Writers Solution

Internet streaming service concept.

Internet streaming service concept.

Have you used Spotify Radio®, Netflix®, or Hulu®? Sites such as these provide access to content and also permit social engagement with other users.

Spotify (Links to an external site.) – This music radio website allows you to sign up to enjoy free music of your choosing. You can set up playlists and create a random music mix based on songs and artists you already like.

Netflix (Links to an external site.) and Hulu (Links to an external site.) – These are TV apps. Connect to these networks and you can enjoy your favorite TV shows. Classics, horror, comedy, Sci-Fi, you name it, and they have it.

There are so many different types of social networks. If you are launching a college career or entering the workforce, you do not want to miss LinkedIn and Twitter. Post popularity drives the posts on the Delicious Website.

LinkedIn® (Links to an external site.) – By signing up, you join or you are virtually “linked in” with 60 million other professionals. You will find your colleagues, classmates, and experts on LinkedIn. Connecting with other individuals with similar professional backgrounds is a great networking tool for the workforce and creates job opportunities.

Twitter® (Links to an external site.) – Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions, and news about what you find interesting.

Online applications such as Spotify Radio and Hulu introduce a whole world of entertainment as the social networks mentioned, LinkedIn and Twitter provide new ways to connect.

For this discussion activity, comment about your experience with any two of these online services. If you have not used any of these previously, then be sure to spend the time to at least get familiar with two. If you have used them all, then select another similar resource.

How is their usability?
What impact do they have upon society? Education? Communication? Business?
What types of online services do you subscribe to for your own entertainment, education, or business interests?

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Experience with Twitter and Facebook

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Experience with Twitter and LinkedIn

           There is increased growth in the use of social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other video sharing services such as Netflix (Arul Jothi & Mohmadraj Gaffoor, 2017). However, the experience with the use of the services offered on these internet services varies. Having used LinkedIn and Twitter, the usability of Twitter is much better than that of LinkedIn. Twitter has a better user experience as it promotes increased interactions compared to LinkedIn. LinkedIn offers a means of creating networks, whereas with Twitter one can read trending news in addition to creating a network. Also, with Twitter, you can easily connect with people you want to follow with great ease, unlike LinkedIn.

           The use of social media and other online services have a great positive and negative impact on society, education, communication, and business. The internet services have enhanced communication by removing geographical barriers and increasing the number of people that can be reached. Businesses have now increased the use of social media platforms to advertise their products and to reach new markets. Besides, cultural exchanges that occur over internet services have become critical in education especially in management sciences. However, the use of internet services has reduced physical interactions, which tend to hamper communication that is better face-face.            Although there are many online services, their use varies based on individual preferences. The online services that I subscribe to entertainment, education, and business interests are Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. YouTube and Ne…………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Hulu is one of the famous US based TV streaming service provider.

Hulu is one of the famous US based TV streaming service provider. There are many different plans to access Hulu video streaming services. You can activate Hulu plan by visiting from your mobile app and PC. You can watch movies, news, sports, TV series and many other entertaining episodes. You can also contact experts if you are getting any problem in activating the plan.