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Identify facility standards regarding healthcare documentation (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)

You should review the following Practicum Objectives before you begin your practicum.  Meet with your Practicum Director (or designee) as soon as possible, review each one and create a plan so that you have the time to accomplish them.  Each practicum objective should be about 1-page in length and included in your portfolio.  

If you are unable to accomplish any of these objectives due to your facility limitations, please contact your professor and request permission to complete the alternate assignment.  Permission to complete an alternative assignment(s) must be requested prior to week 5 with the maximum completion of 20 onsite hours.  You must get prior approval from your Professor for EACH of the alternative assignments you need to complete. 

1. Identify facility standards regarding healthcare documentation (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)

Meet with your Practicum Director (or designee) and inquire about your facility’s documentation standards.  Determine the documentation standards your facility complies with and identify their origin.  These would include Conditions of Participation, Conditions for Coverage, medical staff bylaws, policies and procedures, and state statutes.  Include any documents you obtain as artifacts in your portfolio.

Alternative: N/A

2. Perform 10 chart audits and identify all deficiencies (Health Law and Compliance)

Request from your Practicum Director (or designee) to audit 10 patient records for deficiencies.  You are to use the organization’s chart audit tool.  If they do not have one, use the chart audit form located under ‘files’.  It is recommended to incorporate your ‘predetermined data element’ (from PO #3) in your audits.  Include the chart audits as artifacts in your portfolio and provide a summary of the process.  Ensure you do not include any PHI in your audits.


EHR Go: Understanding TJC’s Tracer Methodology

3. Perform an analysis of one predetermines data element (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)

Have a discussion with your Practicum Director (or designee) to identify one quality indicator for analysis.  For example, the selected quality indicator could be a data element such as the number of days after discharge until the physician signed the discharge summary.  Your data element may be an element of the chart audit.  It is recommended that you compile information on your data element while you perform your chart audits (PO #2).  Analyze the information you have gathered and provide a summary.  Your summary should identify what you have learned about the data element.  It should also reference the chart/graph you have created for PO #4.  For example, does the data show the organization is in compliance (remember back to the HIT226 course project), or have you identified a trend (positive or negative), etc.


EHR Go: Implementing Clinical Decision Support

4. Create a chart/graph. (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)

Use the results you have gathered on your data element and create a chart or graph.  Your chart or graph should be applicable to the type of data you are displaying and follow the proper guidelines for presenting information.  Your graph/chart should tie directly to your summary in PO #3.


EHR Go: Query:  Basic and Advanced Orientation

5. Perform a summary of data entry (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)

Have a discussion with your Practicum Director (or designee) and request to perform data entry into an information system.  It can be any information system with the facility.  For example, release of information, revenue cycle management, coding, chart tracking, index, registry, or transcription.  You may substitute manual data entry in place of electronic data entry.  If you are unable to perform data entry, request to shadow an employee who does.

Identify the system you used and provide a summary of the data entry process.  Your summary should include the type of data you entered (clinical, administrative, or both), potential users of the data (internal and external), and any other pertinent information.


EHR Go: Classification and Terminology Systems

6. Perform an evaluation on facility privacy and security standards (Information Protection)

Evaluate how the facility complies with privacy and security standards.  This evaluation should include pertinent information about your organizational privacy and security safeguards.  This could include policies and procedures, information about the privacy officer, staff education and internal monitoring (see the chapter on Data Privacy and Confidentiality in your Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach textbook as a reference).


Create an Authorization for the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information for an acute care hospital.

7. Summarize the revenue cycle at your facility (Revenue Cycle Management)

Summarize the revenue cycle at your facility from the moment a patient is registered to the reimbursement of services provided.  Make sure to include the departments, employees and information systems involved as well as external stakeholders. 


EHR Go: UHDDS and the EHR

8. Analyze a Team Meeting (Organizational Management and Leadership)

Meet with your Practicum Director and request to sit in on at least one team meeting.  Summarize the meeting(s) describing who was in attendance, the purpose of the meeting, and the outcome.  Then analyze the meeting in terms of leadership (See the chapter on Leadership in your Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach textbook as a reference).  For example, was there an agenda, were the minutes from the previous meeting provided, and were any techniques used to ensure a productive meeting. 


Create an organizational chart for your practicum facility and/or department.

Remember, your practicum objectives are to be a part of your portfolio.

 Graded aspects Points
1. Identify facility standards regarding healthcare documentation (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)20
2. Perform 10 chart audits and identify all deficiencies (Health Law and Compliance)20
3. Perform an analysis of one predetermined data element (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)20
4. Create a chart/graph (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)20
5. Perform a summary of data entry (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)20
6. Perform an evaluation on facility privacy and security standards (Information Protection)20
7. Summarize the revenue cycle at your facility (Revenue Cycle Management)20
8. Analyze a Team Meeting (Organizational Management and Leadership)20

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Bone Tissue Structure and Repair Mrs. Debbie Morgan

Look Out Below: A Case Study on Bone Tissue Structure and Repair Mrs. Debbie Morgan is a 45-year-old female who works as a stocking clerk for a local home improvement store. While she was at work today a large box of metal rivets fell from a 20-ft.- high overhead shelf, striking her outstretched arm and knocking her to the ground. The ambulance personnel reported that she had lost quite a bit of blood at the accident scene and was “knocked out” when they arrived. To minimize further hemorrhage, the paramedics applied a pressure bandage to her arm. You meet the paramedics as they bring Mrs. Morgan into the emergency room and begin to assess her for injuries. She is awake and alert, but complaining of severe left arm and back pain, plus she has a “killer headache.” To fully examine her injuries you remove four blood-soaked bandages from her arm. You notice a large open wound on her arm with what appears to be bone tissue sticking out of the skin. She also has bruises covering her left shoulder, left wrist, and lower back. To determine the extent of her injuries Mrs. Morgan undergoes several x-rays, which reveal the following: 1) fracture of the left humerus at the proximal diaphysis, 2) depressed fracture of the occipital bone, 3) fracture of the 3rd lumbar vertebral body. Short Answer Questions 1. Define the following terms, used in the case and also in associated questions:

a. hemorrhage b. fracture c. proximal d. diaphysis

2. One way bones are classified is by their shape. How would you classify the bones fractured

by Mrs. Morgan? 3. The body of Mrs. Morgan’s vertebra is fractured. What type of bone tissue makes up the

majority of the vertebral body? Describe the structure and function of this type of bone. 4. The diaphysis of Mrs. Morgan’s humerus is fractured. What type of bone makes up the

majority of the diaphysis of long bones like the humerus? Describe the layers of bone tissue found here.

5. Most connective tissue, including bone, is highly vascular. Which anatomical structures in

Mrs. Morgan’s compact bone house blood vessels? What sign or symptom in Mrs. Morgan’s case is directly related to disruption of these structures by her bone fractures? How is the sign or symptom related to these anatomical structures?

6. Within days after a fracture, a “soft callus” of fibrocartilage forms. What fibers are found in

this type of cartilage? Identify the cells required for fibrocartilaginous callus formation and list their functions.

7. As a fracture is repaired, new bone is added to the injury site. What term is used to describe

the addition of new bone tissue? Identify which bone cell is responsible for this process and explain how it occurs.

8. In the final stage of bone repair, some of the osseous tissue must be broken down and

removed. What term is used to define the breaking down of osseous tissue? Which bone cell would be best suited for this task?

9. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of bone is considered to be a composite material made up of

organic and inorganic matter. What makes up the organic and inorganic portions of the matrix? Describe the cellular mechanism involved in breaking down this matrix; include the bone cell required for the process.


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Ability to work in a team structure

Assignment 3 Instructions

Part 1: Skills clusters The first part of this assignment is to look at the various lists of skills and documents in Week 3 that talk about skills employers want and to find some common themes among them.

 1.) Please look at the “Top 10” lists already provided:

  • From surveys in 2000:
    1. Listening skills
    2. Ability to work with others as part of a work team.
    3. Getting along with others
    4. Desire and ability to learn.
    5. Willingness to learn new important skills.
    6. Focus on customers or clients.
    7. Interpersonal relationship skills
    8. Adaptability to changing situations.
    9. Ability to suggest solutions to problems.
    10. Problem solving skills
  • From more recent work by NACE:
    1. Ability to work in a team structure.
    2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems (tie)
    3. Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization.
    4. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work.
    5. Ability to obtain and process information.
    6. Ability to analyze quantitative data.
    7. Technical knowledge related to the job.
    8. Proficiency with computer software programs
    9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports.
    10. Ability to sell and influence others.
  • From Burning Glass:
    1. Communication skills
    2. Organizational skills
    3. Writing
    4. Customer service
    5. Microsoft Excel
    6. Microsoft Word
    7. Problem solving
    8. Planning
    9. Computer literacy
    10. Research

 2.)Look for common clusters across all the lists and develop a name for THREE skills that span all the lists.

  • For each “new” skill, please list what that skill was called on each list and briefly explain why you included it.
  • For example, you might create one called “Technology literacy” and list “Working smarter to improve productivity”, Proficiency with computer software programs, MS Excel, and Computers and electronics and then explain why you included each of these. For example, why include “Working smarter to improve productivity” in the list?

Part 2: Tell your storyWe will be practicing cover letters and résumés later, but let’s get started thinking about that now.

1.) Building on Part 1, imagine you are writing a cover letter for a job. For each skill, name the skill and give examples to explain how you have developed that skill. Keep in mind your audience is a hiring official, so be concise but descriptive. You will have three brief sections (one for each skill)

    • Examples – clinical psychologist, mental health counselor, etc


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Ability to work in a team structure

Assignment 3 Instructions

Part 1: Skills clustersThe first part of this assignment is to look at the various lists of skills and documents in Week 3 that talk about skills employers want and to find some common themes among them.

 1.) Please look at the “Top 10” lists already provided:

  • From surveys in 2000:
    1. Listening skills
    2. Ability to work with others as part of a work team.
    3. Getting along with others
    4. Desire and ability to learn.
    5. Willingness to learn new important skills.
    6. Focus on customers or clients.
    7. Interpersonal relationship skills
    8. Adaptability to changing situations.
    9. Ability to suggest solutions to problems.
    10. Problem solving skills
  • From more recent work by NACE:
    1. Ability to work in a team structure.
    2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems (tie)
    3. Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization.
    4. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work.
    5. Ability to obtain and process information.
    6. Ability to analyze quantitative data.
    7. Technical knowledge related to the job.
    8. Proficiency with computer software programs
    9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports.
    10. Ability to sell and influence others.
  • From Burning Glass:
    1. Communication skills
    2. Organizational skills
    3. Writing
    4. Customer service
    5. Microsoft Excel
    6. Microsoft Word
    7. Problem solving
    8. Planning
    9. Computer literacy
    10. Research

 2.)Look for common clusters across all the lists and develop a name for THREE skills that span all the lists.

  • For each “new” skill, please list what that skill was called on each list and briefly explain why you included it.
  • For example, you might create one called “Technology literacy” and list “Working smarter to improve productivity”, Proficiency with computer software programs, MS Excel, and Computers and electronics and then explain why you included each of these. For example, why include “Working smarter to improve productivity” in the list?

Part 2: Tell your storyWe will be practicing cover letters and résumés later, but let’s get started thinking about that now.

1.) Building on Part 1, imagine you are writing a cover letter for a job. For each skill, name the skill and give examples to explain how you have developed that skill. Keep in mind your audience is a hiring official, so be concise but descriptive. You will have three brief sections (one for each skill)

    • Examples – clinical psychologist, mental health counselor, etc


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Primary influencers of healthcare system organization and structure

A lot of variables impact the organization and structure of healthcare systems.

Among the key influences are:

Government policies and regulations: Through policies and regulations, governments shape the organization and structure of healthcare systems. They establish rules, guidelines, and standards that control how healthcare is given, funded, and governed. Healthcare finance models, healthcare workforce laws, quality standards, and patient safety requirements are examples of government policies.

Economic considerations, such as a country's total wealth and economic stability, have an influence on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. Economic issues impact healthcare resource allocation, healthcare service availability, and the finance systems utilized to sustain the healthcare system.

Population demographics and health needs: A population's demographics and health requirements have a considerable effect on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. Population size, age distribution, chronic illness prevalence, and individual health requirements all determine the sorts of services and resources needed, as well as the focus put on preventive, primary care, or specialty treatment.

Technological advancements: Advances in medical technology and healthcare informatics have a significant influence on the organization and structure of the healthcare system. New technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare services are provided, improve patient outcomes, and increase efficiency. Implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) and telemedicine technology, for example, has altered how healthcare is given and organized.

Socio-cultural factors: Societal and cultural norms, values, and beliefs impact the organization and structure of the healthcare system. Cultural influences may influence healthcare-seeking behavior, patient-provider interactions, and acceptability of certain medical procedures or therapies. The structure and objectives of healthcare systems are also influenced by societal views on health, wellbeing, and the role of healthcare in society.

Stakeholder interests and influence: Stakeholders with interests and influence in healthcare system organization and structure include healthcare providers, insurers, pharmaceutical corporations, patient advocacy organizations, and professional associations. Based on their interests and viewpoints, these stakeholders often shape policies, legislation, and resource allocation choices.

Global trends and experiences from other nations may also have an impact on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. International organizations, research results, and best practices from other nations may help to educate policy choices and inspire healthcare system improvements.

It is crucial to highlight that the impacts on healthcare system organization and structure differ by country and location, since each healthcare system is molded by its own environment, history, and social values.

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Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures


ANTH-12 Osteology Research Assignment/Essay

Prompt: Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures. Since hominin are only discovered as fossilized remains, the study of their bones and skeletons is very important for our understanding of human evolution! For this assignment, each student will write a short research paper on a hominin osteological feature (i.e. a bone or skeletal structure) of their choice. Students should pick a feature that is both interesting to them and important for our evolution. Look for skeletal features that aid in things like locomotion, bipedalism, and tool making etc. In the paper, students should describe the bone or skeletal trait in detail and explain how and why it is important to human evolution. Students may also want to include a discussion of key fossil hominin finds that feature their chosen subject. In addition, students are expected to include a detailed hand drawing of their chosen osteology feature to accompany their research paper. This drawing can be embedded in the submitted word document or included as a separate upload. A minimum of 3-4 scholarly references are required; non-academic sources are categorically not appropriate references. All references should be parenthetically cited and included in a works cited page at the end. Example of a topic: hyoid bone, calcaneus, non-opposable hallux, foot arch (tarsal and metatarsal bones), pelvis, knee joints, femur, vertebral column, thumb metacarpal, dentition/molars, wrist bones, clavicle, finger phalanges, hip joints, sagittal crest, bone density, etc. Due: Saturday, April 10th by 11:59pm PT. Submission: Online on Canvas Requirements: About 3 pages (approximately 600-650 words, not including bibliography page) Works Cited Page/Bibliography (3-4 citations) Drawing of bone (can be embedded in word document) Total Points: 20 points How to structure an essay: Introduction Thesis statement (A thesis statement is composed on three parts: context, subject and claim!) Body Paragraphs Conclusion How to Research: Website based internet sources are not a legitimate basis of information for this paper. Instead, try these sources: SJSU Library: Google Scholar:

Ø Example search: “human evolution hyoid bone”




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one of the functions of privilege is to structure the world so that mechanisms of privileges are invisible – in the sense that they are unexamined – to those who benefit from them

Discussion Post

“Most privilege is not recognised as such by those who have it. In fact, ‘one of the functions of privilege is to structure the world so that mechanisms of privileges are invisible – in the sense that they are unexamined – to those who benefit from them’” (Bailey cited in Pease, 2010, p. 9).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How would you define social ‘privilege’?
  2. How is the invisibility of privilege reflected in structural, cultural and personal oppression?
  3. What are the impacts of the internalisation of dominance?
  4. Give an example of ‘whiteness’ you have witnessed

Week 4 Discussion Post

“We support a model of evidence-informed practice. On this view, practitioners are encouraged to be knowledgeable about findings coming from all types of studies and to use them in their work in an integrative manner, taking into consideration clinical experience and judgement, clients’ preferences and values, and context of intervention” (Nevo, 2011, p. 1193).

 Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post

  1. What are the differences between ‘evidence-based’ and ‘evidence-informed’ practice?
  2. To what areas of human services practice is each model applicable?
  3. How do each influence human services practice?

Week 5 Discussion Post

“There is little a government can do for people who choose to be homeless”, Tony Abbott (cited in Perusco, 2010). “Because people who are homeless tend to be the victims of negative public opinion, they internalise those values and how they are treated, so that they start acting and living in ways that confirm other people’s perceptions of them” (Perusco, 2010).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. What are the factors leading to the internalisation of oppression?
  2. How is social stratification maintained?

How could a strengths-based’ approach influence practice with homeless people?

Week 6 Discussion Post

‘Lesbians live in a world that is dominated by oppression and heterosexism that can lead to a deep sense of shame regarding their sexuality’ Hines, 2012, p. 23)

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. Is sexuality genetic or a social construct?
  2. To what extent does our society privilege heterosexuality?

Week 7 Discussion Post

“Despite the amazing resilience of refugees and the many contributions they make to Australian society, they will often need specialised assistance to overcome the effects of their experiences. With some help, torture and trauma survivors are more likely to live fruitful and fulfilling lives’ STARTTS website.

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How important is an understanding of the worldview of a person from a CALD background ?
  2. What are the effects of generational trauma?
  3. What do you consider the key practice principles when working with a survivor of trauma or abuse? 

Week 8 Discussion Post

“Person-centred care places the person at the center of health care decisions, focusing on strengths and abilities rather than weaknesses and disabilities” (Hebblethwaite, 2013, p. 13).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How does Bourdieu’s concept of ‘physical capital’ contribute to an understanding of social inequality?
  2. What is the impact of the social model of disability?
  3. How could a person-centred approach influence practice with people with disability?

Week 9 Discussion Post

“Human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them” (IIRP)

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. In what ways do you think a restorative approach could be useful as both a proactive and a reactive approach when working with youth?

2. How emotionally healthy is an environment in which human beings have free expression of affect? (Moodle page 5.4)

Week 10 Discussion Post

“Indigenous Australians still suffer from the consequences of colonisation and, as a group, continue to experience widespread socioeconomic disadvantage and health inequality” (AIHW).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How could we, as a community, take action to address just one continuing factor of disadvantage?
  2. How has Social Darwinism been evident in Australian social policy?
  3. How accurate is Said’s argument that even though colonialism is allegedly over, the systems of thinking, talking and representing which form the basis of colonial power relations still persist?




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Standard Plot Structure: Introduction

Create a personal narrative. This narrative needs to be nonfiction but may have fictional elements if you so choose. It must be 3-6 pages in length. Three pages means at least 3/4 of the third page must be filled to complete the page requirement. Please abide by the guidelines in your syllabus for any additional formatting. When creating the paper, please keep in mind the ideas from class: 1. Standard Plot Structure: Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion 2. Dramatization: Setting, Character, Action, Method, Motive 3. Description: This includes sensory elements, color, weather, and imagery Remember, the key to good detail is Show Don’t Tell. Also, it may be helpful to keep in mind the other rule of thumb: The most important parts in the narrative get the most description. NOTE: The rough draft of this will be for peer review. You will need at least two copies of your paper for the small group peer review. This means that you will be getting into small groups and the group members will read your narrative and give you suggestions on how to improve your paper. As a writer you may also bring up trouble spots that you are having in your narrative and ask for specific help. This does not mean that you can come to class with brief notes and not a fully formed paper and ask for help. You must have at least two copies of your 3-6 page narrative present for the review




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banking structure of the firm in terms of current and past investments

Research Paper: Part I

Do it on Microsoft.

In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a final paper on a publicly traded company of your choice. You will complete this paper over several units in this course. For this assignment, you will be completing the first part of this project. It would be a good idea to read all of the milestones of this assignment in the units that follow to ensure that the company you choose has sufficient information to complete the project. For this first assignment, follow the instructions below.

Select the company you will be researching for your paper. Compose a brief paper that gives an overview of your company. Your summary should include the following: the type of firm, the banking structure of the firm in terms of current and past investments, what industry it is in, and any relevant history or background information. Make sure to also incorporate how the firm currently structures its capital by identifying banking relationships.

Your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two academic sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment


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What does the industry structure look like?  

Part 1: Industry analysis

Part 1 of the assignment looks at the industry structure of the airline industry, and assesses the profit potential of the industry, both now and in the future. The specific questions you need to address in this part of the assignment include:  

– What does the industry structure look like?  

– What are the strategic groups in the industry?  

– Given this, what is the overall attractiveness of the overall industry and each of the strategic groups      you identified?  

– What are the driving forces acting to change the industry? (I.e., macro-environmental analysis)  

– How are those changes likely to affect the industry and the different strategic groups in the industry?  

– If the driving forces play out as you anticipate, how will that affect the attractiveness of the industry  and its constituent strategic groups?


– Not more than 2500 words

– References should be the latest (year 2007 and onwards)

– Use the American Psychological Association (APA) or Harvard format

– Plagiarism is not acceptable

* Writing format

– introduction

– content 

– conclusion


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