Writers Solution

A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit

Anatomy and physiology discussion

Judson Brewer discusses “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit.”

#1 Discuss some known alternative techniques, such as meditation that can help people “kick a bad habit.”  Use scholarly articles to show its efficacy such as when someone wants to stop smoking.

#2 Explain the reward-learning-based process and use scholarly articles to describe its method and implementation in humans and/or animals.

#3 Which are the two preventable habits that can lead to death discussed in this video?

#4 Discuss the prefrontal cortex and the primitive brain from an evolutionary perspective and cognitive control as discussed in this video.

#5 What did the video say about the precingulate cortex and cravings?

#6 Explain context-dependent memory. 

must be greater than 250 words before citations. 


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simple pump cylinder circuit. the cylinder must push a constant load of 170,000 N

A ) The figure shows a simple pump cylinder circuit. the cylinder must push a constant load of 170,000 N. The pump provides a real volume flow Qp = 140 l/min. Loss in the directional valve is calculated at 2 bar when the pump and cylinder are connected via this. The safety valve is set at 200 bar. the plant is filled with oil with specific gravity equal to 0.85. effective cylinder area is 100cm2 After the plant was put into operation. It was found that the speed of the cylinder was too great. It was desired that the specified load should be pushed by 0.2 m / s. It was decided that one should weld into the pipe before the cylinder, a fixed, sharp-edged throat piece (as indicated in the figure) in parallel with a non-return valve. 1) Calculate the diameter d of the opening in the larynx so that the load, when pushed, travels at the desired speed. Assume flow coefficient u M = 0.6 2) How much power in kW is lost in total between the points x and y in this circuit (see figure) when the load is pushed out at a constant speed and the choke is in place. B) How much power is lost in a pipeline with an inner diameter equal to 30 mm and a length of 100 m when the oil flow being transported is 0.24 m3 / min. The oil has a kinematic viscosity 1 = 20cSt and a density 3 p= 840kg/m == m ANSWERS: I have the answers to this question. but I just do not know how to solve them. here are the answers: A) 1) 7.23 mm 2) 12.6 kW B) 5.98 kW


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Writers Solution

Identifying dependent and independent variables and simple linear regression

This is a two-part assignment that will be submitted as one document. You
do not need to include the introduction or conclusion sections. Be sure that
you read the instructions here very carefully before you begin.
Part I. To complete the first part of this assignment, follow these instructions
to locate information that will help you practice ic. With this information,
you will explain assumptions and interpret statistics (F- and R-square).
▪ Go to the US Department of Education: College Scoreboard. Then
select Search Field of Study.
▪ In the search bar, type in Public Administration, and then press enter.
▪ Select only Bachelor’s Degree and leave the Location field blank.
(You will have a list of approximately 200 public and private colleges
and universities. From the list of schools, select a minimum of 12
public colleges and universities. Ignore all private colleges and
▪ Select the Public Administration link under Bachelor’s Degree. (You
will see the Graduation Rate, Average Annual Costs, and Salary After
Completing Field of Study).
▪ Build a table from the information you collected. Ignore any public
college or university that does not provide all three data categories.
Utilizing the software of your choice, use this information to create a
table from the information you collected.
▪ create scatter plots, and
▪ conduct simple linear and multiple least squares regression
Once you have completed the above steps, you will:
▪ Report on the simple linear regression scatter plot:
▪ Import the simple linear regression scatter plot into a word
document in APA Style and format.
▪ Import the simple linear regression analysis results in a word
document, in APA style and format.
▪ Explain if any assumptions of simple linear regression were
▪ Interpret the F-statistic, the R-square statistic, the significance
of the coefficient, t-test, and the significant coefficients.

▪ Report on the multiple regression scatter plot.
▪ Import the multiple regression scatter plot into a word document
in APA style and format.
▪ Import the multiple regression analysis into a word document in
APA style and format.
▪ Explain if any assumptions of multiple-linear regression were
▪ Interpret the F-statistic, the R-square statistic, the significance
of the coefficient, t-test, and the significant coefficients.
Part II. As in previous units, revisions to the hypothesis and research
questions are necessary. If you feel revisions are needed, go ahead and
make them. If no revisions are needed, justify your decision. Keep in mind
you will be developing a quantitative research proposal.
Your final submitted document must be at least three pages in length. The
title and reference do not apply to the page count You may use the
textbook as one resource and two resources should be from the CSU
Online Library Research Databases.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text
citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no
abstract is needed.
Do not do Part II or worry about the page count


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Identifying dependent and independent variables and simple linear regression


Writers Solution

The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter

Regression with neural networks

  1. Introduction
    The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter. The dataset consists of chemical properties (representation) of superconductors, and the parameter value to be predicted is their critical temperature in Kelvins (?K).
    Further information on the dataset is available at:
    The task is utilize the training dataset consisting of the properties of superconductors and their critical temperatures in order to learn a regression model. Then this model should be applied on the test dataset to predict the critical temperature of the superconductors in that dataset.
  2. Assignment
    Implement a simple neural network and the backpropagation algorithm in Java or Python! Use the trained model to predict the critical temperature for each test sample.
    2.1. Java
    The code must contain a Main class, and within this, a main() function. It will receive all inputs on the standard input, and should output the solution to the standard output. Upload the zipped source code files of your application to the BME MIT HomeWork portal. (
    2.2. Python
    The code must be a single python file, that will be run and receives all inputs onto the standard input, and it should write the solution to the standard output. Upload the zipped single python file to the BME MIT Homework portal. Use Python3.x, and only standard libraries are available (e.g. no numpy!) (
    2.3. Input
    The program receives all inputs via the standard input. The input consists of the representation of training samples, the corresponding critical temperatures, and also
    VIMIAC10 2019 3rd Major homework
    the representation of test samples. The character ’ ’ is used as a line separator. The input is structured according to the following:
  3. The first 17011 lines each contain a representation of a chemical compound, that is 81 parameters as real numbers separated by the ’ ’ character. These are the training samples.
  4. These are followed by 17011 temperature values, i.e. the target value to be learned (i.e. a single temperature value in each row).
  5. Lastly, 4252 test samples (chemical compound representations) for which the critical temperature has to be predicted. These are the test samples.
    The solution should implement the backpropagation algorithm. The scaling/normalization of data is recommended before learning. Note that the available CPU time for the code is approximately 120 CPU secs.
    2.4. Output
    The output contains the predictions for the test samples, i.e. a predicted temperature for each sample. The output should be formatted such that each row contains only one prediction, the order corresponds to the order of test samples. Rows should be separated by the character, the output should be written to standard output.
  6. Evaluation
    The evaluation is based on RMSE (root mean squared error):
    where ???? is the real value, and is the predicted value. A solution reaching a RMSE lower than 17.0 gets 12 points, however a solution above 23.0 gets 0 points. Between these two endpoints the evaluation is linear (the score is rounded to the nearest integer)

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  • The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter

    Writers Solution

    Organelles in a eukaryotic cell and the more simple structure of a prokaryotic cell as an analogy between the chief executive officer\’s (CEO\’s) corner office and a cubicle

    When you look around at the world, you can see many examples that demonstrate how an object\’s or a system\’s structure relates to its function. The structure of a highway system, for example, can affect traffic flow. You can, no doubt, think of many other examples.
    In this Discussion Board assignment, you will look at the structure of the most basic unit of life, the living cell. You will also investigate how the structures of cells are directly related to the functions that are important to life.
    Part 1
    Your text describes the difference between the organelles in a eukaryotic cell and the more simple structure of a prokaryotic cell as an analogy between the chief executive officer\’s (CEO\’s) corner office and a cubicle. Organelles are like appliances or pieces of furniture that perform specific functions. Choose 1 organelle, and use an analogy to explain its function. For example, explain how a chloroplast is like a solar panel, or how a mitochondrion is like a furnace. Try to think of original analogies for other organelles or cell structures such as golgi, lysosome, cell wall, cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, nucleus, and so on. Include how your analogy may be less than perfect. Compare your analogy with those of your classmates’.
    Part 2
    You will read that only plants, algae, and some bacteria are photosynthetic. There is an exception to this, though. One species of sea slug has found a way to steal chloroplasts, store them in cells lining its digestive tract, and live on the sugar that is produced (Milius, 2010). What benefit would there be for animal cells (including those of humans) to make their own food? Could cell, tissue, or genetic engineering allow humans to use chloroplasts this way? Describe 1 or 2 factors that would need to be considered for chloroplasts to function in an animal or a human.
    Milius, S. (2010). Green sea slug is part animal, part plant. Retrieved from
    Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used throughout the assignment.
    In your own words, please post responses to the Discussion Board posts of at least two of your classmates. Responses must be substantive, i.e. say something of substance that advances the discussion about the concepts. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.
    For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, the AIU Library, Web resources, and all course materials






    Biology: Discussion Board Assignment

    (Course Instructor)

    (University Affiliation)

    (Student’s Name)

    Part 1: Organelle Analogy


                The ribosomes constitute the sites for the manufacture (synthesis) of the proteins for the cell (Yablonski, 2005). They are mainly round structures that are composed of the proteins and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA). Ribosomes can be free and floating in the cell or may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The church could be used to represent the ribosomes of a cell. In the same way as the ribosomes are the sites for the synthesis of proteins (nourishment for the cell), the church is the site where spiritual knowledge is made.

    Part 2: The Benefits of Animal Cells Making Their Own Food           Animals, unlike plants, have to grow, move, hunt and gather food for their biological processes, such as energy production (Yablonski, 2005). However, some animals like green sea slug manufacture their own food by harnessing energy from sun in a process referred to as photosynthesis (Milius, 2010). If all other animal could manufacture…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






    Writers Solution

    Java program that implements a simple game

    Please use the simplest form of Java coding

    The game
    The objective of this assignment is to write a Java program that implements a simple game. The game involves 4 sheep and one dog who exist in a NxN grid. It is a (greatly simplified) representation of sheep herding with a border collie (see for some more background. If you are interested, there is a famous local sheep herding competition at the Longshaw estate just outside Sheffield, and the next one will be in September 2021 – see ©).
    In our game each sheep and the dog are located in one particular square for each turn of the game. The user controls the dog, and the sheep move (mostly) in response to the Dogs position. Note that in English, the word sheep is both singular and plural.
    The aim of the game is to herd the sheep into a single square. The game starts with 4 sheep randomly distributed across the grid. In each turn the user enters the co-ordinates (row and column) of one of the squares, and the dog is moved to that square. The sheep should then move 1 square, according to the following rules:
    • Each sheep picks a random number between 1 and 6.
    • If the number is in the range 1-3, then the sheep moves away from the dog. This should be to the square directly away from the dog, unless this move would take the sheep off the edge of the grid, in which case it should stay still.
    • If the number is 4 or 5, the sheep should move beside the dog — i.e., it should move to a square adjacent to the dog. Unless the dog is close to the edge of the grid there are four possible moves, and the sheep should choose one of these randomly.
    • If the number is a 6 then the sheep should move to the same square as the dog
    • If the dog is on the same square as the sheep at the start of the turn, then the sheep moves randomly to any adjacent square.
    • Sheep move either along rows or along columns, they cannot move diagonally.
    The task
    Your assignment is to implement this game in Java, and you should follow the instructions below exactly:
    • The program must include a sheep class that models each individual sheep. This class must contain an instance variable that tracks which square the sheep is on, and
    avoid move(int dogRow, int dogCoi) method that takes the Dog’s current square as an argument and updates the sheeps square using the rules provided above.
    • A random integer can be generated by importing java.util.Random, creating a Random object, and using the nextint (6) method on the Random object to generate a random integer between 0 to 5 (i.e. from 0 to less than 6), and nextint (4) to generate a random integer between 0 and 3.
    • The grid should be of size N x N, where N is an integer between 3 and 9. You can either set N as a constant, or N can be specified by the user.
    • During each turn, the program should display a grid that shows the location of each Sheep and the Dog. You do not need to match the example below exactly. Using letters and a simple grid displayed in the command window or terminal, as shown below, is fine. You can use more a imaginative display if you want to. If you would like a challenge, then you can use the updated EasyGraphics class from the Sheffield package for a graphical display. The version of EasyGraphics .java on the Assignment? section on Blackboard has updated capability for displaying colours. However, you should not use other third-party libraries for a graphical display.
    • The game should be run from a class called sheepHerding. java which should have a main method. At the beginning of the game, this class should place the 4 sheep randomly on the grid, and then prompt the user for the co-ordinates of the Dog (you can use EasyReader for this. The move (dogRow, dogCoi) method should then be called for each sheep, and the position of each sheep should be updated. The grid should then be re-drawn and the user prompted for the next turn.
    • The game should end if (i) all the sheep are in the same square, or (ii) the user enters a number 0. It should print a message to say either -All sheep in one square!- or -User quit- to indicate the event that caused the program to end.
    • You should create other classes and methods as you choose to form a structured, Object-Oriented system. Only create additional classes if they are needed. It is possible to write an acceptable solution with only 3 classes, SheepHerding, sheep and DisplayGame.
    Example output
    Please enter new dog
    Please enter new dog
    Moving sheep
    row: 3
    column (0 to quit): 2
    12 3
    II I IS S |
    2 I S | | |
    31 I S| |
    I I D | |
    Please enter new dog row:
    In this example the grid has size 3; sheep are indicated by S, and the dog by D. The example below shows the final turn from a game where the dog succeeds in herding the sheep into a single square on a grid with size 5 (this is quite a rare occurrence!).