Writers Solution

McGraw Hill provide a short tutorial on how to approach a case, including how to think about the analysis and how to write it up in case form

MAIN PAPER. (170pts). The primary deliverable is 5-7 page paper (2500 -3000 words) that includes a comprehensive strategic analysis with observations, insights, and recommendations on how to address

Case 10: Beyond Meat, Inc. 

  • Crafting & Executing Strategy, Concepts and Cases, 23th Edition, including CONNECT online software (A. A. Thompson Jr., M. A. Peteraf, J. E. Gamble and A. J. Strickland III), McGraw-Hill.  Note that this semester we have a new edition, 23e.
  • E-book with CONNECT (ISBN: 9781265533359 e-book with CONNECT).  Best value.

MAIN PAPER.  (170pts).

  • The primary deliverable is 5-7 page paper (2500 -3000 words) that includes a comprehensive strategic analysis with observations, insights, and recommendations on how to address the issues identified.  Questions are provided as a guide.  Additional exhibits such as financial charts, graphs, or analytical visualizations should be included but will not be part of the word count. The TURNITIN plagiarism review tool is enabled.

Advice on Assignment completion:

  • Read the two files with tips on preparing a report like this.
    1. McGraw Hill provide a short tutorial on how to approach a case, including how to think about the analysis and how to write it up in case form.
      • Guide_to_Case_Analysis from McGraw Hill.pdf Download Guide_to_Case_Analysis from McGraw Hill.pdf
    2. I have also provided a quick summary from my point of view on additional things to consider.
      • GEB4890 Case Writing Tips.docx Download GEB4890 Case Writing Tips.docx
  • Start early.  If you have an understanding of your case and the questions to address, as we finalize the semester you may find applicable material, concepts, and analytical methods.
  • Review your old finance notes if needed.  The case requires a financial assessment – so you will need to understand what the numbers mean and the implications to your strategic recommendations.
  • Remember your audience.  These are reports to a BOD or Senior management.  Get to the point.  Be brief but be thorough.  This is not an essay it is a business report.
  • Support your conclusions with analysis.  Use the analytical techniques covered in the text or from other classes.
  • The recommendations must be tied in to the conclusions and implications from the case analysis.  No surprises.
  • Ask me questions.

Case Study – Beyond Meat, Inc.

Case Study – Beyond Meat, Inc.

Case #10 Beyond Meat, a producer and marketer of plant-based protein intended as a substitute for animal based proteins, had evolved into one of the fastest growing food companies in the United States.  However, as 2020 unfolded, Beyond Meat was confronted with mounting competition.  How much longer could they keep their advantage and sustain their growth?

Background and Videos on the Company

  • Case #10 in the text provides a background and information on Beyond Meat, Inc.
  • Additional videos supporting the case.
    • Inside Beyond Meat, the Plant-Based Company Disrupting a Trillion Dollar Industry
      • Beyond Meat, The Plant Based Company Overview (Links to an external site.)
    • Beyond Meat CEO Reacts to Beef and Pork Shortages, Talks “Real Opportunity” This Summer
      • Mad Money Overview and Update on Beyond Meat May 6, 2020 (Links to an external site.)

Case Analysis Guidance

You have been asked to complete a strategic review of the Beyond Meat, Inc. business and provide a report that includes analysis, observations, issues identification, and recommendations for them moving forward.  Use the questions below as a guide to your report but remember do not repeat the questions in the report, these are guides to help your discussion. 

Format and Organization.  Please include header (your name, class section), and footer (page numbers).  Please check for grammar and spelling.  Please organize your report and ensure clarity of writing and content.

  1. Strategy Overview
    • Describe the broader strategy/strategic positioning.
    • What is their strategic positioning.
    • What are the key elements of their strategy.
  2. Situation Analysis (using the tools and frameworks from Ch 3/4)
    • Competitive Situation
    • How strong are the competitive forces confronting the company?
      • Do a Five Forces analysis to support your answer. Assess each Competitive Force and provide an assessment of whether you think the competitive force is weak, moderate, or strong and provide drivers and rationale for the assessment.
      • Utilize any additional framework for competitive review as appropriate for additional competitive insights.
    • SWOT Analysis
      • Complete a SWOT analysis and discuss what this analysis reveals about the overall attractiveness of the industry and their situation as a company.
    • Financial Performance
      • Using the financial information provided in the case, prepare an analysis looking at various performance metrics, including elements such as revenue growth, COGS and Operating expense ratios, profit margins, and various other financial ratios as appropriate.
      • Best practice will include a table or some illustration of the financial information and ratios you are analyzing and tie to your conclusions.
      • Determine which aspects of the company’s performance might be characterized as strong and also those aspects you believe are in need of improvement, or may be a strategic issue that needs to be addressed.

3.  Strategic Priorities and Recommendations (think about the content of Chapters 5-8 regarding strategic moves)

  • Based on your analysis of the information and, what are the top 3-4 strategic priorities that the company’s CEO and top management should address? This discussion should be supported by the analysis in the earlier sections of the report.
  • Provide recommendations on each of the priorities identified.  What actions should the company be taking to address the key issues.
    • Use your best judgement and creativity to provide recommendations. Use  the materials covered in class as thought starters for actions the company could take.
    • Some recommendations may be more concrete than others.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


  • McGraw Hill provide a short tutorial on how to approach a case, including how to think about the analysis and how to write it up in case form

    Writers Solution

    Debra Woog McGinty and Nicole C. Moss have compiled a short corporate culture survey aimed at identifying characteristics of workplaces

    Organizational Structure and Culture

    For the SLP 4 assignment, you will explore some aspects of an organization’s culture, at least as you see it. (Select an organization you have worked with, if possible.) Since the concept of organizational culture is open to many interpretations and classifications, this assessment offers a slightly different approach from your background reading on organizational culture.

    Required Reading

    Debra Woog McGinty and Nicole C. Moss have compiled a short corporate culture survey aimed at identifying characteristics of workplaces. The categories of workplace description that it generates are fairly self-explanatory.


    When you have completed the assessment think about it for a minute, and how it compares to the Academy, Baseball Team, Fortress, and Club cultures described by McNamara in the Background reading. Then prepare a 2- to 3-page paper addressing:

    • Your scores on the McGinty/Moss assessment and whether or not they fit your general expectations or constitute a surprise in some ways. Interpret the results of the assessment in terms of your own experience, either to confirm or to question the results. Compare your findings with the McNamara categories.
    • The degree to which the McGinty/Moss assessment and the McNamara information tell you similar or dissimilar things about your organization.
    • Do the assessment and the McNamara categories help improve your managerial understanding and/or skills? What can you infer from the assessment results about how your organization’s culture fits or doesn’t fit with you? What (if anything) can you do to make your interaction with the culture more effective?
    • Provide your opinion on whether or not the questions asked help you understand the organization and how you cope with it. Do they accurately assess what is needed to analyze a company’s culture?
    • Include the actual results to the survey in an Appendix section in your paper




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Debra Woog McGinty and Nicole C. Moss have compiled a short corporate culture survey aimed at identifying characteristics of workplaces

    NO PLAGIARISM, Get impressive Grades in Your Academic Work

    Writers Solution

    practice responding and analyzing short stories with support derived from research

     Literary Analysis In this essay you should combine your practice responding and analyzing short stories with support derived from research. So far in class, we have practiced primarily formal analysis. Now I want you to practice ″joining the conversation.″ In this essay you will write a literary analysis that incorporates the ideas of others. The trick is to accurately present ideas and interpretations gathered from your research while adding to the conversation by presenting your own ideas and analysis. You will be evaluated based on how well you use external sources. I want to see that you can quote, paraphrase and summarize without plagiarizing. Remember, any unique idea must be credited, even if you put it in your own words. Choose one of the approaches explained in the ″Approaches to Literary Analysis″ located at the bottom of this document. Each approach will require research, and that research should provide the context in which you present your own ideas and support your thesis. Be sure to properly document your research. Review the information, notes, and pamphlets I have distributed in class as these will help guide you. While I am asking you to conduct outside research, do not lose sight of the primary text to which you are responding—the story! Your research should support your interpretations of the story. Be sure that your thesis is relevant to the story and that you quote generously from the story. To rewrite and make plagiarism free. Purpose: critical analysis, Argument, writing from sources Length: approx 1200 words Documentation: Minimum of 4 sources required. Document in MLA format 




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  practice responding and analyzing short stories with support derived from research

    NO PLAGIARISM, Get impressive Grades in Your Academic Work

    Writers Solution

    Macroeconomic policymaker, how do you balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation rate and unemployment rate

    a. If you were macroeconomic policymaker, how do you balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation rate and unemployment rate? Explain. b. What is the historical relationship between rates of unemployment and inflation in the U.S. economy? What are the most current figures for the unemployment rate and the inflation rate? What does this say about the U.S. economy today?






    Finance: Discussion Questions

    (Course Instructor)

    (University Affiliation)

    (Student’s Name)

    How to Balance the Short-Run Tradeoff between Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate

                According to (McTaggart, Findlay & Parkin, 2012, p. 606) one of the methods that are employed in the study of inflation cycles involves the use of the relationship and the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In the short-run, there is a trade of between the unemployment and inflation in the economy.

     As a microeconomic policy maker, to balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation rate and unemployment rate, there is need to set the expected inflation rate and natural unemployment rate. In the short-run, any policy that leads to an increase in inflation increases the rate of unemployment, while a policy that leads to reduction in inflation leads to reduced unemployment rates. In setting the expected inflation rate and natural unemployment rate, a balance in the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment rate can be achieved.

    Historical Relationship between Rates of Unemployment and Inflation in the U.S. Economy            

    The historical relationship between the rates of unemployment and……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






    Writers Solution

    Short Paper: Emerging Technologies

    Unit 8: Short Paper: Emerging Technologies
    With the advent of various technological advancements, law enforcement efforts in the investigation and prosecution of crime have been met with positive results. However, with every advantage comes a disadvantage. Criminals have also benefited from these technologies and use the same advancements that law enforcement employs during the commission of their crimes, or as a tool for their crimes (this is evidenced in computer-related offenses and the misuse of the Internet).
    In a 3 – 4 page paper (excluding title and reference pages), address the following areas in full detail: summarize the advantages of computers/software and the use of computer technology in investigations, summarize the disadvantages to law enforcement with respect to the advancements of computers, research a case where the computer was used to aid in the commission of a crime, research a case where the use of the computer was beneficial to the prosecution in a criminal case, and provide a final conclusion/paragraph that addresses your subjective opinion as to whether these technologies, in an overall sense, are of benefit or a hindrance to law enforcement efforts.






    Unit 8

     Emerging Technologies

    Joy Flores

    Bachelors Capstone in Criminal Justice



    Professor Ann Marie Perez

    May 12, 2017

    Emerging Technologies

    Law Enforcement and Advancement in Technology


                The process of crime investigation involves the gathering information which is relevant to the crime that has or is being committed. The changes in technology have had impact on criminal investigation and criminal tendencies. The innovation in telecommunication and computers had led to changes in ways that crimes occur and the way they are being investigated. Whereas the law enforcement agencies continue to adopt technologies in fight against crime, criminals continue to adopt technology, leading to complexity of criminal activities. More people are now at a risk of cybercrime, children face increased risk towards bullying and abuse (Casey & BS, 2011). Although modern technologies can help in fight against crimes, its adoption can offer positives and negatives

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers/Software in Investigations             The data about crimes have become voluminous and the use of computers provides an effective way of searching and analyzing such data. Many crimes are reported on a daily basis, which makes manual analysis a tedious and near impossible tas……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






    Writers Solution

    American businesses have often been criticized for short-term thinking that places too much emphasis on payback period and ROR.

    Reflection and Disucssuion 

    Chapter 3. Engineering Economic Analysis

    Chapter 4. Life-Cycle Costing

    Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Respond to the following prompts: “What do I feel are the most important aspects of my learning in the chapters this week?” and “What about this learning was really worthy of my time and understanding?” Then explain how important it is in society or business.

    Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

    1. American businesses have often been criticized for short-term thinking that places too much emphasis on payback period and ROR. When Honda started making cars in the early 1970s, for example, the chief executive officer stated that the firm would be “willing to accept an ROR no greater than 2% or 3% for as long as it took to be recognized as the best car maker in the world.” In light of the success of many Japanese firms, is the criticism of American business justified?
    2. Most countries have a progressive income tax system whereby each dollar earned in incrementally higher tax brackets is taxed at an increasingly higher rate. Do you think that a flat tax system would be more fair? How about a proportional tax system? Explain your answer.
    3. Discuss the effect of taxes on the life-cycle costing (LCC) of passenger cars. Compare domestic and imported cars.


    Activity I: A young engineer decides to save $240 per year toward retirement in 40 years.

    1. If he invests this sum at the end of every year at 9%, then how much will be accumulated by retirement time?
    2. If by astute investing the interest rate could be raised to 12%, then what sum could be saved?
    3. If he deposits one fourth of this annual amount each quarter ($60 per quarter) in an interest bearing account earning a nominal annual interest rate of 12%, compounded quarterly, how much could be saved by retirement time?
    4. In part (c), then what annual effective interest rate is being earned?

    Activity II: Maurice Micklewhite has decided to replant his garden. Show him what the cost is of making an erroneous decision at various stages of the project, starting with conceptual design and ending with the ongoing maintenance of the garden.

    The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 2 – 2.5 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

    Writers Solution

    reader analyze a literary element common to two short stories so as to understand meaning in the stories?

    How may a reader analyze a literary element common to two short stories so as to understand meaning in the stories? By writing this paper, you will answer this question and demonstrate the following skills for writing about literature:

    • Analyze literature for a purpose.
    • Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation in order to demonstrate reading and summary skills.
    • Identify a literary element common to two short stories.
    • Identify one to three examples from each story as evidence of the element.
    • Write a thesis statement that clearly identifies the common element, and what the paper will discuss about the stories and the element.
    • Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that inform the reader what the paragraph will discuss.
    • Develop paragraphs that support the topic sentences.
    • Organize a comparison and contrast paper by presenting paragraphs logically and effectively, using one of two methods for comparison and contrast: story-by-story or idea-by-idea.
    • Write sentences in Standard English that clearly express ideas.
    • Demonstrate correct use of MLA formatting within the paper and on a Works Cited page.
    • Explain your writing process clearly and coherently.
    • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
    Writers Solution

    Falling Oil Prices and their Long-term and Short-term Impact on the Ordinary Investor


    Falling Oil Prices and their Long-term and Short-term Impact on the Ordinary Investor

    Articles provided, other financial resources are permitted also using the leading research in the area from the latest editions of major finance journals; use at least four peer reviewed academic articles, and four credible professional/business journals, newspapers or magazines.

    short research paper of 2500 words (± 250 words, excluding table of contents, bibliography, tables, charts etc.)

    The research project (should provide a comprehensive overview of the topic by integrating the topics covered in this course as they impact the area. Special consideration will be paid to the integration of finance topics while grading these projects. As such, students are encouraged to develop their papers in a manner which will highlight their understanding and integration of the topics covered in this course as part of their research project.

    Please touch on the following

    1. Valuing level cash flows: annuities and perpetuities
    2. Ø Inflation and interest rates
    3. Ø Common stock terminology and valuation
    4. Ø Features and valuation of common and preferred stock
    5. Ø Relevant cash flows
    6. Ø Pro forma financial statements
    7. Ø Capital cost allowance
    8. Ø Valuing level cash flows: annuities and perpetuities
    9. Ø Inflation and interest rates
    10. Ø Common stock terminology and valuation
    11. Ø Features and valuation of common and preferred stock
    12. Ø Relevant cash flows
    13. Ø Capital cost allowance


    Buffett, W. (2012, March). Warren Buffett’s $50 billion decision. Forbes Life Magazine. Retrieved from

    Funk, J. (2013, May 6). Warren Buffett calls bonds ‘terrible investment’ right now. CTV News. Retrieved from 

    Montier, J. (2008). Mind matters: The dangers of DCF. Societe Generale. Retrieved from

    Swedroe, L. (2011, October 4). The accuracy of experts forecasts. CBS News: MoneyWatch. Retrieved from