Writers Solution

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Select one (1) not-for-profit organization in an area of interest to you and review the financial statements and audit report for the organization. The financial statements and audit report of the not-for-profit organization should be readily and publically available on an active Website.

Write a 3 page paper in which you:
1.Analyze the selected not-for-profit’s financial statements to determine if the statements conform to Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidance in Statement No. 117, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations (FASB ASC 958-205-45). Explain the selected organization’s use of the three (3) fund categories. Recommend at least two (2) areas of potential interest to the stakeholder concerning the status of revenue and expenses.
2.Analyze the organization’s statement of cash flows. Explain the format that the organization utilizes, including any unique areas of emphasis that differ from-GAAP accounting format.
3.Compare the organization’s reporting of pledges and contributions to its reporting of exchange transactions. Discuss the funds that are utilized.
4.Assess the fiscal condition of the selected organization utilizing and interpreting financial indicators, using financial ratios that are widely accepted as being indicative of fiscal health. This assessment should also be expanded to include fund-raising analysis, program review, contributions, and grant analysis and revenue analysis.






Business Law- Memorandum

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Preliminary Research on Sonya’s Case


To: P. Strami and Hammond

Date: 23 – November – 2017

Subject: Initial findings in Sonya’s fraud case

The perspectives that are outlined in Sonya’s case rest on the establishment of the elements of any contract. The whole case presents a scenario that suggests the presence of some illegal aspects of a business contract. The principles of the common law provide that there must be an offer and acceptance for an offer to exist (Tepper, 2014). According to the case under review, there was indeed an offer and acceptance. Camille presented Sonya with an order to make 500 hot pink and black machine knitted sweaters, to which Sonya accepted. Sonya dully provided the exact number of sweaters according to the specifications made in the offer.

A contract cannot be considered to exist simply because two or more people have an agreement. Although this may not be stated expressly as is in the case of Sonya, it can be inferred from the circumstances under which the agreement was made. In the case of Sonya, we can infer that Camille made an offer, providing all the terms and Sonya accepted willfully. This means Camille and Sonya entered into a binding contract since Sonya and Camille reached an agreement under no duress, while the offer provided all the terms and the acceptance is evident from Sonya in deciding to provide the sweaters under the terms.   Sometimes a party to a contract may decide to withdraw

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Writers Solution

Why are standards of care required for health care professionals and organizations? Explain.

  1. Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

Why are standards of care required for health care professionals and organizations? Explain.

Do you believe the standards are adequate? Why or why not?

Regulatory Agency

Selectand research one of the following agencies:

  • Government or other agency, such as The Joint Commission (JCAHO), that regulates the health care industry or a particular segment of the industry
  • Government agency that regulates prison health care

Complete the chart.

Agency that regulates the health care industryDescribe the agency’s structure (45 to 90 words).Explain the agency’s effect on health care(45 to 90 words).Describe one example of the agency carrying out its duties(45 to 90 words).Explain what regulatory authority the agency has in relation to health care(45 to 90 words).Explain how agencies deal with the elements of negligence and intentional torts that could affect risk and quality management for health care organizations(45 to 90 words).

Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

Formatyour references according to APA guidelines.







Writers Solution

Standards-Based Lesson Plan Alignment

JYT2 Task 2: Standards-Based Lesson Plan Alignment

Q. How do you align curriculum to standards?  What is alignment lesson plan? Standards-Based Instruction (SBI) is a teaching method that is based on standards of skill mastery. Deeply rooted in research and supported by significant evidence and observable experience, SBI is a student-centered form of pedagogy (the craft of teaching children) and curricular design. What is standards based instruction? What makes a lesson successful?

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Writers Solution

Open your web browser and research quality dimensions/quality standards/quality indicators used by various health care organizations that work to improve the quality of health care.

Quality Dimensions Worksheet



Open your web browser and research quality dimensions/quality standards/quality indicators used by various health care organizations that work to improve the quality of health care.

A list of suggested organizations has been provided below. You may also use other organizations that show up in your research.

Health Care Organizations

Health and Medicine Division (HMD)

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)

The Joint Commission

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Select 6 quality dimensions/standards/measures used in the health care industry.

Complete the table below by identifying the quality standard, the health care organization it is used in, and its purposeAn example has been provided for you.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and your textbook to support your information.

Quality StandardHealth Care OrganizationPurpose of Standard
AHRQuality Indicators Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)The Quality Indicators are used by acute care hospitals to highlight potential quality concerns, identify areas that need further investigation and study and track changes over time in their administrative data.

Cite your sources below.


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • What are some key identifiers used in health care to determine quality? Explain each one.
  • Which identifier do you believe is most valuable? Why?


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Imagine you are talking to a friend. How would you explain the concept of risk management and how it relates to quality management in the health care industry?


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • What are some challenges of risk and quality management? Explain.
  • Which do you believe is the hardest challenge to overcome? Why?
Writers Solution

Utilizing the National Standards for Professional Learning and other similar resources as a guide, analyze and apply what you have learned to your own organization or choose an organization of interest.

Utilizing the National Standards for Professional Learning and other similar resources as a guide, analyze and apply  what you have learned to your own organization or choose an  organization of interest. As a minimum include the following resources:   learning designs, outcomes, leadership, data implementation and  learning communities.  Develop an action plan for improvement relating to your current organization or another organization. The written paper should be at least seven – ten (7-10) pages in length not including cover page or reference page.  A minimum of five-seven (5-7) scholarly current references are required  for this assignment, See Assignment, Annotated Bibliography. Write in  the third person and submit in a word document. APA RULES APPLY

Learning Forward (n.d.). Standards for professional learning. Retrieved


Writers Solution

Utilizing the National Standards for Professional Learning and other similar resources as a guide, analyze and apply what you have learned to your own organization or choose an organization of interest.

Utilizing the National Standards for Professional Learning and other similar resources as a guide, analyze and apply  what you have learned to your own organization or choose an  organization of interest. As a minimum include the following resources:   learning designs, outcomes, leadership, data implementation and  learning communities.  Develop an action plan for improvement relating to your current organization or another organization. The written paper should be at least seven – ten (7-10) pages in length not including cover page or reference page.  A minimum of five-seven (5-7) scholarly current references are required  for this assignment, See Assignment, Annotated Bibliography. Write in  the third person and submit in a word document. APA RULES APPLY

Learning Forward (n.d.). Standards for professional learning. Retrieved
