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Social and Racial Problems Presentation

Social and Racial Problems Presentation (a mid-point program assessment) will be used to measure students’ ability to conduct and present content related to a social or racial problem giving attention to the content knowledge and skills below.

  1. Identify the history of the problem. The candidate provides a detailed description of the social problem.
  2. Discuss how social and racial stratification exacerbate (worsen) the problem.
  3. Compile secondary research in a review of literature on the problem.
  4. Compose recommendations on how to resolve or respond to the problem.
  5. Draft an APA formatted reference list.
  6. Compile information into a cohesive PowerPoint Presentation.

Part I – Required

Write a 5-page paper that is double-spaced (excluding cover and reference pages). You will select a racial or social issue that has affected your community over time (you may select an issue from chapter 12 or 13). In summary, select the problem and discuss its historical background, discuss how racial/social stratification has intensified the problem in your community, and provide recommendation(s) on how to solve the problem.

  1. Use basic, secondary research skills to examine the history of a social and/or racial problem.
  2. Discuss how social and racial stratification intensify the social and/or racial problem.
  3. Synthesize recent and relevant secondary research in a review of literature on the social or racial problem (Must include 8-10 reference sources).
  4. Compose recommendations on how to resolve or respond to the problem.
  5. Compile a properly formatted APA reference list.


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Take an active stance on issues of social justice in your community

Changing Corporate Culture Project Overview

Change is often difficult but also necessary for the long-term success of any organization. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses had to quickly pivot away from business as usual to adapt to a new reality. Formal sit-down restaurants started offering takeout, hotels changed their check-in and cleaning processes, sports venues operated without spectators, and schools switched to a distance-learning model. Even more challenging than these operational changes, however, is a change in culture. Our textbook defines  culture as “the shared values, norms, rules, and behaviors of an identifiable group of people who share a common history and communication system” Because values, norms, rules, and behaviors normally evolve over a considerable period of time, changing the culture represents a significant challenge. Your task is to persuade an audience of decision makers at an organization of your choosing to commit to a cultural change. Your task is to convince your organization to make  one of the following changes.

· Take an active stance on issues of social justice in your community.

· Commit to environmental sustainability.

· Focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring and promotion practices.

· Make your organization welcoming to people with disabilities.

· Provide a living wage and retirement benefits to all colleagues.

· Allow colleagues paid time off to engage in volunteer work.

· Include nonmanagement colleagues on the organization’s Board of Directors or leadership team.

These are not all of the possible topics. If you have a different idea, please check with your instructor first to make sure it is appropriate.

Important Note: Although reusing and recycling is great for the environment, it is  not allowed here. You must use an original idea and original research for this assignment. You may not resubmit an assignment from another class.

In choosing an organization, you have a few options.

· Your current employer

· A previous employer

· An organization you have never worked for that is aligned with your career goals

· A fictional organization that may be similar to your current or previous employer or to an existing organization you might wish to work for in the future

Similarly, as you approach this assignment, you have some leeway in imagining your role in your chosen organization. You may choose to inhabit your current job title, or you may imagine yourself in a different role, or even create a brand-new job title. Take some time to think about your topic, organization, and role, because you will be creating the entire assignment based on these choices.

To Do:

 You will write a three-paragraph memo to convince your instructor to approve your topic. (Please choose a topic).

You will write a memo addressed to your instructor in which you share your plans for your Course Project. In order to convince your instructor to approve your topic, you must explain what your topic is, why you have chosen it, and how you plan to complete it successfully. You may find it helpful to divide your memo into three paragraphs: the what, the why, and the how. The recommended length of this assignment is one page. See Appendix B, Formatting for Letters and Memos, to learn more about the memo format and to see a sample memo.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Take an active stance on issues of social justice in your community


Please ensure that all criteria is met.

Document DesignMessage is properly formatted in the style of a memo and includes all of the required elements.
Audience AwarenessThe tone is appropriate for the audience and purpose. The message demonstrates courtesy and professionalism throughout.
ContentThe message clearly and convincingly explains the what, the why, and the how. The message is organized into paragraphs to enhance readability.
Writing MechanicsRules of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.
Writers Solution

Meaning of positive social change

Choose one of the three social change literature review articles found in this week’s Learning Resources and review the article in detail.

· Explore the Walden Social Change website and locate an additional document, video, or webpage that will inform your understanding of the meaning of positive social change. Reflect on any additional sources you find.

· Next, write field notes based on the information you gathered from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites that might inform your changing impressions about the meaning of positive social change.

· Finally, review the media programs related to coding and consider how you will use this information to support this Discussion. Note: In your Excel Video Coding template there is a tab for your website data. Use this tab to place your content and codes for the website.

· BY DAY 4

· Prepare a brief explanation of your understanding of the meaning of positive social change thus far. Refer to the additional sources you have reviewed this week, and comment on how they are shaping your experience. Use the data you gathered from your analytic memo to support your explanation.

· Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.


The following articles are examples of literature reviews on the aspects of social change. Choose one of the articles for this week’s Discussion 2.

· Ashoka. (2017).  My changemaker toolkitLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· Tackling Heropreneurship. (n.d.).  The impact gaps canvasLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· Thomas, E.F., MCGarty, C., & Mavor, K.I. (2009).  Transforming “Apathy Into Movement”: The Role of Prosocial Emotions in Motivating Action for Social ChangeLinks to an external site. Personality & Social Psychology Review, 13(4), 310-333.

· Kezar, A. (2014).  Higher Education Change and Social Networks: A Review of ResearchLinks to an external site. Journal of Higher Education, 85(1), 91-125.

· Aguinis, H. & Glavas, A. (2012).  What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda.Links to an external site.  Journal of Management, 38(4). 932-968.

· Walden University. (2015).  Social ChangeLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

As you review this website, think about Walden’s meaning of social change and how this website will guide you as you consider positive social change for your Major Assignment 2.

· Document:  Excel Video Coding Document Template (Excel spreadsheet) Download Excel Video Coding Document Template (Excel spreadsheet)

Review this Excel template as you view this week’s media programs. Also, you will use this template for organizing your transcripts and preparing them for coding.


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Evaluate a social problem and how it impacts the criminal justice system in the United States

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook. You will develop an outline, using the sample below, that includes an abstract, problem statement, and annotated bibliography. Use the UAGC Writing Center’s Writing an AbstractLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

Problem Statement: Evaluate a social problem and how it impacts the criminal justice system in the United States. You will recall that in the Post Your Introduction activity in Week 1 you identified a social problem. You may use that problem for your Final Paper or choose a different social and criminal justice problem.

Outline: Using the sample below as a guide, provide an outline for your Final Paper. Remember that papers are expected to define a significant problem faced by the justice system, describe the scope and consequences of the problem, and discuss society’s responses to the problem (including public policies and other less formal responses). Your paper should also present a clearly reasoned alternative, supported by scholarly research.

Annotated Bibliography: The purpose of creating a list of sources is to assist you in organizing and evaluating your research.

  • Identify the problem. Be sure to narrow your problem enough to allow a focused examination.
  • Describe the individual, social, and criminal justice system implications of this problem. Discussion of implications should be supported by accurate research data.
  • Summarize what experts say about the problem.
  • Explain what we, as a society, have done to remedy this problem. Consider public policies and other, less formal responses.
  • Analyze to what extent public policies and other, less formal responses are effective in addressing this problem.
  • Propose an alternative solution to the problem.
  • Analyze why the alternative is, or can be, an effective response to the problem. Remember to consider negative consequences of the alternative response.
  • Conclude with your thoughts about your chosen social problem. This is a good place to include personal opinions, assuming you wish to share them in a research paper.
  • Create an annotated bibliographyLinks to an external site.. In the bibliography, include the following:
    • Name of the source, including the complete bibliographic reference in proper APA format, as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site.
    • Summary of the source (at least one paragraph) including how this source will contribute to your paper.

In short, define a problem, discuss the response, and provide alternative responses to the problem. For example, your problem could be drug use and abuse, with a focus on prescription drug abuse among teenagers. Your description of the problems should be fact based, relying on expert opinion. Your alternative can be an adjustment of current policy or a new direction. For example, you may propose longer prison sentences, or legalization of all drugs. Be creative, although suggestions must be supported by scholarly research.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


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Social environment and reporting on how it structures opportunities related to health and illness

Pick a neighborhood in the proximity of where you live[1]. You will be studying the social environment and reporting on how it structures opportunities related to health and illness.  You may choose your neighborhood, but be careful, as we tend not to recognize the obvious in our lives. McCamey, Texas. This project involves observation. You shouldn’t interview, survey, or speak with anybody as part of your study for ethical reasons. If you took any photos of people, you wouldn’t be at your best. Any project that incorporates interviews with locals or other people WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, and a grade of 0 will be assigned. I want you to concentrate on the actual surroundings instead. Even if your knowledge is solely observational and needs no interaction, no specific people should be included in your report.
You should abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws. NO TRAFFICKING AT ALL. A grade of 0 will also be assigned for any documented unlawful action. Furthermore, it would be ideal if you avoided placing yourself in risk. Avoid going to places where you might endanger yourself. Please be reasonable. Never go out at night or alone yourself, and avoid any scenario where there may be a danger to your safety. Take extra precautions. I don’t want you to live in an area where drug sales are conducted openly, and I don’t want you to hang around in parks late at night to watch shady characters commit crimes. I don’t want you to provide a conflict zone report from a renegade journalist. Instead, you may do the majority of the task using a computer.Webcamsscreenshotsareas through online street views, maps, and all-you-can-eat establishments, among other things.

You may take digital pictures (a camera phone should be just fine) to include with your project.

You may use Google Street View (but not required) and show screen shots of specific area. Any photos you take should be of places, NOT people.  No individual should be identifiable in any of the photos you take. 

What types of factors should you be looking for?

•      Public spaces. – exercise, playgrounds, parks

•      Food – groceries (type of), fast food availability, all you can eat buffets, etc.

o   What type of food displays are prominent in the grocery store? Healthy food/junk food?

o   If there is no grocery store in your area, find the closest one(s) that ·you think people in your selected area use for their food.  all-you-can-eatIs smoking allowed indoors? Only in bars? Not at all?

•      Pedestrian safety/ability or need to drive everywhere

•      Bike lanes

•      Road safety – How often do major car accidents occur? Official data may not be available, but in Odessa, for example, the news covers them in detail. 

•      Proximity to medical clinic/hospital

•      How do people come together? How many churches/if any? How many bars? Do people have to walk to the bars or do most drive? Other positive/negative areas of interaction?

•      Other factors may be unique to your specific situation – proximity to power plants, waste dumps, industrial areas

Your paper will take the following basic format: (NO GPT CHAT OR ANY AI)

1.  Introduction 

-introduce social causation of disease

-introduce your neighborhood. Where is it? Do you believe residents are healthy?

-based on available data, what do the statistics say about the general health of your area? This may include broad information, as noted above, such as car accidents reported on the news. Alternatively, the EPA provides data on environmental hazards (and there,lots in Odessa, Midland, and Houston, for example), which you can are also discussthreeare summarize criticalthree summarizethree thetiny Introduce.  Findings

-Pick at least three key areas to examine (among those listed above). Discuss what you found. I don’t want a list of all 47 restaurants, but you could summarize how many fast food places there are, etc. Provide critical details and avoid adding filler that doesn’t speak to the project.  Think critically. Analyze what is going on.

3.  Conclusion

-Summarize your findings. Perhaps suggest how you think health could be improved if needed. 


[1] What constitutes a neighborhood?  This is somewhat undefined.  Generally speaking, it should be a residential area bordered by a few major streets. 1-2 square miles would be about right, but depending on population density, this could vary.  If you live in a tiny town (say up to 10,000 people), and for example, there is only one place to buy groceries, three summarizeyou may use the entire town. I provide an example below.

Social Risk Autopsy

Part A: Introduction 

· Introduce the threesummarize three the must also asocial causation of disease

·         Introduce your neighborhood. Where is it? Do you believe residents are healthy?

·         Based on available data, what do the statistics say about the general health of your area? This may include broad information, as noted above, such as car accidents reported on the news. Alternatively, the EPA provides data on environmental hazards (and there are lots in Odessa, Midland, and Houston, for example), which you can also discuss.

·         Five pages, excluding the title page and references page. You can use up to three pictures in your five-page project. You can add the rest of your images in the appendix.

Part B: Findings

·         Pick at least threesummarize three key areas to examine (among those listed above).

·         Discuss what you found. I don’t want a list of all 47 restaurants, but you could provide a summary of how many fast food places there are, etc.

·         Provide key details and avoid adding filler that doesn’t speak to the project. 

·         Think critically. Analyze what is going on.

Part C: Format- Academic Citations

·         3 sociological journals (from approved journals listed)

·         One source of your choice (still must be scholarly), such as a website.

·         The title page has all the required elements and formatting:

·         Formatted in the ASA style or APA (APA is allowed if you are not majoring in sociology. However, you must inform me which style you will follow). Remember to be consistent with your style.

Part D: Conclusion

·         Summarize your findings.

·         Perhaps suggest how you think health could be improved if needed.

Writers Solution

social culture influence workplace productivity

Does social culture influence workplace productivity? If so, how? If not, why not?

1st Student – Katrin

Nurturing workplace culture could be a starting point to combat challenges such as skill shortage, (Nekula & Koob, 2021). In my professional experiences, I do believe that social culture does influence workplace productivity. Building relationships with coworkers is crucial to feeling supported, as a teacher it is so beneficial to have a strong relationship with your grade level teacher/team. I have built friendships at work that become ‘family”. Teaching can be challenging and having those like-minded friends to bounce ideas off, cover your class while you run to the bathroom or grab your class if you need to leave early are a few examples of what family-like workplace culture. The famiily-like workplace is developed with a diverse group of educators from different backgrounds, generations and experiences. Leadership sets the tone for the workplace, as far as how serious/fun the workplace will be. Researchers have examined social interaction in the workplace, in particular, non task related interactions, such as kidding around and social conversation, which are frequent and important parts of the social culture of a workplace, (Butterworth, et al., 2000). Getting a good laugh in during your lunch break is so important. 

According to Butterworth, Hagner, Helm, and Whelley (2000). Workplace culture, social connections, and resources for young people in transition. 38(4), 342–353, Mental Retardation. No. 2 Syliv
According to Jolly et al. (2021), the evolution of information and technology has an impact on organisations as well as the way people live and interact in society. As a result, many organisations undoubtedly see the need for specialised services as a top priority. According to Jolly et al. (2021), technology has altered both the community’s and society’s attitudes. Gender differences are no longer requirements for many jobs, where gender is no longer taken into account, but rather the human resources’ skills and competencies. Given the current societal system, in which males are expected to provide for their families by working outside the house, men are generally placed at the top of the hierarchy with women coming in second. It is common practise in many sectors that women are expected to do domestic duties (Jolly et al., 2021).
Kim, KY, Kong, DT, and PM Jolly. Review of social assistance at work in its entirety. Behavioural Organ. 2021; 42: 229–251.
Three-year-old Erin
The social culture of the workplace might affect productivity. Successful organisations have high rates of diversity, and fostering an open and welcoming culture is very advantageous to an organization’s productivity. Employees who work for organisations with strong social cultures tend to be happier and more content with their jobs, which may result in gains in performance and knowledge that can boost quantifiable production (Sabuhari et al., 2020). Employees may feel more valued, committed, and accepted when organisations prioritise their overall well-being by promoting and emphasising the importance of their lives outside of the organisation, such as work-life balance. This may in turn cause employees to feel as though they must reciprocate that feeling by being more productive (De Sivatte et al., 2014). This is something I can personally testify to. My principal gave me permission to leave early from our twice-monthly staff meetings without being penalised when my dad was told he had stage 4 colon cancer so I could spend time with him and give my mum a respite. She didn’t have to do anything, but she valued creating a culture at the school where she treated us as fellow people in need of support and respected us both as individuals and as part of her team. Because she instilled in us the culture that our values to her didn’t start and finish in the classroom, I can honestly say that I worked more for her than any other principal I have had. People work harder when they feel appreciated and welcomed, and if an organization’s social atmosphere is welcoming and supportive, workers will be more involved and motivated to be more successful.

Irawanto, D. W., Rahayu, M., Sudiro, A., & Sabuhari, R. (2020). the impacts of employee competence, organisational culture adaption, work happiness, and human resource flexibility on employee performance. 10(8):1777-1786, Management Science Letters. https://10.5267/j.msl.2020.1.001




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Powered hierarchies based on social difference have existed long before industrial capitalism

Write a 5-7 page paper (double spaced, 12 point font, standard margins) on one of the following topics. Your title page and bibliography (and any other pages that are not writing) do not count towards the page count. Please cite all your sources, with an accepted citational standard of your choice. For sources, you may only use:

  • Readings assigned in class.
  • Other writing by authors assigned in class.
  • Sources which address the exact same topic as readings assigned in class (e.g. West African deindustrialization; gender roles in Iriquois Confederacy, etc.).

Powered hierarchies based on social difference have existed long before industrial capitalism. However, these systems have interacted with industrial capitalism in particular ways – at times entrenching their power and at other times shifting that power. Using examples, as well as theory, from class and from the readings, trace how industrial capitalism has interacted with racism and white supremacy; with patriarchy; and with the division between the Global North and Global South. How has capitalism exacerbated some of the power differentials between groups, and how has it shifted that power over time?




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Agencies use of social media Policing and Technology Intelligence Led Policing Crime mapping to improve patrol strategies Police

The research paper assignment for this class is split into several smaller assignments. These assignments are described in detail below. You are required to choose a topic in Module 2 by posting it in a discussion, and ideally stick with that topic as you move through other stages.

Generally speaking, your goal is to choose a topic related to criminal justice policy and provide a general overview. This should be a lengthy descriptive essay on a specific policy or policy proposal that is ideally not covered by the module readings or your textbooks. You must use APA format for this paper. If you do not have a current APA manual, I suggest you acquire one, as they are relatively inexpensive. Most major booksellers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc) have it priced around $20 the last time I checked. Minus any references, figures, tables, etc., your paper should be a minimum of 10 pages of text. I would say no more than 15 pages of text if you were looking for a maximum. I tend to want to move on to a new topic at that point.

A note on sources: Wikipedia is not allowed as a reference (this should not have to be said, but I am saying it anyway). You can, however, use Wikipedia to find sources, since some articles on Wikipedia have a list of source information from academic journals and other acceptable sources at the bottom of the page. Websites that are used as sources generally must end in .org, .gov, or .edu, and the content must be approved by me. There are some good research and governmental reports online, but your primary sources should be scholarly books and journal articles. Most nonfiction books and academic journals are acceptable content and will not need approval. I will let you know if any sources do not meet approval as long as you submit a list of sources with the earlier assignments. You are allowed to use a reading or two from the course in your list of references, but the bulk of the references need to come from outside sources.

The Prospectus: The Prospectus is a short plan for your paper and includes the following: A title page, a summary OR outline, and an optional list of references (about 3-5 preliminary references for now). If, for example, you plan to write a paper on violence in the South, you would tell me in your abstract that this is your topic and follow that up by giving me the theory you plan to use to explain this phenomenon. You would also want to tell me if you are going to focus on any particular time period. Are you going to be discussing the present, pre- or post- Civil War, the Civil Rights Era, etc. (following the example of violence in the South)? There is no minimum word count for the prospectus, but it should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 to 2 pages of text, plus the title page and references. The file for the prospectus should include a title page with your name and a preliminary title in a standard format, followed by the summary, and optional references (so, around 4 pages total). The prospectus is due at the end of Module 4

The Rough Draft: The Rough Draft of your paper needs to be a 60-70% complete version of your paper. You should have your sources finalized at this point, even if you do not cite them all in your paper. I want to see a list of at least 10 sources. A maximum of 2 can be web pages (as long as they are approved by me). Sources can be journal articles (peer reviewed), books, reports from government agencies, web pages (2 max.) and other content with my approval. The file for the outline should include the title page, the text of the rough draft, and the reference page in that order (all in one file). The rough draft is due at the end of Module 6.

The Final Paper: This should be the complete product, revised to reflect any changes I suggest in the final draft. The final paper must meet the guidelines set in the syllabus with regards to word count and follow all guidelines in the syllabus, on the research paper guide, and for all previous paper assignments. The final paper needs to have a title page, an abstract, the text, and a reference page, all in one file. The final paper is due at the end of Module 8

It is not appropriate to submit a paper used in another class for this assignment. If you plan to use the same topic you have used for another class paper, this version must be substantially different from the one used in the other class, and you must inform me that you are using a topic from a prior assignment, and tell me the Professor / Instructor to contact regarding the previous assignment. The policies regarding Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism apply to this assignment.

POSSIBLE TOPIC AREAS: Here is a list of general topical areas derived from past papers I have graded in this area. This may be helpful in developing a topic for your paper. If this is not particularly helpful, feel free to email me. You are not required to choose from this list.

For Police and Society: For Rural Crime and Justice

Agencies use of social media Policing and Technology Intelligence Led Policing Crime mapping to improve patrol strategies Police – Community Relations Community Based Policing Militarization of Police

Rural homicide Domestic Violence in Rural Areas Meth Production and Clandestine Labs Agricultural Theft and Rural Crime Poaching and Illegal Hunting in Rural Areas Rural policing strategies for small agencies Migrant communities and crime in rural areas Rural culture and crime




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What are the best times to post on Social Media Platforms? Why? 

After reading the following article(s) or watching the following video(s), use this forum to contribute to the discussion.

Writing Prompt/Question:

What are the best times to post on Social Media Platforms? Why? 

before submitting your posts to maximize the points you will earn. Your initial post should be at least 200 words. Remember to only use the information provided from the article that is linked on the assignment.




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social problem connected to health or health care

For this assignment, you will write a two-page essay discussing a social problem connected to health or health care. Examples of paper topics are as follows: unequal access to health care, universal health care, work-life balance, smoking, substance abuse, obesity, COVID-19, mental health, veteran’s health care, affordability of health care, planned parenthood, and eldercare. Your essay should address the prompts below.

  • Provide some background on the social problem. Discuss how socioeconomic inequality connects to the problem. Discuss how one of the sociological perspectives (conflict, interactionist, or symbolic interactionism) applies to the issue. Apply the concept of sociological imagination to the problem. 
  • Discuss at least one solution to help alleviate the problem.  
  • Discuss how the social problem you discussed impacts you. What steps can you take to help address the social problem discussed in your paper?

APA formatting and in-text citations and references are required. The title page and references page are not counted in the two-page requirement. It is required that students cite their textbook and at least one additional scholarly source from the CSU Online Library. It is recommended that students use additional scholarly sources found online or in the library to support their analysis




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