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The recent Fed Reserve interest rate hike witnessed growth stocks pull back in the significantly in the stock market compared to value stocks

Also attached is the assignment template. Your assignment must be in the assignment template..

Note: The recommended cumulative word limit is 4000 words, however, ensure you cover every question and every part of it in reasonable detail. Make liberal use of examples, graphs, charts, tables as required to substantiate your answers. Reflective statements and original analysis are highly encouraged.
Wherever required, you can make suitable assumptions but ensure you justify every recommendation with appropriate reasoning. References to academic journals and industry publications provide credibility and add value to your answers. Please ensure relevant citations are made within the body of the answer/footnotes and full reference provided at the end of the assignment. References will not be included in the word count.
Providing a structured answer broadly starting with an introduction, detailed analysis, and evaluation, followed with a reasonable conclusion would be encouraged.
Question 1
The recent Fed Reserve interest rate hike witnessed growth stocks pull back in the significantly in the stock market compared to value stocks. Is there a correlation between bond yield curves and stock prices? Discuss.
Question 2
Review the Financial Statements of Singapore Airlines and EasyJet (See appendix). Calculate and compare relevant profitability, liquidity, operational efficiency, and leverage ratios. Provide your analysis on which of these airlines is better suited to weather a six-month pandemic grounding of all flights.
Question 3
Discuss agency theory in the context of the industry you work within. Further, make suggestions on how alignment of interests could be achieved between the relevant stakeholders in your company.
Question 4
Answer both of the following questions.
(a) Dave bought a townhouse in downtown Dubai. He estimates that the flooring will have to be renewed at a cost of $25,000 after 20 years. To cover these costs, he intends to save an equal amount of money at the end of each year, earning 6% annual interest rate. How much would he have to put aside each year towards the above expense?
(b) Ayman has just participated in the Emirates Draw and won $20,000. He wants to finance the future study of his newly born son and invests this money in a fund with a maturity of 18 years offering a promising yearly return of 6%. What is the amount available on the 18th birthday of his son?
Question 5
Discuss what is capital structure of a firm. Illustrate with examples how increased leverage could work both in favour and against the firm.


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On-Time Delivery, has the proportion of on-time deliveries in 2018 significantly improved since 2014?



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Performance Lawn Equipment (PLE) – Read the file description in pages 31-32 and answer the following questions.Your manager, Elizabeth Burke, has received several questions from other managers regarding On-time delivery, Process costs, and employee retention. Using statistical tools and analysis, she would like you to provide her with some answers using the Performance Lawn Equipment Database File 

  1. In the worksheet, On-Time Delivery, has the proportion of on-time deliveries in 2018 significantly improved since 2014?
  2. Although engineering has collected data on alternative process costs for building transmissions in the worksheet Transmission Costs, why didn’t they reach a conclusion as to whether one of the proposed processes is better than the current process?
  3. Are there differences in employee retention due to gender, or whether the employee is from the local area in the data in the worksheet Employee Retention?

Conduct appropriate statistical analyses and hypothesis tests to answer these questions and summarize your results in a formal report to your (fictional) manager, Ms. Burke.

  • To answer the questions, you must use the statistical techniques discussed in this course.
  • There is no unique solution to this case study. The statistical techniques used should appropriately answer the questions.
  • This is not group work. The submitted work should be unique and your own. The percentage of plagiarism will be checked with Safeassign; it shouldn’t exceed 35%. You have access to that percentage after submitting your work.
  • Your report should be a word document. You must also submit the Excel file showing your own work.
  • Don’t focus on describing the techniques you used; the core of the report should be on what your numbers mean (interpretations) for the firm PLE. Keep in mind that your manager may not be a technical person and may only be interested in the insights provided in order to make a strategic decision about the company and its activities. Your detailed technical work will be shown in the Excel file in case your manager has some technical background. However, you should show the most useful results and interpret them in your report (the word document).
  • Present a professional report with an introduction summarizing what PLE is about and the aim of your task/report. The main part of the document should be on providing interpretations, insights, and recommendations for the different issues. Your conclusion should summarize your findings and recommendations.


This is an example of a case study report submitted by a former student. The topic is not the same as yours but this should give you a pretty good understanding of how to write a technically sound report. The alignment/organization doesn’t need to be exactly the same. Your work will be checked for plagiarism with SafeAssign. Make sure that the percentage given by SafeAssign doesn’t exceed 35%


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  • On-Time Delivery, has the proportion of on-time deliveries in 2018 significantly improved since 2014?
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    Writers Solution

    The Covid19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector. It resulted in


    I. What are the Objectives of this plan and key actions?

    II. What is the proposed timetable for the actions?

    III. What are resources that might be needed? (Human resources, consultancies, platform

    development, courses development, among others).

    Introduction The Covid19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector. It resulted in

    reforming education strategy, remote learning, and using online tools. The virtual campus is

    adapted to promote awareness and manage education in various courses in the American regions.

    It is a great platform but needs changes to make trainees more attractive and accessible.

    A. Objective to Improve and Key Actions

    The design of the home page needs some changes. It needs:

    • Outline website goals.

    • Gathering project specifications, like budget, timeline, and site content (images and

    written copy) prepared helps designers provide accurate quotes.

    • Submit a brief.

    I. Designing a website can be a lot of work, but it’s essential to take it seriously for an

    educational institution to succeed. Here is some suggestion that the web design is up to par for

    today’s internet users.

    1. User-Friendly Navigation

    A design architecture should be in order and categorized according to different subjects, not

    confusing and frustrating users. It allows for easy navigation throughout the rest of the website.

    It would be better if the menu bar moved to the top of the page and menu options contained

    different subcategories, such as various languages.

    It also should have a summary explanation about virtual campus, activities, and goals with an

    image or video that shows or explain it shortly.


    If the courses were categorized into different topics, according to sectors of intervention, they

    would be easier to access; for example, we can organize them into the following topics:

    1. Microsoft and social media,

    2. Prevention (a. communicable diseases (Zika virus), b. non-communicable diseases)

    3. Emergency intervention (Online fundamentals course for the management of emergency

    operations centers).

    2. Keep Website Design Simple and Easy to Process

    Too many features and items of content on a single page can be overwhelming for the modern

    user. If a visitor gets consistently distracted by an overload of information on a single page, they

    might not be able to comprehend the primary purpose of the content anyway.

    There are 40 courses at the virtual campus that are classified into three languages. It would be

    great to have a translator at the menu options that makes all the courses available in other

    languages (many people can not take the courses due to language issues).

    3. Make Site Responsive

    It needs to be interactive with the user to keep readers engaged on-site for a more extended

    period, and other basic courses need to be added to this platform, such as first aid or safety in old


    4. It should contain Plenty of Images

    Plenty of high-quality, relevant images on each page is crucial for website design to make it

    more interesting and attractive. Each course topic can have a new and more exciting picture next

    to them and doesn’t need to have the whole subject at the bottom; it can come as the background

    of the short title of the topic.


    Using new images pertinent to the information next to them helps break up the amount of

    informational text on a page and attract more users. It will help the user’s experience remain

    engaging and comfortable.

    5. Keep the Loading Time for Pages low

    A very significant part of any website is its functionality. If educational website design is

    burdened with too much information for its data capacity, it will likely be slow. It is essential to

    think about because a user might not wait around for a page to load. It requires keeping them

    engaged with the site by ensuring it’s quick to load.

    6. Don’t Over Explain Informational Text

    Most users will appreciate a genuine sense of simplicity in the site’s tone.

    The content should be simple and to the point so that users aren’t left behind in the flow of


    7. Make it Colorful and Exciting

    IFRC is a well-known organization. It can use this thoroughly for website design to impress the

    organization’s values upon the user. From the institution’s logo, draw a sensible color scheme

    throughout the website’s landing pages. From the institution’s mission statement, incorporate

    short, simple messages throughout the pages.

    8. Hire Professionals to Design the Perfect Site

    Designing a website is the best way to ensure new students can find and relate to the institution.

    There are professional services available to assist with a WordPress website design today.

    II. Organizing the catalog of available courses according to sectors of intervention,

    III. Global or regional training, according to language and availability.


    IV. Courses updated according to specific training needs in the region and transition the courses

    using Adobe Flash Player to another functional and interactive application.

    V. Promotion and dissemination strategy; a campaign and awareness plan through social

    networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), radio, TV programs, and the website through

    informative material and descriptive videos explain the different courses and how to access them

    and their benefit (increase public health and reduce health issues).

    It can also encourage people to donate for educational programs promotion.

    It could be used to change the design, update, or add more courses.

    The campaign can also ask volunteers to help design, reorganize, and update the platform and


    Approximate amounts:

    1. Image change $20,000

    2. Platform maintenance $5,000

    3. Reorganization of academic offerings $13,000

    4. Updating of courses ($100 per course currently three courses outdated) $300

    5. Promotion and dissemination strategy $2500 2,500 Total $40,800

    B. What is the proposed timetable for the actions?

    C. What are the resources that might be needed? (Human resources, consultancies,

    platform development, courses development, among others)





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    Because of a new product line, your company’s sales over the last few months have increased significantly

    Before beginning work on this week’s discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric at the end of this assignment, and any specific instructions for this week’s topic.

    By the due date assigned, respond to the discussion questions below and submit your responses to the Discussion Area. By the end of the week, comment on your classmates’ responses.

    Respond to the questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.

    Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using the APA format.

    Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible.


    Answer the following questions:

    Because of a new product line, your company’s sales over the last few months have increased significantly. As a result, the amount of cash held by the company has increased to levels never experienced before. An evaluation by the company’s financial staff concludes that the company is holding too much cash. This situation is reported to the stockholders.

    Explain how you think the stockholders would react to this information.

    Discuss the options you have to deal with the concerns of the stockholders without creating any additional risk.

    Just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems were first developed by the Japanese and quickly adopted around the globe by many large firms. One of the first to adopt the system in the United States was the automobile industry.

    In your opinion, is the JIT system a system that can and should be adopted by small, individually owned firms? Why or why not?

    Would the smaller firms have any advantage in terms of their ability to use such a system? Why or why not?

    Describe the benefits of employing such a system in the economy.

    Comment on the postings of two of your classmates. Do you agree with their position? Why or why not?

    Explain your answers using examples. Comment on the postings of at least two of your classmates. Do you agree with their position? Why or why not?





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    When you push a full grocery cart at a steady speed down an aisle in the grocery store you need to push with significantly more force than when you push the same cart when empty

    video link 

    Use the link above to watch the video.  This video discusses three INCORRECT laws of physics, followed by three incorrect statements.  There is a short clip of a man on a skate board with a fire extinguisher followed by another incorrect statement.  The last clip is of a class with students attempting to break eggs by throwing them at a wall of bedsheet with another incorrect statement.

    The statements in the video (and listed below) are all misconceptions.  Pick one statement.   Indicate which statement you have chosen.  Explain why it is wrong and what the correct scientific explanation is for the scenario. Then give a different real-world example that illustrates the same concept.  Be sure to use your real-world example to explain the science again.   

    1. When you push a full grocery cart at a steady speed down an aisle in the grocery store you need to push with significantly more force than when you push the same cart when empty (assume the forces of friction (air, tire, etc.) are essentially the same for both the full and empty cart.
    2. When you are driving a car at a constant speed and then press on the gas pedal (increase the force due to the engine), the car will speed up to a new higher constant speed (assume all the forces of friction (air, tire, etc.) remain essentially the same)
    3. When a game of tug of war is played on a very smooth wooden floor between 10 strong dads in socks and their 10 small 5-year-old children in sneakers, the children can never win because the men will be able to pull so much harder on the rope than their children.
    4. When the man uses the fire extinguisher, the gas from the extinguisher pushes against the wall causing the man on the skateboard to get pushed backwards.
    5. When the egg hits the sheet it doesn’t break because the students are unable to through the egg with enough force to cause it to break

    For this discussion you must post one main discussion post and reply to one other student’s post. 

    Your main post must include:

    1.  State which of the 5 statements you are going to discuss. (5 points)

    2.  Explain why the statement is wrong, including insights as to why we might think this way.  Then include the correct statement and apply it to the example to explain what is shown and why it happens using the correct science.    (15 points)

    3.  Think of something you experience in your daily life that is related to one of these examples.  Share this with your fellow students, be sure to explain the science of your example and how it is related to these misconceptions.   (10 points).   Try to pick an experience that you feel other students can relate to as well.

    In addition to your main post, you must provide a substantive reply post to another student’s post.  Be respectful, but if the student’s explanation is missing anything, add what you think is missing, or if there are errors, suggest the correct explanation.  Include a comment on how you might relate to the experience you share.  Consider adding something to this experience that takes the discussion farther or in a new direction… For example, if a student uses a seat belt example, you might add a new, but different seat belt example, or a situation that might be different but still relates to that example such as an experience in an accident (or a near accident)….

    Think of it this way… if you were in a group setting how would you add something to a conversation on this topic and keep the conversation going.  It must be something more than “I can relate to your experience”… or “I had the same experience”. These examples aren’t substantive.  But stating  something to the effect that “I had a similar experience but I experienced the following thing (with your details that are related, but different) ” does.  

    All posts must be posted by Midnight Sunday of the week the post is due;  late posts will not be accepted.  Your main post is worth 30 points Your reply post is worth 10 points

    Your post will be graded on both content and grammar





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    Community Justice is a relatively new philosophy of justice that differs significantly in some respects to criminal justice

    Community Justice is a relatively new philosophy of justice that differs significantly in some respects to criminal justice. Research Community Justice and discuss how and where it began, how effective it has shown to be and what the prospects are for the future. Give detailed examples and be specific about the successes or failures the program may have had.

    Write a 2 page APA style paper. In your paper includes 2 references