Writers Solution



Download the PDF.  Chose 1 of the 3 topics below, go to that page(8,9 OR 10) in the PDF and respond to the 3 discussion questions

Topic 1:  /the mental health dilemma_
Addiction, anxiety and depression. Platforms
are designed to reward distraction and keep us
hooked – at the expense of our wellbeing – to fuel
their business.
Topic 2: /the democracy dilemma_
Political polarization and divisiveness. Content
that promotes outrage, deception, and conspiracy
is promoted as a way to drive more engagement.
Stronger ideological rifts make cooperation and
compromise increasingly difficult and ultimately
sabotage our democracy.
Topic 3: /the discrimination dilemma_
Algorithmic bias and the amplification of hate.
Algorithms are not equipped to detect hate speech
and the data harnessed by our online activity is
used by institutions in ways that can harm and
discriminate against marginalized communities.
The companies that connected the world and
transformed how we consume information did
so at a cost. The unintended consequences of
exploitative technologies are catching up with
us in the form of:
Those of us who rely on these platforms are
unknowingly complicit in this devil’s bargain,
where we trade our freedom for followers,
our social cohesion for instant connection,
and the truth for what we want to hear.

Writers Solution

How were your food intake and activity affected by social isolation?

 Eat all meals alone for 2 days. Try to also engage in physical activity alone for the same 2 days that you eat your meals alone.  Compare/contrast this to eating your meals with or engaging in physical activity with another person or other people. Keep a diary and make note of the following:

  1. How were your food intake and activity affected by social isolation?
  2. How did you feel eating alone or engaging in physical activity alone?
  3. What were your mood, appetite, and activity like?
  4. Why do you think there was a change if any in the type of, quantity, and/or quality of the food when you ate alone or engaged in activity alone?
  5. How do you think the elderly feel after a spouse dies or if they are left alone?

Submit your answers to the 5 questions above using the Social Impact Blog in module 10. Each answer is worth 3 points. Class participation is worth 5 points. A total of 20 points are possible. To earn the class participation points, students should read other student posts and post at least 2 comments that add to the knowledge posted by another student. Students have two days after the posting due date to earn the class participation points. Demonstrate your depth of knowledge and add your opinion to the topic.
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Writers Solution

COVID-19 mask wearing, social distancing, and lock-downs and the increasing use of video teleconferences and teleworking

 How have the COVID-19 mask wearing, social distancing, and lock-downs and the increasing use of video teleconferences and teleworking affected organizational power dynamics and influence in the workplace? 

How have you adapted? How has this “new normal” affected your position in the organization? How has your own organization adapted? For the better or for the worse?  Explain.

Words: At least 310 words

APA Format

No Plagiarism

Writers Solution

Economic, political, and social impact of global warming.

Can you write a 3-4 page paper on the question above?  Conclude by discussing the economic, political, and social impact of global warming.

Writers Solution

Weigh in on the various definitions of equality (fundamental equality, social equality, equal treatment for equals, equal treatment for equals and unequal treatment for unequals)

  1. Weigh in on the various definitions of equality (fundamental equality, social equality, equal treatment for equals, equal treatment for equals and unequal treatment for unequals): which of these accounts best expresses your own understanding of equality? Why? Bring this definition of equality to bear on Ronald Dworkin’s conception of the best way, politically speaking, to respect and uphold human rights.
  2. The American philosopher, John Rawls (1921-2002), advanced an influential view of “justice as fairness.” Assess his argument for his version of egalitarian liberalism: what is included in his account of justice and what sorts of rights do people have in society? Do you agree with this kind of liberalism, or do you think it falls short in bringing about the kind of just and fair society Rawls envisions? Finally, explain and evaluate the communitarian (be careful not to confuse communitarianism with communism) critique of Rawls’s atomistic, abstract individualism.
  1. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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Social engineering tactics that hackers employ and provide an example of each

  1. Explain the various forms of social engineering tactics that hackers employ and provide an example of each.
  2. Describe the five social norms of hacker subculture and provide an example of each.
  3. Search Internet news sources and find a recent article on hacking. Describe the tone in regard to hacking and explain what the article conveys in regard to stigmas and labels surrounding the hacker.
Writers Solution

Social determinants of health

Reflecting on what you have learned about the social determinants of health, SDOH, how can nurses work collaboratively with physicians and other health care professionals to improve primary care, reduce overutilization and improve underutilization of healthcare services? Include in your response how fostering an environment of diversity and cultural awareness among healthcare providers builds a stronger healthcare team and improves care delivery to healthcare consumers.

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Writers Solution

What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? How might an organization demonstrate social responsibility?


Please read the following section contained in the online textbook Boundless Business (

  • Business Ethics and Social Responsibility


Please respond to the following:

  1. What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? How might an organization demonstrate social responsibility?


  • Minimum Page Length – 1 full-page (excluding title/header and reference list); 12-point Times New Roman; double spaced; and page numbering.
  • Please be sure to answer the entire question to receive maximum credit for this task.
  • Use and include information from the weekly course content and outside sources to support the conclusions contained in the paper. Be sure to include intext citations. 
Writers Solution

What do you consider to be the top three benefits to social responsibility?

According to George and Jones (2020), a company’s stance on social responsibility is the way its managers and employees view their duty or obligation to make decisions that protect, enhance, and promote the welfare and well-being of stakeholders and society as a whole. This includes the way the company handles changing demographics and emerging technologies.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Writers Solution

Personal and Social History: 1. Educational level 2. Personal interests

Please do this one based on a 5 year old with croup


Identifying Data: Age, Gender, Occupation, and Marital Status

Source and Reliability:

1. Subjective:

Chief complaint or appropriate health screening visit: The one or more symptoms or concerns causing the patient to seek care. Need not be the patient’s complete statement – may be a brief summary of reason patient wanted to be seen for this visit

HPI: Complete subjective description of problem, including “OLDCARTS” findings or similar, including location, quality severity, duration, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs/symptoms, relieving and aggravating factors, related systems.

Medications, including OTC and Herbals Preparation

Past Medical History:

1. Allergies – medications, food, environmental or seasonal

2. Childhood Illnesses – Chicken pox, Rheumatic fever, Rubella, Measles, and Mumps

3. Adult Illnesses

    1. Injuries

    2. Surgeries

    3. Hospitalizations

    4. Obstetric/Gynecologic

    5. Psychiatric

4. Health Maintenance

    1. Immunization status – DPT, MMR, Influenza, Hepatitis, Polio, and Pneumovax

    2. Dental Exams (frequency and treatment)

    3. Last eye exam (include results)

    4. SBE/Pap/GYN (include results)

    5. Testicular/rectal exam (include results)

Family History: Include presence or absence of specific illnesses in family such as hypertension, diabetes, or cancer

Personal and Social History:

1. Educational level

2. Personal interests

3. Lifestyle – exercise and diet

4. Older Adults – ADLs and iADLs

Review of Systems: Pertinent positives and negatives in the differential diagnosis 

1. Objective:

    1. Vital Signs

    2. Blood Pressure

    3. Temperature

                                               iii.      Pulse

1. Respirations

2. Height

3. Weight

                                              vii.      BMI including normal, overweight, obese, morbidly obese

1. Physical Examination – specific systems as appropriate

1. Assessment and Plan (This section should process for the reader, should be based on current literature/guidelines. This should be organized and succinct.)

Differential diagnoses including ICD – 10 and Rationale: List the other diagnoses that should be considered in light of the history and physical findings. Rationale: Articulate a rationale for the most likely diagnosis and for each differential diagnosis. In this discussion, include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives which help to rule out or rule in each diagnosis.

Most likely diagnosis: (if more than one diagnosis, number each in order of priority)


1. Pathophysiology of the problem

2. Explanation of the diagnosis

3. Diagnostic Testing

4. Lab testing

5. Radiology testing

6. Cardiac or Neurologic testing

7. Evaluations – Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, or Mental Health Evaluations

8. Medications and Treatments – pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. Should include at least 2 evidenced based references

9. Motivational Interviewing