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strategic issues facing a particular firm or industry

In order to bring current examples of strategic issues and problems into the class, each student will prepare a current event analysis. The analysis should be drawn from material in the business press and must deal with a topic within the last 12 months. The article/material should highlight the strategic issues facing a particular firm or industry and should be directly related to specific topics of this course. Your presentation should include the following points:

1. A very brief review of the key facts of the story.

2. Identification and explanation of the key course concepts, tools, topics that this report relates to.

3. Your analysis/evaluation of the actions or situations with respect to the relevant topic.

4. One question for the class discussion

Each presenter should submit your analysis report by 5 PM of the day before the presentation. 

The length of the outline should be one to two pages. Be sure to attach a link/copy of the article and any other materials from which the outline is derived.

Each presentation should be about 3 minutes. You may be randomly selected to do an oral presentation.

The grading template for the individual case presentation is as below:

Component (total 10%)Comments
The event is well explained to understand (2%) 
The event is relevant to the topic of the week (2%) 
Great analysis of the event (2%) 
The question is interesting (2%) 
The report was submitted by the due (2%)
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Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance

Subject Code and Title MGT600 Management, People and Teams / MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams
Assessment Reflective Analysis
Indhridual/Group Individual
Length Up to 750 words
Learning Outcomes a) Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance. c) Demonstrate effective communication and practical problem-solving skills to effectively manage people in a range of organisational contexts d) Critically reflect on the roles and functions that managers perform in the context of the challenges and risks they have to address in the changing environment. e) Develop and justify a model of management cognisant of the organisational minutiae to guide future practice.
Module 2.1 (Week 2)
Weighting 15%
Total Marks 15 marks
Self-awareness creates an opportunity for further development and personal success.
This reflective analysis is designed for you to explore the subject’s introductory content and importantly, identify how it relates to your own experiences and how you may use it in the future
• Module 1.1 ¦ The nature of organisations, the role of management and challenges faced
• Module 1.2 – Motivation, influence and power and politics and
• Module 2.1 ¦ Communication, conflict and negotiation
In writing your reflective analysis, you should consider the learning resources provided in the respective modules as well as reading more broadly on the relevant topics.
Think carefully about what you are reading and what has been discussed in class or in online discussions. Identify the key principles and concepts and be sure you know what they mean, why they are important and how they can be applied.
Your reflective analysis write up may take a variety of forms but must be within the word limit and include:
• A short introduction.
• An analysis of the relevant module topics including their relevance to you and application.
• A short conclusion.
• Reference list.
In reflecting upon the module topics, you should explore questions such as:

  1. What is in the content and why is this topic important?
  2. How is the topic relevant to you?
  3. What has been your past experience in this topical area?
  4. What have you learnt from the content so far and how will you use it in the remainder of the subject or in your workplace?
    The word limit is short, so make use of tables, figures and diagrams as these are not included in your word count.
    You will be assessed against the learning rubric below and your level of insight and application of knowledge from Modules 1 and 2.1.
    You must recognise all sources of information; including images that you can include in your work. Reference your work according to the APA 6th edition guidelines. Please see more information on referencing here skills/referencing






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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

Topic: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.





Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

Topic 1: Portfolio Management Maturity

           Although the article was written in a way that was hard to decipher, the main argument made by the authors is that it is imperative that an understanding of the project portfolio maturity be understood. The authors reiterated the need to ascertain the project maturity and discussed several models that can be employed. In this regard, the authors offered several conclusions based on the analysis of the different types of project maturity models. In line with the purpose of the paper, the first conclusion the authors made is that the article presented a project maturity model. The second conclusion is that the project portfolio maturity models analysis done revealed that there exist various approaches of projects, programme, and portfolio management maturity, which were found to be based on stakeholder interests and new strategic expectations. 

           The other conclusions made in the article are that measured project, programme, and portfolio management maturity was defined in form of how well the company understood its projects. Owing to their analysis of project portfolio maturity models, the authors concluded that the model proposed by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée was an effective tool that proper value creation in project, programme, and portfolio management maturity. Finally, the authors concluded by reiterating the need for re-adjustment of project models. Following this conclusion, they determined research topics as the need for coordination in resembling and the need to outsource services to safeguard projects. 

           Based on the conclusions from the article, some of the conclusions are plausible, while others need further research and clarifications. The main purpose of the paper was to develop an analysis of the existing project portfolio management maturity models and to complement them. The paper met this objective, which is consistent with the first three conclusions drawn. The authors provided background on project-based organizations and the need to determine project portfolio maturity. The authors further provided a discussion of several project portfolio maturity models (Neverauskas & Čiutienė, 2011, pp. 847). The models discussed in the article includes the maturity model developed by the United Kingdom Office of Governance Commerce, the Gartner’s PPM model, Maturity by Project Category Model (MPCM), and Robertson’s Project Management Maturity Model. 

           The Blue Ocean Strategy framework suggested by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée outlined in the fourth conclusion is also plausible. The framework provides a way in which project portfolio maturity can be managed. According to Rad and Levin (2006) maturity assessment process allows for identification of strengths and weaknesses. This is consistent with the framework developed by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée, which essentially allows for refinement of the project maturity under different levels. 

           However, though project management approaches need to be adjusted as outlined in the fifth conclusion, the research topics indicated need more clarifications. The main purpose of the article was to examine existing project portfolio maturity models and augment them. It was expected that the last conclusion should dwell more on topics that are relevant to the research purpose. The research topics need to be refined and try to address any gaps identified in the paper that needs further research. For instance, the auth……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

Topic 1: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.






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Hospital Strategic Management and Planning

1Assessment 2and final project for the capstone course “Hospital Strategic Management and Planning”Assessment 2: Development of a research proposal on a “Business Model”: The learners are required to write a proposal for a business model for improving the operation / adding value for a specific service within a hospital department.Final Project: The final project (week 15, 40 marks) will take the form of a pilot study whereby at least aspects of the research proposal are trialed/implemented and evaluated2Sections of the proposal I.Situational Analysis –hospital assessment The internal and the external environments of the hospital will be analyzed 1.External environmental analysis components of the health care environment that currently affect or are likely to affect the study hospital in the near future.(Assignment 1)2.Internal environmental analysis: the internal environment will be analyzed through a value-based healthcare delivery system a.Major strengths and weaknesses across the value chain ofservice delivery will be recognized. Strength and weakness should be stated in terms of service delivery; pre-service, point of service and after service.support activities; organizational culture, structure and strategic resources b.Strengths and weaknesses’ competitive relevance based on value, rareness, imitability and sustainabilitywill be evaluatedc.Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis will be conducted through organizing internalenvironmental weaknesses and strengths and external environmental opportunities and threats. II.Servicebackground and descriptionBased on the results of external environmental and internal environmental assessments and building on a recognized competitively relevant strength to capture a market opportunity or to face a threat, a specific service / quality improvement initiative in a specific hospital department will be selected.This section describes the service profile namely; Service descriptionA selected service will be described in terms of a.service location b.service boundaries c.Demand level for the selected activity e.g. number of outpatient visits for a specialized clinic per month, number of operations for a selected type of operations per monthd.Performance indicators for the selected service3III.Proposed interventions / strategy1.General goala.The general goal of the strategywhich should fit with the hospital strategic direction represented in the hospital mission and vision. b.The proposed strategy should aimat improving theoutcomes, value, and/orcost.Examples for service improvement ideas within different hospital departments•Improving flow of patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome•Providing a model for “patient-centered-care” for diabetic patients•Providing a vertically integrated model of care for pregnant females •Improving patient flow and reducing waiting times for patients presenting to the emergency department•Reducing operation cancellation rates and maximizing the efficiency of utilization of operative theatre •Improving patient experience and continuity of care in outpatient settings through reducing the internal and external waiting times with application of open access appointment scheduling 2.SpecificobjectivesThe objectives of the strategyneed to flow from the general goal. They are statements indicating the key outputs for the service to achieve and therefore form a basis for assessing the performance of the selected service. The strategy is expected to improve outcomes in monetary and non-monetary terms relative to the cost invested in the proposed strategyThe objectives of the service will need to be aligned to hospital goals and stated in a measurable time-bound, specific and attainable terms. Specific objective for Example for a specific objective to one of the aforementioned goals;a.Implementing a scheduling system in the operation room to i.increase OR utilization from ……% to …….%ii.reduce overtimes by …..%iii.reduce delayed operations by ……..%iv.reduce cancellation by ……%v.Reduce start time tardiness by …..%b.Financial performance of the proposed strategy will be based on estimates of the financial gains when compared to the costs of implementing the Hospital Strategic Management and Planning proposed intervention. Estimation will be based on reviewing the relevant literatureon cost saving from applying similar strategies.





Doubling oncology referrals at SKSH: A research proposal

This is a research proposal that looks at ways to double the number of patients visiting Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital’s (SKSH) oncology center of excellence. SKSH is a tertiary hospital in Ras Al Khaimah that has three centers of excellence – oncology, cardiovascular and neuroscience (SKSH, 2017). Most of the patients to these centers of excellence are referred from surrounding primary and secondary healthcare centers. Yet there is room to increase the number of patients being referred to the centers. The research will look at ways the number of patients visiting the oncology center through referrals can be doubled in the next two years.

This research proposal will include a situational analysis of the SKSH’s internal and external environments with a view to establishing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the hospital’s oncology center. The center’s location, boundaries, demand levels and performance indicators will also be discussed. Further, the proposal will lay out the specific objectives to be achieved towards the strategy of doubling the number of patients in the next two years as well as an implementation plan that will look at activities to be performed towards achieving the strategy. A cost-benefit analysis based on the cost and gain estimates will help determine the financial performance of the proposed strategy.

The proposal also constitutes an implementation plan that looks at the work required and estimates the direct and indirect costs. Performance measurement of the intervention will be tied to SKSH’s strategic direction as it relates to the financial performance,internal business processes, customer satisfaction as well as training and education (balance score card).

Situational Analysis

This situational analysis looks at the internal and external environments of SKSH. It is an overview of the hospital’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

  1. Internal environment

So as to better understand the oncology center of excellence at SKSH, it is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of SKSH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Hospital Strategic Management and Planning


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Strategic Direction for a company.

The objective is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for a company.

Term Project Description

This course requires the completion of a comprehensive Strategic Plan.

You have a choice to use either an existing company or a fictitious company. In either case, the Project is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for the company.

The Plan will have 7 sections. The 6 sections will reflect each of the 6 TCOs plus a bibliography. Each section will be 2 – 3 pages in standard business proposal format.

The sections are:

  1. Strategy (TCO F)
  2. Core Competencies (TCO C)
  3. Industry Dynamics (TCO A)
  4. Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation (TCO D)
  5. Product Development Strategy (TCO E)
  6. Strategy to protect innovations (TCO B)
  7. A bibliography listing your references for the project

Ideas to Help Prepare the Course Project

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Section 1 – Strategy

TCO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization.

This is the most important part of the project, because it sets the direction for all other sections. In this section, you establish the strategy for an organization.

Often people refer to this component as the “Vision” or “Mission” of a company, but it is not. The Vision for a company could be that you want to be a market leader. However, the technology strategy tells everyone how you will achieve that market leadership. The technology strategy tells the various stakeholders – employees, customers, community, and stockholders – what you are going to do to achieve that market leadership. This strategy should be very clear and easy to understand so that everyone will be “on the same page” when it comes to working together toward that goal.

In this section, you should describe what “SHOULD” be the strategy of a technologically driven company. You should focus specifically on the technology strategy. You should think about all the things we learned in the class that will determine a strategy that will help the company succeed.

Remember that you can use either an existing company or a fictitious company. If you choose to use an existing company, you can visit their web site to see if their strategy is listed. Or you can do a web search on their technology strategy to see if anyone has written any stories about their strategy. For a fictitious company, you should make up a technology strategy that fits that type of company.

Examples of a Technology Strategy:

  • Verizon Wireless – Have the best network of all wireless carriers
  • Honda – Build the best engines
  • Keller – Deploy the best Internet based on-line and blended education technology, not build it, not own it, but use a 3rd party to provide it
  • Intel – Have the fastest and most powerful CPUs

The key is to be able to describe the strategy in a 1 or 2 sentence summary and in detail as well. The description should start or end with the simple sentence statement of the technology strategy. However, there must be sufficient detail to explain why that is the right strategy.

Section 2 – Core Competencies

TCO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the organization.

Like all subsequent sections of the project, this section is based on the Strategy Section.


  • Verizon Wireless Strategy is the having the best Network. Thus, the core competencies will be built around the network. Things like RF Engineers and wireless security experts would be detailed
  • Intel’s strategy is to build the fastest most powerful CPUs. Thus their core competencies will be built around CPU engineering
  • Keller’s strategy is to deploy the best on-line education technology. Thus their core competencies would be things like educational technology evaluation and on-line education curriculum development

The best way to do this section is to apply the three tests of a core competency (page 123) to the strategy that you detailed in the Strategy Section.

Section 3 Industry Dynamics

TCO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.

Here you should take the strategy identified in Section 1 and describe in detail why that is the right strategy based on what is occurring in the industry. Provide as much detail as possible as to the industry trends and why you think those trends are important.

Section 4 – Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation

TCO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.

Here you would offer ideas as to what is the best way to “Source” the technology that supports the strategy. A complete discussion about how best to manage the innovative capabilities of the company being described is required.

Section 5 – Product Development Strategy

TCO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation strategy through its new product development strategy.

Product Development is very important to an organization. This section will describe how the company will structure its product development. Obviously, the kind of structure will be determined directly by the technology strategy stated in Section 1.

Section 6 Strategy to protect innovations

TCO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological innovations.

Using the things learned in the class, describe how you would use patents, trade secrets, copyrights, etc. to protect the Intellectual Property (IP) required to support the strategy.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.

Final Paper Rubric

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Content 50%Points%
Depth of Research2525%
Scope of Research2525%
Use of sound logic2525%
Editing 15%Points Deduction
(per occurrence)
Spelling Error-2
Punctuation/Grammatical Error-1
Sentence Meaning Unclear-2
Misstatement of Fact-5
Total (not to exceed)3015%
Organization 20%Points%
Introduction; Thesis statement contains at least two main points168%
Body text follows order of topics and main points derived from the thesis statement84%
Content subdivisions follow outline84%
Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information84%
Total (not to exceed)40 points20%
Documentation 15%
Incorrectly cited or missing
Points Deduction
(per occurrence)
Title page-2
References in text-2
Bibliography/Works Cited-5
Total (not to exceed)30 points15%
Category TotalsPossible Points%
Organization and Cohesiveness4020%
Documentation and Formatting2015%

Citation Help

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Don’t forget to cite your sources properly, both parenthetically and in your bibliography/works cited. If you need assistance with proper citation, the following web site may be beneficial:

Be certain to review the “APA Style Guidelines” Tutorial available from THE HUB’s Library Port.





An Evaluation of Microsoft’s Practical Strategic Plan

Laying out a desired future, a strategic plan translates an organization’s mission and vision into stipulated goal, objectives and actions. Hence the strategic plan is a document that communicates an organization’s strategy, core competencies as well as the industry dynamics. The document also stipulates the company’s sourcing, innovation and its protection as well as product development strategy. This strategic plan will map out Microsoft’s strategic direction.

Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates to sell a version of BASIC programming language, Microsoft is one of the pioneers in the technology industry and has been one of the leading technological companies for a few decades; being number one in the software market.

  1. Strategy

Microsoft’s strategy is“to build best-in-class platforms and productivity services for a mobile-first, cloud-first world. Our platforms willharmonize the interests of end users, developers and IT better than any competing ecosystem or platform” said Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft during launch of the company’s new mission, vision and strategy in 2015 (Bishop, 2015).

By building “best-in-class platforms and productivity services”, Microsoft aims to maintain its position as a leader in the technology industry. But unlike when it was a market leader because of Windows operating system (hereafter referred to as Windows) which was ubiquitous, the new strategy looks to identify certain niches in which it will be the “best-in-class”(Liqouri, 2011).

The niches the company is targetingthus far in terms of platforms are tablets, mobile phones, play consoles, and fitness bands. Notably, all these products are “mobile-first”, meaning that they are easy to carry around. They are also “cloud-first” in that they can easily be connected to the internet.

In so doing, Microsoft has consolidated its strengths which are productivity services. It has also taken advantage of opportunities emerging in the industry, namely mobile and cloud. Windows has faced stiff competition from such operating systems as Linux, Android and iOS; increasingly becoming a weak area for Microsoft. Hence its decision to offer Windows free is timely. On the other hand, Microsoft has not been making the traditional office platforms such as mainframes, desktops and even laptops(Mitt et al., 2012). Venturing here would see it face huge threats from the entrenched players such as HP, Lenovo and Dell.

Apart from Windows, Microsoft offersother “productivity services” such as the ever-popular Microsoft Office suite (Office) and server services. Built into these services are various products such as databases, web hosting and applications. These are all available in Microsoft’s cloud service Microsoft Azure(Liqouri, 2011).

The company integrates the platforms and services to “harmonize the interests of end users, developers and IT better than any competing ecosystem or platform”. This is in line with its stated mission“to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more”.

Apart from enabling it to compete effectively by utilizing on its strengths and opportunities, Microsoft stops being in direct conflict with its competitors, and in fact collaborates with them. Windows continues to be the preferred operating system for traditional platforms and Microsoft allows Android and other OS’s on its platforms. So the company’s “productivity services” are able to get onto other platforms, while other services are also available on its platforms; while still maintaining a market leadership position by offering an experience that is “better than any competing ecosystem or platform”.

  1. Core Competencies

Core competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills and resources that enable an organization to compete effectively as well as grow. They ease market access, add value to a product so as to benefit the customer and are difficult for competitors to imitate (Srivastava, 2005).

One of Microsoft’s core competencies is having good innovators. The company revolutionized computing when it developedWindows, an operating system that still continues to have a huge market share due to continuous innovation(Liqouri, 2011). Its Office suite has also seen the company set and maintain the pace in word processing, spreadsheets and databases. The launch and consequent dominance of the market by the popular Windows, Office and SQL solutions shows the company is a continuous innovator, updating and upgrading these products to be in line with new developments in the industry (Fai, 2011).

The innovation has been aided by strong research and development at Microsoft. Microsoft’s applications, operations and infrastructure are well-researched, consistent and are trusted to support business goals for other companies. Research and development enables Microsoft to innovatively apply technology, developing products that are efficient and easy to use (Fai, 2011). This technological innovation enables the company to come up with unique platforms and services. As Nadella notes, “We will be insatiable in our desire to learn from the outside and bring that knowledge into Microsoft, while still innovating to surprise and delight our users.”

Microsoft’s customer reach has made it get unparalleled feedback from a variety of customers, from IT novices to professionals, enabling it to develop brands that resonate with users. Its Beta versions are mainly installed by IT professionals who find solutions to bugs through Microsoft’s online communities. The company also constantly carries out surveys among its users, especially those who use its platforms and services as well as those visiting its website.

This culture to learn and develop its brands is espoused by Nadella, “We need to be always learning and insatiably curious. We need to be willing to lean in to uncertainty, take risks and move quickly when we make mistakes, recognizing failure happens along the way to mastery. And we need to be open to the ideas of others, where the success of others does not diminish our own.” Consequently, Microsoft’s Windows, Office, server and cloud services are among the most researched, trusted and popular in their categories(Liqouri, 2011)..

Microsoft certificates that are awarded to individuals who excel in various Microsoft technologies are recognized in many IT industries across the world. They are requirements for career progression in certain countries.Microsoft ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Strategic Direction for a company.


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strategic HR consultant to Vertical Horizons

You have just been hired as a strategic HR consultant to Vertical Horizons, a regional airline that has
hubs of operations in the three (3) states with the busiest airports. You have just returned from an
introductory meeting with Vertical Horizon’s management team in NYC where they asked you to attend
an upcoming strategic management session in upstate New York. They would like you to assist them
with a strategic issue relating to an impending shortage of airplane pilots. Coincidentally, on your return
from the NYC meeting, your flight home was delayed by 4 hours due to the lack of an “available” copilot.
They have read the 2014 Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook report and want your help.
According to Boeing’s 2014 Pilot and Technician Outlook report, there is a need for nearly 533,000
airline pilots over the next 20 years. While demand is expected to be the greatest in the Asia Pacific
region, there is still likely to be demand in the US for pilots. Industry officials warn that a shortage
looms because of several factors. The mandatory retirement age in the US for a pilot is 65 (extended
from 60 in 2007) which means that many Vietnam Era veteran pilots are looking for retirement homes
near golf courses. In addition, the FAA has imposed greater training requirements and longer rest
periods between shifts for current employees. In addition, the economic downturn and the complication
of airline mergers have caused problems for airlines attempting to hire and retain qualified pilots
needed today and in the future. The profession is also facing difficulties attracting new entrants due to
the time it takes to meet the entry training requirements, and the high cost of training at accredited
flight schools. And the lure of foreign airlines could also help reduce the domestic supply of pilots.
The three (3) busiest airports in the United States are:
1) Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) – Atlanta, Georgia
2) O’Hare International Airport (ORD) – Chicago, Illinois
3) Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) – Los Angeles, California
Your assignment:
Prepare a report that you will share with Vertical Horizons that addresses the following:
• Research the severity of the predicted pilot shortage and the external labor market because
the company is concerned about the availability of pilots in the future.
• Compare forecasted employment trends in the above states (with the busiest airports) with
those of the entire United States. I suggest you reread Chapter 5 of your text for helpful
• Develop an action plan to strategically address the impending pilot shortage in the industry.
What are your suggestions for improving the quantity and quality of pilots over the next two
(2) decades? Vertical Horizon’s is considering discussing the issue at the next meeting of
Airlines for America, the airline industry’s trade group.
• Develop an action plan for Vertical Horizons to proactively address the situation for its own






The shortage in the number of pilots available in the United States is alarming. According to reports by different bodies, including the Boeing Edge Flight Services. Nevertheless, the situation on the ground is more severe than it looks on paper. The regional Airlines face shortage that is more severe than the industry’s players are willing to admit (Winston, 2009). Many leaders are not yet ready to admit that they have been partial in their view on the matter. Most of the labor unions in the industry are claiming that the shortage is due to the low pay and not really a shortage based on qualification.

Situation on the Ground

According to reports by different bodies including the Government Accountability Office, the situation is spiraling out of control and in a few years there might be a mess in the industry due to the lack of skilled pilots (Taylor, Moore & Roll, 2000). There are more and more young student that are aiming to become lawyers and……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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Implementation of a strategic plan

MT460-6: Compose business policies to enable implementation of a strategic plan. To help guide your understanding of developing a policy manual, use the following two library resources: McConnell, J. H. (2005). How to develop essential hr policies and procedures. [Books24x7 version]. Retrieved from: Page, S. B. (2009). Writing exceptional policies and procedures. [Books24x7 version] Retrieved from: You may also find the policy templates and examples useful. If you use templates, make sure to modify them to include the correct titles and content. Be sure to delete instructions or extraneous information that might be found in the template. You must also be sure to professionally format the templates to meet your unique professional style and character. Templates are only to be used as a starting point. Business policy helps guide strategy implementation from a control perspective, but it can also enable innovation. Policy must be carefully developed so to empower employees, but must also be stringent enough to set boundaries and enforce expectations. To understand the central significance of the relationship between policy and strategy to top managers and their organizations, you must gain an understanding of how environments, external and internal, affect the functioning of an organization. You must develop an ability to evaluate environment so as to detect opportunities and threats in it to which alert managers must respond. It means an understanding of the processes through which managers can best determine those missions and objectives their organizations should seek; it means the ability to formulate and evaluate the best policies and strategies to achieve these ends, and the methods to assure that policies and strategies are implemented. This is an important strategic leadership and management ability that you must demonstrate and continuously hone throughout your career. To demonstrate your abilities, you will compose a basic policy manual to provide guidance and support for your Capsim Core simulation company strategy and implementation plan. This manual should be detailed and should effectively demonstrate your unique ability to compose business policies and procedures. Use the following checklist to develop your policy manual: Develop a professionally formatted policy manual to support your Capsim Core simulation company’s chosen department (Research and Development, Marketing, Production, or Finance) strategy and implementation plan. It is up to you to decide what policies and procedures are needed to support and enforce your Capsim Core simulation company strategy and implementation plan. At minimum, you should compose five policies to help support and enforce your strategy and implementation plan. Review Chapter 6 in “Writing Exceptional Policies and Procedures” by Page (2009), and Chapter 6 in “How to Develop Essential HR Policies and Procedures” by McConnell (2005) found in the library. Each Policy you compose should contain components such as the following. Be thorough and detailed in the composition of your policy manual. Purpose Persons implementation of a strategic plan Affected (Scope) Policy Statement Responsibilities Procedures Forms References Document Approvals Explain how your policies affect the performance of the organization. In the overview section your policy manual, illustrate the connection between policies that provide safeguards and policies that encourage innovation in relation to the strategy and implementation plan goals and objectives. Compose policies that align all levels of the business strategy hierarchy to facilitate a seamless implementation plan. Ensure that the purpose, scope, policies, and procedures are aligned with the goals and objectives of each level of strategy. Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed research resources to substantiate your strategic decision-making. Your policies should be written using “Active” voice. Your grammar and spelling must be perfect in a implementation of a strategic plan policy manual.

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Overview of Baldwin

            The Baldwin Company focus in the production of Low Tech, traditional and High-Tech products that are environmental and health-related sensors. The business strategy adopted by Baldwin Company is Cost Leadership PLC that emphasized on broader markets and lower costs(McConnell, 2005). Therefore, the product development in Baldwin Company are in the segment of low-end, traditional and high-end. Since Baldwin is a PLC company, the cost of product development will be minimized through expertise and efficiency. The company intend to maintain a minimum investment in the performance and size segment initially but may revise this trend depending on market conditions.

            Cost Leadership PLC strategy will be passed to the customers by highly automating manufacturing of low-tech and traditional segment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Developing a strategic plan

Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.
Develop and write your own personal mission statement. Be clear about your passion, values, goals, and philosophies. Once you have your mission statement articulated, explain how it:
Expresses your image of yourself.
Expresses your values and philosophies.
Identifies what you have to offer.
Explain how your mission statement answers the following questions:
What are your economic goals?
What is your philosophy in terms of quality and image?
What are your core competencies and competitive advantages?
What “customers” do you serve best?
How do you view your responsibilities to those who rely on you?
Format this assessment as a research paper, following current APA guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics. There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each bullet point while also being as clear and concise as possible





BUSINESS CAPSTONE Assessment 1: Mission Statement


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Date of Submission:


            Mission Statement is a living statement that is very critical to the growth and development of the organization and to an individual. The Mission Statement can be changed with time with specific purpose of achieving or attaining lay down goals within a specified period of time(Cochran, et al., 2008). Its serves as a guide into how an organization intend to achieve its goals or vision and it specifically speak to the to the owners, customers and employee goals.

Personal mission statement in relations to the strategic planning

            A personal mission statement outlines what an individual wants to achieve at a personal level. In simple terms, mission statement defines who an individual is and what he/she intend to achieve or do the society. It is very important for a leader to develop personal mission statement and aligned it to the mission statement of the organization he/she is leading. It is imperative to note that mission statement also guides the process of personal development career wise and personal achievement(Horwath, 2012). My personal mission statement reads “To provide excellent services to the community by assisting the veterans to live a happy life and overcome the scares of war, I will serve as the link between the veterans and the federal government and ensure that they get the necessary support they require. I will lobby the government and other organization to mobilize resources to build shelter, provide food and medical care to all veterans who do not afford these services.”

            As one of the veteran’s child I have witnessed first hand how veteran struggle to make ends meet when they retire from active service. Some of the veterans are retired early before they attain retirement age due to medical condition caused by the nature of their work(Pearce &Robinson, 2007). In most cases, veterans are traumatized by the past events they encountered while serving and they need constant psychological assistance from the psychologist. When the government fails to assimilate veterans back to the society, they are exposed to the wrong side of the law.

My economic goals            There is no doubt that funding is required for the veterans to get the much-needed services. My economic goals lobby non-governmental………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Strategic Training and Development Report: Jiffy Lube International

The Training Top 125 for 2016
For the past 16 years, Training magazine has ranked organizations based on their employer-sponsored training and development programs.  The list below contains the top five organizations for 2016.

Company    2016 Rank    2015 Rank    Other Recognition by
Training Magazine
Jiffy Lube International     1    2   
Keller Williams Realty Inc.    2    1    Outstanding Training Initiative
CHG Healthcare Services    3    4   
Capital BlueCross    4    3   
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan    5    5   

Details about the selection process and about all 125 organizations ranked by Training can be found at the magazine’s website:

You should also browse the website for additional articles related to the Top 125 list.  The January/February 2016 issue contains a wealth of information.  Since the top five companies in 2016 were also the top five companies in 2015, you should browse the website for earlier articles about the company you choose to explore.


Choose one of Training magazine’s top five organizations and investigate the organization’s strategic training and development initiatives.  -JIFFY LUBE INTERNATIONAL
Visit the organization’s web site for business information (hint: look at the organization’s annual report for information about financial expenditures, company priorities, and competition) and use the UMUC library to conduct a search for references to the organization.  Don’t forget to look for YouTube videos by or about the organization.

Prepare a 3-5 page report based on your research. 
Using the criteria Training uses to rank organizations as well as from your own research, prepare a 3-5 page report about strategic training and development in your chosen organization.  Your report should include, but is not limited to, the following elements:

1.    A description of the organization and its major products and/or services (a brief description — no more than two or three paragraphs).  Try to find information about the organization’s mission and/or goals and how its training function is organized.  The organization’s website and its annual report, particularly the letter to shareholders at the beginning of the annual report, are good sources of information.  Be sure to cite the specific web page where you found information used in your report. 

2.    An assessment of the characteristics of the organization that help it excel in training and development.  Include factors such as (but not limited to) the total budget for or amount of money spent on training and development; the level of employee involvement in training and development activities; the type(s) of training and development opportunities offered; the organization’s investment in and/or use of technology for training; and the availability of benefits such as tuition assistance.

3.    An assessment of how the TD function operates in the organization.  How is the TD function organized?  For a description of three training organizational models, read  Does the organization use training needs analyses (TNAs) to identify performance gaps or the need for new skills to support business strategies and initiatives?  Does the organization employ the ADDIE, RID, or Agile approaches to design training?  Do the TD professionals in the organization display any of the competencies described in the ATD competency model mentioned in the Week 1 lecture? 

Support your opinions and statements with a minimum of four references from sources published within the last ten years.  You can cite scholarly and practitioner-oriented journals, course materials, newspaper articles, YouTube videos by or about the organization, the organization’s annual report, and the organization’s web site, but not Wikipedia, vendor websites, or other non-academic sources.  The UMUC library can help you identify appropriate sources.

Use APA format for citations, references, and quotations.  This means your list of references should start on a separate page, and should be double spaced, with a hanging indent and no spaces between entries.  For help with APA format, please consult the Writing Resources module in the Course Resources section of our classroom.   






Strategic Training and Development Report: Jiffy Lube International

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Strategic Training and Development Report: Jiffy Lube International

Brief Company Description

            Founded in 1979 and based in Houston, Texas, Jiffy Lube Company operates as a subsidiary of Shell Oil Company providing automobile preventive maintenance services (Jiffy Lube® International, 2017). The company operates more than 2,000 franchised and company owned services centers across North America. The Jiffy Lube range of services include air filtration, oil change, air conditioning, battery maintenance and replacement, suspension services, alignment, windshield, inspection, emission, tire rotation services, emissions and inspection, fuel cleaning system, drive-train, cooling system, brake, and engine and fuel system. In addition, the company provides fleet services, gifts and credit cards to its customers.

Organization Mission and How Training is Organized            

The mission of Jiffy Lube is to be the best preventive maintenance providers for the long haul, providing best care and working with customers……………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….