004). Providing entertainment within a company-initiated online brand

community is therefore expected to affect the perceived value of the online brand community. Providing sufficient entertainment value with an online brand community of a food brand of Foodprints, including photos, videos, contests or games, might attract members.

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Several people participate in online communities to be entertained, to play, 

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GreatSmellz Ltd advertised their new ‘Health Cube’ oil diffuser in several health and lifestyle magazines as a cure for anxiety

Stoke United, a local football club, wished to promote its image and so the Marketing Manager placed an advertisement in The Sentinel on 1st January 2020 as follows:
This paper contains 5 questions.
Answer ALL questions.
Each question carries 20 marks.
Your word limit is capped at 2,500 in total.
OSCOLA referencing is required.
In January, GreatSmellz Ltd advertised their new ‘Health Cube’ oil diffuser in several health and lifestyle magazines as a cure for anxiety. The advert stated that GreatSmellz promised to pay £900 to anyone who bought and used their product for 3 months (according to instructions) and still felt anxious, or suffered any negative side effects attributable to the product. It added that the Health Cube was perfect for spouses who were worried about their family member’s anxiety.
In June, Michael, a self-employed plumber, read the advertisement in an addition of ‘Fitness Lifestyle’ magazine whilst waiting to see his dentist. Michael had been feeling anxious for the past few months, so he picked up a Health Cube from his local pharmacy on the way home for £69.
In May, GreatSmellz published a withdrawal notice via the local newspaper ‘Stoke News Daily’.
Both Michael and his partner Jess used the product as directed for 3 months. By this time, Michael felt his anxiety had gone. However, he has been feeling increasingly nauseous and dizzy. As a result, he booked an appointment with his GP, who ordered Michael to take time off work to recover. As a result, Michael lost one month of income from his job, as well as a lucrative contract with Parker Hotels Ltd to install toilets in all 10 of their hotels. The results of Michael’s medical tests indicated that the nausea and dizziness were attributable to GreatSmellz’s product ‘Health Cube’.
Jess had not suffered any side effects, but had also not seen a decrease in her anxiety. In fact, her anxiety has been made worse owing to Michael’s ill health and loss of income.
Both Michael and Jess have written to GreatSmellz Ltd claiming the £900 as promised in the advertisement.
In response, GreatSmellz claim:
• The advert was not an offer, it was merely an invitation to treat,
• Even if the advert was an offer, which they do not admit, then it was effectively withdrawn via the local newspaper in May.
• Michael is not entitled to the £900 because his anxiety had gone after using the product.
• Jess cannot claim the £900 as she didn’t purchase the product.
Using your knowledge of statute and case law, answer questions 1-5:
Each question carries 20 marks.

  1. Whether there was any offer present, and what factors might indicate it was an offer rather than an invitation to treat, and what type of offer it might be.
  2. If the notice was an offer, discuss how Michael might have accepted the offer and provided consideration.
  3. With regards to GreatSmellz’s second notice, explain whether this could be deemed an effective revocation.
  4. Explain the rules for claiming and calculating any damages that Michael may wish to claim.
  5. Explain whether the rules of privity of contract would prevent Jess from taking action against GreatSmellz

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