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ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners

1)You will read about ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners.

2) Explore ESL and ELL strategies and add appropriate ones to your Toolkit.


Review the following:


Explore ESL and ELL strategies to add to your Toolkit by viewing the following link:


Add ESL strategies to toolkit from assigned resources. You should be working on toolkit each week , and it will be successfully complete by due dates. 

Share what you learned from the resources and  a favorite strategy you found on Engagement and one for ESL /ELL students.  Post by Friday – Sunday morning  and then respond to 2 others by Sunday evening . 

Be sure to refer to Discussion R

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What are specific ethical pitfalls that underlie the French mitigation strategies?

  1. Write an initial response to the following key question(s) or prompt(s):
    As the quotation below from the French AFD reveals, an example of a group of labors in low-cost countries who have long been deprived of equal pay for equal work are women.

    The figures speak for themselves: 70% of people living on less than a dollar a day are women, as are two-thirds of illiterates. In certain countries, 50% of women are victims of violence. Women produce 50% of food and two-thirds of global labor, but only earn 10% of incomes. Women are discriminated against in all areas of society: employment, education, health, and governance. Yet they contribute to the development of countries through their work. A number of studies have demonstrated that reducing gender inequalities contributes to the equitable and sustainable development of countries.

    Go to the ADF site to see the French government’s gender and development strategies. Reflect on the data in the quote above and on France’s strategies to combat these violations of compensatory justice as you respond to the Key Questions.
    1. What are specific ethical pitfalls that underlie the French mitigation strategies?
    2. How can your company leverage concessions from offshore providers to ensure progress in mitigating these pitfalls?
    3. Which virtues would your company’s leadership need to demonstrate in order to accept responsibility to better these workers’ situations and to implement mitigation strategies for the ethical inequities?
    4. Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.”. Verse 17, preceding this one, discussed the Elders in the church who do their work and should be well paid for that, since they are teaching and preaching. “Faithful church leaders should be supported and appreciated” (Tyndale, 2007, p. 1934). 
  2. Need at least 4 references for each one point.
  3. Total words 450 -500




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change in order to take advantage of the strategies

For Tesla.  Advise the CEO on how best to position the organization to be responsive to change in order to take advantage of the strategies you have recommended. 

6-8 page

  1. Give your opinion as to whether your chosen company’s industry is maturing or declining, based on its evolution history. Justify your answer.
  2. Use Porter’s National Diamond to evaluate the relative main advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration versus outsourcing for the company. Support your response.
  3. Use the Boston Consulting Group’s growth-share matrix to evaluate the company’s strategic position as of 2013. Note: Refer to Figure 14.2 “The BCG Growth-share Matrix,” located on page 369, chapter 14 of the textbook.
  4. Suggest one approach for the CEO to adopt in order to implement the strategies that you recommended in Project Deliverable 3. Include the main changes in decision-making style, main changes in planning structure, and measures of success in your recommendation. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Use at least three quality references




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Practical Strategies for Social Change: Intervening to Prevent Sexual Violence

SACR-3500. Practical Strategies for Social Change: Intervening to Prevent Sexual Violence
This course introduces students to sexual violence as a social problem; why it matters, the forms it takes, and how it can be changed. The importance of personal and community responsibility for social change is emphasized. This course also provides students with the background knowledge that is needed to successfully teach sexual violence prevention workshops for their peers. Restricted to students who have attained a cumulative GPA of 66% or higher at the time of application. (Prerequisite: Semester 4 standing or above and permission of the instructor by online application at bystander (Also offered as SOSC-3500, PSYC-3500, SWRK-3500, and WGST-3500.)


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Men have a vital role to play in ending men’s violence against women.
The feld of efforts to engage men and boys in violence prevention is
growing rapidly, across policy and programming, scholarship, and advocacy and activism. This is embodied in the growth of national and global
interventions and campaigns, initiatives by international agencies, and
scholarly assessments of their impact and signifcance. Across the globe,
a wide variety of violence prevention initiatives in schools and elsewhere
now address boys and young men, sporting codes have adopted measures to involve male players in building respectful cultures, and institutions such as the military are moving towards similar initiatives.
This book provides a comprehensive guide to engaging men and boys
in the prevention of violence against women and girls and other forms of
violence and abuse. It provides an informed and accessible framework for
understanding, supporting, and critically assessing men’s roles in violence
There are three elements to the book’s background. First, violence
against women (including physical and sexual assaults and other behaviours which result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women) has been identifed as a widespread social problem.
Second, there is an increasing emphasis on the primary prevention of
violence against women in government and community efforts—on not
just responding to victims and perpetrators, but also in preventing this
violence from occurring in the frst place. Third, a signifcant trend in
violence prevention is the growing focus on engaging men and boys in
© The Author(s) 2019
M. Flood, Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention, Global
prevention. Around the world there are growing efforts to involve boys
and men in various capacities: as participants in education programs,
as targets of social marketing campaigns, as policy-makers and gatekeepers, and as activists and advocates. There is a groundswell of community-based prevention activity directed at men and boys. There is
signifcant policy support for male involvement in violence prevention,
evident in recent plans of action by national governments and affrmed
by international agencies. In short, violence prevention efforts aimed at
men and boys are on the public agenda, are being adopted and funded
increasingly widely, and have a powerful rationale.
The book Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention provides a
critical assessment of efforts to engage men and boys in violence prevention. It offers a distinctive and timely discussion of an area of work and
scholarship which is receiving growing national and international attention. The book highlights innovative, creative, and compelling examples
of work engaging men and boys, both among particular groups (such as
sports players, faith leaders, corporate men, blue collar men, young men
in schools, and men in uniform) and in particular settings (such as workplaces and social movements).
This book provides robust, practical guidance regarding effective
strategies to reduce and prevent violence against women. The book is
oriented towards the production of practical guidance for educators,
advocates, and policy-makers: a conceptual framework for understanding and supporting men’s and boys’ roles in violence prevention, robust
assessment of particular interventions, and guidance regarding the effective use of key strategies. In short, the book identifes what works and
what does not.
Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention has an international
focus. Some of the most well-developed or innovative efforts to involve
men and boys in violence prevention take place outside North America
and the UK, with notable efforts visible in Brazil, India, and elsewhere.
The book includes case studies from a wide variety of countries and
regions. It offers a framework for engaging men which is applicable in a
wide variety of settings, national and international. At the same time, the
book highlights the challenges of violence prevention with men and boys
in particular cultures and contexts.
The book avoids two extremes regarding men’s and boys’ involvement in violence prevention. On the one hand, there is a naïve optimism
that short-term, simple interventions will shift lifelong habits of behaviour and entrenched inequalities. On the other, there is a paralysing
pessimism about the prospects of change among males. In its discussions of existing efforts, the book highlights both positive and negative
impacts: interventions and strategies which have made a positive difference, and those which have had neutral or negative impacts.
The book also explores controversies regarding efforts to engage
men and boys in violence prevention. Are they at the expense of efforts
focused on women and girls? Are they complicit with dominant constructions of masculinity? To what extent has ‘work with men’ come
to be seen as an end in itself rather than as a means to gender equality?
And so on. At the same time, the book is guided by a determination to
make a positive and signifcant contribution to the prevention of violence
against women.
Outline of the Book
The book is organised into three parts: Part I: The problem and its prevention; Part II: Strategies and settings; and Part III: Challenges.
Part I: The Problem and Its Prevention
Part I of the book introduces the problem it addresses, the arguments
for engaging men and boys in prevention, and the principles which
should guide this work.
Chapter 2 provides an overview of men’s violence against women,
noting its character, typical dynamics, impacts, and causes. It begins by
noting debates over how to defne violence and particular forms of violence. The chapter summarises what is known about the causes of men’s
violence against women, highlighting that this violence is grounded
above all in the meanings, practices, and relations associated with gender. The chapter highlights contemporary debates in scholarship and
advocacy over men’s violence against women. These include debates over
how to defne violence and particular forms of violence, and the chapter argues for an understanding of domestic violence for example which
moves beyond discrete physically aggressive acts to a broader conceptualisation which includes a range of strategies of coercive control enacted
by one person against another. The chapter highlights further trends
including growing recognition of diverse forms of interpersonal violence,
examination of the social and structural foundations of men’s violence
against women, debates over measurement and evaluation, and shifts in
violence against women itself.
Chapter 3 introduces the reader to the primary prevention of violence
against women. It explains how primary prevention differs from other
forms of prevention and intervention activity. It describes the public
health and ecological models of prevention which dominate the feld and
notes debates about their utility and insight.
Are existing interventions with men and boys effective? Chapter 3
then explores the effectiveness of efforts among men and boys to change
the attitudes and behaviours associated with violence against women.
Although there are important limitations to the existing evidence, this
does show that well-designed interventions can make change. The chapter then works through a spectrum of strategies of prevention, discussing
the evidence for the effectiveness of strategies at each level. Moving from
micro to macro, these levels are: (1) strengthening individual knowledge
and skills; (2) promoting community education; (3) educating providers;
(4) engaging, strengthening, and mobilising communities; (5) changing
organisational practices; and (6) infuencing policies and legislation. The
chapter provides examples of efforts at each level, drawn from around
the globe. The chapter concludes by noting the consensus in the feld
that violence prevention should be informed, comprehensive, engaging,
and relevant.
Chapter 4 argues that engaging men and boys is part of the solution
to men’s violence against women. It identifes a compelling, threefold
rationale for addressing men in ending violence against women. First
and most importantly, efforts to prevent violence against women must
address men because largely it is men who perpetrate this violence.
Second, constructions of masculinity—the social norms associated with
manhood, and the social organisation of men’s lives and relations—play
a crucial role in shaping violence against women. Third, and more hopefully, men and boys have a positive role to play in helping to stop violence against women, and they will beneft personally and relationally
from this.
There are also tensions and critiques regarding this rationale. This
chapter examines four questions:
• While there is widespread agreement that men’s anti-violence work
should be accountable, what does this mean in practice?
• Although there is a powerful rationale for engaging men, does this
mean that there is a universal imperative of male inclusion?
• Does the claim often made in this feld that ‘most men do not use
violence’ excuse men from collective responsibility for violence
against women and neglect many men’s use of various strategies of
coercion and control against women?
• Does an appeal to the ways in which men will ‘beneft’ from progress towards non-violence and gender equality downplay what
men also have to lose if patriarchal privileges are challenged?
Part II: Strategies and Settings
The book then moves to the practicalities of making change among men.
Part II explores the strategies and settings which can be used to engage
men and boys in preventing and reducing violence against women. It
begins with the general challenge of making the project of preventing
and reducing violence against women relevant and meaningful for men,
before exploring particular strategies for change.
To involve men and boys in making change, we must frst know something about where they stand. If we are to reach men and boys—to spark
their initial interest, secure their participation, and inspire their ongoing
involvement—we must know about their existing attitudes towards violence against women, their existing involvements in gender relations, and
so on. Chapter 5 begins with where men and boys stand: the extent to
which men actually perpetrate violence against women, men’s attitudes
towards this violence, and men’s beliefs and practices when it comes to
speaking up or acting in opposition to this violence.
Why do many men show disinterest in, or active resistance to, involvement in efforts to end men’s violence against women? Chapter 5 then
explores what prevents men from supporting and contributing to violence prevention campaigns. Barriers range from men’s sexist and violence-supportive attitudes, to their overestimation of other men’s
comfort with violence, to lack of knowledge or skills in intervention or opportunities for participation. The chapter then explores, on
the other hand, what inspires men’s involvement. How is it that some
men become passionate advocates for ending violence against women?
There are common paths for men into anti-violence advocacy. For
many men, initial sensitisation to the issue of violence against women
comes from hearing from women about the violence they have suffered. These and other experiences raise men’s awareness of violence or
gender inequalities. However, a tangible opportunity to participate in
anti-violence work also is infuential, as is then making sense of this experience in ways which inspire further involvement.
How do we make the case to men that violence against women is an
issue of direct relevance to them? Chapter 5 explores proven ways to
inspire men that violence against women is a ‘men’s issue’. It shows how
to personalise the issue, appeal to values and principles, show that men
will beneft, build on strengths, and start small and build from there.
Making the case to men also involves popularising feminism, diminishing
fears of others’ reactions, building knowledge and skills in intervention,
and fostering communities of support.
Chapter 6 focuses on one of the most common forms of violence prevention strategy among men and boys, face-to-face education. Around
the world, interactive workshops and training sessions are used with men
and boys to build their gender-equitable understandings, teach skills in
non-violence and sexual consent, inspire collective advocacy, and so on.
This chapter identifes what makes for effective practice in education
for violence prevention: what to cover, how to teach, and whom should
teach. As it discusses in detail, some forms of face-to-face education simply do not work. They are too short to make change, they do not engage
participants in discussion and refection, or they are poorly taught.
Whether working face-to-face with men and boys or reaching them
through media and communications strategies, one must inspire men’s
and boys’ interest and engagement and work well to shift the attitudes and behaviours associated with violence against women and girls.
Chapter 7 focuses on communications and social marketing, a second
common strategy of violence prevention education. Like the previous
chapter, it describes both effective and ineffective campaigns and highlights the principles on which more successful efforts are based. For
example, more effective communications campaigns involve greater levels
of exposure to the prevention messaging, are based on understanding of
their audience, and use positive messages and infuential, relevant messengers. Chapter 7 then explores two communications approaches which
are increasingly prominent, social norms and bystander intervention.
A third set of strategies for violence prevention among men and boys
is focused on mobilising them as advocates and activists. Chapter 8
explores efforts in which men and boys themselves mobilise to prevent
and reduce violence against women. It examines the use of campaigns,
networks, and events by men and boys, including efforts undertaken
in partnership with women and women’s groups, in what is a rich and
inspiring history of men’s anti-violence advocacy. The chapter goes on
to identify the elements of effective practice in community mobilisation
among men and boys.
Chapter 9, the last chapter in this section of the book on strategies
and settings, examines violence prevention efforts among men and boys
which take place in workplaces and other institutions. It works across
two overlapping forms of prevention activity: educating men at work
and/or as professionals, on the one hand, and changing organisations,
on the other. The former includes interventions with particular groups
of providers or professionals, often in male-dominated occupations such
as police, faith leader, sports coaches, and the military. The latter comprise efforts at whole-of-institution change, at a more macro-level than
mere face-to-face education. The chapter identifes the key elements of
whole-of-institution prevention, including a comprehensive approach,
senior leadership and participation, dedicated resources, education and
training, communication for culture change, victim assistance and support, reporting processes, and assessment and accountability


Writers Solution

What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?

Use lesson Plan for guide(attached)

Fill out lesson Plan template

Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan (Due in Unit 5: 150 points)

This assignment is concerned with your ability to develop a lesson plan that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective while employing differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Consider the following when you plan your lesson:

What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?

Create a lesson plan using the lesson plan template or submit a Word document found under Course Documents on the Course Resources. It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment.


Be sure to use two additional sources beyond your textbook to justify your instructional decisions for diverse learners.




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Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

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Carefully review the material presented in this unit and the activities you have previously completed. You should reflect on your learning, your own research, and your previous case studies within this unit.
Complete the following project tasks, and submit all of the required documentation.
With reference to the case study, complete the follow tasks.
In the case study assessment, you identified strategies and opportunities to improve customer service and meet the needs of customers. You presented and promoted these ideas to the appropriate organisational individuals and groups. It is now appropriate to organise the implementation of those strategies.
Task 1
Before implementation, you will need to plan the implementation schedule and identify the who, what, when, and how. Select one customer service objective. Then, in a report—a table may be used—identify the following:
• The customer service objective, e.g. What is the customer service goal?
• The customer service strategy that is to be implemented, e.g. What steps are required to achieve the goal?
• The activities/tasks involved in the implementation, e.g. a list of the activities/tasks that need to be undertaken
• The staff required, e.g. all staff, specific departmental staff (marketing, sales, etc.), new casual employees, etc.
• Budget, e.g. financial resources required (costs to cover telemarketing phone calls, printing, advertising, newsletters, etc.), total estimated costs
• Other physical resources or supplies, e.g. display stands, promotional boards, customer database, etc.
• A schedule of timeframes for the activities/tasks, e.g. Gantt chart
• What resource and activity approvals need to be arranged and with whom, i.e. job role/position to be identified (names are not required). If you are the responsible person and no further approvals are required, then this should be indicated in your report.
Task 2
Before implementing your plan, you need gain the necessary approvals and consult with management and staff to gather their comments and commitment to achieving improved levels of customer service. After you have received approval and management commitment, arrange a meeting with your staff to discuss the customer service improvement plans and gain their agreement on the plan and overall customer service objectives. The meeting minutes are to be provided to your assessor. The minutes should demonstrate:
• Discussion by staff to demonstrate commitment to achieving the customer service goals, e.g. support implementation activities
• Discussion and agreement by individuals or small groups on activities/tasks, timeframes, and physical and budget resources required
• Discussion and confirmation as to what, when, and how resources will be provided to individuals/groups to enable them to complete the activities/tasks
Task 3
As a manager, you need to provide templates of letters for staff to use as examples of the standards and requirements of business letters when responding to customers’ difficulties and complaints. Following the organisation’s procedures and using templates when resolving customer difficulties and complaints both encourages prompt action and ensures a standard approach in quality customer service. Customer complaints may be received from the customer either as a letter, email, or phone call or orally. The letter templates should display the content, structure, layout, and format of two types of customer service letters: formal and informal.
Procedures to resolve customer difficulties may include:
• External agencies, e.g. Ombudsman
• Item replacement
• Referrals to supervisor
• Refund of monies
• Review of products or services
• Using conflict management techniques
Customer complaints may include:
• Administrative errors, such as incorrect invoices or prices
• Customer satisfaction with service quality
• Damaged goods or goods not delivered
• Delivery errors
• Products not delivered on time
• Service errors
• Specific e-business problems and issues:
? Difficulty accessing services
? Inactive links
? Not appreciating differing hardware and software
? Services not available
? Supply errors such as incorrect product delivered
? Time taken to access services
? Unfriendly website design
? Website faults
• Warehouse or store room errors, such as incorrect product delivered
Develop examples of two template customer service letters, that being informal and formal, acknowledging the complaint and advising the customer of the actions that will be taken in order to satisfy their needs as well as that the organisation will look forward to satisfying their needs in the future. You should ensure that the templates are readable, appropriate, and mechanically sound.
Task 4
Business strategies and standards are continually monitored and evaluated with the aim of identifying areas for improvement. Continual improvement in customer service requires the customer service systems and processes to be regularly and systematically monitored and evaluated.
In case study assessment Task 1, you developed a questionnaire to gather feedback on customer service needs and areas for improvement. Now, you need to re-evaluate the customer service being provided by the business since the changes in customer service were implemented.
Using the reports from Tasks 1 and 2 of this assessment, identify five to eight key performance indicators (KPIs) that you could use in monitoring and evaluating the current level of client satisfaction with customer service. The KPIs need to relate to the business aims, objectives, and/or strategies.
Develop a client satisfaction survey checklist using the following headings:
• KPI statement (list the KPIs under this heading)
• Satisfied (checkbox or tick)
• Not satisfied (checkbox or tick)
• Comments/further improvements
Task 5
Step 1
Using the checklist from Task 4, conduct a survey with your customers to review client satisfaction on the level of customer service currently being delivered.
The survey may be conducted using the Internet, email, or telephone, or it may be face to face. You will need to gather a minimum of ten customer responses.
Customers may include:
• Corporate customers
• Individual members of the organisation
• Individual members of the public
• Internal or external
• Other agencies
Step 2
Analyse the feedback from the survey, and create a client satisfaction feedback report explaining your findings, e.g. were the KPIs met? Has the level of client satisfaction with customer service improved? If not, why? Are further improvements needed?
In your report, you will need to do the following:
• Refer to evidence gathered from the survey.
• Make a comment on the areas in customer service that have been improved and also where further improvements could be made.
• Provide advice and make a recommendation on the future direction of client service strategies for the business. Future directions should relate to the overall aims and objectives of the business.

Task 6
The client satisfaction feedback information needs to be passed on to the manager and staff. Arrange a meeting with the manager, staff, and any other interested parties to discuss your findings from the client satisfaction survey. The meeting minutes are to be provided to your assessor. The minutes should demonstrate:
• Discussion by the manager and staff to demonstrate acknowledgement of client satisfaction successes and commitment to take steps to make improvements where required to maintain customer service standards
• Discussion and agreement by individuals or small groups on activities/tasks to be undertaken to improve customer service standards
Individuals and groups may include:
• Colleagues
• Committee
• Customers
• External organisation
• Line management
• Supervisor
Task 7
To be successful in quality customer service, records need to be maintained. This is to make past and future comparisons and identify areas that may cause future issues and problems. In a report, explain the role and purpose of maintaining systems, records, and reporting procedures in ensuring continuous improvement in levels of customer service




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Provide three crime reduction strategies or policies that are based on the theory that you selected.

  • Provide an overview of the criminological theory you selected. Include the main tenets and propositions in your overview.
  • Describe how this theory explains the occurrence of crime.
  • Include biological, psychological, social, and structural variables.
  • Provide three crime reduction strategies or policies that are based on the theory that you selected. These may be existing strategies or policies, or ones that you create.
  • Analyze how each crime reduction strategy or policy is based on the theory that you selected. Identify which theoretical tenet each crime reduction strategy or policy is based on.
  • Summarize your presentation by explaining which types of crimes each of your strategies or policies will most likely impact and how they might contribute to social change.
  •  three scholarly resources that focus on a criminological theory. Select one criminological theory to use in your presentation
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Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion

 Write a 6-8 page paper in which you do the following:

  • Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
  • Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
  • Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
  • Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets
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Danielson’s and create strategies that would be used to monitor teacher quality and effectiveness

Part 1( attachment 1)
In the Discussion Board you will review the work from Danielson’s and create strategies that would be used to monitor teacher quality and effectiveness. You will develop a plan for supporting teachers’ growth and development, as well as monitoring their professional practice for improvement.

Use the Danielson Framework (downloaded at the completion of the learning activity) and identify two standards for quality and two standards for effectiveness that you will create a monitoring plan for.
Break down and discuss two strategies you, as a leader, would use to monitor quality and two strategies you would use to monitor effectiveness.

Using these identified strategies, how would you then develop a plan to support the growth and development of a colleague for quality and for effectiveness?

What process would you use to monitor and support the professional practice (observations, checklists, coaching, professional development), and over what period of time would?

Part 2 (link for Part 2) ( )

Monitoring Strategies

Discussion Overview

As an instructional leader, you will spend time preparing, observing, and reflecting on both teacher quality and effectiveness.

Review your own school district’s teacher performance monitoring tool and one other local or state monitoring tool, (you can use the state contact map to locate school districts).
Compare the two district’s monitoring tools and strategies that are used to monitor teacher effectiveness and quality. Look at their commonalities and differences, and share what is similar and what is unique to each.

Describe how they monitor quality and what tools/methods they use.
Describe how they monitor effectiveness and what tools/methods they use.
In conclusion to this discussion, share one thing you would add in order to increase the ability of the instructional leader to monitor quality and share one thing you would add to monitor effectiveness. Justify each of your answers.

Please Read each activity They are to go on Separate pages Please label them

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What are some strategies you, as a health care manager, can use to overcome human resources challenges?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • What are some strategies you, as a health care manager, can use to overcome human resources challenges?
  • What are some current and future human resources issues in health care? How may effective human resources management handle these issues?





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