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What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system?

Length of Final Repor t: Fiv e pages or mor e, 1.5 line spacing for main body of text (A4-siz e paper) F ont: Times, 10.5 pt.

(1.0 line spacing for endnotes/footnotes; 9 pt. font) —V ariety of r efer ence sour ces to be included:

Newspapers, magazines/journals, books and Internet-based sour ces (also information from our class lectur es) —Endnotes/footnotes r equired for all sour ces:

If y ou use any K orean-language r eference sour ces in the text, be sur e to list the original sour ce title along with the title ‘s tr anslation int o English in br ackets in the endnotes/footnotes, and the URL.

( Y our endnotes/sour ces can be included within the fiv e requir ed pages.) —Guidelines and format t o be followed:

The Chicago Manual of Style , 17th edition (Univ ersity of Chicago Pr ess, 2017) —Brief explanation of expected Final Repor t:

In our class this semester , we recently discussed the ” embedded reporting” system that was cr eated b y the U.S. militar y/government t o control the news co ver age befor e, during and after the U.S.-led inv asion of Ir aq back in 2003. Among the initial 700+ journalists who joined that contr oversial embedded r eporting system wer e news reporters fr om various media companies all ar ound the world, including countries in East Asia.

What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system? How many K orean news or ganizations (if any) t ook part in that system and joined the U.S. tr oops in Iraq, and what was their news co ver age of the Ir aq war like as a result? W ere any K or ean news or ganizations against joining that system, and if so, what kinds of pr otests were raised against such a system? What wer e the pros and cons of the U.S. embedded r eporting system, as far as South K orea ‘s news media wer e concerned?

W e ha ve hear d much about journalists fr om the USA, Britain, Japan and other countries who joined the P entagon ‘s embedded r eporting system in Ir aq, but we have not hear d much about the experiences of the South K orean news media concerning that system. I think it would add gr eatly to this K okusai Communication course t o have y ou write y our report on this par ticular subject, thus I would lik e you t o do so.

If y ou can also include any academic studies/r eports, public opinion sur ve ys, etc., about this subject in y our r eport, I think that would help gr eatly in strengthening y our thesis. My guess is that ther e must ha ve been a number of r eports issued b y academics and media or ganizations in South Korea concerning the U.S. embedded r eporting system, just as ther e have been in other countries. So, please inv estigate this subject in depth, and focus y our report on both the pr os and cons of the U.S.

embedded r eporting system, as far as the K orean news media ‘s experience was concerned.

—Gr ading of Final Repor t:

The maximum y ou can receive for this Final Repor t will be a possible 100 per cent, just as if you had sat for the Final Exam. The grade for the Final Repor t, of course, will depend on the o ver all quality of the r epor t submitted




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Healthcare reform efforts in South America

Health Insurance Annotated Bibliography

Nina Johnson

School of Business, Liberty University

Annotated Bibliography in Health Insurance

Serrate, P. C. F., Rigoli, F., Atun, R., Frenz, P., Garcia, P., de Andrade, L. O. M., & Gomez-Dantes, O. (2014). Health-system reform and universal health coverage in Latin America.

This article examines healthcare reform efforts in South America. The authors look into the context-specific obstacles driving innovation in LAC healthcare systems and the substantiation of healthcare systems policy changes, such as health system governance and leadership, health system funding, resource planning, and provision of services. The authors highlight several key accomplishments based on these research results, including broadened Medicaid of social welfare and medical coverage, extensive coverage of health services predicated on thorough principal health care, enhancements in health results, insurance coverage, and gratification.

Borgonovi, E., & Compagni, A. (2013). They are sustaining universal health coverage: the interaction of social, political, and economic sustainability. Value in health, 16(1), S34-S38.

The article highlights what most experts believe regarding sustainable economic growth when they imagine achieving sustainable development. Nevertheless, it is critical to recognize that sustainability has social and political aspects. According to the strategy commentary and analysis in this article, economic insufficiency could be utilized to subvert political and socially sustainable development. They assert compellingly that assessing management strategies should play a larger role in evaluating financial viability.

Drummond, M., Tarricone, R., & Torbica, A. (2013). Assessing the added value of health technologies: reconciling different perspectives. Value in Health, 16(1), S7-S13.

The article by Drummond, Tarricone, and Torbica discusses the difficulties that UHC structures encounter in providing access to expensive technological innovations. It sheds some light on the connection between health technology appraisal and universal health insurance. The authors highlight the innate pressure that persists among the relevant parties, such as patients, payers, and innovators of new technologies.

Evans, D. B., Marten, R., & Etienne, C. (2012). Universal health coverage is a development issue. The Lancet, 380(9845), 864-865.

Even though social and ecological variables have an influence on health, sustaining and enhancing health is both an aspect and a predictor of sustainability because improved health corresponds significantly to human development. Keeping folks healthy, high-quality healthcare mechanisms with universal coverage safeguard people from ailments, promote economic growth and combat poverty. They also help maintain peaceful coexistence by assuring the citizens that services are accessible in the circumstance of illness. As a result, one of the prerequisites for sustainable growth must be to assist countries in moving nearer to universal health care.

Frank, J. (2015). Leading the way towards universal health coverage: a call to action. The Lancet, 385(9975), 1352-1358.

The invite to intervention underscores the next stages that could assist Latin America, and the remainder of the undeveloped nations achieve the objective of universal health care. Because of the complexity and scale of Latin America’s hurdles, current policy inventions, and distributed health complications with the poorest countries, teachings from South America could be implemented to other nations and wider conversations of global health restructuring.

Garrison, L. P. (2013). Universal health coverage—big thinking versus big data. Value in Health, 16(1), S1-S3.

This is the first of 8 articles in a special edition highlighting the variety of methods and methods used by social sciences to comprehend and satisfy the emerging obstacles of a progressively intricate and worldwide healthcare setting. All in all, the new issue focuses on the many aspects and concerns surrounding the broadly sought-after objective of Universal health care. The publications primarily discuss big thoughts predicated on a small number of “attributes,” that is, commonly kept suppositions regarding actions, often premised on a comprehensive evaluation of our understanding.

Horton, R. (2014). Offline: WHO offers a new future for sustainable development. The Lancet, 383(9932), 1872.

The article is about WHO responding to incredible demand from nations by emphasizing UHC post-2015. Dr Chan has defied the conservative politics of some funders who view Universal health care as a philosophy rather than a scheme that can be implemented. WHO also establishes four goals. To begin, the goal is to “accomplish the MDGs for infant, kid, and maternity care, as well as major infectious diseases.” “Confront the hardship of noncommunicable, concussions, and psychiatric disorder,” says the second sub-goal. The third goal is to “improve healthcare quality with financial threat safety.”

Horton, R., & Das, P. (2014). Universal health coverage: not why, what, or when–but how?. Lancet (London, England), 385(9974), 1156-1157.

The debate over universal health coverage has been on the winning end and is gaining rapidly. Still, the assignment of providing Universal health care to the nations in need of adaptable healthcare systems has only just begun. But a slight headway has been made in the domain of complicated policy formulation. UHC is no longer a question of “how, which one, or even when.” It is today a matter of “how.” The major disparity for nations attempting to provide UHC is connectivity to a library of understanding, insight, and funds aid in decision-making.

Kruk, M. E. (2013). Universal health coverage: a policy whose time has come. BMJ, 347. Health care insurance is both the right and logical idea to do. It moves nations closer to acknowledging a person’s right to health, a worldwide dedication made yet still unmet in many nations. Furthermore, it is an effective method of financing healthcare. Getting more health out of healthcare investment portfolios reduces clients’ economic strain. Individuals in middle and low nations are progressively demanding good healthcare, according to a current study of Asian and African survey participants. This growing attention comes as low-income nations’ economy expands and taxpayers demand more from their authorities, such as a greater social welfare system.

Reich, M. R., Harris, J., Ikegami, N., Maeda, A., Cashin, C., Araujo, E. C., & Evans, T. G. (2016). Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies. The Lancet, 387(10020), 811-816.

This book summarizes the thoughts and feelings of 11 nations in trying to implement initiatives and approaches to accomplish and sustain global health insurance: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Indonesia, Japan, Peru, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. These nations portray a wide range of geographic and economic circumstances. Still, they have all dedicated themselves to Universal health care as a major strategic ambition, are pursuing it in various aspects, and are at various phases of attaining or maintaining it.

McKee, M., Balabanova, D., Basu, S., Ricciardi, W., & Stuckler, D. (2013). Universal health coverage: a quest for all countries but under threat in some. Value in Health, 16(1), S39-S45.

McKee et al. (2013) examine the prospective fragile nature of UHC by combining prior analysis of data with huge thoughts regarding historical events. This article explains how many advanced and developing nations have accomplished universal care. They trawl through the information to track the following five important resources that facilitate UHC: the grit of labor unions and the left-wing parties that portray it and access to resources.

Dellinger, R. P., Levy, M. M., Rhodes, A., Annane, D., Gerlach, H., Opal, S. M., & Moreno, R. (2013). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock, 2012. Intensive care medicine, 39(2), 165-228.

A workable health system is critical to achieving health insurance, and this has been the subject of current declarations by activist groups and other groups around the world. The central factor for low- and middle-income nations’ health systems is providing greater financial security for households. The vital funding question would be whether the majority of the people will pay.

Missoni, E. (2013). Understanding the impact of global trade liberalization on health systems pursuing universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S14-S18.

Missoni’s article is a reflective policy piece investigating the future effects of the global economic reform on UHC. The article examines the potential negative effects of world trade on every of WHO’s six health framework basic components: customer service, integrated health, details, medical supplies, immunizations, innovations, funding, and management and leadership. While commerce and understanding synergies, such as the advantage of reduced, first-line antiretroviral therapy for HIV, could indeed support developing nations, the article recognizes several potential negative consequences.

Mulley, A., Evans, T., & Binagwaho, A. (2013). Meeting the challenges of providing universal health coverage. BMJ, 347.

Inclusive and inexpensive universal medical insurance, as well as advancements in individual’s health, could be attained by simply broadening and ramping up history’s “one-piece suit all” patient care designs. According to the 2010 World Health Organization report, 20-40% of existing medical spending is squandered. This squandering stems from both the failings to provide treatment safely and efficiently, as well as the overexploitation of services that surpasses what individuals would desire if they were notified of the options and the results.

Savedoff, W. D., de Ferranti, D., Smith, A. L., & Fan, V. (2012). Political and economic aspects of the transition to universal health coverage. The Lancet, 380(9845), 924-932.

This paper investigates the backgrounds of universal health insurance in 4 nations: Sweden, Japan, Chile, and Malaysia. It demonstrates that domestic stresses for normative medical access are extraordinarily diverse, pervasive, and tenacious. Second, global medical insurance is always associated with a substantial government role, although the involvement can take many shapes. Thirdly, the route to global health insurance is ad hoc, resulting from bargaining rather than layout. Eventually, universal medical insurance is achieved gradually and gradually over time.

Temkin, L. S. (2014). Universal Health Coverage: Solution or Siren? Some Preliminary Thoughts. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 31(1), 1-22.

This article relates explicitly to the burgeoning wave of support for the notion that UHC ought to be available to all people, including those in developing nations. While the writer supports the ultimate goal of achieving UHC worldwide as early as possible, the article conveys Temkin’s concerns about “whether the world’s wealthy nations, or organizations such as the World Health Organization, should be pressing the world’s poorest nations to take whatever measures are critical to achieve that objective.”

Campbell, J., Buchan, J., Cometto, G., David, B., Dussault, G., Fogstad, H., Fronteira, I., Lozano, R., Nyonator, F., Pablos-Méndez, A., Quain, E. E., Starrs, A., & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2013). Human resources for health and universal health coverage: fostering equity and effective coverage. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91(11), 853–863.

Everybody has the right to health, and domestic universal health care schemes must encompass checks and balances from the start to guarantee that providers (private and public) run the service equitably. Financial threat safeguarding is insufficient to guarantee quality care. Patient encounters should be considered when assessing the level of services. To resolve the incomplete MDGs and guarantee the sustainable growth of the rewards, national health and wellbeing planning must prioritize equity and inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.

Attaran, A., & Capron, A. M. (2014). Universal health coverage and health laws. Lancet, 383(9911), 25.

According to Attaran and Capron (2014), the WHO has exacerbated the issue by quietly discontinuing its IDHL, a compendium of health regulations that started in 1948. Moreover, for months, the webpage has been “momentarily” inaccessible. The authors urge WHO to update its catalogue of health regulations and provide aimed recommendations on legal best practices to achieve universal health insurance that it has an express obligation to do under the WHO Constitution but has sadly overlooked.

Fattore, G., & Tediosi, F. (2013). The importance of values in shaping how health systems gover nance and management can support universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S19-S23.

A notable example of a conceptual thought piece is Fattore and Tadiosi’s article on cultural norms and their involvement in governance regarding UHC. They present a plausible hypothesis for how distinct underpinning cultural norms can result in societies choosing governance and management frameworks that are somewhat cordial to UHC. They differentiate between “administration” and “leadership,” with the former focusing on operating processes and the latter on how rules and practices are established and implemented.

Ooms, G., Marten, R., Waris, A., Hammonds, R., Mulumba, M., & Friedman, E. A. (2014). Great expectations for the World Health Organization: a Framework Convention on Global Health to achieve universal health coverage. Public health, 128(2), 173-178.

Constructing a reform plan for the World Health Organization (WHO) necessitates comprehension of the institution’s position within the larger global healthcare system and the goals of that larger global health scheme. This paper focuses on a single goal: accomplishing universal health insurance. The goal is to explain why attaining UHC necessitates something more like a Framework Convention on Global Health, why WHO is in a rare position to welcome in an FCGH, and what particular initiatives would assist WHO presume this responsibility.


Attaran, A., & Capron, A. M. (2014). Universal health coverage and health laws. Lancet, 383(9911), 25.

Borgonovie, E., & Compagni, A. (2013). They are Sustaining Universal Health Coverage: The Interaction of Social, Political, and Economic Sustainability. Value in Health, 16(1), S34-S38.

Campbell, J., Buchan, J., Cometto, G., David, B., Dussault, G., Fogstad, H., Fronteira, I., Lozano, R., Nyonator, F., Pablos-Méndez, A., Quain, E. E., Starrs, A., & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2013). Human resources for health and universal health coverage: fostering equity and effective coverage. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91(11), 853–863.

Dellinger, R. P., Levy, M. M., Rhodes, A., Annane, D., Gerlach, H., Opal, S. M., & Moreno, R. (2013). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock, 2012. Intensive care medicine, 39(2), 165-228.

Drummond, M., Tarricone, R., & Torbica, A. (2013). Assessing the added value of health technologies: reconciling different perspectives. Value in Health, 16(1), S7-S13.

Evans, D. B., Marten, R., & Etienne, C. (2012). Universal health coverage is a development issue. The Lancet, 380(9845), 864-865.

Fattore, G., & Tediosi, F. (2013). The importance of values in shaping how health systems governance and management can support universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S19-S23.

Frank, J. (2015). Leading the way towards universal health coverage: a call to action. The Lancet, 385(9975), 1352-1358.

Garrison, L. P. (2013). Universal health coverage—big thinking versus big data. Value in Health, 16(1), S1-S3.

Horton, R. (2014). Offline: WHO offers a new future for sustainable development. The Lancet, 383(9932), 1872.

Horton, R., & Das, P. (2014). Universal health coverage: not why, what, or when–but how?. Lancet (London, England), 385(9974), 1156-1157.

Kruk, M. E. (2013). Universal health coverage: a policy whose time has come. BMJ, 347.

McKee, M., Balabanova, D., Basu, S., Ricciardi, W., & Stuckler, D. (2013). Universal health coverage: a quest for all countries but under threat in some. Value in Health, 16(1), S39-S45.

Missoni, E. (2013). Understanding the impact of global trade liberalization on health systems pursuing universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S14-S18.

Mulley, A., Evans, T., & Binagwaho, A. (2013). Meeting the challenges of providing universal health coverage. BMJ, 347.

Ooms, G., Marten, R., Waris, A., Hammonds, R., Mulumba, M., & Friedman, E. A. (2014). Great expectations for the World Health Organization: a Framework Convention on Global Health to achieve universal health coverage. Public health, 128(2), 173-178.

Reich, M. R., Harris, J., Ikegami, N., Maeda, A., Cashin, C., Araujo, E. C., & Evans, T. G. (2016). Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies. The Lancet, 387(10020), 811-816.

Savedoff, W. D., de Ferranti, D., Smith, A. L., & Fan, V. (2012). Political and economic aspects of the transition to universal health coverage. The Lancet, 380(9845), 924-932.

Serrate, P. C. F., Rigoli, F., Atun, R., Frenz, P., Garcia, P., de Andrade, L. O. M., & Gomez-Dantes, O. (2014). Health-system reform and universal health coverage in Latin America.

Temkin, L. S. (2014). Universal Health Coverage: Solution or Siren? Some Preliminary Thoughts. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 31(1), 1-22


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theories which best addresses the developmental challenges facing South Africa and the region

Types Of Theories
– Modernisation
– Dependency
– Neoliberalism
– Post Development
– Uneven Development
Choose two of the above theories which best addresses the developmental challenges facing South Africa and the region, then Provide a critical review of each theory and argue why one particular theory is more appropriate to your analysis than the other and Why
All plagiarism (using others’ words and ideas without acknowledgement) will result in a penalty.
500 words excluding refs




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Assignment Overview

South Africa is still a country divided. To be sure, ending apartheid, being done with overt racial discrimination, is a major step towards reconciliation and unification of the people. But there is a long way to go.

You now know a lot about unification. You’ve discussed it in the context of Germany and Korea, two very different countries facing strikingly similar situations.

Case Assignment

What lessons have you learned in the last two modules that apply to the situation in South Africa? How is it different?

Pick one or two of your most important thoughts about German and Korean unification and apply them to the situation in South Africa. Do this in three to five pages and hand it in by the end of this module.

Upload your papers for grading.

Assignment Expectations

The cases in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of a particular situation. In addressing case questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of challenges facing efforts at unification or, at least, the peaceful resolution of disputes between peoples in the nation being studied.

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The United States played a key role in the end of apartheid. Social movements throughout the U.S., particularly on college campuses, had a dramatic effect.

Corporations and the government, on all levels, were pressured to divest assets held in companies that do business in South Africa. It was a successful boycott.

What and why was the U.S. involvement in Apartheid?

How did it get to be such a big issue?

Use the TUI library, the journals section, and do a bit of research. You may need to search against deep back files.

This is a fairly open ended assignment. I want you to write two to three pages of discussion on these questions. Focus your analysis on one or two aspects of the issue as you find some more of interest than others, but be sure to at identify all the major forces at work in the development, maintenance, and eventual demise of official apartheid.

Upload your papers for grading.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The SLP assignments in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of the involvement of U.S. interests in the nation being studied. In addressing SLP questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of that involvement.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. SOUTH AFRICA AND THE END OF APARTHEID

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South Africa is still a country divided. To be sure, ending apartheid, being done with overt racial discrimination, is a major step towards reconciliation and unification of the people. But there is a long way to go.

You now know a lot about unification. You’ve discussed it in the context of Germany and Korea, two very different countries facing strikingly similar situations.

Case Assignment

What lessons have you learned in the last two modules that apply to the situation in South Africa? How is it different?

Pick one or two of your most important thoughts about German and Korean unification and apply them to the situation in South Africa. Do this in three to five pages and hand it in by the end of this module.

Upload your papers for grading.

Assignment Expectations

The cases in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of a particular situation. In addressing case questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of challenges facing efforts at unification or, at least, the peaceful resolution of disput

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. SOUTH AFRICA AND THE END OF APARTHEID

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es between peoples in the nation being studied.

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The earthquakes along the western margin of South America get deeper inland from the Pacific.

Global Distribution of Earthquakes

1. The earthquakes along the western margin of South America get deeper inland from the Pacific. What tectonic process is causing focal depths to occur in this pattern?

2. Earthquakes in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean occur at shallow depths. With what geologic feature are these earthquakes associated?

3. Are most of the earthquakes that occur along the western margin of North America shallow or deep focus? 

4. How is the western margin of North America tectonically different from the western margin of South America?





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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. The earthquakes along the western margin of South America get deeper inland from the Pacific.

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Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles

 Why Supporting Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles the twin effects of illness and lockdown the time is ripe to consider carefully how and where South Africans spend their money. There are those who have lots, and those who have little, yet if people understood the power of a single Rand to change the future of the country, everyone might spend it very differently. In 2015, a paper on the negative impact of shopping malls on local economies used research from India, USA and South Africa to explain how the arrival of a glamorous mall sucks the money out of the local community and pulls it away, into the coffers of big business. The counterargument in favour of malls is that small, rural and township dwellers deserve first world shopping, which provide local jobs and convenience, entertainment and better pricing than traditional high street shops. Most township residents would certainly vote for glorious first world shopping and low prices, at least in the first year. By year three however they might notice, for example in the small town of Grabouw or Knysna perhaps, how the main street is deserted. Small businesses that had thrived there for generations are now reduced to mere shells of their former self and replaced by those selling counterfeit, imported T-shirts or cheap bling. The money circulating locally has dwindled, small businesses have closed, many jobs have disappeared, and local wealth departed along with them. By year four or five, the shopping malls also suffer as local buying power is depressed along with the lower employment rate, resulting in an overall downturn in spending. For those who need more convincing, it is important to look at the maths of it. In basic terms it works like this – in the days before the arrival of malls and major chain stores, Mary would spend R10 at the baker; who (assuming a 10% profit retention); would spend R9 at the butcher; who would spend R8 at the tailor; who would spend R7 at the school; who would spend R6 at the stationery store; who would spend R5 at the farmer’s market and so on. A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over. Recovery and regrowth of South Africa’s economy is our responsibility; now that you know the power of your money, where are you going to spend your next Rand?


2.1 The article refers to ‘the twin effects of illness and lockdown’. Use the Keynesian school to explain how Covid-19 and lockdown would impact the economy. (5 Marks) 

2.2 The article states that, ‘A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over’. What term is used by the Keynesian school to describe this effect of spending and incomes creations? (2 Marks) 

2.3 Use the AD/AS model framework to illustrate and explain the effects of Covid-19 and the lockdown on the South African economy. (13 Marks)

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