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Visually present the balance sheet to depict what each company owns and what it owes over the past three years

To measure the financial performance of any company, it is important to analyze its four key financial statements: balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and shareholders’ equity statements. In this assignment, you will:

  • Visually present the balance sheet to depict what each company owns and what it owes over the past three years.
  • Visually present the income statement to depict how much money a company made and spent over the past three years.

The visual presentation and analysis will help you understand and compare the performance of both the companies to be acquired and eventually will help you build your recommendation for the acquisition.


Use the provided data sets of Company A and Company B to create data visualizations of their financial performance in Power BI. Then, based on the visualizations, write an executive summary interpreting the financial performance of Company A and Company B. Include screenshots from your data visualizations as needed in your summary. Follow the directions in the Power BI Executive Summary Assignment User Manual.

To complete this assignment, you will use Power BI software that is located within the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

  1. Assets, Liability, and Equity: Summarize how the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity have changed over three years for Company A and Company B. Include screenshots of your data visualization as follows:
    1. Company A: In Power BI, use the provided Company A Financials and construct a set of three clustered column charts, representing:
      1. The assets of Company A as represented in the data during each of the three years
      2. The liabilities and owners’ equity over the same three years
      3. Once the column charts are created, summarize the insights about how the assets, liability, and equity have changed over three years, as presented in the visualizations using Power BI
    2. Company B: In Power BI, use the provided Company B Financials and construct a set of three clustered column charts, representing:
      1. The assets of Company B as represented in the data during each of the three years
      2. The liabilities and owners’ equity over the same three years
      3. Once the column charts are created, summarize the insights about how the assets, liability, and equity have changed over three years, as presented in the visualizations using Power BI
  2. Revenue and Earnings: Use the provided income statements to summarize the gross revenue and net earnings for Company A and Company B over three years. Include screenshots of your data visualization as follows:
    1. Company A: In Power BI, use the provided Company A Financials document and construct a line chart illustrating the visual relationship of revenue, gross profit, total expenses, earnings before tax, net earnings, and taxes.
    2. Company B: In Power BI, use the provided Company B Financials document and construct a line chart illustrating the visual relationship of revenue, gross profit, total expenses, earnings before tax, net earnings, and taxes.
  3. Conclusion: Summarize your observations about the financial performance of both companies. Include any insights you may have about their performance trends or how they have performed compared to each other over the past three years.

What to Submit

Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations

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significant characteristics of the balance sheet


The Balance Sheet

Assignment Overview

The background material for this module explains and shows examples of balance sheets. Pay attention to the layout and definitions before reviewing the balance sheet the for ABC Company shown below.

This assignment has two parts. 

1. An essay

2. Answer 10 questions relating to ABC’s balance sheet.

Case Assignment

Part 1

Write a minimum of 300 words about the role of the balance sheet as one of the four required financial statements.

· Comment on some significant characteristics of the balance sheet.

· Who is interested in the information?

· What kind of information does the balance sheet convey to users?

Part 2

Review the background material for the second module before attempting the case below in order to answer a series of questions about the balance sheet for ABC Company shown below. Start with the accounting equation and pay attention to definitions of assets, liabilities, and equity.

The background information for the module includes the basic concepts, but for more ideas, go to the optional background source . The site also offers multiple videos that you may find relevant. You may also use other sites for ideas to complete the table. Do not forget to reference the sources used.

Find the balance sheet for ABC Company below. The data is to be used for part 2 of the current case assignment and the SLP for this module.

A picture containing text, receipt, screenshot  Description automatically generated    Answer each question below and explain your answer with numbers, computations, and 3 to 5 sentences. 

1. Determine total assets and total liabilities for ABC Company. Add some thoughts about the significance of the classifications.

2. Complete the accounting equation below using numbers from ABC’s balance sheet instead of words. In addition, explain how this equation is significant for the creation and understanding of the financial statements. Assets = Liabilities + Equity

3. Are short-term payables or receivables larger? Show the computation. Explain the significance of the difference.

4.  Is the order in which assets and liabilities are listed on the balance sheet significant? Explain.

5. Determine the total amount owed by ABC at the end of the year. How could this information be useful to a reader of the balance sheet?

6. Does the company have more assets or liabilities? What is the significance of determining the difference between net assets and net liabilities? What happens to a company if the total liabilities exceed the total assets?

7. If the company borrows an additional $15,000, which two balance sheet accounts will be affected? The new totals for total assets and total liabilities are …..?

8. Explain retained earnings. How is this accounting computed? Is retained earnings an asset, a liability, or an equity account?

9. What is the “total wealth” of the company according to the balance sheet? What are some other accounting terms for “wealth” in connection with corporate entities? For example, retained earnings account fits this category, but it is not the only account.

10. Assume that the company paid $20,000 in dividends to the shareholders. Which balance sheet accounts (items) would have been affected by the payment? Use numbers and be specific.

Assignment Expectations

Follow the instructions carefully. Do not copy and paste definitions.

· Complete Part 1 using an essay format.

· Do not use an essay format for part 2; instead, answer each question separately and in order.

Show sources when appropriate. APA format is suggested but not required




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Achieving Off-Balance-Sheet Financing

6.16 Achieving Off-Balance-Sheet Financing. (Adapted from materials by. R Dieter, D. Landsittel, J. Stewart, and A. Wyatt)

Diviney Company wants to raise $50 million Cash but for various reasons does not want to do so in a way that results in a newly recorded liability. The firm is sufficiently solvent and profitable, so its bank is willing to lend up to $50 million at the prime interest rate. Diviney’s financial executives have devised six different plans, described in the following sections. TRANSFER OF RECEIVABLES WITH RECOURSETRANSFER OF RECEIVABLES WITH RECOURSE Diviney will transfer to Condon Company its long-term accounts receivable, which call for payments over the next two years. Condon will pay an amount equal to the present value of the receivables, minus an allowance for uncollectible, as well as a discount, because it is paying now but will collect cash later. Diviney must repurchase from Condon at face value any receivables that become un collectible in excess of the allowance. In addition, Diviney may repurchase any of the receivables not yet due at face value minus a discount specified by formula and based on the prime rate at the time of the initial transfer. (This option permits Diviney to bene-fit if an unexpected drop in interest rates occurs after the transfer.) The accounting issue is whether the transfer is a sale (in which Diviney increases Cash, reduces Accounts Receivable, and recognizes expense or loss on transfer) or merely a loan collateralized by the receivables (in which Diviney increases Cash and increases Notes Payable at the time of transfer).PRODUCT FINANCING ARRANGEMENTPRODUCT FINANCING ARRANGEMENTDiviney will transfer inventory to Condon, which will store the inventory in a public warehouse. Condon may use the inventory as collateral for its own borrowings, the proceeds from which will be used to pay Diviney. Diviney will pay storage costs and will repurchase the entire invent-tory within the next four years at contractually fixed prices plus interest accrued for the time elapsed between the transfer and later repurchase. The accounting issue is whether the invent-tory is sold to Condon, with later repurchases treated as new acquisitions for Diviney’s invent-tory, or whether the transaction is merely a loan, with the inventory remaining on Diviney’sbalance sheet. THROUGHPUT CONTRACTTHROUGHPUT CONTRACT Diviney wants a branch line of a railroad built from the main rail line to carry raw material directly to its plant. It could, of course, borrow the funds and build the branch line itself. Instead, it will sign an agreement with the railroad to ship specified amounts of material each month for10 years. Even if Diviney does not ship the specified amounts of material, it will pay the agreed ship-ping costs. The railroad will take the contract to its bank and, using it as collateral, borrow the funds to build the branch line. The accounting issue is whether Diviney should increase an asset for future rail services and increase a liability for payments to the railroad. The alternative is to make no accounting entry except when Diviney makes payments to the railroad. CONSTRUCTION PARTNERSHIPCONSTRUCTION PARTNERSHIPDiviney and Mission Company will jointly build a plant to manufacture chemicals that both needing their production processes. Each will contribute $5 million to the project, called Chemical. Chemical will borrow another $40 million from a bank, with Diviney being the only guarantor of the debt. Diviney and Mission are each to contribute equally to future operating expenses and debt service payments of Chemical, but in return for its guaranteeing the debt, Diviney will have an option to purchase Mission’s interest for $20 million four years hence. The accounting issue is whether Diviney should recognize a liability for the funds borrowed by Chemical. Because of the debt guarantee, debt service payments ultimately will be Diviney’s responsibility. Alternatively, the debt guarantee would be treated as a commitment merely to be disclosed in the notes to Diviney’s financial statements. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIPRESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIPDiviney will contribute a laboratory and preliminary findings about a potentially protologue-splicing discovery to a partnership, called Venture. Venture will raise funds by selling the remaining interest in the partnership to outside investors for $2 million and borrowing $48million from a bank, with Diviney guaranteeing the debt. Although Venture will operate under Diviney’s management, it will be free to sell the results of its further r discoveries and development efforts to anyone, including Diviney. Diviney is not obligated to purchase any of Venture’s output. The accounting issue is whether Diviney would recognize the liability. HOTEL FINANCINGHOTEL FINANCING Diviney owns and operates a profitable hotel. It could use the hotel as collateral for a conventional mortgage loan. Instead, it considers selling the hotel to a partnership for $50 million cash. The partnership will sell ownership interests to outside investors for $5 million and borrow$45 million from a bank on a conventional mortgage loan, using the hotel as collateral. Diviney guarantees the debt. The accounting issue is whether Diviney would record the liability for the guaranteed debt of the partnership.


Discuss the appropriate treatment of each proposed arrangement from the viewpoint of the auditor, who must apply U.S. GAAP in deciding whether the transaction will result in a liability to be recorded or whether note disclosure will suffice. Does U.S. GAAP reporting result in an accurate portrayal of the economics of the arrangement in each case? Explain

6.21 Restructuring Charges at Intel.

Intel Corporation’s consolidated income statement appears in Exhibit 6.16.Note 15, which follows, explains the source of the restructuring charges, the breakdown of the charges into employee-related costs and asset impairments, and the balance of the accrued restructuring liability account We may incur additional restructuring charges in the future for employee severance andbenefit arrangements, and facility-related or other exit activities. Subsequent to the end of2008, management approved plans to restructure some of our manufacturing and assemblyand test operations, and align our manufacturing and assembly and test capacity to currentmarket conditions. These actions, which are expected to take place beginning in 2009, includeclosing two assembly and test facilities in Malaysia, one facility in the Philippines, and one facil-ity in China; stopping production at a 200mm wafer fabrication facility in Oregon; and endingproduction at our 200mm wafer fabrication facility in California.2008 NAND PLAN2008 NAND PLANIn the fourth quarter of 2008, management approved a plan with Micron to discontinue thesupply of NAND flash memory from the 200mm facility within the IMFT manufacturing network.The agreement resulted in a $215 million restructuring charge, primarily related to the IMFT200mm supply agreement. The restructuring charge resulted in a reduction of our investmentin IMFT of $184 million, a cash payment to Micron of $24 million, and other cash payments of$7 million.2006 EFFICIENCY PROGRAM2006 EFFICIENCY PROGRAMThe following table summarizes charges for the 2006 efficiency program for the three yearsended December 27, 2008:(in millions) 2008 2007 2006Employee severance and benefit arrangements $ 151 $ 289 $ 238Asset impairments 344 227 317Total $495 $516 $555402 CHAPTER 6 Accounting QualityCopyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.The following table summarizes the restructuring and asset impairment activity for the2006 efficiency program during 2007 and 2008:(in millions)Employee Severanceand BenefitsAssetImpairments TotalAccrued restructuring balanceas of December 30, 2006 $ 48 $ — $ 48Additional accruals 299 227 526Adjustments (10) — (10)Cash payments (210) — (210)Non-cash settlements — (227) (227)Accrued restructuring balanceas of December 29, 2007$ 127 $ — $ 127Additional accruals 167 344 511Adjustments (16) — (16)Cash payments (221) — (221)Non-cash settlements — (344) (344)Accrued restructuring balanceas of December 27, 2008$57 $— $57We recorded the additional accruals, net of adjustments, as restructuring and asset impair-ment charges. The remaining accrual as of December 27, 2008 was related to severance benefitsthat we recorded within accrued compensation and benefits.From the third quarter of 2006 through the fourth quarter of 2008, we incurred a total of$1.6 billion in restructuring and asset impairment charges related to this program. Thesecharges included a total of $678 million related to employee severance and benefit arrange-ments for appr oximately 11,900 employees, and $888 million in asset impairment charges.


a. Based on your reading of the note, how would you treat Intel’s restructuring charges inthe assessment of current profitability and the prediction of future earnings?

b. Why is the balance of the ‘‘accrued restructuring’’ limited to employee-related costs?

c. Describe the effect on net income of each entry in the ‘‘accrued restructuring balance’’ account reconciliation. (For example, what is the effect of ‘‘Additional accruals’’ on net income?)

d. How do U.S. GAAP and IFRS differ on the rules used to compute the restructuring charge?

7.3 Dividends. Following is the shareholders’ equity section of All-Wood Doors on a dayits common stock is trading at $130 per share. Common stock ($2 par value, 40,000 shares issued and outstanding) $80,000Additional paid-in capital on common stock 1,600,000Retained earnings 3,000,000

a. Use the financial statement template below to show the financial statement effects ofthe following dividend events. (Assume that the events are independent.)(1) Cash dividend declaration and payment of $1 per share(2) Property dividend declaration and payment of shares representing a short-terminvestment in Screen Products, Ltd., with a fair value of $10,000(3) 10% stock dividend(4) 100% stock dividend(5) 3-for-1 stock split(6) 1-for-2 reverse stock splitAssets = Liabilities +Shareholders’ EquityCC AOCI REJournal entry:

b. Which events changed the book value of common equity? Under what conditions willthese events lead to future increases and decreases in ROCE (see Chapter 4 for the ROCEdefinition)


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The Balance Sheet, or as it is sometimes called The Statement of Financial Position

 For week two research and post the following financial statements of a healthcare provider:

  1. The Balance Sheet, or as it is sometimes called The Statement of Financial Position
  2. The Income Statement, which is also referred to as the Statement of Operations
  3. The Statement of Cash Flows

The statements should and normally do show at least two years of comparable data.  

Note these may be contained in extensive multi-page documents.  So as we can better learn from each other please excerpt or scan just the statements above.  As required by the article paper grading rubric, students should not use the same data from the same provider. Answer the following questions about the financials posted:

  1.  Share the following from the financials, what is the organizations… 
    1. Total assets and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    2. Total liabilities and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    3. Total revenues and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    4. Total expenses and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    5. Operating profits and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
  2.  Given the above report on what you believe to be the provider’s financial health.  Is it improving or not? What strengths or challenges do you observe?

Everything should be 1-2 pages long






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GHS Safety Data Sheet i

1. When certain hazardous chemicals are stored or mixed together, violent reactions can occur. Section 7 of the new GHS Safety Data Sheet includes a section describing any chemical incompatibilities. Reflect on the importance of this section and a general understanding of chemical incompatibility in the workplace. What tool do you currently use and intend to use to evaluate chemical reactivity and incompatibility in your workplace?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

2. Recall and reflect on a hazmat incident that has occurred in your lifetime. Describe that incident and detail the tools or resources that you would use as a first responder to evaluate the chemicals that were involved in the incident.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

3. For this assignment, you will compose an essay about the concept of chemical incompatibility including practical information involving two common chemical products.

· Choose bleach (a base) and another household chemical product that is an acid and review the product labels. You can access product labels and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information on the Internet.

· Record each product’s chemical formulation.

· Review Section 7 of the product SDS and summarize that information as it relates to the chemical incompatibility and storage of the bleach and the other product that you chose.

· Next, you will use the U.S. EPA Chemical Mixing Compatibility Chart and comment on any chemical incompatibilities associated with the product/chemical(s) that you selected. Include such information as the chemical reactions that could occur if the two products somehow became mixed with one another during an emergency response incident. Also, identify how the chemical properties, uses, and other unique hazards of these two products can affect the tasks and safety of first responders (environmental health and safety/fire service professionals) to an emergency response incident. The chart can be found by clicking here and scrolling down to page 18. There, you will find a description of the chart and the chart itself on pp. 20-21. You are not required to read the rest of the document.

· Summarize and compare the usefulness of the SDS information and the compatibility chart. Were the two references in agreement, or did you find that the information was contradictory? Include a discussion on how you intend to use chemical incompatibility information to keep your workplace or home safe.

Your response must be at least one page in length. You are required to cite the SDS and the U.S. EPA Chemical Mixing Compatibility Chart in your response. All other sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA format. You must cite at least three sources in your response.

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Create a data sheet to record all data and calculations

To complete the lab assignment, complete the following steps within the virtual lab:

1. Create a data sheet to record all data and calculations.

2. Obtain a 250 mL beaker and fill with water from the stock solution of water available. (This will be used to find the density of all three metals). The stock solution of water can be removed from the workbench once water is added to the beaker.

3. Obtain metal 1 from the stockroom and notice the approximate volume needed (found in the information tab).

4. Obtain a graduated cylinder that is larger than the approximate volume needed (if the needed volume is 10 mL, obtain a 25 mL graduated cylinder; if needed volume is 20 mL, obtain a 50 mL graduated cylinder).

5. Using a pipet (use appropriate size pipet for volume needed), transfer water from the beaker to the graduated cylinder.

6. Record volume transferred.

7. Obtain the scale from the stockroom.

8. Obtain a weigh boat from the stockroom (found under glassware).

9. Place weigh boat on scale, record weight displayed.

10. Tare weight displayed (click tare button on scale – if this button does not work, then continue with next step. Make sure you have recorded weigh boat weight, so you can subtract it to determine weight of metal).

11. Pour metal 1 onto weigh boat and record weight of metal 1 added to weigh boat.

12. Add metal from weigh boat to the graduated cylinder.

13. Record amount of metal added.

14. Record new volume.

15. Calculate the density of the metal and record.

16. Repeat for metal 2 and metal 3.

17. Identify the correct metal in provided boxes in virtual lab.

18. Take a screenshot of completed virtual lab page. For assistance taking a screenshot, refer to the following guide.

19. Submit the screenshot along with the data sheet.