Writers Solution

Completion of specific questions associated with practicals

write a lab book, all instructions have been provided.
Your task is to write a lab book for Practical 2 :
Lab book – Marking Criteria (10 marks in total):
– Perfunctory elements (1 mark)
Perfunctory elements to include are: descriptive contents page; page numbering; dates; no blank spaces; experiment titles. These are either present or not and marks will be awarded on completeness.
– Completion of specific questions associated with practicals (2 marks)
Answer all questions shown in the Practical manual! Marks will be awarded on completeness.
– Aims (1 mark)
Each part of a practical should have an appropriate aim, not just an overall aim for the whole practical. These should reflect your own belief about the purpose of the experimental procedure undertaken.
– Methods (1 mark)
This section should accurately reflect the methods used in the practical. You should not just copy the methods from the Practical manual.
– Results (2 marks)
Results should be recorded in an appropriate way, such as being tabulated or graphed properly. Be mindful of layout and providing units. Note that each table or graph should have an appropriate descriptor, that is each table requires a descriptive title and each graph requires a descriptive figure legend. For example, Table 1: Preparation of standard dilutions of DCIP.
– Discussion and Self-reflection (3 marks)
Include a detailed discussion of your results for each practical, e.g. include your thoughts on accuracy, precision and/or your confidence in the results presented. Where relevant, discussions should include reference to the broader literature, e.g. “this is similar to many other enzymes, such as enzyme X and enzyme Y, where there is a narrow pH range and where they have maximum catalytic activity. However, it contrasts with enzyme A and enzyme B, which have very broad pH tolerance. The latter come from bacteria, which are subject to a broad range of environmental conditions, therefore, enzyme A and B are likely required for activity over a wider pH range.”
Include a Self-reflection section for each practical. In this section you need to first describe what you have learned from your experience engaging with the practical material, and then consider how you would change your behaviour in light of this new learning. You may also wish to consider what you have enjoyed (and why) and what areas you need to improve (and why).
You may include a referenced diagram, photograph, or sketch to augment, but
these are not to replace your own work/ provided data.
? It will contain a table of contents.
? All pages are to be consecutively numbered and blank space is to be at a minimum.
? The date is to be clearly shown.
? For laboratory experiments it will be used to note:
• experimental background, aim, procedures that are proposed
• data recorded and tabulated accurately and succinctly
• fully labelled diagrams and drawings
• potential sources of error noted/discussed
• problems that are encountered, and problem solutions
• conclusions and summaries
? Conclusions should be supported by the scientific literature and referenced in text (i.e. in
discussion section, not at the end of the practical).
? At the end of each practical a brief self-reflections section about your progress in laboratory
work will be recorded. Try to include what you have enjoyed, what you have disliked, what
you feel confident in, and most importantly what you have had difficulties with and how you
plan to resolve the difficulty.

Note: No plagiarism

Practical 2: Micropipetting Technique and Chemistry of Carbohydrates
This practical will develop your understanding of micropipetting technique and your knowledge of carbohydrates – particularly the structures of monosaccharides and disaccharides. Practical 2 also introduces some analytical techniques that can be used to identify carbohydrates, such as Paper Chromatography, the Benedict’s test, and Osazone crystal formation.
Pre-work: Answer all questions in details
1. If I weighed out 1 g of water, what volume of water would I have?
2. Write out in words the name for this symbol (as it relates to the prefix of a unit, not as a Greek letter): µ.
3. If I had 100 µL of water, what percentage of 1 mL of water would this be?
4. Would the answer to Q3 change if the word water were replaced by oil in the question above?
5. What is the boiling point of ethanol?
6. At 20°C is glucose a solid or a liquid?
7. In your laboratory book draw the structures of a-D-glucopyranose; ß-D-galactopyranose; aD-mannopyranose; ß-D-fructofuranose; maltose and sucrose (this means draw glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, maltose and sucrose in their ring forms). You will notice that these structures are all very similar. However, it is possible to conduct a series of chemical tests to distinguish between these structures. This concept will be explored by trying to identify an unknown sugar. Therefore, a series of chemical reactions will be carried out on a number of known sugars and the results compared with the same tests on your unknown sugar. In addition, one of the tests (chromatography) will also be used to explore the nature of the sugars in a ripe banana.
8. What is the stationary phase in paper chromatography?
9. What is the mobile phase in paper chromatography?
10. For the solvent in the chromatography jar, which component(s) is (are) hydrophilic? Which one is more hydrophobic?
11. Why can sugars be stained by silver nitrate?
12. What are the monosaccharides to be tested today?
13. What are the disaccharides to be tested today?
14. Which sample contains polysaccharides?
Each group will be allocated an unknown sugar to investigate. Record the letter of the unknown sugar e.g. unknown sugar = C
Note: please check the student Data File attached.
Part A. Micropipetting Technique :
Write Aim/Methods/Results /Discussion and self-reflection(Follow marking criteria and answer all questions )
It is typical in modern laboratories to make solutions in small volumes. A micropipettor is a key scientific device that enables this to be done and therefore it is essential that a graduate has adequate micropipetting skills. This practical is an opportunity to learn how to use a micropipettor correctly.
A micropipette is used to precisely transfer volumes of liquid to make solutions. Volumes from 1 µL to 1000 µL are commonly transferred this way, but up to 5000 µL can be transferred depending on the pipette used.
There are two basic types of micropipettors: (1) air displacement and (2) positive displacement. Air displacement pipettors are most commonly used and so it is essential that you learn to use these correctly and skilfully. The correct technique for using a micropipettor will be demonstrated (please see the demonstration video). Also consider the Check list for pipetting shown below.
In your laboratory book, following the demonstration of pipetting, draw a fully labelled diagram of a micropipettor including its disposable tip.
Check list for pipetting:
1. Make sure the correct volume is selected by moving the adjusting knob until the required volume is shown on the dial (do not overwind or underwind the pipette).
2. Use a correctly fitting tip and close the lid on the pipette tip box.
3. Hold the pipettor vertically when sampling and expelling solution.
4. Place the pipettor no more than 5 mm below the surface of the liquid being sampled or when expelling the liquid.
5. The push button should be operated smoothly and slowly to avoid introducing air and inaccuracies into the dispensing procedure.
6. Avoid contamination where appropriate by replacing tips
Experiment 1
Pipetting Water (Do not forget to include the aim of and write out your methods for this experiment in your laboratory book .Choose either a P1000 or P200 pipettor for this experiment.
Choose a volume of water to pipette. Make sure that it is above 50 µL. This could be e.g. 226 µL; 150 µL; 922 µL. The volume is entirely your choice. Make a note of this volume in your laboratory book.
Using a balance (please use 4-digit analytical balance for this experiment if available) weigh the volume of water pipetted at your chosen volume. Repeat this so that at least a total of 12 recordings are made. Make sure you record which attempts were your partner’s.
Record your observations.
Based on the mass that you would expect the volume of water being pipetted to have, evaluate your accuracy, and also evaluate your precision. Determine if there is a difference between each person in the group.
Experiment 2
Repeat the above experiment using oil. However, use a P200 pipettor set to an appropriate volume of your choice.
Note: 1 mL of water and 1 mL of oil were weighed. Consider any issues mentioned that are associated with pipetting different types of liquids and how pipetting technique may need to be adjusted. Also consider the data provided in the Practical 2 Student Data file attached.

Discussion of Procedure
Based on your experience, describe how you would change your procedures to obtain the most efficient method for testing your pipetting. Would this be different for pipetting oil compared with water?
Comment on your accuracy and precision in pipetting water compared with oil and justify your answer using evidence.
How did your accuracy and precision compare with your partner’s? Consider that a difference was observed, explain the likely reason(s) for this and how could you test it?
If you required an accurate volume of oil or other viscous substance, what technique would you avoid and what would you recommend? Explain your reasoning.
Note: If taking this prac online please use the data provided in the Practical 2 Student Data file
Comments on pipetting – try to keep the following in mind:
• Choose the correct sized pipettor for the volume to be transferred. (Hint: If the volume desired is less than 20% of the maximum volume for the pipettor, then a different pipettor should be used. e.g. 180 µL requires use of a P200 pipettor rather than a P1000 pipettor)
• Make sure the correct volume is selected.
• Use a correctly fitting tip.
• Understand the function of the -first- and -second- stops when using the pipettor push button.
• Hold the pipettor vertically when sampling and expelling solution.
• Place the pipettor no more than 5 mm below the surface of the liquid being sampled or when expelling the liquid.
• Operate the push button smoothly and slowly to avoid introducing aerosols, air and inaccuracies into the dispensing procedure.
• To avoid contamination, replace tips – use tip ejector to remove tips.
Part B. Paper Chromatography
Write Aim/Methods/Results /Discussion and self-reflection(Follow marking criteria and answer all questions )

Background on carbohydrates
From the lecture material you will recall that carbohydrates have the general formula (CH2O)n where n is an integer of 3 or greater. If n=3 the carbohydrate is a triose. If n= 4, it is a tetrose, and so on. One important group of monosaccharides (or carbohydrates) consisting of only one unit is the hexoses (n=6).
Biologically important hexoses are: glucose, galactose, mannose and fructose. In aqueous solutions, they exist predominantly in a ring form, which is in equilibrium with an open chain aldehyde form in the case of glucose, galactose and mannose, and ketone form in the case of fructose.
Glucose and other aldehyde sugars (aldoses) form ring structures, cyclic hemiacetals. When such cyclic hemiacetals form, two different structures are possible depending upon the orientation of the OH group formed by ring closure at C1, the anomeric carbon. These two forms (a and ß) are at equilibrium with each other in solution and the interconversion of a and ß anomers is called mutarotation, which can be measured by change in rotation of polarised light.
Disaccharides consist of two sugar units linked together by ether links. This link is called an Oglycosidic bond. Common linkages are C1 to C4 and C1 to C1. The orientation of the link at C1 often determines the properties of the disaccharide. The link may be either a or ß. Disaccharides are hydrolysed to their constituents with mild treatment of acid.
Common disaccharides are: maltose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-(1?4)-D-glucopyranose) found in barley grain; sucrose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-(1?2)-ß-D-fructofuranoside) found in fruit.
Background on Chromatography
Chromatography is a technique where different substances are identified or separated by the degree to which they prefer one environment or phase over another. In this case, one environment is a stationary phase (chromatography paper), and the other phase is a liquid which is mobile. A small amount of the sample sugar is spotted onto the paper and allowed to dry. This means that the sample sugar is incorporated in the stationary phase. The mobile phase is then placed at one end of the chromatography paper and allowed to absorb into the paper. It then flows over the sample sugar towards the other end of the paper. If the sample sugar is soluble in the mobile phase, it will move along with the mobile phase. If it is not at all soluble, then it will remain where it was originally on the filter paper.
Some sugars are more soluble in the mobile phase than others and therefore move with the mobile phase to different degrees. This can be used to identify an unknown sugar or the sugars in fruit by comparing their degree of movement with that of known sugars.
1x ripe banana per bench
Purified water for dilution
10% Standard sugar solutions: glucose, galactose, fructose, sucrose, lactose and maltose 10% Unknown sugar solutions 1, 2 or 3 (choose one of these).
10 mL ethanol
Solvent – the mobile phase (isopropanol:acetic acid:water (3:1:1 v/v/v))
Stain (saturated silver nitrate in acetone)
Fixative (1g sodium hydroxide in 10 mL of water diluted with 90 mL with ethanol)
Procedure: Extraction of sugars from a ripe banana (Steps 1-4)
1. Weigh 5 g of banana.
2. Pulp the banana with a fork, and place into a tube.
3. Add 10 mL of ethanol and mix thoroughly by vortexing and manual shaking. Heat the tube to 80 °C for 20 min.
What problem must be overcome with this step? Hint – refer to pre-work.
4. Filter the suspension through a fluted filter paper into a new tube. The filtrate is your ripe banana sugar solution. Do not dilute this.
Procedure: Paper Chromatography Dilution, spotting and development (Steps 5-9)
5. Aliquot 1 mL samples of each standard sugar solution and your unknown into separate tubes. Dilute these using purified water to obtain a final concentration of 5%. Record your calculations.
6. Take a sheet of Whatman No. 1 chromatography paper as supplied (15 cm x 28 cm) and mark a line in pencil 2.5 cm from the bottom. Mark nine points on this line (with small crosses) that are 1.5 cm apart.
7. Onto each of the crosses apply 2 µL of one of the diluted standard sugar solutions; the diluted unknown sugar solution and the undiluted filtrate from the banana (each solution will be on a different spot).
8. Record the locations of the sugars. Label in pencil the top part of the filter paper with your initials or name.
9. You will be shown how to prepare and place the chromatography paper into the developing tank. The tank is then sealed as this assists development. Allow the chromatogram to develop for about 1.5 hours. Develop the filter paper with isopropanol:acetic acid:water (3:1:1 v/v/v) solvent mixture.
10. After developing, measure the distance the solvent front has travelled from each original spot (where you applied the sugar solutions). Think about the best way to display these data.
Staining and calculation of RF (Steps 11-14)
Please note: the steps 11-13 will be carried out by lab Supervisor/demonstrator (in order to prevent any spill of silver nitrate, which could result in indelible stains)
11. Dip the paper in the staining solution (5 mL saturated silver nitrate in 200 mL acetone). Use fresh solution.
12. Dry the paper in the fume hood and dip it into the solution (1g of sodium hydroxide in 10 mL of water and then diluted with 90 mL ethanol). Use fresh solution (~10 mL).
13. Dry the paper at 100°C for 1 min, mark the location of the centre of the sugar spots.
14. Calculate the Retention Factor (RF) for each sugar spot. The RF value is the ratio of distance travelled of the sugar compared to the distance travelled of the solvent.
Thus, the formula for RF =
Discussion of Procedure
Write down your thoughts about the following to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the procedure. Make sure that you do not use any reference sources to compile your answers. We need to know your thinking and why.
• Do you think that the ripeness of the banana might affect the outcome of the practical? What made you come to this conclusion?
• Do you think that the amount of banana weighed out was important and why?
• Is the mobile phase used here hydrophilic or hydrophobic? Why is it relevant to separation of sugars?
• What would happen if the samples that were applied to the chromatography paper were placed below the level of the developing solution?
• In some cases, the development front was not parallel to the initial line where the sugar samples were applied. How would the RF values be determined and would they be valid?
• Determine the most likely sugars to be present in the ripe banana and the most likely sugar to be your unknown based on the RF values.
Note: If taking this prac online please use the data provided in the Practical 2 Student Data file to answer these questions. (you should select at least one of the unknowns A-D provided in the Student Data file and interpret the results for Part B, C, and D).
Part C. Benedicts Test for reducing/non-reducing sugars
Write Aim/Methods/Results /Discussion and self-reflection(Follow marking criteria and answer all questions )

As for Part B above except for:
1 mL Benedicts solution (alkaline cupric citrate)
Procedure: Benedicts Test
1. Aliquot 1 mL samples of each standard sugar solution and your unknown into separate tubes.
2. Add 5 drops of Benedicts solution.
3. Heat tubes in a boiling (100°C) water bath for 2-5 min.
4. Record your observations for each of your sugar solutions.
A positive test (red precipitate) indicates the presence of a reducing sugar that reduces cupric ions in the Benedicts solution to the cuprous state.
The Benedicts test is frequently used clinically to test for sugar in urine.
Discussion of Procedure
Write down your thoughts about the following to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the procedure.
• What is the underlying principle for the colour change when Benedict’s reagent is mixed with a reducing sugar? (Your explanation here only needs to be brief, but mention the reaction that takes place and the functional groups involved)
• Which sugar(s) are non-reducing sugars?
• What is the main structural feature of the identified non-reducing sugar(s) that differentiates them from reducing sugars? Illustrate this by drawing the structures of specific sugars.
Part D. Osazone Formation –
Aliquot 1 mL samples of each standard sugar solution and your unknown into separate tubes.
1. Add 0.2 g of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, 0.3 g of sodium acetate and 1 mL of water to each tube. This must be done in the fume hood.
2. Place the tubes after covering with foil in a boiling water bath for 30 min.
3. Remove the tubes from the water bath and allow them to cool. Observe the colour of any precipitates.
4. Place a drop of the crystalline suspension onto a microscope slide, cover it with a coverslip and examine the crystals under a microscope using the 40x objective.
5. Draw the crystals as they appear under the microscope.
Discussion of Procedure
What is the underlying principle for osazone formation?
Can you see an osazone crystal of sucrose?
Based on the crystal structures, what sugar(s) is your unknown likely to be?
Overall Discussion
By combining your results from the above experiments (Part B, C, and D), identify what your unknown sugar is likely to be and the most likely sugar(s) in ripe banana.
Note: If taking this prac online please use the data provided in the Practical 2 Student Data file attached to answer these questions (you should select at least one of the unknowns A-D provided in the Student Data file and interpret the results for Part B, C, and D)

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Describe financial markets and systems, including the specific roles of key market participants

The Financial Services Industry
Learning outcomes
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Describe financial markets and systems, including the specific roles of key market participants.
• Analyse how key factors in the economic environment impact participants in the financial services sector.
• Submit all your answers in one document.
• Write the number of each part of the question you are answering.
• Create a header with your name, student number and assignment number, and number your pages.
• This assignment contains four tasks covering four different hypothetical financial advice situations.
• You must complete all four tasks.
Tasks Topic
1 Financial institutions and the tax system
2 The impact of natural disasters and change in the OCR
3 Financial markets and the impact of the business cycle
4 Regulators
• You will be assessed on your overall presentation. For tasks 1–3, present each answer as if you were providing a written response to the client. For task 4, your answer should be in a format that is appropriate for an article in an online magazine.
Continued next page
• Each answer should be presented in a professional manner. This means: o each answer should be free of spelling and grammatical errors o written in a way that will be understood by a diverse audience, some of whom may have little financial knowledge.
• For each task, we have provided a suggested word count. Note that the word count is for guidance only and you will not be penalised for being under or over the suggested word count, as long as you fully complete the task.
• If you use sources to support an argument, make sure you acknowledge them with references in your discussion and a References list at the end of your assignment.
• Keep a copy of your assignment.
Submit your work through the online assessment submission link. Upload your assessment, then use the Save and Submit assessment buttons. You will get an electronic receipt and your work is then logged and tracked through our system. Assessments emailed directly to lecturers will not be accepted.
Referencing and plagiarism
Refer to Referencing and avoiding plagiarism for information on APA referencing and avoiding plagiarism.
Task 1: Financial institutions and the tax system
Sanjay currently earns $95,000 per annum and his total income has exceeded $90,000 for the past two years. He has inherited $50,000 and wants to place the money on term deposit for 12 months. He’s asked you for advice on the range of financial institutions that offer this product.
a) To illustrate the range of providers for Sanjay:
• Select three different types of financial institution currently operating in the New Zealand financial services industry that Sanjay can place his money on term deposit with.
• For each financial institution, state their name and type of financial institution, and provide a link to the page promoting term deposits.
• Discuss the similarities and differences between the three financial institutions you selected in terms of:
o their structure/ownership o how they’re regulated o the services they provide.
(200 words)
b) You explain to Sanjay that with some providers, he has the option of placing his $50,000 on a term deposit or in a PIE Term Deposit Fund for 12 months. Both products currently offer interest at 4% per annum and there are no fees payable for either option.
Assume Sanjay invests for the next 12 months, and that his salary remains at $95,000. Also assume his income is derived only from his salary and this investment. Calculate his total after-tax income (salary + interest) for each investment option and clearly highlight which option provides him with the higher after-tax income. Show all your workings.
Task 2: The impact of natural disasters and changes in the OCR
Aroha runs a small business exporting cut flowers and foliage. A year ago, you helped Aroha purchase her first home using a revolving credit facility. The current balance outstanding on this facility is $451,250. She has sum insured home insurance cover with Aotearoa Insurance.
Aotearoa Insurance has a reinsurance treaty with Swiss Re.
Aroha has seen the following two newspaper headlines:
• Headline 1: ‘Inflation is rising and is expected to reach 5–6% in the next eighteen months’
• Headline 2: ‘Hurricane Fred in the United States and the earthquake in Japan set to impact homeowners.
She seeks advice from you on how these factors will affect both her business and her personal financial situation.
a) Headline 1: Analyse the impact of rising inflation on Aroha.
You are required to:
• Predict the action the Reserve Bank of New Zealand will take in response to rising inflation.
• Analyse how and why the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s action will impact Aroha’s personal financial situation in terms of her home loan.
• Analyse how and why the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s action will impact Aroha’s business in terms of its export earnings.
(100 words)
b) Headline 2: Analyse how and why these overseas disasters will impact Swiss Re, Aotearoa Insurance and Aroha, as the insured under a home insurance policy.
(150 words)
Task 3 Financial markets and the impact of the business cycle
Last year you helped Eliana choose the right KiwiSaver fund. She knew little about financial markets and you provided her with some background information on managed funds to help her make a decision about which fund to select. She chose the Aotearoa Investments Balanced KiwiSaver Scheme.
Last week she received the latest Aotearoa Investments Balanced KiwiSaver Scheme fund update. This has prompted her to ask you to help deepen her understanding about where her KiwiSaver funds are invested. You decide to use Aotearoa Investments’ top 10 investments to illustrate the main markets her funds are invested in.
Here’s an extract from Aotearoa Investments Balanced KiwiSaver Scheme’s Top 10 investments:
Name Percentage of fund net assets Type Country Credit rating (if applicable)
1 New Zealand
Government Stock
5.5% 2023 1.25% New Zealand fixed interest New
Zealand AA+
2 Spark New Zealand
Ltd 1.05% Australasian equities New
3 Rabobank Certificate of Deposit
31/12/xxxx(assume current year) 0.80% Cash and cash equivalents New
Zealand A1
4 Bayfair Mall 0.75% Unlisted property New
a) Investment 1 and Investment 2
Describe the markets in which Investments 1 and 2 are traded. You are required to:
(i) For Investment 1:
• Identify the market in which Investment 1 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
• Give one reason why the government issues this type of investment in this market.
(ii) For Investment 2:
• Identify the market in which Investment 2 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
• Give one reason why companies like Spark New Zealand Ltd issue this type of investment in this market.
(iii) Both markets consist of a primary market and a secondary market.
• Explain the difference between the primary market and the secondary market.
(iv) Aotearoa Investments may have invested in Investment 1 and Investment 2 through an exchange or over the counter (OTC).
• Explain two differences between the way an exchange and an OTC market operate.
• Identify the exchange where Aotearoa Investments can trade in Investment 1 and the exchange where Aotearoa Investments can trade in Investment 2.
(v) Explain the role of NZX in facilitating Aotearoa Investments’ trading in Investment 1 and Investment 2.
(vi) Explain the role of NZDM in the issue of Investment 1.
(300 words)
(b) Investment 3
Describe the market in which Investment 3 is traded. You are required to:
(i) Identify the market in which Investment 3 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
(ii) Give one reason why banks such as Rabobank issue certificates of deposit into this market.
(iii) This market consists of a wholesale market and a retail market. Explain the difference between a wholesale market and a retail market and identify which one applies to Aotearoa Investments’ trading in Investment 3.
(iv) Identify whether this market operates as an exchange or OTC market.
(150 words)
(c) Investment 4
Describe the market in which Investment 4 is traded. You are required to:
(i) Identify the market in which Investment 4 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
(ii) Outline the key difference between a listed and unlisted property investment.
(iii) Identify and explain one way to invest in listed property and one way to invest in unlisted property.
(150 words)
(d) Using the investment clock concept, discuss how changes in the business cycle impact the four financial markets you identified in which investments 1-4 are traded.
For each phase in the business cycle you must:
• identify the most attractive market during that phase
• give two reasons why that market is the most attractive during that phase.
(200 words)
Task 4: Regulators
You’ve been asked to write an article for an online magazine that focuses on the financial services industry. The article is called:
‘The Reserve Bank and the FMA – who regulates what in the financial services industry?’
Write the article, describing the four roles of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the four roles of the Financial Markets Authority in regulating the financial services industry.
In your article you are required to: • Focus on the following roles: o Licensing and supervision. o Anti-money laundering.
o Financial market infrastructure oversight. o Crisis management.
o Conduct regulation.
• Where roles overlap between the two regulators, clearly highlight which responsibilities are shared and which responsibilities differ.
(600 words)


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Describe financial markets and systems, including the specific roles of key market participants


Writers Solution

Title Company-specific mini-literature review and research design proposal

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T2 2021
Unit Code HI6008
Unit Title Business Research
Assessment Title Company-specific mini-literature review and research design proposal
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure a student who requires and qualifies for an approved SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT is able to document a mini-literature review and research design.
Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Weight 100%
Total Marks Note: The SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT result will be either 50P (a passing grade) or NN (a failing grade).
Word limit Approximately 2000 words
Due Date Within 10 days of final results being released to students. Note that this deadline cannot be extended for any reason.
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be a single document in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using the Holmes adapted Harvard referencing style.
• The Supplementary assessment will be graded PASS/FAIL. To PASS, all requirements must be complied with in full.

This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a research project mini-literature review and research design proposal.
It is explicitly designed as a SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT for students who qualify for a Supplementary Assessment and are duly notified thereof. You must complete and submit this INDIVIDUALLY.
Your task is to prepare a report of 2000 words (the word count does not include your questionnaire and reference list), based on the following scenario:
Your CEO has requested you to ascertain whether or not she/he should expand the company beyond the shores of Australia, by opening a new branch in the Fijian city of Suva. Please attend to the following aspects:
a. Use the city you are currently based in (i.e. where your Holmes campus is) as being the current base from which your company wishes to expand.
b. Choose a business that currently operates in either the retail or manufacturing sector. Ensure that you specify which sector and describe the industry within which the business operates. Explain the company and its brand positioning (this must be an existing brand, not a hypothetical one). Provide details about the current performance of the business, its other current locations, its growth history, etc. [from published secondary data]. Decide on and clearly state the Research Problem facing the company.
c. Research relevant politico-socio-economic-enviro-legal facts about Fiji in general and Suva in particular.
d. Research relevant facts about the state of the industry.
e. Research at least three relevant competitors in Fiji.
f. For the above three sections you need at least 9 references, of which at least 4 must be academic journal articles. [In your reference list, ensure that you provide the details of each reference in Holmes-adapted Harvard style, plus the hyperlinked URL of anything you accessed online, and the date on which you accessed it].
g. State the research question(s) that remain(s) to be answered after considering all of the above.
h. Decide what primary data will be needed to complete your study and state how you would go about collecting it, i.e. your specific methodology design. In particular, specify your sample frame of participants, the type of interviews you would use, and why. [Note: DO NOT actually collect any primary data]
i. Add the complete questionnaire and explain the data analysis plan ([Note: DO NOT actually collect any primary data]
Assignment Structure must be as the following:
1. Official Holmes Cover Page
2. Introduce the company (a and b above) [approx. 500 words], culminating in the specific Research Problem.
3. Conduct a research of literature review / secondary data (c, d, e, f, g) [approx. 1000 words, culminating in the specific Research Problem and state the Research Question]
4. Apply your knowledge of research to propose a research design (i.e. specify what primary data is needed; how will it be collected, analysed, interpreted (h) [approx. 500 words]
5. Design your detailed Questionnaire (i) designed specifically for the interviews that would be conducted to elicit primary data directly related to the Research Question (word count not specified). Demonstrate an appropriate range of questioning / answering techniques, based on HI6008 lecture materials.
6. List of references [not part of the word count]

1. Official Holmes Cover Sheet
Must be complete and included as the front page of your submitted word document (i.e. the whole submission must be one single word file).
2. Introduction (a and b)
(approx. 500 words)
3. Literature Review (c, d, e, f, g) leading to Research Problem and specific Research Question
(approx. 1000 words)
4. Research Design / Methodology (h) incl. sample frame, data collection, analysis, interpretation methods
(approx. 500 words)
5. Detailed Questionnaire with appropriate range of questioning / answering techniques (g)
6. List of References
in correct Holmes-adapted Harvard format with all detail (including URLs hyperlinked)
*All sections must earn a PASS in order to complete the unit.
Note: Inclusion of any work that is not entirely your own OR inaccurate referencing all sources consulted constitutes plagiarism and will result in a FAIL and a recording of Academic Misconduct


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specific environmental issues examined in this chapter impact the development and sale of electric cars


One of the most notable social trends affecting consumer behavior is the idea of going green. As climate change and environmental concerns increase in their seriousness and impact, consumers seek to buy green products that might help mitigate or combat the problem. In response, many companies are developing new green products—including electric cars. The first electric car actually was built in 1891, but it lost popularity when Henry Ford introduced the gas-powered Model T. Electric cars regained consumers’ interest as Toyota developed its Prius in the late 1990s. The original Prius actually was a hybrid, powered by both gas and electricity; its success prompted other companies such as Honda, General Motors (GM), Ford, and Chevrolet to innovate their own hybrid models, as well as some all-electric versions. By the early 2000s, though, all the major automakers had terminated their all-electric programs. It was not until 2006, when Tesla Motors revealed its Roadster, that a modern version of the all-electric car became a distinct and appealing possibility.

 Tesla remains the gold standard for electric cars. The Model S all-electric sedan is the top-ranked ultra-luxury vehicle. Yet its high price has kept the brand from being a very widely purchased car. For example, a new Tesla Model S 75D starts at $75,700, and models with longer ranges without recharging start at $98,700.71 Even if more customers might want to purchase an all-electric car, few of them can afford a Tesla. In response, Tesla innovated a less expensive entry model, the Model 3, that starts around $35,000.72 In parallel, other companies have released their more economical all-electric options: the Chevrolet Bolt starts around $37,000 and offers a battery life comparable to that of the Tesla Model S.73 General Motors also recently decided to compete with Tesla directly. One of Tesla’s greatest advantages has been its over-the-air software, which automatically and regularly updates the cars’ software when they are plugged in overnight. Recognizing that it already installs OnStar Page 170as a safety service standard on any GM vehicle, GM has found a large fleet of connected cars at its disposal already. Therefore, it plans to use OnStar as a means to compete directly with Tesla’s software.

 Furthermore, GM’s latest all-electric car seeks to do more than address just the problem of climate change; it wants to help drivers overcome the problem of congestion in cities. Its all-electric E100 will cost only $14,000 before incentives; with the incentives, the paid price drops to close to $5,000.75 But it is being launched only in China, under the company’s Baojun brand. The Chinese car market is the largest in the world, and the electric car segment is the largest growing segment in China, due in part to the subsidies and incentives offered by the national and local governments. Accordingly, China already makes up 40 percent of the worldwide electric car market. The E100 has been designed specifically to meet the needs of consumers living in Chinese cities, in that it is compact, seating only two adults, and easy to maneuver in the heavily populated streets. Furthermore, its top speed is 62 miles per hour, and its battery can last for about 96 miles, and then takes only about 7.5 hours to charge. It might not be an ideal option for someone living in a rural area who needs to travel long distances, but it is perfect for a city dweller. Finally, although the car does not cost much to own, the E100 still provides some key luxuries: the interior features a digital dashboard, a seven-inch touchscreen center console, and Wi-Fi capabilities.

Launched in China by General Motors, the inexpensive Baojun electric car is designed to overcome the problems of congestion in cities. Imaginechina via AP Images Within the week of its announcement, more than 5,000 people had registered to buy the first 200 models of the E100, spurring the company to make another 500 cars available quickly. Although the E100 will be available only in the Guangxi region of China in the immediate term, GM plans to expand its availability throughout the country as soon as possible.

1.  Discuss how specific environmental issues examined in this chapter impact the development and sale of electric cars.

2. Which market do you believe will be more successful, Tesla in the United States or GM’s E100 in China?

3. Defend your answer.

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Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis

Suppose that you have been hired by university student health services to design a case-control study to assess the following hypothesis among undergraduate students:

Irregular sleep patterns increase the risk of headaches.Be sure that your design addresses the following elements:

  • Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis.
  • How will you identify and define the cases?
    • Are there any exclusion criteria that you would apply?
  • How will you sample from the underlying population for your “controls”?
  • Who will you select as controls?
  • How will you select them?
  • How will you define the exposure of interest?
    • How will you collect the information on exposure?
  • What other information do you want to know about participants that may be related to the exposure of interest and/or the outcome (potential confounders)? Of these, what will you be able to collect and what will you be unable to collect?
  • Which measures of disease frequency and association will you calculate?
  • What are the strengths and limitations of your study?
    • Which limitations could be removed by using a different study design?
  • What other information would you like to know to design this study?

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  • Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis

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Dillard’s introduction. Was it general to specific?

1. Read:

2.  In at least 20 words, describe Dillard’s introduction.  Was it general to specific?  Was it specific to general?  Be as specific as possible in describing her strategy. 

3.  In at least 50 words, describe the singular personal experience Dillard describes in this essay.  What happened to her?  What “show” details does she use to describe what happened to her?

4.  In at least 100 words, describe how Dillard analyzes that one experience.  What meaning does she create out of it?  How does she make the experience about more than just herself or weasels?  

5.  In at least 20 words, describe Dillard’s conclusion.  How does she emphasize the essay’s overall point?  How does she appeal to the readers’ emotions?  How does she make the purpose of the essay resonate with you?  

6. FREEWRITE for 10 minutes:  Describe an experience you have had about which you could write an essay like Dillard’s.  Was there an animal encounter you had?  A moment in the wild somewhere?  An argument with someone you love?  A time you felt unsafe? A time you let go of something you really loved?  What was living that moment like for you?  And what do you think that experience means?  Could its meaning be bigger than you and that lived moment?  

7.  Draft a short essay, of 500 words or less, with an introduction and conclusion, that both DESCRIBES an experience you had AND ANALYZES that experience to explain what it means and how that meaning might be bigger than you and that one moment (could it be about sustainability?).  Practice using: 

A. Introductions

B. Conclusions

C. Development: 

i. Show details

ii.  analysis

D. Unity

i. Topic sentences

ii. Thesis statements

8.  Revise the essay, in a whole other draft, for clarity. 





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Dillard’s introduction. Was it general to specific?

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Briefly list the general statistics pertaining to a specific health concern that is on the rise in selected the city/county (Florida- Tallahassee)

1) Minimum 5 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page

Parts 2, and 4 have the same questions, however, you must answer with different references and different writing always addressing them objectively, that is as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

           Part 1: minimum 1 page

           Part 2: minimum 1 page

           Part 3: minimum 1 page

           Part 4: minimum 1 page

           Part 5: minimum 1 page

   Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

         All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

         Bulleted responses are not accepted

         Don’t write in the first person 

         Don’t copy and paste the questions.

         Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 3 references per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites) 

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc


Parts 2, 4, and 5 have the same questions, however, you must answer with different references and different writing always addressing them objectively, that is as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 1: Nursing Research

 Based on your course reading assignments and your pending research problem (Check file 1)

1. What type of study do you believe you are conducting (Quantitative type, a cross-sectional descriptive multicenter design)

2. Explain your type of study

3. Why this type of study is the most convenient for your research.

Part 2: Health Care Polic ( 1 paragraph per question)

Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, 

Select a county and a state  (Florida- Tallahassee) in which you plan to work as an APRN. 

After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions:

1. Briefly list the general statistics pertaining to a specific health concern that is on the rise in selected the city/county (Florida- Tallahassee)

2. How can the creation of a community health center program help to address this public health problem?

3. What can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problem?

Part 3: Nursing Research

 Based on your course reading assignments and your pending research problem (Check file 3)

1. What type of study do you believe you are conducting (Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study)

2. Explain your type of study

3. Why this type of study is the most convenient for your research.

Part 4: Health Care Polic ( 1 paragraph per question)

Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, 

Select a county and a state  (Florida- Miami) in which you plan to work as an APRN. 

After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions:

1. Briefly list the general statistics pertaining to a specific health concern that is on the rise in selected the city/county (Florida- Miami)

2. How can the creation of a community health center program help to address this public health problem?

3. What can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problem?

Part 5: Nursing Research

 Based on your course reading assignments and your pending research problem (Check file 5)

1. What type of study do you believe you are conducting (Quali-quantitative desing)

2. Explain your type of study

3. Why this type of study is the most convenient for your research





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Briefly list the general statistics pertaining to a specific health concern that is on the rise in selected the city/county (Florida- Tallahassee)

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What is Hume’s specific argument against Descartes?

What is Hume’s specific argument against Descartes? (b) What is Hume’s specific argument against Locke? (c) What is Pyrrohnian Skepticism, why is it a problem, and how does Hume avoid it?Please write 250 words and do not plagiarize. 





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services What is Hume’s specific argument against Descartes?

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What is Hume’s specific argument against Descartes?

What is Hume’s specific argument against Descartes? (b) What is Hume’s specific argument against Locke? (c) What is Pyrrohnian Skepticism, why is it a problem, and how does Hume avoid it?Please write 250 words and do not plagiarize. 





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  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services What is Hume’s specific argument against Descartes?

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Discuss the specific effects of aspirating vomitus on Sammy, including the probable effects on his bronchi and lungs.

Skin and Respiratory System Disorders44 unread replies.44 replies.

The initial post must include responses to all the questions in this discussion. 

Mr. J, age 42, is a construction worker in Las Vegas who lives with his daughter and grandson, Sammy. He recently noticed that a mole on his face seemed to be getting larger and darker. At first, he did not worry because he was in the sun a lot and assumed the change may have been caused by sunburn. After a month, not only was the mole larger and darker, but it appeared to be “bumpy.” His doctor diagnosed a malignant melanoma skin cancer following biopsy of the nevus. Mr. J reports pain in his right shin that does not go away when he puts his feet up or sleeps.

Discussion Questions

  1. Relate Mr. J’s skin changes to the warning signs for malignant melanoma.
  2. Discuss the normal progression of this malignancy. What is the significance of the bone pain that Mr. J is experiencing?
  3. Discuss the treatment available for this patient and the prognosis for recovery.

Discussion Questions

Mr. J is babysitting his grandson Sammy, age 3 years, who ate his dinner and then said his tummy hurt. Mr. J suggested he lie down in the adjacent room while his parents finished dinner. A few minutes later, Mr. J heard Sammy vomiting. He rushed in to lift Sammy up. When vomiting ceased, he noticed Sammy continued to cough and seemed to be choking. He was struggling to breathe, and a wheezing sound was obvious. It appeared that he had aspirated some vomitus. Mr. J drove him to a nearby hospital for examination.

  1. Discuss the specific effects of aspirating vomitus on Sammy, including the probable effects on his bronchi and lungs. Why might one lung be affected more than the other?
  2. Discuss the pathophysiologic changes causing the signs and symptoms and any tests required to clarify the effects on Sammy.
  3. Suggest some reasons for Sammy’s difficulty breathing and wheezing.
  4. Discuss the potential complications of aspiration of vomitus





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Discuss the specific effects of aspirating vomitus on Sammy, including the probable effects on his bronchi and lungs.

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