Writers Solution

Federal Anti-Kickback Statute.

 Compare and contrast the main requirements of the Stark Law and the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute. Next, analyze the main reasons why it is important for practice administrators to understand how these laws affect the operations of the medical practice. Support your analysis with at least one real-world example.
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Writers Solution

Michigan’s state statute that defines what is considered to be a public record that must be made available to the public upon request.

Using library or Internet resources provide a full citation for each of the following items:
(The state is MI and the city is Grand Rapids for all “local” questions)

  1. Michigan’s state statute that defines what is considered to be a public  record that must be made available to the public upon request.
  2. The pre-World War I opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court holding, on re-argument, that a federal income tax was unconstitutional.
  3. The federal statute authorizing the U.S. Secretary of Transportation  to make payments to states for the value of materials stockpiled near  federal highway construction projects in conformity with the project  specifications.
  4. The federal joint regulation of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife  Service, Department of the Interior, National Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration, and Department of Commerce, identifying the factors for  listing, delisting, or reclassifying endangered species.
  5. Michigan’s state administrative regulations specifying the licensure process for real estate agents.
  6. The local ordinance in your municipality governing noise.
  7. The most recent opinion of your Michigan’s state highest appeals court  describing the extent to which the state constitution requires that the  power of eminent domain be exercised only for a public use.
  8. A recent federal trial court decision in your federal district describing the standard for summary judgment in federal court.
  9. A law-review article published within the past five (5) years about libel law and political campaign advertisements.

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