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interesting personal story

Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you to refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge. You

can work on a Touchstone anytime, but you can’t submit it for grading until you have completed the unit’s Challenges. After you’ve submitted a Touchstone, it

will be graded and counted towards your final course score.

Touchstone 1: Narrative Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Write a narrative essay using the techniques and elements of narrative writing that you have learned in this unit. Your essay must be

approximately 500-800 words long.

 Sample Narrative Essay In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled

work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.

A. Instructions

Choose a topic that enables you to tell a short, interesting personal story. Your story can be funny, suspenseful, meaningful, or exciting, but it must focus on

one event. For example, if you decide to write about traveling to Denmark, you should not write about the entire trip. Choose one event (e.g., an afternoon

you spent bicycling on an island, or your first taste of smoked herring, or your visit to the childhood home of Hans Christian Anderson) and tell a detailed story

that focuses on that event.

The following are some ideas that can help you to select a topic for your story:

• Firsts: Think of a “first” in your life and describe that moment in detail.

• Proud Moment: Choose a moment when you felt proud about an accomplishment.

• Adversity: Describe a time when you had to think or act quickly to overcome a challenge.

• Travel: Recall a memorable experience you had while visiting an interesting place.

B. Think About Your Writing

Below your completed narrative, include answers to all of the following reflection questions:

1. Which narrative techniques did you use to bring your story to life? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Did you use vivid description, sensory details, and/or

Not Submitted Submitted Scored When you’re ready to upload your document, click here. SUBMIT TOUCHSTONE

 It takes 5-7 business days for a Touchstone to be graded once it’s been submitted.

UNIT 1 — TOUCHSTONE 1: Narrative Essay SCORE




dialogue to engage readers? Provide two examples from your essay in which you “show” readers rather than “tell” them. EXAMPLE: A sentence such as “I

glanced at the clock, grabbed my briefcase, and sprinted for the elevator” uses more descriptive language than simply saying, “I was running late for the


2. How did your purpose and audience shape the way in which you wrote your narrative? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Your hypothetical audience extends

beyond the people who will evaluate your narrative. Which individuals or groups were you addressing when you wrote your narrative, and how did

consideration of your audience and your purpose influence the way in which you wrote it?

3. Provide a concrete example from your narrative that shows how you have written specifically for this audience and purpose. (3-5 sentences) Sophia

says: Consider including a quotation from your essay and explaining how it was written to appeal to your audience, and to accomplish your purpose.

Alternatively, you might describe a theme, tone, or narrative technique that you used and explain how it was intended to appeal to your audience and achieve

your purpose.

C. Narrative Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your essay meets all of the guidelines.

Narrative Focus and Flow

❒ Are all of the details in your story relevant to your purpose?

❒ Are the events presented in a logical order that is easy to follow?

❒ Is your story 500-800 words in length? If not, which details do you need to add or subtract?

Narrative Structure

❒ Is there an opening paragraph that introduces the setting, characters, and situation?

❒ Are there middle paragraphs that describe the progression of events?

❒ Is there a closing paragraph that provides a thorough resolution to the story?

Narrative Language and Techniques

❒ Have you incorporated narrative language and techniques (e.g., figurative language, concrete and sensory details, dialogue, and vivid description)?

❒ Can examples of narrative language and techniques be found throughout your story, or are they only evident in some places?


❒ Have you double-checked for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, and capitalization?

❒ Have you proofread to find and correct typos?

Before You Submit

❒ Have you included your name, date, and course in the top left corner of the page?

❒ Have you answered all of the “Think About Your Writing” questions?

❒ Is your essay between 500 and 800 words in length (2-3 pages)?

D. Scoring

Your composition and reflection will be scored according to the Touchstone 1 Rubric, which evaluates the narrative focus, narrative flow, narrative structure,

narrative language and techniques, use of conventions (grammar, punctuation, etc.), and your answers to the “Think About your Writing” questions above.

E. Rubric

  Advanced (100%) Proficient (85%) Acceptable (75%) Needs Improvement (50%)

Non-Performance (0%)

Narrative Focus

Present a focused, meaningful narrative.

The composition is consistently focused, and details are relevant and specific.

The composition is focused and details are relevant and specific. However, a few details and descriptions detract slightly from the focus.

The composition is mostly focused and the majority of details are relevant and specific. However, there are several details and descriptions that detract from the focus.

The composition does not have a consistent focus.

The composition exhibits no evidence of a focus.

Narrative Flow

Tell the story using a logical, smooth sequence of events.

The sequence of events and details is logical and easy to follow throughout the composition.

The sequence of events and details is logical and easy to follow throughout the composition, with a few minor exceptions.

The sequence of events and details is easy to follow throughout most of the composition; however, some areas are poorly sequenced or confusing.

The events and details are primarily poorly sequenced and difficult to follow.

The sequence of events and details is illogical. Readers cannot follow the progression of the composition.

Narrative Structure

Develop a clear beginning, middle, and end.

The composition has a clear and well-developed beginning, middle, and end. The opening paragraph(s) thoroughly introduce the setting, characters, and situation. The middle paragraphs thoroughly describe the progression of events. The closing paragraph(s) provide a thorough resolution to the narrative.

The composition has a clear and sufficiently developed beginning, middle, and end. The opening paragraph(s) adequately introduce the setting, characters, and situation. The middle paragraphs adequately describe the progression of events. The closing paragraph(s) provide an adequate resolution to the narrative.

The composition has a clear beginning, middle, and end; however, one of the three sections is minimally developed.

The composition lacks a clear beginning, middle, or end; or, two of the three sections are minimally developed.

The composition lacks a clear beginning, middle, and end; or, all three sections are minimally developed.

Narrative Language and Techniques

Use narrative language and techniques competently.

Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., concrete and sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) effectively throughout the composition.

Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., concrete and sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) effectively in the majority of the composition.

Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., concrete and sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) effectively in some parts of the composition.

Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., concrete and sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) rarely in the composition.

Does not use narrative language and techniques (e.g., concrete and sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) in the composition.


Demonstrate command of standard English grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and usage.

There are few, if any, negligible errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are some significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are frequent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are consistent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

  Advanced (100%) Proficient (85%) Acceptable (75%) Needs Improvement (50%)

Non-Performance (0%)

Think About Your Writing

Reply to reflection questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses. Answers all reflection questions effectively, following or exceeding response length guidelines.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; includes multiple insights, observations, and/or examples. Answers all reflection questions effectively, following response length guidelines.

Primarily demonstrates thoughtful reflection, but some responses are lacking in detail or insight. Answers all reflection questions, primarily following response length guidelines.

Shows limited reflection; the majority of responses are lacking in detail or insight. Answers reflection questions inadequately; may not answer all of the questions and/or may not follow response length guidelines.

Does not answer the majority of reflection questions, or the majority of answers do not follow response length guidelines.

F. Requirements

• Your narrative must be 500 to 800 words (approximately 2-3 pages) in length.

• Assignment guidelines must be followed or your submission will not be graded.

• Double-space the essay and use one-inch margins.

• Use an easily-readable 12-point font.

• All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.

• Your narrative must be original and written for this assignment.

• Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.

• Your submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.

• Your submission must include both your narrative and your answers to the “Think About Your Writing” questions.

• Submit only a single file that contains all of the assignment components.

• Acceptable file formats are .doc and .docx.

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Fundamental visualization software techniques to analyze data and tell the data story

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to use fundamental visualization software techniques to analyze data and tell the data story.


Open Tableau and connect to the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet in the \\\”Rental Data\\\” file. 

The \\\”Rental Data\\\” file contains data on car rental activity for a specialty rental car company, whose customer base is only college students. Note for the \\\”Insurance\\\” field 1 = customer purchased rental insurance, and 0 = customer did not purchase rental insurance. The \\\”InputData\\\” worksheet provides a description of each \\\”CarID\\\” code. \\\”TimeOut\\\” is measured in hours, and \\\”Price\\\” is dollar amount charged for the rental. The \\\”Note\\\” field includes the general condition of the rented car upon its return. The remaining fields in the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet are self-explanatory.

Create the following charts/tables using Tableau. Charts/Tables will be based on the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet in the \\\”Rental Data\\\” file. Place each chart/table into a separate sheet in your Tableau file.

  1. Column Chart: Sum of Miles by CarID. Ensure that the column bars are purple and that the mileage values are above each column. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyCarID.\\\”
  2. Pie Chart: Percentage Time out by \\\”Standing.\\\” Ensure that the percentage values for each pie piece are displayed on the chart. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyStanding.\\\”
  3. Scatter Chart: Time Out by Price. Ensure \\\”TimeOut\\\” is the x variable, and \\\”Price\\\” is the y variable. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyPrice.\\\”
  4. Horizontal Bar Chart: Time Out by Car ID by Month. Ensure that the horizontal bars are green and that the time out values are to the right of each column. Partition the chart by month. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyCarID.\\\”
  5. Text Table: Count of Notes by Gender by Standing by Insurance. Ensure that the counts are blue. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”NotebyGenderbyStandingbyIns.\\\”
  6. Treemap Chart: Count of Notes by Standing. Select your own colors for the treemap. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”NotebyStanding.\\\”
  7. Packed Bubbles Chart: Miles by CarID by Insurance. Select your own colors for the chart (one color for each \\\”Insurance\\\” category). The size of the bubbles should be based on mileage for each \\\”CarId.\\\” Display the \\\”CarID\\\” inside each bubble. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyCarIDbyInsurance.\\\”
  8. Area Chart: Miles by Month. Select your own colors for the chart (one color for each area). Display the \\\”Miles\\\” values on the chart. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyMonth.\\\”

For each required item above, take note of the results. The insights gained from this information will need to be summarized in a PowerPoint presentation that will be submitted as a part of this assignment. You are required to submit the completed Tableau *.twb file and the Excel file containing the source data to your instructor. Create a .zip file that contains your Tableau file and any other supporting files.  Submit your .zip file. Ensure that your last name is in the filenames


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Major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books

BIBLICAL META NARRATIVE ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW (Major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books). The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible and the theological doctrines. One way to view Scripture is through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Considering biblical doctrines through these four plot movements can aid in our understanding of humanity and humanity’s relationship to God.After viewing the presentation, Understanding Biblical Narrative, and completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to demonstrate the coherence of Scripture and share some of the implications of the unified message of the Bible. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you must write an 800 – 1,000-word essay addressing the following prompt:The unity of the Bible is demonstrated through the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of Scripture. The study of theology uncovers and articulates the unity of all the biblical texts when they are taken together. From the list of approved doctrines to address, demonstrate the unified nature of the Bible by tracing that doctrine through the four major plot developments of Scripture. For example, The Bible describes God as love in 1 John 4:8. The way to interpret “God is love” is to look at the biblical story that reveals God’s character through His actions. When looking at the idea of love through the four major plot movements in Scripture we see God’s love demonstrated in His creation of humanity, His patience with humanity after the fall, and His sacrificial death to redeem humanity from the fall, and His restorative work through preparation of the heavenly home . (This example would be substantiated and demonstrated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within the essay.)Assignment Requirements:

1. Discuss the major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.

2. Choose two topics from the topic list at the bottom of this document (Page 2) that are presented in Biblical doctrine with attention on how these theological topics unfold through the through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.3. Using your theological examples, share the implications that these examples provide humanity’s relationship to God.4. Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources.5. Incorporate at least 2 relevant biblical references.6. Write a clear introductory paragraph including the thesis statement. A summative concluding paragraph must also be included


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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk “The Danger of a Single Story

Watch Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk “The Danger of a Single Story” here (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.).
Write a five hundred word reflection in which you answer the following questions:
In your experience, what is the dominant or “single” story of Latinx people told in the United States? Where did you learn this story?
How does the experience of Camino and Yahaira disrupt or complicate this dominant story?
Ultimately, why does it matter how we narrate complex political processes and events, social movements, and even the lives of children?

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Down These Mean Streets is Piri Thomas’ coming-of-age story in Spanish Harlem

DO NOT utilize ‘outside sources’ to answer any of these questions: you are expected to use the class materials, and to cite information appropriately! 

Down These Mean Streets is Piri Thomas’ coming-of-age story in Spanish Harlem. In the memoir, Thomas recounts his Depression-era upbringing, and his continual struggle with racial identity. As a youth, Thomas engages in several acts of deviance and criminality, eventually landing in prison after shooting a police officer during a botched bar robbery. You must utilize two theories from the second half of the course to analyze Thomas’ behavior, and the reasons for his actions, in the memoir.

You must discuss some of the events in the book explicitly. That is, I should be able to tell from your answer that you have, in fact, read the book – however, do NOT submit something to me that is solely a summary Thomas’ actions. I am not looking for a plot summary: the emphasis here, as always, is on using the theory to explain how social forces affect human action – if you do not do this, you will fail the final, period.

THOROUGHLY EXPLAIN the theories that you use; be sure to DEFINE TERMS. Write as if the reader would be unfamiliar with the theories utilized. TAKE THE TIME TO DISCUSS ONLY THE THEORIES FIRST – FOLLOW THE OUTLINE. Note that as you are using two theories, each theory, its discussion, and the relevant examples alone are worth 40 points!: so be sure to provide as much essential detail about the theories as possible


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Down These Mean Streets is Piri Thomas’ coming-of-age story in Spanish Harlem


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Story Choice: Plato’s “Parable of the Cave” (VIDEO IN YOUTUBE) (9:00 minutes)

2.5 Project: Precursors (ESSAY)

Story Choice: Plato’s “Parable of the Cave” (VIDEO IN YOUTUBE) (9:00 minutes)

Directions write an essay with the following requirements:

  • Research Socrates, his beliefs, and his practices.
  • Explain why Plato chose Socrates as the speaker for this parable.
  • How do Socrates’ beliefs and practices relate to the themes of this parable.
  • For example, what is the literal and symbolic significance of lightness and darkness?
  • 750 –1000 words


  1. Content (50 points) Thesis statement, quality of research, textual support for claims, and organization
  2. Mechanics (15 points) spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  3. MLA formatting (10 points) in-text citations, Works Cited page format, and citation

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There is vicarious enjoyment permeating this story

Prepare a five slide power point on some aspect of the The Falling Girl.  Substantiate with detail and quotes from the work. 

Some thoughts to get you brainstorming: 

Who is her competition?  Be careful.

There is vicarious enjoyment permeating this story.

Time (obviously)


Social commentary (obviously)



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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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Writers Solution

How do they drive the story forward?

Explicate the relevance of the following sentences in terms of the story.  Questions to help guide you are:

  • How do they drive the story forward?
  • How do they point to the theme?
  • Why are they essential to understanding?

Copy the chart.  Fill in with your responses.  Two condensed sentences maximum for each topic.

This video is a different happy man.

To what degree are thoughts things?

What is the difference between needs and wants?





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  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services How do they drive the story forward?

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Writers Solution

How do they drive the story forward?

Explicate the relevance of the following sentences in terms of the story.  Questions to help guide you are:

  • How do they drive the story forward?
  • How do they point to the theme?
  • Why are they essential to understanding?

Copy the chart.  Fill in with your responses.  Two condensed sentences maximum for each topic.

This video is a different happy man.

To what degree are thoughts things?

What is the difference between needs and wants?





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  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Privacy and safety. It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services How do they drive the story forward?

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science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).

Sci-Fi Narrative Writing Assignment  

For this assignment, you will write a science fiction narrative aka a story (lol). You may use one of the 15 prompts listed below, or you may come up with your own idea.

Whatever your topic may be, your story must stick to the following guidelines:

LENGTH: 1-3 pgs double-spaced. 12-pt font, 1 inch margins. No more, no less.
DIALOGUE: You must include at least one exchange between two characters, formatted correctly. If you need a refresher on how to include dialogue in a piece of narrative writing, click this lil’ link:
DROP INTO THE ACTION: You must begin your story IN A MOMENT OF ACTION. This action might fall at the end of the story arc, it might fall at the beginning, or it might happen somewhere in the middle. You may move forward or backward in time once you drop us in, but YOU MUST DROP US IN to begin the story.

REFRESHER: What Is Sci-Fi?

Sci-fi, short for science fiction, is a genre of speculative fiction that contains imagined elements that don’t exist in the real world. Science fiction spans a wide range of themes that often explore time travel, space travel, are set in the future, and deal with the consequences of technological and scientific advances.

15 Science Fiction Writing Prompts (if you want to use one)
An earthquake in the central U.S. reveals the framework of an ancient civilization far beneath the surface. As archeologists dig, they realize they’re unearthing skyscrapers.
Stars start disappearing from the sky, one by one. Then, one day, the sun disappears, leaving the whole earth in freezing darkness.
After the earth is rendered inhabitable from global warming, the last survivors get into a voyager spacecraft, hoping to find another planet to call home. It’s been thirty years, the ship is still searching, and they’re almost out of food.
Superheroes are becoming more and more common, and every city in the US is now rushing to have one of their own as their mascot. When one city fails to find a hero living in town, they hire the city-hall intern to pretend for a little while.
Astronauts finally land on Mars—only to find that exact copies of themselves have already arrived. science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).
Space ships are now mass-produced, and everyone has access to space travel at light speed. As new planets are discovered, people begin to settle down in new solar systems—but battles for ownership of the best planets have begun.
After World War III, the entire earth is united as one country. However, a secret society is bored with peace and starts planning ways to spread discontent.
An android escapes from a factory and hopes to blend in to avoid getting caught. The only problem? It escaped right before it could finish its software download, so it only knows human history up to the 1920s.
Cars now have artificial intelligence and will know where their passengers want to go without even being told. One day, every car in the world drives toward a specific point on Earth—and won’t let anyone out.
Scientists have discovered a black hole much closer to Earth than they thought possible. Everyone was so worried about the planet getting sucked into it—nobody was ready for something to come out of it.
An alien species comes to Earth, and, due to a clerical error, their ambassador shows up on the doorstep of a low-level government HR employee, who welcomes them in for snacks.
The dead have risen from their graves like zombies, but they don’t want to eat people—they just want answers about why the afterlife sucked.
The last person on earth walks across a desolate wasteland. One day, for the first time, a voice comes through her walkie talkie science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).
A high schooler spends all of his time in a virtual reality video game. One day his character gets injured and he can feel the pain in the real world. When he takes off the headset, he has the exact same injury on his body.
A large hole has opened up in the center of Alaska. People are saying they can hear whispers coming from down below. The last time a team of explorers went to investigate, they disappeared.





Olympus Mons

Olympus Mons had started and I was the single witness to the Tsunami occurrence of tremors. I asked, what are the odds? The Telescope Dad had carried for me the birthday present and indicated that it is a special feature, or as mysteriously as he claimed. What feature, I enquired. I would unravel the mysterious feature, he retorted, before driving off to his part-time gig at NASA. Dad fund out him was at the ‘Gizmo Department’ as he awoke.

It took a short while!

Mar’s luminous became the second to showcase after the Venus’s Night; I occasionally used to train my new toy on the surface of mars. The visitation of mum meant that the house belonged to me as it was her sister’s abode in downtown Houston, with its spacious balcony, to me.

The vast cluster of the stars took my breath away, I had a conviction that I have landed on a second planet from the usual earth. On this planet, I was living in an area devoid of the ever harsh street lighting that gave an illusion. After a few minutes of focusing and calibrating on my favorite fantasy world, I fixed on the familiar pimple I got a recognition as the Mother of all Volcanoes in the entire solar system:16 miles high,6 times larger than Mount Everest, 4 billion years old, give or take. This specific telescope had a particular zoom lens; it soon dawned on me, like those that exist in a video camera. Hands on boost magnification, a fluorite refractor, (n sub for aperture) fast F/ratio, plus cam adaptor. I utilized them and my eyes were being transported to a vision which cloaked my senses that transformed and looked like renegade ink spot.

This was no trick of light. This was real. I’d seen those Hollywood conceptions of Mars. Nothing in them came close to what I was witnessing. Except that I felt as if I was being conveyed to a science fiction movie produced by George Pal or Steven Spielberg. The sensation of looking through the glass chilled my bones. Goosebumps sprouted along my arms and shoulders. I never felt more alone.

Through the eyepiece projection, black smoke billowed and obliterated Olympus Mons’s apex. I zoomed back from the dark, hazy smooch to gauge the overall picture. Sure enough, the magma rolled and widened at frightening speed, its diligence like a non-stop freight train from Hell, scorching everything in its path. I sprinted for the HD screen in my living room and tuned into CNN. No breaking news. Not yet. President Trump’s goodwill visit to Mexico would surely be preempted any moment. A phenomenon was taking place on Mars, damn it. I waited a few minutes before surfing the channels. Zero coverage. I tried again five minutes later. Nada.

I had to leave a message on Dad’s cell, my throat catching.

“Yo, Dad! Are you guys at NASA watching this? Olympus Mons is alive and belching! Call me back!”

I resumed my Mars watch and panned east to west along its sullied terrain.

I zoomed in. Something caught my eye.

I pulled on the focus ring and my gut burned. Fuzzy gray figures were scurrying, fanning out from the molten ebb. The slow ones were devoured while the faster ones scattered from view.

Then nothing!

The dense smoke obliterated the dance of death I’d been witnessing. Blackness prevailed from wherever I swiveled the lens to. I paused and played back in my frazzled mind what I’d seen. No life on Mars? Tell that to God. The exhilaration I felt matched the shock to my system. I felt privileged in owning a device that could showcase such an interstellar cannonball. Were there other telescopes like this? Was my father on to something when he assembled it? Or had he dismissed it as another of his b…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. science fiction narrative aka a story (lol).


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