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company Exact, LLC, is planning to merge with Alot Inc. who owns and manages several state-of-the-art Data Warehouses

Your company Exact, LLC, is planning to merge with Alot Inc. who owns and manages several state-of-the-art Data Warehouses. To prepare for this merger, your management needs to become better acquainted with Big Data structures, data streams, and the various professions associated with Big Data; to do this, you have been asked to create a white paper that provides a description of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data and give an example of each. You will also need to explain a few data streams and their usage. Finally, to ensure the right people are available, you will need to provide a list of all the Big Data professions required to perform any new jobs the merger might require. This white paper is very important and should be clear, concise, and be of high quality – the success of the upcoming merger depends upon your work.


Use Word to create your white paper. Make sure to describe structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data and give an example of each. Discuss data streams and the rationale for their use and provide a list of all the Big Data professions that might be required to make this merger successful. Your work must be professional and follow the guidelines provided by Library Services under the resources heading below. This includes a minimum of 4 pages for your white paper





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Describe several situations in which you struggled to learn and retain new material in a class.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe strategies for deciding which course content to learn and retain


For this assignment, write a reflection of at least 200 words about the following questions.

  1. Describe several situations in which you struggled to learn and retain new material in a class. Was there a particular type of content that was more challenging compared with others?
  2. Explain at least two strategies for identifying the main course content that you could use moving forward for studying. Cite two resources where you can help at your school.




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Scenario Clara angry at another she bites him/her. You have talked to her several times about using her words vs. biting.

 behavior modification  

you are to write a behavior modification/operant conditioning plan for the following scenarios

positive behavior – state it

positive reinforcement – state what is it

negative behavior – state it

negative reinforcement – state what is it  

#1 Scenario Clara angry at another she bites him/her. You have talked to her several times about using her words vs. biting. You have given her remedies when she was getting angry and before biting. nothing seems to be helping her.

you have decided it is time for an operant conditioning ( behavior modification) plan

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Compare and contrast several issues of The Times newspaper from the 1850s and 1900.


Length: 2000 words

Please answer one of the following questions:

1. Compare and contrast several issues of The Times newspaper from the 1850s and 1900. Develop an argument to explain the changes, differences and continuities identified in The Times over the period. The differences could be in format, language, audience (class identifiers such as language, bias, advertising, content focus), political positioning or cultural bias.

1. Compare and contrast several days of The Times and the Daily News OR the Times and another British daily newspaper. Develop an argument to explain the differences you have identified. The differences could be in format, language, audience (class identifiers such as language, bias, advertising, content focus, city/provincial).

Hint: Select the same dates for the two papers you compare. You may wish to base your comparison on a run of dates (eg a week, fortnight or month), or on selected dates taken over a longer period (eg one day/month over 12 months or Jan 1 over a selected time frame).

1. Compare and contrast advertising in the Times and the Daily News OR The Times and another British daily newspaper. What does the advertising tell us about the nature of each paper and its assumed audiences? Develop an argument to explain the similarities and differences you have identified.

The daily papers are available through the National Library of Australia eResources, ‘Nineteenth Century British Newspapers’. The Times is also available through the Griffith University Library database.

Many of the critical weeklies are available National Library of Australia eResources, ‘British Periodicals Online’. The New Statesman is available through the New Statesman archive link on the papers website.

These databases are also available through most City Council websites.

At least EIGHT scholarly sources must be submitted in Bibliography.

Just a reminder that there are several example essays available on the course website under the Other Resources link. Also I want to give some general guidelines that I find are common themes given in marking this assignment.

Firstly, you do need to read the questions carefully and address the issues suggested by the topic. There needs to be a clear statement of argument presented in the introduction. Please focus on the issues suggested by the Study Guide and Readings. It is important to engage with the content of this unit, that is, the history of newspapers rather than a more general discussion of historical events.

Secondly, you must have at least six academic references in your bibliography. You cannot do well at tertiary level if you do not engage with substantial academic research. I have an extensive list of Suggested Readings under the Other Resources link.

And finally, please carefully edit your work, checking sentence structure, grammar and spelling.