Writers Solution

Special to The Globe and Mail

The lost art of the perfect sentence

Russell Smith

Special to The Globe and Mail

Published December 18, 2018 Updated December 18, 2018

Every year a small press called Tightrope Books publishes an anthology called Best Canadian Essays, in which articles that were published in magazines are collected. For the past eight years this series has been overseen by the poet Chris Doda; he engages a new guest editor every time to make the selections. This year the guest editor is the philosopher Mark Kingwell, who writes in his introduction something rather scandalous: “I am not much fetched by personal-voice narratives unless there is some underlying logic to my being there in the first place. … I don’t pay a lot of attention to bio lines or bio notes. … I want to hear intelligence, wit and suppleness of expression.”

One of these very essays continues this bold idea – that “what an essay is about is less important than how it is written” – even more explicitly: “The Future Is the Period at the End of a Sentence” by Peter Babiak is a rant against his students’ linguistic laziness and a furious paean to the power of the perfect sentence. Babiak dismisses “creative expression” as “easy” – it’s grammar, he says, that is “the deep structure of language … the root of all that they dream, think, say and write.”

This kind of aestheticism is, as they say, “problematic” these days, as the aesthetic itself is notoriously divisive, and of course one’s bio is important to prove one’s level of privilege. The idea that elegant and playful writing is better writing privileges those with a certain kind of education, who have the luxury of detachment and defavours (or “erases” as the overwrought contemporary scholarly jargon has it) the true and powerful experiences of the marginalized. Surely a story that exposes an injustice or gives voice to the oppressed is more important than something clever and entertaining?

The thing is, once one is addicted to the stylish one can take little pleasure in the lumpy, no matter how serious the subject matter. The serious is done no favours by an earnest style. Furthermore, to say that this aesthetic interest occurs only in conservative or privileged educational systems is to suggest that writers who do not come from privilege are incapable of being witty, and that is rather condescending.

I don’t think this argument is so present in other countries – especially in Europe, where being clever or funny or even maintaining a certain stylish hauteur is not seen as a moral liability. This is Canada, where we still reward the virtuous over the witty. The vast majority of Canadian novels and short stories lack wit, and they rarely experiment with style that is highly economical or even faintly oblique. There are still so many awkward expository passages that are so obviously an authorial point of view (“They had first settled here in 1956, before the New Families Act of 1958 drove down commodity prices …”), so many clichés (“They had grown up in crippling poverty,” “She felt frozen with fear,” “He had a chiselled jaw”), so many redundant dialogue tags (“’Don’t go in there,’ she warned”), so many exclamation marks!

In fiction, I look for great sentences above all else. And in Canadian fiction these are difficult to find. Publishers are still rewarding lifeless novel-writing if they feel a story is “important.”

The award nominations this year were, on the other hand, pretty good at picking good line-by-line writing.

I think of Patrick deWitt’s gleefully preposterous dialogue: “The customs agent was flummoxed. He asked Malcolm, ‘She is sick, monsieur?’ / ‘She isn’t sick.’ / ‘She does not die?’ / ‘Never.’ / ‘She must not die here,’ the customs agent warned Malcolm. / ‘She’ll die somewhere else,’ Malcolm promised. / The customs agent looked back at Frances. ‘No dying in France.’ He stamped their passports and waved them on.”

I think of Kathy Page’s clever descriptions: “… a tangle of stockings of various thicknesses and similar hues, which looked like the cast-off skins of a large nest of beige and tan snakes.”

Sheila Heti’s febrile and poetic philosophizing: “I resent the spectacle of all this breeding, which I see as a turning-away from the living – an insufficient love for the rest of us, we billions of orphans already living.”

Lisa Moore’s vernacular-inflected stream-of-consciousness: “And your co-worker with his sunrise hair, the winding rosebush tattoo tucking under the sleeve of his employee-issue Shoe Emporium T-shirt, still high from whatever all-nighter and foxy eyes, whose grandmother was the leading expert in cold-water sea cucumbers, no joke, at the Marine Institute and who [Marty] is not even bi but straight-up gay for gosh sakes, like definitely that end of the spectrum, according to him. Sea cucumbers.”

Paige Cooper’s minimalist satire, as spare as haiku: “She gave me a piece of black leather with words stamped in serif. Surgeon. Sensei. Colonist. I left her bill, which was insane, on Moe’s desk.”

Writers like this can make any story interesting, even if it is implausible or frivolous.

So my plea for the new year is: Can we publish more of the stylish, please, and fewer of the workhorses?

1. What is the political element of this article (the parts that speak about an issue such as class or race)?

2. What is the author’s thesis?

3. What parts do you not understand?

4. How important is presentation to you when it comes to a message?

5. Look at the sentences the author gives as examples of stylish writing. What stands out to you?


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Student Must Fill this Section
Student Name:
Student ID:
Privacy Release Clause: “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”.
Authenticity Declaration: “I declare that:
• The material I have submitted is my own work;
• I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others”.
Student Signature: Date:
Assessment Outcome
Assessor Name:
Attempt Competent Not Yet Competent Date Assessor Signature
Initial attempt
? ?
2nd attempt/Re-assessment
? ?
Information for Student:
• All work is to be entirely of the student.
General Information for this assessment:
• Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
• Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
• Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
• For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
• All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
• If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
• Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.
Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.
• An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
• Academic Manager will delegate another member to review the assessment.
• The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
• If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager or if need be an external assessor.
• The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
• If the student is still not satisfied with the result, he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
• Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
• If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic appeals handling protocol.
• To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email:
• The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
• If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
• In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
• The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
• Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.
Comments/ feedback to student:
Assessment Task 3: Portfolio
For this task, you are required to put together a portfolio of evidence to show that you regularly gather feedback, discuss feedback with the team and apply improvements based on feedback in the workplace.
? Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
? Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
? Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program).
? Workplace colleagues
? Supervisor
? Access to a workplace environment.
? Access to workplace documentation.
? Portfolio template (provided)
? A display wallet or folder in which to put all your documents.
? You will need access to a workplace to gather the required documentation.
? You can prepare your portfolio and complete the reflections in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
? Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.
If you get something wrong, you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that has not been completed correctly or fully.
Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.
You must gather a range of documentation over a period of time in the workplace and put together a Portfolio.
You must provide evidence that demonstrates your ability to discuss feedback with the team and apply improvements based on feedback. Your portfolio should include at minimum the following:
? Staff meeting notifications
? Agenda items
? Staff attendance sheet
? Meeting minutes
? Surveys
? Feedback forms
? Online feedback samples (if applicable to workplace)
? Staff suggestions (emails, written notes, points in the minutes, social media)
? Correspondence with customers (emails, online responses, social media involvement)
? Menu changes
Use the template provided to list the evidence collected.
Write a brief reflection on how you would use this documentation to monitor menu performance, consider:
? ongoing feedback from customers and others and use to improve menu performance.
? analysing the success of special menus against dietary goals and customer satisfaction.
? adjusting menus based on feedback and success, sales data and profitability
Seek permission from your trainer/supervisor before copying any workplace documentation. Ensure that your trainer/supervisor signs off on your evidence checklist and reflection.
• All documentation as indicated in the instructions, placed in a display wallet/folder or other appropriate display format.
• Your evidence checklist and reflection, signed by supervisor or trainer (using template provided)
Evidence Submitted
• Staff meeting notification
• Agenda items
• Staff attendance sheet
• Meeting minutes
• Surveys
• Feedback forms
• Online feedback samples
• Staff suggestions (emails, written notes, points in the minutes, social media)
• Correspondence with customers (emails, online responses, social media involvement)
Trainer/assessor/supervisor sign: Date:
Assessment Record Checklist
Yes No
Did the student submit the following:
• Staff meeting notifications
• Agenda items
• Staff attendance sheet
• Meeting minutes
• Surveys
• Feedback forms
• Online feedback samples (if applicable to workplace)
• Staff suggestions (emails, written notes, points in the minutes, social media)
• Correspondence with customers (emails, online responses, social media involvement)
• Menu changes
• Reflection and evidence checklist, signed by supervisor or trainer.
Did the student provide all documentation as indicated in the instructions, placed in a display wallet/folder or other appropriate display format?
Did the student write a brief reflection to explain how the documentation provided is used to monitor and improve the menu?
• Discussed ongoing feedback from customers and others and how this is used to improve menu performance.
• Analysed the success of special menus against dietary goals and customer satisfaction.
• Discussed adjusting menus based on feedback and success, sales data and profitability.
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.
¨ I have reviewed the mapping to this task.
¨ I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated the skills and knowledge required of this unit.
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
How many attempts were required to demonstrate satisfactory performance?





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Writers Solution

Teaching position for ninth grade special education students taking both English and Math.

You are a first year special education teacher and have been assigned a teaching position for ninth grade special education students taking both English and Math.

Students meet with you for 50 minutes each day to get help with homework, to finish classwork, and to get extra support in each subject area.

You will need to structure the class so that student needs in both subject areas will have time to be addressed. Use the provided information about your students, found in the attached “Class Profile.â€

With the information provided, compose a two-part 750-1,000-word essay addressing the following:

Part 1:

Questions about your teaching assignment before it begins, including any requests for additional information;
Questions of fellow teachers and administration; and
Information needed before the end of the first week of school.

Provide a rationale for each item citing both the text and “Class Profile†as appropriate.

Part 2:

Provide a minimum of three possible ways to structure the classroom setting.
Provide a minimum of two possible ways to structure a class period.
Provide a minimum of three instructional strategies, to include accommodations and/or assistive technology, to meet the curricular content needs of your students in both the English and Math classes.
Use the text and a minimum of two scholarly resources to support your essay.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required




Special education teaching preparation

This paper discusses preparation for teaching of a ninth grade special education lass that involves remedial sessions for math and reading. The preparation encompasses establishing appropriate questions that the teacher needs to ask the school administrators, fellow teachers and the parents of the students. It also covers classroom and period setup as well as appropriate strategies.


Prior to starting teaching the special education class, it is important to answer the following questions:

  • What curriculum is followed?

This will help ensure that the teacher knows the level of the grade, and the requirements of the various students; whether they are below the grade, at grade level or above grade level.

  • What choices do the students have regarding the curriculum?

It is important to establish whether the students can be able to choose the level of a subject to pursue. For example, for math, can they be able to choose advanced, remedial or average math depending on their capabilities?

  • Who are responsible for developing the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)?

IEPs are used to set goals for individual students and measure progress towards achievement of these goals. The parents/guardians and the teachers are usually involved in setting the goals. It is important to determine the teachers and other staff members involved in setting up the IEPs and monitoring progress. The teacher should also determine who are responsible for updating the IEPs and how often are the updates.

  • What support does the teacher get during class time?

Some schools offer teacher assistants to assist the special education teacher. The teacher should establish what human and other resources are available from the school to support teaching and learning. The teacher should also establish the role of the support staff and their supervision.

  • How is student progress communicated to parents and other teachers?

To ensure effective learning, it is imperative for the teachers and parents to monitor the academic and behavioral progress of the students, with appropriate interventions being employed. The teacher should establish a way of engaging other teachers as well as the parents, including parents who have low involvement. This could be through group and one-on-one meetings with the parents and colleagues at the start to establish the student academic and behavioral goals and plans as well as the modus operandi between the teacher and the parents. The sessions also establishes the special support needed for each student, especially important for students with special physical needs e.g. those with ASD, diabetes, traumatic brain injury, etc.

  • Where can the teacher get support and are there any extra training?

Teaching special education students for the first time can be daunting. The teacher will most likely need consulting with other professionals from time to time. Therefore, the teacher should have support from experienced teachers, administrators and or superintendents who can then guide or mentor them. The school may also have additional training to ensure that the teaching conforms to established school norms. Further, the teacher may need to determine suitable, affiliated professional associations.


  • Who are the other people who have worked or are working with the student? What exactly works for the student?

There are teachers, counselors and superintendents who are involved with the students. The teacher should determine who the people are and collaborate with them for holistic and rapid development of the students. It involves determining whether accommodation or modification is more effective for a student.

  • What are the school’s basic rules and regulations?

These should be established at the start and communicated to the students. They set out the expectations of the school and the teacher regarding behavior such as punctuality, communication, discipline, etc.

Classroom, period and instructional strategies

The students can be in groups that would best address their academic needs. For example each group could constitute students of different abilities so that those with greater ability can help those with lesser ability, with those taking the lead acquiring even more advanced skills. Each group can then be allocated appropriate resources, such as books or geometrical sets, to support their needs. For the reading groups, instructional strategy would be for the students to discuss and analyze a text and write their analysis. The w…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ninth grade special education students ………………………………………………………….


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Writers Solution

Special Agent Fox Mulder has a budget of $180. He spends it on conspiracy theory magazines (good X) and UFO videos (good Y)

Undertake the necessary calculations and prepare short written responses for the following four questions. Answers for each question must not exceed 250 words.
Question 1 (5 marks)
Special Agent Fox Mulder has a budget of $180. He spends it on conspiracy theory magazines (good X) and UFO videos (good Y). Each magazine costs $30, and each UFO video costs $20.
(a) Write out and plot Fox Mulder’s budget constraint (2 points).
(b) What is Fox Mulder’s trade-off? How many UFO videos must he give up to purchase an additional conspiracy theory magazine? (1 point).
(c) Upon hearing of Mulder’s obsessive expenditure, his boss, Assistant Director Walter Skinner, cuts his budget to $90. Write out and plot Mulder’s new budget constraint. How has his budget constraint changed? (2 points).
Question 2 (5 marks)
The production possibility table for the making of Karaoke machines (good Y) and moviequality Chewbacca masks (good X) is shown in the table below:
Combination Chewbacca masks (thousands) Karaoke machines (thousands)
A 0 10 B 2 9 C 4 7 D 6 4 E 8 0
(a) Plot the production possibilities data with Karaoke machines on the Y-axis and Chewbacca masks on the X-axis. What is the opportunity cost of the first 2,000 Chewbacca masks? (2 points).
(b) Between which points is the opportunity cost per thousand Chewbacca masks the highest? (1 point).
(c) At point D, what is the opportunity cost of 1,000 more Karaoke machines? What is the opportunity cost of 2,000 more Karaoke machines? (2 points).
Question 3 (5 marks)
Best friends Scott Baio and Willie Aames decide to open up a movie poster shop in downtown Los Angeles. The following relationships describe the supply and demand for movie posters:
Qd = 65,000 – 10,000P
Qs = -35,000 + 15,000P
Where Q is the quantity and P is the price of a movie poster in dollars.
(a) Complete the following table (4 points):
Price Qs Qd Qs – Qd Surplus/Shortage
(b) What is the equilibrium price? (1 point).
Question 4 (5 marks)
Gene Wilder’s demand curve for lambs-wool sweaters is:
Q = 2000 – 20P
(a) How many lambs-wool sweaters will be sold at $10? (1 point).
(b) At what price would 2,000 lambs-wool sweaters be sold? (1 point).
(c) What would be the total revenue at a price of $70? (1 point).
(d) What is the point elasticity at a price of $70? (2 points).
Hint – for (d) use the following formula:
?? = ?????????? ×

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Writers Solution

Special Agent Fox Mulder has a budget of $180. He spends it on conspiracy theory magazines (good X) and UFO videos (good Y)

Undertake the necessary calculations and prepare short written responses for the following four questions. Answers for each question must not exceed 250 words.
Question 1 (5 marks)
Special Agent Fox Mulder has a budget of $180. He spends it on conspiracy theory magazines (good X) and UFO videos (good Y). Each magazine costs $30, and each UFO video costs $20.
(a) Write out and plot Fox Mulder’s budget constraint (2 points).
(b) What is Fox Mulder’s trade-off? How many UFO videos must he give up to purchase an additional conspiracy theory magazine? (1 point).
(c) Upon hearing of Mulder’s obsessive expenditure, his boss, Assistant Director Walter Skinner, cuts his budget to $90. Write out and plot Mulder’s new budget constraint. How has his budget constraint changed? (2 points).
Question 2 (5 marks)
The production possibility table for the making of Karaoke machines (good Y) and moviequality Chewbacca masks (good X) is shown in the table below:
Combination Chewbacca masks (thousands) Karaoke machines (thousands)
A 0 10 B 2 9 C 4 7 D 6 4 E 8 0
(a) Plot the production possibilities data with Karaoke machines on the Y-axis and Chewbacca masks on the X-axis. What is the opportunity cost of the first 2,000 Chewbacca masks? (2 points).
(b) Between which points is the opportunity cost per thousand Chewbacca masks the highest? (1 point).
(c) At point D, what is the opportunity cost of 1,000 more Karaoke machines? What is the opportunity cost of 2,000 more Karaoke machines? (2 points).
Question 3 (5 marks)
Best friends Scott Baio and Willie Aames decide to open up a movie poster shop in downtown Los Angeles. The following relationships describe the supply and demand for movie posters:
Qd = 65,000 – 10,000P
Qs = -35,000 + 15,000P
Where Q is the quantity and P is the price of a movie poster in dollars.
(a) Complete the following table (4 points):
Price Qs Qd Qs – Qd Surplus/Shortage
(b) What is the equilibrium price? (1 point).
Question 4 (5 marks)
Gene Wilder’s demand curve for lambs-wool sweaters is:
Q = 2000 – 20P
(a) How many lambs-wool sweaters will be sold at $10? (1 point).
(b) At what price would 2,000 lambs-wool sweaters be sold? (1 point).
(c) What would be the total revenue at a price of $70? (1 point).
(d) What is the point elasticity at a price of $70? (2 points).
Hint – for (d) use the following formula:
?? = ?????????? ×


Writers Solution

Special Agent Fox Mulder has a budget of $180

Undertake the necessary calculations and prepare short written responses for the following four questions. Answers for each question must not exceed 250 words.
Question 1 (5 marks)
Special Agent Fox Mulder has a budget of $180. He spends it on conspiracy theory magazines (good X) and UFO videos (good Y). Each magazine costs $30, and each UFO video costs $20.
(a) Write out and plot Fox Mulder’s budget constraint (2 points).
(b) What is Fox Mulder’s trade-off? How many UFO videos must he give up to purchase an additional conspiracy theory magazine? (1 point).
(c) Upon hearing of Mulder’s obsessive expenditure, his boss, Assistant Director Walter Skinner, cuts his budget to $90. Write out and plot Mulder’s new budget constraint. How has his budget constraint changed? (2 points).
Question 2 (5 marks)
The production possibility table for the making of Karaoke machines (good Y) and moviequality Chewbacca masks (good X) is shown in the table below:
Combination Chewbacca masks (thousands) Karaoke machines (thousands)
A 0 10 B 2 9 C 4 7 D 6 4 E 8 0
(a) Plot the production possibilities data with Karaoke machines on the Y-axis and Chewbacca masks on the X-axis. What is the opportunity cost of the first 2,000 Chewbacca masks? (2 points).
(b) Between which points is the opportunity cost per thousand Chewbacca masks the highest? (1 point).
(c) At point D, what is the opportunity cost of 1,000 more Karaoke machines? What is the opportunity cost of 2,000 more Karaoke machines? (2 points).
Question 3 (5 marks)
Best friends Scott Baio and Willie Aames decide to open up a movie poster shop in downtown Los Angeles. The following relationships describe the supply and demand for movie posters:
Qd = 65,000 – 10,000P
Qs = -35,000 + 15,000P
Where Q is the quantity and P is the price of a movie poster in dollars.
(a) Complete the following table (4 points):
Price Qs Qd Qs – Qd Surplus/Shortage
(b) What is the equilibrium price? (1 point).
Question 4 (5 marks)
Gene Wilder’s demand curve for lambs-wool sweaters is:
Q = 2000 – 20P
(a) How many lambs-wool sweaters will be sold at $10? (1 point).
(b) At what price would 2,000 lambs-wool sweaters be sold? (1 point).
(c) What would be the total revenue at a price of $70? (1 point).
(d) What is the point elasticity at a price of $70? (2 points).
Hint – for (d) use the following formula:
?? = ?????????? ×