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Touchpoint Reflection: Healthcare Systems’ Financial Environments

Touchpoint Reflections: This is a new type posting that occurs in the same type portal as the discussion thread. However, these are treated as “mini”-weekly assignments”. You will be able to see and read the posts of peers but are not required to respond to them. However, if someone responds to your TPR, replying their post is always the collegial thing to do. Your grade is not affected either way. There are specific formatting and content guidelines. Remember to use the headings as defined to address each section, Experience, Reflection, Implications, in your responses. A downloadable version of the guidelines, which includes further information, is available for access below. You are encouraged to download these guidelines and rubric to avoid the need for referring back to this page for the link. Touchpoint Reflection Guidelines (Weeks 1-3, and 8) Touchpoint Reflection Rubric (Weeks 1-3, and 8) EXPERIENCE Understanding how your organization is reimbursed for services depends on several components. Assess your organization and identify its care delivery system and payer mix make up. Include percentages represented by each payer group. Identify the key people in your organization from whom you obtained your information. Perhaps it is your unit director, operational directors, financial officers, CNOs. Your direct supervisor might be able to point you in the right direction, Since the information required is often available to the public through public reports you might also access the information through online searches of internal systems or external internet searches. REFLECTION Based on this data, discuss the assumptions that could be made about the population demographics for your institution. What influence do these variables have on the types of services offered at your facility? IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE What might your analysis tell you about the long-term health of your community? What future needs might be identified? Search entries or author




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Small factories in this community in the southeast United States were closing as their jobs moved to low-wage Asian countries

Junctionville was struggling; small factories in this community in the southeast United States were closing as their jobs moved to low-wage Asian countries. Some residents moved away to seek work, which resulted in a 10% population decline and the closing of some local retailers.
Then, several years later, Junctionville was selected as the location of a major automotive assembly plant that was being moved from the high-cost, industrial Midwest to the lower cost, nonunion Southeast. The plant is up and operating, and Junctionville is growing again. New subdivisions and businesses are springing up to support the increasing population.
Recently, Junctionville and two other nearby communities were contacted by representatives for MeggaMart, who want to open a new supercenter store. MeggaMart is a large, global chain that sells groceries and every household, yard, and garage item imaginable at low prices. You are a member of the MeggaMart public relations (PR) staff. You just got off the phone with the director of PR for MeggaMart who told you that Junctionville would hold a public hearing in a month on the request to build the new store, and she would like you to speak for the company at the hearing.
She also told you that while MeggaMart had approached three communities, their preference was Junctionville because of its proximity to the assembly plant and a particularly favorable available site for the store. She also told you there was some opposition because of potential traffic and noise since the proposed site was near a new residential area. Some residents were concerned about who would be attracted to the area late at night since the store would be open 24 hours a day due to shift work at the assembly plant.

Prepare a business memo to the director of PR for approval, and outline the important points you think you should bring up at the hearing. Your memo should be able to answer the questions below.
What are the benefits to the community of the store?
What is MeggaMart’s response to the concerns of some residents?
Should MeggaMart offer any concessions to address residents’ concerns, and, if so, what are they?

Click here to access the memo template for this assignment. Your business memo should be at least one page in length and follow APA guidelines. Use at least one outside source.

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Social economic impact of (M-pesa) mobile banking in small scale Retail shops in Down Town Nairobi Kenya

Research Report.
Topic: Social economic impact of (M-pesa) mobile banking in small scale Retail shops in Down Town Nairobi Kenya.
Aim. To evaluate different opportunities that came as a result of Adoption of mobile money banking in small scale Retail businesses in kenyan rural area.
Format of Report
? Table of Contents
? Literature Review
? References APA 7
? 6 Annotated bibliography with explanations why its important or how its relevant to this Report. ( each Annotated bibliography 200 words)
Total words (3000).

Subject Code and Title MGT605 Business Capstone Project
Assessment Assignment 2. Part A: Final Project Report
Individual/Group Individual – Group
Length 3000 words
Subject Learning Outcomes SLO a. Develop and articulate a theoretical or practical perspective on management issues through a substantial applied project
SLO b. Demonstrate collaborative leadership and ownership in the preparation of a significant original body of practical or theoretical work
SLO c. Use specialist research skills to analyse a complex management problem and then synthesise the research, communicating it effectively to both specialist and lay audiences
SLO d. Synthesise concepts from a broad range of previous subjects studied (e.g. finance, marketing, operations), simplifying into an holistic big picture
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 10
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 40 marks
In Assessment 1, you proposed to tackle a problem or to explore an opportunity of your choice. In Assessment 2A you must produce a final report of the outcomes of the work you have done as per the proposal you made in Assessment 1.
Based on the proposal you made in Assessment 1, you are required to produce a final report. This is the culmination of your study. It contains the outcome of your study and a summary of how (method) you did it.
This final report should be in the appropriate format required for your context and workplace. If your report is a Marketing Plan, a Business Report or New Venture Proposal it should be in the appropriate format and if your report is an academic paper then you will use the commonly accepted format. It should be presented as part of an overall package consisting of a form of presentation and supporting documentation. The supporting documentation may follow a report format, or it may be a set of supporting appendices that are referred to in your presentation
MGT605 Assessment 2A Brief Page 1 of 7
submission. The two will be reviewed together and need to relate to each other and fit together.
The submission must include a reference list with a minimum of 6 academic sources presented in APA format.
You must make sure that all factual statements are referenced. You may have up to 20 data source references (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, company documents, government reports, online databases, social media, etc.).
Your reference list must be in the format of an Annotated Bibliography detailing why and where you have used each reference. The APA 7th Edition referencing guide can be located in the Academic Writing Guide at
Unless it is a seminal author, use recent literature sources preferably less than 10 years old.
Appendices – if necessary, include appendices for additional information. This is where you provide supporting material which is unsuitable for inclusion in the body of the report, but still has some value to contribute to the report. Note that the reader has no obligation to read the appendices. Therefore, do not place here any information needed to make your point. Ensure that the body of the report is able to make the point you want without referring to the appendices. Appendices do not contribute to the word count of the report.
Diagrams, tables and figures – you may use diagrams, tables and figures in the body of your report. However, keep in mind the academic writing rules for using them. While diagrams, tables and figures do not contribute to the word count, they should not be used to extend the word count. You should not use diagrams, tables and figures as a means of adding new information or replacing narrative paragraphs, but as a way of concisely presenting and summarising information. Information presented in diagrams, tables and figures still needs to be referred to and commented on in the narrative paragraphs. Also remember to use captions to identify your diagrams, tables and figures.
If the diagrams, tables and figures are not your own work, the sources need to be acknowledged.
Submission Instructions:
Use Assessment 2A link in Blackboard to submit your capstone project proposal. Give your file a name of this format – Your name_Subject and code_Assessment number.
The submission must be in Word document format and contain a signed cover sheet


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PHM Reliable Catering is a company that provides catering services to both small and large businesses

Computer Assignment MS Excel: Update Payroll

Using Microsoft Excel online or installed version of Microsoft Excel complete the following assignment

NOTE: To complete the assignment you will need to start with this file, Lab 3-2 PHM Reliable Catering Weekly Payroll Report

Problem: PHM Reliable Catering is a company that provides catering services to both small and large businesses. You have been asked to update the weekly payroll report to reflect changes in personnel, to update certain mandatory deductions, and to add overtime computations. The final worksheet is shown in Figure 3–87.

Computer Applications for Business – Week 6 Assignment MS Excel: Update Payroll Using Microsoft Excel online or installed version of Microsoft Excel complete the following assignment NOTE: To complete 1

1.    Open the workbook, Lab 3-2 PHM Reliable Catering Weekly Payroll Report.

2.    Save the file as CS155Week6LastnameFirstname. Ensure that you use your Lastname and Firstname in filename.

3.    Delete rows 12 through 14 to remove the statistics below the Totals row.

4.    Delete column B. Set column A width to 31.00 and columns B through K to 11.00. Select row 3 and set text to wrap in this row using the Wrap Text button (Home tab | Alignment group), and then set the row height to best fit.

5.    Delete the record for the employee Evans, Timothy. Add two blank lines directly above the row for Mi, Emily, and add the information for the two new employees listed in Table 3–11.

6.    Replace one of employee’s names with your name.

7.    If necessary, use the fill handle in cell E6 to copy the gross pay formula to the rows of the two new employees.

8.    Add the Tax Rates information shown in Figure 3–87 in cells A15:B20 to your worksheet.

9.    Change the font size in cell A1 to 28-point. Change the font size in cell A2 to 18-point. Change the font in cell A15 to 18-point italic and underlined. Change the row height for rows 1, 2, and 15 to best fit.

10.  Insert three columns to the right of the Gross Pay column. Add the column titles Taxable Income, Social Security, and Medicare in cells F3:H3. Center the contents of cells B3:K3. Calculate the Social Security and Medicare taxes in columns G and H by multiplying the tax rates in the Tax Rates table by the Gross Pay.

11.  Federal tax calculations must take into account two tiers of income tax, which are applied to the taxable income. Calculate the taxable income, which is the Gross Pay — (number of withholding allowances * $90).

12.  Calculate the federal tax withheld. If an employee has a taxable income of greater than or equal to $689, then the federal tax withheld equals $110.85 plus the federal tax rate found in cell B19 multiplied by the taxable income in excess of $689. If an employee’s taxable income is $689 or less, the federal tax withheld equals the taxable income multiplied by the federal tax rate found in cell B18. Use the IF function to calculate the federal tax in Column I.

13.  State tax is calculated as a percentage of federal tax. Use the tax rate in the Tax Rates table to calculate state tax in column J.

14.  Calculate Net Pay in column K, as Gross Pay — Social Security, Medicare, Federal Tax, and State Tax.

15.  Use the background color of your choice for the ranges A1:K2 and A15:B20.

16.  Center the range B4:B11. Apply the currency style with two decimal places, no dollar signs, and negative numbers in black and parentheses to the range C4:C11 and E4:K12.

17.  Apply a Thick Bottom Border to the range A3:K3. Apply a Thick Outside Border to the range A15:B20.

18.  Change the sheet tab name to Weekly Payroll and the tab color to match the color used as background color in cell A1.

19.  Preview the worksheet. In page setup fit the worksheet to one page in landscape orientation


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A small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote their products or services

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Find an example of a small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote their products or services.

Give some advantages and disadvantages this company’s use of social media.

How effective do you think this strategy is? Why? What is one thing would you recommend the business due to enhance its social media results?


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small business that supplies office supplies to small and medium-sized businesses within the South East Queensland market

Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies
Email address
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Read through the following case study and complete the associated four tasks. You should reflect on your learning and your own research within this unit.
Currently working students are encouraged to base the scenario of this assessment on their dental or medical surgery/practice.
Case Study
Consider the following scenario.
You work for ABC Stationery, a small business that supplies office supplies to small and medium-sized businesses within the South East Queensland market. The business has eight staff members, and it has started to grow. As part of that growth, you have been asked to look at the business’s customer service strategies. A new Client Management System (CMS) with an integrated document control system has been purchased in order to stop the loss of corporate knowledge, which happens when staff members leave.
Currently, no formal customer service strategies have been put in place, and there has been no previous formal training within the organisation in customer service.
About the business:
• Two business partners own the business.
• Three administration staff take sales over the phone and liaise with the bigger clients on a daily basis. One member is new, one has been with the company for one year, and the other has been with the company for eight years.
• The finance manager has been with the company for three years.
• There are two sales staff that mostly work remotely. They have been with the company for two years.

Employee demographics:
• The average age range is 25–55.
• There is a mix of males and females.
• Two of the administration team are from non-English speaking background.
As a manager, it is important that you review customer service and seek ways to make improvements. It is important to consider improving not only your own standard of customer service but also how you assist others to make improvements in their standard of customer service.
In order to identify ways to make improvements in customer service, you need to clarify and accurately assess the needs of customers. There are several ways that this can be accomplished, but they are all based on communication techniques. By ensuring that there is good communication with customers, the number of customer complaints will reduce.
Communication techniques may relate to:
• Analysing customer satisfaction surveys
• Analysing quality assurance data
• Conducting interviews
• Consultation methods, techniques, and protocols
• Making recommendations
• Obtaining management decisions
• Questioning
• Seeking feedback to confirm understanding
• Summarising and paraphrasing
Task 1
Part A
Imagine you are a customer of ABC Stationary. Think about the type of service you would expect from the business and staff and also what kind of situations would make you unhappy with their service. With this information in mind, develop a questionnaire (minimum of ten questions) that you could use to gather information from customers on what they like about ABC Stationary’s service and what they think could be done better and what kind of service could be implemented that is not currently provided. It could cover such areas as:
Customer needs may relate to:
• Staff attitude
• Staff knowledge
• Complaints
• Prices/ value for service
• Purchasing experience
• Return of goods experience
• Accuracy of information provided them
• Instore experience
• Patient chairside experience (dental students)
• Anything else?

Part B
Ask (at least ten) customers to complete the questionnaire. If you don’t work or have the opportunity to ask customers in a retail situation, adjust the questionnaire so it suits the area in which you work. If you are not currently working you may simulate the customer responses. Simulations can include using friends and family to complete the questionnaire.
Customers may include:
• Corporate customers
• Individual members of the organisations
• Individual members of the public
• Patients
• Internal or external
• Other agencies

Task 2
Analyse the feedback from the questionnaire. Create a report explaining your findings, i.e. what are the customer’s needs, and make a comment (recommendation) on areas in customer service where improvements could be made.

Task 3
Using the information from Tasks 1and 2, explain in a report the customer service issues and problems that you diagnosed and the appropriate options that you identified for improving customer service. Include in this report budget allocations that are required and where the budget allocation will come from. Your report should also outline how you will promptly action procedures to resolve customer difficulties and complaints whilst acting within organisational requirements.
You need to mention how these options meet with the organisation’s requirements, i.e. business aims, objectives, and strategies, and you should provide opportunities for continuous improvement.
Organisational requirements may include:
• Access and equity principles and practice
• Anti-discrimination and related policy
• Confidentiality and security requirements
• Defined resource parameters
• Ethical standards
• Goals, objectives, plans, systems, and processes
• Legal and organisational policies, guidelines, and requirements
• OHS policies, procedures, and programs
• Payment and delivery options
• Pricing and discount policies
• Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards
• Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
• Replacement and refund policy and procedures
• Who is responsible for products or services?
Strategic areas for improvement may include:
• Courtesy/politeness
• Delivery times
• Merchandise characteristics
• Price offers
• Product/refund guarantees
• Product/service availability

Task 4
Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present your findings from Tasks 2 and 3 on service needs of customers and ways to make improvements. There should be no more than 12 slides. The presentation will be shown to management, staff, and other interested parties with the aim of promoting strategies to improve customer service.
Arrange with management, staff, and other interested parties to attend the presentation on customers’ service needs and strategies to improve customer service.
Design a presentation feedback form (of at least five questions) to gather comments from your audience on customer service needs and your proposed improvements. Provide your assessor with a copy of the feedback form.
Task 5
Gather and analyse the presentation audience feedback on customer service needs and your proposed improvements. Explain your findings in a report, e.g. did the audience agree with, disagree with, or support your findings and ideas; did they reflect concern to change; etc.
Deliverables required
You are required to submit:
Task 1 A- your questionnaire with 10 questions (blank)
Task 1 B- At least ten copies of your questionnaire completed by ‘customers’
Task 2 – A short report (questionnaire feedback findings)
Task 3- A short report (customer service issues)
Task 4- PowerPoint presentation (12 slides), and presentation feedback form
Task 5 –Report on presentation audience feedback
The submission upload on My eCampus can only accept one file so if you have more than one file to submit, zip them together. See the instructions link in the Assessment Submission requirements PDF on the assessment page.
Please ensure you add your name and email address to all files you submit




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You are the Director of IT for a retailer of cars that has completed the takeover of a small chain that will add 10 stores to the existing figure of 200.

You are the Director of IT for a retailer of cars that has completed the takeover of a small chain that will add 10 stores to the existing figure of 200. While the current ICT infrastructure is quite modern, the new stores systems need investment. Some new stores are not online in the modern sense, using thin clients for subscriber and product data, or even using the phone to transact business. While internet is available for browsing, true Internet-enabled applications and real time data are not available. In the UK most branches have broadband connections with a 50/50 mixture of a Citrix off the shelf system and bespoke web-based applications. This has occurred due to prior mergers and acquisitions and had led to a system that can be best described as ad-hoc and heterogeneous. New GDPR rules and Brexit are also causing a potential headache. With the Head of Finance, you have been asked to study the feasibility of moving the entire organization to one access platform, with a common server-side architecture, to facilitate the collection, aggregation, and analysis of data. You are also charged with exploring the potential for an enterprise solution to improve decision making and facilitate organizational transparency. These will need to be tailored to the needs of the organization, and a DevOps approach to delivery is therefore desired, to facilitate the integration of regular feedback into the system development, and to yield value as soon as possible. Systems that would support more effective customer monitoring, suggesting potential targeted actions to improve customer retention and generate product / service cross- selling or up-selling recommendations should be explored. A full project plan will be required for the preferred solution, providing it is considered feasible.

Your task is to formulate all-inclusive, professionally presented offer

documentation that must be as inclusive as necessary for the work to be

undertaken. At a minimum level, it should include:

• The basis of your knowledge to undertake this work.

• Document the key systems requirements for the business (new stores).

• Ensure that the system is capable of supporting the development of

applications in a rapid and iterative manner, including in-house applications for customer and product data; rich Internet applications

that can exploit the potential of broadband; and be mindful that the

server-side applications will change and merge over time.

• You proposal should also include a roadmap detailing

recommendations for future system functionality.

• Prepare a formal Project Implementation Plan for the management of

the migration including

• Outline WBS, indicative sprints, estimated duration of the work,

projected budgets, resource plans, risk analysis and other elements as

required and appropriate.

• Illustrate your project plan with graphics, network diagrams, graphs,

etc as appropriate.





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If you owned a small business, would you develop a code of business conduct?

Business Policy and Strategy

1.      If you owned a small business, would you develop a code of business conduct? If yes, what variables would you include? If not, how would you ensure that your employees were following ethical business standards?Your response should be 150 words in length.

Must cite one reference in APA format.

2.      Why should firms formulate and implement strategies from an environmental perspective?Your response should be 150 words in length.

Must cite one reference in APA format.

3.       How can firms ensure that their code of business ethics is read, understood, believed, remembered, and acted on rather than ignored?Your response should be 150 words in length.

Must cite one reference in APA format.

4.      Discuss bribery. Would actions, such as politicians adding earmarks in legislation or pharmaceutical salespersons giving away drugs to physicians, constitute bribery? Identify three business activities that would constitute bribery and three actions that would not.Your response should be 150 words in length.

Must cite one reference in APA format.

5.      What do you feel is the relationship between personal ethics and business ethics? Are they or should they be the same?Your response should be 200 words in length.

Must cite one reference in APA format.

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Russell Debwood is the founder and owner of Rusty Wood, an established small company that specializes in the coordination and distribution of lumber between lumber mills and retail lumberyard

Rusty Wood

Russell Debwood is the founder and owner of Rusty Wood, an established small company that specializes in the coordination and distribution of lumber between lumber mills and retail lumberyards.

Russell started his career as a sales rep for Ravelston Building Supplies 25 years ago, where he learned everything about the industry, including the logistics of lumber transportation. He quickly worked his way up to divisional manager and started developing closer relationships with customers in his area. After eight years of service with Ravelston, corporate restructuring gave Russell the chance to resign from his position and start his own company, Rusty Wood, and continue to work closely with the four largest mills in his west coast district. He bought carloads of lumber from them and then sold these orders to customers and arranged shipping. His profit margin is typically at a 6% markup (which was the rate for similar companies in other areas). The mills were pleased to benefit from the ease of the hassle-free large volume sales, and Russell was growing a successful business as the ‘middle man’.

As years passed, the process became flawless. The mills would call Russell when they had a carload of product and they would provide him with the condition, grade, and quantity of each board in the load. Being the only company of his kind in his specific geographic area, the opportunities were endless. He wasn’t required to buy every carload that was available, however he rarely passed them up, as he found more and more customers who were willing to make purchases through Rusty Wood.

Russell always maintained good working relationships with both his customers and suppliers. Most of his work could be handled over the phone or by email, however, Russell still visited all of his customers on a monthly basis to ensure they were still happy and also to clear up any potential concerns or problems. His business was very successful until about five years ago when the first large home improvement chain moved into the area to compete directly against the local lumberyards.

Within 18 months, three large home improvement retail chains had moved into Russell’s market area. A year later, 12% of Russell’s customers had gone out of business and more than half were losing sales. Clearly, the large chains had the capital to buy lumber in huge quantities at a discounted rate from the mills; this allowed them to offer customers a well-stocked one-stop shop, with lower prices.

Russell’s close relationship to his customers helped him maintain enough business to keep his company running for the last few years, but it had been a struggle. Recently, a new salesman entered the market in Russell’s district. He offers the exact same service as Rusty Wood, but is undercutting the industry’s established pricing structures as an attempt to capture a majority of the business opportunities. Russell’s close customer relationships are starting to matter less as his longtime customers begin making their purchase decisions based on minimal prices and tight profits, rather than customer service or loyalty. Currently, Russell has about half of the business that he had a year ago. He is concerned for his livelihood as he doubts that there is (in the long term) enough business opportunities left to support two companies. Even with the business that he has right now, he is barely making a profit.

Last week, Russell received a phone call from Nathan Worship; an old work acquaintance. Nathan is the district manager of Wood Works Inc. Wood Works is a well-established local company that manufactures and sells windows, doors, and a couple other smaller lines. They do not sell to the large chains as they believe that local businesses need to be protected and given the opportunity to grow. Worship focuses his sales on local lumberyards and he is aware that Russell has a long-standing, positive relationship with most of them. Worship would like to hire Russell as Wood Work’s exclusive sales rep for their line of residential windows and accessories in Rusty Wood’s existing service area. Wood Works has recently implemented a new program to help lumberyards successfully market and sell these product lines that has proven to be more profitable due to a higher mark up. Worship is convinced that Wood Works has something new to offer that will be equally enticing and that Russell’s existing relationship with the lumberyards is the key to profitability.

Worship invited Russell to a meeting to make his proposal. The program will focus on the market for residential windows. Currently, the bulk of residential windows that are sold are of the mid-range line. These standard-sized windows sell easily if they are in stock and a decent price. The large chains generally stock and sell the majority of these mid-range windows; they sell very few high-end or low-end product lines. Customers can find most standard-sized windows at these stores. However, for anything outside of these parameters, a custom order is required.

Lumberyards, on the other hand, don’t bother stocking any windows; they rely on business from custom orders which they order from different factories and can generally deliver to the customer within a month. The window business among lumberyards in the area is split fairly evenly; sales are based on a combination of competitive prices and the personal relationships that the sales reps have developed with customers. Wood Works not only relies on good customer service, but they also recently set up an online program where you can directly access their prices and availability. Customers are happier now that they can immediately get a quote and estimated delivery time. Worship hopes this program will be successful not only for residential sales, but eventually lead to stronger commercial sales.

There seems to be a high demand in the commercial sector for commercial grade windows that meet commercial safety codes, yet also provide other features. Some commercial builders want the look of a residential window with an attractive wooden framework, but still require the security and quality of the heavy duty steel-framed commercial window. Wood Works plans to offer a program where the basic windows and frames are interchangeable. As a result, lumberyards could gain more business by breaking into the commercial market with an offer of these new combination windows. Customers could build any look with any quality, plus the program would offer a level of technical support that would be superior to all large home improvement retail chains. The possibilities are endless, as could be the profits. Though a few other companies have similar lines, they’ve never been marketed properly and they are not well known. Worship is certain that with Russell’s commitment and longtime relationships in the area, plus Wood Works’ training system and support system, this new program will be a huge success for both Wood Works and Russell alike.

Russell has three choices at this point. He could: (i) accept Worship’s offer and still continue his own lumber business on the side, (ii) abandon his lumber business and put all of his efforts into this new position with Wood Works, or (iii) decline the offer and put all of his efforts into Rusty Wood.

Worship will need to know in two weeks if Russell would like the job. Otherwise, he will need to rework his plan and try to find a new candidate. Please discuss Russell’s current situation in conjunction with the new offer.





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Designing a solution for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) network Mark

Networking Assignment
Designing a solution for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) network Mark & Horton tax accountants have opened a new office in Melbourne, Australia. They are committed to providing taxation and financial planning services to both individuals and small business owners. Currently, they have four (4) full-time tax accountants, two (2) junior accountants and two (2) receptionists appointed to facilitate the clients. Additionally, two (2) financial advisors work two days a week. You have been hired as a network technician to help in the design and deployment of this network.
Tax Accountants: 04
Junior Accountants: 02
Receptionist: 02
Financial Advisors: 02
Total Host= 10 host
• Set up a small office network, identify devices, network components and media type used
• Assigning IP addresses to devices connected in a LAN environment
• Identify issues and suggest solutions related to network or internet
Scenario – Designing a solution for Shine Dental Clinic (Network Solution):
Tom and Steph has recently opened a new clinic, “Shine Dental”, in Sydney, Australia. They are committed to providing quality dental services to people of all age group.
They have four full-time surgeons using surgery rooms, four assistants working with the surgeons while performing surgery, three receptionists/admin staff, completing daily paperwork, admin, client consulting and handling the front desk.
The area for the new office is 250 sqm approximately. For detailed dimensions and floorplan, refer to Figure 1.
The clinic required eight workstations, one server and a printer and needed to be installed at the following locations:
• One reception desk with space to place two computers (Workstation 5 and 6),
• One small consulting room (Workstation 7)
• One server room with extra space to place an additional computer (Server, Workstation 8)
• Four surgery rooms (Workstation 1 – 4)
The entire floor divided with each other by drywall sheets. The office is fully furnished (except computers, networking devices and cabling)
The owner of “Shine Dental” has purchased eight (8) desktop computers of the same type. Table 1 shows the sample specification.
Desktops x 8 Specifications
Acer Aspire TC-series Desktop Processor Brand/Type AMD A10-7800
Wired Networking Gigabit Ethernet
Connectivity 1xHDMI,
4xUSB 2.0,
Operating System Windows 10 Pro
Table 1
The owner of “Shine Dental” has also purchased one (1) server, eight (8) monitors to be connected with desktops and four (4) overhead screens, with the specifications provided in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 simultaneously for your reference.
Server x 1 Specifications
Acer TS-series Server
Processor Brand/Type Intel Processor
Wired Networking Gigabit Ethernet
Connectivity 1xHDMI, 1xVGA, 3xUSB3.0, 4xUSB 2.0, RJ45
Operating System Windows 2012 R2
Table 2

Monitors x 8 Specifications
BenQ BL2400 series
Brand BenQ
Display LED-TN
Dimension 579 x 213 x 502 mm
Display resolution 1920 x 1080
Connectivity HDMI, D-sub
Display size 24”
Table 3
Overhead screens x 4 Specifications
Sony 3200 series
Brand Sony
Display LED
Dimension 731.8 x 87.3 x 435 mm
Display resolution 1280 x 720, 1366 x 768
Connectivity DVI, USB, Ethernet, Antenna in
Display size 32”
Table 4

Figure 1
In addition to the computers, he has also wanted to purchase one LaserJet multifunction printer for print/copy/scan/fax. The printer should have USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, Wi-Fi(n) and other prominent printing and scanning features.
All computers/server has got a dedicated screen. In addition to that, there are four additional overhead screens attached in the four surgery rooms for patients to view local TV channels.
Those four screens are also attached to the main computers in the surgery room.
Doctors should display x-rays on the overhead screen for patients, but simply changing the input on the TV, your job is to connect the overhead screen/TV to the computer as an extended display or mirror and the Antenna.
You are also required to set up a backup for all the computers/server. All the backups should run each night and should get stored at one physical location within the premises, and a copy of the local backup has to be held on to the cloud utilizing one of the cloud services.
As a consultant, you can choose any cloud service of your choice but must justify your recommendation.
Assume that you have been hired as a network technician to help design and deploy this network.
Perform the following tasks to support this.
Task 1
To inter-connect the desktop computers and connect the overhead screens/TV with the computers and TV antenna, you have decided to use a wired network. What is the primary transmission media, connectors, adaptors you would use for this? For your recommendation of media, consider and explain the following criteria:
• Speed
• Length
• Ease of installation
• Compatibility with intermediary devices
Your answer must also include transmission media, connectors, adaptors, and other necessary devices to help you implement this successfully.
Task 2
Waiting customers should be able to access the “Shine Dental” Wi-Fi network for internet usage. What devices will you need to extend your wired network to support wireless devices with maximum speed and make sure that customers using “Shine Dental” internet do not cause interruption to the clinic’s network? Justify your answer.
Task 3
In addition to the workstations and server, the multifunctional printer needs to be connected to the network. Would you connect it via a wired media or wireless media? Justify your answer. Recommend a make and model of the multifunctional printer as per the customer requirement.
Task 4
Complete Table 5 to assign suitable static IP version 4 addresses to the devices (with subnet mask) on the network. You have decided to go with the class C private IP address range (except where it is indicated otherwise).
You need to complete 3rd column of Table 5.
Device IP address IP address with subnet mask
Workstation_1 (Surgery1) 1st usable IP address 192.168.30._ ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation_2 (Surgery2) 2nd usable IP address 192.168.30._ ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 3 (Surgery3) 4th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 4 (Surgery4) 5th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 5 (Fdesk1) 7th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 6 (Fdesk2) 8th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 7 (Consulting) 10th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 8 (BDesk) 11th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Server_9 (Server) 14th usable IP address 192.168.30._ ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Printer /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Table 5

Task 5
Implement the network topology (Figure 2 is a partial design to assist you) using a packet tracer. For example, it would help if you considered the following:
• All devices (Server, workstations and printer etc.) mentioned in table 5 are labelled and have their IP addresses and subnet mask configured (as per your answer in Task 4)
• Select the appropriate media in packet tracer, label the media type and use the switch 2960 with 24 ports and two-gigabit uplink ports to interconnect the Desktops
• Connect workstation_5 and workstation_6 to one of the “5 port switch” of your choice and connect the switch to the 24-port switch
• A standard wireless access point is added and configured with security. This wireless access point should be then connected to the 24-port switch via suitable wired media.
• Printer is configured and connected to the previously added “5 port switch.”
Figure 2
Task 6
Test the network using a suitable network utility and verify that workstation_7 can communicate with other workstations and servers. Provide screenshots to confirm that you have used the appropriate tools for this purpose. Use command-line utility only to test the connectivity
Task 7
Configure the most secure protocol (available in packet tracer) to authenticate three newly hired part-time employees’ “Jason”, “John”, and “Steph”, assign 21st, 36th and 43rd usable IP addresses, respectively.
Users should be able to differentiate the network before connecting to the office network easily. For example, provide screenshots and justify.
Label Jason’s laptop as “jason_laptop”, John’s laptop as “john_laptop”, and Steph’s laptop as “steph_laptop” and configure in packet tracer.
Task 8
Assume that Workstation_5 (consulting room) is a Linux box. You have run standard command-line tools and receive the following output:

Figure 3
Use Figure 3 above to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the IP version 4 address of this machine?
  2. What is the IP version 6 address of this machine?
  3. What is the MAC address of this machine?
  4. What is the default gateway?
  5. Ping command gives the following error below, and the site cannot be opened. Give possible explanations, and provide a solution.
    Task 9
    Assume that the network has been physically set up, as you have demonstrated in your packet tracer file (created in task 8).
    Users have complained that none of them can print. Using the packet tracer file, troubleshoot this issue and identify what might be causing this.
    Assume that the printer is mechanically functional and has no physical defect.
    Identify and discuss. The answer should be based on Task 4.
    Task 10
    “Shine Dental” needs to store an image of all workstations and server in one location.
    Backups need to run each night, two copies of the backups need to be maintained at Shine Dental premises, and another copy will be stored on the cloud.
    You have decided to install NAS (Network Attached Storage) as a solution. How many hard drives would you install in NAS, and what raid Level would you use and why?
    Provide a cost-effective solution for the business. Performance is not essential.
    What media would you use to connect NAS to the network, and how would you connect it.
    For demonstration purposes, you can include a server in packet tracer, label it as NAS, and assign it 56th usable IP address to NAS. You must provide a relevant screenshot as an example




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