Writers Solution

Demonstrate your ability to explain the impact of globalisation on both large and small businesses.

Assignment weighting 40%
Demonstrate your ability to explain the impact of globalisation on both large and small businesses.You need to research different two companies that are in the same industry or business (one large business and one small) You need to compare and contrast how they are different.
Group Assignment Description
You will identify how two different organisations compare:
• status: size, location(s), employees, local or global, organisational structure(functional/divisional/matrix)
• marketing: 4 P’s, branding, advertising
• economy: Supply and Demand, Market share, profit/ financial statistics
You will then identify what challenges they face and how they could overcome them. You must come up with realistic recommendations for them that match their organisational position.
The presentation will be 10-15 minutes long .You will be marked down for not keeping to the time limit.
Assessment Criteria
• You have undertaken good research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
• You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
• Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
• Full contribution and participation of all team members
Minimum 3 academic references.
Each group will be required to submit a Contribution Log which details their intended and actual contributions to the assessment activities. Failure to complete and submit the Contribution Log will result in the group mark not being entered on Evision.
The assignment will be assessed as per the assessment timeframe
Grading Scheme for Assignment 2 for MN3042QA
Assignment: Group Presentation
Marking criteria Letter grade Mark recorded
The extent to which the work shows evidence of EXCELLENT RESEARCH:
• You have undertaken EXCELLENT research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Excellent Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
• You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic /Exceptional recommendations
• Excellent Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system • Full contribution and participation of all team members
• Presentation Skills: Calm, confident well-practiced presentation. Excellent use of voice- clear well-paced verbal delivery. Excellent choice and use of appropriate material. Clear evidence of practice.
• Teamwork

  • Balanced contribution of preparation and simulation activities.
  • Evidence that the group has planned and worked on the presentation in a Cohesive and coordinated manner.
    • Harvard Referencing
  • Evidence of wide reading, application and referencing. A 70-100
    The extent to which the work shows evidence of VERY GOOD RESEARCH:
    • You have undertaken very good research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
    • Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
    • You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
    • Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
    • Full contribution and participation of all team members
    • Presentation skills – There is evidence of some practice but more is needed.
    • Teamwork- Some evidence of planning
    • Harvard Referencing: Good referencing. B 60-69
    The extent to which the work shows GOOD/REASONABLE RESEARCH:
    • You have undertaken good research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
    • Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
    • You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
    • Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
    • Full contribution and participation of all team members
    Presentation skills need improvement, and Teamwork also needs improvement.
    Harvard referencing needs improvement. C 50-59
    The extent to which the work shows adequate, but limited and weak research:
    • You have undertaken limited research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
    • Weak Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
    • You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
    • Inadequate Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
    • Full contribution and participation of all team members
    Presentation skills need improvement, and Teamwork also needs improvement. Some evidence of reading, that is, Harvard referencing needs improvement D 40-49
    Does not address the assignment criteria. Presents minimal material related to the topic. Little evidence of understanding of the theory. Poor structure. Evidence of poor teamwork. Little evidence of scholarship and Harvard referencing Condone d Pass
    F1 30-39
    Learning Outcomes not met Fail 0-29






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Design for a small Web site: HTML data validation

Develop a 5-6 page Word document that describes the design for a small Web site that meets the following specifications.
The Web site includes four or more Web pages designed according to current usability guidelines.
One page must be the Home page.
One page must be a subscription page that allows the user to become a member or subscribe to your organization and performs HTML data validation.
The Web site must incorporate the use of the following:
Images and Audio
At least one table (NOT for page layout)
At least one form
Other valid HTML elements
Produce a cohesive site that is easy to navigate.
The Web site must include external CSS used to format and layout each Web page.
Validate the HTML in each Web page.
Validate the CSS style rules in each CSS.
The design document must include details about your design, technologies employed, potential challenges and explanations regarding your validation process. Include a title page.
Add the design document to the Visual Studio Web site folder.
Submit the Word Design document and the Web site into a .zip file.
Please add your file.
You will be graded on the design and functionality of the Web site. You will be graded on the usability of the Web site. You will be graded on the ability to include the required Web pages and the required HTML elements in the Web site. You will be graded on the use of CSS to format and layout Web pages. Points will be deducted for a missing or incomplete site plan. Points will be deducted for missing required Web pages. Points will be deducted for any missing required elements and/or attributes. Points will be deducted for any HTML or CSS validation errors including any missing accessibility requirements.





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Mr. Rudd’s small CPA office. Mrs. Rebecca Gregory, one of Mr. Rudd’s

Scenario: You work as an intern in Mr. Rudd’s small CPA office. Mrs. Rebecca Gregory, one of Mr. Rudd’s longtime customers, is in need of financing. She needs approximately $100,000 for the development and launch of a sophisticated website and marketing campaign for her company. Instead of relying on the traditional methods of getting the needed funds, such as a bank loan or equity offering, she wants to try “crowd funding.â€

She knows very little about this new emerging method of obtaining cash, but she has heard enough good things about it lately that she is willing to try. But she needs to know about the basics of crowd funding first. Where does she go? What does she need to do? What options she has? How does it work?

Since she relies on your CPA firm for financial advice, she has asked Mr. Rudd with some guidance on crowd funding. Mr. Rudd thinks that this is good research assignment for you. And since you have been taking a business communication course at college, he thinks you can also write a letter to Mrs. Gregory with the results of your research.

Your assignment: Research reputable online sources to learn about crowd funding. This should include how crowd funding works, what Mrs. Gregory potentially needs to do, and what options she may have. You are educating and informing Mrs. Gregory, NOT persuading nor “selling†the idea of crowd funding.

Write the summary results of your research in a one to two page informational letter addressed to Mrs. Gregory at 1256 Oakland Drive, Suite 326, Pasadena, CA 91101. Mr. Rudd’s address is 4500 N. Parkway, Westlake, CA 91356.
I got an A on the Letter 1 that’s why I’m sending it to you to see it as an example. The formatting is very very important it has to be a professional business letter with all the right spacing font and style and also can you make a small and professional visual aid if possible if not its ok. It has to be small paragraphs with no spacing just like the example I’m sending you. Please make sure you read and understand what I wrote here. Please follow the directions here. Please use the letter 1 as an example






Mr. Rudd

4500 N. Parkway

Westlake, CA 91356

May 12 2017

Mrs. Gregory

1256 Oakland Drive

Pasadena, CA 91101

Subject: Crowd Funding

Dear Madam

What Crowd Funding Entails

Thank you for the opportunity to advice on crowd funding. Crowd funding is way of raising funds through efforts of friends, individual investors, family and business partners. It uses the principle of collective responsibility.


Depending on the type of business or product, you must have a business plan. You also need to choose a crowd funding platform that you feel appropriate for you to pitch your business idea.


Options include social media and crowd funding companies. The crowd funding providers include gofundme, kickstarter, indiegogo, teespring and patreon among others. These companies charge fee for their services.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Rudd







Writers Solution

John is a sole trader working in his small business as a carpenter. His brother Paul is mentally disabled, who lives with John and is receiving disability support pension.

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Unit Code: HA3042
Unit Name: Taxation Law
Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Weighting: 25%
Total Assignment Marks: 50 marks
This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Gain a broad understanding of tax law
2. Demonstrate ability to analyse and synthesise complex tax law issues
3. Demonstrate ability to apply principles of tax law to complex legal problems
Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty.
These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 6 to 10 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document.
The questions to be answered are:
Week 6 – Question 1 (10 Marks)
John is a sole trader working in his small business as a carpenter. His brother Paul is mentally disabled, who lives with John and is receiving disability support pension.
Work out John’s invalid tax offset for his brother Paul who is an invalid under the following three scenarios:
Scenario 1 – John has $120,000 taxable income in the 2018-2019 financial year from his small business. Paul has $4,000 as an adjusted taxable income.
Scenario 2 – John has adjusted taxable income of $63,000. Paul has adjusted taxable income of $900.
Scenario 3 – John has an adjusted taxable income of $41,000. Paul was severely sick this year and
had zero adjusted taxable income. (Maximum 200 words)
Week 7 – Question 2 (10 Marks)
Oliver wanted to repay his loan of $12,000, which he borrowed from National Australia Bank (NAB). He approached his employer on 4th October 2019 and received $12,000 from him at no interest. On 15th February 2019, Oliver had a performance review with his employer when they told him that he was only required to repay half of the loan as he is a good performing employee.
With reference to the relevant laws, advise Oliver and his employer of the tax consequences of this
transaction. (Maximum 300 words)
Week 8 – Question 3 (10 Marks)
David and Emma are married and have some investment properties jointly in Sydney. To structurally manage their investment properties, they signed a formal partnership agreement, and agreed that the net profits from their rental properties would be distributed 95% to Emma and 5% to David. They also agreed that David bear the total losses from the investments.
With reference to the relevant laws, critically discuss whether David and Emma are in a partnership as investors? Also, discuss whether they are required to lodge a partnership tax return?
(Maximum 200 words)
Week 9 – Question 4 (10 Marks)
Anna works for the Eastern Medical Centre as admin officer with a marginal tax rate of 47%. She has just turned 48 in June 2020. Eastern Medical Centre contributed $13,000 under the Superannuation Guarantee Charge. Anna entered into a salary sacrifice agreement with Eastern Medical Centre to sacrifice 10% of her salary into her Superannuation fund. This extra contribution has resulted in an additional contribution of $17,000 for the current income year.
With reference to the relevant laws, discuss the effect of these arrangements for both Anna and the Eastern Medical Centre. Determine the total tax levied on the contributions to Anna’s superannuation fund and the tax effect on Anna’s employer. (Maximum 200 words)
Week 10 – Question 5 (10 Marks)
Darryl Kerrigan is the director of DK Pty Ltd, which is a property investment company in Sydney and the company is registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST). Due to the COVID-19 impact, DK Pty Ltd has decided to rent out their twenty (20) existing office units that they finished in a building project in February 2020.
To negotiate rental contracts, DK Pty Ltd employs a property lawyer, Mr. Dennis Denuto. Dennis is a busy lawyer and his practice income is $300,000 per year. DK Pty Ltd offered Dennis a rent-free office in the city of Sydney in exchange for his service to DK Pty Ltd. The market rental value of the office provided to Dennis is $38,000 per year.
Advise of the GST obligations and the input tax credit of this arrangements to DK Pty Ltd and Mr.
Dennis Denuto. (Maximum 400 words)
Submission Directions
The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment. The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Safe-Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit

.Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

Writers Solution

Yolanda and Zachary decided to restructure their small bookstore as a limited partnership, called “Y to Z’s Books, LP.”

Yolanda and Zachary decided to restructure their small bookstore as a limited partnership, called “Y to Z’s Books, LP.” Under their new arrangement, Yolanda contributed a new infusion of $300; she was named the general partner. Zachary contributed $300 also, and he was named the limited partner: Yolanda was to manage the store on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and Zachary to manage it on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Y to Z Books, LP failed to pay $800 owing to Vendor. Moreover, within a few weeks, Y to Z’s Books became insolvent.

Who is liable for the damages to Vendor?  Fully explain your answer

Writers Solution

You are an employee of iFly Airways, a small regional feeder line for a national carrier.

Recruiting Strategies

You are an employee of iFly Airways, a small regional feeder line for a national carrier. Your CEO has just stated iFly Airways is merging with iDrive Cars, which is in competition with Uber and Lyft, to provide a complete transportation package. You have been asked to develop a two to three-minute elevator speech (a quick synopsis of a subject, which can be delivered in 2 to 3 minutes) about your recruiting strategies to fill current vacant positions. In this speech, you will propose how the organization can cross train staff to control cost and improve employee engagement.

The speech will include:

  1. An explanation of the benefits of cross training staff members (e.g., at iFly Airways and iDrive Cars).
  2. Benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing certain departmental needs.
  3. An overview of how you plan to use internal or external sources, including social media, or outsourced recruiting to address employee shortages.
  4. Any potential limitations of your plan.


  • The presentation PowerPoint should be 7 slides with speaker’s notes, not including title or reference slides.
  • A minimum of three scholarly sources should be cited and referenced. 
  • Your presentation must be properly cited and formatted according to APA.
Writers Solution

Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional).

Students will be assigned to small groups by the end of Week 2. Group discussion areas will be provided to facilitate interaction among group members. Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional). In Week 3, each group will submit a brief introduction (1-2 pages) for their chosen business for instructor approval. The introduction is worth 20 points. The final marketing plan, due in Week 7, is worth 180 points and should include the following sections:

1. Cover Page

2. Executive Summary

3. Target Customers

4. Unique Selling Proposition

5. Pricing and Positioning Strategy

6. Distribution Strategy

7. Promotions Strategy

8. Contingency Plans

The expected length for this assignment is 12-15 pages. APA methodology applies to this assignment.