Writers Solution

4 steps a pathogen must complete to cause an infectious disease

  • Define Pathogen
  • Define Infectious disease
  • Define Infection
  • Define Primary Infection
  • Define Secondary Infection
  • Define Opportunistic Infection
  • Define Accidental Infection
  • Define Pathogenicity
  • Define Virulence
  • Define Virulence Factors
  • Define Lethal dose
  • Outline the 4 steps a pathogen must complete to cause an infectious disease
  • What is the difference between direct and indirect transmission? Provide examples
  • What is a common vehicle transmission? Provide examples
  • What is the criteria for Airborne transmission? Provide examples
  • What are 3 criteria about skin that makes it an effective barrier against microbes?
  • What are 3 criteria about mucous membranes that makes it an effective barrier against microbes?
  • List one example of how a pathogen might penetrate a skin or mucous membrane barrier
  • Define Exotoxin and list at least 4 features they have
  • Define Endotoxin and list at least 4 features they have
  • List an example of a waterborne transmission disease
  • List an example of a airborne transmission disease
  • List an example of a contact transmission disease
  • List an example of a vector transmission disease
  • Influenza virus has an envelope that contains 2 types of protein spikes. Name and describe them
  • Why are spike antigens good at evolving?
  • Name 3 characteristics about latent and slow (persistent) Viral Infections
  • How are viruses able to bring about cancer cell division?
  • Describe the difference between Viruses and Retroviruses in regards to cancer development
  • What is a vaccination?
  • Define Attenuated Vaccines
  • Define Inactivated Vaccines
  • Define Subunit Vaccines
  • Define DNA Vaccines
  • Define Cutaneous Mycoses and its effect in humans


  • Define Sterilization
  • Define Bactericidal
  • Define Bacteriostatic
  • Describe sterilization by heat
  • Describe sterilization by irradiation
  • Describe sterilization by filtration
  • What is disinfection?
  • List and describe 3 types of disinfectants
  • Describe the Kinetics of Cell death
  • Draw and describe the kinetics of cell death for any microorganisms.


  • Define Antibiotic
  • What is a key component of antibiotics?
  • Define Infection
  • Name 5 antibiotics and the diseases they are typically used for
  • Name and describe 6 properties that antibiotics should have
  • What are 4 ways that antibiotics work?
  • Describe and give an example of disruption of cell membranes as it relates to antibiotics
  • Describe and give an example of inhibition of protein synthesis as it relates to antibiotics
  • Describe and give an example of inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis  as it relates to antibiotics
  • Summarize in 5 sentences resistance to antibiotics
  • Provide 5 examples and describe 5 different ways bacteria can be resistant to antibiotics
  • Summarize in 5 sentences how bacteria resistance arises
  • Describe the pros and cons between broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics in 3 sentences
  • Define an Antiviral
  • Why are antiviral drugs not as common as antibacterial drugs?
  • List and provide a example of the 4 ways antivirals work
  • Describe how Antifungals work
  • List and describe 5 examples of Antifungal agents
  • Why is it hard to target Antiprotozoal Agents?
  • List and describe examples of Antiprotozoal Agents (At least 3)
  • Give a 3 sentence summary on the future of Antimicrobials (in your own words)




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Explain the steps involved in data mining knowledge process

1. Explain the steps involved in data mining knowledge process

2. Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Assignment

1) Explain the components and the use of the Mining Association Rules.

2) List and Explain the three “Frequent Itemset Generation Strategies”?

3) In Rule Generation, how do you efficiently generate rules from frequent itemsets?

4) In Support-Based Pruning: Most of the ___________________ algorithms use support measure to ______ rules and itemsets. (Fill in the blanks)





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Start going through the steps described in the document to encrypt this message.

1.       Start going through the steps described in the document to encrypt this message.

2.       These individual steps must be documented in full detail. Remember that you are doing this to get the feel and the experience of actually going through a symmetric encryption technique, so thoroughness is important here.

3.       Once you succeed in encrypting the message, go back and decrypt it and verify that your cipher text is indeed resolvable into the original plaintext.

4.       Prepare a detailed lab report documenting all the steps, with captions detailing what each step represents.

5.       Plan on spending a few hours on this educational venture.

10-bit encryption key 00110 11101

8-bit encryption key 0100 1010   





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Steps to Recruiting Staff for New Office

Assignment details: Steps to Recruiting Staff for New Office

You are the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) at your organization. As the CHRO, one of your primary roles is to be the workforce strategist. Your organization is planning to expand business operations to your neighboring state by opening an office. As a result of this expansion, your organization needs to make sure that the best and brightest employees are recruited to fill key roles at the new office. Write a 5-7 page research paper using APA style outlining the steps involved in recruiting the staff at the new office. 

Grading Criteria:

  1. The student researched the legal statues affecting the selection and hiring of employees.
  2. The student identified the number and type of positions that need to be filled at the new office. Moreover, the student discussed qualifications, e.g., education level and number of years of experience, associated with each position.
  3. The student researched, evaluated and chose several selection devices such as interviews or ability tests to reject or accept applicants. Moreover, the student assessed the weaknesses and strengths of these selection devices.
  4. The student researched, evaluated and chose whether or not to utilize integrity testing and drug testing.
  5. The student applied correct APA, style, usage, grammar, and punctuation.
  6. The student supported the research paper with at least four different scholarly sources such as research journals, research studies, government or accredited educational institutions websites.






Human resource managers are tasked with the daunting task of finding and acquiring employees and workers for the organization. This process is usually a rigorous and tedious one. This is so because HRM managers must contend with a number of issues and factors related to the entire process. They must formulate strategic ways of acquiring the required labor. Such strategies are not only intended at getting someone who can do the job. Rather, the aim is to get the right person for the right job at the right time and at the best deal. This is important in ensuring that the company secures an optimal position in terms of both cost and productivity.

Recruitment and Selection for a New Office

Recruitment is a process by which an organization generates a pool of qualified personnel capable of satisfying its human resource needs. Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick (2010) define recruitment as the collection of organizational activities influencing the number and type of people who apply for a position and affecting the decision of applicants as to whether to accept or reject the offer. This is the first process in the human resource acquisition chain. It not only serves to attract the appropriate pool of talent for the job, it also serves as a filter to eliminate any individuals who are incapable of fulfilling the job requirements. According to Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick (2010), recruitment serves three major purposes. These are: the development of a sufficient pool of qualified individuals at a reasonable cost; allowing the organization to meet legal and social obligations pertaining to the demographic constitution of its workforce; and, increasing the success rate of selection by eliminating unqualified/poorly qualified candidates.

One of the most important considerations during recruitment is adherence to legal requirements and obligations. There are a number of laws and statutes governing recruitment and selection. These are similar to labor relation laws as well as employment laws, which are usually aimed at safeguarding the interests of employees. Similarly, the laws governing the recruitment and selection process are aimed at safeguarding the interests of qualified individuals. One of the most elaborate and the most binding legal regulations is the equal employment opportunity (EEO) regulation. The EEO laws are federal laws aimed at the elimination of discrimination in Human resource management decisions (Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick, 2010). There are also EEO executive orders, which serve the same purpose, but are aimed specifically at organizations conducting business directly with the government. Under the EEO laws and executive orders, there are those regulations that deal with explicit discrimination, while others deal with implied or resultant forms of discrimination. Some of the laws and regulations are discussed below.

One of the most pertinent laws is the Title VII Civil Rights act of 1964. This act prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion and national origin. Through amendments, discrimination based on pregnancy/childbirth is also prohibited. Another act that applies to private industry is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, which prohibits discrimination against individuals on the premise of their age (Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick, 2010). It is intended to protect individuals of age 40 and above. Yet another act I the Americans with disabilities Act (1990), which aims to safeguard the interests of persons with disabilities. Such disabilities include physical or mental impairments.

The above examples only describe explicit discrimination based on the parameters indicated. However, discrimination can also be implicit, such as in the case where applicants are not directly rejected, but instead, they are indirectly turned away with particular screening methods deliberately designed to lock them out. In order to mitigate this, EEO laws prohibit the use of such screening methods. For example, according to Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick (2010), the ADA prohibits the utilization of employment tests, qualification standards or selection criteria where such measures screen out individuals with disabilities unless such standards are job-related. Such regulations against discrimination procedures are also present in the case of age discrimination where for example, disparate tests or neutral tests are prohibited where such tests have a discriminatory impact on older individuals (EEOC, 2010). Moreover, the civil rights act also prohibits the use of procedures that may amount to discrimination against members of a particular demographic category except in the case that such a procedure is related to the job.

Having understood the legal environment pertaining to the selection and hiring of employees, it is important to discuss the appropriate selection procedure. For the new office, about 8 new employees will be required. They include the office manager, the secretary, the receptionist, a sales executive and 4 sales representatives.  Below is a description…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Steps to Recruiting Staff for New Office


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Describe the procedural steps in a criminal trial.

Construct an outline of 400-500 words for an essay in which you describe the procedural steps in a criminal trial. Address the following:

How does one determine whether or not they have standing to appear in criminal court? Once standing is confirmed, how does the court administer pre-trial management procedures such as notice, right to counsel, and whether to terminate the proceedings? Why are these procedures required for the administration of Justice?
Explain what happens during each step of a trial including the purpose each step serves. These steps should include, at a minimum, the following: opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, jury instructions, jury deliberations, rendering a verdict, and sentencing.
Analyze and discuss what possible appellate procedures are in place for a criminal defendant. Explain when an appeal may be a viable option, and when it may not.
Include an Annotated Bibliography section with at least six sources, formatted in APA.

Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,†located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style, referring to the indicative annotation protocol.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Procedural Steps in Criminal Trial

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Procedural Steps in Criminal Trial

            Although criminal procedures vary based on jurisdictions, basic criminal trial procedures are the same. The formal process that charges an individual often involves the jury indictment or when a prosecutor files information in court. Once this has been done, the defendant is arraigned in a court of law where they enter into plea of nolo contendere (plea of not guilty) or plea of guilty (Scheb & Scheb, 2014). It is the plea of nolo contendere that makes one stand for trial. This is when the individual knows they have the standing to appear in a court of law.

            The trial process is governed by rules of procedure, which sets out elaborate processes for determining whether an individual is guilty or not. Once a defendant is to stand trial, a pretrial conference is scheduled one week before the actual criminal trial begins (Bergman, 2018). At the pretrial hearings, several issues are determined and rule by the pretrial court. Some of the issues determined and rule include rules for case proceedings, scheduled for trial and other pretrial matters, evidence that should and that should not be concluded can be argued by parties, witnesses to be allowed, venues for trial, and right to counsel if the defendant is not represented at a pretrial hearing.

            The establishment of the pretrial procedures is important in the administration of justice. During the establishment of pretrial procedures, several issues are resolved that ensure dispensation of justice to the defendant (American Bar Association, 2020). The procedures are critical in resolving matters that allow for the efficient running of the trial process. It is during this step in the trial process that all the parties involved exchange important information that could make them be prepared if the matter proceeds to full trial. Also, it is during the pre-trial process that judges receive information about the issues and the parties involved and to establish their authority over the trial process.             The criminal trial process can be considered to be complete if it has six steps; choice of the jury, issuing of the opening statement, cross-examination and issuing of testimonies, closing arguments, jury instruction, and issue of the verdict after jury deliberation (Arizona Supreme Court, 2020). During jury selection, a potential juror will………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Six Basic Steps to Decision Making

Research, analyze and interpret the six basic steps to organizational decision making and describe each one and its importance.
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
    Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.    Use font size 12 and 1” margins.    Include cover page and reference page.    At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.    No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.    Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.    Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.





Business: Six Basic Steps to Decision Making

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Organizational Decision Making

            Organizational decision-making is a process that occurs daily in organization, which employees go throughout their work experiences. No matter the importance that a particular decision being made possess, it will influence negatively or positively on the organization and its customers (Daft & Marcic, 2010). The paper will analyze and interpret the six steps of the organizational decision making, as well as giving the significance of each step.

The Six Steps to Organizational Decision Making According to (Daft, Kndrick, Vershinina, & Kendrick, 2010, 2010, p. 322), six major steps are necessary for an effective decision to be made. The authors point that the first step in the managerial decision making process is the definition…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






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Terrence is considering next steps for a client, Angela, who has come for therapy at the family counseling center where he works.


Consider the following scenario:

Terrence is considering next steps for a client, Angela, who has come for therapy at the family counseling center where he works. When Angela scheduled her appointment on the telephone, she had described her concerns with marital difficulties, insomnia, and depression. During her first session, however, Terrence noticed that Angela had a very nervous demeanor, picked at her skin constantly, and had a rasping cough. When Terrence asked Angela about her employment, she admitted that she had lost her job and that her husband was angry about it. She said she was afraid her husband was on the brink of becoming abusive.

Terrence is not sure what to do first. He suspects Angela might have a substance addiction, but clearly she has several interlocking problems, and many are urgent. Should Terrence administer a screening for addiction or a more general clinical assessment? If he does decide to administer an addictions assessment, which of the many that are available should he choose and why?

This week, you differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools and review several assessment tools in order to evaluate one of them.


Students will:

  • Differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools  
  • Critique an addictions assessment tool

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


  • Gupta, R., Nower, L., Derevensky, J. L., Blaszczynski, A., Faregh, N., &Temcheff, C. (2013). Problem gambling in adolescents: An examination of the pathways model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 575–588.
    Problem Gambling in Adolescents: An Examination of the Pathways Model by Gupta, R.; Nower, L.; Derevensky, J.; Blaszczynski, A.; Faregh, N.; Temcheff, C., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the three Pathways (pp. 577–578).
  • Larimer, M. E., Cronce, J. M., Lee, C. M., & Kilmer, J. R. (2004/2005). Brief intervention in college settings. Alcohol Research & Health, 28(2), 94–104.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the section titled “Advantages and Efficacy of Screening and Brief Interventions in College Populations,” paying particular attention to the direct effect of assessment on substance use.
  • Muñoz, Y., Chebat, J-C.,& Borges, A. (2013). Graphic gambling warnings: How they affect emotions, cognitive responses and attitude change. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 507–524.
    Graphic Gambling Warnings: How they Affect Emotions, Cognitive Responses and Attitude Change by Muñoz, Y.; Chebat, J.; Borges, A., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the section titled “Use of Graphic Images” (p. 510).
  • Nagy, T. F. (2011). Ethics in psychological assessment. In Essential ethics for psychologists: A primer for understanding and mastering core issues (pp. 171–183). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the reasons behind selection of different types of assessments and why multiple assessments might be needed. This article also includes excellent information on ethics of assessment.
  • Samet, S., Waxman, R., Hatzenbuehler, M., &Hasin, D. S. (2007).  Assessing addiction: Concepts and instruments.Addiction Science & Clinical Practice,4(1), 19–31. Retrieved from

    Focus on the types of assessments used for addictions treatment and the characteristics of each that might elicit data relevant to addictions rather than some other type of psychiatric disorder. Table 1 on p. 25 provides a snapshot of many common addictions assessments.
  • Suissa, A. J. (2011). Vulnerability and gambling addiction: Psychosocial benchmarks and avenues for intervention. International Journal Of Mental Health & Addiction, 9(1), 12–23.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Focus on the section titled “A Hidden Area of Vulnerability: Internet Gambling.” It is suggested that the entire article be read, as it is important. In particular, it provides good information on gambling addiction.

Optional Resources

Week 4 Discussion post;

Addictions Screening and Assessment Tools Versus Clinical Assessments

A client is typically referred to an addiction professional with myriad problems because addictions either directly or indirectly cause the problems, or the addiction is a byproduct of the problem. If clinical assessments provide an overview of a client’s background and situation, is a specific addictions assessment necessary? If an addictions assessment shows a client with depression and anxiety, is a clinical assessment necessary?

For this Discussion, you consider differences between use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools and the rationale behind each approach.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, particularly the following articles:

  • “Brief Intervention in College Settings”
  • “Assessing Addiction: Concepts and Instruments”

Post by Day 4 your response to the following:

How might the use of addictions assessment tools differ from the use of clinical assessment tools? Include in your response references to unique administration and client considerations.  

Be specific and use the week’s Learning Resources in your response.






Psychology: Addictions Screening and Assessment Tools versus Clinical Assessments

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

January 27th 2016.

How the Use of Addictions Assessment Tools May Differ From the Use of Clinical Assessment Tools

            An effective assessment substance abuse disorder can determine the success or failure of a medical intervention that is designed for a client. Moreover, making an effective assessment is important in determining the need and the type of adjunctive services for a client (Samet, Waxman, Hatzenbuehler, &Hasin, 2007). During the process of client assessment for a particular disorder, an assessment professional often uses assessment instruments in order to perform an effective disorder assessment. Among the assessment tools are the clinical and addiction assessment tools.

The clinical assessment tools and the addiction assessment tools differ in a number of ways. First, the clinical assessment tools are used for assessment of substance abuse disorders, which typically involve structured interviews and written questionnaires. After the assessment, the clinician can determine the best intervention for a particular patient disorder. Although the addiction assessment tools employ interviews in a addiction assessment, the tools provides a rating mechanism from which a clinician can use to classify the addiction levels of the patient based on a chosen scale, for example the Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Moreover, the clinical assessment tools provide an analysis of the client disorder, while neglecting the impact of the disorder on the patient life. For example, in the analysis for a patient with addiction for a substance, the use of addiction assessment tools may reveal the impact of addiction on job and family relationships. The other ways in which the addiction assessment and disorder assessment tools differ is the length of administration. The addiction assessment tools have specific duration from which they are administered, whereas clinical assessment……………







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Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

Week 1 Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.

Required Resources


  • Perkinson, R. R. (2012). Chemical dependency counseling: A practical guide (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
    • Chapter 1, “The First Contact”

      Focus on the descriptions of client perspectives in the “Treatment Works” and “How to Develop the Therapeutic Alliance” sections and how these descriptions relate to the codes of ethics and principles addictions professional should follow (see this week’s Discussion area). Also focus on the information on treatment facilities and group practice to learn more about the need for multidisciplinary teams for your Assignment.
    • Chapter 14, “The Clinical Staff”

      Focus on the various types of professionals that might need to be included in the multidisciplinary team.
  • American Psychological Association. (2013). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from

    Focus on the Preamble, which provides a rationale for following codes of ethical principles and standards. Focus also on the General Principles, which sets the stage for other information on ethics violations.
  • The Association for Addiction Professionals. (2013). NAADAC code of ethics. Retrieved from

    Focus on the standards listed in the section titled “The Counseling Relationship” for an excellent overview of expected behavior on the part of counselors.


  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Starting the process [Video file]. Retrieved from

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17 minutes.

Week 1 Assignment

Application: Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

Addiction may take many forms. A person may be addicted to a substance, such as cocaine, or a behavior, such as gambling. Individuals who enter into addictions assessment generally have exhibited certain hallmarks of addiction, such as an increase in the behavior, problems in relationships and life functioning, and withdrawal symptoms upon ceasing the behavior.

Someone with a potential addiction may be facing a host of issues. He or she might require medical and/or legal help. A teenager may be a minor requiring parental consent for any treatment and might already be receiving help from a guidance counselor or school psychologist. It is true that individual assessments have unique features and should be tailored to the needs of and aspects related to each individual being assessed. However, there are important steps common to most assessments that allow addictions professionals to gather reliable, valid, and relevant information about the clients they serve, as well as to enlist the best set of professionals to form the multidisciplinary team.

This week, you describe the steps of a standard addictions assessment and reflect on the importance of using a multidisciplinary team.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, including the following:

Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide

  • Chapter 1, “The First Contact”
  • Chapter 14, “The Clinical Staff”

Assignment Directions:

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

  • The steps of an addictions assessment
  • An explanation of why each step is important
  • One example of a multidisciplinary team and the contribution each of the team members might make to the assessment

Cite your sources using APA guidelines.






Psychology: Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

January 6th 2016.

The Steps of an Addiction Assessment

            Addiction iscondition that may show itself in different forms, for example, addiction to computer games, addiction to drugs/alcohol and gambling (Perkinson, 2012). However, the diagnosis of the problem usually begins with an addiction assessment.  The main purposes of addiction assessment process are to determine whether actually addiction exists, and whether there are any co-occurring conditions. Moreover, the results from the initial assessments provide useful information for the development of the addiction treatment plan. A successful addiction assessment must be carried by trained professionals, such as doctors, psychologists, therapists and nurses and must follow certain recommended steps.

Assessment Steps

            The process starts by the client filling a standardized questionnaire, asking about the current addiction problem. In addition, the questionnaire has questions related to any treatment history, the effects of the problem on the health of the client, the health history, the behaviour pattern, effects and symptoms.           The second step is a confidential face-to-face interview with the clinician in charge of the diagnosis of the client’s condition (The Association for Addiction Professionals, 2014). In most circumstances that involve the doctor undertaking the diagnostic process, the doctor often checks for other co-occurring symptoms (cause relapse and account for most addiction), which should be treated alongside the addiction problem. If the non-medical teams such as the psychologists, social workers and counselors, carry out the assessment, they have to refer the client to a trained doctor for diagnosis of the co-occurring symptoms. The co-occurring……………………………………………………………….







Writers Solution

Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

Week 1 Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.

Required Resources


  • Perkinson, R. R. (2012). Chemical dependency counseling: A practical guide (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
    • Chapter 1, “The First Contact”

      Focus on the descriptions of client perspectives in the “Treatment Works” and “How to Develop the Therapeutic Alliance” sections and how these descriptions relate to the codes of ethics and principles addictions professional should follow (see this week’s Discussion area). Also focus on the information on treatment facilities and group practice to learn more about the need for multidisciplinary teams for your Assignment.
    • Chapter 14, “The Clinical Staff”

      Focus on the various types of professionals that might need to be included in the multidisciplinary team.
  • American Psychological Association. (2013). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from

    Focus on the Preamble, which provides a rationale for following codes of ethical principles and standards. Focus also on the General Principles, which sets the stage for other information on ethics violations.
  • The Association for Addiction Professionals. (2013). NAADAC code of ethics. Retrieved from

    Focus on the standards listed in the section titled “The Counseling Relationship” for an excellent overview of expected behavior on the part of counselors.


  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Starting the process [Video file]. Retrieved from

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17 minutes.

Week 1 Assignment

Application: Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

Addiction may take many forms. A person may be addicted to a substance, such as cocaine, or a behavior, such as gambling. Individuals who enter into addictions assessment generally have exhibited certain hallmarks of addiction, such as an increase in the behavior, problems in relationships and life functioning, and withdrawal symptoms upon ceasing the behavior.

Someone with a potential addiction may be facing a host of issues. He or she might require medical and/or legal help. A teenager may be a minor requiring parental consent for any treatment and might already be receiving help from a guidance counselor or school psychologist. It is true that individual assessments have unique features and should be tailored to the needs of and aspects related to each individual being assessed. However, there are important steps common to most assessments that allow addictions professionals to gather reliable, valid, and relevant information about the clients they serve, as well as to enlist the best set of professionals to form the multidisciplinary team.

This week, you describe the steps of a standard addictions assessment and reflect on the importance of using a multidisciplinary team.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, including the following:

Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide

  • Chapter 1, “The First Contact”
  • Chapter 14, “The Clinical Staff”

Assignment Directions:

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

  • The steps of an addictions assessment
  • An explanation of why each step is important
  • One example of a multidisciplinary team and the contribution each of the team members might make to the assessment

Cite your sources using APA guidelines.






Psychology: Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

The Steps of an Addiction Assessment

            Addiction is a condition that may show itself in different forms, for example, addiction to computer games, addiction to drugs/alcohol and gambling (Perkinson, 2012). However, the diagnosis of the problem usually begins with an addiction assessment.  The main purposes of addiction assessment process are to determine whether actually addiction exists, and whether there are any co-occurring conditions. Moreover, the results from the initial assessments provide useful information for the development of the addiction treatment plan. A successful addiction assessment must be carried by trained professionals, such as doctors, psychologists, therapists and nurses and must follow certain recommended steps.

Assessment Steps

            The process starts by the client filling a standardized questionnaire, asking about the current addiction problem. In addition, the questionnaire has questions related to any treatment history, the effects of the problem on the health of the client, the health history, the behavior pattern, effects and symptoms.

            The second step is a confidential face-to-face interview with the clinician in charge of the diagnosis of the client’s condition (The Association for Addiction Professionals, 2014). In most circumstances that involve the doctor undertaking the diagnostic process, the doctor often checks for other co-occurring symptoms (cause relapse and account for most addiction), which should be treated alongside the addiction problem. If the non-medical teams such as the psychologists, social workers and counselors, carry out the assessment, they have to refer the client to a trained doctor for diagnosis of the co-occurring symptoms. The co-occurring symptoms greatly influence the addiction treatment process. Therefore, it is inherent that its diagnosis is carried out earlier in the course of the addiction assessment process.           The final step is the assessment of the information obtained through the questionnaire, physical examination and interviews. At this stage of…………………………………………







Writers Solution

Review chapter 19 in the course text, in your own words, discuss the practical steps for developing a technology roadmap

 1) Review chapter 19 in the course text, in your own words, discuss the practical steps for developing a technology roadmap 

250 words – APA format

2)  Review chapter 20 in the course text.
In your own words, discuss the various ways to improve system development productivity. 

250 words – APA format

Textbook Attached : 

James D. McKeen, Heather A. Smith, IT Strategy: Issues and Practices, Third Edition. Pearson, 2015, ISBN-13
