Writers Solution

Role of Mental Illness in Predicting Criminal Behavior

The Role of Mental Illness in Predicting Criminal Behavior Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Course: Instructor: Date: The Role of Mental Illness in Predicting Criminal Behavior According to a study done by Perrotta (2020), a person’s propensity to do criminal acts increases with the severity of their mental condition. People with experience with the criminal justice system in the United States are more likely to develop mental illness than the general population (Perrotta, 2020). Individuals with a history of drug use are more prone to behavioral and cognitive problems and engage in criminal behavior. Research shows that, to a considerable extent, mental illness predicts violent crime, property crime, and violations of public order. Recidivism is also strongly predicted by mental illness. Those with mental illness are more prone than those who do not become victims of crime (Siennick et al., 2022). Furthermore, they are more likely to be arrested and imprisoned. Mental illness is a key predictor of victimization and criminal conduct. Mental illness is a significant public health issue. According to reports, one in every five persons in the United States has a mental illness. Mental illness is linked to a variety of negative effects, including a lower life expectancy, an increased chance of suicide, and an increased risk of victimization. Mental illness is also a significant burden on the economy, costing the United States billions of dollars each year in direct and indirect costs. Mental illness is a significant risk factor for criminal behavior. Early intervention and treatment of a mental illness are critical to preventing crime. Mental illness should be considered in all aspects of the criminal justice system, from policing and sentencing to treatment and rehabilitation. Several arguments posit that mental illness does not predict criminal behavior. These arguments typically focus on one or more of the following: 1. Mental illness is not a significant predictor of crime. 2. Mental illness is not a significant predictor of violent crime. 3. Mental illness is not a significant predictor of recidivism. 4. Victimization is not significantly predicted by mental illness. 5. The frequency of mental diseases is a minor public health problem. 6. Criminal behavior does not increase the likelihood of mental illness much. Typically, the first three reasons highlight the scarcity of evidence between mental illness and criminal behavior. After controlling for all other variables, these arguments highlight that mental illness does not significantly predict crime, violent crime, or recidivism. Argument 4 often emphasizes the shaky link between mental illness and victimization. This argument emphasizes that mental illness is not a reliable predictor of victimization or criminal behavior. Argument 5 emphasizes the paucity of evidence connecting mental illness to poor results. This argument emphasizes that a range of negative consequences, such as a reduced life expectancy, an increased chance of suicide, and an increased risk of victimization, are not always related to mental illness. Argument 6 often emphasizes the scarcity of evidence connecting mental illness to criminal conduct. This argument emphasizes that there is no true link between mental illness and criminal conduct. These are some arguments suggesting that mental illness does not predict criminal behavior. While there is some merit to these arguments, it is essential to remember that mental illness is a significant public health problem and that it is associated with a wide range of adverse outcomes (Siennick et al., 2022). Early intervention and treatment of a mental illness are critical to preventing crime. Mental illness should be considered in all aspects of the criminal justice system, from policing and sentencing to treatment and rehabilitation. Several strategies can be employed to help caregivers, patients, and families with mental illness to reduce instances of criminal arrests. 1. Early intervention and treatment of a mental illness are critical to preventing crime. Mental health interventions should be tailored to the specific needs of the individual. They should be delivered in a way that is culturally competent and responsive to the individual’s unique circumstances. 2. Mental illness should be considered in all aspects of the criminal justice system, from policing and sentencing to treatment and rehabilitation. 3. There should be increased investment in mental health services and supports, including crisis intervention services, to meet the needs of individuals with mental illness. 4. Families and caregivers should be educated about mental illness and its impact on criminal behavior. They should also be provided with support and resources to help them cope with the challenges of caring for someone with mental illness. 5. Individuals with mental illness should be treated with dignity and respect. Stigma and discrimination against mental illness must be addressed to ensure that individuals with it receive the care and treatment they need. These are just a few strategies that can be employed to help reduce the incidence of criminal arrests among individuals with mental illness. It is important to remember that each individual is unique and that not all strategies will work for everyone. It is crucial to tailor interventions and supports to the individual’s needs to be most effective. The working alliance has been shown to predict criminal behavior in those with mental illness significantly. In a study of 265 probationers with mental illness and substance abuse problems, the working alliance was found to moderate reductions in mental illness symptoms and criminal thinking (Scanlon et al., 2022). This suggests that the working alliance is an important factor to consider in treating mental illness and that it can significantly impact reducing criminal behavior. Other studies have also found a correlation between mental illness and criminal behavior. Girasek et al. (2022) found that psychiatric patients are more likely to be aggressors than the general population and that violence is more common in psychiatric settings than previously thought. This research suggests that mental illness can play a role in criminal behavior and that more attention should be paid to the mental health of those involved with the legal system. Overall, the research suggests that mental illness can be a significant factor in predicting criminal behavior. The working alliance appears to be a particularly important factor in treating mental illness and can significantly impact reducing criminal behavior. Often, a person’s mental state may be inferred from their outward actions and behavior. According to the study, a major contributor to the prevalence of mental illness in the corrections system is the erroneous diagnosis of offenders with psychiatric disorders (Lee, Yu, & Kim, 2020). The phrase “mood disorder” originates from  psychodynamic theory. Many criminals have a mental condition that manifests in various ways, including sadness, social isolation, wrath, and narcissism. Conduct disorder is also common among juvenile detainees. Children with conduct disorder have trouble paying attention and following directions (Lee, Yu, & Kim, 2020). Many young individuals struggle with mental problems, and conduct disorder is one of the most prevalent. Some youngsters with mental disorders are stigmatized and shunned by their peers because of their behavior problems (Perrotta, 2020). Children may become withdrawn and aggressive as a result of the situation. Children diagnosed with this condition often have a history of exposure to trauma (McCart et al., 2020). Some of these kids may be the result of a failed marriage. Spreading awareness about providing support and shelter for those suffering from mental health issues is crucial if the United States is to prevail in the fight against these diseases. Because of their mental condition, they may be more likely to conduct a crime that causes harm to others. Media outlets should stop characterizing mentally ill persons as “crazy” when reporting on occurrences they create. The US case demonstrates how, if untreated, mental illness may be lethal. In addition, the government should conduct a thorough background check on all applicants for a firearms license to reduce the frequency and severity of mass shootings like those that have occurred in recent decades. Patients and the county would both suffer if they were treated like criminals. References Girasek, H., Nagy, V. A., Fekete, S., Ungvari, G. S., & Gazdag, G. (2022). Prevalence and correlates of aggressive behavior in psychiatric inpatient populations. World journal of psychiatry, 12(1), 1. Lee, D., Yu, E. S., & Kim, N. H. (2020). Resilience as a mediator in the relationship between posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth among adult accident or crime victims: the moderated mediating effect of childhood trauma.  European journal of psychotraumatology11(1), 1704563. Full article: Resilience as a mediator in the relationship between posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth among adult accident or crime victims: the moderated mediating effect of childhood trauma ( McCart, M. R., Chapman, J. E., Zajac, K., & Rheingold, A. A. (2020). Community-based randomized controlled trial of psychological first aid with crime victims.  Journal of consulting and clinical psychology88(8), 681. Community-based randomized controlled trial of psychological first aid with crime victims. – PsycNET ( Perrotta, G. (2020). Pedophilia: definition, classifications, criminological and neurobiological profiles, and clinical treatments. A complete review.  Open Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health5(1), 019-026. Pedophilia: Definition, classifications, criminological and neurobiological profiles, and clinical treatments. A complete review ( Scanlon, F., Hirsch, S., & Morgan, R. D. (2022). The relation between the working alliance on mental illness and criminal thinking among justice-involved people with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 90(3), 282. Siennick, S. E., Picon, M., Brown, J. M., & Mears, D. P. (2022). Revisiting and unpacking the mental illness and solitary confinement relationship.  Justice Quarterly39(4), 772-801.




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Identify and explain one troubleshooting tip or technique

  • Identify and explain one troubleshooting tip or technique. 
  • One  method for troubleshooting method is reviewing your work, many times we  as humans will perform maintenance and we make errors, we are prone to  it. Reviewing our work is a good method to make sure that the issue is  not due to human error.  
  • Identify in which step (analysis, planning, measuring) the technique would be applied
  • This  technique should be applied as soon as you perform the solder, because  it would make no sense to review something that is not present. 
  • Not  every tip will apply to every situation. Explain a situation in which  your tip would be applicable (include personal examples if possible). 
  • My  tip should be applicable in all situations except in the conditions  that you have reviewed your own work and you are satisfied and said work  has been supervised and reviewed by fellow peers. Having multiple  opinions is always helpful to better yourself because you can use their  advice as constructive criticism. 
  • Identify one potential impact of poor soldering on a printed circuit board. How would you identify the fault? 
  • A  poor fault I can foresee due to poor soldering would be a resistor not  functioning correctly or something that should be functioning in a  certain manner is not.  

How to solder: A complete beginners guide. (2021, October 31). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from,process%20on%20the%20other%20wire 

 Links to an external site.




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The primary objective of this project is to investigate the biogeography of an individual species including: natural history; evolution; distribution; conservation status; habitat preference; dispersal and/or movement pattern. Each student will be assigned one organism from the list of species in the Table below.

#Common name
Northern Flying Squirrel
White-tailed deer
American Marten
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Eastern Wood pewee
Ruffed Grouse
10Golden-crowned Kinglet
11Evening Grosbeak
12Canada Warbler
13Black-backed Woodpecker
14Hermit Thrush
15Brown Creeper
16Least Flycatcher
17Bicknell’s Thrush
18Varied Thrush
19White-winged Crossbill
20Black Ash
21Blue Felt Lichen
22Wrinkled shingle lichen
23Wood Turtle
24Red-backed Salamander
25Red-back Vole

The paper should be approximately 2500 words and contain the following information.

  1. Complete scientific name: Kingdom, Phylum, Division or Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species
  1. Evolution and Distribution:
  • Where did it originate?
  • How did it disperse? Dispersal route?
  • What factors affected its dispersal and subsequent distribution?
  • Who are its ancestors? (provide evolutionary tree if possible)
  • What was its past and what is its present distribution? (provide map of current distribution)
  • Is it an endemic species? Cosmopolitan?
  1. Natural History: including resource requirements, reproduction (e.g. number of offspring, rate), and habitat preference and requirements.
  1. Current status: threatened? Endangered? Etc…what are the current stresses on the population? What type of conservation methods (if any) are in place?

Students will be expected to integrate biogeographical theory and terminology learnt in class within their essay (e.g. island biogeography, type of distributions, type of dispersal routes, etc…). The paper should include a minimum of 10 references however only half of these may be from the web (excluding electronic journals), the majority should be from refereed sources. Use APA reference formatting. All maps should include proper cartographic elements including north arrow and scale bar





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What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

You have several video clips and articles uploaded to this module. All documents should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Respond thoughtfully to the following questions for this Module Response Paper on Race and Gender (Paper should be 950-1000 words, minimum):

1. (350-word minimum) What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’? Why were these identity groups constructed? Make sure to include quotes or details that illustrate your understanding of Chapters 11 and 12, AND the following clips in your response: Race: The Power of an Illusion, (parts 1 AND 2) Race: Supreme Court Cases, The Story of Race, Anne Fausto-Sterling on Gender (parts 1 AND 2) and TED Talk: Beyond the Gender Binary. You may also use your own credible sources.

2. (350-word minimum) What does it mean to have privilege in a racial context (i.e. “white privilege”)? Describe CNN’s unveiling of ‘ white bias’ and ‘internalized racism’ (this term is not mentioned explicitly in the video) among children, as depicted in “ The Doll Test”. What are the implications of this? 3) What is institutional racism and what are its effects on nonwhite populations in this country in the areas of criminal justice and (choose ONE other institutional area) education, health care, housing, or employment? Important: Include details and quotes that show your understanding of Chapter 11 in Newman AND the following: “Tim Wise: Institutional Racism,” and the TED Talk by Baratunde Thurston. You may also use other examples from your own life, the news, or other trusted media sources.

3. (350-word minimum) What does it mean that ‘gender violence is a men’s issue’? What role do men play in the formation (and potential dismantling) of harmful gender stereotypes that lead to sexism and the subordination, objectification, and devaluation of women? What is sexism? Include details and examples that demonstrate your understanding of sexism and violence against women from Chapter 12 in Newman as well as a detailed response to the following video clips: “A Call to Men,” and “Gender Violence is a Men’s Issue.”

P.S: Look the screenshot on the bottom




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What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

You have several video clips and articles uploaded to this module. All documents should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Respond thoughtfully to the following questions for this Module Response Paper on Race and Gender (Paper should be 950-1000 words, minimum):

1. (350-word minimum) What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’? Why were these identity groups constructed? Make sure to include quotes or details that illustrate your understanding of Chapters 11 and 12, AND the following clips in your response: Race: The Power of an Illusion, (parts 1 AND 2) Race: Supreme Court Cases, The Story of Race, Anne Fausto-Sterling on Gender (parts 1 AND 2) and TED Talk: Beyond the Gender Binary. You may also use your own credible sources.

2. (350-word minimum) What does it mean to have privilege in a racial context (i.e. “white privilege”)? Describe CNN’s unveiling of ‘ white bias’ and ‘internalized racism’ (this term is not mentioned explicitly in the video) among children, as depicted in “ The Doll Test”. What are the implications of this? 3) What is institutional racism and what are its effects on nonwhite populations in this country in the areas of criminal justice and (choose ONE other institutional area) education, health care, housing, or employment? Important: Include details and quotes that show your understanding of Chapter 11 in Newman AND the following: “Tim Wise: Institutional Racism,” and the TED Talk by Baratunde Thurston. You may also use other examples from your own life, the news, or other trusted media sources.

3. (350-word minimum) What does it mean that ‘gender violence is a men’s issue’? What role do men play in the formation (and potential dismantling) of harmful gender stereotypes that lead to sexism and the subordination, objectification, and devaluation of women? What is sexism? Include details and examples that demonstrate your understanding of sexism and violence against women from Chapter 12 in Newman as well as a detailed response to the following video clips: “A Call to Men,” and “Gender Violence is a Men’s Issue.”

P.S: Look the screenshot on the bottom




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According to the video clip from the Economist, why is the deep sea “the final frontier on planet Earth”?

using the attachments and the video link about to answer the questions below. 400 Words 

  1. According to the video clip from the Economist, why is the deep sea “the final frontier on planet Earth”? What are the needs and/or the advantages of seabed mining?
  2. Childs shows us how Nautilus Minerals have legitimized seabed mining in Papua New Guinea despite rising social and ecological concerns. Dover also argues that we need to tighten regulations on deep-sea mining. Synthesizing these readings, what do you think are the disadvantages/negative effects of seabed mining?
  3. Comparing the pros and cons of seabed mining, what is your own view on seabed mining? Do we need it? If so, when and how? If not, why?
  4. © IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) – 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland – Tel.: +41 22 999 0000 – Fax: +41 22 999 0002
  5. JULY 2018 DEEP-SEA MINING • Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep sea – the area of the ocean
  6. below 200 m. Depleting terrestrial deposits and rising demand for metals are stimulating interest in the deep sea, with commercial mining imminent. The scraping of the sea floor and pollution from mining processes can wipe out entire species – many yet to be discovered. Environmental impact assessments, effective regulation and mitigation strategies are needed to limit the impacts of deep-sea mining. Comprehensive baseline studies are needed to improve our understanding of the deep sea.
  7. What is the issue? Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep sea – the area of the ocean below 200 m which covers about 65% of the Earth’s surface.
  8. There is growing interest in the mineral deposits of the deep sea. This is largely due to depleting terrestrial deposits for metals such as copper, nickel, aluminium, manganese, zinc, lithium and cobalt, coupled with rising demand for these metals to produce high-tech applications such as smartphones and green technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels and electric storage batteries.
  9. Deep-sea mining activities within the Exclusive Economic Zones of countries and in areas beyond national jurisdiction © IUCN
  10. So far, the focus has been on exploring the deep sea – assessing the size and extent of mineral deposits. By May 2018, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) – which regulates activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction – had issued 29 contracts for the exploration of deep-sea mineral deposits. More than 1.5 million km2 of international seabed – roughly the size of Mongolia – have been set aside for mineral exploration in the Pacific and Indian oceans, and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  11. But exploration may soon give way to exploitation. Commercial mining in national waters of Papua New Guinea is predicted to begin by 2020. Mining in international waters is expected to commence in 2025.
  12. Why is this important? The seafloor contains an extensive array of geological features. These include abyssal plains 3,500–6,500 m below the sea surface, volcanic underwater mountains known as seamounts, hydrothermal vents with bursting water heated by volcanic activity, and deep trenches such as the Mariana Trench, which at almost 11,000 m is the greatest depth registered in the ocean. These remote areas support species that are uniquely adapted to harsh conditions such as lack of sunlight and high pressure. Many of these species are unknown to science.
  13. As the deep sea remains understudied and poorly understood, there are many gaps in our understanding of its biodiversity and ecosystems. This makes it difficult to thoroughly assess the potential impacts of deep-sea mining and to put in place adequate safeguards to protect the marine environment.
  14. Based on current knowledge of the deep sea, the following impacts of mining activities could affect its biodiversity and ecosystems:
  15. Disturbance of the seafloor The scraping of the ocean floor by machines can alter or destroy deep-sea habitats, leading to the loss of species and fragmentation or loss of ecosystem structure and function. Many species living in the deep sea are endemic – meaning they do not occur anywhere else on the planet – and physical disturbances in just one mining site can possibly wipe out an entire species. This is one of the biggest potential impacts from deep-sea mining.
  16. Sediment plumes Some forms of deep-sea mining will stir up fine sediments on the seafloor consisting of
  17. IUCN website IUCN issues briefs: Twitter: @IUCN
  19. JULY 2018
  20. © IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) – 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland – Tel.: +41 22 999 0000 – Fax: +41 22 999 0002
  22. silt, clay and the remains of microorganisms, creating plumes of suspended particles. It is unclear how far these particles may disperse beyond the mining area, how long it would take for the to resettle on the seafloor, and to what extent they may affect ecosystems and species, for instance by smothering animals or harming filter-feeding species that depend on clear, clean water to feed, such as krill and whale sharks.
  23. m
  24. Pollution Species such as whales, tuna and sharks could be affected by noise, vibrations and light pollution caused by mining equipment and surface vessels, as well as potential leaks and spills of fuel and toxic products.
  25. Potential impacts from deep-sea mining © IUCN, adapted from Secretariat of the Pacific Community (2013).
  26. What can be done? A better understanding of the deep sea is necessary to guide mitigation strategies and proper enforcement of regulations in order to limit the environmental impacts of mining activities.
  27. Baseline studies Comprehensive baseline studies are needed to understand what species live in the deep sea, how they live, and how they could be affected by mining activities. More funds are needed for training and educational programmes focused on improving our understanding of the deep sea.
  28. Environmental impact assessments High-quality environmental assessments are needed to assess the full range, extent and duration of environmental damage from deep-sea mining operations. These assessments are also needed to ensure that the loss of biodiversity as a result of mining operations is properly accounted for in mining regulations set by
  29. authorities, well before any decision to mine is approved. The costs to the marine environment should be included in the financial and economic assessments conducted by mining companies.
  30. Mitigation Current technologies may not be sufficient to avoid serious and lasting harm to the environment, including the loss of biodiversity. Mining operations strategies will need to prioritise the avoidance of environmental impacts. This needs to include establishing protected area networks to keep large parts of the seabed undisturbed as well as stringent and precautionary controls on the permissible extent and duration of mining operations. Minimising impacts should involve, among other things, improving mining equipment to reduce seafloor disturbance. Remedying environmental impacts has not yet been shown to be effective in practice.
  31. Enhanced regulation The ISA is operating with the dual mandate of promoting the development of deep-sea minerals whilst ensuring that this development is not harmful to the environment. This challenging and conflicting mandate will require improved oversight by the international community – including government representatives and the general public – to ensure that marine life is adequately protected.
  32. To avoid possible conflicts of interest due to the dual mandate of ISA, the organisation should consider divesting itself of some of its responsibilities, and placing them on independent entities.
  33. Circular economy The repair, recycling and reuse of products should be encouraged to help reduce the demand for raw materials from the deep sea. Enhancing product design to make use of less or alternative materials can also reduce the demand.
  34. Cuyvers, L. et al. (2018). Deep seabed mining: a rising environmental challenge. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Gallifrey Foundation.
  35. Where can I get more information?
  36. MIDAS – Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation
  37. IUCN website IUCN issues briefs: Twitter: @IUCN
  41. What is the issue?
  42. Why is this important?
  43. What can be done?
Writers Solution

Theoretical Topic: Value of the Study

Assignment Details:

Theoretical Topic: Value of the Study

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Doctoral Library, locate 4 peer-reviewed (journal-length) sources that report empirical studies associated with your selected theoretical topic.
  2. Download the articles.
  3. Prepare descriptions for each that indicate the value of the study in understanding your own dissertation research ideas.

In 4–6 pages, address the following:

  • Title indicating the selected theoretical topic
  • Complete reference of each source in APA format
  • Study author’s abstract (copy and paste directly from the source into your paper)
  • Your description regarding the value of this empirical study for your own dissertation research process

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
Assignment-specific: Identifies an appropriate theoretical domain23
Assignment-specific: Includes journal-length reports of empirical studies and located at least 4 new sources (not those within the course) that were related to the topic23
Assignment-specific: Studies and includes the author’s abstract23
Assignment-specific: Includes a description regarding the value of this empirical study for their own dissertation research process23
Assignment-specific: Demonstrates the utilization of the course readings and other scholarly or professional materials to complete the assignment23
Professional language: Contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors (APA formatting or the style specified in the assignment is required.)10
Total Points125
Total Points Earned

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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What your normal media routine is 

Please read the instructions and follow them carefully.

Eliminate all media technology from your life for one week. No radio, TV, recorded music, movies, or internet of any kind. No streaming, no social media, be it Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat or any other platform. No Youtube. No listening to anything while in your car. No checking news headlines or following sports. No blogs. No podcasts. No electronic games of any kind, video or otherwise.  No “shows”, no weather reports. Phone calls are ok, but no FaceTime or any other video chatting. Your smartphone is to become a dumb phone. Keep texting to an absolute minimum. Reading is fine, in fact encouraged. It just can’t be done via any electronic format. I realize that school and work requirements will not allow many of you to be completely offline, but keep it to the absolute minimum. You can probably cut out much more than you think. Prepare family, friends, bosses, etc, for your digital absence to minimize worry and stress.

Try not to ask others what is going on in the world, or to tune in to the digital noise around you. You could consider asking some of your closest friends, or those you live with, to participate with you in the experiment when you are around. This will make it easier, and your experience more profound.

Write a short paper–about 3 pages double spaced, not including title page or abstract page, in which you describe how you experienced that week.  Please include a title and abstract page. (No need for a reference page as you are not expected to have any references for this paper.  You are just reflecting on your own experiences.)  After you have learned what you need to do for this unit, go without the media listed from Monday, Nov 7, through Sunday, Nov 13. I will give you one week after you complete the experiment to finish your paper. 

I am not requiring that you follow any particular format. I just want clear, concise writing, free of mechanical errors.  Find your own voice. This should be an enjoyable write, reflecting on the unusual state you were in. Your paper should be no longer than 5 double spaced pages.

Some possible issues for discussion are:

  • What your normal media routine is 
  • What you did and did not miss 
  • What you did with the extra time 
  • What the experience taught you 
  • How your interactions with others were affected 
  • How your moods were affected
  • What if anything you plan to change about your media habits going forward

Remember, the state you will be putting yourself in was the state everyone was in all the time not that long ago




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what makes a group a team is a shared common goal

It is time for us to turn our attention to outlines, organization, and topic choice. This week has two separate assignments that will be submitted. Assignment 1 is the Team Outline Exercise, which involves group work and which will prepare you for Assignment 2, an individual assignment that will start you on the road to completing your Week 7 PowerPoint presentation.


Part 1: Outline
This week, you will have an opportunity to work in a team and to put into practice many of the communication strategies about which we are learning. Your instructor has already assigned you to a group of team members. You need to solve a communication business problem outline together by the end of the week. Note: You must engage early in the week so that you have time to work together as a group. Remember, what makes a group a team is a shared common goal, and this team will be no exception. In this case, your shared goal is to create and deliver an A+ solution to a communication business outline.

The following is a list of ideas that were brainstormed in a meeting with your company employees. The company needs to include all these ideas in an all-company presentation, but the list is very disorganized right now. What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some sequence of main points with sub points?


  • There are 3 main points, and the rest are sub points.
  • There is no introduction or conclusion.


  • Your group can be found in the menu under “People.”
  • You must use the discussion that is setup in the Group Home Page to work on this project.

With your assigned team, unscramble the following statements to create a logical outline for an upcoming business presentation. Use standard outline format as described in your textbook.

  1. Ensure that the language is used correctly.
  2. Speaker credibility influences how listeners feel about the speaker.
  3. Character is the quality of being honest, trustworthy, and showing goodwill.
  4. Deliver the speech with confidence.
  5. Credibility is an extremely important factor in determining speaker effectiveness.
  6. Connect the audience to the topic.
  7. Practice your delivery.
  8. Verbally cite personal subject knowledge.
  9. Present error-free written materials.
  10. Credibility has three primary characteristics: the three Cs.
  11. Ensure that typographical errors are eliminated.
  12. Charisma is the quality of being assertive, confident, and enthusiastic.
  13. Speaker credibility influences the listener’s ability to learn or to believe.
  14. Demonstrate expertise.
  15. Verbally cite expert sources.
  16. Connect yourself to the topic.
  17. Plan your delivery.
  18. Ensure that facts are correct.
  19. Competence is the quality of being an expert and being intelligent.
  20. Connect with the audience on a personal level.
  21. Establish common ground.
  22. Credibility is established in four ways.

All team members must collaborate in the group discussion and submit the same version of the outline. Please put the names of your group members who participated in this exercise on the title page under your name. Each member must submit the final group project for their grade.

Part 2: Reflection
As part of your individual submission, reflect on the group process. Was there miscommunication? Were there any listening barriers? How did the group handle it?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

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Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

Student’s First Name, Middle Initials, Last Name

Institution’s Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor’s Name and Title

Assignment’s Due Date

Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

Theories lay foundation of every profession. The primary use of theories in nursing is to equip nursing students with important information about the career. This is essential since it prevents the students from drawing irrelevant conclusion about the field (Yancey, 2019). It ensures that the students or other party interested in the field is equipped with all the basic knowledge about the profession.  This also aims at introducing nursing students to their future roles and generally what nursing entails.

Nursing as an art and as a science, it has played a key role in helping my personal nursing philosophy to unfold.  This is because it has helped me in understanding that majority of nursing students take the path due to passion of helping others. In my perception, it is very clear that nearly all nurses are in love with their jobs since they love the company of many patients and attending to them. It cannot be underestimated that a nurse becomes happy when they see that the patients they are attending to are getting better. That makes nursing both an art and a science.

My nursing assumption have been challenged by numerous factors, the fact that nursing is all about providing services to those around us, many nurses are going contrary to this assumption. This makes me to understand that for one to provide excellent nursing services then one has to accept it deeply from the heart. The service that a nurse will offer to a patient is what will be used in judging the nurse nursing performance. The nursing ethical values are used in monitoring the performance of nurses and by following them then one will offer the best nursing services to their patients.

Personal conflict has been a major crisis that often occurs to my nursing environment. The conflict normally arises due to poor handling of issues with my fellow nurses. Talking rudely to the patient is against the ethical principles that govern nursing. For my case it was uneasy for me to tolerate a fellow nurse talking and panting loudly to a patient. Serving and nurturing for the patients are the fundamental duties of nurses. Mostly, these patients normally are never in their best condition and that is the reason why they require nursing services. A patient can do abnormal things but as a nurse you to accept and understand and try to bring the patient in normal state without causing any harm. This action really affected my relationship with my fellow workmate building a strong bond between the patient and myself. Nursing performance was really shaken since my fellow sidelined some patients to me who were a bit complex to handle.

Illustration of my nursing philosophy has been my biggest agenda in the nursing field. Personalization with patients has been my biggest duty instead of treating the disease the patient suffers from. This has helped in creating a very unique bond with patient. The fact that I come close to the patients makes them feel loved and as a result they share their fears with me hence easy to uproot them. The core reason of reaching out to the patients regardless of their state makes them feel comfortable and have self confidence in themselves (Christopher, 2020).  My action has posted numerous positive feedbacks since even the relatives and friends of the patients saw the difference in the patients.

Meta-paradigm nursing is the set of theories which directs how the discipline should perform its function. According to my point of view the meta-paradigm primarily focuse on the nurse who is the provider of the services. This is very vital since the nurse offers great sacrifices in order to help other. For the nursing discipline, the paradigm consists of several theories whose core agenda addresses the care giver as a whole. The nursing performance is clearly stated in the theories and the type of nursing care they should offer to the patient. This shows that the meta-paradigm focuses on both internal and external surrounding of the nurses. Articulation of good relationship between the members of the nursing team is also considered in the paradigm since it will assist in ensuring that no personal conflict arises hence better health care are provided.

My nursing philosophy has positively changed.   The change has helped me to understand that not only nurses can care for the patients but also fellow patients can assist each other. This has made me understand that nursing is a mutual exercise which requires participation of all the members involved for it to effectively be of great help.

In conclusion, all the stakeholders’ should understand that proper nursing care requires enough time. This shows that for one to be perfect in offering the services then the nurse should be fully experience and the experience is acquired over time.  The nurses should understand their patient in order to offer best nursing services and also to avoid personal conflict. Theories in nursing should not be under rated for they carry important information based on nursing for the good of both the nurses and patients.


Hartson, K. R., Della, L., & King, K. M. A feasibility study of a web-based physical activity program for university students: Final report for Sigma Foundation for Nursing.

Christopher, R., de Tantillo, L., & Watson, J. (2020). Academic caring pedagogy, presence, and Communitas in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Outlook68(6), 822-829.

Yancey, N. R. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing for teaching-learning: but is it really nursing?. Nursing science quarterly32(1), 25-28




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