Writers Solution

What types of assessment data should be gathered from clients?



1. What types of assessment data should be gathered from clients?

2. What is brokering of services and give two examples?

3.  What are the core functions of case management?

4.  Explain two models of case management.

5. Explain the five stages of the change model.

6. Explain what is paraphrasing, reflection, confrontation, and interpretation is in the interview process.

7. Explain the 4 principles of motivational interviewing




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What should you do in order to provide the best possible education for Monica’s students?


For this assignment you will write a 1,500 to 2,000 word essay in which you respond to the scenario below. You must use a minimum of four academic resources. Please review the scenario and use the questions at the conclusion to guide your thinking for the responses. Be sure to use APA formatting for all portions of this assignment. Include a title page, and introduction with a directive thesis, paragraphs that support the thesis, conclusion and a reference page.


The majority of school leaders would agree that substitute teachers are generally not as effective in terms of student learning as contracted classroom teachers. If a contracted teacher is regularly absent, students usually do not perform as well. Most teacher collective bargaining agreements (Unions), allow a certain number of sick days to accumulate, if not used during a given contractual period. It is not unusual for a teacher to “bank” more than 100 days. Considering the following scenario:

Monica has been teaching first grade at Millwood Elementary School for 29 years and is just a few years from retirement. She seldom missed any days during her first 20 years in the system. However, after she banked her allowable 200 sick days, in recent years she routinely used all 10 sick days, 3 days of personal leave, and 5-10 professional leave days each school year. Monica’s sick days consistently fell on Mondays and Fridays. Her pattern of absences has you concerned as you are her new principal. Missing 20 days or more each school year is an issue for her students, who are and were in a crucial time in their academic development. Monica’s class scored much lower on the state mandated tests than the other first grade classrooms for each of the last nine years. As the new school leader you want to change the pattern.

As Monica’s principal you discussed her attendance patterns with her and the school’s union representative. You expressed your concern for her students’ academic progress and your suspicions that she might not really be sick due to all the Monday/Friday absences. Monica informed you that she had a contractual right to take sick leave when she was not feeling well and she could not help that it was on those particular days. The union representative agreed with her. After your meeting with Monica there was no change in her attendance or in her students’ achievement.

While it is not good for a teacher to miss 20 or more days per school year at any grade level, you make the decision that her absences would not be as impactful at a higher grade level so you made the decision to move Monica to fifth grade at the start of the new school year. The move upset Monica and she asked for a meeting. Monica explained to you that she has taught first grade for 29 years and that she feels betrayed. She goes on to tell you that teaching fifth grade will be very difficult, but she has no choice but to accept this position as she is only two years away from retirement.

Once the school year started Monica used her 10 days of contractual sick leave during the first month. When she was at school, her classroom was disorderly and you began to hear complaints from parents. When you called Monica in to discuss the situation with her, she handed you a letter from her doctor stating that the stress of teaching fifth grade was causing her mental and physical ailments. In the doctor’s opinion, she needed to take off three weeks and then return on a limited basis that would allow her to teach two or three days per week.

You concluded that Monica had banked enough sick leave to continue this type of schedule until retirement and you found this to be unacceptable. What legally can you do in this situation?

In your essay please respond to the following questions:

  1. What should you do in order to provide the best possible education for Monica’s students?
  2. Is the school legally obligated to follow the doctor’s recommendation?
  3. Could you relieve Monica of her fifth grade teaching assignment and assign her to other duties where she would have less of an impact?
  4. Could you recommend any disciplinary action or termination of Monica’s contract?
  5. What protection does Monica have that would prevent termination or disciplinary action if any?
  6. Does the school district have the right to ask for a second medical opinion? If so, and the second opinion confirms the first what would be your course of action?
  7. What precedent if any, is this setting for other staff members?
  8. What are the other options/issues do you see in dealing with this situation?

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Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why?

1. DECRIMINALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why? Your answer should be at least 250 words.

2. I disagree and why not? minimum words 75.

3. LEGALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some drugs should be legalized in general and why? (See pages 340-341 in the textbook). Your answer should be at least 250 words. 

4. I disagree and why not? at least 75 words minimum.

5. Watch the short video on Harm Reduction and read pages 44- 45 in the textbook. What do you think about harm reduction programs such as needle exchange programs and medication assisted treatments? Your answer should be at least 250 words. 

6. Elaborate more why disagree? 75 words minimum.

7. Why Agree? 75 words minimum.

Please use the reference below:

How Portugal Successfully Tackled Its Drug Crisis

youtube video:

Legalize all drugs

Youtube video:

 Harm Reduction

Why the war on drugs is a huge failure




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Should renewable energy replace fossil fuels?

Problem-Solution Proposal

Purpose: To persuade the audience of the following: 1) a problem/issue exists (your arguable issue/your question is your confirmation that a problem exists), 2) there is a way to solve the issue OR improve the situation, and 3) the proposed solution is beneficial. Audience: An organization, foundation, group, website, publication, foundation, individual, etc., who has the authority to grant what you propose. You have to choose a specific audience (no “American people,” “people interested in my topic,” or “government”) for your paper. Name your audience by a proper noun (i.e., you have to capitalize it). You must address your audience twice in the proposal: once in the problem section and once in the conclusion section.

Format: This is not a traditional essay. This is a proposal. You are proposing a solution or an improvement to your issue. It requires a different format than you are used to writing. It requires a proposal format. There is a title page with one required and cited visual and bold sections, and sometimes italics for subsections. There are also two additional visuals needed for the Problem section. However, the paragraphs and citations follow standard MLA. Overview of the Proposal by organized, formatted, bold sections that are organized for your proposal:

1. Problem or Issue: Provide an overview and introduction of the problem or arguable issue, including short quotations or paraphrases from sources, each documented with MLA formatted in-text citations. You need two visual sources within this section, and the one on the title page does not count, but you must have a title page visual. Remember to use language designed to convince (appeals: logos, ethos, pathos) your audience about the problem. Think about the values and emotions you share with your audience and consider how you might appeal to them through the appeals. Here are some tips to help persuade your audience to care about your issue:

• Try to evoke emotions (sympathy, outrage, anger, delight, awe, horror, etc.) in your audience that make your paper more moving.

• Try to evoke sensations (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling) in your audience that

make your writing vivid and help readers experience things imaginatively.

• Appeal to values (freedom, justice, tolerance, fairness, equality, etc.) that you share with your audience.

In this section, also add your opinion. Where do you stand? This should be at the end of this first problem section, and you also need to mention your audience directly. Who did you pick to propose this solution to?

2. Solution: Provide a realistic solution that will alleviate OR improve the situation within context. This solution or improvement should be the central position of the proposal. Address at least

Bibek Wagle

Topic : Should renewable energy replace fossil fuels?

one extended counterargument to some part of your issue in this section. You may choose a hypothetical naysayer or a real opponent found in your sources if your solution has multiple parts, subhead with italics. To counter-argue, follow below:

• name and describe your opponent(s). • describe your opponent’s position fairly and accurately. • respond with a well-­­considered and reasonable rebuttal.

3. Benefits of the Solution: Provide compelling reasons why readers must act on your solution.

Explain the limits of existing solutions, and explain the positive and beneficial implications of your solution or improvement idea. Also, create subheadings in italics if your solution has multiple benefits.

4. Conclusion: Reiterate the solution’s main elements and remind readers why this solution will help with the problem. Convince readers this action is necessary and conclude with a specific call to action directly to your audience. So, you are directly addressing your audience again in this paragraph

5. MLA Works Cited Page: The final page is your works cited page; list the MLA citations from all

sources used in the paper. At least three of your sources are from the visuals. Requirements:

• MLA formatting for in-text citations and Works Cited page

• Works Cited page listing reliable sources that are cited within the essay

• About 4 pages of text is the average

• Appealing Visual Design • Uniform headings of Problem, Solution, Benefits, and Conclusion in bold. • TWO Visual Elements, such as data/graph and/or image related to proposal

• Caption for each visual element that explains the relevance of the image. Evaluation (Rubric) will be based on the following:

➢ Explanation of Issues: The Issue/Problem to be considered critically is stated, described, and clarified, so omissions do not seriously impede that understanding.

➢ Evidence: Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are subject to questioning.

➢ Student’s Position: Specific position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) considers the complexities of an issue. Others’ points of view are acknowledged within position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis).

➢ Content Development: The proposal uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape of the whole work.

➢ Sources: The writer demonstrates a consistent use of credible, relevant authorities and visuals to support ideas situated within the writing discipline and genre.

➢ Control of Syntax and Mechanics: The language is a straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the proposal has few errors.

Epidemics and Air Travel

Ensuring Safety for Everyone during Travel

This image elaborates the presence of various infectious micro-organisms that are not visible

to our eyes during travel. Additionally, it shows physically healthy-appearing travelers are

sometimes carrying diseases that might transmit to other vulnerable members of the society,

such as children and the elderly (Wald).

Presented by: Student Name

Insert due date , 2022


Which strategies can keep air travel safe during epidemics? Air travel restrictions are

one of the initial emergency rapid responses to control any infectious diseases. Especially

when the disease etiology is a viral infection and is spreading through airborne droplets, they

are highly contagious. Moreover, due to the incubation period after acquiring the infection,

infected individuals do not exhibit symptoms days after being infected. Then, these infected

individuals without symptoms carry the viruses to their destinations, including other counties,

via an airplane within hours.

Consequently, they spread the viral infection, which creates global chaos. Globally,

there have been various epidemic threats. Figure 1 shows a list of six major communicable

disease epidemic threats from 2002-2015 (United States Government, p. 5). In 2003 SARS

outbreak lasted for six months. Similarly, infections like H5N1 since 2003 to date, H1N1

since 2009 to date, since 2012 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, since 2013 H7N9

Influenza, and since 2014 Ebola diseases have already caused epidemics affecting multiple

countries. These diseases have posed either relatively less, similar, or greater impact as the

COVID-19 has caused in the world since December 2019 and in the U.S. since February

2020. Hence, situations like disease epidemics could be known as commonly occurring issues

that need permanent solutions.

Previously, the air travel ban had been instigated at various instances to control these

highly contagious diseases such as Ebola and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

outbreaks (Mateus 1). During an epidemic, when individuals travel by air, various challenges

are faced by the travel destinations, passengers, and airlines. Among them, the financial burden

is a concern of mutual interest that affects each of these stakeholders by increasing costs.

Hence, a temporary air travel ban has not remained effective (Belluz, Hoffman, Peak, et al.).

The recipient country would like to keep down the costs from health care that are increased

during epidemics.

Figure 1: Major Epidemic Threats since 2002 to 2015. It shows a list of six major communicable disease epidemic threats from 2002-2015

(United States Government Accountability Office 5). In 2003 SARS outbreak lasted for 6 months. Similarly, infections like H5N1 since 2003 to date, H1N1 since 2009 to date, since 2012 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, since 2013 H7N9 Influenza, and since 2014 Ebola

diseases have already caused epidemics affecting multiple countries. These diseases have posed either relatively less, similar, or greater

impact as the COVID-19 has caused in the world since December, 2019, and in U.S. since February 2020 (United States Government, et al., p. 5)).

Then, the individuals would like to gain the income they lost by visiting foreign

counties. Similarly, the air travel agencies would like to keep their financial revenue coming

in round the year. The United States welcomes individuals from all parts of the world. This is

evident in Figure 2 when individuals from across the globe come to visit here (United States

Government, p. 14). These visitors land at the twelve major airports in the U.S.’s highly

populous and urban cities, making the U.S. highly vulnerable.

Nevertheless, the statistics of the number of affected cases of the recent situation of

the Novel Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 is increasing (World Health Organization).

This infection started only a couple of months ago, but it has affected tens of thousands of

individuals in several countries. Initially, this highly contingent disease was not expected to

be extremely life-threatening, and the mortality rate expected was two percent. However, the

situation has worsened in just a few days, and the actual mortality rate is of 3.4 percent

globally (World Health Organization). Besides, it is important to understand this might be

just the tip of the iceberg because mortalities might be underreported or unreported

(Achenbach 1). Hence, it becomes important for the Transportation Security Administration

(TSA) to implement certain strategies that can keep highly contingent diseases away that are

epidemic in various part of the world. Thus, ban on air travel is not the solution for these

highly contagious illnesses.

Figure 2: It shows the top five U.S. International Arrival Airports for Five Global Regions, 2014 (United States Government Accountability

Office 14). Besides, the visitors land at the twelve major airports in highly populous and urban cities of the U.S., making the U.S. highly

vulnerable (Peak).

Additionally, there is a need for solutions from evidence-based practices to be

implemented by the TSA at the airport receiving terminals. These strategies are cost-effective

and efficiently help to prevent epidemics to their local population.


TSA can help us avoid spreading several contagious diseases by enforcing a complete

immunization status policy and health education. Here, we are not just focusing only on the

current COVID-19, but we are taking all vaccine-preventable diseases into account. This is

because various diseases eradicated from the U.S. decades ago are emerging due to the

increasing number of travelers worldwide. Advocates against vaccines feel it’s a personal

choice and that it does not help stop the spread. However, they fail to see the scientific data

and the benefit to the global community.

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), individuals must

get vaccinated even before traveling (CDC 1). Additionally, they should get vaccinated at

least one month before their expected visit (CDC 2). This means that scientific experts share

preexisting evidence-based guidelines about the importance of vaccination status before

travel. Presently, there is only one specific solution to infectious diseases. This solution is the

implementation of CDC’s guidelines for travel, enforcing complete immunization status when

visitors land in the U.S. The primary intervention will ensure that each traveler comes to the

U.S. with a medically certified immunization record. On the other hand, various groups in the

community might not get vaccinated due to various cultural, religious, or financial reasons.

However, it is crucial to understand the safeguard of the majority population who vaccinate

versus those who do not.

Another essential and evidence-based intervention that will cater to the needs of those

who would not be interested in getting vaccinated is health education. At the portal of entry

in the U.S., if individuals arriving receive formal health education about and protection

against infectious disease. All those who deny vaccination should be given health education

regarding disease control and prevention measures. A study evaluated the effectiveness of

health education. This study was performed in consultation with travel medicine and

international vaccination at the Reims University Hospital. It showed higher levels of

knowledge regarding disease control and prevention than the status before vaccination among

Hajj pilgrim adult participants (Migault et al. 30). Thus, health education would be an

effective and acceptable intervention to avoid spreading infectious diseases.


There are various benefits of Immunization and health education for the individual

and the countries.

Safety for Everyone

The interventions of enforcing Immunization and health education will bring safety

for U.S. citizens and travelers. First, it will save the traveler from spreading novel and fatal

illnesses to our citizens. Additionally, it will keep the traveler away from several diseases that

he might have acquired during closed space air travel and transits at high-risk destinations.

Second, it will save the clinical costs born by the individuals and health systems. Moreover, it

will protect the travel destination from novel and previously eradicated diseases.

Less the burden on the healthcare system

Various studies have shown the effectiveness of vaccination and health education,

saving costs on health systems. One of those studies conducted in the U.S. by Hyle et al

showed that more individuals got vaccinated for measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) before

travel (Hyle et al, p. 1) as it was a travel requirement. This study showed that vaccination

could reduce the impact and costs of the disease treatment. Hence, when vaccination status is

monitored, if a vaccine got invented for COVID-19, people will be more likely to remain

vaccinated. Hence, vaccinated individuals will be less likely to get sick and spread disease; as

a result, fewer people will get sick, and there will be less burden on the healthcare system.

Besides the costs, another benefit of Immunization will be the creation of herd

immunity among the population. When a certain number of individuals are vaccinated or

immunized against a disease, herd immunity protects the rest of the population. A study on

travelers’ diarrhea showed that even if one out of every ten individuals get immunized, herd

immunity is achieved (Rosa et al. 697). Thus, with this as well, fewer people will get sick,

and immunity will spread.


To sum up, there are various implications of banning air travel during the initial

policy implementation phase. The point to ponder is understanding how the policies are

ethically justifiable and effective. Evidence shows that vaccination and health education can

collectively benefit the air travelers and their destinations, The U.S. These interventions are

evidence-based, and they could cost-effectively reduce the disease incidence, prevalence, and

fatalities. Based on the literature, I recommend that the TSA mandate vaccination for

passengers and preventive health care education through a public service annoncement (PSA)

at the airports. This will benefit our nation by avoiding the spread of diseases, saving health

care costs, and building herd immunity.

Works Cited

Achenbach, Joel et al. “U.S. coronavirus fatality rate could be lower than global rate so far.”

Washington Post. March 2020. Retrieved on March 9, 2020. Retrieved from:


Belluz, Julia and Steven Hoffman. The evidence on travel bans for diseases like coronavirus

is clear: They don’t work: They’re political theater, not good public health policy. 23

1 2020. 2 2 2020.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vaccines for Your Children. August 1,

2019. Retrieved on March 5, 2020. Retrieved from

Hyle, Emily et al. The Clinical Impact and Cost-effectiveness of Measles-Mumps-Rubella

Vaccination to Prevent Measles Importations among International Travelers from the

United States, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(2) 15 July 2019, Pages 306–


Mateus, Ana L P et al. “Effectiveness of travel restrictions in the rapid containment of human

influenza: a systematic review.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization vol. 92, 12

(2014): 868-880D. doi:10.2471/BLT.14.135590

Migault C et al. Effectiveness of an education health programme about Middle East

respiratory syndrome coronavirus tested during travel consultations. Public Health

173(August 2019), 29-32

Peak, Corey M, et al. “Population mobility reductions associated with travel restrictions

during the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone: use of mobile phone data.” International

Journal of Epidemiology 47.5 (2018): 1562-1570. Electronic.

Rosa López-Gigosos et al. Effectiveness of the W.C./rBS oral cholera vaccine in the

prevention of traveler’s diarrhea, A prospective cohort study. Human Vaccines &

Immunotherapeutics (2012) Vol 9, 2013 – Issue 3 692-698

Rosa López-Gigosos, Marina Segura-Moreno, Rosa Díez-Díaz, Elena Plaza, Alberto

Mariscal. Commercializing diarrhea vaccines for travelers. Human Vaccines &

Immunotherapeutics10:6, 2014 1557-1567

United_States_Government Accountability Office. AIR TRAVEL AND

COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: Comprehensive Federal Plan Needed for U.S.

Aviation System’s Preparedness (2015)

Wald, Gregory A. Travel Ban Updates: Temporary Ban of Foreign Nationals

Traveling From Mainland China Per Novel Coronavirus Outbreak; Additional

Countries Added To Travel Ban 3.0. 3 February 2020

World Health Organization. Strengthening health security by implementing the International

Health Regulations (2005). 2. WHO Press, 2008.

World Health Organization. Emergencies preparedness, response: Travel. 23 11 2009




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How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses?

Reply to classmate’s discussion ( answers to your peer of 150 words) each reply needs citation and reference independently. Turnitin less 15%.

Classmate 1 post:

The United States has a growing demand for highly skilled and specialized nurses. An aging population, a growth in chronic illnesses, and an increasing emphasis on preventative care drive this demand. Nurses must be able to grow their careers and practice to their full ability to meet this demand. Unfortunately, various barriers prevent nurses from doing so, one of the most significant being policy. Nurses must be able to ensure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses to solve labor shortages in remote places. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one strategy to accomplish this. The Affordable Care Act gives financial incentives to nurses.

Nurses can advocate for policy changes in a variety of ways. One approach is to educate decision-makers on the value of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). APRNs play a crucial role in providing high-quality care, and policymakers must recognize their value to the healthcare system (Hassmiller, 2022). Another option for nurses to lobby for policy change is to speak out about the importance of APRNs having access to the resources they require to be successful. It includes education and training, as well as adequate remuneration. Nurses can also endeavor to educate the public about the value of APRNs and the need for legislative reform (van Wijk et al., 2022). This objective can be accomplished through social media, community outreach, and other forms of public interaction.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has many provisions aimed at addressing rural labour shortages. One section authorizes the establishment of Community Health Centers (CHCs), which will offer primary care services in underprivileged communities. CHCs can help attract and maintain rural health care practitioners by offering debt repayment assistance and other financial incentives. Another ACA provision created the National Health Service Corps (NHSC), which offers medical practitioners scholarships and loan repayment aid if they agree to serve in underprivileged communities. The NHSC also provides loan repayment help to providers who commit to work for at least two years in underserved areas. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers financial incentives for medical care providers (Zhang et al., 2020). Increasing the number of graduates from medical institutions, attracting foreign-trained physicians, and implementing contemporary technology are some initiatives to equip the physician workforce to cater to the rising healthcare demand.

The current demand in the United States for highly competent and specialized nurses can only be met if legislative adjustments are adopted to allow nurses to reach their full potential. One technique used to do this is the Affordable Care Act. Financial incentives are provided to healthcare providers under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which also forms Community Health Centers (CHCs) that might assist attract and retaining rural healthcare practitioners. Nurses may help bring about the policy reforms needed to solve the nursing crisis by educating decision-makers and the general public about the significance of advanced practice registered nurses and the need for legislative reform.


Hassmiller, S. B. (2022). How Nurses Can Help to Create a Better Post-Pandemic World. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice23(1), 3–4.

van Wijk, M., Lalleman, P. C. B., Cummings, G. G., & Engel, J. (2022). Public Opinion Leadership in Nursing Practice: A Rogerian Concept Analysis. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice23(1), 67–79.

Zhang, X., Lin, D., Pforsich, H., & Lin, V. W. (2020). Physician workforce in the United States of America: forecasting nationwide shortages. Human Resources for Health18(1).

Classmate 2 post:

How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses? What role does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) play in addressing workforce shortages in rural communities?

Nurses participate in policymaking as healthcare professionals, which is critical for improving service, protecting patient safety, increasing healthcare outcomes, and facilitating access to excellent health care. Advanced registered nurses are particularly suited to play a significant role in healthcare policy formation. Advanced registered nurses have an impact on health policy at several levels, particularly organizational, regional, and national levels. They use their leadership abilities to drive shifts in policy at both levels. Advanced registered nurses impact policy at these levels by introducing advocacy skills to the management and advocating collaborative governance mechanisms in their organization (Arabi et al., 2014). They may, for example, lobby fellow caregivers to optimize staffing numbers, emphasize professional growth, and guarantee an appropriate provision of safety gear. Through these channels, nurses encourage a safe working environment in order to safeguard both patients and staff from injuries and other hazards.

By taking on leadership roles in healthcare and addressing policy issues with state authorities, registered nurses may influence policy. This may be achieved through enrolling in formal political education programs, participating in local government organizations and councils, or even campaigning for local office. Additionally For example, by engaging in lobbying and using their voting privileges. Specialized training Registered nurses may also do this by joining organizations for professionals, many of which include lobbyists who can raise concerns about nursing with authority or political figures (BARZEGAR SAFARI et al., 2020). They may also become members of state nursing organizations, in which they can fight for unrestricted practice rights, or join state nursing associations, where they have the chance to promote professional autonomy (BARZEGAR SAFARI et al., 2020). Nurses may also promote policy change by campaigning for elected office; if elected, they will have the ability to directly address concerns with the Legislature or the Presidency.

The Affordable Care Act is a critical component in the effort to alleviate labor force shortages. This is made easier by the availability of financial support to support rural communities in attracting and retaining clinical staff and also by the creation of a national office of rural healthcare reform to aid in coordinating and improving medical coverage in remote regions (Kominski et al., 2017). Both of these measures are aimed at making it easier for rural residents to receive medical treatment. It is possible that the ACA can help alleviate the nursing labor shortage by investing in education and training initiatives that will assist in the expansion of the proportion of healthcare practitioners working in rural regions (Kominski et al., 2017). This is accomplished by providing financial aid to remote healthcare professionals in order to assist them in the recruitment and retention of staff members. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributes to an increase in the number of nurses actively working in the field, which in turn helps alleviate any labor shortages that may exist in the field.


Arabi, A., Rafii, F., Cheraghi, M. A., & Ghiyasvandian, S. (2014). Nurses’ policy influence: A concept analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 19(3), 315–322.

BARZEGAR SAFARI, M., BAHADORI, M., & ALIMOHAMMADZADEH, K. (2020). The Related Factors of Nurses’ Participation and Perceived Benefits and Barriers in Health Policy Making. Journal of Nursing ResearchPublish Ahead of Print.

Kominski, G. F., Nonzee, N. J., & Sorensen, A. (2017). The Affordable Care Act’s Impacts on Access to Insurance and Health Care for Low-Income Populations. Annual Review of Public Health38(1), 489–505.


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I should stop smoking

This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached  Unit VIII Homework Template .Part 1: Choose one of the three topics below. Write an argument with a clear conclusion (thesis) that you have created about this topic. Your conclusion must be a straightforward one-sentence assertion. Note that your thesis or conclusion can be something narrow within each topic. For example, “I should stop smoking” is a thesis or conclusion that falls under the topic of being healthy. Incorporate the following guidelines as you write:

  • Briefly introduce the issue or topic. 
  • Identify at least two premises for your conclusion.
  • Write at least one page for your argument and written response. 
  • Your written response should include inductive aspects of your argument as well as deductive aspects. 
  • List at least one fallacy that you may have committed but have avoided.   
  • Write at least one unstated assumption that is logically part of your argument.  
  • If your argument turns out to have a sub-argument (see Unit VIII Lesson), make sure you fill out a template for each argument. Follow the writing guidelines on pages 273 through 275 of Chapter 12 of our textbook


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Should doctors and other health professionals take biological race into account when diagnosing and treating illness?


Should doctors and other health professionals take biological race into account when diagnosing and treating illness? Why? Can you think of a situation where thinking about race as biological might be misleading or have a negative effect? How would considering social race be different?


  1. Please start your Discussion with the Question so people know what you are discussing. 
  2. Initial Post Due Friday 11:59 pm, Secondary Sunday at 11:59 pm
  3. Look at the rubric below to see what I am looking for. 
  4. There is no specific word count, but 200-500 words are probably adequate. 


20 Points possible 

4 Points – Displays a great understanding of the concepts in the assignment

4 Points – Utilizes APA formatting

4 Points – Clear and concise writing with no errors in grammar, spelling, or context.

4 Points – Make a timely initial response.

4 Points – Make a timely and appropriate secondary response. (see tips)


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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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Describe what a crediting rate/score is. Should this be a factor in evaluating companies?

You work as a financial analyst at a large automobile corporation that occasionally makes acquisitions of smaller companies that specialize in the production and assembly of small component parts. In order to achieve vertical integration of its newest sports sedan model, the company is evaluating a few manufacturing companies that have experienced strong financial performance in the past few years. These companies would make excellent acquisitions due to the nature and quality of the product and the anticipated ease of transition. You have been tasked to evaluate these companies from a financial perspective and choose one. To do this, you need to brush up on a few concepts by addressing the following topics:

Describe what a crediting rate/score is. Should this be a factor in evaluating companies?
The firm will need to raise funds immediately for the acquisition, and debt will be used. Should the firm borrow on a long-term or short-term basis? Why?
Explain the effect, if any, inflation rates will have on the purchase? How significant is this factor?
Define the relationship between yield curves and the term structure of interest rates.
Explain what would happen to interest rates if a new process was developed that allowed automobiles to run off oil that was formulated based on lemonade? The technology used to convert this liquid to gas would be pricey but well worth it. What impact would this technology have on interest rates?
Discuss what ratios should be used to assess the financial health of the potential acquisition?
Your completed case study must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least your textbook as a reference. Other references may be used as needed. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Melicher, R. W., & Norton, E. A. (2020). Introduction to finance: Markets, investments, and financial management (17th ed.). Wiley.


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